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TwoGems , avatar

I would never work for an organization that immediately took down a library genesis no questions asked, but isn’t bothering to do anything about the Republican fascist caucus.

ZIRO , avatar

I just want to point out that the Democratic party is also full of fascists. The two-party political system is just a smoke and mirrors act. The rich still get richer and the poor still get poorer, even when Democrats are in charge. (Take the present, for instance.)

And, sure, I know it’s popular to say that the Democrats aren’t as bad. That doesn’t mean they’re good or that they should be lauded for simply not being Republicans.

TwoGems , avatar

I know! I totally see the fascist Democratic party passing anti-trans bills left and right. It must be totally fact that the Democrats are fascist right? I also see them trying to subvert elections right? And they also stacked the courts with a conservative court majority, right? 🤥

ZIRO , avatar

I was only trying to point out that there is no political left in America. I wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings.

AnonymousBaba ,


ReluctantMuskrat ,

I’m a registered Republican and there is no comparison between the two. Trump and the GOP’s continuous refusal to call out Trump out for any of his lies and crimes, it’s constant spewing of hateful rhetoric and shameless hypocrisy have put our democracy at risk. It’s magnitudes worse than what the Democrats have done or are doing and I’m refusing to vote for any GOP candidate at this point until there’s a drastic change.

I’ll take any Democrat whose policies I don’t agree with because we can vote them out later if we dont like the results. I will not vote for a GOP candidate that doesn’t call out both Trump and the rest of the rot currently present in the Republican party because they’re a threat to immigrants, minorities, the non-rich and our Democracy itself even if they’re only silent.

DarthBueller ,

Just wondering why Trump is the breaking point for you. The GOP has been travelling in this direction since Reagan, Trump just made the unsaid said. The current GOP disenfranchisement efforts long predate Trump. The hate on women long predates Trump. The racist innuendos long predate Trump. For me the pieces fell into place during Bush Jr. - the evangelical support for him, and their move toward “god and country” Christianity in 99% of megachurches made me question and then permanently exit my religion. I get a little curious about statements like yours, because I wonder “why now, versus 20+ years ago when it became patently obvious to so many?”
EDIT: not to mention the GOP threat to immigrants, minorities, and the non-rich LONG predating Trump.

funkless_eck ,

with maybe, arguably, the exception of Eisenhower, has there been a republican president since “the switch” that hasn’t been a national embarrassment?

DarthBueller ,

Nixon (national embarrassment) Ford (set the precedent of letting criminal politicians off the hook for “national unity”, gone in a flash?) Reagan (well-liked by many, in hindsight wrecked the country on many many levels) Bush Senior (hard to take seriously, but national embarassment?) Bush Junior (oh fuck me straight up the goat ass, America, what is wrong with us?) Trump (oh fuck, America, why are you trying to one up your idiot self with this fuckface?)

funkless_eck ,

Bush Sr: Iran Contra knowledge and appointed Clarence Thomas to the bench amid sexual assault allegations

plus ça change…

DarthBueller ,

I had forgotten about that. My main memories are the war and Dana Carvey impersonations, but I was young.

Manifish_Destiny ,

Also no one wants to be associated with feds.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’m betting that’s the real reason.

d4rknusw1ld , avatar

I mean it’s a good paying job to have lol.

Mdotaut801 ,

Not worth it. Not at the expense of others. If the government wasn’t actually helpful, then MAYBE.

nikolai ,

While I think you’re right, this is your opinion, not everybody elses

Ado ,

Lemmy is hilarious with this silly and clearly extreme takes. Upvotes for no one wants to be associated with the feds, downvotes for ehh maybe not everyone agrees with that. The fbi has thousands of fucking employees, and even more applicants who don’t get chosen. The overall “feds”, the federal government, has millions — clearly people want to work for them.

GBU_28 ,

I think a lot of it is either folks on the edges of society (their opinions) or very young idealistic folks.

If I’ve generalized someone into one of those 2 buckets wrongly, well, it’s cause half of Lemmy acts like it.

Mind, it’s not that it’s wrong to have a non-mainstream opinion, or to be young, only that it generates a particular flavor of discourse lol

ZodiacSF1969 ,

Yeh it’s not wrong to have different opinions but goddamn is kinda boring to have the same views, arguments, discussions, etc. As much as they like to think otherwise, most people on here are in the definite minority irl.

GortexGary ,

yes, there are literally millions of bootlickers. Overwhelmingly, they aren’t on Lemmy.

Wonder why? /s

havokdj ,

They’re here, they’re just lurking

nonfuinoncuro ,

The US Federal Government is the single largest employer in the country if not the world. That’s true whether you’re talking about just the DOD, just the civilians, or both.

elephantium , avatar

people want to work for them.

I wonder what the breakdown is between:

  • I want to work there because it’s the most meaningful work available to me
  • …because I need health insurance that’s not a sick joke
  • …because even though the work sucks and the pay is low, it actually has a pension

IMO “want to work for them” conceals a LOT of people who’d rather do something else but feel like they’re wearing golden handcuffs of some sort.

Shadow , avatar

Not compared to the tech industry

phoneymouse ,

Tech industry pays way more

ComradeKhoumrag , avatar

Gov pays like shit but at least you get free time

Anticorp ,

So are most other programming jobs, but those other jobs will have way better working environments, perks, benefits, coworkers, managers, and schedules.

AngryAnusHornets ,


  • Loading...
  • KevonLooney ,

    People are trying to downvote you but it’s true. If you work in cybersecurity for the FBI you’ll have way better work/life balance, plus people will respect you. You won’t be on call 24/7 because the government has more than 2 people working in your department.

    Plus you can get that extra pay in the private sector any time you want. Do you know how impressive “FBI Cybersecurity Analyst” looks on a resume?

    Anticorp ,

    About as impressive as Oracle or Unity Cyber Security Analyst looks.

    KevonLooney ,

    Not to people who don’t work in tech. I.E. those who manage the IT department.

    Anticorp ,

    I once received an email from the NSA inviting me to apply for a programming position. Although I was intrigued for a minute or so, I soon decided I don’t want to help them spy on American citizens and deleted the email.

    cjthomp ,

    To be fair, that’s not all the NSA does.

    elscallr , avatar

    Right. They also invade the rights of Americans in other ways!

    soviettaters ,

    In case you haven’t noticed, American citizens are the biggest threat to America’s security.

    AlboTheGuy , avatar

    My dumb brain read NASA and was so confused

    gwildors_gill_slits ,

    “You know, I could’ve joined the NSA… but they found out my parents were married.”

    Anticorp ,

    Is this a movie quote?

    gwildors_gill_slits ,

    Yeah, from the movie Sneakers.

    Anticorp ,

    Oh I loved that movie, but I haven’t seen it in 15 years. I’ve been thinking about watching it again lately. Does it still hold up?

    gwildors_gill_slits ,

    It does, it’s still a fun heist thriller with a great cast an excellent soundtrack.

    vashti ,

    Too many secrets.

    It is still a great movie.

    Anticorp , (edited )

    My voice is my passport.

    ours ,

    Which is a terrible idea but hey, it had to have a weakness.

    elephantium , avatar

    Are you interested in setec astronomy?

    ours ,

    Watched it recently, still great. It helps that it focused on the social engineering, the characters, and the heist.

    scottywh ,

    I interviewed with Google in 2006…

    Feels like a similar thing …

    Anticorp ,

    It definitely is now. I guess it was then too, but maybe not to the same degree. Google still seemed to be bringing a lot of improvements to the world, and was still using the Don’t Be Evil motto. The public perception of Google back then was outstanding. I’m not sure how much of that was just because we weren’t fully aware of the depth of their tracking and intrusion.

    scottywh ,

    They weren’t better lol

    arin ,

    They are absolutely worse to work for now than back then

    eestileib ,

    A lot of computer people are also fucking weirdo outcasts who have zero interest in helping the FBI put the boot on people’s necks.

    emax_gomax ,

    I dunno, Microsoft still seems to have no problem finding people to implement spyware and tracking on their base OS not to mention DRM. I think the only real barrier for governmental job offerrings is no one except the really passionate would bother going through the clearance conditions. Which is fair I suppose.

    Sir_Simon_Spamalot ,

    Yeah, not being allowed to smoke pot on one’s free time despite being in legal state would be a huge deterence.

    sturmblast ,

    sounds like you’re the one that needs to go outside

    circuitfarmer , avatar

    Yeah. I would expect finding talent to get harder and harder as governments and corporations double triple quadruple down on unethical practices. Governments are the most obvious ones, but big corps like Microsoft or major ISPs aren’t far behind, especially since the telemetry / data collection ultimately benefits law enforcement.

    But of course, it will always be blamed on something else, like weed.

    AphoticDev , avatar

    So I guess they’re not forcing the ones they catch to become slaves for the government to avoid jail time anymore?

    Default_Defect , avatar

    3 years? Is that even verifiable?

    perviouslyiner ,

    Luckily they have very serious scientific tools called “lie detectors” to test the very scientific science between physiological indicators and whether what someone says is actually correct.

    FinalRemix ,

    Nothin’ beats a subjective interpretation of various physiological “indicators” being measured while someone’s a little stressed out.

    phoneymouse ,

    What they do is ask you for references. Then, they ask those people for other people that also know you.

    They ask them about this kind of thing. So, if you’re going to apply you face a choice:

    Would you ask your friends and acquaintances to lie to a federal investigator for you? Would your friends and acquaintances even do that for you?

    They also may do the lie detector test.

    Who wants to deal with that any way when the private tech sector pays way more and doesn’t subject applicants to this kind of bullshit.

    its_pizza ,

    Look how many jobs in the private sector also require a security clearance. Most things in aerospace, but also a lot of enterprise/cloud/telecom computing will have a “federal” arm, and they need cleared workers for that. Amazon, Google, AT&T, Verizon, Microsoft and many other big names have divisions that do classified work. They pay a premium over regular positions because the clearance is a PITA for everyone involved.

    douglasg14b , avatar

    Have they ever met my anxiety disorder?

    Everything is a lie when I get anxiety about everything.

    olav , avatar


    I'm on record with bipolar which apparently means I can't be trusted by anyone anywhere.
    Unfortunately my eldest inherited that and the fucken army deliberately mis diagnosed him so give a bipolar to depressants which is a guaranteed intake before they drummed him out.

    I guess the bright side is it's a medical so he gets to go to collage

    Anticorp ,

    They go and ask everyone you’ve ever known, it’s a very intrusive hiring process. If you lie, they treat it like a crime.

    Mavapu ,

    If your hair is at least like 36 cm long, maybe.

    PutangInaMo ,

    Kind of. You’d be lying to the federal government under oath though, and you can go to jail for it.

    AnUnusualRelic , avatar

    Unless you’re the federal government, in which case it’s just another day at the office apparently.

    olav , avatar


    When my eldest went into the army his MOS needed a top secret so they grilled all his friends and literally most of the people on my street despite I still don't know any of them save my neighbor and we gotta do something about that fence.
    They can be thorough and as someone mentioned BS like detector test and the like.

    Still, it's a lot better than omg you got high with your friend that one time when you were 16

    ComradeKhoumrag , avatar

    I got the CJO from a three letter agency but didn’t want to give up my bad habits so I strongly hinted at the reason why I can’t work there so they’d read between the lines and add one to this statistic

    reverendsteveii ,

    The agency that disposed of me is generally only referred to by two letters. I was honest, they assured me it wasn’t a problem, then 2 months later they told me that due to my disclosure I did t have “the highest moral character” and therefore couldn’t work for them. Their loss, I’m a fucking good coder.

    AnUnusualRelic , avatar


    Canadian Journal of Optometry?

    ComradeKhoumrag , avatar

    Conditional job offer

    BilboBargains ,

    The problem is that the all the smart people work in the FBI and the lazy feckless hackers sit around smoking pot all day.

    SnowdenHeroOfOurTime ,

    Cry more

    Clent ,

    This an interesting self limiting approach.

    Never interrupt your enemy making a mistake.

    So why are we talking about it?

    Love for the FBI has been all downhill since the X-Files.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    When was it uphill? Before or after J. Edgar Hoover?

    Astroturfed ,

    From the 90s until they shit all over themselves and let 9-11 happen maybe? I dunno, every law enforcement agency in America are a bunch of overpaid jackboot thugs. Always have been.

    ZodiacSF1969 ,

    Putting the blame for 9/11 on the FBI is not fair. They were working on several al-Qaeda investigations, and knew the identities of several people who ended up being hijackers. The CIA, however, refused to share crucial information with them - including the fact that they had entered the US.

    I’m not saying they have done no wrong, but the CIA had access to much more intel than they did.

    Che_Donkey , avatar

    So many industries had problems with the “war on drugs”, way back in the day the Ritz Carlton had a drug policy…motherfuckers who do you think work in the shithole environment that consist of food service?

    Stinkywinks ,

    Yeah, they’re all freaking mormans which is way worse

    silkroadtraveler ,

    This is such a true statement. Mormons (and other religious whack jobs) are tailor made to pass a clearance investigation whether or not they’re actual threats or have skeletons in the closet. They have church-issued friends from their local “wards” that vouch for them while barely knowing them that make all their investigations easy.

    scottywh ,

    Mormons are also some of the biggest fucking liars I’ve ever met about their.actual conduct outside (and sometimes during) work

    bitsplease ,

    It’s not just that, classified government work is a huge PITA to get cleared for in a lot of ways. It’s like the worst, longest, and most privacy killing job interview you ever had, except the dudes doing the interview have the ability to send you to jail if they find anything they don’t like (not that it happens for silly stuff like pot, but it does add to the stress)

    And then when you final make it through, you get the priveledge of working twice as hard for half the pay that a skilled professional could make elsewhere.

    The only time I’d consider government work is when I’m late enough in my career that the prospect of a pension is more appealing than a high immediate salary

    Uranium3006 , avatar

    Don't work for the evil empire

    ThePac ,

    And everybody clapped

    Anticorp ,

    Fuck you, won’t do what you tell me.

    Steeve ,

    Work for whoever pays you the big bucks, ditch em in two to three years and go work for someone else who will pay you more.

    reverendsteveii ,

    *an evil empire

    soulfirethewolf ,

    It’s funny because who wouldn’t smoke pot doing hacking for a living? That stuff’s hard.

    Zozano ,

    Damn, now I know why I’ve always been shit at hacking.

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