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Classy , to lemmyshitpost in Sales technique

Is the guy in the very first top book wearing a bra?

lugal ,

He will pretend it’s the shadow…

ImmaculateTaste ,


RGB3x3 ,

Big enough pecs circle around through the gender spectrum back into boobs.

ArgonautVehicle , to mildlyinfuriating in Musk is undeniably just trying to run twitter into the ground at this point.

Elon Musk, the latest billionaire owner of the online screaming match known as Twitter, sat slumped at his desk, staring at a wall of monitors blinking with a technicolor smorgasbord of error messages. The reason? He’d just let Twitter’s hosting contract with Google lapse because he thought it’d be fun to see if he could migrate it somewhere else. The results? Not so fun.

A comment on Reddit had caught his eye, and he couldn’t shake it. “Every now and then Elon must have a moment of clarity. Where it occurs to him ‘Maybe I am just stupid?’ But then he violently buries the thought.”

“Stupid?” he scoffed aloud to his empty office, sending a mini landslide of Mars Rover prototypes tumbling off his desk. “I’m a genius.”

He remembered how smart he’d felt when he decided to axe the account verification system, only to reinstate it after a week of high-profile mix-ups that included the Dalai Lama being mistaken for a llama enthusiast.

And the content moderation! Who needs it? Well, as it turned out, everyone. Without it, Twitter had turned into a feral wilderness of conspiracy theories, insult slinging, and more unsolicited pictures of eggplants than a greengrocer’s catalog.

And then there was Kanye. “Free Kanye!” he’d declared one afternoon after one too many rocket fuel coffees. But after the notorious rapper had declared war on flannel shirts and clogged up the site with CAPS LOCK tweets, the ban was back on faster than you can say “Kim Kardashian for president.”

“Stupid?” he muttered again, watching as Twitter spontaneously DDOS’d itself like a robotic bull in a digital china shop.

There was a pause. Then a grin spread slowly across Elon’s face, as if he’d just understood the punchline to a particularly tricky joke. “Naaaah,” he laughed, slapping the desk.

He looked at the chaos on the screens, the digital calamity his decisions had wrought, and couldn’t help but chuckle. There was something amusing about being this absurdly, cosmically, hilariously brilliant.

“Back to the drawing board,” he chuckled, picking up a Mars Rover and making it do little jumps across his desk.

M_g ,

Honestly this is probably more close to reality than anyone wants to admit.

VioletteRei , avatar

Is the Dalai Lama bit true?

x4740N , avatar

Remember elon musk isn’t smart

We shouldn’t credit him for Tesla, spacex, etc because it’s the employees that actually put in the effort and contribute

Elon is just a Mr moneybags that thinks he smart because the things he funded have been good ideas when he actually never contributed anything to those ideas

I can’t wait until the companies he’s finding push him out completely

FlyingSquid , avatar

People call him an inventor. He’s not an inventor, he’s an investor. He’s not an engineer. He doesn’t know how to make cars or rockets. He didn’t invent the Tesla and he just plowed money into SpaceX. His brilliant ideas are things like having the Tesla make a fart noise. His experience is in coding and, based on comments of former Twitter engineers, he’s not even very good at that.

SolarNialamide ,

He doesn’t even have experience in coding either. He always pretends to but the only degree he has is in business or something.

JusticeForPorygon , avatar

Of course he’s a fucking business major
Probably wanted to do Computer Science but failed Comp Sci 101.

/s if it wasn’t obvious

WhereGondor ,

More please!

saxysammyp ,

This is art!

Rambomst , to foodporn in Birria!

Totally worth it? I’ve been thinking about making these myself, I haven’t found a place in Sydney that sells these (any form of good Mexican style food is hard to find).

Lupo OP , (edited ) avatar

Worth it? Like financially? I think so.

The meat alone cost me 36 (before tax) and the peppers and spices about 10 to 15 (i have enough dried chillies leftover to do it again). These are NYC prices.

Buying birria tacos typically runs 12-15 for two tacos and a serving of consumme. Those tacos usually only have a spoonfull of birria, so I definitely think it’s worth it.

With this amount, I’ll be feeding for over a week. Whether it’s over some cilantro lime rice, next to a nopales (cactus) salad, inside a quesotaco, over chilaquiles or nachos. It’s definitely worth it.

We are even going to use the gloop (the gloop is the strained out onion, tomatoes, chillies, and tiny tiny melted beef fibers) to try and make some homemade birria soup dumplings.

littlebluespark , avatar

Consomme* 🤙🏼

ProstheticBrain ,

I’m not 100% on this, but I think “consommé” is the French spelling, “consome” is the Mexican one.

In French cookery a consommé is very specifically a clarified broth that goes through several processes and ends up looking like tea. I believe in Mexican cookery, the consome that accompanies birria goes through far fewer processes and so retains more solids and therefore has a different texture/flavour and is more of a gravy.

littlebluespark , avatar

Actually? That’s incredibly helpful, informative, and ironically not combative. Fuckin’ A, this isn’t Reddit 2.0! Genuinely, well done and thank you. 🥰

ProstheticBrain ,

Thanks! I really didn’t want it to be an aKsUAlLy type post. I just thought it was an interesting point to pick up on.

Also, while OPs spelling of the word doesn’t make sense to me based on what I’ve read, it does make sense phonetically. I’ve heard consome pronounced similarly to “consume”.

littlebluespark , (edited ) avatar

That sort of lazy acceptance, no offense intended, is how we get “decimated” mistaken for “devastated”, and each have their own powerful, useful meanings. To whit, “consommé” comes from Latin consummare ‘make complete’ and is not as simple as merely consuming — as anyone who’s made it can tell you. 🤗

ThatFembyWho , to lemmyshitpost in Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus

Depends on your perspective. To me it looks like he’s absorbing her soul. Time to feed I guess? Jesus, Harvester of Souls, sounds metal af

OpenStars , avatar

"Midnight Mass" on Netflix, I'm just saying...

dylanTheDeveloper , avatar

He’s sucking the French outta them

ThatFembyWho ,

He can suck the French outta me anytime. I do love long haired foreign twinks

paddirn , to lemmyshitpost in Hot earth

I want big boob earth, can we do that instead? Ain’t nobody want no flat earth.

idunnololz , avatar

Hey don’t kink shame.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Flat is justice!

Plibbert , to programmer_humor in Good luck web devs
lurch ,

They put touchscreens on doorstops now? /s

xmunk ,

Java truly runs on everything.

NoisyFlake ,

Unleash the power of the pyramid!

LilB0kChoy ,

Embrace the power of the pyramid.

fl42v ,

Ackchuwally, that’s a prism 🙃

lseif ,

ackshuaelly, it says ‘pyramid’ right there

fl42v ,

I’ve noticed… But it lies

Track_Shovel , to memes in Why yes I do agree we should mince orphans for fertiliser avatar


Alright, I’ll bite - I’m a soil scientist, and yeah, people make good fertilizer. Our C:N ratios are low (meaning evenish balance of carbon and nitrogen) and we have a lot of calcium and phosphorus in us too, relatively speaking. Some of the P is quickly available, the rest is in our bones (with Ca) and given their low surface area and relative stability, its really slowly released. But hey, if you grind those orphans up, yields will increase faster!

I’m on a fucking list now aren’t I?

crsu , avatar

Is that why they call mass graves potter’s fields?

Track_Shovel , avatar

No, that’s a twist of the word pauper, which is a destitute person (archaic word)

crsu , avatar

Pauper Brand Potting Soil.

I think I’m onto something. BRB applying to Shark Tank

MisterNeon , to memes in Cooking avatar

You’re insulting garlic.

I’m a barbarian in most regards and even I’m confounded by your lack of refinement.

name_NULL111653 ,

Am a vampire, I agree with OP. Don’t use garlic, it makes you a terrible cook. It’s really really bad. Countries should ban garlic so people don’t fall into the trap of being bad cooks.

i_stole_ur_taco ,

That’s not garlic, that’s its drunk uncle jarlic.

IAmHisBiggestSpoon ,

He’s insulting precut, oil soaked garlic. Garlic is kinda like coffee. It’s best when you break it up right before you use it. But that doesn’t excuse OP being a dick to people who don’t have time to make their own food perfectly nor the money to pay others to make food for them.

balderdash9 , to memes in Why yes I do agree we should mince orphans for fertiliser
crsu , avatar

Unpopular opinion: billionaires are greedy

Drusas , to memes in Cooking

To those who use the jarred garlic, you should try getting a small food processor. It makes getting a bunch of minced garlic a breeze, and there really is a big difference.

KinglyWeevil ,

It isn’t the cutting it that’s the problem for me, it’s the peeling

i_stole_ur_taco ,

If you don’t want to crush them with the side of a knife to loosen the peels (it works great but then the squashed garlic is hard to hold if you’re grating it), a trick I saw was to chop the bottoms off the cloves and then throw them in the microwave for 10-20 seconds. The skins start to fall right off and peel like magic.

meowMix2525 ,

tbh I’m not sure if nuked garlic is going to be much better than pre-minced and jarred garlic

simply_surprise , avatar

If you get a metal garlic press, you can just slang the cloves in there whole.

It’s a little more wasteful, so I don’t do it all the time, but it works on

meowMix2525 ,

I also hate the smell that lingers on my hands for days after touching it. Would much rather just scoop it with a tablespoon and call it a day.

GreyEyedGhost ,

You’re not wrong, but just about everything I’ve read says in most cases the difference is too small to matter. So if you’re looking for convenience or less spoilage, this gives you that with almost no downside.

RIP_Cheems , to lemmyshitpost in Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus avatar


emergencyfood ,

Jesus turning the girls gay.

jabathekek , to memes in Why yes I do agree we should mince orphans for fertiliser avatar

We need to keep poor people poor to keep labour costs down.

SuckMyWang ,

If we cause a recession poor people will happily work 70 hours a week for the same pay. They’ll finally appreciate what we do for them by letting them work at our companies that they subsidise with their taxes

itsgroundhogdayagain , to funny in Thank god


Rai ,

I skipped… 15 years. Finally went because my partner MADE ME

I joked, “watch me not have any cavities”

I came out to a seething glare

I still do not know what it’s like to have a filling.

RoquetteQueen , avatar

I personally thank fluoridated tap water for my never having had a cavity ever because I have no idea how I have managed otherwise.

chatokun ,

I’ve had a few things that looked like cavities starting, then died. It may have never been a cavity in the first place, as every dentist I’ve seen has commented on it, only for me to explain it’s over a decade or two old with no change.

andrew , to programmerhumor in Gender.js avatar

Joke’s on you because they’re all still mutable objects behind the reference.

Phen ,

Last one can be freely changed by anyone, the middle one still has some restraints.

soloner ,

Reassignment isn’t the same as mutation. But mutation depends on the type of value. If gender was a string like “female” it wouldn’t be mutable cuz strings are immutable in JS.

andrew , avatar

Yeah this is true. My joke makes an assumption about the type not being a primitive type.

andrew , avatar

var isn’t global unless it’s not inside a function. var is just function scoped, with declaration auto hoisted to the beginning of the function. let is a little more intuitive since you can’t refer to it before it’s been declared and has block scope rather than function scope.

Klaymore , avatar

Wait… you can use a variable before you declare it?

andrew , avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">var a;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">(function() {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  a='hoisted';
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  console.log(a);
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  var a;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">})()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">console.log(a);

Should log hoisted and then undefined, showing that you’ve assigned to the later-declared var a which was hoisted vs the external global a.

CheezyWeezle ,

Kind of. With hoisting, the compiler/interpreter will find variable declarations and execute them before executing the rest of the code. Hoisting leaves the variables as undefined until the code assigning the value to the variable is executed. Hoisting does not initialize the variables.

For example:

console.log(foo); var foo; //Expected output: console logs ‘null’

foo = ‘bar’; console.log(foo); var foo; //Expected output: console logs ‘bar’

console.log(foo === undefined); var foo; //Expected output: console logs ‘true’

This means you can essentially write your code with variable declarations at the end, but it will still be executed as though the declarations were at the beginning. Your initializations and value assignments will still be executed as normal.

This is a feature that you should probably avoid because I honestly cannot think of any good use case for it that won’t end up causing confusion, but it is important to understand that every variable within your scope will be declared at the beginning of execution regardless of where it is written within your code.

shotgun_crab ,

Classic javascript doing javascript things (this is why they introduced let and const)

lseif ,

typescript: const as const (readonly) ‘pretty please dont mutate it’

Baizey ,

// @ts

superbirra , to lemmyshitpost in Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus


Valmond ,

Je suce ma bite.

superbirra ,

canadian american

dylanTheDeveloper , avatar

Je sus

superbirra ,

american canadian

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