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Revonult ,

X-Box 360. I have an old official one for my PC. I played Dark Souls with it so it is now ingrained into my body. Also all the years of Halo.

I really dislike the X-Box One controller. Feels too big in my hand and just off.

I fear the day my wired one breaks since they stopped making official wired ones for PC.

Revonult ,

I couldn’t care less about the D-pad. All that matters is how it feels in my hand and access to the primary controls like joysticks, triggers, and face buttons.

Revonult ,

I thought for sure the featured pic was a Femroe from FF14.

Edit: capitalization

Revonult ,

A big part of it is the view that the left “gives money away”. Union jobs are typically labor with long hous and their view is that “I work hard for the money I eared and my taxes go to the lazy”.

I think that’s bullshit obviously, but that is a pretty common sentiment from my experience.

Revonult ,

It’s a really hard mindset to break because at it’s surface it make sense. Especially when you focus on fringe cases.

Like I am sure there are people who abuse the system, but it’s not a good life, they don’t make that much off of it. No one is living large off welfare. The “welfare queen” stereotype had been by and large disproven, but has left a lasting effect on people’s opinion.

Personally I rather have a few $ slip through and make sure kids arn’t starving.

Revonult ,

I have been thinking about this as well. I am sure there is some probelm with a spending side tax rather than income. Probably subversion of the tax. Undertable deals, street vendors, etc. With income they make the company track and get their cut before you are able to subvert anything.

Also our economy is very credit based with the use of credit cards. If taxes were all collected at point of sale there might be probelms with defaulting and who gets the money if people don’t pay.

I am not an economist. I am sure someone has thought of it already.

Revonult ,

Not the part they are upset with. This particular example it’s with welfare. Seeing it as people getting money for not working.

A lot of people also don’t understand the benefits taxes provide as you described but not what I am talking about.

Trump Calls For Gun Confiscation In Fox News Rant: Cops Should ‘Stop And Frisk And Take Their Gun Away’ (

You’ve got to let the police do their jobs, number one. Number two, you have to do a policy of stop and frisk. When you see a guy coming down the street and you can — the police know every one of them. They know their middle name. They know where they live. They know every one of them, the local police, and they’re great....

Revonult ,

He’s so close! Somehow his racism took him down a weird convoluted path and ended up with gun control.

Revonult ,

There is a difference between feasibility hype and adoption hype. The hype about it being possible at all has passed. But the true hype relevant to the graph is when it is implemented in the general economy, outside of labs and research facilities.

Revonult ,

Cows naturally produce milk, I am sure there is no unethical practices there.

Revonult ,

Might be more than just a weed dealer, but yeah.

Revonult ,

The F-35 is a stealth aircraft with a radar cross section of a large bird. The joke is the F-35 pilot is “selecting” what large bird their cross-section resembles and represents America.

Revonult ,

Political violence cuts both ways. I don’t think anyone thinks what happens to politicians go against the cartels in Mexico is good or healthy system. For democracy to work we can’t have people constantly fear for their lives. Sure Trump is a terrible human being but I don’t want my candidates living with the same fear. So our only choice is to condem it. Also when bad acting becomes the norm bad actors will thrive. If political assassinations becomes the norm do you think morally justified “good guys” assassin going after Hitlers are going to win/out pace organized crime like what we see in Mexico?

At the end of the day ends don’t justify the means. Violence breeds Violence. In this modern age if we want to create a peaceful society we have to do it peacefully. Violence might be an appealing means to an end and while we might have the moral high ground but they use the same logic to justify their violence.

'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling (

“(With) today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed. For all practical purposes, there are virtually no limits on what the president can do. It’s a fundamentally new principle and it’s a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law...

Revonult ,

The Left isn’t going to any extremes. They do almost nothing and it is what is allowing the right to swing to their extremes. This “both sides” take is disingenuous at best. A better analogy is the american people are strapped to a guillotine, the right is ready to release the blade and the left is still trying to debate and dicuss the merits of not dropping it.

Revonult ,

My guess is that the game gets really repative because that is kinda the Tyranid style. Waves and waves of teeth and claws. Maybe some variations, but how long can you send swarms of the same guy before its boring.

I guess Vermintide and 40k version (can’t remember name) make it work but they are very different games.

Revonult ,

Follow the lines that match the angles of the numbers.

Revonult ,

On any particular side there are two lines that connect to each number. But you follow the line alighted with the number on that axis towards whatever point inside the triangle.

Go from the axis to the point instead of the point to the axis.

Although, you can still figure out which line is for which axis based off the angle of the number.

For example, the numbers for clay are horizontal and are associated with the horizontal lines.

Revonult ,

For his voters, his lies and fabrications are the truth. They don’t listen to fact checking because they are conditioned to see it as fake and a goverment ploy to fool them.

Revonult ,

If you would like tips I beat him with parries. Basically all his attacks other than his special wind slash and follow up can be parried. I Basically never used parry before and found he was a good enemy to practice until I was consistent.

If he wips out the crossbow stay at range and run to a side when he fires. Don’t need to roll and don’t want to close the distance until he is done.

I have seen other people use big wepons to pancake or stunlock him too.

Revonult ,

Not to start a war about hardest boss and haven’t beaten DLC yet but Elden Ring has what alot of people would say is the hardest boss in the franchise. Like Elden Ring did open things up to more people with the open world making it easier to go around or bypass walls, but it isn’t easier.

Like there isn’t a single boss in DS1 or 2 that comes anywhere close to fighting Melania. IMO Bloodborne and DS3 have contenders but if you are 100%ing the game Elden Ring is just as hard as any other souls game. Although the horse and teleporting does make some of the zones easier to explore, there are still difficult dungeons.

I think alot of people remember DS1 being much harder because we were also learning the system, how it plays, how to win.

Revonult ,

Don’t use the tools then. On my mage I specifically don’t use Comet or Mimic Tear because I think they are too strong. From software didn’t remove any tools from the game that let’s you make it challenging.

All the other games had OP shit too. DS1 had BKH and Chaos zweihander. So easy to get super strong wepons. DS2 had some crazy dark magic BS. DS3 also had crazy dark magic BS with greater soul dredge. I killed nameless king with like 5 casts in NG+.

They didn’t sacrifice anything in Elden Ring, they made a great series more available to everyone.

Revonult ,

I absolutely suck at it too. Was a good time to practice

Revonult ,

He would look even better if it went through and people felt the relief. It’s a win-bigger win for Biden, Republicans chose smaller win.

Revonult , (edited )

Wyverns don’t have the tiny vestigial hands like T-rex with wings. It would be more like a Proto-dragon from World Of Warcraft.

Revonult ,

It’s just down to how you describe an animal. In pictures you show but in books it’s just description so it’s good to have somekind of standard to follow to help the reader understand.

Like a wyvern has a much different way of walking since it doesn’t have fore-limbs, and has to walks on the ends of it’s wings. Imagine a bat walking on all fours. A dragon has it’s wings on it’s back and walks on its 4 legs. By having a kind of standardized naming provides a much different mental image of how the creature behaves.

Revonult , (edited )

I am more talking about modern fantasy and not historical fiction/exaggeration.

Language evolves and there is no reason that we can’t invent new definitions/classifications of things that don’t reflect previous nomenclature. Especially for fantasy where everything is made up.

I agree there is no one true definition but I think something like this is the accepted descriptions that is also reflected in other media like DnD. For example, alot of people say Skyrim got their dragons wrong (naming wise) because they are more akin to what people consider Wyverns.

Edit: Added (naming wise)

Revonult ,

There are still waves. Imagine if the sea isn’t calm. People already can’t stay alive forever in the water. This might not be a “fresh” capable person after a long day of sun and swimming. Add the panic of rapidly being sucked out to open water. Even the strongest swimmers could succumb in certain conditions. Even if you get out how long can most people tred water and fight waves for?

Revonult ,

It depends alot on body fat content. Fat floats. My BIL is very slim and muscular and he sinks like a rock.

Revonult ,

Sea water is about 3 to 3.5% denser than fresh. So you are right you float better in normal sea water but not by much. So he still sinks. Although, the dead sea which 9.6 times as salty at sea water gets to 24% heavier.

Revonult ,

My friends getting their PhDs had a really hard time getting theirs and almost had to leave the country.

Revonult ,

The alternative is absolutely unfathomable. Like I am an atheist and the fact we exist in any capacity is insane. Where did everything come from? Where will it go? People believe in religion because it’s easier.

When I have an existential crisis over it I sometimes wish I was religious.

Revonult ,

I don’t consider myself as religious, but this is just such a bad take.

I too dislike religion, but judging people based on their beliefs and discrediting their views because of it is exactly the problem.

Revonult , (edited )

What field would be the cut off? Is religion going to influence how a metallurgist analyzes microstructure? How about how a chemist developing new polymers? Who gets to decide? If a scientist allows their religion, or any external influence, to influence their work they are a bad scientist. Which is why we have peer review and reproducible results. There is no need to label anyone. If their work is shit there is mechanisms to correct it, which we are seeing in the article.

People’s relationship with religion is not up to you, just how the opinions of the religious shouldn’t get to dictate the lives LGBT+. They might be in it for community and don’t belive the “fantasy”. If an individual is spouting hate that is one thing, but judging individuals by their religion is the same persecution the religious zelots dish out.

Edit: some wording

Revonult ,

The cutoff statement was a question for the previous commenter to show that only some science is relevant to religious beliefs and therefore their thinking is flawed.

How do I explain two years of doing nothing to a university for masters?

Ever since I’ve graduated on September 2022, I’ve not had a job. Maybe a crappy internship, but I wasn’t provided with a ‘certificate’, or letter that proves if I’ve worked for them. That was around October 2022, and I quit voluntarily at the end of January 2023. Since then, I’ve not worked anywhere as a software...

Revonult ,

In my experience a Resume is a one page. A CV is 2-3.

Revonult ,

Not the same as barking but wolf howls are complex and unique to species and pack. Atleast shows they may be something there.

Revonult ,

Could be from a “Color Run”. Marathon where they throw powder dye or paint onto the runners.

Revonult ,

I think swappable batteries could be a good solution to fires and probelms seen with long term battery health. Like if batteries were smaller and you swap it out rather than charging they could be inspected before being redistributed. In an ideal situation the cost of purchasing a battery would be removed from the vehicle price and shift to a subscription/interchange system. It could help consumers if their battery goes bad by not needing to buy a completly new one and prevent fires. Unfortunately, everything is terrible and I imagine this would inevitably turn to some kind of scummy, overpriced, preditory system. I am not sure if damage caused by batteries is enough to justify such a program but I think insurance companies and governments have or will look into it.

Revonult ,

The charger would have some inspection capability. Maybe not physical integrity of the casing but certainly the voltag and current outputs and connectivity of cells which could would correlate to health.

Revonult ,

Gas gets to the gas station somehow. Obviously it isn’t the same as transporting batteries back and forth but it’s bad faith to say this is completely unprecedented logistics problem. I am under the impression that battery health could be screened at the swap facility and would require a small subset to be returned to a hub for additional inspection or repair.

Revonult ,

At the moment my two biggest fears against buying an EV is it catching fire in my garage and it dying after 5 years then having to buy a 30k battery. Once technology advances that doesn’t happen I will buy and I would love your plan. Why can’t this be a stop gap?

Revonult ,

Truck still has to go somewhere. Obviously it’s lighter but it doesn’t blip out of existence. Amazon trucks to back to hub after delivery, FedEx, USPS. Both technologies can advance simultaneously and mutually.

Edit: some wording

Revonult ,

I looked more into fires and battery replacement and agree with your stats, much appreciated for the info.

However, I never said it swappable would be faster for expanding. I said it was safer and allow for battery integrity evaluation. I agree the ideal solution would be chargers in homes as long as battery health and saftey are reasonable which they already reaching that point.

I see alot of talk in these threads about how bad it would be to make infrastructure and need to invest. But our current infrastructure didn’t just show up. I bet when the first cars came out people with horses said the same thing. Thinking how much it would cost to build all these gas stations and refineries. Investment will have to happen and EV is the future. Obviously home chargers are cheaper and again the ideal solution as technology advances and the grid can keep up.

Revonult ,

I didn’t even think about them trying to move product that would be hard to sell. I just thought they were dumb. Makes so much more sense.

Revonult ,

An exam or class I didn’t study for or somehow haven’t been attending.

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