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ninjan ,

The things you could easily do with that video if you had a higher res version seeing as the pole is a very distinct color…

ninjan ,

Really cool stuff but I struggle to see what it truly enables to be able to deliver 100 metric tons to low earth orbit “cheaply”? A new cooler space station?

To me the real breakthrough would be in making space travel feasible. As it is now the time it takes and the radiation + small debris out there make it seem very distant.

But maybe this could be a step if they could build a space station so large that you could assemble a space ship there and launch from there with all the benefits of fuel savings that would entail? Realistically though there is no money in it until reaching the asteroid belt and mining there comes into reach. That would truly trigger a space age, if something came around that makes that feel within reach.

ninjan ,

All but eliminates would be more accurate but still extremely surprising to me. I can’t say I’m a fan of the rising tension in India between Hindus and Muslims stoked on by Modi but they’re obviously delivering great results in combatting inequality and lifting people of out poverty.

The most encouraging numbers in there were for sure the decline in the Gini coefficient, most countries see worsening inequality so it’s very encouraging to see a nation as large as India being able to combat it.

Appreciation / shock at workplace IT systems

After self hosting several services for a few users, with SSO, backups, hardware issues etc, I really appreciate how good the IT was in my old company. Everything was connected, smooth, slick and you could tell it was secure. I had very few issues and when I did, they were quickly solved. Doing this all at scale for thousands of...

ninjan ,

Tell them to move to yubikey or similar hardware key which is far more secure than any password policy will ever be and vastly more user friendly. Only downside is the intense shame if you manage to lose it.

The key should stick with the user thus not be stored with the computer when not in use. The key isn’t harmless of course but it takes a very deliberate targeting and advance knowledge about what it goes to and how it can be used. It’s also easy to remote revoke. If you’re extra special paranoid you could of course store the key locked at a separate site if you want nuclear codes levels of security.

ninjan ,

It is a great game imo, but it’s also insanely long and pretty grind heavy. I made it through two of the three disc before I sadly lost my save file in a break in.

I later tried again but only made it to disc 2 before just not being able to stomach the grind :/

ninjan ,

I’ll add to the group saying things got better by 30. In my case having kids has helped me get my shit together and take better care of myself both physically and mentally.

ninjan ,

??? Frogs breed super quick and aren’t that tricky to breed in captivity? I’d even go so far and say that frog meat should be rather sustainable since they eat insects which we can also breed effectively and they in turn can eat refuse from farming. I also haven’t ever seen or heard about the frog being of a particular breed or “wild caught” being part of the allure, nor seen it mentioned in a menu. This whole thing is absurd.

ninjan ,

Huh, fascinating stuff. Wonder what triggers it

ninjan ,

Probably the only type of destruction of art as protest I condone. The piece:

  1. Is not very old or culturally/historically important
  2. Directly depicts someone at the root of this conflict
  3. Was deliberately targeted and the reasons layed out

Trying to destroy unrelated art work is just wasteful of our shared human heritage. Attacking symbols of oppression however is perfectly valid in my opinion and is to me perfectly reasonable escalation when peaceful protests obviously do not bring the changes needed.

I put this on the same level as African Americans attacking statues of confederate generals and other proponents of slavery to hammer home their point.

ninjan ,

I wonder if you can make it “green wash” which is forbidden under EU law… Though what I can see the “feature” doesn’t seem available where I’m at. Likely because the risk it will do something illegal is too great.

ninjan ,

That kid has serious swagger, real stand user energy

ninjan ,

I just don’t get this protest. It’s so obviously not going to be popular amongst the population and what they’re protesting could very well help solve their grievance. If there are more doctors the need to work 100 hour weeks will drop and then their pay matches the effort again. Sure there might be risk of their wages dropping with more doctors saturating the market but that’s not guaranteed and a good way to combat that is to collectively agree to not accept lowered pay and strike if it becomes reality. That strike would also garner much more sympathy than this one.

ninjan ,

Not arguing against that. But the optics of doing this strike now and dragging in the decision to increase admissions to doctors programs are absolutely horrible and is the reason this protest is so unpopular and the governments very stern reaction accepted.

ninjan ,

Sure, but at least they should have chosen a better timing and not call out the increase in admissions to doctors programs. Since they did the government has support in revoking licenses, something they never would have if the protest was only against the working conditions. As it is now they’re protesting something that has been put forth as a solution.

ninjan ,

Yeah interesting thought there actually. In absolute numbers I wager more people believe in mythical beings of some form today in Europe than the 1700s. But as a share of the total population it’s going to be a lot lower, of course.

ninjan ,

Yepp, 117 billion estimated total humans born ever and about 8 billion alive today.

ninjan ,

It likely starts the LLM it uses as a service, and it requires running on a port. They could of course have rewritten it to not use a port and instead use other mechanisms possible when you’re in control of the code but then that requires modification of the LLM project they use and would make updating its version harder so such a thing would be reserved for the full release or skipped all together because it’s not really a big deal. All this assuming that they do use one of the hundreds of open source local LLM projects floating around Github.

ninjan ,

We’re talking about a demo here…

ninjan ,

Isn’t this the good thing about open source? You can just fork and revert these changes? That AMD wants to limit your ability to potentially damage your card is completely reasonable, and since they provide the source code for the drivers you should be able to circumvent this and take that risk if you want. This only stops low tech / low skill users that really have no business tuning their card outside of the spec.

ninjan ,

Wouldn’t you be refunded for the original ticket purchase?

ninjan ,

What an absolutely crazy bar story that surgery team has. “You know I saved the life of a King of the North once…”

ninjan ,

Yeah that’s is an attack on Netlify and not on him. It’s them that should have protections against this. I argue that the customer can’t even effectively defend against this themselves if they’re using Netlify, which is turn means a court would likely get them off the hook for anything that can easily be classified as a DDOS attack.

ninjan ,

Besto Jeanist has broken containment and escaped the prison known as Boku no Hero Academia. Be afraid, je jery jfraid

ninjan ,

Not really any different from my experience around clothing and “ringtones” for your phone. And not different from my parents around clothing which was ridiculously important, much less room for any personal expression than there is today, back then it was with the times / fashion or outdated, no styles or choice existed unless you count sub-cultures which without exception were social outcasts.

ninjan ,

As a parent to a kid smack dab in the middle of this right now I gotta say that while I welcome regulation on 1, 2 and 4 generally, not just for kids, I really and firmly believe parents who allow their kids to buy whatever they want in game (i.e. gift in game currency and leaves it at that) are horrendously lazy. And I have an analogy for that as well.

Back in my day what happened when kids got unsupervised cash was at best candy instead of lunch in school and at worst alcohol or cigarettes. Back in my parents time it was basically, due to before mentioned conformity, only cigarettes as the only possible outcome.

As such I really feel loot boxes is decidedly better than cigarettes and alcohol while being tied with candy for lunch.

3 is just a parental issue. It’s the same as not knowing where your kid is and who he’s playing/interacting with.

5 is a big societal issue right now. Social media is really fucking with not just kids but virtually all of us. Me being here is largely a way to combat my own unhealthy relationship to social media. We’re extremely social creatures at our core and social media manipulates us in ways we have little chance of resisting with mindful consumption. It’s cigarettes as they were back in the early 1900s.

ninjan ,

I’d argue that so far the load as it is, is from my outside perspective about the same as what I had. It’s just split over more stuff and what pressure you face is much more related to the crowd you interact with. My son, like me, is more of a nerd while having a theater side that I don’t. The pressure he faces is keeping up with YouTube trends, Roblox games and Minecraft mods that the creators that are popular play. While some of his friends flaunt in-game items and follow creators that do content that I personally don’t find child appropriate I have had no issues so far talking about that with him and setting limits on what he’s allowed to interact with and have managed to instill understanding about the ultimate pointlessness about avatar items. And given the vast sea of content there is there has been no issues finding appropriate content and he’s confident enough to bring what he found/enjoyed to the group and not just mindlessly follow.

It helps that he really hates loot boxes IRL, like say kindereggs and gumball machines. He finds no enjoyment in the surprise part, only disappointment when it’s not the one he wanted.

That said I understand that while I put in work as a parent the exact same amount of work might be woefully inadequate with another kid, due to no fault at all on the parenting. Hell I have three kids and they all have had vastly different challenges. Stuff that was easy with one took extreme effort with another. So I don’t really fault parents for the small stuff, if a kid watches one YouTuber that really isn’t age appropriate, OK. If they watch only stuff that is not at all for kids then I have an issue with that and have raised such concerns with them.

ninjan ,

For sure, as I outlined social media is a completely different beast and one I do not permit my son to interact with and will hold out for as long as is reasonable.

ninjan ,

Gotta swap the two rightmost ones, then you can do a diagram of X axis being brows and Y axis being mustache…

ninjan ,

I agree the glee some have around China supposedly failing is misguided at best and just spurred on by propaganda.

That said the last decades of explosive economic growth in China is because they adopted more Western economic policy, albeit with more far reaching government control. Calling the economic system of China “communist” is misleading, sure it’s the communist party that rules and set the system up. But it shares much more with a modern capitalistic system than the economic systems we’ve seen in other communist states.

As for political system it feels very ominous to read a text that very clearly hints that democracy is not any better than authoritarian systems. I also strongly feel that is a bit of a reverse from how it normally goes.

Democracy is the ideal state, the good in theory but with flaws in practise. Just as marxist / socialist systems are wonderful in theory but in practice has had problems.

I reject the notion that anything existing today is optimal. And I very much believe that the optimal path is somewhere in-between China and US policy for a lot of things. And to the left of China for some.

Finally, excusing human rights abuses by proclaiming “they do it too!” is just distasteful.

ninjan ,

Not quite that easy either, from my understanding they’re not paid like doctors in other developed countries, i.e. it’s not a top paying job. And they see this as a threat to “solving” that issue. Now we could argue that doctors maybe are overpaid in many cases, and if they’re “really” underpaid then opening up more slots for education won’t actually lead to any more applicants, thus the shortage will continue until salaries increase.

So I still think that the doctor strike is iffy.

ninjan ,

Yeah, personally I have strong issues with “daddy” roleplay where the girl / woman obviously acts, talks and dresses like someone underage or even a little kid (commonly referred to as age play). But I also accept that what they do is their business and no one is harmed. I also strongly object to scat play and animal play but once again. Their business and no one is harmed (well, scat play can be iffy… But it’s consensual and you’re “harmed” by BDSM or boxing in a much more direct manner).

In essence I see this as really no different than allowing GTA where you play as a thug with the ability to slaughter innocents with impunity. It’s all fantasy and we (the majority) don’t believe it actually increases the likelihood of you doing it for real in any meaningful way. Same applies to all forms of roleplay, virtual or in real life.

As such this is just daft fear mongering and as you say dilutes child abuse in a way that can move resources away from protecting / helping actual kids to stopping safe and consensual adult roleplay. Which is very counterproductive.

ninjan ,

Sure, but as opposed to real life you can just not participate. And you can quit if you work there. Let them do their thing if that’s what they want, no one is forced to participate or watch.

ninjan ,

A jean vest with integrated t-shirt arms is the perfect stealth garment, button up the vest and no one will know, unbutton and it’s party time!

ninjan ,

The lower part does lend credence to those proclaiming this to be one of the deepest of V-cuts…

ninjan ,

Altman and short stints regarding being CEO or not, name a more iconic couple.

ninjan ,

Some just eat a lot. I do sometimes, not frozen pizza but other stuff, but then I also regularly skip both breakfast and lunch or dinner without really thinking about it so on the whole I don’t think I eat more than others. I’m around 60 KG. The one that makes people look is when I pack away 30 pieces of sushi while they ordered 10 pieces and are somehow satisfied. That or how I can kill a full bag of potato chips (300 g) in one sitting, a cool 1500 kcal of crispy goodness.

ninjan ,

Germany doing it will likely set precedent in all of northern Europe. My prediction is Denmark will follow in 2 year time, Norway in 3-4 years and Sweden likely last at 5 years, even though I think we consume more of it per capita… Swedish stance on drug use has been extremely conservative for many, many decades by now and is super rooted in the common Psyche, which is why so many die of overdoses and kill themselves if it comes out they use. The stigma is heavy.

ninjan ,

You are aware they already decriminalized it right?

ninjan ,

Not fully decriminalized no, you’re right, but it has come a long way. And the step from illegal to decriminalized is much larger than decriminalized to legalized. The latter is also a way to boost the tax revenue and strangle gang income, with a slight risk of giving them legitimate revenue instead of illegal.

Vladimir Putin upgrades rank of Russian Penitentiary Service deputy head three days after Navalny’s death in prison (

Vladimir Putin has decorated Valery Boyarinev, the deputy director of Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), with the rank of colonel general. The accolade comes just days after opposition leader Alexey Navalny died in prison.

ninjan ,

They’re not much for subtlety over there huh?

ninjan ,

I gotta love that even US hegemony is challenged on Lemmy, here not even Western superiority is a given which is at least something the vast majority on Reddit can agree on.

That said nuanced discussions seem impossible still, it’s less a balanced mix where every spot on the scale is represented and more a fairly even balance of two extremes.

My current theory is that the majority of actual moderates (not US politics moderates) between two extremes just aren’t interested in the debate, whereas the extremes very much are. I do gotta say that I too generally want to weigh in on things I either agree on completely or things I vehemently oppose, so I guess that kinda helps me understand how and why this is… But it makes everything seem like the extremes are the only two choices, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

ninjan ,

That was the literal dumbest shit I’ve ever read in regards to your first paragraph. I don’t think any moderate or centrist describes their political leanings as “smack dab in the middle between X and Y”. I for one certainly don’t. But I’m centrist in that I hold viewpoints along the spectrum to both sides some for sure in the extreme ends on some matters, like for instance criminal justice.

Second paragraph you believe that I’m talking in general terms. I’m not dismissing Communism (and whatever we’d define as the opposite extreme) as extreme, I’m saying inside the spectrum of people considering themselves communists there are extreme opinions such as the USSR was a utopia. Or that Mao Zedong was a great leader. Non extreme takes there would be “The USSR did many things right in combatting inequality but ultimately fell short, it however was one of the best attempts we’ve seen so far, maybe we should improve upon that formula instead of the ones currently leading to year over year worse inequality”. For Mao Zedong you could highlight his impressive skill in unifying such a vast country as China and remodel the national identity to one of national Pride without the underpinnings of conquest and domination which has always seemed to follow a strong national identity before.

As for climate scientists the extreme take / opinion I often see is that the world is overpopulated and we need a drastic reduction, which is hardly what climate scientists propose but people read in all the time. That and eco terrorism.

Further we don’t have a perfect theory of civilization in terms of how to optimally structure society to maximize life quality for everyone. And even if we did there is no guarantee we could get literally everybody onboard. This is where politics come in and surprise surprise but there is no perfect solution to be had. Only the one we can agree on collectively or the one we can force through by virtue of the power we hold. And any agreement in a group larger than one is going to be a compromise and we need to be much better at trying to reach those. And not entrench ourselves in positions from which we cannot move without conflict of identity or morals. I.e. we can’t tie our political positions so tightly with neither identity nor morals such that we cannot reach a compromise to move further towards our desired state, if not directly towards it but diagonally.

ninjan , (edited )

Edited because I wrongly assumed the reply was from the person I responded to. Changed subject/pronouns below in response.


They replied to me literally stating that my opinions were flawed from the get go based on very big assumptions. Not only my opinions but everyone calling themselves moderate or centrist, we’re talking millions of people you just said hold an inherently compromised position. That’s some seriously dumb shit. That doesn’t make them dumb, just that opinion and I clearly stated that paragraph was what I called out. I then addressed their other concerns and statements.

It’s them who are shutting down any debate here. Not me. And yeah “enlightened centrist” is for sure a problem, people that think their position is inherently better because it doesn’t adhere to an extreme. But I do not subscribe at all to that line of thinking and hold extreme opinions that I stand by.

And “civil” discussions are impossible over text, It’s literally impossible to read and respond correctly to feelings in text and human beings aren’t, by and large, capable of disconnecting their emotions from discussions, even less when it’s political. And I argue we really shouldn’t either. If we can’t respond to strong emotions then we’re not fit for debate either. Just look at literally any political debate anywhere in a democratic nation, it tends to get pretty heated. I argue more heated than necessary/reasonable right now but that circles back to my point about politics being too tied to morals and identity. But still, emotion is an inevitable and reasonable part of political debate.

That said my intention was never to hurt their feelings, my intent was to strongly reject what they stated, and “I strongly disagree” does not capture even close to how strongly I feel about that statement.

As such I’m sorry and I understand if they have no wish to engage in any debate. I really don’t even see anything to really debate here either. Unless they want to defend their first paragraph I guess.

ninjan ,

Valid, a poor assumption on my part.

ninjan ,

With their economy struggling at home EU and US actually pulling through on their threats would be very very bad for China

ninjan ,

I think a VPS and moving to NetBird self hosted would be the simplest solution for you. $5 per month gives you a range of options and you can go even lower with things like yearly subscriptions. That way you get around the subdomain issue, you get a proper tunnel and can proxy whatever traffic you want into your home.

As for control scheme for your home automation you’ll need to come up with something that fits you but I strongly advise against letting users into Home Assistant. You could build a simple web interface that interacts via API with HA, through Node-Red is super simple if it seems daunting to build the API.

If a RPi 4 is what you’ve got and that’s it then I guess you’re kinda stuck for the time being. Home Assistant is often quite lightweight if you’re not doing something crazy so it runs well on even a RPi 3, same with NAS software for home use, it too works fine on a 3. If SBC is your style my recommendation is to setup an alert on whatever second hand sites operate in your area and pick up a cheap one to allow you to separate things and make the setup simpler.

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