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Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

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VinesNFluff , avatar

While I had some fun playing torchlight 2 with a friend back in the day, in reality I never got on with the entire genre (or its sibling the Looter-Shooter)

It’s like

Every video game is on some level a skinner box, but arpgs and lootershooters are the most transparent and cynical about it, idk. Well no, the SECOND most transparent and cynical about it, MMOs still take the cake.

VinesNFluff , avatar
  • If you try to remind GAYMURS of industry abuses after Hypernormalisation has kicked in for them, they’ll call you names.
VinesNFluff , avatar

I guess this means I’ll finally get to actually play it

My playthrough on release got aborted midway through act 3 because I was using mods before official support and the constant updating and mod breaking eventually destroyed my savefile.

VinesNFluff , avatar

If you think basic features are necessary you are a toxic and unserious person who doesn’t understand professional interfaces. /s

VinesNFluff , avatar

That they’re a condescending and unpleasant person.

VinesNFluff , avatar

As a left winger myself…

… I’m not sure Foss is inherently left wing. Inherently anti authoritarian for sure, but I can totally see a libertarian type making a pro-FOSS argument from a capitalistic-individualistic and it being rather sensible. (Aaaaas long as we ignore the ways it’d contradict other beliefs right wing liberals tend to hold, but yknow. Compartmentalisation is a human superpower)

VinesNFluff , avatar

Why would I, a right wing libertarian, lend my time to developing a piece of software that I am unable to make a profit from? I have no motive.

Because you do stand to gain regardless. “I have my code on the source of <major FOSS project every tech guy has heard of>” is like. Amazing portfolio material for any job interview. I had a friend get a job in the games industry (though they regret it to this day because the game industry sucks–) with nothing on his resumé except for a smattering of mods for popular games.

Any pro-capitalist person with a functioning brain will acknowledge the role of non-monetary “Profits” in every human relationship, yanno?

VinesNFluff , avatar

Seems we had a similar idea –

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (850 MiB): magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2dc7abc164fa953f4ebe5be196305ebeffea0b42&

Super NES (2,03 GiB): magnet:?xt=urn:btih:035bb648afa13f5624477fcf06ecc9d991375779&

GameBoy+GBC (570 MiB) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ff91115fb9c487121785af6b06dc5c7184ced0f1&

Sega Master System (91,7 MiB):


Currently seeding all these.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Winter but I live in Brazil, so winter just means it’s not a temperature that euros would call deadly like it normally is

VinesNFluff , avatar

Is history repeating? Didn’t this happen like 2 years ago?

VinesNFluff , avatar


You can expect them to drop at maybe one more good product, as going public is what companies do when they want to raise a lot of funds for some project

But after THAT, when it turns out that the new product is just… Making money instead of making ALL the money, the investors will take over and from then on it’s fucked.

But yeah RPi has alternatives now. No need to tie yourself to them when they DO sink.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Put it towards a stupid sounding investment scheme that will turn those 15 into 5 within the month

I never had the income to do that. It sounds exciting. It’s like gambling except it’s considered classy instead of trashy.

VinesNFluff , avatar

First OS: DOS 4.something on dad’s PCXT clone.

First Linux: Kurumin Linux

Writers of Lemmy, what good character qualities/virtues do your main characters have that you don't?

A fascinating question because I used to intentionally make my characters Mary Sues. As a former child who used to write, for a while I never understood why people would give character traits they disagree with to the character or characters who are supposed to represent what is right in your world, since they’re the ones...

VinesNFluff , avatar

Self confidence

Whatever other qualities I give them, whatever qualities or flaws I have, I write about characters who are comfortable being who they are and know what they want. Which is like the polar opposite of my terrified-of-my-own-shadow ass

VinesNFluff , avatar

alias molest=“sudo touch”

And in a similar vein back when I used an arch adjacent distro I aliased pacman -R to “yeet”

Install a package with yay packagename, get rid of it with yeet packagename

VinesNFluff , avatar

Depends what country you’re in

VinesNFluff , avatar

In my country it is decriminalised unless you’re doing it at a very large scale and charging money, so I’m home free.

My ISP does block most torrent trackers – But changing DNS providers is enough to get around that.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Tankie used to have a specific and clear meaning

But then people not in the know learned the word without caring what it meant

So now it just means “guy that I think is an asshole (leftist beliefs optional but expected)”

VinesNFluff , avatar

Deleted my previous comment, felt like I should give this a bit more attention.

To be honest I feel like all designs are good in their own way. I like the general vibe of Memphis, but being that I was born in the mid 90s, it’s probably just that general energy you get from things that happened before you did, where they are “cool” due to how just-old-enough-to-be-old-but-not-old-enough-to-be-an-antique they are, yanno?

Y2K design – Well. I like the transluscent plastic on Gameboys and Macs. Really underrated aesthetic, wouldn’t mind having it back. The DreamCast had some very sleek angles too.

Frutiger Aero will never not “look like the future” to me. It was the age of computer interfaces having all sorts of fun colours and transparencies and animations, and it just LOOKED futuristic and neat. Don’t care for the product designs of the era though. That shiny finish would draw in filth and fingerprints from accross the room and after a very short time it’d lose its prettiness.

Flat design I have issues with, like the hamburger menus and the abandonment of descriptive text in favour of abstract icons – It is also a bit too serious, but I understand and accept that, even if I miss the playfulness of Frutiger. – But it DID finally bring us dark mode. And my eyes are forever grateful.

… Just wish solarized themes were the norm instead, no idea why they must have such high contrast. I’d even give light mode its time of day if it was a solarized light instead.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Plus they could announce the rebrand by replacing the weird dog chewing on a brush with the same weird dog lifting weights

Hitting the GIM.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Brushes with bellpeppers attached to them

VinesNFluff , avatar

Libre Graphics Manipulation App


VinesNFluff , avatar

It’s not quite emulating the game’s moves and such

But some years back I played so much SMT IV on the 3DS (which is a quite striking-looking game with the stereoscopic effects on. Characters are anime art but everything has depth and it looks real neat) that whenever I’d look at a plan wall, I’d see patterns moving back and forth as though they were objects in the game’s stereoscopic effect.

VinesNFluff , avatar

The American government will defend this.

VinesNFluff , avatar

It does look and act like a cellphone OS :P

VinesNFluff , avatar

Pirated versions totally work on Linux. I do quite a bit of pirating.

It just takes a bit more effort to manage, but I use Lutris for my pirated titles.

VinesNFluff , (edited ) avatar

Honestly the lack of customizability is the least of my worries with Gnome.

Why the FUCK doesn’t it have a SYSTEM TRAY without an extension?

Like it’s one thing to be minimalistic and opinionated.

It’s another thing entirely to opt out of basic system functionality that has been part of every OS since 1997. Like fuck.

Edit: Also how fun that this is how I find out Hyprland is cooked due to internet drama and 4chan bullshit.

VinesNFluff , avatar

“Is cooked”, meaning “Is in trouble” or “Is in some shit”.

Hyprland’s dev got themselves into some internet fight because they associated themselves with a transphobe and Freedesktop people decided this was enough.

VinesNFluff , (edited ) avatar

Eh, I’ll be honest. Having read the posts here (from both Vaxry AND Freedesktop) about the subject:

It does seem like Vaxry is just a well-meaning software dev caught up in shit he didn’t ask for. He wasn’t the person who made the comment for one thing.

But also I kinda get Freedesktop’s angle here, being a queer person myself. I’ve seen communities I previously cared about get ship-of-theseused into places that are deeply unwelcoming to people like me due to brushing off this kind of ‘joke’. You give the -phobes an inch they WILL take the entire road.

VinesNFluff , (edited ) avatar

This kind of attitude is precisely what rubs me the wrong way about gnome.

Like nevermind customization. I care about it because I am literally this. But most people just want their OS to work and get out of the way so they can get to doing work or playing games or looking at hentai or whatever it is their do with their computer and I get and respect that.

It is true that Gnome’s control center can do a lot of things. All the integrated system functionality is there, as is the stuff for applications that are made FOR Gnome.

But the thing is. A lot of programmes that aren’t Gnome-centered, that are DE-agnostic or even System-Agnostic? They expect a system tray, because every OS has had something like it since 1997, and implement functionality expecting it to be there, with some configurations and such only being accessible through the tray icon. And Gnome’s general attitude to third party applications expecting something to be there is “fuck off, we don’t care, the third party application should adapt to how we do things, but if you REALLY need this thing we decided is worthless, you can install this janky third party extension to get it I guess”.

My choice for ‘gets out of the way’ would be something like Cinnamon. In my experience, Gnome does the opposite of getting out of the way, as a lot of basic functionality requires third party stuff. So in order to get things to work, if they aren’t specifically part of the Gnome ecossystem, you’ll have to spend time tinkering, and it’s not ‘tinkering for fun because I like coonfing’, it’s ‘tinkering out of necessity to get this thing to work properly’ which is not nice.

VinesNFluff , avatar

[tongue click]

In another universe where things are entirely different, I might agree to the ‘people should be very private online’. Fuck, I’d even extend it to real life?

But we don’t live in that other universe, and in the universe we currently live, obnoxious behaviour from The Straights ™ isn’t considered obnoxious by 90% of society, whereas even the smallest bit of expression from a GSM person is seen as extravagant and explicit. Straight people can take advantage of the standard of ‘people should be private’ because their expression isn’t considered unprivate by most and the opposite isn’t true for us.

So $&*# that. I’ll be as loudly gay as I can be.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Dropbox and MEGAsync, though I stopped using those late last year (switched to having an old laptop as a “home server” and using syncthing for backups) so maybe they changed since then. They were my ur-example for it, as I was still using them last time I tried gnome.

Lots of wine related things. Game clients and such. If wine can’t find a tray it drops a window on a corner with the tray icons which works but is inelegant

Then there’s programs that while absolutely usable without a tray, are just better if you have it. Steam for one, with a tray it lets you close out the main window(s) and then call up just the thing you want from the tray. AntimicroX too. A pair of electron apps like Heroic Launcher and Zapzap (a WhatsApp client) have troubleshooting things and configs on the tray icon, even if you can use them without that (or learn key shortcuts for the same function)

VinesNFluff , avatar

Flat-earthers, and I see it as the most unhinged for one simple reason:

It seemingly has no – Stakes?


With every other conspiracy, whether it be related to 5G or Fluoride in the Water or Vaccines or whatever, there is someone who is consolidating a shit-ton of power or wealth through their conspiring, y’know?

But with Flat Eartherism… ? Like. Imagine you got control of every educational institution. You use it to convince people the planet is the wrong shape. And by doing that you gain… – What exactly? It just seems pointless? We know what people do when they have power to manipulate people on that level, because history tells us. And they generally don’t bother with the shape of the planet.

VinesNFluff , avatar

I always circle back around to SRB2. It has been beautiful to watch it grow over the decades.

Israel Responds to Move to Recognize Palestinian State by Withholding Funds (

Israel will not transfer much-needed funds to the Palestinian Authority in the wake of the decision by three European countries to recognize a Palestinian state, the country’s finance minister said on Wednesday, as its foreign minister denounced the European moves as giving “a gold medal to Hamas terrorists.”...

VinesNFluff , avatar

(adding to the reasons people already cited: Israel is where the us launches its imperialist attacks on the middle east from, so they have a strategic reason to keep it around)

VinesNFluff , avatar

Oy could you let me know when the plasma 6 version is done? This seems like a great tool.

VinesNFluff OP , avatar

Yeah I have gamemode and use it.

But I see.

VinesNFluff OP , avatar

It might? I don’t use exclusive fullscreen ever. :P I’m too ADHD for that. I always have chat windows on my second screen and am constantly tabbing out on load screen and shit.

VinesNFluff OP , avatar

Ooooo fancy. Noted, will attempt.

VinesNFluff OP , avatar

Unfortunately Wayland breaks Inkscape and GIMP and even caused Firefox to be unstable for me.

So like

Thanks but no thanks?

Maybe in 5 years. Let it stay in the oven for a bit longer.

[Solved] Tumbleweed update killed my gaming

Has anyone else had this problem? I updated my openSuse Tumbleweed today (restart required), and now none of my games work. Most are through Steam, so at first I thought it was that. But I have Cyberpunk through GOG launched with Heroic. And even more, Alien Arena has the same problem, so it’s not even a proton issue (I did...

VinesNFluff , (edited ) avatar

Oh! I am not the only one!

Good. I thought I had fucked something up. Now I guess it’s something that is out of my hands.

Guess I’ll just keep playing the ones that do work (it’s not a lot of them).

Edit: Well, this dumbass here doesn’t have btrfs and can’t use snapper. BUT. I downloaded an older version of the kernel (from the 30th of last month) from the SUSE repo and installed that. I’ll try rebooting later and see if it makes a difference.

Edit 2: WELL it didn’t work. Trying to boot into the older kernel caused other things to break. System seemed to load with a generic graphics driver instead of the proper driver for my AMDGPU… ? I imagine I’d have to downgrade more packages than just the kernel itself for things to actually function, but that is beyond by knowledge. Back to plan A of hoping it gets fixed. :P

VinesNFluff , avatar

I’m willing to bet that, like Linux usage statistics, Steam Deck had something to do with this.

Anyway, I wish I could switch to Wayland, but back when I used it it caused a dozen programs I use everyday to get very crashy.

VinesNFluff , avatar

After doing some sniffing: Yes AND no

The default “gaming mode” that the Deck boots into is running wayland, specifically valve’s own gamescope compositor which has a lot of workarounds and breaks from wayland’s spec to allow for better gaming performance.

When you quit out to “desktop mode” it loads into KDE Plasma with X11, although with recent changes to Plasma, it may well be that the desktop mode will change to being wayland based too.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Sorry I’m a little horse.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Geez mate I’m a commie too but you sure do spam. T’is getting old.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Aw yisss, someone else using SUSE

I tried a lot of different distros, but SUSE’s YaST tools are the shit. No distro has anything quite like them.

VinesNFluff , avatar

I feel like a lot of the reason people are hesitant to hop into Linux is because of how everything that goes “under the hood” requires a bunch of terminal commands and text file changes.

Ironic, then, that I learned how to Linux the hard way – In distros that expected exactly that from me. I cut my teeth in Arch and its siblings and sure, I can do that.

But it’S SO MUCH FASTER AND EASIER to just click a few buttons and then shit just works. YaST is bliss.

Like. DUDE. I don’t have to edit some files and then clench my asshole for 55 seconds while rebooting when I change a few entries in Grub.

And Zypper actually CHECKS what processes are running and what packages you’re installing, and actually tells you if you do or don’t need a reboot, instead of a blanket “hmmmm we updated, should probably reboot but idfk, that’s your problem now” which is what both apt and pacman gave me.

Quality of Life, it’s really underrated.

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