There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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betterdeadthanreddit , to world in Any interest in an Olympics megathread?


umbrella , to memes in Something everyone agrees with until you name it avatar

this one drives me up walls omg.

how did they manage to demonize something thats so common sense.

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

Propaganda is a powerful drug

dessalines ,

Pervasive cradle-to-grave anti-communist indoctrination programming, affecting nearly every western institution from media, education, law, political structures, etc.

umbrella , avatar

whoops, marxism again

SnotFlickerman , to memes in Something everyone agrees with until you name it avatar

Lots of people promote eugenics until you point out that they’re promoting eugenics.

yogthos OP , avatar

Thanks for providing an example of an opposite.

polonius-rex ,

how is that an opposite?

an opposite would be something everybody thinks is a bad idea until you name it

unless you're saying people disagree with the concepts and goals of eugenics until you say "but that's just eugenics" at which point they're fully on board?

yogthos OP , avatar

Most people think that Eugenics are a bad idea even if you don’t name it, which is the opposite of people actually agreeing with the ideas behind Marxism without knowing its Marxism.

polonius-rex ,

but that's not what the comment said?

Lots of people promote eugenics

people sometimes end up accidentally talking themselves into eugenics and promoting eugenics before somebody points out that they're talking about eugenics

yogthos OP , avatar

But it is what the comment said. It’s saying that people promote eugenics without realizing it. They do so by talking about the mechanics of eugenics without naming them.

polonius-rex ,

i'm baffled as to what's going on here

  • if you describe the mechanics of eugenics, people like the idea
  • if you label the mechanics of eugenics as eugenics, people do not like the idea


  • if you describe the mechanics of marxism, people like the idea
  • if you label the mechanics of marxism as marxism, people do not like the idea
yogthos OP , avatar

Your confusion comes from the fact that you assume most people like the mechanics of eugenics. If that’s the sort of crowd you hang out with, then you may be associating with fascists.

polonius-rex , (edited )

but that's literally what the comment's saying? and you're saying "that's an example of the opposite?

e.g., there's a pretty good argument that pre-natal screening is a form of eugenics

if you describe the mechanics of pre-natal screening to somebody, i suspect most would be in support of that, but wouldn't be if you described it using the term "eugenics"

like, if you were to notice that completing tertiary education makes it more difficult for people to have children, and you decided to create some form of government aid to offset that, then oopsie daisy you just did a eugenics, but you could absolutely package that idea in a way that most people would instinctively go "yeah that sounds okay"

also to preempt pls nobody do the intellectually dishonest thing of pretending me following this line of argument means im in love with eugenics and am here to argue for more eugenics or that i just dont think eugenics is such a bad thing after all thnk u

Nachorella ,

This is all just semantics and how the word ‘opposite’ can be applied in different ways. I wouldn’t spend too much time on this.

polonius-rex ,

if you want to use the sentiment expressed in this post as an argument for marxism being good, which seems pretty transparent in this case, then that same sentiment being used to justify eugenics isn't a good thing for said argument

i'm not that concerned with the precise definition of "opposite", but i am concerned with whether or not the post's logic is sound

Cowbee , avatar

i’m not that concerned with the precise definition of “opposite”, but i am concerned with whether or not the post’s logic is sound

The problem is that your argument relies on the idea that “most people support eugenics until you say what it actually is,” which is false in my experience while the post is correct.

polonius-rex ,

i've given two examples where i think the average person would come down on the side of "let's do some eugenics" until being told "haha you just agreed to do some eugenics"

the problem with the post is that if you boil it down, it becomes "things that sound good on the surface are automatically good", which doesn't hold

Cowbee , avatar

It doesn’t say they are automatically good, just that people have a negative connotation to the word Marxism even if the ideas are sound and good.

polonius-rex ,

"people have a negative connotation to the word Marxism" absolutely has baked-in implications, and an argument left unsaid, even in total isolation

if i say to you "people think the word nazi has negative connotations", then even with no other context then obviously you'd conclude that i'm a nazi freak

the post doesn't make any justification for the ideas being sound and good, it says they sound good

i don't think this post's subtext is as simple as the interpretation you're providing

Cowbee , avatar

if i say to you “people think the word nazi has negative connotations”, then even with no other context then obviously you’d conclude that i’m a nazi freak

Good thing Nazism isn’t sound, nor does it sound good, even without the label.

the post doesn’t make any justification for the ideas being sound and good, it says they sound good

It does, actually. Marxism is popular and easily understood, yet red scare propaganda and anticommunism has given it a negative connotation. Eugenics and Nazism are not popular, and have bad connotations because they are bad ideas in general, not to mention Nazism being based on pure evil extermination.

You’re not cooking here.

polonius-rex ,

Good thing Nazism isn't sound, nor does it sound good, even without the label.

it was brought up to explain why "it's just saying it has negative connotations" doesn't make something neutral

Marxism is popular and easily understood, yet red scare propaganda and anticommunism has given it a negative connotation

you're kind of just imagining a different post at this point?

"it does, actually"? you're going to have to clarify what you mean by "this post makes a justification as to why the concepts behind marxism are sound and good", unless you mean that "people thinking the ideas sound good" is your justification, which you just argued a second ago wasn't what the post was doing, and which is exactly what i'm saying is a junk justification

"Marxism is popular" this post very specifically makes the point that marxism isn't popular, but its ideas are. that's like the whole point of the post

also, "easily understood" what? we haven't even defined what sort of marxism we're talking about here

it says nothing about the reasons for negative connotations; you're adding that yourself

Eugenics [is] not popular

again, i've given two examples where the average person would probably support eugenics-in-description-only

Cowbee , avatar

it was brought up to explain why “it’s just saying it has negative connotations” doesn’t make something neutral

No, it was brought up to draw equivalence to Marxism, don’t play coy.

you’re kind of just imagining a different post at this point?

this post very specifically makes the point that marxism isn’t popular, but its ideas are. that’s like the whole point of the post

No, Marxism is popular, it’s just sold as different names. Big difference.

also, “easily understood” what? we haven’t even defined what sort of marxism we’re talking about here

Is there some other kind we need to worry about here that’s hard to understand?

again, i’ve given two examples where the average person would probably support eugenics-in-description-only

No, you pretended the average person would.

polonius-rex , (edited )

No, it was brought up to draw equivalence to Marxism, don't play coy.

cool ur jets buddy

it wasn't, and doesn't even really make sense when read through that lens

what kind of person comes into a thread and posts a pro-communism video clip and then angrily equates marxism to nazism?

No, Marxism is popular, it's just sold as different names.

that's describing the same sentiment i just expressed using different words

Is there some other kind we need to worry about here that's hard to understand?

honestly the term "marxism" is nebulous enough that just deciding on what counts as "in-scope" is kind of non-trivial

are we talking about the economic theory? marxist communism? the whole body of marx's work?

what definition are you using?

No, you pretended the average person would.

i'm fairly confused what you're trying to say here

are you saying that that, for those two concepts, you don't think you could pitch the basic ideas behind them in a way such that the average person would agree?

Cowbee , avatar

cool ur jets buddy

it wasn’t, and doesn’t even really make sense when read through that lens

what kind of person comes into a thread and posts a pro-communism video clip and then angrily equates marxism to nazism?

I dunno, why bring up the Nazis as though they had popular ideas?

honestly the term “marxism” is nebulous enough that just deciding on what counts as “in-scope” is kind of non-trivial

are we talking about the economic theory? marxist communism? the whole body of marx’s work?

What parts of Marxism do you want to chop off? I am referring to the whole of Marxism, ie critique of Capitalism, philosophical grounding in Dialectical and Historical Materialism, and Communism.

are you saying that that, for those two concepts, you don’t think you could pitch the basic ideas behind them in a way such that the average person would agree?

Yes, people generally don’t agree with the ideas posed by Nazism.

polonius-rex ,

I dunno, why bring up the Nazis as though they had popular ideas?

i didn't and i've already clarified that?

i'm not sure what more there is to say on this

What parts of Marxism do you want to chop off?

if you're referring to everything then that would include stuff like das kapital which i don't think you can reasonably refer to as "easy to understand"

"philosophical grounding in Dialectical and Historical Materialism" also seems like it would be a fairly hard thing for the average person to understand

also, marx didn't invent communism, so to say communism is contained within marxism is incorrect

the opening of the communist manifesto literally references the fact that european powers were already trying to "exorcise" the idea from the continent at the time

Yes, people generally don't agree with the ideas posed by Nazism.

nazism proposed pre-natal scanning and graduate family planning stimulus? that's news to me

Cowbee , avatar

if you’re referring to everything then that would include stuff like das kapital which i don’t think you can reasonably refer to as “easy to understand”

“philosophical grounding in Dialectical and Historical Materialism” also seems like it would be a fairly hard thing for the average person to understand

also, marx didn’t invent communism, so to say communism is contained within marxism is incorrect

the opening of the communist manifesto literally references the fact that european powers were already trying to “exorcise” the idea from the continent at the time

All of these are fairly straightforward and easy to understand, it just takes a while to get into the nitty gritty. Marx did not invent Communism, but Communism is core to Marxism.

nazism proposed pre-natal scanning and graduate family planning stimulus? that’s news to me

Ah, “the trains ran on time.” We both know that’s not Nazism.

polonius-rex , (edited )

All of these are fairly straightforward and easy to understand, it just takes a while to get into the nitty gritty

i feel like everything's "easy to understand" if you assume infinite time to explain it, but for the sake of argument, let's agree that these in fact "easy to understand"

in which case, the ideas behind pre-natal scanning and graduate family stimulus are also easy to understand, so we haven't really moved anywhere.

this post still doesn't make any case for marxist ideals being sound other than "people like them when they hear them without the label". which i'm arguing (via the use of the provided two examples) is also true for eugenics.

and if "people like the ideas when they hear them without the label" is justification for ideas being good, then eugenics must be good, but we know eugenics isn't good, so it's not a good justification

so the post doesn't make a good argument for marxism being good

and we already know the post is attempting to be an argument for why marxism is good, because you already acknowledged it's making the case that "people have a negative connotations about marxism", and combined with the point about nazis from earlier you enjoyed so much, that's sufficient to show that it's attempting to be an argument for why marxism is good

Ah, "the trains ran on time." We both know that's not Nazism.

what are you talking about? why are you trying to bring nazis into everything now?

(also, "trains ran on time" is mussolini, who was a fascist, not a nazi)

Nachorella ,

Actually I think I get what you’re saying now and I think you have a point. I am not sure the two can be directly compared that way, though. There are different reasons for why people think each is bad once they hear the name and I don’t think the meme is actually saying that this is an argument for or against anything. Just a funny observation.

yogthos OP , avatar

Except that doesn’t follow logically, but it’s pretty clear that you’re determined to work hard not to understand that.

polonius-rex ,

logic seems pretty clear and laid out to me but you do you, pal

yogthos OP , avatar

multiple people are working hard to explain the obvious holes in it to you in this very thread pal 😂

polonius-rex , (edited )

i wouldn't say you're working particularly hard given that all you've done is issue a blanket "no", and cowbee seems to be coming at the problem from the angle that i'm secretly the ghost of joseph mccarthy

i've given you two examples where i think most people would agree with the concepts of eugenics before being told it's eugenics, and so far nobody's disagreed with them? what's your issue? that you don't think most people would agree with them, or that you don't think that that fact draws enough of a parallel between eugenics and the post?

thetreesaysbark ,

But but there’s a person on the internet that might be wrong! shakes fist at sky

10_0 , to asklemmy in What are some good software suggestions for windows?

Winaero Tweaker, can stop some telemetre and enable some good features

emergencyfood , to asklemmy in How to know if university has access to my computer and phone?

You’ll have to be more specific. Who bought the device? What OS is it running? What work software are installed on it?

Depending on the configuration, they can have anything from zero access to full control of the device.

Colorfulhipp OP ,

I bought it, windows, as per work software what do you refer to? After buying it I logged with two accounts: my personal one, with my Gmail email AND the University’s email. during COVID they gave as free access to office, so obviously we would use the university email for that.

NoneYa ,

Did they give you any programs to install on that computer or did anyone ever take your computer and install anything to it? Did you notice any new programs pop up that weren’t there before?

In the search on the bottom of the computer, type “control panel” then click Uninstall a program. Click the name for Date Installed to sort the column by most recently installed programs. Tell us if you see any since setting up with the university that you didn’t install yourself.

Colorfulhipp OP ,

well being a short list I’ll upload the images: the first ones I think are programs already present on the pc, and being 2020 when I first accessed office with the uni account, I don’t think there’s anythign weird there. But I don’t know much about softwares and stuff so here they are:

otter ,

At the least, they could have access to any files you open through MS office since it has file history. I would also review your OneDrive settings and see what’s being backed up where, since Microsoft likes to mess with those settings.

Look into LibreOffice and OnlyOffice. Both can help you get around needing MSOffice, and the latter is visually very similar to MS

Colorfulhipp OP ,

And thank you for answering!

abeorch , to explainlikeimfive in New Moderators Needed for c/ExplainLikeImFive

Im in +1GMT - Happy to help out

Diddlydee , to asklemmy in What email provider do you use? Would you recommend it?

Gmail and protonmail. Both give me no issues at all.

linuxoveruser , to asklemmy in What is the best alternative to Cozi? (shared calendar and list app)

nextcloud provides apps for both calendars and lists, if you’re comfortable getting into self hosted services. of course, there are a number of other self-hosted apps that provide similar functionalities as well, but nextcloud is probably a good place to start

mesamunefire ,

Yeah next cloud has some great options. The only issue I have is I don’t know of an app on the phone that syncs easy. But the web looks great and does what is needed.

_edge ,

Davx5 but it depends on what you call easy

refalo , to asklemmy in What is the current state of Lemmy?

I think there is an alarmingly high number of users with a very large amount of heavily downvoted bad takes… usually from specific homeservers but not always. I’ve seen a whole lot more blatantly terrible attitudes compared to reddit.

The API documentation is extremely bad, especially for non-JS devs, and the developers defend it saying there’s nothing wrong and no plans to change it. People are always getting confused about how to use it to get the information they want and often never find any good help.

I am not hopeful that it will grow positively.

davel , avatar

It has a pretty vanilla RESTful CRUD API. You can write a rudimentary app using only with just Bash, curl, and jq.

Melatonin , to showerthoughts in If malls continue to shut down and decay over the next twenty years, someone should turn them into retirement communities for GenX and Millennials.

It’ll be just like “Dawn of the Dead”

Melatonin , to asklemmy in What is a product you would never recommend?

“Old Spice” flavored candy

azimir , to memes in When you write your academic papers in Word

I use Google Docs for anything simple (1-3 pages), and if it has no citations or more than 2 figures. After that I upgrade to LaTeX.

I had a conference demand a docx file for the paper submission. I figured “fine it can’t be that bad to use word for a simple 8 page publication” but boy was I wrong! It was torture trying to get it formatted and arranged properly. Every part of the word tool is weird and clumsy.

Oh, and they’ve completely broken the original GUI WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) premise of a GUI style editor. The PDF it creates often doesn’t look anything like what the document looks like on the screen.

I dropped a note on the conference organizers about the docx requirement. I don’t have that many hours to fuck around with bad tools so I can attend your venue. I’ll just go to a conference that doesn’t torture us to participate.

MangoPenguin , to selfhosted in Dynamic IP - Self hosting avatar

Many DNS providers have an API and are supported by various dynamicDNS clients. I use Cloudflare and the built in client on my Opnsense router.

OpenWRT should have a client too that supports a bunch of services.

Bytemeister , to asklemmy in What isn't illegal but should be?

Leveraged buyout, cutting yourself a huge check, folding the comoany and walking away.

bungle_in_the_jungle , to selfhosted in Dynamic IP - Self hosting

I use TailScale and their free Personal plan.

Disclaimer though: I haven’t done much due diligence on it. It was easy to install when I first started self hosting with Umbrel and I use it so rarely that it’s good enough for my usage.

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