There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Very_Bad_Janet , (edited ) to fediverse in Would someone build a bot and sub that reposts best of reddit updates?

OP, you can set up a RSS subscription to your fave Reddit sub. It might not give you all of the replies but it should give you the original post.

Also, there's a RedditUpdates community (or magazine?).

PeleSpirit OP ,

That’s a good idea, it’s been a minute since I’ve done that. Is there a way I can do that through lemmy or do I have to use an add on for my browser like Feedly?

Very_Bad_Janet ,

I don't think there's a way to do this in Lemmy. I did this in Inoreader (until I decided to unfollow those subs completely).

CombatWombatEsq ,

You can run a bot to tail your RSS feed and post new entries to Lemmy, yeah:

uhauljoe , to nostupidquestions in Mastodon or Lemmy avatar

Lemmy feels like Reddit to me and Mastodon feels more like twitter

so to me they’re both decentralized versions of popular social media

i just think of them as my new reddit and twitter since those companies are sitting at their desks jerking it all day

SamXavia OP , avatar

Fair enough, I’ve been slowly looking Kbin as that seems to be a mix between the two.

sneezycat , to gaming in Looking for alternatives for the wizard game avatar

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic? Lol it’s and oldie but a goodie, that one will run for sure.

AlexisLuna OP ,

Looks interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!

Shurf116 , to gaming in Looking for alternatives for the wizard game

Check out Magicka. Simple (-ish), unusual and really fun with friends (combos!) but also totally doable as a single player.

AlexisLuna OP ,

I’ve seen it on steam, and while it’s combat is kinda what I’m looking for, the top-down perspective and more arcade-like gameplay aren’t what I want to play right now. Still, thank you!

dQw4w9WgXcQ , to nostupidquestions in How do you choose an instance and does that have a significant effect on your Lemmy experience?

I originally created a user on Then at some point that instance disappeared, causing me to lose the user, subscriptions and settings. So I created a user on For whatever reason, it became very buggy - I don’t know if it’s the app (I’m using Jerboa) or the instance, but I got constantly logged out and loading posts didn’t work properly. Third time’s a charm (so far) as I created this user on

The confidence of stability of different instances seems to be a huge detractor for me. I’m hoping to see run with decent stability going forward.

sparky678348 ,

I’ve been on since the start with no problems. Can you sandwich together those accounts across different instances somehow?

sub_ , to gaming in Where to even start with Final Fantasy?

All the mainline games are not interconnected at all, they are pretty much very separate in terms of story / settings / characters. So you can jump into any one of the games. Also, their turn-based systems, aka Active Time Battle, aren’t anything interesting, compared to say Shin Megami Tensei’s Press Turn system. All FF games have very linear / streamlined experience compared to other games, i.e. choices don’t matter much, you don’t choose the stats, equipments are streamlined.

Here’s some overview:

  • First 6 games were 2D games, the best of those bunches are Final Fantasy 6. Great story, great villain, great music
  • original FF7 is the one popularized the JRPG genre, and probably broke the base between older 2D fans and newcomers. It has memorable characters, music, story about eco-terrorism. The gameplay revolves around materia system, it’s like logic system where say if you connect Fire magic with All-effect and 2x-effect, you can casts double Fire magic that hits every enemies, etc. FF7 Crisis Core is one of the best FF spinoffs out there, while FF7 Remake is a ‘remake’. It’s advised that you finished the original FF7 before playing those two.
  • FF8 also broke the base. The game is more romance-centric in some way, but still sci-fi. The gameplay revolves around junction / draw system, where you draw magic from enemies to junction it to your stats.
  • FF9 is kinda back to original game. It’s more high-fantasy setting, and was released during the end of PS1. It wasn’t as popular as FF7 or FF8, but there are definitely fans. I had hard time getting into it, because the animation is kinda slow, but maybe I should replay the HD version
  • FFX is very well received, it’s a sci-fi romance story that takes place in south east Asian-like tropical islands. The first FF game on PS2. FFX has a sequel, FFX-2, which is also well received
  • FF11 is MMO, I don’t play MMO, so I have no idea about it.
  • FF12 is great, it’s more political than usual FF games, because it’s written by Matsuno, who made Tactics Ogre and FF Tactics. The gameplay is bit weird, bit MMO like.
  • FF13 was not well received, the only mainline FF game on PS3. It spawned two other games FFX-2 and FFX Lightning Returns. The main complaint about FF13 was that the story was incomprehensible, the game is very linear, and the battle mechanics is very confusing. I think what happened is that
    • they used tons of opaque in-game terms (Fal’ Cie, La’ Cie), that’s barely explained until very late in the game.
    • the game also opens up very late, there’s a one large wide region for you to roam around and engage in enemy encounters, but they only give it to you very late in the game
    • the combat wasn’t explained clearly, the paradigm shift system is actually fun, and a step up from ATB
    • annoying characters, they focused too much on Hope and Snow. Hope is a whiny child, but he’s a child, so it’s ok. Snow on the other hand, is just an annoying character who likes to talk about himself.
  • FF14 is another MMO, I don’t touch MMO
  • FF15 is kind of a mess, it was in development hell. I like the roadtrip story, where you just drive around. The open world is bit sparse and serves mostly for enemy encounters. One of the main issue is that some of the stories are gated behind DLCs. The gameplay is bit more weirder than normal ATBs. I like this game, but not as much as others.
  • FF16 is great. Devil May Cry combat, very streamlined and nicely paced story, those huge spectacle Asura’s Wrath-esque battles, etc. This game is my current GOTY.

There are other spinoff games, e.g. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, World of Final Fantasy, but they are mostly spinoffs, mostly for fans who want more after playing the mainline.

But there’s one that I want to recommend, and that’s Final Fantasy Tactics. It’s a strategy RPG and it’s amazing. There’s an updated version released on PSP, called Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, which is probably the one you should play.

There are rumor swirling around about FF9 and FF Tactics remakes, but can’t say anything until we see it.

thgs ,

Any personal favourites that are not so linear that you would like to suggest?

Thebazilly ,

Final Fantasy is a lot like Zelda in that a particular person’s favorite is going to be the one they played when they were 12 years old. Depending on the age of the recommender, you are most likely to get 4, 6, or 7 as an answer.

Personally, my favorite is FF10.

sub_ ,

My personal favorite is original FF7, but in terms of presentation, it’s very dated.

If you don’t mind linearity, FFX is well beloved by the mainstream audience, has good story, voice acting in cutscenes.

I don’t want you to accidentally choose, say FF12, which is a great game, but bit of an acquired taste.

kevincox , to linux in What terminal file manager that you use, if any? avatar

I generally I only do simple operations on the command line. A few cp, mv, ls… If I am doing much more than that I open a GUI manager.

oo1 ,

back on dos i used xtreegold for everything.
but since moving to linux, it's never occurred to me to use one.

this thread has got me wondering but not sure i can see the need.

tab completion also makes handling directory structure easy enough.

mrmacduggan , (edited ) to gaming in Looking for alternatives for the wizard game
  • The Bioshock series supports a spellcasting-based play style with a decent skill tree.
  • CONTROL also involves a lot of eldritch force powers in its combat sequences
  • I know you didn’t really want sidescrollers or top-downs but Noita and Magicka are pretty great at delivering on the creativity of mage combat and scratch this itch for me.

This YouTube creator has published several quality videos what’s going on in Wizard Games lately, which is a quick way to catch up on the genre:

AlexisLuna OP ,

I’ve played Bioshock 3 a long time ago and while fun, it isn’t what I’m looking for in terms of magic. I’ve heard 1 and 2 are a bit more deep in this regard but afaik it’s still mainly a shooter. I’m currently playing Dishonored 2 and Bioshock seems more similar to that than to Hogwarts.

Control was something I’ve wanted to play for a while, mostly because of SCP-inspired story, I didn’t know anything about it’s gameplay. Will 100% check it out.

Currently Noita is my magic game and Hogwarts was in part attempt for variety. I’ve seen Magicka on steam and I dunno why, but it didn’t click for me.

Anyway, thank you very much for the recommendations!

GiddyGap , to showerthoughts in The U.S. Constitution is like a legacy piece of software written by hand and published in 1787.

And we’re way overdue for another patch or two.

jeffw , avatar

ERA still hanging on by a thread

entropicdrift , avatar

Technically 38 states have now voted to ratify it, so we’ll need to see how far it goes in court

raltoid ,

Yeah, having the oldest constitution in the world that’s still in use, is not a good thing.

InverseParallax ,

Meh, it would be fine if they kept up with the updates, but they keep deferring obvious fixes like “stop sending everything through the damn electoral college”.

Everyone else had the proportional voting representation patch, we’re the only idiots who claim to like it better broken.

Gray , avatar

It’s a mixed bag. Having moved to Canada, even modern constitutions can be a shitshow. For example, Canada’s constitution allows premiers (the Canadian provincial version of state governors) to freeze certain rights from Canada’s version of the Bill of Rights (the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) on a whim until the next election. Ontario’s premier, Doug Ford, recently tried to use this technicality to freeze the right to protest to stop a school workers’ strike.

The reason this ability exists is because when Canada first became an independent nation and created its constitution (in the 1980’s), the provinces would only sign onto it if these kinds of exemptions to their Charter of Rights and Freedoms were included. Looking at it from that perspective, the strength of the Bill of Rights actually looks pretty impressive by comparison.

The other factor I think is worth considering is that when it comes to the legitimacy of constitutions and governments, time is everything. When you reach around the age of a century old, the mere fact that your country had made it that long with that constitution starts to lend legitimacy and stability to it. Which is to say that if we had a brand spanking new constitution, everybody would be questioning it. Worst case scenario you get civil wars. Slightly better, but still bad scenario is a lot of disillusioned people that refuse to abide by the new document. America’s constitution is old enough that it gets a lot of respect from even the most fierce of rivals. That’s pretty invaluable, especially in times of political turmoil.

I believe that Trump would have had an easier time trampling over a newer constitution, regardless of how well thought out the document was. Having a constitution steeped in a national mythology and at the center of so many norms and traditions protects us from even some of the worst stress tests. The greater challenge isn’t a crazy stress test like Trump, but the gradual decay of those norms. Which is to say that I really believe our norms have been protecting us even still, after so many things have been thrown out the window lately. Creating a new baby constitution in the midst of this messy era of politics would be one of the worst moves we could make.

s0q ,

Wow. I realise I hold the same sentiments but there is no way I could have expressed it they way you did. I totally agree that we should tread very carefully when proposing to amend or replace a document so deeply entrenched in the culture of the people and respected by all. The alternative is a scenario you described in regard to Canada and is a huge risk irrespective of who holds power.

MrSpArkle ,

I’ve never thought I’d be so convinced about the value of tradition.

Pancito , avatar

San Marino would like to have a talk.

S_H_K , to nostupidquestions in Why do people self-harm?

I use to do it because I was so frustrated that I felt it was the only thing that I could use to channel that it was s boiling hate to my self hard to express in words, at that time I was hoping with some bad decisions that ruined my life and they have consecuences still to this day. I was heavily depressed luckily I went for help and stopped doing it. Depression like that is like it never goes away just only gets better with the time.

Zetgeist117 , to selfhosted in How can I migrate my microSD card install of OMV to an SSD? avatar

Maybe clonezilla?

MedicPigBabySaver , to aww in This is how my beautiful moron sleeps

Link isn’t working.

poopsmith , avatar

Same. It looks like OP was trying to post this:

MedicPigBabySaver ,

Ha, good effort. Ty.

FutileRecipe , to linux in [Question] Debian sudoers and user best practice

Have you read their page about sudo? Gives some pretty good insight. For bonus points, at the bottom of that page are links for security and administration.

deepdive OP ,

Yeah I have it in my favs, but I wanted a direct experience with people who actually know what they are doing and how ! :D

jsveiga ,

In my home pc, I don’t use sudo because my wife is the main user, and in the ultra rare occasion I need to be root in the command line (for example, if she didn’t update packages from the GUI for long, I’ll update but I like aptitude better), then I use su. It’s a LTS 18.04 Kubuntu btw. Real users don’t need root. Distro hoppers and tinkerers (nothing wrong with it) do.

On servers, I also use su. I ssh as a normal user (root ssh is usually disabled), then often immediately su, as if I’m logging into the server, it’s for root work. I sometimes su - down to some specific “service” user to do that user’s tasks (such as git on a gitlab server, or ndbadm on a HANA DB server).

I only tinker with sudo if I want to create users that will have one single purpose, which needs root permissions, such as restarting a service. In this case that user will be in the sudoers file, with permission for a single script or command, and often that command will be its default shell in /etc/passwd, and someone can ssh (pre shared key) to trigger it if necessary.

Atemu , to linux in How do you keep track of all apps you install and their configurations? avatar

How do you keep track of what you’ve installed/ your favorite apps?…/packages.nix

Separately, how can I backup the configurations I’m using right now.

charonn0 , to asklemmy in What would you do if you won the lottery? avatar

Keep it a secret.

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