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venusaur , to news in Biden supporters mostly back him in 2024 election because they oppose Trump, poll finds avatar

To assume that all of the progress people are making towards RCV is without thought is incredibly ignorant. Lots of resources you can research to understand the benefits, how it works, and case studies for where it’s working now.…/ranked-choice-voting-information/#…

If you don’t support RCV for some reason, just say that. You have to criticize those who are working towards something that’s actually benefiting voters.

You can sit around and wait for electoral reform, but change happens in baby steps. You don’t just jump to a constitutional amendment if nobody can get behind something like RCV.

Duamerthrax , to news in EV sales slowdown is mostly a Tesla problem, according to sales data

We’ll see how much the Edison Motors kits costs, but they have promised to cost a fraction of a new truck.

real use for the Cyber truck are car collectors.

Car collectors know how to keep their collection from rusting. Delorean could also rust, but the owners had instructions on how to clean it.

ouRKaoS , to asklemmy in If you had a theme song, what videogame music would be it?

Everyone always talks about Paper Boats, but Spine* and In Circles are my favorite tracks from that game.

Could We Build a Decentralised Social Platform Rooted in Place? (

Over the past year or so I’ve been playing with the idea of a decentralised social platform based on your location. By putting physical location at the centre of the experience, such a platform could be used to bring communities together and provide a source of local information when travelling. Please let me know what you...

carlnewton OP , to fediverse in Could We Build a Decentralised Social Platform Rooted in Place?

I detail that the benefit of this idea is that you can do exactly this using the Nearby feed.

Dasus , to news in Ringleader of global monkey torture network, 'The Torture King', is charged avatar

So that’s a “I can’t say I don’t eat meat, because I do”?

And… still won’t be able to answer these “other ways” of managing deer besides hunting?

Not to mention skipping how silly it is to claim dogs are the same as wolves.

And to top it off

Got it.

##Why are you arguing with something which can be checked instantaneously? :D


Why do you feel the the need to lie on an online forum? You didn’t read the links. Hell you didn’t even read the sentence I linked.

story is very romantic: man and wolf, hunting and foraging together. Unfortunately there is simply no evidence; and if I’m being charitable, the probability that dogs evolved directly from grey wolves is extremely unlikely. While many similarities are perceived to exist between dog and wolf, upon closer examination, the similarities are almost impossible to find.

This](…/largest-wolf-pack) is what you’re proposing to do in Central-European population centres, because you personally feel icky thinking about the fact that death is a natural part of life.

Dogs didn’t even evolve from the gray wolf and definitely aren’t the same species and there are no “other ways” of managing deer, mister I-cant-stand-behind-my-words

Dasus , to world in Not just the UNRWA report: Countless accounts of Israeli torture in Gaza avatar

You’re calling UN resolutions passed with an overwhelming majority “symbolic”.

There’s no fighting your kind of brainwashing, just like I’ve said. You’ll get more and more anxious, with more and more “look, buds”, because you have to keep these delusions alive by literally dismissing everything anyone except Israel says.

More pathetic excuses about targeting Hamas, completely ignoring all the evidence a literal genocide. Just how do you live with yourself? I’m genuinely curious as to what goes on in your head when you decide to defend the slaughter of over 12,000 children.

You think asserting some of your regurgitated nonsense means anything while you call passed UN resolutions “symbolic”. Your opinion does not matter. The UN’s **does. **

I guess you might be Israeli, which would explain it a bit. I can see how it’d be really scary to stand up to the genocidal maniacs you share a country with. Much like Germans, during the Nazi regime.

And the perpetrators didn’t warn anyone.

You need to realise this is just downright stupid though. Do you think if I warned you that I’m gonna rape you, it’d make it alright? A war crime isn’t excused by “we dropped leaflets”.

Not to mention that the dropping of leaflets saying that they’re gonna get bombed, constitutes in itself a war crime. “In addition to its status as established customary law, the principle of civilian immunity has been codified in numerous treaties. One of the clearest expressions of the principle is set out in article 51(2) of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, which states: The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence, the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population, are prohibited.”…/…/israel-gaza-what-international-la…

“As long as Hamas does not release the hostages in its hands - the only thing that needs to enter Gaza are hundreds of tons of explosives from the Air Force, not an ounce of humanitarian aid.”

  • Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir in Oct 2023…/defense-minister-announces-co…

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” - Defense Minister Yoav Gallant

These are objectively verified statements of Israeli officials. That is literally genocidal rhetoric, which is threatening war crimes, and then goes on to commit war crimes.

It’s literally quite incredible how delusional and brainwashed you have to be to consider what is going on in Gaza to be a justified, “proportional” response. At least WWII Germans realised to be ashamed.…/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-i……/gaza-icj-ruling-offers-hope-protectio…

ICJ found it plausible that Israel’s acts could amount to genocide and issued six provisional measures, ordering Israel to take all measures within its power to prevent genocidal acts, including preventing and punishing incitement to genocide, ensuring aid and services reach Palestinians under siege in Gaza, and preserving evidence of crimes committed in Gaza.

But you’ll just repeat the same sad propaganda again, iterating how UN is not to be believed in, how they don’t matter and how anything that speaks against Israel is “Hamas” propaganda and how those 12 000 kids actually deserved to die.

That sort of behaviour is… so depressing to me. I can’t believe any human would ever think like that, yet you constantly keep pretending you do.

chog9 , to blackmastodon avatar

ain't no nigga out there on some cornball type shit saying shit like "nah cuh I don't speak street I speak c++" foh grand unc you're mad corny

Watch videos of real raped women age 06-17 only at

Simply put, my family is broke until March due to two unexpected bills. We have no food & no car, so it's hard to get anything here to begin with.
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West Virginia Senate passes bill that would remove marital exemption for sexual abuse (

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Married people in West Virginia could be charged with certain acts of sexual abuse against their spouses for the first time under a bill passed by the state Senate. The bill pushed by former prosecuting attorney Republican Sen. Ryan Weld would remove marriage as a defense to first- and third-degree...

DogPeePoo , to news in West Virginia Senate passes bill that would remove marital exemption for sexual abuse

West Virginia also passes supplementary law making it illegal for women to say no to marriage proposals

Handmaid’s Tale

NickEast , to humour avatar

Life is like a lazy box of choclates, I never knwo where my wallet is😂


ExcessivelyDiverting , to bookstodon avatar
ulterno , (edited ) to linux in New Linux user here. Is this really how I'm supposed to install apps on Linux? avatar

“I have no idea what I’m doing here” <- Happens in the beginning. How about you start by trying to know what exactly you are doing? Let me give you a fasttrack…

  1. The first command you get in the instructions is curl. It is generally used to download stuff from a networked server.

    1.1. To understand the -fsSLo in the command, I strongly advise you to check out the manual of curl using man curl in a terminal.

  2. The second command in the instructions is echo “something” | sudo tee some/file

    2.1 Here you see 3 commands echo , sudo and tee. 2.1.1 Again, you can use man command-name to check the manual pages for these commands 2.2 There is a | symbol over here. It is called the “pipe symbol”, which is what you can use to search for it. It is usually difficult to search for the symbol itself and I haven’t found a man page for it, but open man bash and look for “Pipelines” and you’ll know what it is about. Use Link, Link and Link to help yourself understand this.

  3. The commands in “Install the package” use the apt program. This is a Its job is to read package information that package developers have made and try to not let the system become unusable.

    • e.g. If you have a program called Xorg from 5 years ago, and a program called mesa from 5 years ago and Xorg depends upon mesa to work. Here, if you replace your mesa with a new, recent mesa yourself, there is a good chance Xorg will not work. The Package Manager prevents that from happening.
  4. The gist of what the instructions are making you do is, telling the Package Manager that there is another place from where you want it to look for packages.

To understand man pages better, check out this link.

Don’t think too badly of people dissing you in the comments. They are tired and fed up of help vampires. Hopefully, you can try not to become one.

  • Try and build your own process of understanding the commands you see on the internet before entering them into the terminal.
  • The comments telling you to just follow the instructions, are coming from the perspective that you don’t have the patience and determination to understand them yourself, which, a lot of people don’t. I will leave it upto you to determine which one you decide to be. It is, however, a bad idea to follow instructions on any website, just because it “seems legit”. You can’t really say you “trust” the site until you have the ability to find out for yourself whether you want to trust it.

Check this out

ronsboy67 , to bookstodon avatar

40 months in, and adding books remains the one major pain point of my experience @thestorygraph but after 3 hours work, I'm all set for StoryGraphReadsTheWorld2024. Now to hope the promised "Number of books" style challenges arrive soon so I can add these to my "30 nonfiction in 2024". @bookstodon

ExcessivelyDiverting , to bookstodon avatar
NickEast , to bookbubble avatar
averagedrunk , to memes in elevator

following code does nothing, but if removed the whole program crashes

-Me, circa 2011

NickEast , to bookbubble avatar

That's pretty much everything you need to know to be content with you life 🤔😁

@reading @bookstodon @bookbubble @books

NickEast , to bookbubble avatar

What was your weirdest experience with corporate-owned social networks? (plus paste your story in ChatGPT with the prompt "Re-write this story as a digital gothic story: ...") (

I’m really fascinated by the digital gothic genre recently. Maybe you are in the mood for a little funny challenge. Excited to read the results :D

d3Xt3r , to asklemmy in What was your weirdest experience with corporate-owned social networks? (plus paste your story in ChatGPT with the prompt "Re-write this story as a digital gothic story: ...")

Legend of Unidan

In the vast, echoing halls of the digital realm known as Reddit, there was a name that shone brighter than most: Unidan, the digital naturalist. With each click and keystroke, he’d emerge from the virtual mists declaring, “biologist here!” His knowledge flowed like the ancient rivers, nourishing the digital denizens with wisdom.

One day, under the dim glow of the /r/AdviceAnimals chandelier, a bewitched image of Dory appeared, intertwining tales of human sorrow with the innocent allure of a crow. And from the depths, Unidan’s voice emerged, insisting it wasn’t a crow but a jackdaw, challenging the collective memory of the virtual world.

Out of the shadows, the enigmatic Ecka6 manifested, clashing with Unidan in a battle of words and wits. The very foundations of Reddit trembled as Unidan intoned, “You said a ‘jackdaw is a crow.’ But, behold, in the sacred scriptures of science, jackdaws and crows are distinct.” Their duel painted a vivid tapestry of corvids and their kin, pulling blue jays, ravens, and more into their spiraling vortex.

As the two titans sparred, an insidious revelation bubbled to the surface. Unidan, the once-venerated sage, was entangled in a web of deception. Ghostly alter egos, unseen by the mortal eye, manipulated the very lifeblood of Reddit, the upvotes and downvotes, ensuring Unidan’s dominion over all.

In the digital twilight, the ancient guardian Cupcake1713 descended, unveiling Unidan’s spectral sins and casting him into a shadowy abyss where only his own ghostly echoes could reach him.

Yet, the corridors of Reddit never forget. Whispers of the great jackdaw debate, Unidan’s tragic descent, and the haunting lesson of knowledge’s double-edged sword forever drift through its hallowed halls.

blue_berry OP , (edited ) to asklemmy in What was your weirdest experience with corporate-owned social networks? (plus paste your story in ChatGPT with the prompt "Re-write this story as a digital gothic story: ...") avatar

Siren’s Song

In the shadowy depths of the digital abyss, there dwelled a mysterious mermaid known as Marina, who yearned for a connection that transcended the confines of her underwater realm. Longing for a soulmate to share her aquatic dreams, she embarked on a perilous journey through the treacherous waters of the internet.

Marina’s quest began innocently enough, with the soft glow of her computer screen casting eerie ripples across her watery lair. With a few clicks of her phosphorescent scales, she delved into the world of mermaid fanfiction, crafting tales of love and longing, weaving words like intricate seaweed patterns. Her stories flowed like enchanting melodies, captivating the hearts of those who dared to venture into her digital domain.

As her stories gained notoriety in the virtual realm, Marina’s obsession grew. She watched her followers multiply like bioluminescent plankton on a moonlit night. Every like, every comment, every share sent shivers of euphoria through her aquatic form, pulling her deeper into the abyss. Hours stretched into days, days blurred into nights, and Marina’s underwater sanctuary fell into disrepair. Neglected coral gardens withered, and once-vibrant schools of fish dwindled in number. The allure of the digital world had ensnared her like an inescapable net, drawing her deeper into its abyss.

With each passing day, Marina’s longing for a soulmate intensified. She yearned to find a kindred spirit, someone who could hear the echo of her siren’s song across the digital waves. But her search became a relentless scroll through a sea of profiles, each faceless avatar a mere mirage, a tantalizing illusion that promised connection but delivered only fleeting moments of satisfaction.

She had become a digital spectre, haunting the depths of the internet, her original purpose forgotten. The mermaid who had once longed for a soulmate had become a prisoner of her own creation, ensnared by the siren’s lure of social media. Her shimmering tail had turned pallid, her voice growing hoarse from countless hours of typing, scrolling, and refreshing. Her once-bright eyes now reflected the ghostly glow of her computer screen as she desperately sought validation in the form of likes and follows.

In the eerie silence of her now-desolate underwater world, Marina finally realized the depths of her folly. The digital realm had ensnared her, just as she had ensnared countless others with her mesmerizing stories. In her obsession, she had lost not only herself but also the beauty of her aquatic home.

With trembling hands, she closed her laptop, a feeble attempt to break free from the shackles of her addiction. The silence of her underwater world enveloped her, a stark reminder of what she had lost, but she allowed the sounds of the ocean to wash over her. With each gentle wave of the underwater current, she began to rediscover the essence of her mermaid soul. In the silence and solitude of her underwater sanctuary, Marina finally heard the siren’s song within herself—the song of self-discovery, of rekindled creativity, and of the depths of her own soul. She realized that her true soulmate was not to be found in the digital world but within the shimmering depths of her own heart.

With newfound clarity, Marina vowed to balance her digital presence with the enchanting world that lay beyond her computer screen. She would once again nurture her underwater realm, and perhaps, in time, she would find a true soulmate who shared her love for the mysteries of the deep.

And so, the mermaid named Marina embarked on a new journey, no longer ensnared by the siren’s lure of social media, but guided by her own heart’s song and the boundless depths of her underwater realm all around her.

Oisteink , to piracy in How to route transmission through Mullvad?

You might want your program and the vpn interface to be in a separate namespace? Somewhat opposite this:

You don’t want all traffic routed, you want only this one app. More info here:

NickEast , to reading avatar

This is the kind of things history books don't teach, what do I care how long some stupid king lived? 😂

@bookstodon @reading @bookbubble @histodons

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