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Notorious_handholder ,

Or a neat way to power a deadly laser ray gun

Notorious_handholder ,

Unironically the music in the new Doom games that Mick Gordon made was like at least half of my interest in playing them. It just pairs so well and makes the experience 100x more fun than it already is.

So no Mick Gordon + they way they treated the situation already has me soured as well. They’d have to have something extremely good cooking to win me back

Notorious_handholder ,

In general, I do wonder how effective this constant onslaught of marketing is. At some point there have got to be diminishing returns, right?

This is what I keep saying, and it is a question that bothers me and riles me up far more than it ever should. Like I and all of my friends and family have just learned to auto tune out ads at this point. We are so constantly drowned in ads everyday that now my brain just automatically filters them out as background noise. The few times one does slip through I completely forget about it 10 seconds later as it is lost in the whirlwind of fast paced chaotic life where I can’t even remember if I ate breakfast that morning. Either that or it slips through because it is obnoxiously intrusive, in which case that product and company go on my shit list.

The only time an ad still works on me is if I am specifically looking for a product. In which case I still tune out 90% of targeted ads cause I know most of them are fake scams anyways. The other 10% I check user reviews from actual people to narrow down what I want.

I’m trained to distrust any ads now and even other posts about products online because everything online is either fake or a scam or both. Or the ads are for big brands that I already know exist and I know not to trust they’re ads as well because they are so constantly in my face. Like I really don’t need an ad to remind me that [major corporation brand] still exists, and I sure as shit ain’t gonna have whatever stupid thing they suggest be my first option.

How tf are ads supposed to work when we are so desensitized to them?

Notorious_handholder ,

Thank you for the very well written write up. It reflects my exact thoughts on the dropping of the bombs, but laid out in a much more coherent manner.

Dropping the bombs was by all means a horror unleashed to stop an even greater horror from occuring. A trolley problem incarnate almost. Personally I think trying to moralize the bombs at all is reductive and ignores many of the facts of the situation and creates an idealized version of how wars are/where conducted that simply is not real.

Fewer people are using Elon Musk’s X as the platform struggles to attract and keep users, according to analysts (

Data from two research firms and figures published by Musk and X suggest a deteriorating situation for X by some metrics. Musk has marketed it as the world’s “town square,” but in number of users it continues to lag far behind social media rivals that focus on video, such as Instagram and TikTok....

Notorious_handholder , (edited )

There was a period in the mid 2000’s of like 3-4 years where social media was fun and not super toxic. It was still toxic to a degree, but nowhere near like it is now. Then it started to decline rapidly once the general public started to get involved as smart phones became better and better at helping keep people terminally online.

I hate sounding like a hipster, but everything good or at least semi-decent really does come to an end once it gets saturated by the general public.

Notorious_handholder ,

Now if only the start up loading screen didn’t take forever. Takes like 20-25 minutes on SSD. One of my friends has it complete instantly and the rest of my group is baffled with how.

Notorious_handholder ,

Nah it’s been an issue we’ve had since the game game out. No idea what it is

Notorious_handholder ,

You underestimate the lengths people will go, in order to watch that perfect/favorite video that is now blocked. It’s why the porn industry makes so much money in the first place

Notorious_handholder ,

Having played both games, I gotta say while DRG does have hordes, they’re not on the same level as HD2. HD2 is the first game in a while that truly has made me feel overwhelmed by the amount of enemies thrown at me and I love it. In HD2 I even find myself doing stealth a lot to sneak past patrols.

Overall though I don’t think it’s worth it trying to compare DRG to HD2. They might look similar in some aspects. But they are vastly different in gameplay, experience, and mechanics. It’s apples to tomatoes, sure they’re both technically red fruits, but that’s where the similarity ends.

Notorious_handholder ,

Not the guy you replied too, and my memory is also fuzzy, but I always love how crazy and analog nes hardware was. Im like 70% sure that later in the nes lifespan they made it to where cartridges had more rom and could shuffle the data banks/tables around and that the nes could only process something like 32kb at a time I think? So they would just swap around the data sets depending on when they where needed.

Almost like one of those choose your own adventure books… Im probably horribly wrong in that summary and analogy though. It’s been years since I last got a refresher on nes tricks lol

Notorious_handholder , (edited )

Dude… You’re acting like you’re a wrench short of a full toolbox. Obviously meant he doesn’t care that he personally was circumcised. But he does care enough that he won’t do it to his kids.

I.E. He’s accepted the fact that what happened was in the past and he can’t change it, so no use crying about it especially when it has not effected the use of his member in any negative way. But he can change what happens in the future for his kids by not doing that to them and letting them have a choice when they’re older.

If the guy was actually ambivalent he would just go along with continuing to allow his own kids to be circumcised and/or have no opinion of the procedure. Or he would dislike the procedure but allow it to happen anyways because of tradition or something.

Stop being obtuse and ignorant. Though having said that I now feel like you’ll come at me with the mathematical definition of obtuse to try and use petty semantics to make yourself feel better

Notorious_handholder , (edited )

Buddy you’re trying to nitpick something that no one cares about that still has the same result. At the end of the day the people will still be eating the cracker in a business zoned church.

Whatever beliefs or arbitrary labels are held behind the gesture do not matter at all to what is being talked about

Notorious_handholder ,

If you’re gonna start shit at least defend your ideas or give a glimpse into your thought process before you punk out like a bitch after getting called out lol

Notorious_handholder ,

Getting drunk at epcot before the fireworks show while getting to eat good food is magical for adult me. I love the food and wine festival. And even as an adult the Star Wars area is still dope

God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story (

Despite being nominated for numerous awards and even winning Game of the Year in 2018, the creator of God of War, David Jaffe, is not a huge fan of the new direction the series has gone in. Jaffe himself hasn't worked on these new God of War games, but thinks that they're not staying true to the spirit of the character and the...

Notorious_handholder ,

Parts of 2018 and Ragnarok and the ending of both actually had me tear up a bit, not many games accomplish that. It was very heartfelt and emotional I enjoyed seeing a proper character arc for Kratos and his kid and watching them develop.

I also really liked the themes of redemption and trying to be better not just for yourself, but for the people around you, I liked that Kratos has to reflect on his actions and actually come to terms with how he was for all intents and purposes, a monster.

I liked that even enemies where made more complex and given good character arcs. 2018 and Ragnarok are so well done and I love them. The old GoW trilogy was also fun and had good writing in it’s own merit and direction, but the new games are something else entirely in a good way and I vastly prefer the character and relationship focused writing in the newer games.

Notorious_handholder ,

Yo where did you get your AR from? I love the star wars look!

Notorious_handholder ,

Thanks for the reference that blaster also looks really cool! I might have to copy you cause that gun looks sick and Im jealous lol. Right now I got an AR10 chambered for .308, I like it for hunting but for target shooting not so much. A 556 variant would probably be a lot better for that

I feel you on the mag size, 30 rounds aren’t banned where I’m at either and they look nicer (especially that stormtrooper white you mentioned, oh man that’d look so cool!) but I also use a 10 round cause of how much better it feels and makes it easier to use.

Notorious_handholder ,

You’re talking about inheritance though. Inheritance also works likes that in the US as well. But inheritance is a whole different can of worms legally than what is being talked about in the article and even then what debt does and doesn’t get passed on is fuzzy. Sorry about your loss though

Notorious_handholder ,

I recently went to try the charged lemonade (was really gross btw), they do a pretty good job of advertising what’s in it. You’d honestly have to go out of your way to avoid the signage telling you about the caffeine.

That and if a drink is charged it usually implies caffeine, alcohol, or vitamin stuff. Either way it is something a person should probably be curious enough to investigate before consuming. Idk why someone would just order and drink something that they don’t know anything about… That just seems weird and irresponsible

I’m usually all for knocking corps down a peg, but this charged lemonade stuff with panera feels more like a failure of personal responsibility of the individual.

What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises?

What I mean is… sometimes people are very loyal to a videogame franchise or a company because they loved a game they released years ago (Silent Hill/Konami with Silent Hill 2, Blizzard/Bethesda with their respective golden eras, some could argue this happens too with Pokémon and Final Fantasy, etc). Ethical/consumer reasons...

Notorious_handholder ,

Also if you really just want the same pokemon but better, check out rom hacks. Many of the pokemon community rom hacks are way better than they have any right to be

Notorious_handholder ,

I think it’s more practical in terms of being used for layering with kevlar to reduce overall weight of a piece of body armor. While at the same time making it cheaper and more cost effective than traditional body armor materials as mentioned in the article.

So rather than this being used as an upgrade to kevlar (which with more testing it might be able too) it’s more like a side grade to reduce costs, as mentioned in the article silkworm silk is already used on a commercial and industrial level for other applications.

Granted it’ll probably be a good few years before the silk being made by these genetically modified worms is both made consistently and is more refined with further testing and then distributed. But still it’s something that material scientists will likely put to good use for reducing costs in lots of fields.

Notorious_handholder ,

I guess I’m now stuck in the digital world with my companions that consist of a pile of sentient poop and a Dinosaur that can breath fire and talk. Both of which will experience the cycle of life, death, and re-incarnation roughly every few weeks.

I will chill in the idealistic socialist town and happily eat the freshly grown meat straight off the vine that the living plant monster gives out to everyone for free daily

Notorious_handholder ,

New one. But ngl the OG would be pretty nice too if I got to pick

More presumed human remains recovered from submersible that imploded, killing 5, Coast Guard says (

The Coast Guard has recovered remaining debris, including presumed human remains, from a submersible that imploded on its way to explore the wreck of the Titanic, killing all five onboard, deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean’s surface, officials said Tuesday....

Notorious_handholder ,

Not the guy you replied to, but… Yeah? There’s not a lot of valuable data in that wreckage to be gained. At least not any data that wasn’t already anticipated, known about, or already tested prior. Like the previous guy said, a multitude of experts said it was a bad idea. People who worked for the company and spoke up about the issues where fired.

The entire internet mocked the situation because the man had the hubris to think he knew better than decades of scientific and engineering testing and safety of the materials being used. Many engineers even sent letters to the guy telling him to not use certain materials because they are and have been known and proven to fail at the types of pressures, temperatures, and environment he wanted to take them too.

The only valuable data that I can even image being in that wreckage is figuring out what exactly failed first, the window that wasn’t rated for that pressure. Or the carbon nanotube hull that engineers already knew would fail since carbon nanotubes are not good at repeated exposure to stress and microfractures and breakages.

There really isn’t that much data to be gathered here that hasn’t already been tested and proven multitudes of times before. Except maybe seeing how well the game controller held up if they can even find it

Notorious_handholder ,

It’s probably just a political play to try and take some ammo away from fox/conservatives who keep crying about the border. Realistically it will be exactly like Trumps 400 miles of wall that do nothing. But w/e politics is made to spend our money on useless stuff

Notorious_handholder ,

I really want to find out who these psychologists are studying to come up with these findings. Anytime the layout changes or items are placed in obtuse places that make no sense I just get pissed off. I start brisk walking and scanning the aisles faster than normal and ignoring stuff even more. A lot of times I just say screw it and leave without buying anything out of spite. Then go buy the item elsewhere. A month or so later after they move all the stuff around again, I’ll randomly find the item in the dumbest place ever, but no longer need it now.

Like I don’t want to be shopping, I hate navigating around idiots that block entire aisles for no reason. It’s not a leasurely or fun experience. I understand why they want me to stay longer, but they don’t seem to understand that no matter how many times I look at the same stupid products my wallet and the lack of fucks I give about their stupid products far outweighs the amount of time I stare at it.

So tired of of having my time wasted by marketing analytics that report a 1% increases if such and such stuff is done. Makes me feel like I’m trapped in an MMO with only hardcore players who optimize their builds for the smallest negligible increases. It’s exhausting

Notorious_handholder ,

You’re probably right and it’s worth it for them to do so. But at the same time I’ve also come to realize that companies are fucking stupid.

On multiple occasions at multiple jobs I’ve worked. I’ve watched managers implement awful policies and procedures that percentage wise increased revenue in one sector but decreased it in another by a smaller percentage. However the sector that was decreased was orders of magnitude larger than the sector that got a percebtage increase. So in reality when it came to the actual Dollar amount we actually lost a fuckton of revenue for multiple years until someone spoke up about it.

Idk if that’s the case or not with this stuff. I’m just tired of feeling like every annoyance and detail in life is just another stupidly planned out attempt by a corp to try and manipulate another dime out of me

Notorious_handholder ,

We’ve cracked the code. The Matrix is real, it’s all just a shitty P2W MMO!

Notorious_handholder ,

You might not, but you gotta remember that the public is also filled with idiots

Notorious_handholder ,

Never said I wouldn’t do the CPR. Only pointing out that in an emergency situation that people are fucking stupid and that a random idiot could easily interfere violently with what they think might be sexual assault

Notorious_handholder ,

I dislike a lot of country music, but Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson are practically a genre in and of themselves, seperated from even the outlaw country genre they started.

Notorious_handholder , (edited )

I’m so confused, this seems like a string of really weird decisions

  1. Why would you buy from gamestop of all places online when they’re so ubiquitous that you could walk into one anywhere and buy it new with the box instead?
  2. Why buy it from gamestop online for full price when you could buy it digitally for full price or other online places with a discount.
  3. Of all things to buy new, a pokemon game is one that buying used for cheaper is a better option all around, and gamestop specializes in used games.
  4. I’m still stuck on this but why gamestop? Amazon and ebay have the game much cheaper new, and with the box guaranteed too

Op get a refund and save like 20-30 bucks buying the game from elsewhere with better quality control.

Edit: To make it perfectly clear since people can’t differentiate, I ain’t blaming OP at all. Gs is a shitty company who I wouldn’t trust to provide free air. OP needs to get a refund and buy elsewhere from a company that will treat him better. My questions are just me personally being curious about what lead to picking gs in the first place given their reputation. It’s not victim blaming and I dislike that I even have to make this disclaimer instead of being able to trust people to understand nuance

Notorious_handholder , (edited )

I ain’t victim blaming, I’m not saying it is ops fault for what happened. I even made that clear with my last sentence that OP needs to get a refund and buy it elsewhere cause gs is a shitty company that’s also charging more for a new older game than other places. I honestly was just more personally curious of what lead OP to trusting gs in the first place in the manner they did. Not to blame but genuinely just wondering why from a personal standpoint.

Also gs is selling the game used for about half the cost of new so they essentially scammed him out of 30 bucks. Even when they get a refund OP shouldn’t trust gs with any of that money

Notorious_handholder ,

I ain’t victim blaming. I made that perfectly clear with my last sentence saying OP should get a refund and go buy it from a better dealer for cheaper since gs is a shitty company. My questions are entirely coming from curiosity of what lead to using gs in the first place given their reputation

Notorious_handholder ,

That makes sense. Either way OP needs to get a full refund then take that gift card (if that is the case) to a converter/sell it to get the money off of it so he can use the money elsewhere with a better company that will actually keep up their end of the deal in full

Notorious_handholder ,

Yeah I get that, but then I’m still curious as to why picking gs when Amazon, ebay, and other brick and mortar retailers like walmart, target, and best buy. All also sell the game online for new for a cheaper price. One other person mentioned maybe OP had a gift card which would then make sense.

Either way OP needs to get a full refund, if it’s on a gift card then they need to take it to a converter to get the money to spend it with a different company that will actually treat them well and won’t pull a shady bait and switch.

Notorious_handholder ,

Well you don’t need to imply my comments because I made it very clear Im not blaming… If someone bought cough syrup online from a shady dealer for the same price or more than getting it online from a reputable dealer. I wouldn’t blame the person at all if the cough syrup came pre-opened. They paid for something and got bait and switched. But I am personally curious as to why they bought from them because it is different than what I would do. Again not to blame but more out of curiosity.

Victim blaming would be me saying it’s their fault for buying from them and that they deserve it. Neither of which I advocate or condone at all

Notorious_handholder , (edited )

I didn’t think of having multiple kids and sharing the game since iirc pokemon only has one save file per cartridge, so you’d still need multiple copies, unless they finally changed that. But I do know lots of people like just having physical media anyways so I considered that. I ain’t blaming the guy for what happened. He bought something with a clearly advertised expectation and gs bait and switched/scammed him and he needs to get a refund.

I’m just curious why they picked gs when there are other cheaper online alternatives and other brick and mortar stores offering it as well. Gs wouldn’t be my first pick so Im just curious to get another persons perspective on why it was for them

Notorious_handholder ,

Oh that’s pretty cool then. I didn’t know it had changed and thought they still did it the old way with only 1 save per cart.

Wait does that mean you can make other profiles with their own save on the same switch? I would prefer if pokemon had their own multiple save feature implemented by now, but if that also works then it’s still pretty cool to finally have multiple saves for the same device/cart

Notorious_handholder ,

Wait what’s the difference between Atheist, No response, and Nothing?

Also why is there a generic Christian but then also Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox? But then they just Muslim and not it’s different denominations? Why even have different denominations when you have the generic catch all and the Other category?

This graph categorization makes no sense!

Notorious_handholder ,

Years ago when I was in a bad place in life I attempted suicide using a tank of nitrogen and an oven bag. Thankfully I was stupid as hell and didn’t tie the bag properly or something. So when I passed out the bag managed to come off somehow. Still not entirely sure how it happened but either way I’m thankful it did and I managed to survive for better days.

Anyways, Im telling you this to let you know I can very much confirm that breathing nitrogen is painless and was no different than regular breathing.

Your body only starts the alarm bells when it can’t exchange out the co2 in your lungs. It can’t really tell the difference between pure nitrogen and some other gases coming in vs the optimal mixture we need to breath. So the alarms never really go off. There’s more to the science behind it, but it’s kind of a glaring flaw evolution left in our bodys survival system that can be taken advantage of including for use in anesthetic.

Notorious_handholder ,

I can confirm from personal experience that breathing pure nitrogen is painless and not at all like suffocating. If you want, you can check my profile to find the comment or look for it further up in a reply to a different thread in this post

Notorious_handholder ,

That guy is misinformed. He is talking about hypoxia which is what people commonly think of when dying from lack of oxygen, think of drowning. Hypoxia triggers the alarms in your body that cause the fear and pain you associate with suffocating due to the build up of co2 in the body.

With inert gases like nitrogen however it is different. Check out this wiki article, in the process drop down tab is provides a pretty good explanation on the matter

Notorious_handholder ,

Sadly yes, but I lived!

Had a hell of a headache/migraine the next few days afterwards though

Notorious_handholder , (edited )

Yeah sort of. At first I started feeling very drunk, but not like normal drunk. I can’t really think of good analogy other than it was like half way in between drunk and a small amount of anesthetic maybe?

It was this slow dip into unconscious, it wasn’t like sleeping where I’m vaguely aware of the passage of time. But it wasn’t the instant knock out of anesthetic or normal unconscious either. It was like lowering myself into a pool if that make sense. Wasn’t a bad feeling, just kind of different. Had an awful migraine that lasted a couple of days afterwards though.

Thanks I’m extremely happy everday with my failure! Lol

Notorious_handholder ,

The process itself of breathing in the pure nitrogen and going unconscious was completely painless.

When I woke up later on I had a terrible migraine that lasted a few days because not breathing in enough Oxygen will cause headaches and migraines. Had I not woken up though then there would not have been any pain from that side effect because I’d instead be dead

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