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stebo02 , to memes in Gotta get it right avatar

As a kid it took me a long time to understand what turning right even meant, because when the top goes right, the bottom goes left and the sides go up and down. It doesn’t make sense.

Ejh3k ,

I’ve been wrenching on cars nearly 30 years. I’ve had mechanical maintenance as part of my actual job for a decade now. Two years ago it all finally clicked for me. Clockwise tight, counterclockwise loose.

DarkDarkHouse , avatar

Clocky locky

rekabis ,

Even in my sixth decade, I beat people about the head with this, becoming the pedant from hell until they finally revert to clockwise and counterclockwise. And if they become specific enough to be “right over the top”, I go, “well, why not just say clockwise and avoid all that ambiguity?”

Being on the spectrum, it took me into my very early teens to even figure out right from left. I was two grades ahead of my peers in math, and could read a map and navigate better than most adults, but I needed a high degree of specificity when it came to physical directions. Any assumptions that were inconsequential to others became massive roadblocks to me due to the innate ambiguity of assumptions.

themusicman ,

“But it’s going anticlockwise if you look at it from behind…”

If you mount a clock on the ceiling, which way do the hands go? What about their shadow on the floor?

pixelscript ,

Those are some really theoretical ways to observe a clock face.

How about we just start saying, “torque in, torque out”? When the torque vector points in, the screw goes in (tightening). When it points out, the screw comes out (loosening). As long as you are standing on the side of the screw you can actually work with while working with it (and why wouldn’t you be?) this is never ambiguous.

Of course, now we’re kicking the can down the road and relying on people wrapping their heads around the right hand rule… Hmm…

themusicman ,

Doesn’t have to be a clock. Which way does a ceiling fan spin?

pixelscript ,

I have lived in a home with a ceiling fan for nearly 30 years and I cannot confidently answer this question off the top of my head.

Maybe that’s just tremendous skill issue on my part, but recognizing that all ceiling fans are standardized to spin only one way and knowing which way that is seems like a weird thing to ask of someone who also needs a mnemonic for which way to tighten screws.

themusicman ,

That’s not what I meant. If you have a ceiling fan in front of you, how would you describe its rotation? Would it rotate the same way as its shadow? Or opposite? Why?

stebo02 , avatar

I think the issue is that the words “clockwise” and especially “counterclockwise” are way too long and therefore people prefer saying “left” or “right”.

pixelscript ,

Not to mention a rapidly growing segment of the population is unable to read analog 12 hour clocks, so the analogy is not that helpful.

rmuk ,

Okay, so, yeah. “Righty tighty” never worked for me but you know what did? Turning Clockwise would eventually make the screwhead block up against the wood. “Clockwise, blockwise”.

rekabis ,

Clockwise, blockwise

That’s a new one for me. Thanks.

hyves ,

In Dutch we only talk about turning screws clockwise and counterclockwise

OozingPositron , to memes in How often had I overlooked women's contributions ? avatar

He died before he could carve 29.

I_am_10_squirrels ,

Maybe they were narrating it

jackpot , to memes in How often had I overlooked women's contributions ? avatar

i think they mean ‘man’ as in ‘mankind’. also any ideas why would they carve it into bone and not bark or something more flat?

Rowan ,

Likely durability and portability. Think of it as something they use month over month and just mark the day with something like a string band. Bone would be light enough to keep with you, strong enough to not break, and common enough to be available for household use.

TokenBoomer ,


dangblingus ,

It seems pretty clear that they mean “male” as they follow the mention of “man” up with “woman”.

jackpot , avatar

no i mean, by the people ‘who consider it’. i think the speaksr didnt understand that theyre saying it’s mankind others are talkint abkut

Rodeo ,

Oh but the word mankind in itself overlooks women. We’re all supposed to be saying humankind now.

jackpot , avatar

etymologically speaking im not even sure if thats right. i heard somethibg like this and they either said woman doesnt derive from man or that man used to mean woman and man but woman became its own thing, cant recall

John_McMurray ,

“man” in the contexts not directly related to being a male, means human. “Man” used to have a prefix vaguely pronounced “were” and “woman” used to be “wifman”. Female werewolf would be a “wifwolf” then. So anyways, “Man” never changed it’s meaning, it really just gained an additional one, and yet again, whiners need to read a book.

John_McMurray ,

nah. it’s a double entendre.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Likely durability. A bone and a stick can both be thrown into a bag and carried with you, but a bone is much more durable than a stick. It’ll be less likely to break or wear down as it rubs against everything else in your bag.

feedum_sneedson ,

What about blackthorn wood versus chicken bone? What’s it like being wrong on the internet, champ. Adding this one to my scoreboard (dry-wipe, wall-mounted, magnetic).

NikkiDimes ,

Do you mean dry erase?

DAMunzy ,

🎤 💧

feedum_sneedson ,

Yes I do, the terms are interchangeable here.

LodeMike ,

They probably did but only the bone survived time

jackpot , avatar

ahh survivorship bias thats it thanks

LodeMike ,

Always remember to check for survivorship bias. It’s the most fundamental way to lie with statistics.

survivalmachine , (edited )

Sure, you can say “man” means “mankind”, but when you use gendered language like that, most people picture a couple of caveMEN sitting around a fire carving bones rather than caveHUMANS (edited – I think it would benefit us to picture all genders around this hypothetical fire). Even though we try to use gendered language in a neutral way, listeners will often perceive the language in a gendered way.

bane_killgrind ,

Cave humans

survivalmachine ,

Thank you <3

Juno ,

Just FYI the origin of “woman” is “wife-man” which (forgive if I do these slightly out of order) was “wyfe-man” to “wife-man” to “wieman” to woman 👩

The misogyny is built into the language. Or the common word used originates from “wife of man”

Paraphrased source Websters word origins

Drusas ,

"Man" also means "humankind". In fact, it was originally a gender-neutral word.

survivalmachine ,

Yes, I know. I explained that. That doesn’t change perception.

jackpot , avatar

this is it tjank you

usualsuspect191 ,

Cave humans hupeople

survivalmachine ,


BCsven ,

Do they, or is it just men that think that? While women might think of their own gender around a fire, and assume either gender/ non-gendered

endhits ,

That’s exactly what is meant, but they have to find something to complain about

GeneralEmergency , to memes in How often had I overlooked women's contributions ?

I am sure the comments on this meme community post in a niche social media site will not be filled with butthurt men’s rights activists.

Sotuanduso ,

You could have at least used the term “misogynist” so as to not imply that men’s rights are a bad thing.

TurtleJoe , avatar

Hey, we found one!

Not seriously, “men’s rights activists” are a specific group of people that only exist to complain about and hate women. They don’t care about men’s rights, they are anti-feminists.

If you genuinely didn’t know this, then I’d love to know what Internet rock You’ve been hiding under. If you’re trying to concern troll, fuck off, MRAs are fucking scum.

-signed, a man.

Quastamaza ,

Feels good to go with the flow, doesn’t it? And going for the audience’s applause? And while we’re at it, what are “women’s rights activists”, then? The undisputed incarnation of everything that is right and good in the world, I suppose?

-signed, a man, like you.

WldFyre ,

signed, a man

You could have left this part off, it was perfectly clear you’re a man

Quastamaza ,

Have my upvote!

Sotuanduso ,

I’ve definitely heard of misogynists, and of misogynists disguising themselves as legitimate men’s advocates, but I’d never heard of “men’s rights activists” as a specific group of misogynists before this.

Without this explanation, had someone said “men’s rights activists are misogynists,” I would have thought they were a misandrist, because it sounds like a general descriptor and not a specific group.

So what do you call it when someone who’s not a misogynist advocates for equal treatment in the areas where men get the short end of the stick?

candybrie ,

Generally, they’re described as part of the men’s liberation movement. The men’s movement split decades ago into men’s rights movement, which often comes at the issue from a more conservative premise that views feminism as going to far and eroding men’s rights, and the men’s liberation movement which generally is more liberal and wants to critically look at traditional masculinity and how those expectations may harm men.

Sotuanduso ,

Hmm, intuition implies the inverse. I would have guessed men’s liberation means “liberation from women” and thus misogyny. I guess unintuitive terminology is just the way things go.

Alice , to memes in boycott Nintendo products

Per Snopes:

What’s True

A child in Venezuela made a cardboard Nintendo Gameboy to play a home-made version of Super Mario Bros.

What’s False

However, Nintendo did not send a cease-and-desist letter to this child, nor did the company sue his family for $200 million.

A picture with some text is not a news source. Boycott Nintendo for good reasons.

hemko ,

It’s a meme

Alice ,

Yeah my bad, went right over my head.

Cqrd ,

This is a joke referencing Nintendo suing an emulator developer. It should not be considered news. The money amount is even the same.

Alice ,

Oops, I’m slow on the uptake. Thanks.

0ops ,

This meme’s older than the latest yuzu thing. I’m pretty sure I saw it on reddit, and I haven’t been there in months. Nintendo’s been like this forever.

Cqrd ,

It is, but this one is a reference to Yuzu, you can tell by the money. Previously it was $200 million, where as Yuzu settled for $2.5m

gandalf_der_12te , to memes in boycott Nintendo products

(x) doubt

zifnab25 , to memes in boycott Nintendo products

Nintendo gets to do this (the Yuzu shit) because so many other developers have stopped making anything except slot machines.

Emmy , to memes in How often had I overlooked women's contributions ?

All the idiots claiming it’s the moon and giving more details about women’s cycles are missing the point of the quote.

Which is spelled out, but I’ll place it here.

The idea that it was a woman is just as valid as it being a man, but man is always assumed.

The accuracy of the claim is not at issue. The assumption is.

Churbleyimyam ,

Who is responsible though? The historian, or the man who inscribed the bone?

Churbleyimyam , to memes in How often had I overlooked women's contributions ?

Good trip-up one. Good old periods. Good old not getting your girlfriend pregnant.

davel , to memes in Toothpaste avatar

Toothpaste commercials put comically large amounts onto toothbrushes to fool people into buying several times more than they need.

happybadger , to memes in How often had I overlooked women's contributions ? avatar

I similarly like that feminist theory of Venus statues. They aren’t dummy thicc proto-porn but the perspective of someone who’s pregnant looking down at their reflection in a river and cataloguing the most dangerous/important point of their life.

AlpineSteakHouse ,

It makes more sense for the former unfortunately.

The original theory was that it could have been a pregnant women looking down and that’s what lead to the proportions. The idea was they wouldn’t have been able to see themselves in a river or something. But rivers and puddles, not to mention OTHER pregnant women, were extremely common so it’s less likely.

bennieandthez , to memes in boycott Nintendo products avatar

I don’t have to boycott since their products already suck.

De_Narm , to memes in boycott Nintendo products

I know the ‘I bought the games beforehand!’ crowd will come out of of the woodwork real quick here, but they are of course trying to stop software that’s mainly used for piracy. At least wait until their stuff is off the shelves before you emulate it to ‘perserve’ it. There is no need to be this salty about it.

zakobjoa , avatar

What are you on about?!

This is a joke about a cardboard switch.

De_Narm ,

OP commented about Yuzu alongside the image, it’s part of the reactionary ‘Nintendo = bad’ memes

agitatedpotato ,

This meme is not new calling it reactionary is funny. Speaking of funny, Nintendo has previously employed private investigators to investigate and stalk modders so they could sue them better. This is an old meme for a old problem.

NocturnalMorning ,

In nintendos defense, they’re perfectly fine taking away your ability to emulate 30 year old games they don’t give a shit about too, just for a little more money. Usually, companies rely on good will with their customers to survive, apparently nintendo doesn’t think they need that anymore.

samus12345 , avatar

Other than making games that people like, I’m struggling to think of things Nintendo has done to foster goodwill.

li10 ,

Fuck all this “ethics” BS, I steal because it’s fun 😤

samus12345 , avatar

Playing the games can be fun, but getting them to work can be a pain sometimes. Although it’s satisfying when you’ve been struggling to get one to work and finally figure it out…wait, is that why people like the Dark Souls games?

sentient_loom , avatar

A) He didn’t pirate anything. Just drew a picture of a game on a piece of cardboard.

B) It didn’t actually happen anyway.

WarmSoda ,

Uh excuse me ma’am, you’re in a meme post right now.

gianni OP ,

Stopping software mainly used for piracy has equated to the inability to do what you like with what you rightfully purchase

Mango , to memes in boycott Nintendo products

My laugh turned heads on the Metro. 🤣👍

Imgonnatrythis ,

Insensitive bastard!

To pay his debt this kid cuts out and sells hundreds of cardboard Disney characters every day! He has blisters so awful that he can now never play a switch even if he had one.

Diabolo96 , to lemmyshitpost in Duolingo is wild

If you really want to learn a language ditch this garbage and try comprehensible Input.

Fridgeratr ,

Ok. How do I do that?

Diabolo96 , (edited )

You don’t need any app, although you could probably find dozens by searching ‘comprehensible input’ on YouTube. Comprehensible Input is achieved by watching and reading the content you enjoy in your target language and rely on context to understand and acquire it . I am a polyglot, and after mastering French, I transitioned to English around 2017. Now, enough people have told me that my English is decently good, so since January of this year, I am now learning Spanish by watching lets plays of indie games and reading tech news articles.

I will probably start watching cartoons too. Something like the early seasons of spongbob square pants would be great because each episode is self-contained and humorous.

Here are some tips:

  1. Learn the bare minimum vocabulary needed to have a general understanding of what’s being said. Words such as conjunctions (and, but, etc.), prepositions (under, above, in, out, etc.), adverbs (fast, often, very, etc.), interrogatives (how, when, who, etc.), important adjectives (colors, tall, short, etc.), and the 100 most used verbs (be, have, want, do,say, go etc.). The goal is to later acquire new words from context.
  2. At first, you will not be able to understand new words from context alone most of the time , so you’ll need to check the dictionary very often. Over time, you’ll rely on context more and more.
  3. Depending on the target language, you don’t need to focus much on grammar, but don’t omit it completely. It’s easier to just learn why the sentence is the way it is, than to slowly memorize the correct structure.
  4. Mastering a language is a long process. Depending on how far or close your target language is to your native one, it’ll probably take you from 6 months to 2 years to acquire enough of the language where you’ll unlock the full potential of passive learning and you’ll slowly master your target language by just consuming the media of said language.
Fridgeratr ,

I’ll definitely have to try some of those! I’m using Duolingo to learn Japanese but definitely want to try some additional learning methods too

Paradachshund ,

I was just looking this up and it sounds like a teaching technique more than an alternative. Is there some website or app that uses that technique? It sounds great to me.

Diabolo96 ,

I already answered a comment above explaining everything I know.

Num10ck ,

turn on subtitles and watch some foreign flicks

zalgotext ,

Duolingo is a good tool for stuff that flashcards are good for - learning letters/alphabets/symbols, learning new words, basic sentence structure/grammar, etc. It’s one good tool for language learning, but it won’t do the whole job by itself. Certainly not garbage, as long as you use the tool correctly.

zammy95 ,

Yeah that’s pretty much where I’m at. I joined my buddy in his wife’s Japanese club, but I know absolutely nothing. Trying Duolingo primarily to learn the alphabets. It’s not perfect, but I can recognize them all and read Hiragana, so it’s not completely worthless!

Didn’t help me learn how to wite at ALL though. Too little practice, it’s definitely a tool (for some languages as least) that’s meant to be used with other learning methods

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