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urist , to world in US tells Israel it will announce visa ban on violent settlers in coming weeks — officials avatar

I’m ignorant on this topic.

What sort of lives do these “settlers” live? Do they have the resources to travel internationally? How many settlers are actually applying for visas?

This is a good policy. But how many people does it really affect? This isn’t going to stop people from causing violence in Palestinian areas, it’s just going to keep a handful of violent Israelis out of the USA. Keeping violent people out is great and all, but this has to be symbolic at best, right?

Edit: it sounds like from the article this will only affect about a hundred people involved in specific recent events, not set up some sort of system of banning settlers for their actions.

Stamau123 OP ,

I hope it’s the bed rock to expand further

“After X date all settlers located below X latitude will be sanctioned” with the criteria expanding every month. But j know that’s wishful thinking

mlg , to world in Report: Truce fell apart after Hamas refused to release more Israeli female hostages avatar

because it doesn’t want them speaking publicly about what they endured on Oct. 7

Which is why they released women for the other 7 days. Love how this article contradicts itself in the first sentence.

More likely Hamas wasn’t satisfied or no longer needed a reason to continue the truce, so they kept the hostages for another time. Which makes sense considering the original truce started at 3 days, and Hamas probably extended it as much as they saw fit for easier rearmament.

Not to mention Israel has been double dipping pretty heavily anyway, so no point in giving up hostage leverage for no gain. They’ll probably try to negotiate a new deal later down the line.

God I hate news reporting on military related conflicts because it almost always completely ignores how factions function. IDF nor Hamas are incompetent in warfare. They both have goals and know what they are trying to accomplish. Both groups barely care about the hostages beyond their use as leverage.

Kleinbonum ,

Which is why they released women for the other 7 days. Love how this article contradicts itself in the first sentence.

Here’s the entire sentence:

Israeli official says Hamas doesn’t want to release remaining women because it doesn’t want them speaking publicly about what they endured on Oct. 7 and in their time in captivity

which clearly implies that Hamas was fine releasing female hostages that were treated okay, but is refusing to release the remaining female hostages that have possibly been abused, raped, sexually mistreated.

You obviously don’t have to agree with that analysis, but where exactly do you see the contradiction?

blahsay ,

They released 80year old women and kids. You must know this and are just trying to avoid admitting that Hamas are rapists

mlg , avatar…/who-are-the-first-71-israeli-hosta…

Literally the frontpage news, what are you living under a rock?

They even provided pictures and descriptions of everyone in case you somehow failed to notice.

machinin ,

That user has a habit of posting disinformation. Is there any way to report them for it?

Silverseren OP , to worldnews in Family says Yuval Castleman, killed after taking out terrorists, was ‘executed’

For those who are unaware, the soldier who killed Castleman is a member of the Hilltop youth, which is a known extremist pro-settler group who want to get rid of all Palestinians in West Bank. The soldier had actually been interviewed prior to this and stated that he was really excited to "check that box", ie kill a Palestinian for the first time.

livus , avatar

@Silverseren oh that puts another light on it. When I saw the headline I thought it sounded like the Hannibal Directive in action.

Silverseren OP , to world in Family says Yuval Castleman, killed after taking out terrorists, was ‘executed’

For those who are unaware, the soldier who killed Castleman is a member of the Hilltop youth, which is a known extremist pro-settler group who want to get rid of all Palestinians in West Bank. The soldier had actually been interviewed prior to this and stated that he was really excited to "check that box", ie kill a Palestinian for the first time.

ChicoSuave ,

Sounds like a West Bank Kyle Rittenhouse

SeaJ ,

Do you have a source for that?

Silverseren OP ,
iturnedintoanewt , avatar

it’s behind a paywall


Stamau123 ,

One of the two other soldiers who were also at the scene was wounded by “friendly fire.”

It’s like every flavor of incompetence at once

Marsupial , to world in Family says Yuval Castleman, killed after taking out terrorists, was ‘executed’ avatar

Graphic video from the scene showed Castleman throw away his gun, fall on his knees and raise his hands in the air while shouting “Don’t shoot” as the soldiers approached him. He was then shot again by one of them.

SeaJ , to world in Family says Yuval Castleman, killed after taking out terrorists, was ‘executed’

Two things:

  • Clearly this is a war crime.
  • The good guy with a gun often looks like a bad guy with a gun and can easily be shot by state forces.
Silverseren OP ,

Yes, but he had already thrown his weapon away and had his hands in the air surrendering. We shouldn't be killing all bad guys once they've surrendered either.

Deceptichum , avatar

Slight correction on your second point:

  • The good guy with a gun, even without possessing the gun, and verbally surrendering while on their knees with their arms above head begging for their life can easily be shot by state forces.

Let’s not make it seem like this was a little “oopsy woopsy I couldn’t tell he wasn’t a terrorist” situation.

JeffKerman1999 , to world in Family says Yuval Castleman, killed after taking out terrorists, was ‘executed’

Oh man what the fuck is going on there

We had the confirmation of IDF directly financing them.…/hamas-israel-palestine-conflic…

We have proof that the IDF knew in advance of this attack.…/israeli-military-had-warning-of…

IDF couldn’t prevent but they already had the audio and video from wiretaps.

IDF soldiers were moved away the day of the attack.…/0000018b-0f15-dfff-a7eb-afdd0bb8000…

Someone stops the terrorists and IDF intervenes to kill the hero…

This Netanyahu guy is really incompetent and surrounded by incompetent sycophants

FlashMobOfOne , to news in Hamas may have profited from Oct. 7 assault with informed trading — study avatar

I guarantee you every member of Congress used their classified briefings on Israel to make changes in their stock portfolio, and it’s not even illegal.

gribodyr , to news in Hamas may have profited from Oct. 7 assault with informed trading — study avatar

How dare you convict the Palestinian rebels!? /s

sxan , avatar

If you’re trying to make a statement about Palestinian sympathizers, you’re off the mark. Few people are defending Hamas’ attacks, but there are a lot of people criticizing Israel’s war crimes.

i_ben_fine , to news in Hamas may have profited from Oct. 7 assault with informed trading — study

My first exposure to this story implied it might have been western traders, not Hamas.

jarfil ,

Western, Eastern, Hamas… a lot of speculative trading is done based on rumors, what better than rumors which actually come true.

cwagner OP ,

As was mentioned, these were very high shorts, implying a far higher confidence than mere rumors.

livus , avatar

Yes, this was a sharp level of activity.

Given the rumours about Egypt giving a warning 3 days earlier, I don't think Hamas is likely the only potential source or beneficiary of the information.

cwagner OP ,

Do you have a link? That would actually be more interesting because it would mean they’d have had advanced knowledge. Which raises “how” and “who”.

i_ben_fine ,

No, it was just commentators. They saw “unknown trader” and filled in their own biases.

ConstableJelly , (edited ) to news in Heads of 3 top US colleges refuse to say calling for genocide of Jews is harassment

I read this more as “Heads of 3 top US colleges refuse to trap themselves in what was likely to be a performative thread of anti-Palestinian questions from one of Congress’s most shameless clown-people (Elise Stefanik).”

To be clear, from the article itself:

The university leaders all personally criticized anti-Israel activism.

On second thought, it may not have even been anti-Palestinian per se, but rather more careless exploitation in pursuit of CRT-adjacent nonsense.

Some Republicans sought to paint campus antisemitism as a product of universities embracing “the race-based ideology of the radical left,”

tsonfeir , to world in At least 10 freed hostages were sexually abused in Hamas captivity, doctor says avatar

The only people who are suffering are the civilians who don’t give a shit about this holy-land-grab-war, and are dying because two insane factions are being sold weapons.

floofloof ,

These two were sitting right next to each other this morning:

NOT_RICK , avatar

”The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends," Ser Jorah told her. “It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace.” He gave a shrug. "They never are.”

Life imitates art, sadly

vintageballs ,

More like JRRM captured a fundamental reality

NOT_RICK , avatar

Yeah that’s fair. Good art holds up a mirror in our faces.

Jax ,

JRRM? Is this a gif joke?

RedAggroBest ,

He’s actually Jorge RR Martin didn’t you know?

vintageballs ,

Yeeeeah totally intentional

Few people know the actual spelling is Jorge

BraveSirZaphod , (edited ) avatar

I wish this were true - that most people don't care about this and just want peace - but I think evidence is continuing to show that the reality is a bit messier. Here's some recent polling data from Gaza and the West Bank (though it should be strongly noted that polling in these places is very hard)

the majority of (59%) strongly supported or (16%) supported to some extent the October 7 attacks carried by the Hamas-led factions, while 16% supported to some extent [sic]. 11% reported that they neither supported nor opposed the attack, while 13% expressed opposition to the attacks. Strong support for the attacks was notably higher among Palestinians in the West Bank (68%) as compared to Gaza (47%).

The most positively appraised of all actors were the Al Qassam Brigades, Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Brigades, and Hamas.

It does feel disturbing to me that such a small number of Palestinians looked at the October 7th massacres and felt that they were wrong. It's tempting to believe that most people abhor violence and support non-violent paths towards peace, but I don't think the evidence really shows that.

I don't know what polling looks like in Israel, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's equally depressing. I think the main takeaway is that no one is really interested in moving towards peace.

chunkystyles ,

If the two countries had parity and equality, that polling would suggest that the Palestinian citizens are awful.

But I’m our reality where Palestine is an open air person where the majority of people are children because the life expectancy is so poor, that kinda changes things, doesn’t it?

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

I'd personally say no. Perhaps this is a privileged mindset, but I don't think there are any circumstances that justify the intentional murder, torture, and rape of random civilians.

I can certainly understand how that mindset would evolve given the circumstances - living your whole life oppressed by a foreign government with no real opportunities could easily lead you to dehumanize anyone associated with that nation - but it doesn't excuse it. I'm sure plenty of Jews after the Holocaust wanted to murder every German they saw, and again, while I would understand that mindset, it wouldn't excuse the behavior.

And even on a pragmatic level, devolving down into our baser instincts just means that whoever has the most guns wins, and that certainly isn't the Palestinians. Whether it's just or not - and I'd generally say it's not - there exists no path of violent resistance that leads to an independent thriving Palestine, no matter or fair or unfair one might think that is.

chunkystyles ,

Your conflating hating other people with actually murdering them. The poll shows hatred, not murder.

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

Well, over a thousand Israelis were murdered two months ago, and this poll is expressing support for that.

So it's, at best, support for murder.

filister ,

And over 17000 Palestinians were murdered as a result. What’s your point? And mind you the situation for Palestinians in Gaza is rather grim, if not clearly horrific, with their homes turned into rubles not having access to food, water, electricity, not functioning health care system, living in makeshift tents with no sanitary conditions. Can you put yourself in their shoes? How would you feel and what your opinion would be towards the reason of all this suffering.

Perhaps people in Gaza are truly desperate, and you can’t really expect much common sense from desperate people who are pushed to a corner.

The only way to fight terrorism is to give those people hope, a better future, fair treatment. Slaughtering them and dehumanizing them is like trying to put out a fire with fuel.

And it is a bit naive to think that the goal of Israel is only to get rid of Hamas. By now it is pretty obvious that Israel cares very little about the human suffering of those people. The goal is to turn the whole of Gaza into an inhabitable desert.

blahsay ,

Interesting stats 👍

tsonfeir , avatar

If I put a gun to your head, you’ll “poll” however I want you to.

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

The pollster is an Palestinian group based in Ramallah.

Keeponstalin ,
BraveSirZaphod , avatar

Thanks for that. Looking again, there's one interesting stat there that I missed the first time, that only 14% support a Hamas-led government after the war, while most support a coalition with the Palestinian Authority. The PA is largely useless, but what they are not is terrorists, so that's a small hopeful sign.

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH , to news in Heads of 3 top US colleges refuse to say calling for genocide of Jews is harassment

You know it is an unbiased source when there is a bright red banner at the top of the page indicating which day of the war on Gaza it is.

megopie , to news in Heads of 3 top US colleges refuse to say calling for genocide of Jews is harassment

What a garbage article, like, start to finish manipulative attempt to build a stupid narrative. Like, antisemitism is a real thing but this kind of nonsense discredits real attempts to call it out.

quo ,


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  • deegeese ,

    I bet you went around saying “ALL LIVES MATTER”.

    megopie ,

    Because it is a loaded question, to answer it is to imply that this is a common or large scale issue on US campuses, which it clearly isn’t.

    derbis ,

    From this garbage article

    The chanting, I think, calling for intifada, global revolution, [is] very disturbing,” Magill said during questioning. “I believe at minimum that is hateful speech that has been and should be condemned.

    Intifada means “resistance.” Every occupied people has a right to resist. Except, apparently, Palestinians.

    … grilled Gay on Harvard’s Middle East Studies courses, which she claimed included “false accusations that Israel is a racist, settler colonialist, apartheid state

    Well, it is. No amount of trying to conflate support for human rights with antisemitism is going to change that.

    If this is what they mean by “hate” nobody should be surprised that lots of people aren’t buying it.

    Heresy_generator , (edited ) avatar

    As the university presidents were trying to explain to Clown Shoes, sorry, I mean Elise Stefanik: Harassment is conduct that is severe or pervasive enough to create an environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. A one-time generalized statement calling for genocide not targeted at a specific individual would not usually rise to the level of harassment per se, but can certainly be part of a pattern of harassment. Similarly, actual bullying is a pattern of abusive behavior and cannot be defined by any single act as it is often used colloquially.

    That's the game Stefanik is playing: She knows these universities' policies are bound by the actual, legal definitions of "harassment" and "bullying" but she's counting on her ignorant audience not knowing those definitions and instead thinking the words are defined as what they use them for in their own lives: someone being mean.

    ShroOmeric , to world in At least 10 freed hostages were sexually abused in Hamas captivity, doctor says

    Hamas and IDF are one and the same.

    BraveSirZaphod , (edited ) avatar

    I'd love to see your evidence that the IDF regularly employs sexual abuse as a tactic. I'll wait.

    Edit: I'm interpreting each downvote as an admission that you couldn't find evidence, but I'd love to be proven wrong! We do care about facts and the truth here, no?

    OurTragicUniverse , avatar

    Do the many reports by Palestinians who'd been released from isreali prisons not count?

    Oh wait I forgot, you're a zionist, you don't believe Palestinians are even human.

    The IDF colonel rabbi has permitted the raping non-human animals by IDF soldiers, but that only counts as bestiality to you though, right?

    BraveSirZaphod , (edited ) avatar

    My guy, do you even hear yourself? I don't think Palestinians are human? I'd think that their sexual assault is acceptable? I doubt you'll believe me, but I don't in fact, think that. Congratulations on your excellent straw man construction skills though.

    That first rabbi, Shmuel Eliyahu, is scum, something that has been acknowledged by plenty of people in and out of Israel. The US has revoked his visa privileges. When he tried to run for a country-wide Chief Rabbi position, the Israeli Attorney General told him to abandon it because of his offensive statements. Members of the Israeli parliament moved to have him disqualified. He lost an election for Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, which is a relatively conservative city itself. The second guy, Krim, is also shitty, though he did apparently state that his remarks were not meant to apply to the modern era. There was also a lot of domestic Israeli opposition against him, including from former PM Yair Lapid.

    But beyond these two being living excrement, and ignoring that I could very easily find plenty of examples of Imams saying the exact same thing with an Islamic twist, that isn't what I asked for. I asked for evidence that the IDF regularly employs sexual abuse as a tactic, and you've given me two hyper conservative rabbis saying that they personally would excuse it. Given that their word has precisely zero legal meaning in the Israeli justice system, I don't see that as particularly relevant to the question I asked.

    ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

    Does this count?…/un-rights-office-seriously-concerne…

    It obviously isn’t necessarily a battlefield tactic but I don’t care. No one with an adult’s understanding of the world who has condemned Israel’s response didn’t also condemn Hamas after Oct 7. This war is not Hamas v. Israel to most people. It’s far right nationalists fighting each other again and again v. Civilians trying to live there lives.

    Hamas and Likud/settlers should go out to some empty desert somewhere and kill each other there so normal, sane people can work towards peace.

    BraveSirZaphod , avatar

    No one with an adult’s understanding of the world who has condemned Israel’s response didn’t also condemn Hamas after Oct 7.

    This doesn't appear to actually be true, unless you mean to imply that a majority of Palestinians don't have an adult's understanding of the word. Don't get me wrong though, this in no ways provides just cause to target civilians.

    The majority of (59%) strongly supported or (16%) supported to some extent the October 7 attacks carried by the Hamas-led factions, while 16% supported to some extent [sic]. 11% reported that they neither supported nor opposed the attack, while 13% expressed opposition to the attacks. Strong support for the attacks was notably higher among Palestinians in the West Bank (68%) as compared to Gaza (47%).

    That said, I'm not surprised conditions in Israeli prisons are very poor, though they're unfortunately not remotely alone in the global context in that. It's also worth noting that the Israel Prison Service is independent from the IDF and operates under a completely different ministry. I'm not saying that it's not horrendous, because it is, but it doesn't rise to the same severity in my mind. I do genuinely appreciate you providing an actual source though; I certainly don't think Israel is any angel.

    ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

    I obviously don’t think Israelis in Hamas’s care get better treatment than Palestinians get in Israel’s care. There’s new atrocities and victim testimony reported daily. It just seems like this whole thing is a horror show and to condemn it all is the only reasonable response.

    During the prisoner exchange, it was reported that Palestinians can be held for 6 months in Israeli prisons and then, if they’re tried, face a military court with a 97% conviction rate. It’s not as horrible as grabbing people off kibbutzim but it’s not something to brag about. It’s easy to end up disgusted by it all and respond emotionally to anyone who takes a firm side.

    I’ve been personally just trying to be on team civilian and find a way to have empathy for everyone not fighting. It’s natural to pick a side but war usually just brings out the worst in people at the worst possible time.

    TowardsTheFuture ,

    I mean, a majority of Palestinians are not adults. But also, being in the position of die and give us your land and your options are: die or fight back. Most people are probably gonna be on the fight back side, even if those who fought back didn’t do the greatest of things. Especially where you likely are not being told all the things they did outside of “we are fighting for your freedom.”

    Not like most people who supported 90% of wars America has been in know everything America did in those wars.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    The IDF’s chief Rabbi literally issued a statement directing soldiers to do it but ok bub

    BraveSirZaphod , avatar

    In 2002, which he then retracted.

    He is a piece of shit, to be clear, but his words also have exactly zero legal relevance in the IDF, so, while certainly objectionable, that isn't what I actually asked for, which was evidence the IDF actually regularly performs sexual violence.

    I'm sure Hamas' religious authorities aren't exactly spreading love love peace peace either, not that that matters.

    blahsay ,

    The propaganda teams on here are pretty prolific. There’s about 10 accounts that brigade anything not worshipping Hamas.

    You’ll find once actual people see your comments it will creep back up

    interceder270 ,

    Why are you only asking for evidence about the IDF?

    All I’ve seen were testimonies from Israelis about Hamas. History has shown that Israelis have no problem lying to make their enemies look bad.

    BraveSirZaphod , avatar

    Because the parent comment explicitly mentioned the IDF?

    If you're going to discard any evidence coming from Israelis, you're not actually open to any evidence that might challenge your views at all. Which is fine, but don't pretend to be looking for a rational discussion then.

    interceder270 ,

    Because the parent comment explicitly mentioned the IDF?

    He said “Hamas and IDF are one and the same.” Why do you only ask for evidence about the IDF?

    If you’re going to discard any evidence coming from Israelis

    The only “evidence” I’ve seen about Hamas rape cases are testimonies. They probably happened, but every news article has only cited testimonies. Have you seen evidence of Hamas committing rape that isn’t just a testimony?

    I also hold the IDF to the same standard and don’t take Hamas’ claims against them at face value. Both could be lying or telling the truth, but objective evidence leaves way less room for ambiguity and manipulation.

    NAXLAB ,

    Nope, the down votes are for ignorance…/0000018b-530f-d1d7-ab8b-7f5fca1d000…

    BraveSirZaphod , avatar

    That is sickening, but I'd point you to what's right below that headline.

    The army has removed the commanding officer of the unit and opened an investigation

    So some asshole commander committed atrocities and is facing consequences for it, because this is not an accepted practice in the IDF, which was the claim I'm asking for evidence of. Do you think Hamas officials punished anyone involved in the October 7th attacks who committed sexual assault or attacked civilians?

    NAXLAB ,

    At face value I do get where you’re coming from, but this is standard practice, and I’m happy to provide the evidence you are looking for, because it’s important that the truth comes out and I respect you for asking for it.…/rachel-corrie-verdict-exposes-i…

    IDF officers and investigators intentionally cover up murders and abuse, even when leaked internal correspondences admit the killings were totally unjustified and offer alternative explanations to be given to the press.

    The Guardian’s correspondent in Israel, Chris McGreal, wrote about a conversation he had with the Israeli military commander in southern Gaza at the time, Colonel Pinhas “Pinky” Zuaretz. The Colonel both admits that his troops murder children for no reason, and implies it’s necessary to prevent the Holocaust from happening again. In court, he claimed the whole of southern Gaza was a combat zone and anyone who entered parts of it had made themselves a target.

    Also from the article: “An Israeli army officer [who] emptied the magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl, Iman al-Hams, and then said he would have done the same even if she had been three years old, was cleared by a military court. [The girl] was shot and wounded after crossing the invisible red line around an Israeli military base in Rafah, but she was never any closer than 100 yards. The officer then left the base in order to “confirm the kill” by pumping the wounded girl full of bullets. An Israeli military investigation concluded he had acted properly.”

    BraveSirZaphod , avatar

    Genuinely, thank you for this. This actually helps me build a more informed perspective and I do appreciate it.

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