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todd_bonzalez , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

So Musk will let you use that word all you want because free speech, right?


StaySquared , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

The way the users of that slur is used… yeah it does come off as a slur. As if, “cis-gender” (lol) is a degrading label. You can call me a cis-gender… you might get a laugh out of me but that’s about it.

supersquirrel ,

It is a joke of a slur

You can call me a cis-gender… you might get a laugh out of me but that’s about it.

Because nobody has seriously threatened your life for being cisgender, nobody has harassed you in a coordinated fashion because you are cisgender, cisgender is just a term that can be applied to you that doesn’t really affect you either way.

Words that are slurs are the record of violence and suffering inscribed into letters, you can’t treat those words the same and the fact that Musk is doing this is pathetic as fuck.

TubularTittyFrog ,

plenty of people get harassed, abused, and threatened for being cisgendered. you’re a nut if you think being trans has some sort exclusivity on gender violence. both cis men and women have been threatened and labeled as threats due to their gendered conformity. being in a minority doesn’t mean you get a monopoly on being treated like shit.

and when you hang out around trans communities, they very much do actively use the term as a slur, even against each other.

supersquirrel ,

being in a minority doesn’t mean you get a monopoly on being treated like shit.

True but being in a significant majority however does mean you get a monopoly on being able to wield actual societal and structural power (whether it be through family relationships, social relationships, the workplace, healthcare services and any number of other contexts) to hurt groups of people. Being part of the majority, at any point you can divest from the social contract and just look over at somebody who is almost exactly the same as you and say “well, we know which side we are on wink”. Having agency over when you and your group honors the social contract and basic rules of communities (i.e. you don’t show up to peaceful protests to beat the shit out of peaceful protestors, run them over or shoot them with an assault rifle) means that any point violence can be deemed acceptable by your group for a unilateral aim that ignores the rest of society. This Happens All Of The Damn Time. Cops do this with rightwing bigot constantly, shitty people of all types do this.

Aux ,

You can’t be more wrong. A typical bigot.

A_Random_Idiot ,

You dont have to sign your posts you know

Aux ,

A typical bigot indeed.

supersquirrel , (edited )

I mean the rest of us don’t mind, it’s like game of thrones it’s so hard to keep track of all the characters so when people just put it out there and literally sign their posts, I mean shrug fair.

Hate is a bad flavor of ice cream but like, yeah by all means if people want to tear their mask off, throw the dog whistle away, please it helps the rest of us realize who the hateful clowns are with dysfunctional capacities to apply empathy or even basic humanity to entire categories of people. Honestly it makes these conversations soooooo much easier and faster when the hateful authoritarian people just actually self label themselves as such.

To all the cisgender sad lonely people out there who would never hurt a soul, transgender or otherwise, I see you and I love you but shut the fuck up you aren’t being hunted down by threatening white men in pickup trucks who are drunk and are all friends with the sheriff so if they get violent with you for being a queer I mean the sheriff is gonna understand the boys getting rowdy right? So what they tied you up and raped you and drove away leaving your body as a crime scene.

That is the difference. Y’all are talking about feelings, queer people are talking about their fucking lives and we better damn well listen because we are next into the meat grinder.

HexesofVexes , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Why would he hate the word “onthesameside-gender”?

pastabatman , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

I honestly never even considered that it was a slur. Sometimes you are having a discussion where gender identity is relevant, and in that situation it is useful to be able to clearly indicate that someone is cisgender.

See I just used it.

HauntedCupcake , (edited )

I don’t think classifying cisgender as a slur is defendable, especially on its own.

Not saying it is a slur, but I’ve seen it used like a slur before, mostly coupled with “white” and “men”/“women”. But I’m fairly sure Elon himself is against censoring language for that reason (when it comes to things that don’t personally offend him). It just seems dumb and hypocritical to me

TubularTittyFrog ,

if used descriptively it’s not a slur.

if used to harass, intimidate, and demean, it’s a slur.

Liz ,

Further example:

He’s a Jew.


He’s a Jew.

mightyfoolish ,

The word was created so the official opposite of transgender is not simply the word “normal”. Treating cisgender as a slur is just attacking transgender people.

Beetlejuice001 ,

I agree completely. The whole manufactured discussion about it it ridiculous. Conservative love to be able to point at social values and try to claim there is simply an opposite alternative fact that’s completely contradictory to it on the conservative spectrum. Did you notice when they normalized leftist?

xmunk ,

When I first heard it, I assumed it was a slur because the closest common use English word is cissy.

But then I like… looked it up.

Basically, I can understand how some folks initially think it’s a slur, but this conservative overreaction is clearly in bad faith and it’d almost certainly happen whatever the fuck the word was.

Blahaj_Blast , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur avatar

Something something snowflakes…

11111one11111 ,

Should we really be adding more derogatory terms to children’s vocabulary tho? I don’t care if it’s cisgender or a new word for removed, I get theyre only words and we shouldnt be voldermorting words because of the power it gives to oppressors but for fuckin real what I get nervous about is adding another word to be fucking mean adding it to school aged children’s arsenal of mean as fuck shit to say to other kids. We can all agree they don’t belong anywhere appropriately but for me this has always been about discouraging the next generation from being as hateful and cruel as this current parenting generation and older.

I will die on the hill that psychological and emotional aggression is 1000x’s worse than trying to knock someones teeth in. As someone who grew up a barefoot3d hippie in redneck country I’ve seen it way too often that issues get fuckin squashed after 2 parties are icing their shinners and are arguing wile coming down from a much depleted sense of drive, rage amd adrenaline or whatever that hormone is called now.

Cybermonk_Taiji ,


FlyingSquid , avatar

“Cisgender” is no more a derogatory term than “heterosexual.” It’s simply a descriptor. It means your gender and biological sex are the same. That’s all.

It’s only derogatory to you if you feel that “cisgender” should be “normal” and thus not have a word. But we have a word for all kinds of things people might consider “normal.” Sighted is a word even though being able to see is the norm. I’m sure you can use ‘sighted’ in a derogatory way. Maybe some blind people even do, I don’t know. That doesn’t make the word derogatory.

“Cisgender” is not the queer equivalent of something like “tranny.”

xmunk ,

Whenever I speak the Italian vulgar, I’m always talking to my homies in Cisapline Gaul.

TangledHyphae ,

Your position is great, all these kids are being warped by slander and pejoratives (as contextual), and nobody seems to care about manipulating all these new kids being grown up into a world that’s burning down and their McDonald’s meal will cost $26.99 next year with no jobs existing. But they’re concerned more about gender and words and feelings than reality anymore.

IzzyScissor ,

Getting into fistfights > Learning a single vocabulary word ??

Wow. A VIOLENT snowflake. Daring today, aren’t we.

andros_rex , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Has anyone ever been fired from a job for being cis? [I’ve been fired from a couple for being trans….]

LiveLM ,

Sorry to hear about that, hope you’ve found a nice employer that respects you!

FlyingSquid , avatar

I know that is legal in a lot of places, but it absofuckinglutely should not be. I’m really sorry. I hope you’ve found something good since.

TubularTittyFrog ,

no, but i have seen people asked to give up their position so a ‘more worthy’ trans person could take their place… mostly for the ‘optics’ of being ‘diverse’. most often old white men, because they are ‘bad’ and trans people are ‘good’.

a lot in community groups in social/leftist leanings. the obsession with trans tokenism about rich white liberals is def a thing, esp when you can request a old white man and replace them with a young trans person so that your org/group is ‘with it’. i’ve seen this happen multiple times.

and in a few instance sadly, the person who replaced was great and knowledgeable, and the trans person who replaced them was an unhinged jerk who ended up quitting or being asked to leave after introducing an inordinate amount of drama into the group.

andros_rex ,

Where I live, I can be legally denied a job, housing, or medical care. If the cops wanted to, they’ve retroactively invalidated changed drivers licenses, so they could probably just arrest me for driving. I couldn’t access any form of domestic violence resource when escaping my marriage.

Some trans people are crazy assholes - just as some cis people are crazy assholes. But there is no system level oppression of cis people. Drama is annoying, but drama doesn’t mean you don’t get to eat.

exanime , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Tired of hearing about Xhitter… Stop posting every excruciating minutiae about it and let it die already

mightyfoolish ,

I agree with you but we both know it’s not going to stop. We need a mostodon instance to get world famous.

PiratePanPan , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur avatar

I’ve heard that straggot isn’t, so take that information as you will /s

PanArab , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

He really hates his trans daughter!

FlyingSquid , avatar

She hates him more. When she changed her name, she changed her surname to her mother’s and had it put into the court record that she disowns her father. She could have just broken contact, waited for him to die and hoped she was included in the will, but he was such an awful father that she said, “fuck you and your billions of dollars.” Can you imagine how exceptionally bad a parent that would make him?

Underwaterbob ,

Not to play down how absolutely terrible I’m sure Musk is as a father, but her mum’s also loaded. That would certainly make the decision easier.

nickwitha_k ,

But is she “barring significant changes in world financial systems, my descendants could purchase a small nation-state every generation and still likely never have to sell their labor or until the end of their genetic line” wealthy? Gotta remember that Billion with a B is an absurdly large number that is literally beyond human comprehension in anything but an abstract sense by a large margin.

Underwaterbob ,

I got more curious, so I did some searching, and I just can’t. Turns out Musk has some absurd number of children with several different women. And I only found that out through some pop culture/celebrity worship/exploitation websites I’d rather not have in my search history. I couldn’t even find the name or age of the child in question (probably for the best, I wouldn’t want my children to go through this, either), though it seems of the three children he had with Grimes, the oldest just turned 4. That’s a bit young to even know what disowning is.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Sure, her mom is loaded. But even ignoring the money, she wanted it known in a legal setting and on an official court transcript that she did not consider Elon Musk to be her father. That’s quite the statement.

KillingTimeItself , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

cool, surely they now treat the term trans as a slur too right?



prosp3kt , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Lol, that’s incredible. But more incredible is what happened in Peru: They declared that being trans is a mental disease.

Ozone6363 ,


  • Loading...
  • Hylactor ,

    Believe it or not, your understanding is not essential. Unfortunately for you, truth is nuanced and not conveniently delineated. Just because you can’t grasp it, doesn’t make it a mystery.

    Give me a break.

    Cis people have received an inordinate number of breaks for the entirety of recorded history. You will never be killed for holding hands with the wrong person. No nation has a death penalty for expressing your love openly.

    TubularTittyFrog ,

    lol dude, have you heard of the middle east?

    plenty of people get killed for cisgender love there.

    dustyData ,

    Gender dysphoria, the psychological suffering caused by feeling like you are in the wrong body, is the disease. Being a trans person is not a disease, and using that as a basis for insulting or discriminating is inappropriate. Somewhat like autism is the mental disease but having autism is not a disease and it is inappropriate to treat a person as if it is the entirety of their existence. Way too often illness has been used as the basis of mistreatment and outright extermination. People have diseases, they aren’t their diseases. We have introduced this notion from the fields of ethics in medicine and it’s why a lot of things are no longer used in language nor in concept: the disabled, the retarded, the syphilitic, the autistic, etc. People aren’t diseases and they aren’t their disease.

    If you knew a thing or two about the history of gender, you’d know that medicalization of gender is precisely one of the main historical roots to justify discrimination, criminalization and abuse towards trans people. Medicalization of gender has literally killed millions of people throughout history.

    TubularTittyFrog ,

    combine it with race to see an even starker picture. black women’s medical outcomes are insanely worse than other races and genders.

    Cybermonk_Taiji ,

    “Give me a break”.

    How about no.

    HawlSera , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

    Typical Cishet behavior

    casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

    Y’all wanna do a poll for context? Hope that’s allowed, since pretty sure updoots means nothing on Lemmy. Apologies if not, anyway here I go:

    Is trans a slur? Updoot the corresponding comment to cast your vote, or downdoot to be a troll I guess idk

    casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer ,


    casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer ,


    casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer ,


    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I think it’s funny that you want to do a poll for context but your question itself is context-dependent. Any quality of any human, inherent or adopted, can be a slur in the proper context.

    Is ‘trans’ a slur when it’s Elliot Page talking about himself? No.

    Is ‘trans’ a slur when a bigot calls someone ‘trans’ to insult them because they think being trans is worthy of contempt? Yes.

    crapwittyname ,

    This is beautiful. Shutting down the discourse completely by virtue of being inarguably correct. I applaud this comment.

    sinedpick ,

    oh no the amazingly useful discussion has been shut down by … examining its premises! Truly a disgrace to online discourse.

    casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer ,

    You illustrated the point better than I had the energy to do-- I simply don’t care enough to be that eloquent because the majority of what I get is nonsense in return. So instead of wasting my time, I chose to take the lazy route and encourage people to come to a consensus on this one key point so that the point you made would become irrefutable.

    Neither trans nor cis are slurs by default, but anything can be a slur if used in a derogatory manner-- I think some comedian had a bit about this, but I can’t recall who and I’m sure even if I did there’s a good chance someone would give me a nasty label for saying such comedian made a good point…

    But the same people that say trans can be a slur, cannot deny in good faith that cis cannot be a slur. They are both simple classifiers with no basis on prejudice. But some people will still argue they are slurs simply because they are used prominently in derogatory contexts.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    That’s not the issue. The issue is that Twitter acts like it is automatically considered a slur, rather than something that is only a slur in certain contexts.

    There’s also the matter of Twitter doing very little about the Nazis on its platform other than giving them a boost.

    Resol , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur avatar

    I am cisgender and aroace. I treat trans people just as equally as everyone else.

    So why does Twitter (I’m not calling me X anymore) hate me now? Do I have to identify as anything other than male to be liked by a toxic community? (I am AMAB) Is this some form of counter-discrimination?

    Obviously trans people deserve rights, but that doesn’t mean cis people should have their rights taken away from them.

    ReveredOxygen , avatar

    It’s not about cis bad, it’s about “I don’t want to be called cis, I want to be called normal”

    Resol , avatar

    Ok, got it

    prole ,

    Oh is it? My immediate thought was that it was Elon being childish and basically saying like, “if I can’t say x slur, then I’m going to pretend it’s the same as this clinical, scientific term to make a point.”

    Like that he thinks he’s truly made an amazing satirical statement here or something…

    Beetlejuice001 ,

    It’s the 1% manufacturing consent for a return to slavery while everyone is distracted by their phones

    Resol , avatar

    I don’t understand what you mean by that.

    Beetlejuice001 , (edited )

    The 1% see the working class as animals. They only care about creating wealth. They don’t want nonbinary, trans or gay people in society. That takes away from reproduction. It is the real reason behind the abortion bans and rise of far right in the world.

    The Republicans have dumbed down education so severe the public doesn’t even recognize what’s happening. Everyone is too distracted on their phones to revolt.

    The 1% have made a short term deal with white supremacists to attempt to return to the days of slavery. But they too will be consumed shortly after. America First lol. Everything and anything about us has been commodified for wealth extraction. First they’re coming for your inheritance and family home, then they’ll take the Social Security Reserve fund. The 1% use out of work lawyers and AI to control the narrative and nudge everyone where they want on social media. This has been a long time in the works but number go up brrr.

    We willingly buy and carry spy devices constantly everyday, everywhere we go. They have amassed so much data on us it’s incredible. The amount of technology being used to spy on us is unfathomable to your average citizen. Snowden tried to tell us. The 1% know if they didn’t do something unions and mobs would come for them eventually.

    The 1% were scammed by the oil barons into a false sense of security over oil and its effects. A near extinction event. The climate refugee crisis will be like nothing you can imagine. Water and food shortages for everyone, except the rich of course. Thing is, without the masses who is left?

    I’ll elaborate further later

    Socsa ,

    I am like 87% cis and like 67% het. Gender and sexuality isn’t a spectrum, it’s a probability field.

    Resol , avatar

    I bet all the conservatives are gonna be mad when they find out that even I have no idea if I’m truly male or not. That would make me genderqueer, which is a subset of trans. I mean, I do look very masculine, and use he/him pronouns, but my voice is a bit too… “gay”, and I like wearing tight clothing and oversized sweaters with bucket hats (bonus points if it’s a color that isn’t even close to being associated with manliness, at least where I’m from, such as… idk, pink, and in the case of what I would wear, purple).

    What’s the percentage of cis in that case? 50%? Less? More? How would being aroace affect my het percentage?

    ShaggySnacks ,

    Pink and blue only became gender coded because corporations wanted to sell more merchandise.

    “In America by the 1890s and the early 20th century, manufacturers attempted to sell more children’s and infants’ clothes by color-coding them,” she said. Some manufacturers branded pink for boys and blue for girls, and vice versa.

    Until then, everyone wore blue and pink.

    “If you look back, little boys in the 18th century wore blue and pink, and grown-up men wore blue and pink, and ladies and little girls wore blue and pink,” Steele said.

    The complicated gender history of pink

    Purple is a wicked color because it’s the color of royalty.

    Tyrian Purple was associated with the rank of royalty in the ancient civilisations of Rome, Japan, Persia, Egypt and Constantinople, dating back as far as the 16th century BC. But how did it come to be the stamp of everything imperial? For a start, purple was first sourced in Phoenicia (the name translates as ‘purple land’), an ancient city located in modern-day Lebanon. Producing purple dye was a laborious process – and was subsequently expensive – though the method of extracting it was less glamorous. The dye stemmed from the foul-smelling mucous gland of a marine mollusk. As a result, the term purple owes itself to the Latin word for a purple shellfish, ‘purpura’. A time-consuming process saw these sea snails dried and boiled to make Tyrian dye – many of the creatures were needed to dye even a small segment of fabric, but the benefits meant that the intensity of the colour was long-lasting and not prone to fade.

    Purple: an enchanting pigment reserved for royals and rulers

    Resol , avatar

    Cool story.

    card797 ,

    That’s a new one for me. “Aroace”. I can’t imagine what that feels like though. What do I know? The world is so diverse.

    Resol , avatar

    Well, imagine being aromantic AND asexual at the same time. The former refers to experiencing no romantic attraction (so… no feeling of love outside of friends and family), the latter refers to experiencing no sexual attraction (so… the lack of a desire to have sex basically).

    You need to have sex to have children, which is also something I don’t want. Hell, I don’t even wanna be married. Most people I know are mad at me for just that, let alone associating myself with the LGBT community for basically not wanting marriage and children… and also not feeling manly enough.

    You learn new stuff everyday.

    card797 ,

    I can’t imagine being mad about someone for that. They need to get a hobby.

    Resol , avatar

    Well unfortunately they do exist, and they want me to stop it and get married, like a “normal person”.

    I never wanted to be “normal” to begin with.

    CCF_100 , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

    sob there are new terms that describe human beings because gender is not a binary, woe is me, I’m so upset… /s

    TheRealKuni ,

    sob there are new terms that describe human beings because gender is not a binary, woe is me, I’m so upset… /s

    ‘Cisgender’ doesn’t even require there to not be a gender binary! These snowflakes are ridiculous. It’s not a slur, anymore than ‘heterosexual’ is a slur.

    Llewellyn ,

    These snowflakes are ridiculous.

    Don’t use a bully rhetoric.

    TheRealKuni ,

    Merely turning their own rhetoric back on them. But I appreciate the sentiment.

    Llewellyn , (edited )

    turning their own rhetoric back

    It doesn’t work that way. You smear both sides.

    Cybermonk_Taiji ,

    Don’t tell people what to do. That’s what bullies do.

    Llewellyn ,

    No, that’s not a distinctive or exclusive trait of a bully. Why y’all so eager to defend smearing?

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