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Alice , to asklemmy in What's the hardest you've ever hit your head on something or something hit yours?

Not the most dramatic, but when I was really little I remember play fighting with my brothers, and falling backwards off the bed and hitting my head against a dresser.

There was no wound or anything but I remember seeing all kinds of fucked up colors at the moment of impact. Despite being a huge crybaby, I’m pretty sure I didn’t cry or freak out, I was just extremely fatigued.

I wonder if we should have gone to the doctor. I don’t think you’re supposed to see TV static and rainbow vomit when you bump your head.

nialv7 , to selfhosted in This happens after 3-4 days of running the server, then I have to restart it manually.

Time to add a cron job to auto reboot it once a day

TheBigBrother , to asklemmy in People who have studied and have applied Dialectical Materialism to resolve problems in your life/locality, could you share your experiences?

If you want to go down the rabbit hole read Five Essays on Philosophy by Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong literature it’s better explaining dialectic materialism into everyday life than Russian authors in my humble POV.

Achyu OP ,

Thank you

TheBigBrother ,

You are welcome, good luck!! 👍🤞

Emperor , to asklemmy in How do you get over a crush? avatar

You can do something cathartic. After getting dumped, I once pushed a tree down in my back garden and carried it around to the front of the house for disposal. My muscles ached and I was cut and bruised but felt a lot better afterwards. Other times I’ve just gone out drinking with friends. There are sater more controlled ways of doing it - try exercising to exhaustion, get away for the weekend and GI hiking, drive a tank, go to one of those places where you can smash things up, organise a big paintballing session, etc. Something that breaks you out of your routine, preferably gets you out of your local area, needs all your focus and tires you out. It should take your mind off things, get you so focused and tired you aren’t brooding about it and provide a symbolic break so you can leave your baggage behind on the other side.

It’s not an instant cure, this will all take time but it’s a decisive first step.

pigup , to lemmyshitpost in Futon


spongebue , to nostupidquestions in You a sales bargain hunter or do you pay normal?

I usually consider myself frugal, but try to get decent quality (a major part of the difference between frugal and cheap) and occasionally I splurge. Yesterday I bought 4 shirts. They came from a medium-high end store (Dillard’s, for those who have one nearby and know what I’m talking about). This is the time of year when lighter summer shirts are getting marked down. I’ve needed some more of them for a bit but waited for this moment.

Also, I’m a sucker for fancy cheeses and desserts from our Kroger variant. But it’s rare that I buy something that isn’t on manager’s special.

I browse Facebook Marketplace all the time for stuff.

Sometimes I want something and dream about it, and it takes an excellent sale to get me to actually buy it. Like the shades I got for my house last year (50% off at Home Depot)

I also brought a brand new car in 2022 when the market was bonkers. Not the fanciest car in the world (Chevy Bolt EUV) but it was a hell of a value, gas prices were going nuts with Russia having invaded Ukraine, and my 2005 Ford Focus wasn’t going to last forever (still serving my wife’s cousin’s stepdaughter well though)

I’ve also gotten furniture and stuff over the years. Maybe I’ll smile at the idea of a sale, but realistically so many things are “on sale” more often than not (even if that sale rotates between 25% off and BOGO half off)

I once saw a meme saying that being a Midwesterner means that if someone compliments something you bought, you need to explain that it was a good deal. That resonates with me.

Anyway, I’m procrastinating my nightly chores before bed. Thanks, but I need to work on that 🙂

satanmat , to techsupport in I want to create 2 mailing lists that people can subscribe to. How can I do it?

Mail chimp.

Don’t try to self host . Your email will bounce every where

FarraigePlaisteach OP , avatar

Thanks 🙏 That’s what I’ll do.

KyuubiNoKitsune , to asklemmy in How do you get over a crush?

Accept that not everyone will like you back, in fact, most won’t. Mourne the loss, be sad, cry, then get up and carry on, because there will be another.

I also prefer to stay friends if I can, because if I loved them for some reason, them not feeling anything for me doesn’t change that, so I want them in my life.

Some of this was only possible due to the fact that I have had my heart broken too many times to count, so it’s also a thing of practicing radical acceptance.

Floey , to nostupidquestions in Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question)

Better that only you know than everybody knows but nobody wants to talk about it. Communal shame is terrifying. Here’s an excerpt from the story Guts.

This friend of mine, he waits months under a black cloud, waiting for his folks to confront him. And they never do. Ever. Even now he’s grown up, that invisible carrot hangs over every Christmas dinner, every birthday party. Every Easter egg hunt with his kids, his parents’ grandkids, that ghost carrot is hovering over all of them.

scytale , to science_memes in Sharks

Isn’t there relatively nothing that far out in the ocean? Or is it a migration thing?

ulterno , avatar

Yeah, there isn’t.
It went all the way just to draw the shark.


InternetCitizen2 , to linux in How was your experience using Linux in college?

Used it for physics stuff

sin_free_for_00_days , to linux in Our lab is named after the goat

I recently read Kernighan’s UNIX: A History and Memoir. It was pretty interesting. Also, Bell Labs still hosts a page with a lot of links/info for Richie at:

abracaDavid , to science_memes in Statistics

Yeah this is incorrect because people that breed dogs almost never are killed by the dogs they breed.

Tar_alcaran ,

No, their kids are though

killingspark ,

It also helps that neither dogs nor coyotes are heavy enough to crush you by accident

I_am_10_squirrels ,

… your mom?

killingspark ,

My mom doesn’t crush peopleon accident. Also it’s more of a psychological crushing in her case

candybrie ,
SexualPolytope , to linuxmemes in Wine acronym avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">wine </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">=</span><span style="color:#323232;"> iterate (</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">++</span><span style="color:#183691;">" Is Not an Emulator"</span><span style="color:#323232;">) </span><span style="color:#183691;">"WINE"
ColdWater OP , avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">Internal errors - invalid parameters received
SexualPolytope , avatar

Sorry, I should’ve specified, it’s in Haskell. Idk where you tried running it.

lennivelkant ,

I’ve never worked with Haskell, but I’ve been meaning to expand my programming repertoire (particularly since I don’t get to do much coding at work, let alone learn new languages) and this makes for a nice opportunity, so I wanna try to parse this / guess at the syntax.

I assume iterate function arg applies some function to arg repeatedly, presumably until some exit condition is met? Or does it simply create an infinite, lazily evaluated sequence?

( ) would be an inline function definition then, in this case returning the result of applying ++suffix to its argument (which other languages might phrase something like arg += suffix), thereby appending " Is Not an Emulator" to the function argument, which is initially “WINE”.

So as a result, the code would produce an infinite recurring “WINE Is Not an Emulator Is Not an Emulator…” string. If evaluated eagerly, it would result in an OOM error (with tail recursion) or a stack overflow (without). If evaluated lazily, it would produce a lazy string, evaluated only as far as it is queried (by some equivalent of a head function reading the first X characters from it).

How far off am I? What pieces am I missing?

SexualPolytope , (edited ) avatar

You’re pretty much right on the money. In Haskell, a String is a type synonym for [Char], so we can use the list concatenation function ++ to join strings. ++ is an infix function i.e. [1,2,3] ++ [3,4,5] = [1,2,3,3,4,5] (which will be equivalent to doing (++) [1,2,3] [3,4,5] by virtue of how infix functions work in Haskell). When we do (++ “a”), we create a partially applied function. Now, we can supply another string to it and it will add “a” at the end of it.

iterate f x produces a lazily evaluated sequence [x, f x, f f x, …]. So, to get the nth entry, we can do wine !! n where we use another infix function !!. With partial application, we can modify the definition of wine to create a function that takes an Int n and spits out the nth entry of it by doing

<span style="color:#323232;">wine </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">= </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#795da3;">(!!) </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">$</span><span style="color:#323232;"> iterate (</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">++</span><span style="color:#183691;">" Is Not an Emulator"</span><span style="color:#323232;">) </span><span style="color:#183691;">"WINE"

We needed to wrap the !! inside parentheses because it’s an infix function. $ just changes the order of application. (IIRC, it’s the least significant function.) You can think that we’re wrapping whatever’s on the right of the $ by parentheses. Now we can do wine 2 instead of wine !! 2 to get “WINE Is Not an Emulator Is Not an Emulator”.

I’m by no means a Haskell expert. (I’m not even a professional programmer lol.) So, if someone would like to add some more details, they’re more than welcome.

Edit: A much more readable version might be

<span style="color:#323232;">wine 0 = "WINE"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">wine n = wine (n-1) ++ " Is Not an Emulator"
lennivelkant ,

[The list concatenation function] ++ is an infix function i.e. [1,2,3] ++ [3,4,5] = [1,2,3,3,4,5] (which will be equivalent to doing (++) [1,2,3] [3,4,5] by virtue of how infix functions work in Haskell).

I think that’s the part I was most confused by. I’m coming mostly from Java and C, where ++ would be the unary operator to increment a number. I would have expected that symbol in a functional language context to be a shorthand for + 1. The idea of it being an infix function didn’t occur to me.

Partial applications I remember from a class on Clojure I took years ago, but as far as I remember, the functions always had to come first in any given expression. Also, I believe partial fills the arguments from the left, so to add a suffix, I’d have to use a reversed str function. At that point, it would probably be more idiomatic to just create an inline function to suffix it. So if my distant recollection doesn’t fail me, the Clojure equivalent of that partial function would be #(str % " Is Not an Emulator").

iterate works the same though, I think, so the whole expression would be (def wine (iterate #(str % " Is Not an Emulator") “WINE”) )

This code was typed on a mobile phone in a quick break based off of years-old memories, so there might be errors, and given it was a single class without ever actually applying it to any problems, I have no real sense for how idiomatic it really is. I’ll gladly take any corrections.

NGL though, that last, readable version is sexy as hell.

thirteene , (edited ) to asklemmy in Be honest: have you ever lost your temper with a customer service rep? And did it ever help?

I worked phone support for a few companies for a few years, this is how to Karen: Try to bait the ai, companies are liable for promises made by their hallucinating chatbots. Chat support first, who wants to talk to people? If you do need to call, enter identitng information once, then repeatedly press 0 to get human support. Ask tier 1 support, if they say no then flex that Karen superpower “I’ll need to speak your manager”; those people are individuals just collecting a paycheck. If the floor manager (many have a 3x request policy) can’t see the situation from the human perspective and resolve/waive, they will only care if someone above them gets upset, the ways to do that are threaten legal action. No sovciet bs, but it helps to use contract terminology like “agreed upon terms”, “failure to meet industry standards” and “breach of contract”. If they don’t get jostled immediately, your next escalation is tag the intern on social media with a negative sentiment; or Google the company name followed by email for the office of the president. This is the pr address, CEO assistant or community director which again have the power to step in and resolve. You can also think outside the box and leave negative play store reviews (different intern).

Each conversation should be less then 2 minutes + wait time and if that can’t resolve it, you need to close your account (which might take you to retention!) or potentially move. You can justify 1 more call during a different shift. There is no need to get mad, state that are you upset and are looking for resolutions. Use an I feel statement, and be sure to ask to leave notes on the account regarding your conversation. They have a UI with comment fields in the ticket that are displayed while you are on the phone and it helps sell the situation with comment history.

ipkpjersi ,

This is actually helpful advice, thanks!

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