There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Gentoo1337 , to programmerhumor in Very clever... avatar

Why would I want to exit vim?

DWin ,

I tmux my vim session so I never have to exit it, I just end the session and NOTHING OF NOTE HAPPENS

spacesweedkid27 ,

killall vim

DWin ,

You monster, I prefer denial

uis , (edited ) avatar

What if SIGTERM not enough? Kill nine times. Like this: killall -9 vim. Congratulations, comrade, you have passed KGB exam.

psycho_driver ,

Hmm never thought of it like that. Unix programs are actually cats, and sometimes you have to kill all nine of their lives to really end them.

uis , avatar

Yes, one of them literally have name cat, so you can kill all the cats with killall -9 cat

sloppy_diffuser ,

Just all those left over swap files I forget about because they are in every one of my dot ignore files.

0x0 ,

Aka “vim turds”

samson ,

yes | rm -r ./.*

sgh ,

RIP my .git folders

samson ,

But importantly the swp files in my home directory are gone, along with all my rc files but who needs them

MonkderZweite ,

<span style="color:#323232;">set swapfile
</span><span style="color:#323232;">set dir=~/.cache

No, i just googled it.

lemme_at_it ,

It is much easier not to

rtxn , to lemmyshitpost in Photographing the unphotographable

Ah yes, the classic “it don’t work, pls fix” issue report.

  • What is the nature of the issue? Is there water pressure? Is the water cold? Does it look/smell/taste contaminated?
  • What is the extent of the issue? Does it only affect a single faucet, multiple faucets, the apartment, or the entire building?
  • When did the issue start? Is it constant or intermittent?
  • Does the cold water present the same issue?
  • (optional) What steps have been taken to remedy the issue?
vithigar ,

And asking for a picture resolves any of these questions… how?

rtxn ,

It doesn’t, both sides are dumb.

(edit) Actually, it confirms that the water is clean and that there is water pressure.

Thorry84 ,

It could also be the landlord meant a photo of the water heater / boiler / whatever they use to get hot water. But he should have been more explicit. Most of these devices have a light or a display that indicates if there’s a problem and what the problem is, so the landlord can take appropriate action.

This is a common issue in tech support, not realizing what the other person doesn’t know. You don’t want to treat the person like a small child and tell them what to do. But on the other hand if you make assumptions about what they know how to do and they don’t, it can cause a lot of miscommunications.

It’s really a everyone sucks here situation. Sending a picture of the water obviously isn’t helpful, a simple response could have been: “Alright I’ll take pictures, can you specify what exactly I need to take pictures off and where to find that”. Then again the landlord just saying need pictures isn’t really helpful either.

SkyNTP ,

Sometimes asking for a picture is just the easiest way, instead of going back and forth describing something in words, especially if it requires technical detail or nuance Remember, not all tents and landlords have 100% mastery of the language.

Neither are dumb. Just limited by assumptions and possibly jaded by past, frustrating experiences.

Rodeo ,

No. It is not the tenants responsibility to troubleshoot issues for the landlord.

Id the tenant says the hot water isn’t working, the landlord needs to show the fuck up and do the work to figure it out.

rtxn ,

Which translation do you prefer?

I’m not responsible for fixing it, so I’m going to go out of my way to be as unhelpful as humanly possible


It’s not entirely my problem, so I’m making it your problem, and I’m making sure it’s a problem.

That mentality is immature and anyone who thinks like that is a bit of a dick.

Rodeo ,

Going out of their way to be unhelpful? Oh please, that’s not what’s happening here.

jezza ,

Solving the underlying issue, I’d agree.

But you don’t go to a doctor and say “I’m broke, fix me”.

There’s a basic expectation that the patient/tenant will describe why its not broken. What is expected, and what’s it doing instead. (sometimes that needs to be reiterated back to the patient/tenant in order to move, and that’s where the landlord failed here.)

hydrospanner ,

I mean…those are all valid questions.

Any or all of which could’ve been asked.

Aceticon ,

It boils down to experience with diagnosing that kind of problem when reported by a common person.

The amateur landlord so common in our age isn’t going to have that experience and unless they work in an area where it’s common to have to diagnose and fix technical problems they’re not going to be used to the kind of sistematic step by step approach used to pin down the exact nature of a problem so will have trouble even improvising it effectivelly.

Rodeo ,

Too bad this isn’t tech support and it’s the landlords job to show up and troubleshoot it himself. The tenant bears no responsibility here besides informing the landlord there is a problem.

ciko22i3 , avatar

but just a bit of cooperation from the tenants side could help him prepare a lot better for the job

LogarithmicCamel ,

It’s the tenant that has no hot water though. The more information they give the landlord, the faster they will get hot water again.

Illegal_Prime ,

They’re not responsible for fixing the problem, but they are responsible for ensuring that the problem is fixed, since until it’s fixed the don’t have hot water.

In this case ensuring that the problem is fixed most importantly entails telling the person who has to do the fixing as much about the problem as possible.

If you need help with something, you have to help your helper if you want it to be effective.

dojan , to memes in Gambling is addictive avatar

Gambling shouldn’t be advertised. Swedish radio advertisements is 70% gambling, and the remaining 30% is sex toys and car related services.

Mr_Blott ,

Interesting that all 3 will fuck you at some point tho

wreckedcarzz , avatar

So that’s how the air filter got in my rectum! Case closed boys.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

You mean… That’s not what it’s for?

VikingHippie ,

It can be a little bit for that, as a treat.

OutlierBlue ,

Let’s be honest, some of us could really use an air filter up there.

KingThrillgore , avatar

I don’t think it’ll stop ass gas

OutlierBlue ,

Definitely not, but it might make it less toxic for everyone else. Like a catalytic converter for your anus.

Fosheze ,

Oh my god. A butt plug that contains something that breaks down the fart smell. From what I can tell the stink component of farts (hydrogen sulfide) can react with a carbon catalyst and oxygen to produce elemental sulphur and water. So you just need a butt plug with an activated charcoal filter plus something to bind the sulphur to eliminate the smell. Even better, because your fart is passing through the chambers of the butt plug there will be no noise. So every fart will be silent and stinkless.

VikingHippie ,

It’s worth a try, depending on relative dimensions and lube supply 🤷

superguy ,

Good reddit humor.

pete_the_cat ,

Heh you guys have sex toy advertisements on the radio? Were too prude for that in the US, instead we have prescription drug ads everywhere.

Mozingo , avatar

Y’all don’t hear ads for stuff like Adam & Eve? Here in Texas we have ads for drugs and sex toys lol


Drugs and sex toys are very Christian /s 😂

Reminds me of the states most common porn searches one year, where incest was top result in Utah. I think it was top a few years in a row.

pete_the_cat ,

I’ve seen/heard a few ads for them, but it’s not really common. Also I rarely listen to the radio anymore.

MelodiousFunk , avatar

nonspecific positive imagery and music

Ask your doctor about [results of syllable dartboard] today.

mindbleach ,

Use of Etoinshrdlu has been associated with limbic inversion, salt allergy, cochlear displacement, loss of nostrils, and adult onset illiteracy. Do not take Etoinshrdlu if you are allergic to Etoinshrdlu. I’m a designer drug spokesman and even I can’t believe we have to say that. Do not continue using Etoinshrdlu if you experience death.

Grayox OP , avatar

My favorite is, “dont take insert drug name if you are allergic to insert drug name

ricecake ,

They do that to make the list long enough that you tune it out. They have to list the downsides , and are only able to mention benefits that have been proven to help with approved uses.
They don’t have to communicate the actual likelihood of the risks or benefits, or communicate the risks in a way that conveys their gravity.

So they can leave out the part where most insomnia medication only gets you 15 more minutes of sleep, and lump the 75% chance it’ll leave you so groggy the next day you can’t drive a car in with “if you’re allergic to it, taking it is bad”.
Because you were warned. “Most people will experience improved sleep duration. May cause lingering fatigue. Do not take if you are allergic to it”.

VikingHippie ,

Speaking of the syllable dartboard, one of my favourite buzzfeed style quizzes from back when everyone was still doing them was called


I’m pretty sure five or so people out of thousands got all of them right 😂

Jamie , avatar

Ask your doctor if Boromir is right for you.

VikingHippie ,

Ever since I started taking Celeborn, my poops have been magnificent!

pete_the_cat ,

One does not simply walk in the pharmacy and demand drugs.

Shialac ,

At least in germany its illegal to advertise prescription drugs

Viking_Hippie ,

Same here in Denmark 🤜🤛

onion ,

But we have a huge market for snake oil

maccentric ,

Ask your doctor if snake oil is right for you!

pimeys ,

Yep. I had a very bad cough years ago, and couldn’t sleep. My doctor asked if I’m interested in homeopathy. I laughed so hard that I started coughing really violently, and walked home with a codeine prescription that helped me over that flu.

Cookiesandcreamclouds ,

Sex toys? Blasphemy! Killing yourself with prescriptions? Perfectly fine!

pete_the_cat ,

Side effects may include shitting yourself in public, a horrible lingering stench that you can’t get rid of, eyeballs popping out, ears flapping, nose elongation, heart attack, stroke, and death. As your doctor about it today!

wildginger ,

Everything okay, sweden?

dojan , avatar

I belive we have really strict gambling laws, one of the reasons we never got arcade halls here. Online casinos and such don’t count though, it seems. It feels like half a dozen pop up each week.

GreyEyedGhost ,

I love the idea of equating arcades with gambling. In one you will always lose your money, and the better you are the longer you can play. In the other, the skill element is much less relevant.

dojan , avatar

I legit never understood that one myself. I think it’s a mix of laws that make it infeasible.

Game machines are not allowed to be an establishments main source of income. This I think is targeted at gambling machines, slots and the like, because gambling is heavily regulated by the state, but naturally that also made arcades nigh impossible to run.

I believe there’s also some sort of law about the amount of such machines an establishment may have. Again, to prevent casino type establishments from existing. You can’t really run an arcade hall with two or three machines.

Then a more recent law enforces such machines to also give you a receipt? I dunno I didn’t read too closely, but I suppose machines of that kind don’t tend to have that sort of functionality meaning if you wanted to have an arcade hall here you’d need to custom order the machines.

It’s just not economically feasible.

And the most ridiculous thing is that while there’s not much in the way of physical gambling here, there are so many internet casinos I can’t properly convey how ridiculous it is. Like imagine an incredulous amount and it’s still more than that.

And the government is perfectly okay with that. They’re such incompetent buffoons.

Socsa ,

Sweden has blackjack tables outside the bathroom in lots of bars. Or at leattthey did the last time I was there.

dojan , avatar

Yes, and my go to Chinese restaurant had two slot machines. They can have these things but they can’t be the primary income of the establishment.

Ergo no casinos or arcade halls, but blackjack at a bar is fine.

UnverifiedAPK ,

Is listening to the radio still popular in Sweden or is it dying off like in the US?

dojan , avatar

My roomie’s a trucker, he listens to the radio a lot. Otherwise I’ve no idea, don’t think you listen to the radio outside of when you’re in a car.

Discombobulated_Back ,

My mother hears radio all day, cause its to quite at home if no one else is home and except that, the only place is car and at work but its mostly so loud at work or so much intergerence that you cant hear a thing. And maybe the super market if i dont have my own headphones on i get blasted with advertising radio of the supermarket. Nowhere else i hear radio.

KpntAutismus ,

“i wonder why everyone hates watching ads”

Nobsi , to memes in Why must we be done this way? avatar

“oh no i cannot play on my phone, how could school be so cruel”

EvokerKing ,

I actually doubt that phones are the major reason for a post like this. There are many reasons that you could fill in that only happen to some schools but phones happen to be the only one that applies to nearly every school. For example, at my school, our lunches have been cut down to shit 15 minutes at most, and if you buy lunch, it’s much less. We usually have them call 5 minutes left. Sometimes they will say the kitchen is closed, sometimes they can’t because people are still ordering.

lessthanluigi , to linuxmemes in how to stop vim

“9 times out of 10 it’s an electric razor. But once in a while, it’s a dildo.”

KingJalopy ,

Never your dildo

Successful_Try543 ,

I don’t know how it came into my luggage either.

halvar ,

This is such a great reference!

NaibofTabr , (edited ) to memes in shrooms?

Don’t use mushroom ID apps and don’t trust random guidebooks from Amazon, they’re probably AI-generated crap.

The deadly mycotoxin orellanine, which is present in Cortinarius rubellus, the deadly webcap, may not cause symptoms in those who ingested the mushroom until one or two weeks have passed – after detectable traces of the toxin are already gone, and late-stage kidney failure has already begun. Connecting the sickness with certainty to a misidentified wild mushroom that was eaten weeks earlier with no obvious ill effects is not always possible.

Yeah, nope.

felbane ,

This is basically vegan rabies

SnotFlickerman , to memes in Bankruptcy is lifesaving avatar

Student Loans have entered the chat.

HurlingDurling ,

Discover and chase have entered the chat as well

db2 ,

And medical debt.

cm0002 ,

I don’t think so, or at least is state dependent, I definitely had medical debt and it was definitely discharged along with all the other debt I had

Grayox OP , avatar

Yeah medical debt is dischargable, our lawyer asked if we had any surgeries we had been putting off that we might want to get done before we filed.

naught ,

This is a remarkably dystopian statement lmfao

PunnyName ,


Funkytom467 , avatar

Guns are easier to get than surgery. Shoot your problems away!

Whelks_chance ,

Isn’t this some flavour of fraud? Not from the US, so this is all pretty bizarre to me.

mosiacmango , (edited )

If buying isnt owning, piracy isnt stealing.

Yes, but its fraud in a system designed at every level to defraud you, so fuck um. Get healthy in any way you can because the system itself sure won’t help you.

They screw you, you screw them is the American way, so bravo for the lawyer at least telling them to get healthy.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Depends on if you think it’s stealing to steal from a thief.

Grayox OP , avatar

Capitalism is a flavor of fraud in and of itself.

Catsrules ,

It is all fun and games until the repo man comes to rip those knee replacements out.

Public_Tumbleweed ,

What is student loans?

Spacehooks ,

Money you have to take out for college and then pay back at 10% interest.

Mr_Blott ,

I’m sorry is this an I-love-getting-fucked-in-the-ass thing that I’m too Scottish to understand?

Che_Donkey , avatar


See, Americans dont have an England to fuck over its citizens, so we have to do it all by ourselves.

bobs_monkey ,

And then blame it on the boogieman

AeonFelis ,

And who’s fault is that?

Vilian ,

I’m sorry is this an I-love-getting-fucked-in-the-ass thing that I’m not USA enough to understand?

FiFY, now the entire world can use it

IndiBrony , avatar

[Laughs in English]

cucumberbob ,

Whilst it would be lovely if us Englishmen didn’t have student loans, they could be a whole lot worse. We only pay them once we earn over a certain threshold, and they’ll disappear after 30 years. Plus our unis are funded in large part by international students (which has its own issues), so Brits’ course fees are slightly subsidised.

Not good, but hey at least it’s not the US(!)

Mr_Blott ,

You missed the chance to say “At least it’s not the US, eh?”

jubilationtcornpone ,

The United States is a free country and freedom to shape your own destiny is one of the hallmarks of being an American. So everyone whining about how hard it is should have thought long and hard about the consequences of their actions when they decided not to be born rich.


hglman , to programmer_humor in Father material

No one who wants to write brainfuck would admit they need help.

magic_lobster_party ,


superkret ,

ah, yes
nods knowingly

ImpossibleRubiksCube ,

You forgot to carry your two.

LeateWonceslace ,

Which is ironic, because everyone who writes it needs help. I’ve been thinking about learning it to show off how mentally healthy I am.

thepianistfroggollum ,

Why not learn COBOL if you hate yourself?

nyan ,

'Cause COBOL might actually get you a job? Esoteric languages can’t even do that, so you have to hate yourself worse than COBOL if you’re going to learn brainfuck.

“Worse than COBOL.” This is a terrifying concept. 😱

hglman ,

Brainfuck is dead easy to learn, its incredibly hard to use.

leviosa , avatar

brainfuck is a member of an exclusive club of languages where it’s much easier to write a compiler for it than to read a program written in it.

snor10 ,

It’s exclusive for a reason.

SaintWacko ,

Do they really need to? It’s sort of a cry for help on its own 😛

Nioxic ,

My guess woild be… only chatgpt can do it.

And honestly, thats good enough

aBundleOfFerrets , to programmerhumor in http tutorial

Everyone give it up for the fella who ran a webserver on a teapot

IHawkMike ,

I like returning 418 instead of 404 or 403 on the files the script kiddies are hunting for on my web servers. I’m sure it does nothing but I’d like to think I’ve wasted some of their time at least once.

Nougat ,

You had one chance to use 420 and you squandered it.

IHawkMike ,

Oh I get plenty of chances to use 420. But I think you might be missing the joke. 😁

chuckleslord ,

HTTP 418 is the “I’m a teapot” code

Bahnd ,

420 is still avalable. Not sure what you would put there (“Server too high?”) and given the controversy over 418 I think its best to leave that one blank instead of making a weed joke.

aphlamingphoenix ,

There was an attempt by Twitter at one point to use “420 Enhance Your Calm” as a code to indicate you’re being rate limited.

Telorand ,

I’m glad that error exists.

psud , (edited )

I’m pretty sure it exists because of RFC2324 hyper text coffee pot control protocol

JasonDJ ,

Fun fact, first webcam was a series of updating stills of an actual coffee pot so some engineers would know if there was coffee made.

ArtVandelay , avatar

Necessity is the mother of invention

psud ,

With that, plus image recognition, plus a control system, you could use rfc2324 to implement the digital control side

Though I think I’d use weight, temperature, and flow sensors for easier service implementation

HereIAm ,

And then plug those values into a image generation service to give users a visually intuitive way to see if there’s cooffe or not!

hperrin ,

Technically, all video is a series of updating stills.

JasonDJ ,

True, but most streaming media now is a bunch of stills with the changes for each individual frame between them.

hperrin , (edited )

True, but webcams still just deliver raw frames (or compressed frames in the case of MJPEG).

CuriousRefugee , to memes in Imbecile

Anyone else hate that the Gadsden flag has been appropriated by ultra-libertarian jingoists? It’s an awesome-looking flag with a cool history and symbolism, but I feel like I couldn’t fly it without looking like a twat.

Grayox OP , avatar

I feel you, i had the flag of Culpepper’s Minute Men hanging in my college dorm back in the day. Just like the Nazis before them Fascists bastardize shit they didn’t create

HikingVet ,

They always do

Kecessa ,

The minutemen became part of the southern Army so it’s not as if the symbol was ok to begin with…

Grayox OP , avatar

yeah I was ignorant of that at the time, but holyshit fuck me…

Fudoshin , avatar

Should have flown the Soviet flag and rainbow flag next to it. Really confuse people.

Grayox OP , avatar

Ive got a shield painted with the transflag and an oil painting of the hammer and sickle hanging up now.

prunerye ,

Ultra-libertarian Jingoist? I’m as confused by that combination of words as I am the flags on the truck.

prettybunnys ,

Ultra libertarian == I’m free to be whatever I want to be despite your freedoms

Jingoist == my country is the best ever no matter what you say

“Ultra libertarian + Jingoist” == fuck you im a nationalist and don’t know civics

saltesc ,

Ultra libertarian == I’m free to be whatever I want to be despite your freedoms

Well, no. A fundamental of libertarianism is that one’s liberty doesn’t encroach on others’ liberty, since obviously that would be taking away liberty, ergo anti-libertarian.

If someone claims to be “ultra libertarian”—an entirely different thing—and does this, they would ironically be in direct opposition of the thing they claim to be associated with; on it’s most fundamental level, no less.

lewdian69 ,

So you haven’t paid attention to those who call themselves libertarians for the past 20+ years? Their entire m o is restricting others’ liberties in favor of their own. And I’m not conflating conservatives and libertarians accidentally, I’m pointing out libertarians in practice.

saltesc ,

No you’re not.

You’re calling out a specific group mislabeling themselves and falling for it.

Since libertarianism is a long, established, and large ideology in human society with a wealth of knowledge, information, figures, and history, I’d encourage you to take a few seconds to look it up and delve into all that knowledge, rather than just go with what some redneck somewhere has touted to you.

In actual fact, an ultra libertarian would be encompassing ideologies like anarchism and far-left libertarianism.

That’s not my opinion, that’s just literally what it is and you can go Google that. Stop listening to idiots and falling for their words, lest you’ll start misunderstanding just as they do and terms or ideas otherwise disassociated with them will get tarnished, ruined, and misappropriately loathed. That’s kind of an end goal of misinformation. Don’t fall for it and don’t spread it here, even if it’s not intentional.

NewNewAccount ,

You’re arguing pedantics semantics here and words change meanings over time. Libertarian, whether you like it or not, now also represents that particular group of people.

CoffeeJunkie ,

If we’re arguing semantics over a group of people, what they stand for & what the definition is, the label coming to represent a group of undesirables that you must now accept whether you like it or not…damn near everyone should be ashamed. ¯(°_o)/¯

MutilationWave ,

Oh you’re totally correct on the academic definitions. For instance I’m a leftist social libertarian. But I don’t tell most people that because when they think libertarian, they think of guys that drive trucks like in the post.

Like it or not, and I don’t, the definition has changed in common language.

Just like how liberal now means something completely divorced from the original meaning for the vast majority of people. You can spend all day trying to explain that liberalism actually is a conservative ideology, but people aren’t going to stop using liberal to describe people left of the US Democrats.

LarmyOfLone ,

So is Ayn Rand a libertarian or a mislabeled scotsman?

NegativeInf ,

She’s a dead fascist. The only good kind.

lewdian69 ,

It feels like you are being willfully naive of the real world and languages’ etymology in practice, and hiding within academia, whether on purpose or not.

saltesc ,

Are you sure it’s me being willfully naive of the real world? The real world seems to be ipretty fucking clear on this one and has been for a very long time.

Its not academia. It’s just a couple wiggles of your fingers I’m lazy, so here’s just the first three to get you started…

Libertarianism (from French: libertaire, itself from the Latin: libertas, lit. ‘freedom’) is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as a core value.[1][2][3][4] Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing equality before the law and civil rights to freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of choice.[4][5]

A libertarian is committed to the principle that liberty is the most important political value. Liberty means being free to make your own choices about your own life, that what you do with your body and your property ought to be up to you. Other people must not forcibly interfere with your liberty, and you must not forcibly interfere with theirs

Libertarianism is a family of views in political philosophy. Libertarians take individual freedom as the paramount political value and understand coercion to be the antithesis of that freedom. While people can justifiably be forced to do certain things—most obviously, to refrain from infringing the liberty of others—they cannot be coerced to serve the good of other members of society, nor even their own personal good.

So, as you can see, your etymology at work—not that the morphemes could ever be confusing on such a term. If your view is otherwise, well that’s my example of the power of disinformation and misinformation. Literally deceived into believing something that is incorrect by listening to incorrect people. Be careful of it.

hemko ,

Hitler also called his party socialist (maybe even believed in that himself), yet you’d find it hard to find people who agrees on that

MutilationWave ,

Surprisingly you can find people arguing that Hitler and his party were actually left wing (because they used the word socialist) both online and off. My usual response is to consider the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

hemko ,

Yeah well that’s another thing. Same way as many lefties are bashing borderline fash right as libertarians just because they claim so, many on the right claim Hitler was a socialist to throw dirt on socialism.

In both of these cases, I honestly believe it’s the 2nd group that’s actually harming the name of an ideology more than the first.

Static_Rocket , avatar

The above leans heavily on the idea that the political spectrum is a loop and swaying to either side too heavily incurs bias that eventually warps the initial intention

Because things weren’t already confusing enough

Grayox OP , avatar

how does libertarinism keep corporations from exploiting workers?

saltesc ,

Depends on the scale of it, but in an extreme libertarian view, it would not. It would say the natural order of things would play out and that micro-society would end up in a balance where workers get enough of what they want and the corporation would get enough of what they want. No state or body should get involved unless one side involved them or they were requested in as a mediator. And that libertarian would expect that it essentially, eventually, “sorts itself out”.

Though, since extremes of all social ideologies are completely naive to human nature, you’d find the majority of libertarianism ideas would be focused on protecting freedoms which is often more sensibly done with a government, but one that listens and is not corrupted or swayed by either side.

It’s interesting as this kind of thing can see libertarians fight each other over contradiction—the concept of a free market, for example. But I think the majority of them are more or less a bunch of Adam Smiths and his views were very libertarian while also sanely criticising libertarianism and where it does not work or does need to involvement of state or some form of authority, essentially to save people from themselves.

prettybunnys ,

Yeah, Ultra Libertarian Jingoist, in the way I defined it as it pertains to the comment that was made, perfectly describes the cognitive dissonance you’re explaining too.

ickplant , avatar

Don’t libertarians believe in abolishing public institutions like public schools? That’s encroaching on my children’s liberty to educate themselves affordably. Or without a public fire department it’s kind of hard to have the liberty to not die in a house fire.

Libertarianism is a joke.

saltesc ,

No. While it’s a spectrum, much of that spectrum is actually more for equal distribution in society and opposed to ideas like private ownership and capitalism, to a degree, since these unequally take away access or privilege for some and not for others. Thus, not everyone has the same liberties because one part of society has blocked or encroached another part.

The fundamental idea is not to gain something, rather it’s not to lose anything,

The exception to this is the somewhat unique and new right-wing libertarian branches that appeared in the US which are sort of more from a minarchism idea, so it’s more focused on not being regulated or controlled by a state. This is where free market concepts really took off, for example. The traditional libertarian views which, being much more mature and prevalent in the rest of the world, encompass society as much and originates from the left with stances of socialism, social balance, and of course the that any government is in service to the people and not an authority over them. This is why they are more for protecting liberty, rather than using it, and a state’s role is this. Basically, don’t let arseholes get loose and shit on everyone, because they will.

young_broccoli ,

Te word "libertarian" was redefined by an-caps to mean Ultra-neo-liberalism. It has no real connections with the origin of the term except for an-caps insisting on calling themselves anarchists.

saltesc ,

There was some unusual person here the other day claiming to be pro anarchy but had views starkly opposing libertarian ones… They seemed to be all for not being told what to do, but their concern for liberty didn’t seem to extend beyond themselves. My assumption would be that in a state of anarchy, they’d quickly be taking everything off everyone, then trying to establish an authority to try ensure other people didn’t take their stuff. Sitting in a beautiful colonial mansion, exercising their freedom to own other people, thinking how cool anarchy ended up being for them, while blissfully unaware of the pitchforks and torches marching onto their property to the beat of anarchist chants.

daltotron ,

This is sort of like the same phenomena of the politically correct (not in the PC sense but in the sense of like, what is and isn’t like, correct in the realm of political discourse. Like definitions of semantics and shit) definition of liberalism that leftists have to kind of churn through and give, every time someone says liberals and leftists are the same thing, and then it’s explained in some sort of hackneyed way usually that “on the global scale of leftism actually you’re wrong sweetie”, when realistically the better way to describe it is that liberalism isn’t necessarily left or right wing because it’s kind of a mercenary ideology that leaves up a free market which may either be left or right wing, depending on circumstance.

And then everyone gets confused by that distinction between liberalism and leftism, and just go back to using the words how they were using them to begin with, and calling people libtards, despite themselves wanting a free market more than their opposition (usually). So what I mean to say is that your definition is technically correct by all given definitions, and is the only one that makes sense, right, but, despite that, when most people refer to libertarians, they’re referring to this exact type of twat who drives a yuge truck, is generally obsessed with firearms, may or may not be a pedophile who doesn’t like the age of consent, may or may not be an austerity hawk, and believes in the NAP as some sort of holy preventative doctrine that you can build a society on. Hackneyed, conservative-flavored anarchism, basically. That strain of conservatism where they actually believed Reagan when he said the enemy was the government. That’s what people mean when they say someone’s a libertarian, and it’s usually also what people mean when they self-define as a libertarian.

It’s not a technically correct or logically coherent definition, but it’s the one that’s worked it’s way into common cultural parlance.

davel , avatar

The cool history: Are We The Baddies?

Kabutor , (edited )

Culpepper’s Minute Men

I had the Dont Tread on Me on twitter as my profile picture, I put that more than 10-15 years ago. I had to remove a couple years ago, because anyone who sees it will get the wrong idea.

Edit: also I was rewatching the movie Wind (about the American’s Cup) and the Geronimo ship had the Glasden flag on, that hasn’t aged well.…/1

nooneescapesthelaw ,

They’re liberterian the same way hitler and the Nazi’s were socialists, or how north korea is democratic…

potpie ,

And that’s why you should get this version instead! (Amazon link)

Veedem , to lemmyshitpost in That's ridiculous! avatar

Years ago, had a job at a public establishment. Building gets evacuated due to suspected gas leak. Four fire trucks in front of the entrance with lights flashing and an army of firemen inside, trying to find the source of the leak. In the midst of all of this, a customer walks between two of the trucks and tries to enter the building.

It was fun watching the fire fighters scold him like a toddler

creditCrazy , to lemmyshitpost in Do not. avatar

If someone can successfully train racoons to do their job I’d probably give them a raise and some deodorant

HiddenLayer5 , (edited )

Under capitalism they would be fired and the raccoons made to replace them for no pay.

No joke there are tons of stories of people writing programs to automate their job, management finding out, and basically getting fired while the company appropriates their automation code, since from their profit chasing perspective why should they pay someone if they can just take the code they wrote which will do the same thing for free?

TheRealKuni ,

Which is why you always implement a dead man’s switch that you can turn off if you leave the job amicably. And never leave your source code behind if you can avoid it.

HiddenLayer5 ,

Then they’ll get their lawyers involved to fuck you over. Since you probably coded it on company time with company equipment, they own everything and can sue you if you put booby traps in it. Hell there have been contracts in tech that say that everything you code while employed, regardless of whether it’s related to the business or not, they can claim, whether that extent is enforcible is another question but just the mere fact that plenty of companies are brazen enough to try that shit speaks for how much they expect to get away with, and they’re probably right.

Individuals rarely win against businesses as a design feature of capitalist society.

TheRealKuni ,

Well then at the very least do what I did: put in the code an Easter Egg that wishes you a happy birthday on your birthday in the copyright blurb at the bottom of the intranet page.

zalgotext ,

Lol you think source code you write at work is yours to take with you?

Stuka ,

If you aren’t in a dev job it would be incredibly easy to prevent the source code from falling into company hands.

zalgotext ,

Until they sick their lawyers on you

uis , avatar

It is hard to get source code even from devs employed as devs in most of the world, getting source code from average office plankton is outright impossible.

zalgotext ,

Now you’re just making stuff up lmao.

The premise of this thread is someone writing code that automates them out of their own job. Even the most incompetent company is going to make sure they have that code before firing the author.

uis , avatar

Even the most incompetent company is going to make sure they have that code before firing the author.

Yes, even most incompetent company will try. Good luck trying in countries with working labour law.

uis , avatar

Not paid as programmer = GTFO from my source code

DokPsy ,

The dead man switch at one of my last places was the companies incompetence and lack of forethought.

When I left, I told them that the files for their system that I designed, built, and maintained was on the laptop I was returning to them.

They wiped it.

They also had zero clue how to use the programs I had nor any other aspect of that system so they really shot themselves in the foot then shot their other one to test of the first one hurt

Gradually_Adjusting , to memes in sToP pOsTiNg pOliTicAl mEmEs!!! avatar

We live during a critical point in history, and I am determined to laugh at it

Tigbitties , avatar

Nailed it. This is my new motto.

rynzcycle ,

You can laugh or you can cry. Personally, I choose both.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

It’s called horrormirth, and it’s a Discordian tradition.

Bo7a ,

All Hail Eris.

All Hail Discordia.

Sharpiemarker ,

We live during a critical point in history, and I am determined to laugh at it in a society

Viking_Hippie , (edited )
  • fascism is on the rise across the world
  • Climate change has finally caught up with us in a big way with politicians still doing almost nothing to stop it or even slow it down
  • peaceful protesters are being labeled as terrorists and sometimes murdered while ACTUAL terrorists are protected by cops and half of the ruling elite
  • income and wealth inequality and thus poverty are worse than they have been since the great depression and it’s only getting worse faster and faster
  • the financial elite and their imitators are profiteering away people’s ability to survive and people are blaming it on the government spending money to help keep the victims of said profiteering alive
  • there’s a war in Europe where the rich countries care about it and the political alliance that the aggressor belongs to has just expanded to consist of countries containing half of the people in the world
  • the least bad realistic option for US President is an octogenarian who entered politics before the invention of the pocket calculator and thinks the solution to police brutality is to throw money at cops
  • the other realistic option is the career criminal grifter leader of a Christofascist cult, who is also a malignant narcissist, a sociopath and as bright as Greenland in December

This isn’t regular society, this is multiple crises piled on top of each other and about to explode into even worse catastrophe.

bullshitter ,

I too think a revolution is coming.

Maalus ,

You don’t. It’s a time like any other and nothing will change anyways.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

I hear the view from orbit is rather pretty. Is Hadfield there?

adonis , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed? avatar

New user: I have a problem 😊


  • are you on xorg or wayland?
  • pulseaudio or pipewire?
  • what WM/DE are you using?
  • amd or nvidia?
  • what distro?
  • systemd?

New user: Nevermind 😮‍💨

echo ,

if a new user is using a distro that doesn’t use systemd they fell for a meme

corsicanguppy ,

if a new user is using a distro that doesn’t use systemd they fell for a meme

Or they hate fridge art like systemd and are on something like PCLinuxOS or Alpine.

echo ,

That’s what I mean though, why would a new user be running alpine as a desktop os?

jerrythegenius , avatar

That would be me: My hardware at the time was crap so I couldn’t use the usual mint, ubuntu, etc and I was gonna use debian but I couldn’t find the x86 download button, so after a bunch of messing about with distros like puppy and #!++, I settled on alpine for a bit. I now have decent hardware and use fedora.

Nuuskis9 ,

At this point, my biggest dream is that these ‘new user’ distros used only Wayland, Pipewire, Systemd and Flatpaks simply to simplify things. Hopefully we’re less than 2024 away from NoVideo Wayland support.

Also as soon as XFCE releases their Wayland support, that soon it’ll become the most famous DE choice of Mint.

What I am really happy is to see how well supported Pipewire already is. Pipewire has never showed any problem in the new installs for me.

fubo ,

So … basically Pop!_OS.

That’s what I’m using now, and it’s what I’d recommend for most desktop users. I’ve been using Linux systems on-and-off since before kernel version 1.0: Slackware, then Debian, then Ubuntu, then Mint, then Pop.

(Admittedly, my use cases are pretty simple: a terminal, a browser, Signal, VLC, and Steam.)

Jarmer ,

Pretty much. Pop is my go-to recommendation for pretty much anyone these days. It’s so well polished and just easy.

BuboScandiacus ,

This PopOs ?

Nayviler ,

Yes, that pop os. As luck would have it, Linus installed it during a very brief period where the steam package in their repo was broken. This is not a common occurrence, and I have never heard of it happening before or since.

unknown ,

This whole series triggered me so hard. They went out of their way to test it under the worst possible conditions.

  • last at night
  • setting a goal with a deadline/time constraints for first run
  • not stopping and reading or thinking, just assuming away
  • copy paste from google frsit thing that looks vagualy right
  • tunnel vission
  • not resources like Emily, ensuring they make big mistakes

Then they follow up with hypocrisy of this shit, after going on and on about UI not being right or hard to use for the end user.

PipedLinkBot ,

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

KindaABigDyl , avatar

The problem with that is most major distros market themselves as “new user” distros to some extent though. Noob-friendly, out-of-the-box, easy, etc are all distro-marketing buzz-words that mean nothing.

You can’t expect them to only use Wayland, Pipewire, Systemd, and Flatpaks because that dream requires every distro to use Wayland, Pipewire, Systemd, and Flatpaks, which will never be reality.

Most distros will probably eventually adopt these tools, but there won’t be a sudden shift. It will be gradual.

Nuuskis9 ,

Well, for Pipewire it’s the apps which needs to adjust at this point. Only thing missing currently is the Wayland but it’s coming. Making Linux less fragmented (read: confusing), the more new users will give a try.

corsicanguppy ,


Fridge art. Fuck, they MAYBE have nfsroot working. MAYBE. After a decade of fucking around, when it was available for ages. The number of bags on the side of lennart’s piece of crap, just to reinvent the wheels we had before, is absolutely ridiculous.

and Flatpaks

… break single source of truth for as-built information and current software manifest. This kills validation, which dissolves certainty on consistency, then repeatability. And given the state of the software load exported to management tools is NOT the flatpak source of truth, you now have a false negative on the ‘installation’ of a flatpak resource when checking it via management.

Oh. That needs to be on the interview questions.

EuroNutellaMan , avatar

Gonna be honest with you I’m an intermediate user and understood jack shit of what you just said. A beginner and average user would have probably been scared off by Linux by this point rewding this.

Rooty ,

If I understood the funny words magic man correctly, he is complaining that flatpaks don’t come from a single trusted source and may become a vector for malware, unlike official distro repositories. Still, that was a very technobabble way of saying it.

EuroNutellaMan , avatar

That sounds to me like OP is trying to seem smarter than he is then

undisputed_huntsman ,

A beginner and average user would have probably been scared off by Linux by this point rewding this.

Maybe thats what he/she was trying to achieve.

michaelrose ,

pipewire seems ready for primetime but I’m more dubious about Wayland. For instance KDE appears to still be a bit flaky and sway still works poorly under Nvidia and will never have proper mixed DPI for xwayland apps. Still seems like a tradeoff vs X which doesn’t require a compromise. XFCE is roughly 10% of Mint users. Mint users are unlikely to switch because of wayland support

SexualPolytope , avatar

So you want them to provide answers by using magic? If you seek support for any software, open source or otherwise, you’ll need to tell them version, build number etc. Why do you think Linux will be any different?

Dhs92 ,

Because people can already barely provide this level of information for a Windows device. Most of these words look like technobabble to non-tech-enthusiasts

SexualPolytope , avatar

Of course the words will be different. They aren’t hard words. And they can be answered very easily. In fact, most forums ask to include an output of something like inxi -Fazy with every question, thus eliminating the need for all of these things.

For more niche problems, people might ask for more specific information. But most of the time, they’ll tell you exactly what to run to get that information.

You know what’s the Windows alternative for this? Most of the time, nothing. You need to reinstall Windows. Mac is similar, except you need to have it replaced. You actually CAN repair Linux. That’s the difference.

michaelrose ,

Doing tech support, I encountered this attitude. People like that are nearly impossible to help. “Why can’t you just fix it!” The true answer never given is that your problem is probably something stupid you are doing, like trying to make a phone call by physically shoving the phone entirely up your asshole, and until I run through some common problems and ask some questions, I won’t be able to tell you to have your significant other get the salad tongs and pull it out of your rear and then go over “dialing.”

People mostly need to be willing to gather detailed system info with Inxi and share it.

bouh ,

No. That’s the support job to figure out the problem of the user. It is not the user’s job to figure out the support problems.

I work in support, so I know what I’m talking about. Unfortunately most computer guys are elitist assholes who can’t understand a user doesn’t have their knowledge or even the will to understand why this shitty tech is not working.

michaelrose ,

Free open source software projects you don’t pay for don’t have paid support. If you talk to a fellow user it IS your job to figure out your problem. if you don’t have the will to understand anything you ought to buy a support contract.

Zoidsberg , avatar

I don’t disagree with you, but to answer OP’s question, I think this right here is the problem. I love Linux for the same reason I love building my own PCs and working on my own car. For most people that don’t want to tinker, though, they’re looking for something that “just works” and can be fixed by someone else when it breaks.

SexualPolytope , avatar

It’s such a privileged attitude, though. One CAN get paid support, but they don’t need it if they’re just a bit patient and willing to follow instructions. If you don’t want to pay, don’t expect someone else to deal with your bullshit.

(I’m not saying this to you, but to anyone who has this attitude.)

michaelrose ,

It case the subject wasn’t entirely clear in my prior post I agree with you, and that is exactly what I was trying to say. You the user of a foss project, aren’t a customer unless you give someone money. It IS your job to figure out your own issues. If you ask for help from your fellow users and they graciously provide you help then this is a gift you should appreciate. Because the person isn’t an expert on that topic in the employ of the creator, they might not know everything, nor do they have the infinite patience imparted by being paid by the hour to provide you help. They have their own shit to do. Treating them with entitlement and contempt like people treat support will burn these sorts of folks out, and they are far from an infinite resource. If you want a paid support relationship instead of treating the open source community as free help whose time you are entitled to, you ought to actually pay someone to do that job.

SexualPolytope , avatar

Pay for support then. Companies like Canonical and Redhat will be happy to take your money.

CoderKat ,

I’ll have you know I get better reception when it’s up my ass!

Nalivai ,

Why don’t you magically have a magic button that magically fixes everything with no effort of my own? That’s stupid, I think I will go on social media and repeatedly tell everyone that Linux is bad actually

Soundhole , to piracy in Deploy the crack

Whoever saved this as a jpeg instead of a png is the real crack smoker here.

QuazarOmega ,

The artifacts make it spicier

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