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roastedDeflator , to worldnews in Israel starts work on filing genocide case against Iran at International Court of Justice

Archive link:

Aidinthel , to world in We oppose axing UNRWA mid-war, senior Israeli official says amid global funding halt

“UNRWA should continue to exist but it shouldn’t have any funding.” Such bullshit. These people are despicable, and that includes those in other governments who made the decision to withdraw their support.

Viking_Hippie ,

Also, the reason for (apparently) not wanting a worsening of the humanitarian catastrophe they’ve created and are denying?

That they might have to stop bombing the shit out of Gaza for a bit until things cool down 🤬

dataprolet , to world in We oppose axing UNRWA mid-war, senior Israeli official says amid global funding halt avatar

Staff being actively involved in a literal act of terror and murder can only be the tip of the iceberg.
Just dismember UNRWA and start from scratch.

Marsupial , avatar

By such logic we should dismember Israel and start from scratch.

Imagine calling yourself antifa and siding with the genociders.

TheBananaKing ,

no wait let’s talk

ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

It was 12 staff members out 13,000 and they hire Palestinians to do probably 90% of the basic jobs. This whole story line is ridiculous. Like, sorry if some UNWRA school janitor was secretly in Hamas. The agency doesn’t need to be replaced for that reason. Someone is trying manufacture a scandal.

Maybe it does need reforms. I have no idea. But this all smells like a PR stunt that will be used later for sound bites and propaganda. Like, maybe the west wants to replace the UNRWA head and other people don’t. So, they put this out there and act like it’s so shocking.

Viking_Hippie ,

Someone is trying manufacture a scandal.

ABSOLUTELY. The timing alone stinks to high heaven:

Marsupial , avatar

Not to mention within two days like 8 countries did it.


can only be the tip of the iceberg.

Because of what? Such utter bullshit.

Linkerbaan , to world in We oppose axing UNRWA mid-war, senior Israeli official says amid global funding halt avatar

So they don’t want to disband UNRWA. Because then israel would be directly responsible the 2 million starving Palestinians locked inside their concentration camp

But israel also wants to make sure UNRWA is defunded. So that UNRWA doesn’t have to means to actually feed Palestinians. And of course block all of UNRWA food trucks claiming they are Hamas.

It’s like the Nazi’s committing genocide but trying to invoke plausible deniablity. Americans must be brainwashed harder than CCP drones to still believe this shit.

i_have_no_enemies OP , to world in Netanyahu tells UN envoys UNRWA is totally infiltrated by Hamas, must be replaced PM says a humanitarian agency is needed in Gaza, but UNRWA cant play role, after employees accused of involved in oct7

mods please fix your moderation

last time i pasted a comment trying to express fact based evidence of why israel is not committing genocide but it got removed , please let others with opposing views show their evidences other wise you are increasing the suffering of both the gazans and israelis, you are trying to marginalize and radicalize pro-pallestinians more and more if you try to shut the communication of facts between them, simply shouting hasbara and israeli propaganda is just ad hominem , if this war escalates you will have not just anti-israelis but also anti-west here as well, infact in some threads you already do.

so please kindly be fair with moderation , let us not turn this into an echo chamber :-), sort the thread in such a way that both arguments are communicated, communication the way to peace and solving problems

aberrate_junior_beatnik ,

Y’all already have the uncritical support of corporate news media and basically every US politician. I don’t think there’s any risk your propaganda won’t be able to spread, you can relax.

i_have_no_enemies OP ,

i guess that allows others to spread misinfo i guess

Keeponstalin ,
blunderworld ,

It takes about 2 seconds of looking at your profile to find comments such as…

if whole muslim world wants to invade me maybe i am not the problem. they are

So if youre going to talk about others spreading misinformation, kindly shut the fuck up.

OccamsTeapot ,
i_have_no_enemies OP ,

yea that’s a short form of pro-palestinians

OccamsTeapot ,

Reminds me of “darkies” and “pakis” and other similar racist terms. I know what it means, trust me

i_have_no_enemies OP ,

it is not misinfo

are you saying they are accepting of progressives, israel and apostates?

blunderworld ,

Fuck off, troll.

bamboo ,

Literally “I can’t be wrong, EVERYONE ELSE is wrong”

NoIWontPickaName ,

Insults and propaganda are your entire post history.

You do know we can see that right?

OurTragicUniverse , avatar

Fuck off zionist

Mammal , avatar

Suggest you forward your fact-based info as an Amicus Curiae brief to the ICJ, and/or to Israeli barristers who will deeply appreciate your hard work on behalf of Zionism.

Otherwise … fuck off.

givesomefucks , to world in Netanyahu tells UN envoys UNRWA is totally infiltrated by Hamas, must be replaced PM says a humanitarian agency is needed in Gaza, but UNRWA cant play role, after employees accused of involved in oct7

Why Israel doesn’t like the UNRWA:

UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) was established in 1949 by a U.N. General Assembly resolution, following the war surrounding the founding of Israel, when 700,000 Palestinians fled or were driven from their homes.

Today it directly employs 30,000 Palestinians, serving the civic and humanitarian needs of 5.9 million descendants of those refugees, in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and in vast camps in neighbouring Arab countries. In Gaza, it employs 13,000 people, running the enclave’s schools, its primary healthcare clinics and other social services, as well as distributing humanitarian aid. Its services in Gaza have increased in importance since 2005, when Israel and Egypt imposed a blockade causing an economic collapse with one of the highest unemployment rates in the world.…/what-is-unrwa-un-palestinian-refuge…

It was created to deal with the fallout from Israel’s first ethnic cleansing, and since Israel hasn’t stopped, it’s still around.

And right now would be a terrible time to get rid of it.

Linkerbaan , to world in Netanyahu meets Argentina’s new leader Milei, ‘a great friend’ of Israel avatar

A crazy populist that does America’s bidding winning an election? And then taking every single stance that America has?

No CIA foreign interference here boys, pack those tinfoil hats up

febra ,

You don’t even need a tinfoil hat lol. The CIA has declassified a shitton of documents admitting to have been involved in election interference, coups, and helping dictators in South America before. Why would anyone be outraged at the thought that this might be just yet another American puppet in South America.

snek , to worldnews in Netanyahu meets Argentina’s new leader Milei, ‘a great friend’ of Israel avatar

Well isn’t that ‘great’ /s

drolex ,


green_square , to world in Netanyahu meets Argentina’s new leader Milei, ‘a great friend’ of Israel

Yeah that’s about his only flaw, still glad we voted him

febra ,

Isn’t he also really homophobic? And has a shitton other “political stances” that are very problematic?

green_square ,

No he’s not homophobic, he believes consenting adults should do whatever the fuck they want in bed. I think he’s our first president to explicitly say that with no fear of upseting “too conservative” voters.

And you may not like his political stances or not believe his plan to solve argentina’s problems would work, we do, that’s why we voted him.

febra , (edited )

He apparently respects any type of consensual sex, hyperbolically including sex with an elephant. I do not know how to feel about the fact that he’s okay with zoophilia (which is rape). It’s also very dehumanizing to compare people’s sexual orientations to having sex with animals.

“¿Qué me importa a mí cuál es tu elección sexual? Suponete que vos querés estar con un elefante, si tenés el consentimiento del elefante problema tuyo y del elefante”

In reference to public funding for gender-affirming care and public education, he said: “I have no problem, but don’t impose it on me by the state. Don’t steal money from people to impose someone else’s ideas on them. That is violent.”

On the topic of transgender rights, Milei has stated that he “does not care” about gender identification “as long as you do not make me pay the bill”, and compared it to identifying as a cougar.

Again, it’s a very dehumanizing position towards trans people.

He also doesn’t seem to be an LGBT ally even though people classify him as “socially progressive” (lol). He’s at most tolerant of our existence, but he doesn’t seem to be the guy that would do anything to protect the LGBT community if it ever came to protecting them. And the fact that he’s against state funded gender affirming care, which is life saving to trans people, is quite sad to me. But whatever, you guys do you. I’m not so sure turbocapitalism on steroids will save you. I personally dislike this guy’s half assed positions and think he will turn on you the moment he “needs to respect the decision of the people”.

Isn’t he also trying to push an abortion ban right now?…

The bill, presented on Monday, calls for the repeal of the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law and for abortion to be criminalized for both the woman and those who participate in the procedure.

Sucks to be a woman down there I guess. But whatever, they’ll be martyred for “the good of the economy” and Milei’s “plan to save Argentina”.

Also good for you that you voted for him? You don’t have to be so defensive, I never attacked your “beliefs”

green_square ,

He apparently respects any type of consensual sex, hyperbolically including sex with an elephant. I do not know how to feel about the fact that he’s okay with zoophilia (which is rape). It’s also very dehumanizing to compare people’s sexual orientations to having sex with animals.

He’s not ok with zoophilia, you literally just said that’s an hyperbole, a mere reductio ad absurdum to say “as long as all parties consent, do whatever” this example talks about a consenting elephant, such creature does not exist in the real world and was created for the sake of the hyperbole.

Again, it’s a very dehumanizing position towards trans people.

Nope, he’s just saying “do whatever you want with your gender, the goverment will not interfere”. We have 40% poverty, gender affirming care is a privilege we can’t afford right now(he doubled funding social welfare peograms because he believes that’s the priority)

He’s at most tolerant of our existence, but he doesn’t seem to be the guy that would do anything to protect the LGBT community

Tolerance is all we need, and it’d still be illegal to harm us just like it’s illegal to harm anyone else.

I’m not so sure turbocapitalism on steroids will save you.

We’re sure enough to vote him, we’ll see.

I personally dislike this guy’s half assed positions and think he will turn on you the moment he “needs to respect the decision of the people”.

We trust him enough to vote him, we’ll see.

Sucks to be a woman down there I guess. But whatever, they’ll be martyred for “the good of the economy” and Milei’s “plan to save Argentina”.

Yeah we know he’ll try to ban abortion, he’ve been saying “I’ll call a referendum on the abortion laws” his whole campaign, that’s yet another reason why we(men and women) voted for him.

Also good for you that you voted for him? You don’t have to be so defensive, I never attacked your “beliefs”

Nay don’t worry about it, we’re good, i don’t expect a foreign to be 100% in touch with my country’s problems, politics and culture. Also sorry bout bad english

febra ,

Yeah we know he’ll try to ban abortion, he’ve been saying “I’ll call a referendum on the abortion laws” his whole campaign, that’s yet another reason why we(men and women) voted for him.

Then why is he trying to force a bill now instead of calling a referendum?

green_square , (edited )

He can’t “force a bill”, the congress needs to approve it. A referendum/plebiscite would be an alternative route in case the congress does not approve(which is almost a guaranteed)

Edit: apparently the bill you’re talking about was not made by him but by legislators of his party WITHOUT EVEN ASKING, there’s already conspiracy theories about this not being a “just fuck-up” but an intentional attempt to harm his image.

febra ,

Except getting an abortion. He’s trying to criminalize that. That apparently no longer falls under the “do whatever the fuck you want” ideology you parade here.…

The bill, presented on Monday, calls for the repeal of the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law and for abortion to be criminalized for both the woman and those who participate in the procedure.

green_square ,

It’s do whatever you want unless you harm someone else, and he believes killing a mf is “harming someone else”. Don’t worry, we knew that from even before he was a candidate and is what we voted for.

febra ,

So you’re okay with banning abortion?

green_square ,

You mean me or my country? I think the majority of us is ok with banning it, we’ll see once/if a referendum happens.

febra ,

That’s quite sad.

green_square ,

He’s doing what he said in his campaign, that’s the opposite of sad if you ask me.

And again: he can’t ban it without asking the people first(indirectly through legistators or directly through a referendum), he won’t ban it against our will.

febra ,

You keep beating around the bush. Just tell me, in your view, do you think that banning abortion is something positive for your country? You don’t need to paint it all with this “democracy” brush. Hitler was also democratically elected. Just because something is democratically elected doesn’t mean it’s good.

green_square ,

My opinion on banning abortion in my country? Not now, they should focus on the economy and redirecting funds to social welfare first. 2/3 children not having a meal everyday is just of higher priority.

febra ,

You can’t have an opinion on it right now? Or you think it’s not something positive for your country right now? What about in the future? Do you think it’s a good idea to outright ban abortion in the future then?

green_square ,

I have an opinion and it is: Not now, solve the whole “2/3 of children don’t eat while the goverment is paying millionaires to make movies” problem first, then we can discuss abortion.

febra ,

Well, sucks to be you, because Milei seems to want to do it now, and won’t call a referendum on it.

I wonder how long it will take for the leopards to start eating people’s faces. (Well, they kinda did with women, but who cares about women having access to abortion, right?)

green_square ,

Not really, that bill was made by the legislator Rocío Bonacci(a woman? how can that be!) without asking Milei, and there’s like 0.01% chance its gets approved so there’s no need to worry.

They won’t, these leopards only eat rats. And they’re not messing with women, once again: we (men and women) voted for this.

febra ,

A woman trying to ban abortion access to all other women doesn’t justify shit.

Don’t like abortions? Don’t have one.

“We voted for it” doesn’t justify shit either. The germans voted for the nazis too. Democratically. Did that justify anything? What kind of take is that?

The leopards eat faces. As we have seen many times before. Good luck to you and your people, you’ll need it.

green_square ,

Don’t like abortions? Don’t have one.

You’re saying this as someone who likes abortion, I’ll remind you that anti-abortion people don’t just “not like it” but actually believe it’s equivalent to murdering a person. You would’t say “don’t like theft? Just don’t steal!” to push a bill to decriminalize theft, would you?

Our culture doesn’t appreciates abortion the same way yours do, that’s ok and we’ll not push your country to ban abortion.

And I may be wrong, argentina may be more pro-abortion than I think, we’ll see once/if a referendum happens.

Good luck to you and your people, you’ll need it.

Thank you! uwu

bamboo , to worldnews in Netanyahu meets Argentina’s new leader Milei, ‘a great friend’ of Israel

Argentina has a long history of accommodating Nazis

otp , to news in Blinken said to tell Netanyahu that he will think about the thousands of children killed in Gaza all his life

He should, but will be?

Or worse; he will and he’ll feel proud.

givesomefucks ,

Blinken really thinks a far right religious genocidal maniac is going to regret committing a genocide…

Bibi will never forget all the death he’s caused, because he’s too proud of it to forget.

They don’t understand trump, they don’t understand putin, we need actually competent people in these positions I wouldn’t trust Blinken to sell my house under market value with these negotiating skills.

alvvayson , to news in Blinken said to tell Netanyahu that he will think about the thousands of children killed in Gaza all his life

I presume Blinken means Netanyahu with “he”? Or does he mean himself, Blinken?

Because Netanyahu is a genocidal psychopath who doesn’t feel any remorse for any of the victims of Oct 7th, the hostages or the civilians in Gaza. He just wants ethnically cleansed land.

Blinken, I do believe, will feel guilty for supporting these atrocities.

Heck, one of our longest serving Christian democratic prime Ministers was an ardent supporter of Israel during his time in power, but really felt guilty afterwards.

I, too, feel guilty for having ever been supportive of Israel. It’s just not right.

Altofaltception ,

If only there was something the US could do to show they don’t support the genocide.

Too bad there isn’t anything. Oh well, we’ll just have to live with our choices.


ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

What choices? There’s nothing to do!


DarkNightoftheSoul , avatar

We’re just one country! There’s nothing to do!

Gork ,

Thots 'n pears

girlfreddy , avatar
KnightontheSun ,

Oh, that’s funny. Thanks!

Fuckfuckmyfuckingass , avatar

I always say thots and players. Great minds don’t fall far from the tree.

assassinatedbyCIA ,

Thats unfair on netanyahu…

He also wants to keep power and isn’t afraid of killing thousands of Gazans and Israeli’s to do so.

TheAlbatross , to worldnews in Blinken said to tell Netanyahu that he will think about the thousands of children killed in Gaza all his life

Still gonna send him the bombs to kill those kids tho huh

scytale , to worldnews in Blinken said to tell Netanyahu that he will think about the thousands of children killed in Gaza all his life

Something tells me he won’t think of them at all.

timicin ,

like kissinger, i’m sure he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the damage he’s done

themeatbridge , to worldnews in Blinken said to tell Netanyahu that he will think about the thousands of children killed in Gaza all his life

Yes, Blinken is the real victim here.

davel , avatar
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