There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Ulu-Mulu-no-die , to RedditMigration in U/SPEZ not popular on place avatar

The only thing those people are signalling, in my opinion, is that it doesn't take much to bait people into engaging with reddit to give them traffic, can't wait for an article about how metrics are going up so investors have nothing to worry about.

IHeartBadCode , avatar

Investors aren’t idiots. Advertising is a major draw for investors if the subscription model isn’t great. A site that serves millions of views of fuckspez isn’t attractive to advertisers.

You might of had a point of investors being able to look the other way during tech bro funding time, but a lot of the free cash has dried up. Reddit has to convince Betty Crocker that their platform is a great place for cake recipes. If everything goes “ ¼ sick of butter, 2 eggs, 1 pound of fuckspez.” They’re going to have a really hard time driving that point.

This is why it seems all the social media platforms are flying apart at the seams here. Pretty much all of them were flying high on the free to low interest cash. Now that a lot of them have to justify things for every penny and nickel they want, they’re realizing they didn’t have a great model to begin with and are hoping users will snap in place with the new “paradigm”.

But that’s the thing. Employees snap because their check relies on it. A lot of users don’t snap the same for the reason that lot of them just use social media as an outlet. Which for the users that are using these platforms for a source of income/word of mouth, they’re just watching this conflagration in tears.

Cylusthevirus , avatar

Eeeeeehhhh... some of them aren't idiots. Finance guys aren't orders of magnitude smarter than the Average Joe even if they think they are.

LazaroFilm , avatar

I have the sinking feeling that they don’t care if anything is sustainable. They just want the IPO to happen with the highest inflated numbers then run away as soon as possible, leaving the whole thing burning behind them. It’s not about marking Reddit successful again, it’s about getting rich fast.

h3x , avatar


TheRazorX ,

If everything goes “ ¼ sick of butter, 2 eggs, 1 pound of fuckspez.” They’re going to have a really hard time driving that point.

I died. lmao.

Bozicus ,

I knew there was something else I should be adding to my box of cake mix! Turns out it was “fuckspez”!

ShadowPouncer , to RedditMigration in This is the Reddit app. They are making it really easy to want to migrate

The really really sad thing is, Reddit could have done a half decent job and made a fair bit of money, but they decided on stupidity instead.

Sure, it would have upset some people a bit, but... Not by anywhere close to the same degree.

Alright, we're sorry, but use of the API is going to have to start costing money for some kinds of uses.

First off, people that just want to scrape everything get the following access, and a much higher rate limit, but it's going to cost $x.

Moderator tools will always be free, but the API will require that the tool be associated with a moderator, and it will only permit access to subs that the user is a moderator for.

Community bots will generally be free, subject to the following restrictions.

And 3rd party clients will be charged a minimal amount, calculated to be roughly equal to what we are making from similar users on the official clients, to make up for lost ad revenue. Alternate options involving profit sharing may be viable, contact X for details.

By accepting the API agreement, you agree that use of the wrong class of API usage (for example, using the community bot or 3rd party client classes for data scraping) will be billed, retroactively, at $X * 10.

There. That's really not that hard. And people would have been much less upset at that, at least as long as the fees were actually as described, and not based on, say, how much they would like to make per user.

You'd probably want a free tier for 3rd party clients for users of specific account types. If the user is paying for Reddit Premium, maybe 3rd party clients don't get charged for API usage for that user account. Or if the user is a moderator for a given subreddit, API usage for that user on that subreddit is also free. With an API that the client can use to check the status of such things. If they were smart, they would also have a process for users with disabilities to have their accounts exempted from fees. That last one is hard, because you need a verification process, but it would get them a lot of good will.

Again... This shouldn't be hard. And it would have turned into a viable revenue stream!

Hell, flatly disclose that the 3rd party cost is 30% more than the average cost of using the standard client, to support the effort required to maintain the API. (Largely bullshit, but it makes those users more valuable than those that use the official client, while not being expensive enough to make it impossible for anyone to offer a 3rd party client at an even remotely sane cost.)

Yes, this would have very sadly been the end of free 3rd party clients... But I for one would have been... Okay with paying a small amount per month/year through the app store for a client that didn't suck.

Instead, Reddit decided that committing suicide was the better path forward.

xc2215x ,

Spez demanded so much control ruining the app.

Niello ,

If I have never used Reddit before and experience it the first time by seeing that I'm sure I'd just delete the app right then and there.

Arotrios , to RedditMigration in Aaron is no longer considered as cofounder by reddit. He fought for free speech. - avatar

To be fair, Aaron wasn't really heavily involved with Reddit. He was involved with Infogami, which failed and was merged with Reddit. Per this post, he got equity in Reddit as a result, but only worked for a few months on the actual site.

After his death and the media portrayal of him as a martyr for free speech, Reddit started claiming him as "co-founder" much more vocally than they had previously. While technically he had that title, his involvement on Reddit was neither starting the company nor working on it for any extended period of time.

That being said, given what Reddit's become, wherever his spirit roams now, I'm sure he's relieved to have his name off the site.

abff08f4813c ,

Wow, the combined company notabug was already defunct in 2007? I wonder whatever happened to that company once reddit got sold off to Conde Nast

theodewere , avatar

i find explanations that begin with the phrase "to be fair", usually consist entirely of spin

Arotrios , avatar

Congrats, you get a cookie. Now toddle on kiddo.

Zorque ,

I find that people who judge a statement, not based on the whole of it's content, but on the surface aesthetic of it to be wholly smart as a bag of rocks.

theodewere , avatar

no need to get personal, it's just an observation

quirzle , avatar

To be fair, his statement was also just an observation.

theodewere , avatar

not one you can prove as easily as the phenomenon i described, though.. you can check it.. bullshit begins with "to be fair", and other such phrases..

Zorque ,

It also often starts with "I find" or "In my experience".

Almost like they're often opinion based, and not fact based.

theodewere , avatar

no, it's a sophistic device, meant to couch interpretation.. followed usually by information about how things are viewed, etc.. spin..

you are attempting to insist that what follows is the "fair" perspective.. it's a cheap device used quite frequently..

anon , avatar

I for one don’t see the issue with that “to be fair” statement here. The parent used it merely to announce that they were going to take the counter-point to the most likely community view, i.e., they were going to defend Reddit’s action of not naming Swartz as co-founder. They then proceeded to do so by explaining that Swartz never really played a co-founder role. The comment implied “to be fair [to whoever at Reddit made that decision] and then went on to provide supporting argumentation.

It’s quite different from the lazy use of the phrase, e.g., “to be fair, both sides suck” that you may find in political discussions without supporting arguments, for example.

theodewere , avatar

"i for one" is also one of those devices

anon , avatar

Ok now you’re just being a troll. Instead of contributing meaningfully to the discussion, you picked up on three words each from the parent and myself, ignored the entirety of our respective arguments, and derailed what could have been an intelligent discussion about Aaron’s actual contributions to early Reddit and turned it into a superficial joust about some words you unilaterally proclaimed to be verboten.

Be better. Be more charitable and thoughtful. Otherwise we’re just pushing people back to Reddit.

theodewere , avatar

it was just an observation

iwasborninafactory ,

My observation is that you're a criminal. Before you respond, remember it's not personal, it's just an observation.

theodewere , avatar

and you're antagonistic

AnarchoYeasty ,

Except it’s true. Aaron didn’t cofound reddit. That doesn’t diminish what he did do.

theodewere , avatar

thus spake AnarchoYeasty

AnarchoYeasty ,

Thus spoke reality? Aaron founded another startup at the y combinator when it got merged into the reddit startup. But the fact that they merged at the y combinator would suggest that reddit already was founded before Aaron was involved. This is all easily verifiable information you’re just so angry that you aren’t on your favorite website that you are just making shit up at this point.

theodewere , avatar

i haven't made up a single thing, son.. you're the angry one.. settle down before you hurt yourself..

OctopusKurwa , to RedditMigration in U/SPEZ not popular on place

This was probably the most cynical move Reddit could have made. A big part of what made r/place special was that it was so rare. I have such good memories of the first one.

hoodatninja , avatar

It’s also just incredibly boneheaded. The API changes happened three weeks ago. People have not forgotten, they are still removing/threatening mods even today, hell there are [almost 2000 subs still protesting] ( And now they give people a microphone during an incredibly public event that they coordinated with twitch?

Steve is not the only idiot at Reddit right now.

TheRazorX ,

not only that, but /place requires increased moderation for participating subs.....

imaqtpie , to RedditMigration in This is the Reddit app. They are making it really easy to want to migrate avatar

Hahaha wow that’s just perfect

imaqtpie ,

Federation is working now! Rejoice!

Remmy , to RedditMigration in This is the Reddit app. They are making it really easy to want to migrate avatar

Side by side comparison with RIF.

aeternum ,

RIF was always my go to on Android. I hope Talklittle makes a lemmy/kbin client that also works on iOS as I am on that now.

Remmy , avatar

It amazes me how horrible it's become through official channels. I don't understand how someone can use that app and be fine with it.

aeternum ,

an ad that takes up nearly the entire screen? This is fine /s

pgm_01 ,

Plato's cave. If all you have ever experienced is a shit app, then the shit app seems fine to most people. Others will recognize its faults but not how bad it is because they think that the only alternative is to have no app.

mariol66 ,

Where do you get the app?

aeternum ,

you don't anymore. speddit is turning off the API unless the TPA devs pay big money. which AFAIK, talklittle isn't going to do.

mariol66 ,

Ah must've read it wrong. Thought that you were referring to a kbin app they were working on

aeternum ,

oh. well, there's artemis that in private alpha at the moment. should be out in a few weeks i hope. Plus kbin is a PWA, so you can add it to your home screen.

mariol66 ,

I have the pwa but I can't for the life of me figure out how to add my favorite magazines to the sidebar for easy access

Chozo ,

TalkLittle is making a Tildes app. Not sure if he's going to split his attention across multiple projects right now.

Jaywarbs ,

I got distracted by the post about the person’s boyfriend putting laundry detergent in their dishwasher. I guess that does mean RIF is better, since only one post is visible on the other one.

djmarcone ,

The reddit app isn't a content delivery mechanism, it's a revenue generation mechanism.

abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in Aaron is no longer considered as cofounder by reddit. He fought for free speech. -
agressivelyPassive , to RedditMigration in U/SPEZ not popular on place

For the non-germans: “Hurensohn” means “son of a whore”. It’s the standard issue insult among younger germans.

lemmyshmemmy ,

I’m more concerned about the intense German nationalism

MantidSys , avatar

/r/Place has always had massive country flags whenever it ran. But the way I see it, the largest murals need the most people working on it, and getting many people involved means having them all be connected in some way, and country-of-origin is the easiest way to do that. Combine that with the fact that the biggest non-English communities on western social media like Reddit (and Lemmy too, now) tend to be German or French, and it's no surprise that the two largest murals are those flags.
You'd wish people would find something else to represent them and have fun with things like this, but people gravitate towards the largest groups they feel a part of. Low hanging fruit, I suppose.

Flax_vert ,

France and Germany also have bloody easy flags. Even the UK cannot get their flag perfect easily

samus12345 , avatar

Intense US nationalism is by far a bigger threat nowadays.

lemmyshmemmy ,

Yes and so is Chinese nationalism.

SpicyPeaSoup , to RedditMigration in U/SPEZ not popular on place avatar

I give it 6 hours tops before the admins start sanitising the board.

HeadlessDude , to RedditMigration in NSFW in 3PAs is now dead

I uninstalled Relay yesterday. It was a good decade but time to move on.
I get that there are workarounds to patch apps and bypass NSFW which I could very easily avail myself of, but the more I consider it the more this whole drama has put me off Reddit as a platform, and really any centralised platforms. I could still use them but I just don't want to.. staying as an active user just feels like tacit endorsement of communities being decimated by a company that doesn't even pay the folks that actually keep them going.

Tashlan , to RedditMigration in NSFW in 3PAs is now dead avatar

Nsfw is also dead on mobile web. And just a reminder that nsfw isn't just porn, it's also cannabis and vape content, and likely other content that touched "sensitive" subjects.

pgm_01 ,

NSFW seems to still load if you use

linkinkampf19 , to games in Day 46 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots avatar

I’d be curious to see if you can install the patch that reintroduces the E3 graphics and how that’s handled on the Deck. Not sure on the how-to with SteamOS.

ByteMe , to mildlyinfuriating in Updated my Samsung phone and it installed unwanted apps avatar

I think there is an app called app install. Disable that shit

wetsoggybread , to memes in Magic bush

I can promise you, if a guy saw a sexy nude women in a window one time, every time he walks down that street he will look at the window, just in case

banazir , to games in Day 46 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots avatar

I not too long ago played this game and, while flawed, found it to be a very decent game with a lot of potential. My biggest gripe personally is that it devolves from an engaging and clever stealth game to a mass murder simulator, and the main character isn’t terribly likable by the end. Still, I enjoyed it quite a bit and might even replay it some time.

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