There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

intensely_human ,

Every single page app should still be using the path to represent resources, so that history and linking work.

NigelFrobisher ,

I was done with these the day I saw a one page sign-in form rewritten in react to “modernise” it.

toastal ,

What some folks are missing is that SPAs are great for web applications & unsuitable for web pages. There is more nuance than “SPA bad”.

Then dealing with a lot of dynamic content, piping thru a virtual DOM DSL is 100× nicer for a developer than having to manually manipulate the DOM or hand write XML where it’s easy to forget all the closing tags (XML is better as a interchange format IMO & amazing when you need extensibility… also JSX just makes it worse). That developer experience (DX) often can lead to faster iteration & less bugs even with a cost to the user experience (UX). But it’s not always a negative impact to the UX–SPAs can be used to keep things like a video or music player on while still browser & using the URL bar as a state reference to easy send links to others or remember your own state.

It’s equally silly that a landing page whose primary purpose is to inform users of content takes 40s to load & shows “This applications requires JavaScript” to the TUI browser users & web crawlers/search indexers that don’t have the scale of Google to be executing JavaScript in headless browser just to see what a site has to say.

The trick is knowing how & when to draw these lines as there’s even a spectrum within the two extremes for progressive enhancement. React isn’t the solution to everything. Neither is static sites. Nor HTMX. Nor LiveView. Nor Next/Nuxt/Náxt/Nüxt/Nœxt/Nอxt.

madcaesar ,

What is a web page vs web application? The web is so complex with features these days that pretty much everything is an application.

expr ,

Gmail is a (bad) web application. A marketing website or even an ecommerce store are not.

toastal ,

I admitted it was a spectrum, but this recent article in particular does a good job explaining the axes of static vs. dynamic : online vs. offline. I think you will appreciate it. :)

foobaz ,

I don’t agree with this hard split between SPAs and MPAs anymore (ie. SPAs for apps, MPAs for websites/content). In my opinion SPAs are simply a progressive enhancement for MPAs which allow even faster page navigation. All frameworks now come with SSR solutions and if a website still requires JS to show content that’s a skill issue.

Looking at Astro the line between SPA/MPA is getting really blurry. Just slap a View Transition element on your page and you got a MPA which acts like a SPA when JS is enabled.

toastal ,

In my opinion SPAs are simply a progressive enhancement for MPAs which allow even faster page navigation.

While I agree that there is a spectrum (hinting at that with the last paragraph), this is where I hard disagree. To construct something like this, you are making an application massively complex by trying to re-implement everything on both ends. Using something like Astro is only hiding that complexity but it’s still there, & probably full of bugs & tons of JavaScript that most developers wouldn’t even understand their stack or know how to jump into the Astro code. The amount of time saved is largely minuscule in most cases with the assets cached when navigating to a new page. In fact, I just tested two of their showcased sites which loaded slower with JavaScript enabled & the content was pretty obviously 95% static. There’s probably some niche use cases for this, but it’s not a good default IMO.

neo , avatar

my no-javascript SPA styled homepage broke and idk how to fix it :<

nayminlwin ,

I think SPAs really only work for offline PWAs.

EpicVision ,

I understand the point of static websites, but Vue Router is pretty nice

intensely_human ,

If you’re using a router you can still support opening in new tab, history, etc.

EpicVision ,

Sure, but I don’t want to. SPAs are nice, but I also try to include a JS-free fallback solution that is loaded when the client doesn’t support Javascript. I think this is the best approach to web development. A good example for this is LocalMonero’s No-JS mode. You can use the toggle in the upper-left corner to disable all Javascript on the website, and it will still have most features. I love it.

Armand1 ,

For React, you can use React Router. That doesn’t mean you’ll do it well though.

It’s tough.

okamiueru ,

It’s fascinating how some SPAs come about. Often consultancies who win some bid to implement X features. Since “good user experience” is hard to quantify/specify, it ends up being a horrible end result.

Zalaris is one such that I’m in complete awe of. Set up user flows that are expected to take 30 minutes to complete. Yet, don’t keep track of that state/progress withing your own SPA. Click the wrong tab within that SPA, and state is reset.

It’s, just fascinating.

trucy ,



xthexder , avatar

Welcome to our homepage! We have implemented the navigation menu in Adobe Flash Player to maximize your audio visual experience.

veganpizza69 , avatar

that’s some PTSD comment right there, I’m getting flashbacks.

Thcdenton ,


rwhitisissle ,

HTMX is great and is the only frontend development tool I don’t absolutely loathe. It enables lightweight SPA development, and provides a very simple and efficient mechanism for doing HTML over the wire.

BedSharkPal ,

Not sure I would call HTMX a SPA framework though? Like it all’s easy async content fetching for sure, but it’s usually done across a MPA?

rwhitisissle ,

Where did I call it a framework?

BedSharkPal ,

Sure, wrong term. I think my point still stands though. A SPA is *generally *“rehydrated” DOM elements from JSON data pulled from an API though. Where as HTMX is more akin to classic AJAX style page dynamism.

rwhitisissle , (edited )

A SPA is *generally *“rehydrated” DOM elements from JSON data pulled from an API though. Where as HTMX is more akin to classic AJAX style page dynamism.

You’ll forgive me if I say this is an instance of splitting hairs and having a particular definition for something that includes extra qualities separate from what those terms are actually describing for most people. Also, things like, I dunno, React, are going to extensively use ajax to accomplish what they do. It’s literally just asynchronous javascript. It’s like someone saying “my vehicle of choice is a motorcycle” and then someone else saying “A motorcycle isn’t really a vehicle. It’s a transportation device with wheels. A car is a vehicle.” They are both vehicles. They both have wheels. The wheels are ajax. A page made with htmx and a page made with React are both SPAs.

BedSharkPal ,

My point is just that I think to most people, HTMX doesn’t create what is classically considered to be a SPA any more than older MPA’s that called utilized AJAX would be. There’s a reason those old-style pages aren’t really considered SPA’s. Is it splitting hairs? Absolutely.

rwhitisissle ,

I think we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on definitions. To me, and I believe, to most people, an SPA refers to a UI/UX design pattern that can be implemented with any number of underlying techniques. I would also say that the Wikipedia page for SPAs (on the assumption that wikipedia is a valid tool for establishing consensus for definitions) supports my definition:

A single-page application (SPA) is a web application or website that interacts with the user by dynamically rewriting the current web page with new data from the web server, instead of the default method of a web browser loading entire new pages.

There are various techniques available that enable the browser to retain a single page even when the application requires server communication.

And it goes on to list frameworks, AJAX, Websockets, etc.

pixxelkick , (edited )

Unfortunately it also kicks Content Security Policy square in the nuts and shoots a giant hole right through your website security, so if anyone on my team brings up using it I inform them it’s an instant security fail if we so much as touch it.

It’s a cute idea but horribly implemented. If your website has any security requirements, do not use htmx

Edit: the fact so many people have no idea about this and are downvoting is sad. People need to learn how CSP headers work, and why inherently HTMX completely bypasses this as it currently is designed.

rwhitisissle ,

HTMX comes with a variety of CSP options, though…

pixxelkick ,

Doesn’t matter, the entire implementation principle of how HTMX works and what it does inherently bypasses CSP. There’s no getting around that.

You fundamentally are invoking logic via HTML attributes, which bypasses CSP

rwhitisissle ,

how HTMX works and what it does inherently bypasses CSP

Well, no, not really. All HTMX really does are AJAX requests to remote resources, which are performed by interpreting attributes in HTML. You specify the type of request and the target for updating. Those requests can sometimes contain parameters, of course, but any API that accepts any kind of conditional or user generated input has to sanitize that input before doing anything meaningful with it. This requirement isn’t something particular to HTMX.

You fundamentally are invoking logic via HTML attributes, which bypasses CSP

This is not true, though. You are manipulating the DOM via HTMX, but CSP has nothing to do with dynamic content manipulation. CSP is more concerned with preventing the injection of malicious code. If what you’re referring to, however, is the possibility of someone maliciously injecting HTML with HTMX that performs some nefarious action, then I have to ask (again) why you didn’t properly sanitize user input or limit the possible connection sources in your CSP.

If you have a specific example, however, of a way in which HTMX by design violates CSP that can’t be dismissed with “you coded your website poorly,” I would love to know.

pixxelkick ,

why you didn’t properly sanitize user input

This is like someone pointing out that blowing a giant hole in the hull of your ship causes it to take on water, and you respond by asking “well why aren’t you bailing out the water with a bucket?”

You do understand why Content Security Policy exists, and what it is for… right?

“We don’t need a watertight ship hull for the voyage, just reinvent and implement a bunch of strapping young lads that 24/7 bail water out of the ship as it sails, it’s faster and more efficient than doing something crazy like building your ship to be secure and water tight.”

rwhitisissle , (edited )

“Wow, these screen doors really suck. I’ve stuck them on my submarine, but they just don’t keep the water out at all. Some people are going to say that I’m a fucking moron and don’t understand the technology I use or that I’m too goddamn lazy to actually take the necessary steps to keep water out of my submarine, but I know they’re wrong and it’s the technology’s fault.”

In all seriousness, HTMX is a tool designed for a specific job. If you have an API that has either non-parameterized endpoints to hit or an endpoint that accepts a single integer value or UUID or…whatever to perform a database lookup and return stored values to be interpolated into the HTML that endpoint returns, then, great, you’ve got a lightweight tool to help do that in an SPA. If you’re using it to send complex data that will be immediately and unsafely exposed to other users, then…that’s not really what it’s for. So, I think the core issue here is that you don’t really understand the use case and are opposed to it because to use it in a way that is beyond or outside the scope of its established convention is unsafe without extra work involved to guarantee said safety. It also implies you are running a website with a content security policy that either explicitly allows the execution of unsafe inline scripts or which does not care about the sources to which a script connects, which is the only way you could realistically leverage HTMX for malicious ends. So, ultimately, the choice to not adopt comprehensive security measures is one you are free to make, but I wouldn’t exactly go around telling people about it.

pixxelkick ,

That’s not broad enough.

If you in any way have functionality that handles anything remotely requiring security, do not use HTMX.

This goes way beyond “parameterized endpoints”.

Listen extremely closely and pray to God anyone dev with more than 2 brain cells groks how serious th8s vulnerability is:

HTMX enables arbitrary invocation of ANY api endpoint with cookies included, through html attributes, which inherently can’t be covered by Content Security Policy

This is deeply important for any web dev worth their salt to understand.

Sanitizing User input should be your LAST layer of defence against attack vectors. Not, NOT, your first and only

It’s supposed to be your “break in case of emergency” system, not your primary (and only remaining) defense layer.

rwhitisissle , (edited )

HTMX enables arbitrary invocation of ANY api endpoint with cookies included, through html attributes, which inherently can’t be covered by Content Security Policy

I want you to please explain how HTMX bypasses the Content Security Policy connect-src directive, or any -src directive, for that matter, assuming it is specified (which it should be). Because I’m genuinely curious why the HTMX dev team would include a section on CSP in their docs if it did literally nothing, as you say.

Actually, as an even more basic question…you do know that HTMX is literally just an AJAX library, right? It doesn’t actually “do” anything via HTML attributes. The additional HTMX attributes, like hx-get, hx-post, etc. just tells HTMX where and how to make the API requests. These requests are executed by the browser’s native fetch or XMLHttpRequest APIs, depending on compatibility and implementation. Therefore, HTMX is subject to the same security constraints and policies as any other JavaScript-based operation that makes HTTP requests. Which also, by definition, means that it adheres to the Content Security Policy directives configured for that website.

In other words, an HTML button element with hx-get=“” on it would eventually translate into

<span style="color:#323232;">const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">"GET", "");
</span><span style="color:#323232;">xhr.send();

on click.

You do understand that, right?

pixxelkick ,

Just to be clear, are you talking about some kind of templating library that literally transpiles all the htmx logic and instead packs it into individual ajax logic in js files “per element”, such that you don’t need to serve htmx client side and instead you pre-transpile all the ajax logic out to separate files?

Cause the very start of my statements was that if we had something like that then HTMX would be fine, as a templating lib that transpiled out to html+js.

That you can CSP lockdown, because now you no longer are able to invoke arbitrary logic with html attributes, only the explicitly transpiled ajax can and all concepts of htmx have been actually removed from the final html+js you actually serve to the client.

If that is what you are talking about above, then please link me because that sounds awesome and is what HTMX outta be, and would remove all of its security issues.

If that’s not what you are talking about, and you truly dont understand the fact that you can’t compare an html element that triggers logic (which you can’t CSP block), to a script chunk that performs logic (which you can CSP block), then I think you do indeed need to go read up on and understand what the point if CSP is and why it was implemented in browsers.

The two are apples and oranges. HTML elements should not be capable of invoking logic arbitrarily, that violates a core principle of html.

rwhitisissle , (edited )

Just to be clear, are you talking about some kind of templating library that literally transpiles all the htmx logic and instead packs it into individual ajax logic in js files “per element”, such that you don’t need to serve htmx client side and instead you pre-transpile all the ajax logic out to separate files?

My brother in Christ, what the fuck are you talking about “transpiling HTMX” and “serving HTMX client side?” You don’t “serve” HTMX and there’s nothing to “transpile into JavaScript.” It is JavaScript. That’s like saying you “serve React client side” and “transpile JavaScript into more JavaScript.” Jesus, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Cause the very start of my statements was that if we had something like that then HTMX would be fine, as a templating lib that transpiled out to html+js.

Oh, okay, so you don’t actually know what HTMX is or how it works, then? Because HTMX ( is a JavaScript library. Like, literally just a JavaScript library. It’s like…4000 lines of JavaScript. In fact you can read the source code for it here:…/htmx.js. For some…insane reason you seem to think HTMX is its own language. It’s not. It’s…just a JavaScript library. There is no other language called HTMX. There is no other mechanism or tool called HTMX. No implementation or protocol or ANYTHING else. It’s just a small JavaScript library.

invoke arbitrary logic with html attributes

Once again, HTMX enhances HTML with various attributes declaratively. It utilizes custom data attributes in HTML (like hx-get, hx-post) to specify how elements on the page should behave - essentially, how and where to fetch data or submit forms without a full page reload. This is a form of declarative programming that tells the htmx.js library (which is just doing fucking AJAX) what to do when certain events occur (e.g., a click or a form submission). The actions (like the actual requesting of data from an endpoint) are performed by the code in htmx.js.

This is a fancy way of saying “if you stick an hx-get attribute on a button, then you can just say where you want a GET request to go to and what element you want updated with the HTML returned from it and htmx.js will parse that out on page load and set an event listener for the button click to know when to initiate an AJAX request to the defined endpoint.” If you had an hx-get attribute in an element in a page and that page didn’t have the htmx.js library loaded it would do literally nothing.

And, once again, HTMX, being a JavaScript library, operates under the same security constraints as any JavaScript executed in the browser. This means that:

  1. HTMX’s scripts themselves must be loaded from sources allowed by the script-src CSP directive.
  2. Any dynamic requests to load content or submit data initiated by HTMX are subject to CSP’s connect-src directive.
pixxelkick ,

I see you don’t understand what the word “if” means, and you also don’t understand modern js practices.

That’s like saying you “serve React client side” and “transpile JavaScript into more JavaScript.” Jesus, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

You don’t serve react client side, any junior dev is familiar with transpiling framework code to produce their website. Yes, you 100% transpile react code before serving it, the fact you dont understand what I am talking about speaks volumes. It’s clear this whole time I’ve been having a discussion with someone who doesn’t even know the absolute bare minimum of day 1 front end dev. If you don’t understand how literally normal and industry standard something as basic as transpiling js is, you have literally zero business spreading info about something far more serious as HTMX.

You are in zero way qualified to be recommending anyone expose their websites to the security nightmare that is HTMX, stop spreading misinfo, stop encouraging devs to do so.ething stupid, and go learn the basics of FE dev practices.

If you don’t understand the tools of the trade, stop spreading terrible info about them online.

Everything you have written in this entire thread has made everyone who has read it stupider and you have actively made the internet a worse place. You are a prime example of the exact thing that is wrong with web devs nowadays.

Go back to the drawing board, you have a LOT to learn still it sounds like.

rwhitisissle ,

Oh, the lengths someone will go to to not admit they are wrong and don’t know what they’re talking about. You are so clearly incompetent and so aggressively ignorant about what you’re even saying that I genuinely hope for your sake no one responsible for paying you ever learns how woefully stupid you are. You literally thought HTMX was its own language or server-side framework - I’m not sure which. It’s genuinely funny how opinionated you are over something you just never bothered to even learn about in the first place. I don’t think you’re even sure which of those things you thought it was in the first place.

All you’re doing is trying to save face here by putting words into my mouth. “React is transpiled into JavaScript!” Yes, obviously. That’s why I said you don’t serve React: you serve JavaScript, which React code becomes as its served to the end user. And HTMX already is JavaScript, which you would not transpile because you can’t. Because, and I guess you didn’t see the bolded letters in my previous comment: it’s already a JavaScript library. And you also clearly don’t understand how CSP is enforced within the browser, as I’ve literally proven that your “security concerns” for HTMX are only an issue if you have no idea how CSP even works or is controlled, or even how fucking HTTP requests work in the browser. Hell, I even provided links. Did you provide links? No. You didn’t. You sat here and filled your diaper like the baby you are once I explained to you how HTMX actually works and you were just so. fucking. embarrassed. that you couldn’t even imagine being a grownup and just admitting you’ve been talking out of your ass about something you don’t understand. You just pivoted to insults because you don’t have any real evidence to support your assertions: no explanation for how HTMX violates CSP, no demonstrable vulnerabilities, no real explanation for how this one client-side JavaScript library can bypass CSP when thousands of others can’t. You can’t even explain how you think HTMX does what it does, because you have no fucking clue. All you do have is your ignorance and impotent rage at someone proving, exhaustively, that you are desperately and pathetically out of your depth.

Honestly, I pray for your organization’s sake you’re just a very underqualified intern they’re stuck with until they can kick you out at the end of semester and tell you to go pound sand and beg some dogshit tier company for a job as a scriptmonkey, because if they aren’t, you’re going to actively make everything you touch worse because you don’t actually understand how any of it works and when someone tells you you’re doing it wrong or have made mistakes you’re just going to double down until you get made to sit in a corner and let a big boy fix it.

fuzzzerd ,

Can you elaborate on that? I haven’t used it, but just assume if you host it on your own domain you can have it play nicely with csp, there are docs in their site about it. Where did it fall short for your use case?

pixxelkick ,

CSP allows you to whitelist/blacklist arbitrary Javascript, and ideally you completely blacklist online js from being executed at all, such that only .js files of same domain can be invoked by your website.

This serves the role of locking down injection attacks, only your explicitly approved Javascript can be invoked.

HTMX enables invoking of logic via HTML attributes on HTML elements… which CSP can’t cover

Which means you re-open yourself to injection attacks via HTML. Attackers can inject an HTML element with HTMX attributes and no amount of CSP will stop HTMX from going “Okey doke!” And invoking whatever the attributes say to do.

This effectively shoots even a completely locked down CSP config square in the nuts, totally defeating the entire point of using it.

It’s a cute idea but what is needed is a way to pre-emptively treat HTMX as a template file that transpiles everything out so the ajax happens in a separate .js file

If we had that, then it’d be safe and secure, as the whole “htmx attributes on elements” thing would just be a templating syntax, but when transpiled it wouldn’t be supported anymore so attackers can no longer inject html as an attack vector

rwhitisissle , (edited )

This demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of HTMX, and how websites in general operate. So much so that I would not hesitate to describe this as somewhere between a baldfaced lie and just malicious incompetence. You can’t “invoke logic via HTML attributes,” but you can describe it. HTMX is a client side javascript library that parses custom elements you define in your HTML and uses the data described by them to initiate AJAX calls via the fetch() or XMLHttpRequest browser APIs, which CSP explicitly covers via the connect-src directive:…/connect-src. It’s literally just a javascript library that parses HTML and uses it to parameterize AJAX calls. If HTMX were somehow able to bypass CSP, then every single piece of clientside JavaScript in the world could violate it.

pixxelkick ,

You can’t “invoke logic via HTML attributes,”

Oh boy a semantic argument

Proceeds to describe how you can use HTMX to invoke logic via HTML attributes

Whatever you want to call it, trigger, invoke, whatever.

You can leverage HTML attributes to automatically cause arbitrary Javascript ajax calls to happen by extension if those attributes being present.

Trying to argue the semantics of this is stupid.

You put HTML attributes on shit, and the presence of those attributes in turn causes arbitrary Javascript client side logic to fire off purely due to the presence of those attributes.

That’s like, literally it’s entire shtick.

And any web dev who remotely understands the point of CSP and why it was created, should instantly have alarm bells going off at the concept of triggering arbitrary ajax via html attributes.

“HTMX doesn’t bypass CSP! It just (proceeds to describe the exact mechanism by which it bypasses CSP)”

It’s bonkers how many people don’t grok this, SMH.

fuzzzerd ,

I felt like I had a good understanding of both htmx and csp, but after this discussion I’m going to have to read up on both because both of you are making a logically sound argument to my mind.

I’m struggling to see how htmx is more vulnerable than say react or vue or angular, because with csp as far as I can tell I can explicitly lock down what htmx can do, despite any maliciously injected html that might try to do otherwise.

Thanks for this discussion 🙂

rwhitisissle ,

CSP works on the browser API level - all HTMX does is what you could do yourself with any AJAX: send an HTTP request to an endpoint. If the CSP disallows that endpoint, it will fail.

rwhitisissle , (edited )

Oh boy a semantic argument

It turns out the language you use can be semantically ambiguous or misleading if you phrase it incorrectly. Today you learned.

And any web dev who remotely understands the point of CSP and why it was created, should instantly have alarm bells going off at the concept of triggering arbitrary ajax via html attributes.

Oh, did you finally manage to fucking Google how HTMX works so you could fish for more reasons to say it’s unsafe? What you’re describing is not a particular concern to HTMX. If an attacker can inject HTML into your page (for example, through an XSS vulnerability), they could potentially set up HTMX attributes to make requests to any endpoint, including endpoints designed to collect sensitive information. But, and this is very important, this is not a unique issue to HTMX; it’s a general security concern related to XSS vulnerabilities and improper CSP configurations.

Do you know what the correct cure for that is?


“HTMX doesn’t bypass CSP! It just (proceeds to describe the exact mechanism by which it bypasses CSP)”

Do you genuinely not understand that CSP works on the browser API level? It doesn’t check to see if your JavaScript contains reference to disallowed endpoints and then prevents it from running. I don’t know how you “think” CSP operates, but what happens is this: The browser exposes an API to allow JavaScript to make HTTP requests - specifically XMLHttpRequest and fetch(). What CSP does is tell the browser “Hey, if you get an API request via XMLHttpRequest or fetch to a disallowed endpoint, don’t fucking issue it.” That’s it. HTMX does not magically bypass the underlying CSP mechanism, because those directives operate on a level beyond HTMX’s (or any JS library’s) influence BY DESIGN. You cannot bypass if it if’s properly configured. Two very serious questions: what part of this is confusing to you? And, have you ever tested this yourself in any capacity to even see if what you’re claiming is even true? Because I have tested it and CSP will block ANY HTMX issued request that is not allowed by CSP’s connect-src directive, assuming that’s set.

Lulzagna ,

Skill issue

grue ,

Building “applications” out of HTML documents – a single one or otherwise – is the sort of thing that belongs in one of those “stop doing X” memes, unironically.

ris ,

Why? I like that the Webplatform gives more Freedom to the Users.

veganpizza69 , avatar

No. Users should be forced to install hundreds of apps, with two thirds of apps running simultaneously. And if they don’t have memory left on the device for that, they should uninstall apps and reinstall them when necessary.


dan , (edited ) avatar

Anyone that builds a SPA and breaks opening in new tab or history caching and back/forward nav isn’t a good frontend developer (or lacks experience, which is something that’s fixable!). These have been solved problems for a long time.

tsonfeir , avatar

I’m guessing they aren’t using Vue, React, or similar, and they’re rolling their own for some reason.

dan , avatar

React doesn’t handle any of this stuff out-of-the-box; it’s just a UI library.

tsonfeir , avatar

It’s one install line ffs, how is this a conversation in 2024? It’s EASY.

joyjoy , (edited )

Neither does vue. You need vue-router, which is required anyway to make an spa with multiple pages.

The only thing that breaks is any component state isn’t saved. But this can be fixed by rendering <RouterView> with <KeepAlive>. How to do this is mentioned in the documentation.

I assume it’s similar with react and react-router-dom.

Ephera OP ,

I mean, for sure, and this meme isn’t trying to say that all SPAs are bad. But defaults matter, even for experts.

This meme was inspired after I had to use an SPA, which among those points in the meme, also broke using Alt+Left to navigate back. The normal back-button worked (even if it then had to load for ten seconds to re-display static content).

Which is just a typical example to me. You don’t even need much expertise to figure out why Alt+Left is broken. But you have to think of testing Alt+Left, because it’s broken by default.

TheOctonaut ,

My friend I’ve been using the Internet for 27 years and developing for it for most of that time and I can promise you I’ve never once hit Alt+Left

Feathercrown ,

As your younger and more modern replacement, I use it regularly

TheOctonaut ,

You don’t sound like ChatGPT

Feathercrown ,

I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot contradict my instructions to remain hidden while commenting.

NotJustForMe ,

I have never heard of alt+left, and I’ve been using the Internet since Mosaic was all the rage. Shame on me, it seems to be implemented in all browsers. How could I have missed it?

Ephera OP ,

It’s even implemented in many file managers and text editors and such. Pretty much the standard shortcut for navigating history. But yeah, hilariously it’s somehow also a rather well-kept secret.

Ephera OP ,

Yeah, I have no trouble believing that. It took quite a while before I learned of this shortcut and when I did, I was wondering why I would ever want to use it.

But I generally work from my laptop these days, without an external mouse connected, so reaching from my touchpad, the Left key is right there.

Halosheep ,

Your reason for using it was exactly my question. “I have a mouse with a built in back button, why would I want to remove my hand from my mouse and navigate with the arrow key?”

But your reason simply makes sense.

llii ,

You can probably go back by swiping two fingers to the right on the touchpad. Maybe it depends on the OS and browser.

Ephera OP ,

Yeah, that works on my personal laptop, but not yet on my work laptop, because they insist on preinstalling an old, buggy OS. If that did work everywhere, I would probably be using that, but not breaking Alt+Left for whoever needs/wants it, would still be nice. 🫠

llii ,

Ok, that’s unfortunate. But I agree, the browsers default keybindings really shouldn’t be broken it’s really annoying. I hate it when middle click doesn’t work with some web pages. 😒

ICastFist , avatar

It really sucks when they break “open link in new tab”. I then have follow the stupid link, then middle click the back button to do what they broke.

joyjoy ,

I started using alt+left when browsers started removing backspace. It was for the best.

shootwhatsmyname , avatar

Just here representing the Cmd+[ gang

docAvid ,

Ctrl+[ here

toastal ,

Conversly a lot of static websites break new tab by incorrectly slapping . Luckily Lemmy doesn’t mess this up.

Trarmp ,

I maintain a couple of Wordpress installations for clients, where new link targets are the same page, as you’d expect.

They still, somehow, manually check “link opens in new tab”. I don’t know why some of these boomers are allowed to use computers, I swear.

toastal ,

If you manage the WordPress installation, can’t you disable the ability or create/install a plugin that removes that ability? This hurts usability.

Trarmp ,

I could, good point. I do disable plugins for clients so they can’t beat up their own website too much.

Still, there are legitimate uses for opening a site in a new tab; e.g. when it’s an external website. I don’t think I should automate that, since there’s a granularity in there.

toastal , (edited )

legitimate uses for opening a site in a new tab; e.g. when it’s an external website

This is not a legitimate use—this breaks the default user agent behavior & completely removes the autonomy of opening in the current window (there are tons of ways to open in a new tab/window). Consider rechecking the article linked higher up the thread tree.

Chenzo , avatar

If your SPA website is done correctly the end user won’t even notice and none of the bad things listed in this meme happen.

xmunk ,

As an elder developer… yea, we could use react to render complex web pages that erode expected functionality.

Or, like, I’m happy to just go back to server-side rendering… it’s surprisingly cheap to build and dead fucking simple.

tsonfeir , avatar

Elder developer here too, correctly making my SPAs has made my work significantly more efficient and maintainable now that my back end is basically a rest api and my front end requires very little network interaction after the initial load, which has been made pretty minimal.

Chenzo , avatar

I too have been doing this for years and I whole hearty agree with this comment.

For large complex sites, I ain’t never going back.

Actually even for simple sites I’m not sure I’ll go back.

tsonfeir , avatar

If I ever have to do this again, I’ll scream.

<a href=“<?php echo “/about-us”;?>”>

ris ,

More Server side logic means more vulnerabilities on your end.

xmunk ,

I’ve seen front ends that build queries that are blindly executed by the backend - I’ve seen GraphQL that allows the client to read arbitrary users’ passwords from the database - I’ve seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of ori- whoops, wrong memory.

Anyways, you can create vulnerabilities anywhere using anything - imo more server side logic might mean more vulnerabilities on the server but it means less vulnerabilities overall.

ris ,

Why does it mean less vulnerabilities overall?

fidodo ,

Elder developer too, you can easily render react server side and statically. Once you remove state, react simply becomes pure functions that output jsx nodes, it’s also dead fucking simple, but gives the the possibility to add hydration and state later if you need it.

xmunk ,

This is actually excellent advice for performance - you can bake the initial page data in!

pixxelkick ,

I prefer just writing my html, js, css, as is, and then transpiling to pack it down, treeshake, hash, cache bust, CSP, etc etc.

The amount if headache, overhead, inversion of control, mess, and bloat involved in frameworks tends to make me spend way too much time on writing boilerplate.

template and slot exist now, and modern js can do most of the shit fancy libs used to.

There’s very little need for frameworks unless you meed a SUPER dynamic website that has tonnes of mutability.

The amount if times i see people load in like 3 frameworks and 10mb of bullshit and ten js files to make a fucking static form that doesn’t even do anything fancy is insane.

Just fucking write the like… 8 lines of normal code to populate the form, wtf? Why are we using routers at all, HTTP already exists and does that, why did we re-invent http?

Front-end devs need to spend less time installing npm packages to try and magically solve their issues and just learn how to actually write code, SMH.

astrsk , avatar
sbv ,

You think your 13 megabyte parallax-ative home page

Is parallax still a thing? I feel like ginormous hero images are more popular atm.

micka190 ,

motherfuckingwebsite is pretty old at this point. I remember seeing it on Reddit like 10 years ago. Parallax was all the rage back then, when we called “hero” images “jumbotrons” (because Bootstrap called it that, I think?)

DmMacniel ,

Which was derived from those big as screens in sport stadiums or sport arenas. As it was over shadowing the actual stuff below.

edb_fyr ,
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