There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

PaintedSnail , to lemmyshitpost in if you even care

flush kidneys, prevent kidney stones. each piss is less pain.

kamenlady , avatar

Only a fellow hydrohomie has knowledge of the words inside the ancient sacred water scroll of wisdom.

Kolanaki , avatar

“I can’t read this… It’s all wet and the ink ran down the page. I also tore it a little when opening it. This thing is worthless! Who thought it would be good to hide a scroll of wisdom in the water?!”

Tangent5280 ,

We were supposed to laminate it

BirdEnjoyer ,

And filter your water.
And your dog's water.
And your Car's water.
And give your cat a big ass water dish. (cats can get kidney issues because they stop drinking due to whisker damage from small bowl rims)

You're absolutely right! You don't want to fuck around with your kidneys! I'm not going to post the details here, but you should request an AMA from someone who works in Dialysis if you enjoy NSFL content.

davel , to memes in They need our help! avatar

im-doing-my-part I’m doing my part!

4am ,

Do it for Dale

ransomwarelettuce , to memes in Preferring X

nsfwYou also have which gives you twitter blue for free.

Bene7rddso ,

Not to be confused with

Wild_Mastic ,

Someone actually made a tiktok for porn. Commendable.

robinslave , avatar
pachrist , to lemmyshitpost in Relationship advice?

Tell me you’re a 44 year old man with a Messiah complex who spends his Friday nights trolling college bars for girls his estranged daughter’s age without telling me.

Johanno , to funny in Apple same phone

No you don’t understand… It has “new features” that other phone manufacturers had for years or even Apple had in the past.

fishpen0 ,

Meh. Whenever my warranty is about to expire I just ride the resale value and upgrade knowing I’ll sell the old one for a hundred bucks less than I paid for it and get a new warranty for the new phone. I get a new phone every two years for basically $200 and someone else buys my used one probably doing the same thing and selling their old one for $100 less than that.

Over a decade I’ve spent one new phone’s worth of dollars for 5 phones.

Serpentian OP , (edited ) to unixporn in [Hyprland] Post-punk vibes
  • Dotfiles: AlfheimOS
  • OS: NixOS
  • Window manager: Hyprland
  • Colorscheme: catppuccin (mocha)
  • Shell: zsh, starship prompt
  • Terminal: kitty
  • Panel: waybar
  • Notify daemon: swaync
  • Launcher: nwg-drawer, rofi
makeasnek , (edited ) to memes in WHAT IF...? avatar

What if:

  • Our government didn’t have the ability to print money? What if going to war meant raising taxes?
  • We took the control of the money supply out of their hands and instead used free and open source software to create money and move it around?
  • Our economy wasn’t predicated on a target 2-3% inflation rate? What if you were not incentivized to spend your money because it’s just losing value every day you don’t spend it? How might our consumption/production patterns change? How might that impact sustainability?
  • The government couldn’t move money from the 99% to the 1% every time a bank needed to be bailed out? What if they didn’t print away all the value of money you earned? What if when the economy grew, the value of your money increased just as it would naturally if somebody wasn’t printing away the difference?

How might the world look different?

pingveno ,

Small but steady inflation is good. The macroeconomic fear is that people will just hold onto their money in the form of raw currency. That’s bad. Currency is for a more convenient representation of value. I can’t compensate a roofer in computer code, so currency is a stand-in. But it also shouldn’t languish or else the economy stagnates. The world used to regularly experience zero inflation or deflation, which hurt the economy. As much as we’ve had some instability lately, things are nowhere near as bad as they could be.

Of course the flip side - hyperinflation - is also bad, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.

makeasnek , (edited ) avatar

Good for who? Where does value move when your currency is reduced in value by an expansion in the supply? To regular people? No. Lower and middle class people are the ones who have the most cash, they have a higher ratio of cash to net worth than rich people who can put their money into assets. They have an emergency fund. They are saving up to become property owners.

Humanity survived and grew total economic output for millennia before inflationary paper currency came around. Inflationary paper currency is a relatively recent phenomenon. I’m not saying we should go back to the gold standard, but that ended in 1971. That’s pretty recent.

If you live in a hyperinflation environment, you will spend your money on anything because it’s better than holding onto that money and see it become worthless. It might seem silly to own 12 blenders, but buying yet another blender is a better investment than simply sitting on your money for a month in Turkey. At least a blender can blend and maybe be re-sold at a later date. That effect still happens in mildly inflationary economies: we are incentivized to buy goods and services we don’t need because the alternative is just slowly watching our money lose value. This is not a great incentive to have baked into our financial system when we live on a planet with finite resources.

On the other hand, if your money is expected to retain or gain value, somebody has to really convince you to part with it. Does that mean products are built to last? Built more repairable or sustainable? Perhaps. You will still buy things of course, everybody needs stuff, but at least the incentive is trending in the right direction instead of towards needless consumption.

Johanno ,

Ok ok ok. Now explain to me: if inflation is supposed to ensure people don’t horde money/value

How is it possible that Jeff Besos hords the income of a country?

Yes his value is bound in shares and stuff but still he is holding 185 Billion $ of value to his person.

In comparison to see how much money that is look at this website :

It seems that at a certain point of wealth the rules don’t apply anymore.

Sagifurius ,

you are so close to admitting it’s imaginary

pingveno ,

He is putting that wealth to work by keeping it invested in his company instead of stuffing it under his mattress. That’s exactly how it’s supposed to work. That wealth is doing work for him and for the rest of the economy in the form of Amazon stock (setting aside various ethical qualms about Amazon). Stock is nothing more than an abstract representation of a slice of a company to allow for distributed ownership and for companies to raise capital. So instead of purchasing goods and services from a company, a shareholder provides raw capital to exchange for a slice of the company. That would make sense for a wealthier person who can only buy so many yachts and massages (goods and services), but it applies equally well to someone who is trying to sock some money away for retirement and have it grow over time.

pancake , avatar

Printing money is just one way that inflation can appear. The latest trends in that respect are in fact not caused by money-printing.

Avnar ,

I can tell you want would happen. The Collaps of Capitalims. Because Capitalism needs the State to protect it with police force, Military and Bailouts. Thats the only reason States exist. The Ruleing classes need to work together to keep the rest under controll and to legitamise themselfes with Laws. States are always a tool of one class to rule over the others. They will never change in that regard.

vzq , to memes in Principled Opposition

This is what first past the post does to a country.

dessalines ,

Countries without FPTP aren’t exempt from any of this problem. Australia and Japan for example use different voting systems, and far-right governments and parties are and have been on the rise there also.

vzq ,

That’s not what this meme is about though.

driving_crooner , to memes in Solving the housing crisis avatar

The problem with housing is not the cost of the house itself, is the zoning laws that limits the amount of housing that can be built close to workplaces and where people wants to live. Just let construction companies built residential buildings, duplexes and other denser housing that single family detached houses and prices are going to go down.

alcoholicorn ,

We tried no zoning except parking minimums. The result was Houston.

Poiar ,

Except parking minimums

Found yer problem

Hestia , avatar

I think the real problem with Houston is the fact that it’s in Texas.

HelixDab2 ,

People generally want that suburban ideal, of a four bedroom house, two car garage, a front and backyard… Zoning would be needed to require housing to be denser, rather than allowing sprawl.

pixelscript ,

Private contractors also prefer building single family homes because they get paid way more to do 50 individual houses than put up an apartment that houses 50.

We aren’t here because people are stupid. We are here because this is where all the incentives align.

HelixDab2 ,

Sure, absolutely. That’s also why you see “luxury” developments popping up everywhere; they can make cosmetically nicer houses that have a higher profit margin, while not spending significantly more than a more modest house.

But, again, this is why you need zoning to restrict sprawl.

Maoo , avatar

No, the problem with housing is that it is a financialized commodity that is engineered to go up in price faster than wages because it’s an investment. Not just for individuals, but for real estate companies and banks that gamble with the loans. Zoning laws are a symptom of this, but even if you basically get rid of them (as happens in various places in Texas), the same trend applies.

Those construction companies (really, real estate companies) all get big loans to build those apartments and they do so with an expectation of per-unit profits, often with unrealistic targets unless property values increase even more, and often targeting richer people. When they fail to rent enough at that price point, rather than decreasing rents (which would spook their lenders), they just leave units vacant until they can hit that price point. There are half-empty “luxury apartment” buildings dotting every major city due to this.

The most anyone can point to for the impact of zoning is that prices to rent tend to go up slightly slower.

Your local government is also likely funded by property taxes that are pegged to property values, which is why they never do anything sufficient to handle this issue.

potustheplant , to memes in No regret.

he’s been*

hydration9806 ,

Or even “He has been…”

Samsy OP ,

Damn, I forgot to use a grammar check. English isn’t my native language and I’m always fear the grammar.

This comment wasn’t checked, too.

wheeldawg ,

This comment wasn’t checked, too.

Yeah, we know. xD

Tak , avatar

That’s ok, it’s not like what you’re saying makes no sense. Keep making memes!

LunarVoyager , to memes in "Patriots"


  • Loading...
  • uis , avatar

    Amjoin. Iike Brexit, but America and joining.

    DmMacniel , to programmerhumor in Single-Page Application

    Remember when websites had a built-in loading indicator, and you didn’t have to implement it yourself via JavaScript?

    riskable , avatar

    I remember when the web didn’t have JavaScript.

    Honestly, though it was much worse back then. I prefer the variety and features of modern browsing over (mostly) plain text.

    What I wish we could do away with on the web is videos. Let’s go back to just images and text, thanks. Animations are fine though 👍

    sbv ,

    What I wish we could do away with on the web is videos. Let’s go back to just images and text

    Seconded. I really enjoyed pre-video Internet.

    DmMacniel ,

    I third that. Videos are so incredible inaccessible. Want an easy-to-follow tutorial or heck a searchable document? nah mate video is all you get, and ads with it!

    sbv ,

    The ads make it even worse. I totally get the Gemini folks for wanting to simplify. But I do enjoy me a good webapp.

    DmMacniel ,

    Okay, Gemini seems a bit hardline. Not even Tables or Images?

    micka190 ,

    I kind of get it.

    • No images is because they want it to work in a plaintext environment.
    • No tables because you just know someone is going to use it to format stuff that isn’t tabular data, though I guess there isn’t a way to actually render tabular data either…
    DmMacniel ,

    Mhm I disagree with your second point. Since you can’t use any styling on Gemini objects, you won’t get table layout as we had in dark ages of Html. With tables like in Markdown you can just lay out tabular data in an actual table.

    Mhm I guess with the plaintext environment we still can link to external resources like images and other multimedia or interactives.

    micka190 ,

    you won’t get table layout as we had in dark ages of Html

    left right
    All they have to do
    is use empty cells with spaces
    Where there’s a will
    There’s a way
    And people who use
    tables for layouts
    are fucking crazy
    to try
    DmMacniel ,

    Jesus Christ…

    neo , avatar

    Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

    Ephera OP ,

    Well, you can link to images and individual clients can then choose to directly embed those images inline, where the link is placed.

    NotJustForMe ,

    You do get searchable auto-transcripts of videos now, so that’s a good thing. Some people work better with videos and find them more accessible. Best of both worlds. As long as they are not auto-playing and pre-caching, I’m fine with them existing.

    lemmyng , to memes in How the mighty have fallen avatar

    If you’ve ever seen what roosters do to hawks, chickens do do mice or, heck, other weak chickens, then you’d know that they do remember.

    doctorcrimson ,

    I was gonna make that comment, you’ve got it right my guy.

    Cowbee , to memes in I just don't pay enough attention to politics . avatar

    Left wingers want collective ownership of the Means of Production, right wingers want individual ownership of the Means of Production.

    What follows from that are generally a bunch of interconnected, intersectional views. Leftists tend to oppose hierarchy, rightists tend to support hierarchy.

    stembolts , (edited )


    Cowbee , avatar

    To expand, left wingers analyze current events as a historical process and as an actionable future plan, considering current ownership itself unjust regardless of historical context, though certainly not made any better when combined with it. I don’t really see many making a mockery of their own position.

    Right wingers do falsely claim that anyone can arrive at the top, they typically do so through some failed idea of meritocracy.

    stembolts ,

    Good additions. I actually struggled to find a good way to criticize the left because I am extremely left-leaning myself. I caught myseld writing a “cons bad” post and decided to attack the weaknesses I see in left-wing politics as a bit of a self-challenge, tho admittedly with only about two minutes of consideration. Judging by the points on the post my perspective is not very popular.

    Tbh I should give this more thought, finding flaws in your own positions is a harder exercise than I realized. I’ll have to explore and flesh out these ideas a bit more.

    Marduk73 , to memes in your video will play after this ad avatar

    haven’t seen an ad on yt in years.

    Buffaloaf ,

    The only ones I see are the ones that are part of the video, like how Hugbees does it. I don’t mind that because 1) I can skip through it right away and 2) he actually makes his pretty funny

    Example: The ad starts at 5:05

    Marduk73 , avatar

    yeah on new pipe i can tap right side to skip ahead if the artist inputs sponsors into the video. so i suppose i do see ads just not in the “yt interruption” sense.

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