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booty , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US avatar

lmao good fucking luck

melpomenesclevage , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

Innocence is no protection

Truth is no defense.

You don’t own shit til you steal it.

Jaysyn , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US avatar

Reminder: The pirates won the last time they tried this crap.

smileyhead , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

How about fighting the reason why those sites exist in the first place?

melpomenesclevage ,

Nope. Only punish. Only take. They can only ask for fear, they do not want our love, except through fear.

n3m37h , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US


TeddyKila , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

land of the fee home of the grave

Andromxda , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US avatar

We will need to use hidden networks like !i2p

K0W4LSK1 ,

Maybe this will get i2p out of beta…

pixel , avatar

wait can you explain what this is/how it works? I’ve never heard of it before

golden_zealot , (edited ) avatar

Sure, i2p or the invisible internet project is a FOSS project which acts as an anonymous network anyone can potentially access, and host on.

It does this by creating end to end encrypted peer to peer tunnels between its users and then sending data through itself via a path between some of the 50,000+ volunteers that make up the project. The path data takes is random so a third party seeing any communication in full is highly unlikely, and even at that, its still encrypted.

The software that implements this is the i2p router, and when using the i2p router you become a node on the network like everyone else using it, allowing pieces of anyone’s data to move through your router, just as your data moves through theirs.

The UX/UI is very good for new users and makes it easy to access, or host. Particularly, to my understanding, i2p is also very popular for torrenting due to the nature of how it works (in comparison to similar projects such as tor, there is an entire built in solution for torrenting included with i2p).

pixel , avatar

thank you! do you have any resources for someone new to using i2p?

Garry ,

Isn’t this similar to tor, and slow af??

golden_zealot , avatar

Similar in some ways different in others, actually surprisingly fast for what it does though and I find the user experience a lot nicer than tor.

M68040 , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US avatar

Am I gonna have to pay for a vpn that actually lets me fake being outside the ‘states? I usually self host on a VM host to avoid incurring expenses, but it seems like that’s not really an option here. Seems like I might have to go for a AWS instance running PiVPN or something.

ccdfa ,

Heads up, pivpn is now unmaintained !

KillingTimeItself ,

you could always engage in something like i2p. Less shit to be found there, but a pretty neat little place on the internet.


Use an one € strato instance as Server

Drewski , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

He [MPAA CEO Charles Rivkin] added that almost 60 countries use site-blocking as a tool against piracy, “including leading democracies and many of America’s closest allies.” The only reason why the US isn’t one of them, he continued, is the “lack of political will, paired with outdated understandings of what site-blocking actually is, how it functions, and who it affects.”

No, you’re the one who doesn’t understand. We don’t want censorship, and we have this thing called the 1st Amendment.

Bakkoda ,

MPAA is the organization that took 2600 to court over linking to DeCSS source code. All they understand is money and power and so far is worked really well. This is an organization that literally inserted itself into our society. Remove them, by force if necessary.

TassieTosser ,

Australia’s version is a dns block. It only stops people who don’t know how to google or change thier dns.

card797 , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

We’ll make new sites! Fuckers.

Andromxda , avatar

Or hide our sites on hidden networks like !i2p

gamermanh , avatar

Hiding on .world, the last place any sane person would look, genius

DAMunzy ,

Mirrored on hexbear

callouscomic , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

The least productive Congress since the Great Depression? The same Congress who couldn’t pass a budget for the government until 6 months into the very fiscal year it’s for? That Congress? Priorities.

aphonefriend ,

What are you talking about? The current congress is incredibly effective. They just have way more important things to focus on then whatever you peasants are yammering about. Like banning tiktok.

retrieval4558 , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

Just hoping private torrent sites and Usenet remain relatively unscathed. Honestly I’m surprised about how many of the big private trackers have lasted so long.

Riven , avatar

They’re not smart enough it figure out anything not mainstream. I heard most of the big sites blocked recently were live TV feed sites.

TheBroodian ,

Any effect these measures may have will be easily circumvented by a VPN

Arcturus , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

Very common amerika L

Oha , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

Ill say it one more time: Selfhost your shit

ivanafterall , to piracy in The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US avatar

A bunch of old white guys who literally don't understand the internet vs. the entire internet. Okie doke.

Outtatime , avatar

Why bring race into it?

Cqrd ,


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  • aniki ,

    Because it’s both relevant and descriptive. Punching up is fucking fine. Eat billionaires.

    Outtatime , avatar


    BumpingFuglies ,

    Punching up

    So what, they’re somehow above you just because they’re white? I thought Lemmy was free of white supremacists, but I guess not.

    Riven , avatar


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  • jabathekek , avatar

    Are you saying America doesn’t suffer from ongoing systemic racism? Most of the ‘upper class’ as it were are old and white because of the racism inherent in the system. Pretending it’s not there and calling someone a racist when talking about it is nothing more then concern trolling.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    In America? Yes. White people enjoy privileges marginalized groups do not. Almost every billionaire in the US is a white male. It’s something like 90% last I checked despite being 30% of the population. That is so wildly disproportionate even you can't deny it's eyebrow raising.

    Do you get this upset when people generalize about black people?

    BumpingFuglies , (edited )

    I wasn’t upset to begin with. Was it not obvious that I was making a semantics joke? I mean, sure, the post I was replying to could be perceived as racist, since it was itself a reply to someone calling out racism, but it was clearly directed at wealth horders, not white people.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    Judging by the number of people who had a similar reaction, I’d say the common denominator is your comment.

    aniki ,

    Out of all the descriptions I put into my response you only picked out the racist undertones, racist.

    BumpingFuglies ,

    You noticed the racist undertones in my post?! You must be a racist!

    Lemme see if I understand your logic: I’m racist because I called out the racism in your post.

    Does that make you extra racist for calling out my apparent racism?

    Seriously, though, I shouldn’t have to say this, but apparently I do: the way to fight racism isn’t more racism. And the real villain isn’t systemic racism, anyway - it’s wealth inequality. Is a black billionaire a better person than a white billionaire simply due to their race? No, of course not. Even suggesting such a thing is overtly racist.

    GBU_28 ,

    Punching on things people can’t change isn’t punching up or down. It’s just racist.

    Punch on the fact that they are wealthy executives out of touch with technology, trying to build an “own nothing” rental economy. That’s more than enough.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    I don’t choose to be a white male but I recognize the power and privilege it gives me. Otherwise I’m just entitled.

    GBU_28 ,

    Obviously. But your race doesn’t make you behave a certain way. Your past experience, and current needs and wants do.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    When did I say race makes people behave a certain way? Don’t give me that “I told you I’ll use quotes” bullshit. When did I say that? If I didn’t, say “you didn’t say that.” If I did, quote it. Otherwise fuck off troll.

    GBU_28 ,

    Pot, kettle

    BigMacHole ,

    Exactly! Why SHOULD we describe the People BUYING POLITICIANS as White? It’s not like White Supremacists are Claiming White people hold NO POWER in Amerikkka!

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    If a black man commits a crime, the news and pundits say they’re a black male. Why should white men buying politicians - which is ostensibly a crime - be exempt?

    GBU_28 ,

    Folks here are not interested in this.

    Fact is a lot of wealthy executives are certainly white, and they’re comfortable pointing that out.

    I agree with you that you should never use race in a negative context, like if in a similar sentence you wouldn’t replace white with another race, don’t use it.

    Never make fun of people for things they can’t change, instead target their behavior and choices.

    In this case the executives are making stupid, ignorant choices about a system they don’t understand. That’s more than enough to work with.

    Folks here thrive on division while calling for the end of it.

    Outtatime , avatar


    BolexForSoup , avatar

    So we have to endure all these dubious "stats" about black people and crime but suddenly when we say "white billionaires" a line is crossed?

    Something like 90% of American billionaires are white men. That is a fact and it's relevant. White men enjoy more power and privilege on average than any other demographic in the US.

    GBU_28 ,

    You shouldn’t. That’s racist too. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

    Behold the race division the system is infecting your brain with.

    BolexForSoup , (edited ) avatar

    What did I say that was racist? That 90% of billionaires in the US are white men? How is that racist?

    I talk about low income families a ton in my work. We talk about the demographic breakdowns. Is that racist?

    There are facts that fall along racial lines. It's how you deploy them where things get racist. Stating a demographic is more represented at a certain income level is 100% absolutely in no way racist.

    Edit: 74% of the house is white, almost 90% of the senate is white. Over 70% of the house is male, over 75% of the senate is male. In the GOP all these numbers are even higher. These are demographic facts. How is any of this racist?

    GBU_28 , (edited )

    No, scientific, statistical, academic study of different groups is obviously not racist. It’s important.

    I said your comment about black crime is racist, as those who say it are not doing so academically, or genuinely.

    Edit You’re so close to getting what I am saying, you’re clearly.just.looking for a fight.

    Demographic science and work to elevate the oppressed is obviously important. Whatever race or income or origin or whatever else.

    Flippant divisive race splitting in a non academic setting (as this is) is just that, divisive.

    Edit edit

    To be clear, the point is it isn’t their age or their race that makes them ignorant, greedy fools trying to hoard content and disrupt normal consumers.

    Same as it isn’t their race that makes black folks over represented in crime “stats”. It’s decades of geofencing, redlining, racism at every turn, reduction of economic opportunity, and so so much more.

    Talk about the system that builds these people, and their actions. And most importantly, where we go from here. The greed that makes these executives, the oppression that makes criminals in your referenced “stats”. Criticize that.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    You’re so close to getting what I am saying, you’re clearly.just.looking for a fight.

    Don’t patronize me.

    To be clear, the point is it isn’t their age or their race that makes them ignorant, greedy fools trying to hoard content and disrupt normal consumers.

    You’re right. When did I say that? Quote me.

    GBU_28 ,

    Lol I’m done with you you’re just looking to fight

    Edit I made my point clear.

    When I quote you, I’ll use punctuation.

    Edit edit The point you quoted from me is MY point.

    So citation: fuckin me

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    I have no clue how to parse this comment. Did you quote me? What is this dross about punctuation?

    CancerMancer ,

    White men enjoy more power and privilege on average

    Talking about billionaires in one sentence and then average people in the next makes one wonder if maybe you’re conflating the power of class with race. Considering identity politics is a tool of capital used to divide us I think these are distinct issues.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    They are literally the largest demographic in Congress by a large margin, they’ve been literally every US president except 1, have dominated the Supreme Court bench, and comprise 90% of American billionaires. White men also are treated better on average by law enforcement, as decades of studies have proven.

    By what definition is that not “more power and privilege”? Are you actually arguing that acknowledging privilege and political power is now racist?

    This is blatant concern trolling and I won’t indulge it. You are sorely mistaken.

    CancerMancer ,

    You are now blatantly assigning the power of billionaires to average white men and that’s just ridiculous. It’s like when people are so keen to point out that women were disenfranchised for so long while ignoring that the majority of men were also disenfranchised for most of that period.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    Where did I say that? That’s absurd.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    I’m here and I’m interested in this. You do not speak for all of us.

    GBU_28 ,

    No, you’re not, as evidenced by your other replies.

    “This” refers to not invoking race as a negative adjective about someone, and instead solely focusing on their actions and choices.

    I am not suggesting we live in a society where there aren’t racial or class or age disparities in so many meaningful ways, but I’m just point out that the way it’s used here is not productive.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    When did I say those things?

    GBU_28 ,

    When I quote you, I’ll use quotes. Second time I’ve told you that.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    So you don’t have any comments to point to is what I’m hearing. This is the third time I’ve suggested that.

    If you’re going to accuse me of saying things then point to when I said them or fuck off.

    GBU_28 ,

    I’ve clearly made my point.

    When I accuse you of something, I’ll say so.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    You’ve made no point and you’re acting like an utter tool. Later troll. This is a waste of time.

    Feel free to have the last word. I’m sure it’s very important to you.

    RobotToaster , avatar

    The c-suite of the MPAA is surprisingly… diverse

    The only colour the bourgeoisie care about is green.

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