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pearsaltchocolatebar , to memes in Beautiful

“I don’t understand sociology or economics and expect everything to be provided for free”

Grayox OP , avatar

What was the last book on economics you read?

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

It’s been a few years since my economics minor, but likely more recently than you.

Grayox OP , avatar

Considering you cant name a book, i doubt it. I’m currently reading The Value of Everything by Mariana Mazzucato and Yurugu by Marimba Ani. I cant recommend both of them enough. Its about culture as much as it is about economics.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

I mean, no. I’m not going to go dig up the syllabus for my econ classes just to prove a point.

You clearly don’t understand economics if you think paying for housing for 335,000,000 citizens is even remotely feasible without a major tax increases on everyone.

Communism is a nice thought experiment, but it’ll never actually work because humans are awful.

Grayox OP , avatar

So you haven’t read a book on economics since you graduated, got it.

explodicle ,

“Humans are awful” is why they call econ the dismal science; did they actually present that as a reason why communism wouldn’t work when your classes covered it?

Jax ,

I would imagine that the primary reason anyone thinks communism will fail is that greed is too rampant amongst many people these days. I happen to agree, communism is nice to think about but I have worked for the state of California. I’ve seen what having a job that you do next to nothing at, get paid a liveable wage on, and basically can’t be fired from has done to state govt. It’s a fucking mess. These are people who, right now, are complaining about homeless people despite the only thing separating them is the fact that they were lucky enough to know someone who worked for the state. I mean it when I say they quite literally do nothing and get paid for it.

Cali state govt is socialist as fuck, and the outcome is things like millions of peoples information being leaked. We’re talking social security numbers, drivers license, where you live, etc. If you can’t tell me how you avoid the equivalent of things like this happening in a communist govt (because the outcome with communist govt corruption is worse by a large margin) then I just turn my brain off and stop reading.

explodicle ,

I assume that when everyone else in this thread is talking about socialism and communism, they mean like the Wikipedia definitions, not just more government.

Jax ,

Well, considering OP likes to name drop books they’re apparently reading on economics I’d say we’re dealing with a different class of duning-kruger.

OurToothbrush ,

Cali state govt is socialist as fuck

Wait Californians democratically own and manage the means of production? Holy shit.

Oh you mean a liberal state that has slightly higher taxes :(

Jax ,

No, you silly head, I’m talking about the people who work for the state. I’m not talking about the state itself.

Fucks sake, pay attention.

OurToothbrush ,

How are the people who work for the state socialist in practice? They work for a capitalist state.

Also are you claiming the state(as in the government and associated entities) is distinct from the employees that make up the state government? How?

Jax ,

Uh, it’s hard to explain and I definitely was not using the correct words. I don’t know what I was saying, I had a point but I did not use the right words at all.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Having bureaucracy managed by an AI with everything heavily encrypted would put a stop to a lot of bullshit. Just saying

Jax ,

No, it wouldn’t, because in order for that to be put in place the union would have to agree to it. The union will do everything and I mean every single thing to make sure everyone knows that this shit is fucked.

The union for state employees (in the state of California) is good at two things: keeping itself alive, and making sure that state employees are protected to insane degrees (like being able to sue your manager for a HOST of reasons).

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

I’m confused, are we assuming a peaceful implementation of these policies or for them to be put in place by a new government post-revolution?

PatFussy ,

This is some hard hexbear vibes. Asking for titles of books read is unbearably cringe.

Grayox OP , avatar

If one is a student if economics, naming a book on economics to confirm your bonafides is as low a bar to jump over as humanly possible. Books aren’t cringe, you are just basic.

PatFussy ,


Grayox OP , avatar

Says the user, who’s last post was wishing for more porn on the internet, bahahaha

PatFussy ,
Grayox OP , avatar


PatFussy ,

Are we best friends or what. Just goofing around am i right chat? Can I get 5 upvotes and remember to smash that bell

OurToothbrush ,

Anti-intellectualism at its finest folks

PatFussy ,

Thanks for chiming in

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

No problem, PatFussy

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Progress and Poverty, and you still can’t just have everything for free even in a better system.

Grayox OP , avatar

I’ll have to add that to my list, always looking to learn more.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

It’s a good read, makes you realize how swindled we got, and what we might have had if they’d adopted these ideas in the late 1800’s.

explodicle ,

Wouldn’t the LVT+UBI that Henry George proposes effectively cancel rent and then some? We’d be getting paid 100% of the surplus from land use, not just a safety net.

deaf_fish ,

I am not aware of a way to have coercion free society. But I am very sure we can massively reduce the amount of coercion necessary to keep our current society running well.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Not disagreeing, but the message of “cancel all rent and mortgages,” is silly and shows a clear lack of understanding on how the world works.

tdawg ,

What idiot thinks anyone wants “stuff for free.” What the fuck do you think taxes are? We aren’t expecting people to shit houses out of their asses. We’re expecting our government WHICH WE PAY to provide us with basic dignity

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Did you not read the comic?

Also, I’m not sure why you think the government owes every citizen a house.

I’m not arguing against social safety nets, but straight up paying for housing for every citizen is how you end up with everyone living in shoebox apartments.

I’m sure that you haven’t even considered the numbers at all on this. If you think the current taxes will pay for it, you’re mistaken.

Even if we took the entire military budget, that would be less than $2,500 per citizen per year.

Jax ,

So far the people advocating for communism ITT are not even sly about shifting goalposts with the wind.

Specifically OP, OP responded to a comment about free housing being unrealistic with “single income families should be allowed to exist” followed by something else that wasn’t relevant to free housing being unrealistic.

At this point I just think they’re big communism shills. (I shouldn’t have to say this is a joke, but I know that I do.)

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

They’re just children who expect everything to be hand fed to them by the government and have no sense of nuance. They look at the utopia that communism promises without realizing that humans are selfish and greedy animals, so it’ll never work.

These people are a good example of why echo chambers are a bad thing. They don’t stop to think about why their beliefs might be wrong.

OurToothbrush ,

Humans are shaped by their material conditions

Also if humans were naturally greedy it would make sense for 99 percent of humanity to overthrow the 1 percent and distribute the benefits of society more equally.

Grayox OP , avatar

Also if humans are naturally greedy it would make even less sense to stick with a capitalist system

tdawg ,

“it took me three seconds to come up with a BAD implementation, which not a single person in this thread asked for, which doesn’t work! Therefore ALL implementations are bad! Ha!”

Daft_ish ,

Really makes you THINK.

Ookami38 ,

There’s a huge gulf between what this comic says (essentially housing, a basic human necessity) should be free, and what you’re attacking (everything is free). One of those is ABSOLUTELY doable. We live in a world of gross excess, if we stop arguing over how to kill people more efficiently, stop worrying about printing more money, we could give people a small home. Of course someone still has to pay/work for it, no one’s stupid lol.

Even if it’s a “shoebox apartment” it’s better than streets. It’s one of the basic requirements for life. And who’s to say that provided home has to be your only option?

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Honestly, even if we replaced current employment with a 10-year indentured servitude contract with a guaranteed 1000 sq. ft. home and free utilities and maintenance for the rest of your life, that’d still be better than what we have now in a lot of ways.

People only like the system we’re in because it provides the illusion of choice, not actual choices.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

“Hey wait a second why isn’t the state enforcing my property relations for free? The peasants aren’t paying rent, someone shoot them!”

frezik ,

There’s an entire corpus of books and documents critiquing the current system and on how a society based on mutual aid would work. None of them “expect everything to be provided for free”.

the_post_of_tom_joad , to piracy in "Piracy is a service issue.." (Image is a real story btw, link in post)

Im kinda mad cuz i removed netflix from my phone plan cuz they kept increasing prices. now Netflix is apparently something i get in my package (its in my base plan somehow and not something i can uncheck anymore. It’s not something i can remove, (something i want because fuck Netflix yarrr) and the base phone plan price keeps ticking up. Fucking phone plan pricing grrr that’s a whole other thing…

Crashumbc ,

Change carriers

tory , to memes in Beautiful

USSR style. We can all be our ideal selves. We can finally be writers and artists living in our own large single family homes who teach children on the side, but only when we feel up to it.

And no one has to be the guy who works on the sewers or anything unpleasant like that. Plus, maybe someone wants to do that work, idk. And if not, uh… robots can do it. Who builds, programs, hauls around, and uses the robots whose sole job is to unclog sewers? Uh, nerds, I guess. Or… other robots, maybe, idk.

There will be no need for forced labor at all under this new system.

eezeebee , avatar

Are we looking at the same meme? I don’t see anything about not working or having other expenses.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Free housing is just as unrealistic as not working.

Grayox OP , avatar

Single income families should be allowed to exist, families are more important than corporate profits. Furthermore it is unrealistic to not work and just collect rent from folks who do

eezeebee , avatar

I could settle for a reality where housing isn’t free, just affordable.

tory , (edited )

You lack vision here. If we’re canceling mortgages, then why not get rid of other expenses? Surely water heat and electricity are human rights and should be covered by taxes. And we could all likely agree on food as well. Why would we coerce people to work jobs they dislike? We could live our ideal lives if only we dismantled the economic system one layer at a time.

…just don’t think about the details of how we’ll encourage people to do dirty jobs or you’ll get downvoted. That’s bad vibes.

Grayox OP , avatar


null ,

At least you admit it.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Or just build a neoagrarian economic system that doesn’t require people to be coerced into doing shit jobs, as they now have high technology to help them build their own shit.

Even septic tanks could be dug, installed and pumped through automation if we all branded together and invested the time and effort into building it instead of being discouraged by people like you.

But you know, why try? After all, someone has to be a slave so let’s keep enslaving each other so you can be comfortable, right? Fuck everyone else. Only you matter

tory ,

So if I wasn’t here- y’all would up and start building the utopia and get the septic robots working.

If you say so. Hey, you know what? Please go ahead and start working on those things regardless. If you manage to build an autonomous sewage worker, you could probably make a lot of money while you wait for the economic system to change. Feel free to comment with your progress, I wish you luck.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Don’t worry, we will. You’ll likely end up coming to us with a hand out when all’s set and done, so it all works out.

tory ,

All I’m hearing is fantasies from people who can’t pay their rent/mortgage and would rather burn it all down without a plan than work a 9-5. But sure, we’ll automate everything and no one will have to work and we can all live in big houses and play video games and post on social media all day.

I mean, obviously, I won’t be automating everything. That sounds like work. Someone probably wants to solve all the problems, though. We can let them do it in their spare time while we chill. I presume that’s you?

Honestly, it sounds awesome. Lmk when I can quit my job and not pay monthly bills.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

No, you’re literally not listening. I proposed not one but two pragmatic suggestions to implement what we’re asking for, and instead of thinking about what I’m saying, you’re just laughing me off and dismissing me because you don’t care about having an honest conversation. You’re just here to vent your emotions and pick on left-wingers who you view as beneath you.

You forget that my suggestions aren’t actually for you. They’re for the benefit of everyone else in the thread. You’re nothing but a springboard for us to jump off of to think and actually make what we want happen.

I guess sitting on your rotten, cigarette hole filled couch in your rotting Alabama trailer and putting down anyone who is different from you is better than actually doing anything to better your life. Like getting a GED, or actually doing honest work instead of living off of government benefits and hypocritically attacking anyone who supports government programs to help the needy like yourself.

I don’t judge you though. 🤷

tory ,

I’m from the North and vote Democrat. I just like to live in reality. You know, where we think about things like who is going to do the dirty jobs when no one has to work unless they want to.

What was your solution for that again?

… And when that half assed solution doesn’t work, are we gonna go without sewers, or are the people with guns going to force someone to do it with the threat of violence?

But no, you’re not living in a fantasy.

Grayox OP , avatar

Bruh, its about valuing the people who work on the sewer more than the people who work at banks making money out of thin air. Its about shifting the whole paradigm of our society and focusing on what matters, I wouldn’t expect a “tory” to understand that though.

tory ,

Plumbers make a lot of money for a reason, yes.

Grayox OP , avatar

So why do folks who speculate and gamble with more money than a plumber will see in their lifetime make so much money while providing effectively nothing of value to society?

tory ,

Good question, we should probably tax the rich and make owning more than 3 homes illegal or something.

But if we’re canceling mortgages, then why not strive for the ideal world, ya know?

Grayox OP , avatar

Here’s the thing, we should strive for an ideal world.

tory ,

The ideal world isn’t a realistic world unless you can solve for plumbing, etc. If the meme was tax the rich, I’d have upvoted and moved on. We should improve the world we have rather than strive for dreams.

Grayox OP , avatar

My guy, we have solved plumbing. You lack vision, i dont want to tax the rich, I want to abolish the system that allows the rich to exist in the first place.

tory ,

Yes! Onward toward a USSR style system that somehow doesn’t involve forced labor, comrade!

Jax ,

Wants communism, doesn’t understand that it doesn’t solve the problem of no one wanting to clean up shit.

Grayox OP , avatar

Shits on communism, has no basic understanding of how a centrally run economy functions.

Jax ,

No no, I definitely do. I’m not the one willfully ignoring the reality of how ridiculous “everyone can be artists and writers and no one has to work” sounds.

Grayox OP , avatar

Lol clearly you dont.

OurToothbrush ,

I mean soviet states fixed that by giving better amenities, lower hours, or earlier retirement to people working harder or more unpleasant jobs.

Do plumbers currently have better amenities, lower hours, or earlier retirement than capitalists who do literally nothing?

Grayox OP , avatar

To each according to their needs from each according to their abilities, and I love how you are just going to ignore how labor is forced in a capitalist system by the threat of dying on the streets if you dont show up to work. Labor is forced in America every damn day.

tory ,

I’m not ignoring it at all, I even highlighted it in another comment above.

It is hard to beat the current system that encourages people to work a single profession for ~30 years 5 days a week in order to foster expertise. And somehow, (rightly or not) manages to make most of them feel like they do it willingly.

I am highlighting the very much more clearly forced labor that arises in communist systems. The kind that people can’t gaslight themselves into thinking they do willingly. Which you seem to be ignoring as hard as you can. Stunning projection tbh.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

Youre comparing making monarchists and nazi POWs (and due to corruption other folks getting caught up in that) work to repair the soviet union to making slaves out of drug addicts in the United States and somehow thinking the former is worse.

Alsephina ,

Yup that’s the plan

explodicle ,

If only there was a way to encourage people to do things besides forcing them.

tory ,

It is hard to beat the current system that encourages people to work a single profession for ~30 years 5 days a week in order to foster expertise. And somehow, (rightly or not) manages to make most of them feel like they do it willingly.

explodicle ,

The previous system beat it; fostering expertise across generations by inheriting your job from your dad. And they thought they were free too.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Ah yes, good old fear.

ComradePedro , to memes in overall i am still respectful to everybody but this is definitely relatable to me avatar

Thankfully for you, I don’t 🧐

JimmyBigSausage , to memes in Beautiful

Sounds great but who is paying for it?

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Have you heard of this idea called “taxes?”

More than that, are you familiar with the idea of taxes being spent on more than just bloated military and police?

JimmyBigSausage ,

Ok just wondering

Sheeple , avatar

Stop JAQing off

Grayox OP , avatar

Its easier, for most, to imagine the end of the world than the end of Capitalism.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

A fan of Zizek film analysis? That’s definitely one of his positions, related to how much post-apocalyptic media still portrays capitalism in practice post-apocalypse.

Grayox OP , avatar

Haven’t heard of em, I’ll have to check em out though!

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Slavoj Zizek / Pervert’s Guide to Ideology / Pervert’s Guide to Cinema

pleb_maximus ,

Pervert’s Guide

Sounds like I really should check this out.

Cold_Brew_Enema ,

Can you tell me how to get to the fantasy land you are living in where this is possible?

spfhaar ,

Tell me what type of society you are imagining please, in the real world it is already difficult for the average entrepreneur not to evade VAT on at least 30% of his purchases, because if we don’t talk about Nordic countries or Switzerland then I don’t see it feasible how people can accept even more interventions from the government in their lives.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

Just curious, do you want everyone living in cookie cutter multifamily boxes or are people allowed to have houses and different size pieces of land and buildings in your utopia?

Ensign_Crab ,

Questions no one ever asks about bailouts or the military.

JimmyBigSausage ,

This is true.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,


Do you have a cost analysis on giving everyone free housing? I’d wager it’s astronomically higher than bailouts or the military.

Grayox OP , avatar

Society should work towards a better life for all, not better profits for a few.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

I don’t disagree, but that platitude has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

Your comic said to cancel all rent and mortgages and give everyone a house, which is not even remotely economically feasible.

Grayox OP , avatar

Its not economically feasible because modern economics functions to create monetary value not tangible value for our society. You shouldn’t view it through the lense of what is “economically feasible” we should view it through the lense of what we should value as a society. Homelessness exists as a motivating coercive force to keep us buying into a system that would kick us to the curb if any of us were dealt a few bad hands in life. Its why our insurance is tied to our employment. The system is fundamentally broken for humanity to exsist inside of healthily, so much so that alot of us cant even imagine a society outside of it.

null ,

Lots of “what”, zero “how”.

Grayox OP , avatar

The second i read this comment, the State Anthem of the USSR got stuck in my head.

null ,

Yawn. Let us know what you have actionable steps. Daydreaming is easy and worthless.

Grayox OP , avatar

My guy, you are aware the the whole point of the solar punk movement is about using daydreaming and art about an ideal utopia to help bring it about right? Imagination is one of humanity’s superpowers, and I’m currently building the class conciousness necessary to have an actionable future, where the end goal is an extremely solar punk esc future, I am not under the illusion that I will live to seek the future I am fighting for, but that doesnt mean I’m not going to keep working towards it by spreading its message.

null ,

Yawn. Still no answers about the basics.

“Let’s just end murder” – Wow, I’m engaging in important political thinking!

Grayox OP , avatar

Yawn, adding nothing to the conversation while shitting on it.

null ,

Nope, I think others have contributed meaningfully and I’m supporting what they’re saying.

You on the other hand refuse to engage with anything of substance. That’s what I’m shitting on.

Grayox OP , avatar


null ,

How original.

Keep patting yourself on the back for shallow thinking, I guess.

Grayox OP , avatar

Will do!

Bye ,

The bailouts were loans. The us govt got that money back.

Those banks should have been punished though, allowed to fail.

Ensign_Crab ,

They didn’t know that they would get the money back at the time.

explodicle ,

Yes, the private sector did have enough capital to cover those loans. The public sector did it because it was a bad investment when you count opportunity cost.

Tak , avatar

Didn’t the bailouts return less money with inflation though? We can’t even give students less interest than inflation with student loans. If the tables were turned the banks wouldn’t have taken less than 5% interest.

bigkahuna1986 , to piracy in "Piracy is a service issue.." (Image is a real story btw, link in post)

I’ve seen poorer documentation than this I suppose.

CaptainBlagbird , avatar

I hate how true that is…

doctorcrimson ,

Did you read the Documentation?

Yes and I followed it exactly by running the Feldisprut command with the 8 parameters

What are your parameters?

Feldisprut -i -p -87 -256 -codecreplace -codeccopy -withsound -biflwop

Why are you using biflwop?

MY GUY I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS I’M JUST FOLLOWING THE DOCUMENTATION. Tried it without biflwop and it says I’m missing a parameter, so what do I put there?

use “nobiflwop”

No changes

Oh, right we don’t support 256 on the beta, it only goes up to 128.

Fuck you.

rwhitisissle ,

I’ve written poorer documentation than this.

“Here is a work around to fix [weird bug in production]:”

“Edit: Disregard the above. It fixes [weird bug in production] but causes [bad thing] to happen.”

“Edit 2: Apparently the first edit is wrong. It doesn’t cause [bad thing] to happen. Bad thing just happened to occur simultaneously the first time I did the workaround.”

“Edit 3: [weird bug in production] has been fixed. This workaround is no longer needed.”

“Edit 4: Turns out [weird bug in production] we fixed is what allowed our systems to communicate with one another. Had to rollback change. Work around is now considered ‘the fix’ going forward.”

“Edit 5: Turns out it DOES cause [bad thing] to happen, but [bad thing happening] is a core component of our system’s design and also PAYROLL NEEDS IT TO FUNCTION?!”

nieceandtows , to piracy in "Piracy is a service issue.." (Image is a real story btw, link in post)

Is there a way to watch full hd on prime video yet?

vaselined ,

Need this one

OsrsNeedsF2P OP ,


nieceandtows , (edited )

I already have jellyfin and debrid and stremio. Still, it’s good to have prime video working because I’m paying for Amazon prime regardless.

gornius ,

And as always, DRMs fuck only legitimate customers, and pirates can watch anywhere at full quality.

That’s one of the reasons I don’t feel bad about pirating any more. Not even the cost, but the fact that if you pay you’re going to have a worse experience.

NutWrench , to memes in It's a mystery avatar

Of course it’s a mystery. An honest discussion about why orphan-crushing machines need to exist would lead to an honest discussion about where your society’s pain really comes from.

And the owner class doesn’t want that discussion to happen. Because it would come out that they don’t pay their fair share of the tax burden, which would keep orphan-crushing machines from existing in the first place.

Blackmist , to piracy in "Piracy is a service issue.." (Image is a real story btw, link in post)

Sad that Android TV boxes have better playback than PCs costing 20 times as much.

Rikj000 , avatar

Android TV is not free though.

You pay with yourself,
your interests / watch habits,
all being collected and sold to the best bidder for “personalized ads”…

Blackmist ,

Depends on the launcher you use.

Illecors ,

That’s… Not at all how it works.

Don’t worry, you’re one of today’s lucky 10000!

Launcher on android is just that - an app to launch other apps. Other apps can and do run in the background, without ever being explicitly launched. Think play services, location provider, wifi connection manager, etc. Since google runs its stuff at the highest level - nothing can hide from it. Other apps, like netflix, utilise internal telemetry. Assholes like facebook push the boundaries to the limit and collect literally every input of every sensor to have as much data about your environment as possible.

TL;DR - custom launcher cool, but no cure.

Blackmist ,

Not a cure, but does stop me seeing ads. And frankly of you don’t want anyone to know what you’re watching, you wouldn’t be on Netflix either.

But my point remains that Android TV is still a better legal media player than a PC.

brbposting ,

[Some apps] push the boundaries to the limit and collect literally every input of every sensor to have as much data about your environment as possible.

Scary. Recommend any further reading?

Illecors ,

I don’t have something specific to read, my statement comes from questioning the declared permissions by apps. Why would, say, facebook - an app that, essentially, downloads and uploads content via http, need access to location, gyro, contacts, texts, call history, making calls, microphone, etc? Also, while I can’t prove it, as someone who works in computing I can guarantee there are undocumented/buggy/testing APIs and just straight up bugs that companies with enough resources can and do find and abuse. Cambridge analytica has only strengthened my view on this.

Rikj000 , (edited ) avatar

Take a look for yourself with a rooted phone.

Blocker will show you all the recievers/services/activities/providers the app uses,
and will allow you to block them.

Apps often still work correctly with about 80-90% of their recievers/services/providers blocked, since they’re spyware, which doesn’t add functionality to the app.

XPrivacyLua will allow you to lie to apps when they request sensitive data.

Aditionally it will show you timestamps of what it lied about, to which apps, reveiling what they try to collect on you.

ClassyShark3xodus allows you to decompile and scan apps on the fly,
to check which well known trackers are embedded into it.

Idk if these apps still do it,
since I have not used them for years,
but that’s how I learned about many things like:

  • 9GAG contained a face detector service at some point.
  • Facebook Messenger requests access to your microphone, even when you are not calling with it.
refurbishedrefurbisher , (edited )

You can put LineageOS on some of the Amlogic boxes and just don’t install Google apps and stick to FOSS.

Ofc the most private way to view content is to sail the high seas, though.

victron , avatar

Good, I don’t care about ads anyway, barely an inconvenience

nossaquesapao ,

What about a raspberry pi with lineageos as a tv box?

Rikj000 , avatar

It depends on what you’ll run on it.

LineageOS in itself is good/private.
However the GApps/GMS are not.

I’d recommend replacing GMS with MicroG if you need that for the apps you use,
which still talks to Google,
but in a minimal way.

YouTube isn’t private either,
but Grayjay/NewPipe are.

Etterra , to memes in It's a mystery

Hey that orphan-crushing machine is a constitutionally enshrined right. I have the right to mount that thing on wheels and drive it around to crush up orphans wherever I want! And if somebody tries to stop me and gets caught up in and jams the mechanism, I have the right to sue his estate for damages!

Geriatrickid ,

Are you on patreon? I’ve got 20k I’d like to invest in your ideas

OpenStars , to piracy in "Piracy is a service issue.." (Image is a real story btw, link in post) avatar

I mean… I might tho, if I felt like it, as a means to support the creation of new shows:-D

dannym , (edited )

then just use fedora asahi remix because the asahi linux team did the work for you, also they would really appreciate some donations

OsrsNeedsF2P OP ,

Seed your favorite shows, #1 way to support them!

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Tell ya what, i bet if every production company magically disappeared tomorrow we would still have new shows. It’d start out like the early days of youtube (my favorite btw) but in my (perhaps unusual) opinion Netflix, disney, sony, et al are more a barrier to quality content than a benefit.

I mean, how many really really good things did you watch last year? What interesting, unusual things might we have seen this year if marvel 25 and spidweman 15 etc weren’t taking up all the air?

OpenStars , avatar

Tbh I haven’t watched Netflix in a couple months - there are too many interesting things to watch that are not there! - but I do like knowing that some (probably tiny proportion but still more than zero?) of my funds goes to the original content creators, plus CC is built right in and it’s actually a solid streaming delivery, when you do find something worthwhile - as opposed to e.g. 123 streaming that can be extremely hit-or-miss (plus shows yanked entirely without notice). The point about the early days of YouTube is well taken, though as you implied that has not held up over time.

To be clear I am not advocating for anyone else to do so, just saying that I do (sometimes), although I am open to cmv too. It bothers me that anytime something actually gets popular Netflix drops it, though it’s nice that I don’t have to maintain a huge library of files and spend time on curation, so there is definitely both benefits as well as detractions.

starman2112 , avatar

I mean, how many really really good things did you watch last year?

We talking movies and TV shows in general, or only ones that came out in 2023? If the latter, then Dungeons and Dragons was the only good thing I watched last year

Most of the good shows I watched last year were animes that came out around the turn of the century

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

or only ones that came out in 2023?

You got it! i dug into my anime backlog last year too, but I’ve not seen of early 2000s stuff. Will you tell me what your liked?

starman2112 , (edited ) avatar

Hope you’re ready for a wall of text!

Early 2000’s anime has definitely aged. In my opinion the aesthetic of it has aged extremely well, but I understand that the relatively poor animation and picture quality are enough to turn some people off to it. If you like the aesthetic as much as I do, then I have a whole list. I’m not much of a shonen guy, so a lot of these are calmer, less action-packed shows.

My personal favorite anime is Haibane Renmei, from 2002. The story seems like a mystery at first, but the show never answers most of the questions it raises–it’s not about finding answers, it’s about the characters, and how they act and react both towards each other and towards the world they live in. The setting is what really pulled me in–it has the same timeless, liminal feel that Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian have.

Cowboy Bebop and Trigun are staples. Both 1998 shows. It’s hard to believe that Cowboy Bebop was made in the 20th century. Both shows have good plotlines, lovable characters, well-made action sequences. It’s hard to write anything about them that hasn’t been written before. Watch em!

Witch Hunter Robin from 2002 was pretty good, imo. It’s a mystery series about a team of witch hunters. It starts out as a sort of monster (or witch, as it were) of the week show before pivoting into a longer story arc about the characters discovering a conspiracy. The show looks drab and gloomy at first, but really it’s absolutely dripping with character, and Amon is the only person in the show that never really seems happy. The action sequences are largely made up of characters just sort of standing and staring at each other, but the camera work and visual effects make it look really good in my opinion.

Fullmetal Alchemist '03 was the first FMA I watched when I was a kid, but never got around to finishing until last year. It’s really good. Brotherhood and '03 are largely similar (with minor differences) up until the 5th Laboratory, where they diverge severely. Personally I felt like '03 had a more concise, well-told story. Having fewer characters worked in its favor, because it gave the characters that it does have more time to develop. It also takes itself a lot more seriously than Brotherhood–it feels more like a seinen than a shonen.

Planetes (also from 2003) is the hardest sci-fi that I think I’ve ever seen. It’s about team of orbital debris haulers in the 2070s. At first it’s a slice of life show about their day to day activities, and partway through it becomes something of a political drama/action show. It’s cool. The main character is a little bit annoyingly idealistic in the first few episodes, but after that it’s a solid 10/10 from me.

Last Exile (also 2003) is one of my favorite shows. It’s very confusing at first, it feels like there’s a couple of episodes worth of exposition missing in the middle, but all in all I absolutely adored it. It never gives you any more information than you need to know, and it never wastes time explaining how its universe works. How do vanships fly? Because of claudia. What is claudia? It’s the fuel that makes vanships fly. You never even find out what Exile means until like 23 episodes in. The show is extremely aware of its own aesthetic, in a way that the sequel series from 2011 kind of wasn’t. Still worth watching both series IMO, because the sequel finds its own footing in time.

Mushishi (2005) is another calm one. Probably the calmest one. Watching it is like meditating. It follows a sort of travelling doctor who tries to help people when their interactions with the ethereal mushi (they are explicitly living things, but for the sake of storytelling, you can think of them as spirits) turn harmful. Every episode is a new place, a new mushi, a new story. It’s masterfully crafted, and the slow pace ensures that not a single frame goes to waste. The early 2000’s aesthetic works heavily in its favor, making it fit right in with Studio Ghibli’s works, even though it was an Artland joint.

Baccano was 2007, so a bit late to call it “turn of the century,” but it has the same sort of aesthetic and vibe that most of these shows have. The story has a wide variety of characters, each with their own fully fleshed out stories, all intertwining like a spider’s web as they meet and influence each other. It’s really good. Watch the dub!

Right now I’m nearing the end of Noir (2002). I couldn’t tell you if it’s worth watching until I finish it (just in case it ends badly), but so far I’m liking it. It’s about a pair of assassins, one of whom has amnesia and only knows that she’s somehow connected to the other, and the other who is trying to find out who killed her family and why. If I have one gripe with the series, it’s that they don’t ever show any blood on screen. They aren’t afraid of showing people die on screen, a lot of people die in every episode, but aside from holes appearing in people’s clothing, there doesn’t appear to be any actual violence.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Ok i need to check some of these out since our tastes appear similar. Thank you for sharing, and with a little write up for each too! Appreciate the “wall of text”

I want to reciprocate, but like i said i haven’t seen many from that era. An exception is wolfs rain from 2003. Its probably my fav anime of all time actually, so if yu haven’t seen it, it might be right up your alley.

Syrc ,

I’m kinda bad at explaining but I’ll toss some more names (as well as reiterating suggestions for FMA03, Mushishi and Planetes, all 3 great shows):

-Gankutsuou: Sci-Fi reimagining of the Count of Monte Cristo. It has some weird choices but it’s overall really good.

-Kaiji: an indebted guy does gambling to try to solve his problems. Lots of mind games and suspense, way better than what it sounds like. One of my personal favorites.

-Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni: Horror/Mystery series set in a secluded village. It has some clichès and the animation… isn’t the best, but I really liked it personally. Don’t bother with the third and fourth seasons that came out recently (or do, but they’re honestly not needed at all).

-Monster: Thriller about an ex-Surgeon trying to find a past patient turned murderer. From Urasawa, if you know the name.

-Paranoia Agent: Mystery semi-episodic series about a lot of different characters, their life struggles and a mysterious boy going around beating people with a golden bat for no apparent reason. From Satoshi Kon (his movies are all really good too btw).

starman2112 , avatar

Took me a few months to get back to you, but it totally was! My car’s been blaring Stray more than any other song for the last couple months

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Oh hooray! I had wondered if I’d hear from you again! What did you think? I would love to hear it

starman2112 , avatar

It was awesome! It gave me strong Last Exile vibes, despite the two series being nothing alike. Out of the anime I listed in that comment, it’s the one I’d recommend the most based on Wolf’s Rain

DebatableRaccoon , to piracy in "Piracy is a service issue.." (Image is a real story btw, link in post)

Problem isn’t just on Linux’s side for a change. Louis Rossmann did a video on Netflix’s bullshit some weeks ago. Seems it’s far from uncommon to not get what you’re paying for with those shitbags

ares35 , avatar

when we've had netflix (off and on a couple months at a time, last was about a year and a half ago), we often encountered 540p max playback on "hd" titles that should have (legitimately) been streaming at 1080p; and we rarely were able to use all the simultaneous connections of the plan (usually only limit-1)

Trainguyrom ,

I’m still on the old cheapest 720p plan that they no longer offer (waiting to see if they jack the price up or silently move us to a different plan). I stream on too many devices that would require way too much fuckery to get a higher resolution anyways plus we’ve really only encountered the number of screens limit once

BeigeAgenda , avatar

When it’s like that I’m happy we only have the cheapest netflix, and then 🏴‍☠️ when they eventually remove what you were watching.

They even removed One Punch Man 🙄

Lev_Astov , avatar

Yeah, I fell for this once a year ago and was dumbfounded to only get 480p when I paid for “UHD”. Never paying again. Great job, bean counters.

AnneBonny , to piracy in "Piracy is a service issue.." (Image is a real story btw, link in post)

The only platform not yet supported is the Mac Pro, although there probably isn’t much left to do. No, not the “MacBook Pro”, but the “Mac Pro” – the one that looks like a cheese grater and costs thrice as much.

I’ve always wondered what sort of look they were going for.

Vent ,

The Mac Pro only costs three times as much as a cheese grater???

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

Apparently they make it up on the wheels. Apple is a strange company.

dependencyinjection ,

I think the wheels and stuff are just for marketing at this point.

TheFriar ,

Wait, what wheels?

UnRelatedBurner ,

look it up on apple store, if it’s still on there

rwhitisissle ,

I just looked at the product page and every single image makes me dislike this product more than the last. The goddamn thing probably weighs 10 pounds and comes with fucking wheels.

Edit: Apparently it weighs 37 pounds. I don’t know how they crammed that much bullshit into a 18 by 9 by 20 box, but they did and then they slapped wheels on it. The wheels are probably considered a two thousand dollar “value” by Apple, though.

UnRelatedBurner ,

bullshit doesn’t end here. There’s a $1k monitor stand, that needs a $200 extension to be vesa compatible, and is no better then some free stands that u get with (dare I say) normal monitors.

rwhitisissle ,

Surely you mean it comes with a 1000 dollar monitor, not…just the monitor stand?

UnRelatedBurner ,

How do you portay hysterical laughter with a comment?

insert that here

sebinspace ,

Gotta respect a quality use of the word “thrice”

GrievingWidow420 ,

Ignoring its existence is spitting in the mouth of pragmatism, and not in a good way

renzev ,

What comes after thrice? Quadrice? Tetrice?

GrievingWidow420 ,

Whatever you want, man, that’s the trick

Octopus1348 , (edited ) avatar

I remember seeing it and thinking “No, this can’t be real. No way Apple actually did this.”

Edit: I just checked and if you apply all upgrades, the total hardware cost is $12,348. That’s 3.5th the price of the future  Vision Pro

p03locke , avatar

Have fun with your seven thousand dollar cheese grater.

jopepa ,

Might’ve been a marketing move to connect to the apple pie with cheese demographic.

MonkderZweite ,

Did they just forget to crop the whole thing? It looks even more hideous with the grey background on the black background.

Octopus1348 , avatar

My browser is forcing dark mode on it and the picture is not transparent.

MonkderZweite ,

That’s what i’m saying. I looked for a CPU cooler lastly and Noctua & co. (all with dark webpage) all neatly cut their product image on transparent. But Apple can’t bother for their overpriced cheesegrater.

Lucidlethargy ,

When did they give up on the trash can? I miss the trash can. It was easier to call it overpriced garbage when it looked like an actual garbage receptical.

BenLeMan , to memes in It's a mystery

It’s called Effective Altruism!

Patches ,

In short, effective altruism is commonly viewed as being about the moral obligation to donate as much money as possible to evidence-backed global poverty charities, or other measurable ways of making a short-term impact.

Just be the philanthropist that your broke ass wants to be.

Work 120 hours a week so you can receive 15% of the value you generate as a paycheck. Then take the 75% you receive from that after the tax man and donate it to a charity. It’s so simple.

You want to be a better human? Just work more, and then donate more.

GiveMemes ,

Or just actually work for a charitable organization if you’re not super rich. Like a doctor is important to humanitarian aid, but so is getting them to and from the area, so is student loan forgiveness as med school is incredibly costly, they also have to offer their workers a (paltry) salary and per diem, etc, which is where the money is quite important.

Could it be done differently in a better society that we should absolutely be working towards? Yes. Can and should we also congratulate the people in our society for working with what they have? Yes.

thesporkeffect ,

Except it’s worse than that. The argument goes, if I could donate $1m right now to a charity, or invest that money in subprime mortgages for a year and donate $5m next year, plus keep a little bit of that profit to live on, obviously the optimal course of action is to be a capitalist and not donate right now.

Project this rationalization forward indefinitely and you get all the benefits of the 1% lifestyle while retaining the ability to feel morally superior to everyone else not in your little trust fund cult

Katana314 ,

Not to say that argument is flawless. You can give a starving child 5 meals today, or 500 meals in a year - except in a year, he’s starved and can’t eat a single one.

It basically ties in with “Justice delayed is justice denied”.

BenLeMan ,

IDK why people are downvoting my post. That’s literally what that is.

I visited a talk with Peter Singer in Washington, D.C. a few years ago where people applauded a guy who had considered joining an NGO and decided to become an investment broker and donate to Effective Altruism instead. 🤔

DmMacniel , to memes in add finger guns for max coolness

An excellent meme.

getoffthedrugsdude OP ,

You’re excellent

DmMacniel ,

An excellent response.

(also thank you)

dingus ,

Chef Excellence approved

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