There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Gradually_Adjusting , to science in Coin flips don’t appear to have 50/50 odds after all avatar

When I was a kid I found through trial and error that by tossing a quarter and catching it a certain way I could seem to predetermine the outcome.

I just tried it and I’ve sadly lost the ability. Magic really does fade with adulthood.

Alteon ,

Yeah, I could time the flips and almost 9 times out of 10 “guess” which side it was going to be. I’m not going to lie and say that I didn’t game the absolute fuck out of that ability as a kid. We played street sports all the time, so it was pretty handy.

runswithjedi ,


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  • Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

    Spent that shit on single candies at the Mr. Bill.

    Treczoks ,

    Well, you basically determined the number of turns the coin took.

    Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

    Kids are stupid, what can I say?

    I’m still kind of a kid at heart, in that way.

    Krudler ,

    Flip such that the maximum rotation is achieved, height should be a natural arc a few feet high, then with open palm, strike down at the coin like your smashing a fly on a tabletop, and snatch it out of the air.

    My buddy Julian taught me this 40 years ago… Doing it right now and I can still make it come heads every time. Why though?

    mo_lave , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes

    This is partially what “eat the rich” rhetoric meant when acted on.

    whoisearth , avatar

    There is seriously a mental health pandemic going on and it’s scary. Everyone here who has messages or upvotes messages about bringing out the guillotine or killing billionaires really needs to seek help.

    And there is a fucking lot of you here on lemmy.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Well then, do what you tell people who condemn rapists and pedophiles to do: learn some empathy.

    People who hold different opinions and worldviews than you aren’t fucking mentally ill. You are by insinuating such. You are not the center of the universe and your opinions are not automatically facts just because you hold them.

    Americans actually do still have a constitutional right to advocate overthrowing their government if they want; the whole fucking point of the first and second amendments is to enable the people to do just that.

    I’m tired of people like you and your vile bullshit. Don’t like it, get out of the thread. But don’t come in here with your holier-than-thou act thinking you’re going to bully or guilt trip or emotionally blackmail anybody into sitting down or submitting to your opinion like you’ve been doing to the American people for decades now.

    whoisearth , avatar

    I’m sorry I don’t condone the killing of people simply because they make more than I do.

    Seriously grow the fuck up.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    I’m sorry I don’t condone the murder and enslavement of millions around the world by a small dominant group of people who have no one’s best interests at heart but their own.

    I’m sorry I don’t condone the perpetuation of a broken system that purposefully subjugates billions of people.

    I’m sorry you’re butthurt I and a bunch of other people on the internet won’t validate your massively unjustified sense of superiority and self-importance.

    You grow the fuck up.

    Grow. Up. And stop protecting and defending evil people. Stop hurting society and stop hurting us.

    mo_lave ,

    How equivalent is

    “I don’t condone the killing of people simply because they make more than I do.”


    “[condoning] the murder and enslavement of millions around the world by a small dominant group of people who have no one’s best interests at heart but their own.”?

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Go read actual history and find out.

    mo_lave ,

    What I found out is the outcomes of events like the French Revolution and the rule of the Khmer Rouge i.e. vastly different dependent on the circumstances of the place and time.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Well, what the rest of us found out is the outcome of almost every other revolution in modern history including the American Revolution, which kickstarted modern democracy and led to the liberation of 60 other countries from enslavement, colonization and oppression.

    In other words, you are just biased and here with an agenda just like you shitlords were when you inundated the Danny Masterson thread and the other news threads where you hounded on anybody who dared oppose your vile little sacred cow.

    Take your political agenda out of our lives and respect our right to make up our own fucking minds. You are hurting us by acting this way: you enable and defend evil, you help the ruling class continue to subjugate the working class, and you do it all because you yourself benefit from the status quo and don’t want to miss out on McDonald’s and 7-11 because of the workers getting riled up.

    mo_lave ,
    1. Hurting you by acting how?
    2. Aside from “killing the rich”, how should one attack evil and break the working class’s subjugation?
    pinkdrunkenelephants ,
    1. Since you refuse to read:

    you enable and defend evil, you help the ruling class continue to subjugate the working class, and you do it all because you yourself benefit from the status quo and don’t want to miss out on McDonald’s and 7-11 because of the workers getting riled up.

    1. By rejecting pond scum like you.
    mo_lave ,

    I read it clearly, but how exactly did I enable and defend evil?

    whoisearth , avatar

    Seems to me like you’re far more butthurt judging by this comment thread lol.

    You’ve put a lot of words in my mouth that I’ve never said.

    I almost guarantee you and I have more in common than you may realize unfortunately you’re so blinded by hate you’re unable to think clearly.

    Mark my words we are working towards WW3 and it scares the living hell out of me because people like you are so built up in your echo chambers and you’re frothing at the mouth. There’s no difference between your attitude and those of an average Trump supporter. It’s blind rage. Looking for simple solutions to a complex world.

    I seriously worry for my children. The anger is so unfocused or focused on the wrong area.

    We can change the system but we have to want to. The problem is people increasingly on the left and right just want to burn it down.

    SCB ,

    People who hold different opinions and worldviews than you

    “Threatening to kill people and not wanting people to threaten to kill people are equal worldviews, actually.”

    pinkdrunkenelephants , (edited )

    Strawmanning and attacking memebros actually is equivalent to enabling actual violence by condemning anyone who opposes nonviolence, actually, and it’s why you all are finally, finally being downvoted and rejected by everyone else. Ackshually

    SCB ,

    No I’m being downvoted because gamers have really rustled jimmies, and this place has a lot of commie-leaning people.

    Wanna know how I know? The actual rest of society thinks this is a terrible thing to do.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    And it couldn’t possibly be that you’re just wrong.

    Wanna know how I know? Because I actually think and don’t resort to blatant bandwagon fallacies like you do. Actually recent polls have even shown the number of Americans who agree with sentiments like or who accept political violence is rising, and it’s more Democrats doing it than Republicans, so you’re doubly wrong.

    Take your status-quo-or-die bullshit elsewhere. We’ve had enough of it. No one has to agree with you on the issue. No one has to agree with you on nonviolence or political violence or any sort of -ence. People have the right to feel the way they want to feel and as someone with a vested stake in a liberal democracy that pretends to care about such things, by extension you have to respect that.

    Let it go.

    SCB ,

    I don’t give a shit and didn’t read this, because I think you’re a bad person. Your parents failed you.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Tell us you don’t want to admit you’re wrong without telling us you don’t want to admit you’re wrong

    SCB ,

    Call your dad and tell him I told him he’s a terrible example.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Go to that gravestone and ask it if honor matters. Its silence is your answer.

    SCB ,

    Didn’t read, nerd.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,
    SpookyUnderwear ,

    Thanks for the link. Some of those results were interesting. Question. Your link says that 84% disagree with the statement that “political violence against those I disagree with is acceptable”. How have you concluded this is “rising”? What is your base of comparrison?

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    It was lower and now went up to like, 16-17%.

    In a normal society, that number should be close to zero not because of propaganda, but because people genuinely are happy in the society they’re in.

    Which clearly is not happening.

    SpookyUnderwear ,

    I’m assuming you read this elsewhere because your source does not have a comparrison number. So at present, there is nothing to indicate the number is rising. For all we know the number of people who agree with that type of violence could have been sitting at 16% for many years.

    It isn’t realistic to expect the number to be zero. There will always be radicals. Always. Even if we somehow create a perfect utopia, there will always be a handful of malcontents.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    You literally could have just Googled it instead of trying to bad-faith your way to the position you want to believe, but whatever, I Googled it for you, there you go. The one poll I posted is not the only one that shows the trend. Civil war’s a-brewing, fren.

    I also didn’t say zero, I said close to zero. Jesus Christ, if you’re going to speak in bad faith you could at least try to be subtle about it. At least the assholes in the other threads would have the decency to use a motte-and-bailey. You’re just lazily throwing out strawmen and obvious garbage.

    SpookyUnderwear ,

    Wow. You’re an angry person. I had no ill intent. Just curiosity. Hope your day goes better.

    Edit: also, your provided sources are in conflict. You say it’s on the rise, but your second link is from Jan 2021 which states 33% - 36% of people “feel somewhat justified in using varying levels of violence to achieve their political goals”. However, your first link is from Sept 2022 states only 17% feel using political violence against those they disagree with is acceptable. By your own sources, it would seem to be decreasing.

    Try not to put too much faith in polls.

    kamenlady , avatar

    They just delivered what you asked for…

    todayisthegreatest ,

    Not everyone on the internet is American bozo

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Most of us in the thread are. Sideshow Bob.

    Uniquitous ,

    Found the rich guy

    Caligvla , to technology in Unity will start charging developers each time their game is installed avatar

    As if Epic needed any more help completely obliterating Unity in every conceivable way.

    LainTrain , to technology in Apple reportedly has plans for a thinner iPhone, MacBook Pro and Apple Watch

    Enough with the goddamn thinness soon that shit is gonna snap if you breathe on it

    clubb , avatar

    It already has, years ago

    user224 , avatar

    iPhone 6: First foldable smartphone

    empireOfLove2 , to technology in Google will start showing AI-powered search results to users who didn't opt in

    oh that’s that same shit that bing does that ends up filling the top quarter of my search results page with useless chatGPT garbage that doesn’t help my search query (both my employer and my school have forced edge+bing as the standard browser and it makes me want to die)

    ryehypernova , avatar

    you have my condolences :)

    herrcaptain ,

    As someone in IT I get an employer enforcing Edge (I don’t do that, but I understand why an IT department might), but why would anyone enforce a specific search engine? That seems bonkers to me.

    empireOfLove2 ,

    Well, it’s the system default, and while you can change it during each session or manually browse to Google/DDG if you want, it will always reset the next time you log in… I am incredibly lazy and 99% of the time will smash my super quick search into the omnibar and end up stuck with it until I eventually get mad enough at Bing to force keep a tab open with Google.

    herrcaptain ,

    Ah, I see what you mean. That still sucks but at least you still have the (less convenient) option of using an alternative. I had understood it as being that they blocked everything but Bing.

    Windex007 , to technology in Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us?

    In relatively short order, the majority of web content will be AI generated anyways. People will be mad that other AIs are stealing what their AIs wrote. The technology and business aspirations have accelerated us towards a shittier and shittier web experience for a few decades now. I think we’ll hit some kind of web-shit-singularity within 5 years.

    ATDA ,

    I don’t think I’d be nearly as upset if the ai weren’t copying the click bait headlines, and “word padding like a fifth grader to get to five double spaced pages” writing style.

    AA5B , (edited )

    Right, this is where ai can shine, actually improve the output from hack “journalists”

    Edit: I’ll set the bar even lower: ai can shine by substituting synonyms for “beloved”. It’s aggravating how many articles use that word these days. No one ever “walks over to the nearby train stop”, but apparently “ we “trek to our beloved train stop breathlessly in time to make our beloved 8:05”. Please Google, save us by derating that word for every article not about human relationships

    edwardbear ,

    It’s much simpler than that. AI is going to continue makingn it worse, until the big tech companies say that they have a solution which will be web2.0 and solves ALL the problems of the legacy net (problems the big tech is causing lol). Then they will have total information control and regulate the net out of the kazoo.

    Imagine visiting a website and “oh oh, apparently you haven’t met the daily quota yet, because you used the toilet. unfortunately your access to the web is restricted.”

    I’m telling you, AI (which is not even real fucking AI) is being pushed to the forefront because big tech fucking knows what’s to come. And then they’ll snatch control with the pretense being “it’s just to fix AI, we swear wink wink

    JackGreenEarth ,

    Aren’t we already on web 2.0 and web 3.0 is bitchain?

    edwardbear ,

    I don’t mean the current versioning of the web.

    I mean that https, ipv4 and dns servers will be abandoned altogether and everything will be incorporated, no more NGO’s, no more vpn, no more Tor, and FOSS will be exterminated.

    That’s the corporate dream, the cunts.

    AA5B ,

    Lol, no. “You haven’t met your daily quota so we’re concerned you haven’t been sitting on the toilet today. Click “skip” for immediate same day delivery of all new extra strength brand laxative”

    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    Then, a new net technology will be created that bypasses ISP and government spy boxes. Many CEO’s will pay politicians to imprison users.

    SeaJ OP , to technology in 23andMe frantically changed its terms of service to prevent hacked customers from suing

    One thing to note: the email says to send [email protected] an email to opt out while the updated ToS say to email [email protected].

    tsonfeir , to technology in A software company called Threads says Meta tried to buy its domain and kicked it off Facebook avatar

    Well, since Meta/Facebook will probably be pulling out of the UK along with every other social media company, that’s hardly a “threat”

    DannyMac OP , avatar

    You mean, “That’s hardly a ‘thread?’”

    I’ll see myself out

    tsonfeir , avatar

    You mean, “hold this thread as I walk away” 🎶

    Amastan ,

    Threadful this story. Poor wee nerds. Fight them Meta’s

    Crackhappy , avatar

    Do you want to destroy my sweater?!?

    FrostbyteIX , avatar


    Sooperstition ,

    Does that mean we’re in for an influx of br*tish people?

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    We're already here!

    Rozz ,

    Wow, you speak English so well! /s

    Alchemy , avatar

    Your comment shows it will be posted “in 17 minutes”, I have never seen that before.

    kirby ,

    9 more minutes I’m so exited

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    It's a kbin/lemmy integration thing. Although I did think it was fixed now.

    Alchemy , avatar

    Too bad, I was thinking this future-past connection thing we had could be really lucrative for us.

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    Yeah, sorry. I can't give you any lottery numbers just in time to buy a ticket.

    Alchemy , avatar

    That will raise too many questions after we win for the 3rd time. We need to ride the gold and soybean market fluctuations ;)

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    Well, see you win one lottery, to get the seed money. Then you suddenly become a really good futures trader overnight with the winnings.

    EDIT: Which is kinda what you said I now realise.

    BenGFHC ,

    We're already here. We lurk in the shadows.

    grue ,
    SirQuackTheDuck ,

    We can hear you, you’re not exactly quiet when drinking that tea.

    rhythmisaprancer , avatar

    I think you mean Bri*ish

    EnderMB ,

    Probably not. They’ll farm the jobs off to Berlin, most likely.

    With that said, I’d be shocked if the inevitable UK/US trade deal didn’t include some degree of visa. British workers are cheap as fuck, and our service industries already do a lot of cheap labour for US companies that don’t want to pay domestic workers.

    altima_neo , to technology in Microsoft’s big Windows 11 update drops on September 26 with Copilot AI baked in avatar

    Going off of Dave Plummer’s video, looks like copilot is kind of a wash. It has the potential to do some neat stuff on desktop, but its crappily shoehorned into the OS instead.

    ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

    Hoping they’ve made it better since

    Kerfuffle ,

    This time you’re going to love Cortana. For reals!

    REdOG , avatar

    With love,


    rambaroo ,

    Every tech company is pulling this stupid bullshit now. Mine is also trying to find any way they can to shoehorn an LLM into their product. It’s marketing BS

    TimeSquirrel , avatar

    Underpants gnomes economics.

    1. Integrate AI into everything, even where it doesn't make any damn sense.
    2. ???
    3. Profit.
    Skanky ,

    Isn’t this exactly how Skynet was created?

    Viking_Hippie , to technology in X is suing California over social media content moderation law

    “That big meanie is trying to make us admit to the fact that not only are we not doing anything to combat hate and lies, we’re actively and purposely spreading as much of both as we can! So unfair! 😭”

    MargotRobbie , to technology in Reddit is testing verification labels for brands avatar

    I guess there will just be a bunch of verified accounts running around doing “organic” marketing for their latest projects now.

    Boy, I am sure glad nobody has ever done that on Lemmy before.

    DoctorTYVM ,

    Weren’t they already doing that? I swear, you read some posts and it’s like a PR team is trying to get a story buried. Like after a Leo DiCaprios dating history got air time you started seeing him in more memes the next days, and TILs about how he was a good actor

    spacedancer ,

    They were/are. They’re just making it official now.

    everythingsucks ,

    Just saw a post by Bloomberg and u/Bloomberg has a little green checkmark by their name.

    MargotRobbie , avatar

    TILs about how he was a good actor

    Academy Award sigh winning character actor.

    iegod ,

    I mean he’s quite memable and he’s a great actor so not sure why both things can’t happen…

    DoctorTYVM ,

    They can. It’s just that it happens suspiciously often after there’s a surge in his negative images

    BettyWhiteInHD , avatar


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  • kittyjynx , avatar

    It seems like a lot of people strip the agency from the women he has flings with. If he is not abusive or manipulative then who cares, they come out the other side with some great stories and experiences that they wouldn’t have if they instead had a fling with a random classmate at college.

    BrrooklynMan , avatar

    yeah. they’re called “ads”

    brihuang95 , to technology in X tells advertisers to spend $1,000 per month or risk losing verification status avatar

    This just sounds like a desperate attempt to try and turn a profit before Twitter/X finally shits the bed cuz it ran out of money

    user75736572 ,

    I don’t think elon can afford to do that because it would look really bad for his other brands. I think he is better off trying to keep it somewhat alive

    Cethin , to technology in An ID verification service that works with TikTok and X left its credentials wide open for a year

    The perfect proof to not trust this companies if you needed it.

    Kidplayer_666 ,

    The proof not to trust anyone with personal information

    helpImTrappedOnline , (edited ) to technology in Humane is said to be seeking a $1 billion buyout after only 10,000 orders of its terrible AI Pin

    “MKBHD takes out another company” /s

    cloudless , to technology in Elon Musk says it's his turn to have the remote

    The only X button I need is the close button.

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