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mindbleach ,

“Fuck this guy in particular” --> “Fuck everyone in this general direction.”

mindbleach ,

Conservatives don’t know how comedy works. I call it the Yo Mama hypothesis.

When you were a kid, and other kids lied about your mom, you got mad, right? And eventually they’d say - relax, it’s a joke, stop crying. And if you’re reading this then you probably grew to understand the difference between saying something and meaning it.

I don’t think every kid got there.

I think a lot of kids, maybe a whole quarter of humanity, only learned that jokes are insults you have to shut up and take. They’re cruelty you’re not allowed to get mad about. How would those kids act differently? They’d stop crying, mostly, when people told rude lies about their mothers. They’d snap back at other kids, telling rude lies about their mothers. From those events you’d figure, great! They get it. It’s not real. Except… they only look right from the outside. On the inside, they’re gathering a list of excuses for vicious behavior.

These people know what jokes look like. They’re clever enough to build a punchline. They kinda get how you tell jokes. But they have no idea why you tell jokes.

People defending Dave Chappelle insisted “he’s a comedian!” like that absolved all his opinions. I’ve walked those people through how jokes require setup that reflects sincere beliefs. (Like how “eat the rich” is a joke about classism and cannibalism, but it’s only joking about the cannibalism.) I’ve cited the many times Dave repeated certain claims far from any stage. But these folks never come acknowledge that being a TERF is not part of the act. That’s not how it works, in their worldview.

Being a comedian means he gets to say things you’re Not Supposed To Say, even if they’re things you absofuckinglutely believe. That’s all they thought Jon Stewart was doing. That’s why they thought Stephen Colbert was on their side.

The same people routinely parroted “you can joke about anything,” which is equally revealing. They’d heard it because they insisted “you can’t joke about [blank]!” even for the most benign, supportive, and inoffensive gags. And also for dead-baby jokes and antitheism. Point is: these types don’t care about severity, because they don’t care about meaning. They believe in blasphemy. They think condemnation, criticism, or even just speaking less-than-reverently about a subject is profaning something sacred, and chances are good they’ll hit kids for doing it.

We told them every subject is fair game for fair jokes. They’d stop yelling, mostly. And from that event we’d figure, great, they get it. But on the inside, they still believe the issue is what a joke is about. They still think joking is an attack under agreed-upon rules of engagement. So of course funny black man shit on trans people. They don’t like trans people. It’s hardly a secret. What’s our beef, saying he’s not allowed to spout jokes full of prejudice and hatred? They’re jokes. That’s what they’re for.

mindbleach ,

It’s possible he thinks this is what would have to be true, for criticism of Christianity to make sense.

But it’s more likely he recognizes this is absurd, and targeted at his outgroup, and… end of thought process.

mindbleach ,

Hierarchy defines conservatism. It’s tribalism. It’s the default human mindset, where truth is defined by people above you, and if they’re wrong about stuff then they’re the wrong people to have above you. So disagreement is a threat. A leader can’t just be wrong. That’d mean they’re the wrong person, to lead. How dare you challenge them? Look how much money they have. Their penis must be enormous.

Basically - reality is a team sport, to some people. They have no objective means of evaluating claims. In their worldview, that is not what claims are for. Even their stated ideals are ad-hoc justifications. Nothing matters besides ingroup loyalty.

Conservatives don’t believe things. Conservatives believe people.

Notably this is distinct from right versus left. There are left-wing conservatives. Mostly tankies. It’s hard to square a critical philosophy opposed to hierarchy with loyalist posturing for ingroup supremacy, but they have the benefit of not really caring what words mean.

Conversely, there’s right-wing cranks who are not conservatives. You can spot them with boot-prints on their backsides, once the group radically shifts to some new bullshit. They believed what they were saying. The fools. They’ll argue the new leader isn’t last-year’s-bullshit enough, which marks them as traitors who want him deposed and humiliated and short. It’s too bad that being shunned as a RINO leaves them full of bad arguments for worse ideas.

The saddest part of this is probably the school-shooting victims with braces. I mean that’s just money down the drain. The saddest part of this that’s not a shock-comedy aside is that conservative humor can be good. Some More News had a video about that modern wasteland of kneejerk contrarian bragging, performative allegiance, and joke-shaped sentences. But they also remind us the Blue Collar Comedy Tour was full of fantastic material. That wasn’t a lifetime ago. People can’t have changed that much. But the figureheads of the figurehead-obsessed went from bad to indefensible - and when those assholes are out, that won’t address the underlying cause.

mindbleach ,


Sarcasmeta, surely.

mindbleach ,

Quite a lot of it’s episodic, because linear television was a hell of our own creation. The cold open is usually sufficient backstory. The first few episodes of the original series (sorry, The Original Series) are a little rough, and the first season of Next Generation is reeeal dodgy past the initial two-parter, but both series were jumbled across television for decades. Release order is perfectly fine, and if you skip around, it won’t hurt. At least until Deep Space 9 came out as an answer to Babylon 5.

I have one note that applies to fiction in general. A lot of fan-favorite episodes are wildly unrepresentative. That’s why they stick out in people’s minds. They’ll be wacky explorations of familiar characters in an unfamiliar setting, or one character in an amnesia / apocalypse record / It’s A Wonderful Life setup, or a wild perspective shift to species that are primitive, pre-contact, or only speak in riddles. These are completely ridiculous excursions from the bulk of the show’s story. And they’re great fun. But first we ought to appreciate the episodes that capture the premise within the typical stakes of the series. Before the stand-outs can break formula, there has to be a formula, and it’s usually strong enough to justify the show’s continuing popularity.

mindbleach ,

Cool beans. Just be warned, I’m not joking about the rocky starts. One of the touchstones of TNG is a first-season script that is probably the worst episode in all of Star Trek. As a bonus, it’s also the worst episode in all of Stargate because the same writer rehashed the same sloppy premise for SG-1’s janky first season.

mindbleach ,

They’d never heard him tell a joke before.

mindbleach ,

They’re not comprised of robots. Apply synecdoche.

mindbleach ,

Me, a murderer? Like nobody’s ever killed before! Your honor, the defense rests.

mindbleach ,

Corporations made bank off their labor and gave them fuck-all. Because of course, streaming is different from TV or movies, on account of mumble mumble mumble, so decades of negotiation can go pound sand.

mindbleach ,

His sole piece of merchandise reads “Socialism Is For F*gs.” Asterisk included.

He claims it says “figs.” Because he’s an idiot, and he thinks you are too.

mindbleach ,

Advertising is poison.

The entire concept is intolerable, and it breaks whole industries. We’ve ruined televisions - not the medium of television, the physical rectangle in your living room - for the sake of cramming ads into the menus. They can show ads over your home movies. Paying for content to avoid ads is impossible because they just add ads. The siren song of slightly more money must not be ignored!

mindbleach ,

I don’t care.

mindbleach ,

Same shit with Facebook claiming videos were the bestest content possible, using numbers sourced from the vicinity of their pelvis. Now every goddamn news site has autoplaying video for no damn reason.

mindbleach ,

As if video streaming will die with one site. One for-profit site, that’s not remotely turning a profit. A vestigial organ of an advertising giant, burning money to build dependency and exploit it for control.

BitTorrent used to share more video than Netflix - despite a lack of money, despite a lack of ads, and despite being illegal. Content creators will be fine without this corporate facade.

mindbleach ,

How things are now never ever means change is impossible.

You can’t expect to get big off relying on users to be the servers.

BitTorrent did exactly that.

mindbleach ,

And nothing’s changed in all those years. Yeah? P2P technology couldn’t get any better than 2004. The fact it was slow sometimes means we’re boned forever.

Corporations already have streaming. I don’t care if they come along. Their content might be there whether they like it or not.

Consider where we’re having this conversation: is big even desirable? Has the dominance of one video platform been good for the internet? I’d say plainly fucking not, if killing ad blockers is even a feasible outcome. When YouTube was its own company there were a dozen competitors of similar size and quality. Google pouring money into one, so it could swallow everything and censor everyone and shove people toward right-wing propaganda, is not exactly ideal.

mindbleach ,

believed to be 100+ years old

Alan Davies: “And you could fit his accomplishments on the back of a stamp.”

mindbleach ,

Patrick Stewart got Alec Guinness’d into TNG. Really thought he was gonna cash in on some short-lived trash and go right back to stage plays. IIRC, he was kind of a grouch during early filming, until other cast members gave him shit for taking the job so seriously.

mindbleach ,

Larry Niven subtweeted this in some Known Space books. The protagonists’ ship in Ringworld has a wide variety of tools and equipment that are not technically weapons. Including a mining laser that once punched a hole so deep into a moon that it developed a stable atmosphere. Accordingly, the main character christens it the Lying Bastard.

It spends the whole first novel upside-down in a ditch.

Lemmy probably feels like Reddit when it first started, all warm cuddly and friendly to newcomers eager to discuss and collaborate around central topics.

I joined reddit on the tailwind, so it was all echo chamber, we hate newcomers, gatekeeping, automod frenzy, too many rulebreakers, too many rules, etc I could be wrong, but thats what I imagine it used to be like.

mindbleach ,

You understand that idiom, but not ‘go on, make my day?’ Even when it’s patiently explained to you?

mindbleach ,
mindbleach ,

It’s in semiquotes because it’s paraphrasing. Jesus. This level of rigid demand makes sense if you’re on the spectrum or ESL or something - otherwise, what the fuck?

I said ‘Go on, tell me this one’s synecdoche.’ (Again: paraphrasing.) You said ‘It is synecdoche, though.’ I said ‘Correct. They both are.’ And then you started litigating like I’d insulted you, or contradicted myself. Even when I directly paraphrased what you wrote, to agree with it.

You missed a common idiom - had it laid out for you in detail - repeatedly took offense over nothing - and I’m guessing reported it. So I’m a little surprised to see you elsewhere in my replies, frustrated at overzealous moderation, when it’s your indirect implications in question.

You’re wrong about those too, by the way. “Turbulent priest” comments are a call to violence. That line was prototypical stochastic terrorism. Not directly saying “kill that prick” - but clearly communicating that you’d like that prick killed. Even in the twelfth century people recognized this was a flimsy excuse.

mindbleach ,

The worst sin of reddit mods was demanding “report and move on!” and then never doing anything about reports. Or scolding you for messaging the subreddit instead of using the report button.

Either do the fucking work or let people talk.

mindbleach ,

I did explain myself. That’s why I’m asking: what the fuck?

What was I supposed to do differently, here? What on Earth did you expect? Is there any sequence of words where you’d go, ‘oh, sure, I get it?’

For god’s sake, I didn’t leave it out, it’s why I said I assume you reported it. It’s the whole reason we’re having this conversation. You don’t get to leave these short-ass replies and pretend proper discourse requires all possible details to be covered.

mindbleach ,

It’s not an attack. It’s the explanation you asked for!

What else could you want?

mindbleach ,

It’s still not an attack. If you just keep assuming everything someone says to you is a personal affront, nothing they say matters. The nature of bad faith is that there is no right answer. You’ll just twist it all into veiled insults.

Even when - as in that linked thread - you fucking plainly expressed confusion, and had it politely dispelled.

You maintained your initial conclusion in spite of that. I am now asking: what the fuck was I supposed to say, instead? What did you want out of that interaction? Was there any combination of words in the English language, that would have satisfied you, or does any reply get labeled as “bitching?”

mindbleach ,

Others credit the GameFAQs forums closing. Which really tells you how long reddit’s been around.

A bunch of websites circa 2008 basically won the internet, and would be dominant essentially forever if they hadn’t all started lighting themselves on fire circa 2020. Apparently because of interest rates. I am no ardent anti-capitalist, but I can definitely say, this specific arrangement has been thoroughly fucky, and its collapse has been deeply stupid.

mindbleach ,

Stupid is an essentialist insult. I’m describing behavior. Not knowing something is fine. Being offended by the explanation is baffling.

You demonstrably expected an explanation for what I said. Which I gave. And that somehow made you act even more hostile and defensive.

Third time: what else am I supposed to say?

If there is some way to deal with this, that you would not consider degrading - what is it?

if there is no way someone can question your comments, that you wouldn’t consider a personal insult - how would anyone communicate with you?

mindbleach ,

Trans people in red states say you’re full of shit.

And your comment history reveals you as a lying fascist.

mindbleach ,
mindbleach ,

The word enshittification didn’t exist at the time, but the concept predates either website. It nearly predates the web. Stop talking to each other and start buying things.

mindbleach ,

Says user incensed by an alleged attack.

You don’t know what you want.

mindbleach ,

I couldn’t prove the sky is blue, if you’re going to be hostile to any text under my username.

You are complaining about me insulting you. Which never happened. Substitute whatever summary of that is dry enough; that is the problem and I am asking you what else you wanted.

Jesus Christ, take yes for an answer.

mindbleach ,

No, you aren’t. That’s the problem. You could just hit Show Context a few times, and see what I’m talking about, where you scoffed at the suggestion I hadn’t insulted you. Or you could remember when you wrote that, like, an hour ago. But you’re making extremely specific demands as if the exact word I used must be the exact word you used, or else I’m completely wrong about everything.

How dare I say you say I said a thing, just because that’s plainly what happened.

More to the point - how dare I project any sort of internal state onto you, in this discussion of how you have done exactly that to me.

I am telling you there was no insult in answering your comments directly and accurately. You cannot believe that. And that inability is somehow my fault. Aaand asking how I could do better is just further insult, and also my fault.

The nature of bad faith is that there is no right answer.

mindbleach ,

This is now weak trolling.

mindbleach ,

‘You are not being intellectually honest.’

‘When did I say that?’


Again, because I can’t trust you to recognize the concept: paraphrasing.

mindbleach ,

Like you saying I insulted you?

mindbleach ,

It’s the root subject. It’s the thing you were so not-incensed about.

mindbleach ,

Hypocrisy, then. Grand.


mindbleach ,

Right, because you’re the protagonist of reality. Your lies don’t count. Even if they’re to a mod.

But someone saying you were offended by an imaginary insult, well, stop the presses.

mindbleach ,

‘My private anecdote disproves targeted state action!’

Jog on.

mindbleach ,

“You blow up one sun, and everybody thinks you can walk on water.”

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