There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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ristoril_zip , to nostupidquestions in Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?

I think HB and some of the other groups are mostly trolls or Russian, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean, or aligned operatives trying to gas up trolls or wannabe trolls.

There are definitely some well meaning Americans and others who get suckered into the bullshit tornado that is those sites. They are definitely worth saving if we can. But it’s hard. They ban and block anyone with a dissenting voice no matter how calmly presented.


I see it as the neonazi movement in the US in late 90s and early 2000s. They want to be edgy, but don’t have a significant structure to actually do anything important. Around 2006 I ended up stealing a knife from a neonazi that came in to the restaurant that I worked at. It was a Mexican restaurant btw lol

ObsidianZed , to science_memes in Burning Up
Honytawk ,

Strange, because it is bullshit.

Fahrenheit isn’t how people feel, otherwise 50° would be perfect temperature.

You Americans are just used to thinking in Fahrenheit, that is why you think it is how humans feel. As a European, I “feel” in Celsius.

Okokimup , avatar

50F is the perfect temperature.

VitaminF ,

That’s 10°C for those who want to judge you. And you’re wrong, the perfect temperature is 17°C. Not too cold, not too hot.

TheTetrapod ,

Rating inflation. If someone called you a 5 or 6 out of 10, you’d feel bad. 7/10 is the bottom of acceptability, just like 72° is room temperature.

x00za ,

That’s the most amount of copium I’ve seen on lemmy so far.

thefartographer ,

You think that’s some copium, watch this:

When you’re a child having a sick-day, you get to stay home from school and watch TV, which is absolutely 💯. What temperature do you need to have to get a sick-day? 100°

In foreign units, 100° is the temperature at which water boils. What has boiling water ever done for anyone? Literally nothing. But in freedom units, water boils at 212°. 212 is a palindrome and palindromes are so cool, they could be classified as 💯. As we all know, 100 is the coolest number, which is why that’s how high grades go.

Finally, using USA standards, calculating calories in food merely requires measuring how much energy is required to raise 3.5 oz water 1.8° F by burning the food and then dividing by 1000. Using your weird unpatriotic methods, you’d have to measure how much energy is required to raise 100 grams of water 1° C by burning the food and then not dividing by anything??? Sounds lame!

Someone give me a Gatorade, those mental gymnastics were a hell of a workout

chiliedogg , (edited )

Fahrenheit literally meant to base the scale with 100 being human body temp.

It was later rescaled by Cavendish to put the freezing point of water at exactly 32 and boiling point at exactly 212, giving a nicely-divisible 180-degree separation between freezing and boiling. That shift is why body temperature is 98.6.

morgunkorn , avatar

Horse* body temp

doggle ,

I’m pretty sure that wasn’t actually Fahrenheit’s intention, more a happy accident. Also if your body temp is 100°F then you’re running a mild/moderate fever.

chiliedogg ,

The scale was adjusted later to make freezing and boiling points land on exact numbers with an easily-divisible 180-dregrees between them (180 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 36, 45, 60, and 90).…/paper-doi-10_1098_rstl_1777_0038

nulluser ,

I don’t usually run, but when I do, I run a mild/moderate fever.

NounsAndWords ,

I like this version better than “he had a fever when he measured 100 degrees” so I will choose to believe it without further research.

I hope you are correct.

chiliedogg ,
NounsAndWords ,

The Report of the Committee Appointed by the Royal Society to Consider of the Best Method of Adjusting the Fixed Points of Thermometers; And of the Precautions Necessary to Be Used in Making Experiments with Those Instruments

Seems fancy and legit, I see no reason to actually read it and confirm the info.

chiliedogg ,

Welcome to peer review!

ITGuyLevi ,

Why would you pick 50 for the perfect temp? Genuinely curious why land on that number.

doggle ,

As is typically responded to this ‘response’: there are a large number of people-many European-who would unironically say that 50°F (10°C) is, in fact, the ideal temperature.

They’re wrong, of course, but they exist.

But you’re also assuming that the exact middle of the range is where the ideal sweet spot should be. That’s wrong. People generally can better handle larger temperature deviations that are colder than their ideal than hotter deviations.

Trainguyrom ,

otherwise 50° would be perfect temperature.

I love it when it’s 50ish out and sunny. You don’t get all sweaty, plus you can wear cozy socks and sweaters or just go out in short sleeves and both are perfectly fine. The bugs all start going into hiding at that temperature but the grass and leaves are still green

akilou ,

50 degrees is a damn good temperature. I won’t stand here and let you besmirch 50 degrees.

Its not the “perfect” temperature but what temp in celcius is “perfect”? What a ridiculously proposition that there’s a perfect temperature.

sznowicki ,

20 is perfect.

where_am_i ,

As a European I can perfectly feel the 0 degree. I step outside and 5 seconds later I can tell you if it’s below zero or not.

For me “it’s now really hot” in summer is exactly when it’s over 30C. It being 86F doesn’t make any more sense. Approximately above 35C I will avoid going outside. Which would be 95F, not 100. From here, the temps in summer in the south of Europe are often around 100F at peak. Above or below doesn’t matter.

All that Fahrenheit scale is good for is if you live in a continental climate, more to the south, e.g. some useless place like Oklahoma, where 0F is approximately year low, and 100F is approximately year high.

For all other places, where the temperature delta over the course of the year is not as extreme, this Fahrenheit scale is as unintuitive as celcius, e.g. you just get used to it.

Phil_in_here ,

Fahrenheit is literally a German dude making a scale from, “scheiße its chilly outside” to “oh mein gott, its hot out!”

Ephera ,

What annoys me about that phrasing, is that “how water feels” is quite relevant to how humans feel.

The obvious example is that if it’s below 0°C, it starts freezing, which causes slippery sidewalks, snow, dry air, all that stuff.
But just in general having a feeling how much water will evaporate and later precipitate at certain temperatures, and even stuff like how hot beverages and cooking temperatures are, it’s all still relevant for humans…

fluxion , to funny in So this guy believes in Nick Cannon, who has 12 children with six women

“What sort of minimum wage would we need so an honest blue collar working man can take care of a family of ten and restore our society to the good ol days? Oh…ok… well let’s just ignore that part.”

SpaceNoodle , to lemmyshitpost in I just want to make cookies :(

Maybe the problem is that the units are actually US customary and you’re dicking up all of your conversions

Hope , to lemmyshitpost in I just want to make cookies :(

Pfffft as though we’d be so sane as measure flour by weight instead of volume

GregorTacTac , to selfhosted in Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware? avatar

Why not just have a script that sets up all of the software one would want to host?

EliRibble OP ,

I’m not aware of a script alone that could do it, assuming you bought some hardware that came with Windows and wanted to run Linux. Is it possible these days to install Linux from within Windows? I’ve been flashing via disks for too long now.

I do know that some routers are scriptable, but not all routers are, so it may not be possible to do things like expose a port on the Internet with just scripts on whatever router they have.

ScruffyDucky , to funny in So this guy believes in Nick Cannon, who has 12 children with six women

I didn’t know that weak pull out game was a political view

NakariLexfortaine , to funny in So this guy believes in Nick Cannon, who has 12 children with six women

Oh, but it isn’t a fetish! It’s the command of God! They have to push out as many children as possible, because the Creator wishes for us to cover every inch of this planet, and they need a holy army to fight the demons Satan sends against us! And the women need to be pretty and subservient because Gods a man and He loves the good, pretty ladies.

(I have heard this bullshit so many fucking times, with so many reasons why this is their gods plan.)

pennomi ,

They have to hold that view! How else would a guy like that get sex once every nine months?

NakariLexfortaine ,

Marital rape.

Oh, wait, so much of it already is “I was raised to perform my womanly duties, no matter my feelings”.

Sorry, this is a personal sore point, not trying to go off on you.

pennomi ,

No no, you’re absolutely right. I’ve seen a good deal of that too in the culture I was raised in.

TheSlad , to science_memes in We Got You

If i ever get something stuck up my ass while trying to pleasure myself and need medical help to remove it, I will absolutely try to come up with the most convoluted and ridiculous story for how it got there. Not out of embarrasment, but just to give the ER nurses a good laugh.

irreticent , avatar


TheOubliette , to memes in Democrats "saving democracy"

Don’t complain about me doing bad things or my buddy over here will do even worse.

mspencer712 , to selfhosted in Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware?

I think this needs to exist, but as a community supported system, not as a commercial product.

Pick a set of open technologies - but not the best, lightest weight, just pick something open.

Come up with a security architecture that’s reasonably safe and only adds a moderate amount of extra annoyance, and build out a really generic “self-hosted web hosting and VM company-like thingy” system people can rally around.

Biggest threat to this, I think, is that this isn’t the 90s and early 2000s any longer, and for a big project like this, most of the oxygen has been sucked out already by free commercial offerings like Facebook. The technical family friend offering to self-host email or forums or chat no longer gets gratitude and love, they get “why not Facebook?”

So… small group effort, resistant to bad actors joining the project to kill it, producing a good design with reasonably safe security architecture, that people can install step by step, and have fun using while they build and learn it.

BarbecueCowboy ,

We already have that, the first problem is we have like a dozen of them, a few are even well supported. The second problem is that usually the technical knowledge required to set up the systems are still lower than the technical knowledge required to keep it running.

mspencer712 ,

I’ve been struggling to wrap my head around a good security architecture for my replacement crap. Could I bug you for links?

I figured out a while ago to keep VM host management on a management VLAN, and I put each service VM on its own VLAN with heavy, service-specific firewalling and a private OS update repo mirror - but after hearing about ESXi jackpotting vulns and Broadcom shenanigans, I’ve gotten really disheartened. I’d love some safe defaults.

whereisk ,

I think a possibility is a series of open source anvil or nixos scripts that you can run on most hardware with minimal changes, in an extendable architecture of some kind to add or remove functionality and they perhaps get maintained by the community or some structure of the kind of Linux distributions.

This could enable people with minimal skills set up and maintain a reasonably useful but secure environment just by changing a few variables.

atzanteol ,

nixos scripts

What’s a nixos script?

ForgotAboutDre ,

Nixos is an os that’s defined by its config stored in .nix files. Everything is defined here all the software and configurations. Two people with the same script will have the exact same os.

Any changes you make that aren’t in the scripts won’t be present when you reboot.

You could maintain a very custom linux distribution (kinda) by just maintaining these config scripts.

So a user wouldn’t need to install all required software and dependencies. They could get a nixos and the self-host config and adjust some settings and have a working system straight after install.

EliRibble OP ,

I think this needs to exist, but as a community supported system, not as a commercial product. … The technical family friend offering to self-host email or forums or chat no longer gets gratitude and love, they get “why not Facebook?”

I think this is a great point, it doesn’t help much to create a business that ends up with the same incentives and the same end-game as the existing systems.

So… small group effort, resistant to bad actors joining the project to kill it, producing a good design with reasonably safe security architecture, that people can install step by step, and have fun using while they build and learn it.

That is precisely what I’m looking to build. I don’t want to get rich, I want people without 10 years of industry experience to get some of the benefits we have all been able to build for ourselves.

AFKBRBChocolate , to greentext in Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread

I’ve always told my family I like to build up “cart karma.” You get karma by bringing a cart in with you from the parking lot, or returning the one you use after. You lose karma by leaving your cart in the parking lot. Even if I’m going in for a single item, I’ll take a cart in from the parking lot with me and leave it in the rack by the store.

I don’t really care about cart karma, it’s just a way of saying that it seems like the nice thing to do.

match , avatar

st peter at the pearly gates: “yup, looks like you’re up 14 carts overall. welcome to heaven.”

Buddahriffic ,

All sins and virtues get converted to cart return equivalent.

“14 carts positive, plus those 4 times you helped old ladies cross the street adds 12 more carts, minus 8 carts for the time you tried to help one but ended up punching her instead (it would have been 10 but it’s reduced by 2 because Dionysus was watching that one and said even he would have had trouble holding his temper and he’s a pretty chill dude). You’re up 18 carts overall, congrats!”

match , avatar

“update, your next of kin bought 2 model golden shopping carts from the temple and put them by your gravestone, getting you to a nice round 20. here’s your all-access pass to the Garden of Delights”

koncertejo , to selfhosted in Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware?

The tech savvy will just buy a Raspberry Pi and install yunohost on it.

WolfLink , to showerthoughts in I want an AI TV that blocks all forms of advertising.

Meanwhile tv manufacturers are working on AI to sneak in more advertising.

UlyssesT , to memes in US libs be like
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