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200ok ,

The hot wings first we feast channel

It’s entertaining but I got tired of the premise

HobbitFoot ,

I feel like, if they ditched the hot wings, it would still be a good interview.

Throw_away_migrator ,

I get what you’re saying, but the eating and the spiciness of the wings actually contribute to the quality of the interview.

  1. Eating a meal with someone is disarming and contributes to the relaxed, ungaurded nature or his guests.
  2. Consuming spicy food, particularly extremely spicy food or spicy food in great quantity releases endorphins which.

So while yes the eating/reacting to how hot the sauce is does interrupt the flow of the interview somewhat, it does help him get good/candid answers for his guests.

So while his research team is outstanding and he’s a talented interviewer in his own right. The hot wings do serve a role in the interview as more than a clickbaity gimmick.

limitedduck ,

After the DJ Khaled episode I knew nothing else would be as entertaining for me so I stopped there

TragicNotCute , avatar

Eh, I’d argue the recent Conan episode is pretty insane and hilarious. Much more so than Khaled.

limitedduck ,

The DJ Khaled one was him just completely embarassing himself unintentionally. Funny because he’s so full of himself. Conan’s was funny, but you knew it was going to be before watching because it’s Conan

PapaStevesy ,

Yeah, but you already knew DJ Khaled’s was going to be stupid and embarrassing before watching because it’s DJ Khaled.

200ok ,

Most beauty “influencers”

I watched them before they were “influencers”, and then I couldn’t trust the products they were using or recommending.

HobbitFoot ,

CGPGrey. I even listened to his podcasts.

For someone who tried to sell productivity tools at one point, he was very unproductive.

Also, given what happened with Standard and Nebula, I got to say I side with Nebula over him.

thisisbutaname ,

What happened? I’ve never heard of it

HobbitFoot ,

Him and Kurzgesagt were helping to build an organization for YouTubers with the current CEO. The first talent signed on was Wendover and Real Engineering.

Grey and Kurzgesagt were rather inactive partners when they should have been more active and were trying to build a much more exploitative company instead of what Nebula became. It is vague on how they left, but they left and the company became better for it.

anothermember ,

Sorry, do you mean the current CEO of Nebula or of YouTube?

HobbitFoot ,


anothermember ,

So Nebula got rid of him (which would seem to coincide with his drop in output)?, Kurzgesagt seems to be doing just fine in comparison.

anothermember ,

Yeah, it’s weird, CGPGrey videos used to be the most must-watch of all YouTube for me and I subscribed to his Patreon at one point. I listened to Hello Internet loyally and I was even unhurt about how it ended. I still think he’s an interesting guy and would follow his stuff again but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything of interest to me any more.

What happened with Standard/Nebula?

HobbitFoot ,

I responded to someone else, but there is a reason why Grey isn’t a part of Nebula.

umbrella , avatar

his videos started getting sparse/boring

Zagorath , (edited ) avatar

I still watch his main videos (when they actually happen…), but with a much higher degree of scepticism than I used to. And I stopped listening to his podcast (singular…).

My disillusionment with him started with a few issues with his videos. The blatantly ridiculous “royal family is good actually” video. The less obvious but no less egregious touting of Guns, Germs, and Steel. The AI techbroism of his automation video. Then he just killed off the podcast with no explanation, leaving his cohost Brady to put out a note saying “yeah we’re just on hiatus for now”. Over 4 years ago that was. There was the fact that he sided very vocally with Kurzgesagt in the CoffeeBreak drama, despite CB Kurzgesagt obviously being in the wrong at every step of the way.

Then the final straw where I was no longer willing to say I was a fan of his was when he did a video about some missile silo in America, in which he used the name of a submarine-based missile instead of a land-based missile at some point. Shortly afterwards he put out a massive mea culpa video saying it was a “catastrophic” error that he could not live with himself for, and that he holds himself to too high a standard to let that stand. All while still not acknowledging the problems with those earlier videos. So one nitpicky detail gets a massive hullabaloo and a retraction, but fundamental flaws in the underlying thesis of the video gets nothing? Give me a break.

sanguinepar , avatar

I only ever saw that Royal Family video of his, and it was enough for me never to seek out any more.

Zagorath , avatar
sanguinepar , avatar

I haven’t, but I will definitely watch that, thanks! 👍

pyre ,

i love Shaun’s videos, but this is one of my favorites. the way he “negotiates” with the royal family is just chef’s kiss.

Squizzy ,

What drama, and if sided with Kurzgesagt when they were in the right as you say, what is the issue?

Zagorath , avatar

Oh whoops! My mistake! I’ll edit the above comment to fix that. It was Kurzgesagt who was in the wrong.

The drama was (to copy/paste an earlier comment, because it’s rather lengthy):

It started when a YouTuber whose channel is called Coffee Break reached out to Philip of Kurzgesagt as part of a video he was doing into the flaws of popular science communication. Specifically, about some significant errors in K’s video on Addiction. Instead of agreeing to collaborate, or even giving a simple “not interested, sorry”, K took an instant accusatory tone, claiming CB must have been making a “gotcha” piece. CB and K agreed that they would talk more about the matter to try and assuage K’s concerns, but K kept stalling while working on a retraction video, at which time K took down the video that was the impetus for this discussion (shortly after, as one of those aforementioned stalling efforts, having said “I never could bring myself to take it down”, claiming it would be “cruel and unnecessary” to do so—funny, considering in his AMA attempting to spin the story, he said “I was really stressed out about the addiction and the refugee video for years. Being finally open about my mistakes and deleting them felt like weight leaving my body.”). The Refugee video was also taken down along with the Addiction one that CB was interested in.

K claims to be interested in science communication. But here, he decided to make the selfish decision to do what he thought would protect his own personal brand through duplicitous means. He got ahead of the story that falsely assumed was coming, and put up a pre-emptive response to that. Now, CB isn’t entirely blameless. In response to the above, CB put out a rather hot-headed reaction to the whole incident. He didn’t follow up with K to try to understand what had happened; he lashed out in anger at K’s self-righteous arse-covering video.

And then CB started getting harassed. K called out CB, and many of K’s friends (other very large, powerful YouTubers such as CGP Grey and Philip de Franco) made very public statements to their audiences attacking CB. It ended up forcing CB into taking down his video, deleting a whole heap of tweets explaining what happened, and putting out an apology. Perhaps it was an apology that CB should have indeed made, but the need for an apology from K was much, much greater. And one never came. K used his larger platform to spin the narrative so that his large audience, and now also the general public who becomes aware of this, almost all take his side.

Incidentally, here’s the video that CB was working on at the time. Hari, the scientist discussed in the video whom K worked with on his video discussed earlier, communicated very well with CB on it.

Squizzy ,

Thanks for the great breakdown, it sounds vaguely familiar. I remember K’s retraction bit and I follow Philip DeFranco. Disappointed he landed on the wrong side.

Zagorath , avatar

For what it’s worth, Philly D is someone I could have answered the original question with too. Not for any spectacular reason like the above—I had already stopped watching him before that occurred. For me it was just finding his focus was too much on sensationalist pop culture news rather than news reporting that interested me. He wasn’t doing anything wrong, it just wasn’t right for me.

Squizzy ,

Yeah he definitely can veer too much into that stuff for a time. I strongly dislike his thumbnails and titles but I feel he has to do that to compete but I do like his content, some days just less than others.

weeeeum ,

I didn’t like his take, “solving” traffic nescitates the use of self-driving cars. Can’t have traffic without cars, it’s as simple as that. We need public transport, not more shit to spend our increasingly scarce money on.

NauticalNoodle ,

I found his video on FPTP Binary political systems video to be logically flawed and I think it ultimately caused more harm than good. It’s irritating to see people reference it in political discussions today. That eventually convinced me to stop giving him views.

_haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

HAWP, DayJobOrchestra, BadLipReading, YourGrammarSucks, LTT

Also, I do not reliably watch YouTube.

Zahille7 ,

As far as I know, BLR is fine they’re just not super active.

I still wish their GoT “Medieval Land Funtime World” BLR was a real thing.

_haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

Good, I love BLR

ramble81 ,

Ray William Johnson on =3. I don’t know why I stopped watching. At some point it felt “too” polished and started getting ads in it.

UKFilmNerd , avatar

The 8 bit guy. I loved his retro computing channel and then one day, he acquired a rare IBM computer and promptly destroyed the power supply by sticking a screwdriver into it (if I remember correctly).

For some reason, I googled about this and discovered he’s a gun nut. They’re videos of him going grocery shopping with his rifle on his back which apparently he does this knowing it will annoy people.

Unsubscribed from the channel and never looked back.

Liz ,

I love guns, but… Bro… Don’t do that.

Too bad about him, his passion for old electronics made me interested when I don’t have any particular interest of my own.

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

wasnt this guy found to be a nazi too?

Todd_cross ,

Do you have a source for that? I have never heard this.

umbrella , avatar

no thats why i asked. i remember something about it back when i found out about the guns thing.

and honestly whats the chance of a dude having that kind of attitude towards guns not being a fascist?

Todd_cross ,

Oh, fair enough.

I mean with that kind of attitude, he almost definitely is a conservative, whether he’s gone full Nazi, I don’t know.

sunzu ,

but it is his right!!!!!


BruceTwarzen ,

No one argued that?

sunzu ,

When somebody carries a gun into a public space like that... That is what is being said.

Berttheduck ,

We used to watch a lot of game theory. Really enjoyed the over analysis. Stopped part way down the 5 nights at Freddie’s rabbit hole when all the drama started.

umbrella , avatar

what drama?

i know the host stepped down and it just wasnt the same.

Berttheduck ,

I remember crying videos about people being mean. It was a few years ago I don’t really remember any details.

Crabhands , avatar

Epic Meal Time and Pure Pwnage

virku ,

Any of them actually make content anymore?

Crabhands , avatar

EMT does but its not the same. Show got repetitive, so I guess they changed it up, but its crap now.

virku ,

Thanks! I honestly felt it got repetitive after just a few videos…

OhmsLawn ,

Pains me to say it, but Cody’s Lab.

I still catch an episode now and again. It just hasn’t been the same since he moved to Nevada.

tiredofsametab ,

He got locked out of his youtube income for a loooong time and had a rough time with it. He also had some legal issues that prevented him from doing some of the videos he used to do. I don't watch it as much as I used to, but I still watch some.

Passerby6497 ,

I think he spiraled for a good while after he broke up with his girlfriend. Seemed like about that time he went dark, but that could be related

craigers , avatar

100% this. That was the beginning of the day end.

umbrella , avatar

was it related to the time he refined uranium and got visited by the feds? 😂

NauticalNoodle ,

I like him but his mental health issues remind me why it’s probably a bad idea to play around with mercury as much as he did.

lemmeout ,

Veritasium. Over time I realized his content is mostly about flashy half baked “sciencey” content like Discovery Channel. It’s meant to get an audience and nothing more. It lacks quality control, and fact checking. I only realized how many errors his videos have when he covered a topic I know more about. Also, the whole electricity thing and self driving car debacle only reinforced my views on his content.

fixmycode , avatar

I stopped watching after the Head & Shoulders commercial

schteph ,

What happened with the electricity thing an self driving cars?

comradegreetingcard , avatar
Contravariant ,

Not sure about the self-driving, but he had a video challenging the idea that electrons in wires that carry electricity. Basically arguing that it was the electric fields themselves that carried the power, which is largely outside of the actual wires.

Not sure if that’s the same one where he asked what would happen if you used a light switch connected to a lamp by two wires. Apart from some truly egregious mistaken units (1s/c as unit of time), I vaguely recall thinking it was basically a huge clusterfuck of misunderstandings about what an electrical circuit diagram even is (stuff like real vs idealized components, parasitic capacitance / inductance etc.)

They’re the kind of ‘Well actually’ half true factoids that you never hope to encounter in the wild if you actually understand the stuff. For someone claiming to be enthusiastic about science communication he did one heck of a job poisoning concepts with subtly wrong/misleading explanations that make it a lot harder to explain stuff to anyone with the misfortune to encounter his version first.

overload ,

That’s a bummer, I still watch him from time to time but accept it as factual. Didn’t think I needed to fact check him.

umbrella , avatar

electricity works by making the electrons jump through hoops. that video was pretty damn stupid and got ripped apart by every serious EE guy on youtube.

Squizzy ,

His shit got waaaay too long too.

I’ll end with haemmoroids if I watch his feature lengtj vids when I take a shit.

Damn algorithm really pushed good creators to ramble and add fluff.

USSEthernet ,

Good Mythical Morning

At some point they got so popular that I just felt like they sold out. I felt like I was just watching 1 giant ad with all of their videos trying to get me to buy something. Also, some of their rants that they started going on got annoying. Seemed like at some point they lost the chemistry that they had together. I just enjoyed watching their banter and them doing goofy stuff.

nomous ,

Huge agree about pushing their merch! They’re shameless. I used to watch every day for years but stopped a long time ago; when every episode became a food episode. Their podcast (Ear Biscuits) is a bit better, it’s more them talking about things long form, just being 40+ year old fairly normal (if not very successful) guys. They’ve talked about quitting GMM, I think once their various kids are done with school they’ll pack it up (the main show at least). They both have other passions but it’s really difficult to stop when you’ve built a successful, working media company with your childhood best friend, even if they’re both ready to retire.

They actually bought Smosh and brought Ian and Anthony back, and then sold Smosh back to them a few years later. That was a really cool move to me and and got them a HUGE pass in my book, they’re stand-up guys.

Full disclosure: despite not watching much of their video content anymore I still went and saw them on their most recent tour (about a month ago, it was a gift) and had a great time. They did some of their games but modified them to be specific to my state, did a food ranking with some local-foods, and of course had a couple musical numbers.

Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

Demo ranch. Started making comments about the George Floyd protests and I was out

AvE started praising the trucker convoys

Shadiversity got super homo/transphobic and also is just an arrogant douche since his book.

Liz ,

Shad is constantly trying to get one over on his co-hosts to the point where it’s difficult to watch. Always has to win. I liked learning about how castles worked a hundred times more.

mortrek ,

Same deal with ave. It’s fine, his content also started going downhill.

Wirlocke ,

Oh it gets worse with Shadiversity. Huge AI art guy, his brother’s an actual artist too so it’s hard seeing Shad brag to him. Very “anti-woke” and paints his conservative Mormon beliefs on everything.

The worst unforgivable part is the end of his book has impregnated rape victims step up to defend the rapist protagonist because he “gave them” a child, while the ones that didn’t get pregnant were jealous.

He loves to bring up that the book is supposed to explore this immoral character. But this isn’t the protagonist’s viewpoint this is just how Shad thinks the world works. This is how Shad believes rape victims think.

Very sad to see, I followed him for swords and castles but Jesus Christ.

Sir_Fridge ,

His brother (Jezza) is a great artist and while I don’t know much about him I don’t think he’s anything like shad. I regularly see him cooperate on a warhammer channel called tabletop time and they have videos about women in the warhammer scene (made by one of their female members). So I highly doubt those two have much in common.

Wirlocke ,

Oh yeah, Jezza seems great, from what I know he actively left the Mormon faith and was ostracized by most his family. He uses this experience to be a more empathetic and better person.

All the more sad when Shad tries to claim he’s just as good an artist and Jezza doesn’t have the heart to call him out on it.

Arn_Thor ,

Yeah AvE was a punch in the nuts

umbrella , avatar

i watched demo ranch for a while but figured it would only be a matter of time before that guy would dissapoint me with blatant fascism apologia. guess i wasnt wrong.

Zahille7 ,

It seems that it’s about 50/50 whether you stopped watching someone based on some allegations that came out, or you just outgrew their style.

One that I outgrew is probably Game Grumps. I watched them regularly for years, then one day just kinda stopped.

Firoaren ,

Shows like that rely a lot on real conversation & stories. Eventually, Dan & Arin had been doing game hrumps for so long they just sorta, ran out of both? At least, not to be able to support such a hellish release schedule of episodes. Too much time together, playing games, means they didn’t have anything to supplement it with anymore, so all that was left was the same jokes repeated for timekillers.

mindbleach ,

Occasionally broken by Arin being a music dork instead of a gaming dork, leading to magic like introducing him to Gen1 Pokemon designs.

… oh god that was nine years ago.

PeterLossGeorgeWall ,

Binging with babish. I am still subscribed but I find myself interested in fewer and fewer videos. The channel started as recreating meals from tv shows and still is that to an extent but naturally he’s run low on things to do. They’ve added other aspects that I just don’t care for like anime with Alvin. I just don’t watch much anime. I also feel like there is just less content.

Another is Joshua Weissman who used to do fermenting videos and curing etc. Now I feel like I just watch him make some bread buns and then he makes a sandwich. He’s made 100 burgers by now. Who cares. I enjoyed some other series he did like “but faster” or “but cheaper” but they always seem to end after a few episodes and he moves onto something else. I feel like I learn stuff from his videos but just when I’m getting a feel for a topic like fermenting he moves on.

dethedrus ,

When I was doing the cliche sourdough deep dive during the height of covid lockdown, I really enjoyed Joshua Weissman’s videos about it. He was a little silly and very informative.

Everything I’ve seen in the past couple years have been off putting. He tries WAY too hard to be ‘funny’ and it just comes off as smarmy.

GnuLinuxDude , avatar

Two Best Friends Play / Super Best Friends. Because some of them stopped being best friends and only pushed forward through a professional working relationship until even that became too strained for them to continue. 😥

experbia , avatar

man, that was such a bummer. when they got along well, they had such amazing chemistry. People change. sometimes it’s good, sometimes it sucks.

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