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DarkThoughts , in Woman who ‘first shared fake name’ of Southport suspect arrested

And there's gonna be the same type of people claiming this arrest was unjustified.

kralk , in Woman who ‘first shared fake name’ of Southport suspect arrested

“if this is true”, she wrote, fully aware that she was making it up.

Wanderer , in Britain ignored its far-right threat and demonized Muslims. Now racist mobs have spiraled out of control.

No one on this website what’s to live in reality. Look you might want to disagree with peoples views but you can’t disagree with what peoples views are.

Consistently since records began British people have wanted less immigration.

The way democracy works is the people get a say on their future. But consistently they have been ignored. For a lot of people Brexit was a vote on reducing immigration and that was ignored immigration went up.

People are obviously sick of being ignored they have consistently voted for the party talking the most about reducing immigration and they didn’t do anything.

People are getting desperate that democracy isn’t working.

People look at how certain cities have completed changed and they do not want that. People do not want Muslim values yet we have them. The influence of Islam in 2024 is way higher than anyone could have imagined from pre 2000. Britain somehow went from religion being less important to people to now it becoming more important.

Attacking people because they are X isnt right. But let’s not pretend this has come out of nowhere. It’s been bubbling for decades.

HumanPenguin , avatar

Consistently since records began British people have wanted less immigration.

Immigration laws only applied to the UK from the 1970s.

And even at that point it was never a majority that rejected immigration. There was a high anti German immigration movement before the first World War. But far from a majority of people cared.

And at every point where attitudes to immigration was increasing. Economic issues were also connected.

The majority of anti immigration event in UK history can very easily be linked to increases in the opinions being shared by newspapers owned and funded by wealthy production owners trying to silence working/poor people showing opposition to them.

Wanderer ,

I was on about views of immigration

It did dip for a time, depending on the data, but its obviously going back up.

HumanPenguin , avatar

Then don’t use terms like “records began” because that goes back to the beginning of the written word. Amd clearly since the invention of the printing press. 1960s is very recent.

Also any polling is entirly manipulatable by the questions asked. Non of the polls you post are entirly unbiased. And have been used by the very currupt press from the dawn of mass advertising.

Wanderer ,

When records began on that topic.

You got anything older I’d like to see it actually.

Etterra ,

You know that immigration is the only thing that’s preventing a population decline in America and mitigating or demographic deterioration. How’s England doing on that front? Let’s see:


Official figures projected that the UK’s population would grow from 67 million in 2021 to 77 million in 2046, and that net migration would account for 92% of this growth. In an alternative variant where net migration was zero, the population would be lower in 2031 than it was in 2021.

So unless they want to stare down the barrel of demographic collapses like China, Japan, and South Korea currently are, the right-wing Brits better suck it up and welcome their new neighbors. Otherwise the economy and all the government services that if pays for are going to collapse under the load of too many pensions and medical expenses, and not enough tax revenue to pay for them.

Wanderer ,

We are talking about the UK here not England, so let’s get that right. You even linked to a study about the UK! Or would you like to talk about England? But it doesn’t have it’s own immigration policy. Bad start, really doesn’t look like you know anything.

Do you know how overpopulated the UK is? I don’t think people want it increasing by 10 million in 25 years. If it increased by 800,000 I’m sure people would prefer that.

This is so much money held up in housing that a population decline would free up discretionary income. Reduced immigration could instead cause increased wages and force businesses to train more local workers which would take strain off government services.

Don’t for a moment think I don’t understand there is pros and cons to immigration. But I don’t think the UK wants 9 million immigrants from the 3rd world. Is if had a choice between reducing GDP (which is actually not the be all and end all) and decreasing immigration, or increasing GDP by reducing wages and increasing housing by immigration. I’ll take the first one.

Give the UK a choice. I’ll be poorer for less immigration because culture, housing, safety more space is more important to me than GDP growrh

steel_nomad ,

Then the British govt should be heavily incentivizing White Brits to have more children. They used to that in Canada, they called it a 'Baby Bonus". So tell me again why we “need” all this immigration again when we could just solve the problem ourselves?

Tagger ,

Ok racist.

steel_nomad ,


yesman ,

There is nothing more British than having their Island invaded, conquered, and foreign culture imposed.

The Anglos, Saxons, and Jutes, were German. The Normans were French Vikings. You know the reason William had a claim is because he was related to the very British King named Cnut.

I would advise British people concerned about immigration to look to the example of Ireland, India, Pakistan, Palestine, and South Africa who maintained a distinct national culture despite being colonized by a violent and criminal nation bent on imposing it’s own culture.

Wanderer ,

That’s probably why there are so many countries in the UK isn’t there? Because of a long history going back 1000’s of years. Maybe that’s entirely different to 1’s of years don’t you think?

I think most people think French and Germans integrate a lot better into the UK than people from the third world. We don’t have cities that are know for all speaking French, or other cities where people walk around in Lederhosen. Not all immigration is the same.

Need to look at Ireland really? No countries within the UK need to be looked at. Ireland is completely distinct from all other counties in the UK?

Ireland, India, Pakistan, Palestine. What percentage of foreign born people live there? Even south Africa will have low foreign born population right?

Ireland had riots about migrants last year didn’t they?

You think Palestine and South Africa are good examples of what a country should want to become?

JustARaccoon ,

Wasn’t the UK one of the founding members of the EU?

Wanderer ,

No it wasn’t.

steel_nomad ,

100% agreed. You are being down voted by smoothbrain Lefties who don’t understand reality anymore. And as for religion being less important, you’ve got that all wrong…only White, Conservative religions is Christian and Catholic, are becoming less important. In my town, the are literally bulldozing churches to build condos, while building mosques. They are eliminating the White race in our own countries, and drooling Lemmyites are cheering for it.

todd_bonzalez , avatar

🎶White Genocide🎶

🎵ba, ba, ba🎵

🎶Good times never seemed so good🎶

aleph , (edited ) avatar

It’s ironic you mention ‘reality’, since the hysteria surround immigration is largely based on misinformation and xenophobic propaganda being spouted by right-wing politicians and media for well over a decade. This has led to a highly distorted view of the scale and severity of the issue.

First off, the mass migration of peoples seeking refuge from war and other geopolitical disasters is a global issue rather than something that is unique to the UK, but even then the UK has taken in far fewer asylum seekers relative to other EU countries.

For instance:

Also, the UK population is actually pretty positive when it comes to immigration:

  • In a global survey, 55% of UK citizens said immigration was a net positive, and only 30% were in favor of strict limits.

The paranoia about immigrants causing higher crime rates is also based on a myth:

All this is to say that a lot of the anger inflaming these racists riots come from a combination of political and media misinformation and many people’s innate prejudice towards non-Europeans.

Wanderer ,

I’m not denying this isn’t a problem all across Europe. A united front on this matter is the only way to solve it.

You are just taking asylum and illegal migration. Legal migration is a huge issue also. But I agree the media focuses on this a lot less and it spinning the narrative. But people want less legal and illegal migration. Legal migration is numerically the larger of the two.

Grouping immigration as all the same is problematic. Separate it by things like country and education and I bet the picture changes entirely.

But everything you said is not the whole picture. People do not want immigration they may produce less crime you might be right. But that’s not the whole picture. It doesn’t mean people want Muslim culture in the UK they want British culture. Immigrants coming over and integrating completely is not the same as generations of people coming over and not integrating.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

But as I noted above, the average UK citizen is not in favor of strict immigration controls (legal or otherwise) and certainly not supportive of the recent riots.

Of those who are, the majority comes from lower-income areas that suffered the most under years of Tory austerity, which is understandable. But even then it’s really a case of the socioeconomic elites pointing the finger at immigrants rather than themselves.

As for the Muslim community, again there is good evidence to suggest that a lot of the fears you mentioned are unfounded. Surveys have shown that most feel that they belong in Britain and have no objections to integrating with the culture.

Again, the problem you tend to find is that extremists like Anjem Choudary are amplified by the press, giving the impressions that the Muslim community is incompatible with British values, when in fact the vast majority disagree with that statement.

Wanderer ,

Immigration as a whole is a different matter to controlled immigration. Ask people if they want more immigration from Australia or from Africa and the middle east and see what’s comes up.

Immigration has been worse for working class people and Tories have been bad for them (they also caused a lot of the low wage immigration). Both statements can be true.

At lot of rich people and business owners have done well from immigration I won’t deny. They haven’t seen the issues and they are telling people who have the issues not to worry.

I’m not sure what you want from that photo. I think immigration should be allowed but I don’t think we should be bringing in poor people to do poor peoples jobs for a low wage. Yea the rich immigrant should give to the local. But it doesn’t mean a local should give to a rich immigrant, no country is responsible for the lives of every person in the world.

Go to places with high immigration level (even second and third generation) and tell me they have integrated fully into the UK. It’s like an entirely different country. But it doesn’t happen with Germans, or French, or Aussies.

Go look up British Muslim values of women, or homosexuals or marrying your cousin.

kralk , in Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms
hand , in Cannabis: Drug production booming in UK's empty high streets avatar


We’re losing out on money by keeping it illegal (taxation) and using taxpayer money trying to stop it?

In our two party system both Cons and Labour don’t want sensible drug reform either… Somebody make it make sense?

jabjoe , avatar

It is worse still. Gifting such a lucrative market to the criminal underground, funnels a lot of money to organized crime. Wouldn’t surprise if they are influencing to keep the status quo.

HumanPenguin , avatar

Worth remembering the UK is one of the worlds largest legal cannabis exporters.

And a number of MPs are known to be part ofbthe industory.

So legalising recreational in the UK would also make it easyier for small competitiltors to compete with those larger companies.

Like much of the restricted product industory. The complexity of licencingbmakes it advantagouse to the wealthy.

hand , in Woman who ‘first shared fake name’ of Southport suspect arrested avatar

“Usual suspects” crowd being the usual suspects.

Wanderer , in Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms

Surely this goes without saying.

What’s wrong with people nowadays? Standards are just dropping across the board

ilovecheese , in UK riots: five essential reads on what triggered a week of violence. avatar

I bet I can boil it down to just 1 cause… Racist cunts!

goes to read article

Yep, racist cunts!

fakeman_pretendname , in UK riots: five essential reads on what triggered a week of violence.
  1. Rupert Murdoch
  2. The Daily Mail, Express, Telegraph
  3. Nigel Farage
  4. Elon Musk
  5. Putin’s Internet disinformation army
I_Has_A_Hat , in Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms

I feel like before I can form an opinion, I need to see the outfit in question. There is a description, but it’s not very detailed and not exactly from a neutral source. As described though, it sounds like she was dressed like Dr. Frankenfurter, with a choker instead of a pearl necklace. Which… Yea, that’s not a workplace outfit for a civil servant.

But then again, it could be tame as hell. I have no idea. Because despite writing an article about it, apparently a photo is just too much to expect from modern journalism.

derpgon ,

It’s probably about lingerie, bandage, butt plugs, etc.

Streamwave ,

There really is no plausible ‘fetish outfit’ that could possibly under any circumstances be appropriate for work at the Civil Service.

mannycalavera , in Woman who ‘first shared fake name’ of Southport suspect arrested avatar

Send her to jail. What did she think she was doing? Having no way of validating these lies she thought, “yeah I’ll just stir up some shit and get back to owning a dog”. Fucking idiot.

echodot ,

Last week The Times revealed that Spofforth, who owns a dog and enjoys walking, lives a well-to-do family life in a £1.5 million house in the rural north of England.

She owns a dog. Utter degenerate, lock her up.

What a really pointless detail. Is this journalism now, are we going to report on the pets of all suspects?

MoonlitCringe ,

I think you’re missing the point, they’re pointing out a woman with a VERY comfortable life made up a racist lie to demonise those less fortunate than herself.

The details about the dog and the house are being used to highlight her selfishness and privilege.

A common line these morons use is that foreigners or immigrants are taking resources from people who need them, but she clearly doesn’t need them, she’s just a bigot.

Andonyx ,

“I think you’re missing the point, they’re pointing out a woman with a VERY comfortable life made up a racist lie to demonise those less fortunate than herself.”

I wonder when her best selling children’s fantasy book is going to drop?🤔

apis ,

In the absence of irrelevant descriptors, many people struggle to remember that fascists can seem quite normal in other respects. Giving a few details helps them to imagine the woman. In turn this can quell fallacies that attach to ideas about “respectable” or “nice”.

That doesn’t matter with regard to this woman as her behaviour is now a matter for the courts, but reminds Times readers that the terror threat doesn’t come solely from disaffected louts hopped up on larger & sun exposure (& who may be quite partial to kicking off violently anyhow).

I’d think that in the absence of much to go on about her, they lifted stuff from her Twitter bio.

tombruzzo , in Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms

Good luck enforcing this. My regular belt is a hobble belt I bought from a fetish gear maker. I’d be in the office technically able to whip out a leather restraint at a moment’s notice.

I hope people in her office start wearing their own freaky gear in solidarity

Emperor , in Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms avatar

It does make me wonder if they know what fetish gear looks like but going by the photo of the Baroness, I doubt she’d recognised it if it walked up to her in the street and asked for her safe word.

Depending on the dress code, this is, at best, an HR issue but it seems like the Tory press are trying to make it the next front in the culture war. We should take a leaf out of the Democrat’s playbook and refuse to engage them, as this is just weird.

riskable , in Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms avatar

There’s a big problem here: Every kind of clothing is “fetish clothing” to someone.

fakeman_pretendname ,

“Phwoar! Most of the people in this hospital are wearing nurse’s uniforms! Kinky!”

captainlezbian ,

Yeah a nice pair of jeans are absolutely a form of fetish gear and a traditional one no less

GraniteM ,
flamingmongoose ,

There are people with a raincoat fetish.

LainTrain , in Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms

Ms Tweedale, 58, is said to wear low-cut black corsets, fishnet tights with high heels and a gothic choker with a pentagram when she attends the office


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