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CandleTiger , to memes in Cheese

It’s funny but for non-dog people: this is actually measuring something. If your dog is so upset that cheese is not interesting then that is a very upset dog.

OutlierBlue ,

This is also true for humans.

Source: I’m nervous but like cheese

Buckshot ,

yeah this is my dog. at the vet last week he knew something was about to happen and was absolutely not interested in cheese.

After he had his vaccines and it was all over, so much more relaxed, would eat cheese again.

kandoh , to funny in It's a tragedy that it works...

Can’t imagine working out as soon as I woke up

Dagwood222 ,

Can you imagine dancing as soon as you get up?

Or practicing swordplay?

Or punching a picture of Trump?

People think of exercise as something you have to do; instead, find an activity you want to do.

Mouselemming ,

You’re speaking from the point of view of a person who wants to do activities, or at least an activity. For some of us, any physical activity is repellent. Personally, I hate breaking a sweat, and I sweat profusely, at any weight or level of fitness. It’s why young me gave up on ballet; I was good enough to start auditioning for a corps, but nobody wants a sweaty swan. Now you have a point that putting on some music and dancing is less repellent to me than running down the street, but it’s still not whatchy’dcall FUN. And I still need a couple cups of coffee, a shit and a shower first, plus of course another shower afterwards.

Dagwood222 ,

Once the body starts breaking down, it’s very hard to get healthy again.

The best thing is prevention, and that means keeping fit.

I speak from experience

BallsandBayonets ,

The first thing I want to do when I wake up is to go back to sleep. The second, third, and fourth through 180,000,000,000th thing I want to do is go back to sleep.

There are only three things that get me out of bed: my dog is hungry or needs to pee, my body is hungry or needs to pee, or the annoying requirement that I have to work in order to give someone all my money so I have a place to sleep.

Dagwood222 ,

They have exercise machines that hook into your devices. Essentially, you have to keep walking/pedaling in order to play games or anything else.…/playpulse-one-is-an-all-in-one-exercise…

transientpunk , to pics in My Good Girl Ruby [OC] avatar

Just a heads up, your phone numbers are clearly visible on the dog tag.

ThePantser OP , avatar

Yep, but who cares. I get so many spam calls and texts idk who doesn’t already have my number.

transientpunk , avatar

I’m not sure what phone you have, but getting a Pixel phone was life changing when it comes to handling spam calls. The automated call screening is amazing.

Kolanaki , avatar

I’m actually curious what the caller hears when it’s doing its thing. I don’t know how to spam call myself, tho.

what ,

Fellow Pixel user here, this is what mine says,

“Hi, I’m a Google Virtual assistant recording this call for the person you’re trying to reach. Before I try to connect you can I ask what you’re calling about?”

Ibaudia , to funny in It's a tragedy that it works... avatar

I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome so this would definitely make me feel better… but fuck it no way, I need my sleeps and I habitually stay up late.

Phil_in_here ,

It’s the classic “pick 2”.



Reduce Stress

jerkface , avatar

When I exercise, I need an hour less sleep a day.

BallsandBayonets ,

You get to pick 2? I get to pick one, and it’s never reduce stress. And the exercise is just being on my feet at work. And the sleep quality sucks. Basically I get to pick zero.

IndiBrony , to pics in I hang out with horses a few times a week. I don't own this girl, but we're still besties. [OC] avatar

Give her an apple from me 💕

LaunchesKayaks OP , avatar

She can’t eat apples because she has bad teeth. I’ll give he the best grass though

SpaceNoodle , to programmer_humor in BS from MS about AI helping an MD

Expert Systems are great for pharmacies, not the bullshit generators currently labeled as “AI.”

netvor , to programmer_humor in BS from MS about AI helping an MD avatar

Is “pharmacists seeing more patients” really a measure of something good? I’m a non-native English speaker so cut me some slack but all I can imagine is just longer queues in the pharmacy and more tired pharmacists (and people who now need to wait in the queue now).

s12 ,

“pharmacists seeing more patients” Implies that the queue moves quicker.
A pharmacist can only have so much time in their shift, so being able to more effectively use that time (see more people) would be a good thing.

netvor , avatar

That’s a noble goal but does adding more people help the (long-term only, please) effectiveness? At what point does it start hindering it?

I would assume that someone like a pharmacist has to be focused all the time, stakes is high…

Do we have precise data about how physiological state of a pharmacist is changing through the shift? Do we know whether or not the pauses between people – which we might or might not have considered a wasted time – are actually essential for their ability to stay focused and reliable? (Is the answer the same for all of them?) Or maybe they could actually still use part of that time in a productive way, right? Also, why is there lack of people in the first place?

Focusing solely on adding more people to the equation seems to neglect factors like this. This tells me that whoever this factoid is trying to impress is not someone who I would want to trust with managing a pharmacy (or anything except maybe some production line) in the first place.

netvor , to programmer_humor in BS from MS about AI helping an MD avatar

The pic being blurred and all, I thought it’s going to be some dad joke around “pharmacist can see more patients”

s12 ,

“Generate me 4096 images of pharmacy patients!”

Transporter_Room_3 , to funny in It's a tragedy that it works... avatar

In my best bane impression: for you

I never got any “good feelings” from my healthy times. Working out was tiring and a chore. No matter how I worked out, with whom, where, for how long… No “workout buzz”

I got down to a 7 minute mile. Not amazing or difficult by any stretch, but not one getting there did I ever experience “the runner’s high”

Eating well gave me slightly more energy, but not enough to justify the extra cost and time to prepare.

I literally am not capable of “good sleep” without medication, and I can’t even afford the medications anymore.

I’ll just keep eating whatever I want, only exercising when someone asks me to, and trying to get as much sleep as possible before the sun rises until I hit my (definitely early) grave.

Dagwood222 ,

Did you try to find a workout you actually liked?

I hate the idea of running a mile, but I’ll swim any day.

Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

My dude, I totally appreciate that you’re trying to help, and please don’t stop encouraging people to work out because it REALLY DOES WORK for most people, but I spent the better part of a decade doing all kinds of things, from yoga to iron man segments, and not a single thing was enjoyable beyond the small amount of satisfaction of having done something hard and finished it.

I dropped 120lbs, and have stayed relatively the same weight since 2015, even with all the other stuff.

So I’m sure I learned more healthy habits, hence the weight being kept off, and I don’t regret a second of it, I have no desire to try again.

The only working out now is biking for enjoyment with my wife. And also when she feels the desire to go to the gym, I go with her.

Mouselemming ,

I’ll agree with you. I’m forcing myself to get exercise daily and diet to lose weight because I had gotten back up to the weight at which I gave birth. And I’m old af and prediabetic.

So it’s necessary but it’s not fun.

And it will never be fun.

And it won’t make feel better the rest of the day either.

The most miserable I’ve ever been was when I was young and skinny and taking 2 hours of advanced ballet classes daily plus six hours of rehearsals every weekend.

The second most miserable was when I’d had 2 kids and temporarily got back down to my wedding weight.

Having no payoff in “feeling better” is a big part of why it never lasts.

Also, point of fact, I sweat the same disgusting amount at my slimmest as at my fattest, so don’t let anyone tell you different.

So I have no illusions about this time.

My doctor does, so at least I have spite to motivate me. I’ll show her she’s wrong, and at the same time I’ll put off the diabete another year, hopefully.

Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

My sweating is genetic, my mother’s side of the family is all the same. I sweat at 300 the same as 160.

Working out for health reasons sucks, but if you’ve got enough reason for it, show that workout who’s boss. Spite is as good a reason as any. Staving off diabetes is even better.

Daxtron2 , to programmer_humor in It must be a silent R

Using a token predictor to do sub-token analysis produces bad results?!?! Shocking Wow great content

Commiunism , to programmer_humor in BS from MS about AI helping an MD

I read it as AI somehow making more people sick therefore more of them needing to go see pharmacists, therefore pharmacists seeing more people

werefreeatlast OP ,

That’s a more realistic take. I for one would want the pharmacist to get AI help, that’s fine. But not start taking double the patients. There’s a people interaction aspect to this too. It’s health care not care for animals to get them ready for tomorrow’s dinner. But seriously don’t eat animals, they got feelings too.

gibmiser , to funny in There's a story here

Sounds like a perfect training tool.

flambonkscious ,

Yeah it really is - except they can actually see what they’re doing which probably makes it first year stuff, I’m guessing?

Looks like a fun drinking game though

Bunnylux , to funny in There's a story here avatar

yeah, the story is someone used endoscopy equipment to steal food from the vending machine. bad title. feel bad.

Lookorex ,

I was gonna say, the story is pretty much spelled out on the sign

solsangraal , to funny in There's a story here

having to work within stone’s throw of a vending machine that i have to deal with people complaining about its fucking bullshit all the time, i feel like this sign is similar to the “whatever you do, DON’T go to scihub and download all your articles for free” “warning” that professors tell their students

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I loved it when my professors put a “translation” from the previous textbook to current textbook in case someone “accidentally” bought the wrong textbook.

Apytele ,

It’s more,“please don’t put the thing you put in people’s digestive systems into the food dispenser; that’s disgusting.” People have caught c-diff, vre, h-pylori, and the vowel hepatises from improperly cleaned GI-scopes.

solsangraal ,

lol bold of you to assume that “management” cares about any of that

Apytele ,

Well the patients and families use them too and insurance doesn’t reimburse for hospital acquired infections so a patient catching something from the hospital means their care gets put down as money the hospital won’t get back.

solsangraal ,

funny how this sounds like something either a nurse or a vending machine restocker guy would say

Apytele ,

What a coincidence!

HootinNHollerin , to lemmyshitpost in I love that movie

Freaky Friedegg

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