There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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anarchy79 , avatar

“I thought you said capitalism was the best system to run society because of the innovation!”

“Well yes, inventing things, we didn’t say we’d actually produce them. If you have complaints then you are free, thanks to capitalism, to take your business elsewhere”

FinishingDutch , avatar

New Cyberpunk 2077 sidequest: hack the bionics company to restore people’s vision. Like a more murder-y version of Orbis.

doctorcrimson ,

I wonder what the costs would be to start a new company that works on the obsolete technology that Second Sight installed? I don’t expect the 350+ receivers of the implants to be affluent enough to make it a profitable venture but knowing exactly what it takes to make the help they need available again would be nice.

unreasonabro ,

profitable medicine sure is for winners

anarchy79 , avatar

But the innovation! Think of the innovation! If it weren’t for profit motives, nothing would have ever been invented, and people would stand frozen in time and space, without the slightest inclination to act upon anything.

Balthazar , avatar

I hope you’re joking… I really, really hope your being sarcastic rn…

PoolloverNathan ,

Perfect example of Poe’s law.

Balthazar , avatar

Didn’t know the fenomenon had gotten an actual name! Thanks for sharing it with me!

therealjcdenton ,

Cyberpunk here we come

gcheliotis ,

You mean cyberjunk

Jessvj93 ,

Cyberpunk fan: “Wait wait, let em cook. I like where this is going.”

therealjcdenton ,

Very true

hakunawazo ,
onlinepersona ,


Fades ,

They exist to make money not help humanity. Open source don’t make them money so they will never bother

onlinepersona ,

I vote for parties that are pro-opensource and promote opensource among friends and family. It’s all I can do.

anarchy79 , avatar

What if the party is also for child murder?

And what if the other one who is against child murder is also anti-open source?

CosmicCleric , (edited ) avatar

They exist to make money not help humanity.

From the article…

Greenberg spent many years developing the technology while working at the Alfred Mann Foundation, a nonprofit organization that develops biomedical devices

EDIT: For those challenging what I am saying, I was speaking towards his motives, when I responded to this comment …

They exist to make money not help humanity.

I was challenging the notion that he did not care about humanity, and just wanted the money.

Its ok to want to help others AND make money doing it. (Unfortunately) We live in a society where money is needed to exist.

EDIT2: I’m all for open source.

eksb , avatar

Non-profits, just like for-profits, need to keep revenue at or above expenditures. Just like for-profits they end up run by executives who prioritize bringing money in to sustain the bureaucracy over doing good.

CosmicCleric , avatar

Just like for-profits they end up run by executives who prioritize bringing money in to sustain the bureaucracy over doing good.

I’m going to push back against this part of your comment. You are making an assumption. You can do both, help Humanity AND make money (since we live in a society that requires money to exist).

guacupado ,

Feel free to enlighten them on how to run a beneficial company with no income.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Government grants… A là Lockmart.

Bahalex ,

“he spun off the company Second Sight with three cofounders in 1998”

The rest of the sentence from your quote. The company that put these implants into people was, from what I understand, indeed for profit.

CosmicCleric , avatar

Kind of hard to operate a company without also making money doing so. The two are not mutually exclusive to each other.

HawlSera ,

He should have made it open sauce

Snapz ,

You’re giving a roundabout justification for regulation.

It should not be their choice when are discussing items/services that impact health this directly. Buy the ticket (release product and profit) take the ride (support for the life of installed user base at least).

anarchy79 , avatar

Regulation is the only way the capitalist model works. Think about it, limiting capitalism is a majorly important part of making any part of it work because it’s so backwards.

doctorcrimson ,

Open Source can and very often is profitable, though. Large companies like to trade technologies as assets, but a lot of people don’t realize that as individuals they can claim full rights and ownership over their product while also making it free to use and modify.

vsh , avatar

How the hell would you even recharge an open source retina? This isn’t your typical PC app.

ChewTiger ,

The same as a closed source one? What does charging something have to do with an app? I’m not even sure what you’re saying.

vsh , avatar

I don’t know either, and I think OP didn’t read the article. What the fuck is open source limb? Open source retina? What does recharging mean in that context? Swapping the battery or faceplanting on an inductive charger?

Or perhaps OP meant manually updating your eye instead of relying on a company? But in that case, a battery swap is not even related to open/closed source topic.

LrdThndr ,

Open source hardware is a thing. See: raspberry pi, pine64, etc.

In hardware, open source means the schematics are available and the device is built with commonly available components; eg: no proprietary chips, standard discrete components, pcb schematics and plans available.

vsh , avatar

Now it makes sense. It would be better if people started calling it “open hardware” instead of extending open source to cover the transparency of the hardware’s design.

Open source is originally associated with software and refers to source code that is made freely available and can be modified and redistributed.

Open hardware means that the design specifications, schematics, and related information are made freely available for users to study, modify, and distribute.

Chakravanti ,

Fuck that. Free & Open Source Software ONLY for ANY bioimplant tech.

olutukko ,

Why not just any tech? It’s already obsolete. Nobody is going to profit from it. Why not let couple nerds tinker with it?

Chakravanti ,

Fuck ANY. ALL or STFU and you have no right to broadcast any kind of deception of the people en masse no less.

olutukko ,

Jesus calm down lmao

Chakravanti ,

Stop reading emoji’s in text just because you’re sensitive. Jesus would little to no respect for your emotion inserted into others instead of being a true reading. Because it shows that you’re the ignorant narcissist.

Sure, there’ll be plenty to disagree with me but it doesn’t matter. I’m telling you the truth that you’re broadcasting about your emotional stuckage. IDGAF what people read when there’s nothnng there so I’m going ti ignore what you’re trying to say to me unless you somehow learn to pull the truth, pusher.

olutukko ,

What the hell man😂😂 maybe answer to the right comment next time

Edit: unless this really was answer you meant for me in which case I just have no fucking clue what you’re trying to say

Chakravanti ,

Don’t read emotions in words because there are none. I don’t emoji and I do what I can to be technically accurate. Doesn’t stop people from making assumptions about my emotions any time I type.

Stop assuming people have emotions just because you do when reading their words.

olutukko ,

Maybe write in a way that doesn’t include word like stfu then. Those sound quite mad. Also you calling me narcistic etc. Really makes you soind mad as hell so if it’s a common problem for you that people assume your emotions wrongly then it’s on you. Then your writing is shit. Also none of your comment hasnt been emotionless or technically accurate😂😂

Chakravanti ,

Reading emotions is on you. You think you know something from reading anything is narcissistic. You need an explanation of why? Easy.

Explaining that the readings your pulling being doubled by others is, at best, mass delusion. Much more likely is you prodding for something you know jack shit about and instead probing with an assumption. I repeat, an assumption. Something you have absolutely zero basis but if you’re right, then I’ll react some obvious giving way.

You’re not. You know jack fucking squat and it’s fucking obvious.

Cussing is not an emotion, BTW. It’s just my habit. One I care not to discard because it expresses exactly what I mean.

But by all means, do your business and explain why you read emotions in my words.

olutukko ,

If you think your writing dont give away tone of emotion and the people are narcistics if they assume your emotion based on your writing then you are pretty fucking stupid. Words have emtional wight that transfer trough text. And you started this nonsense text wars after me saying calm down which is pretty fucking ridiculous. Have a nice holidays, hope you meet a lot of fellow redditors who you can argue about the stupidest shit with

Chakravanti ,

Calm down was sarcasm mocking your statement of assumption.

ArmokGoB ,

IDK, I probably wouldn’t want every anon having access to the source code for my cybereyes, let alone something like a pacemaker. Companies should be legally mandated to maintain devices like these for the average human life expectancy.

areyouevenreal ,

Missing the fact Open Source software is generally more secure because more people are looking at the code. You don’t need to see the source to find a vulnerability, you do need it to patch one properly though.

Winter8593 ,

Security through obscurity is not security


It’s definitely one layer of security. If it’s your only layer then you’re in trouble.

Chakravanti ,

Ignorance. You don’t understand any of the philosophy or the conduct of FOSS let alone close source.

But…here…sign right here where the CIA/NSA/FBI/ETC. get any and all right to fuck you over any time the want to for any fucking reason.

Duamerthrax ,

This shit should be eminent domained and open sourced. It’s in the public’s best interest to have this tech available and if the people who invested in making it don’t want to support it or sell it to a company that will, they don’t need it anymore.

anarchy79 , avatar


ExfilBravo ,

Sorry but you are obsolete sir. The suicide booth is right around the corner. You’ll have to wait for bender to finish though.

Graphy ,

The sad part is we’re not even allowed suicide booths.

El_guapazo ,

This was the plot line to the movie Robots. The solution was socialized medicine.

Brunbrun6766 , avatar

Fuck me I haven’t watched that in some time…time for a rewatch

Azzu ,

Yeah no wonder that was only in a sci fi movie, that really just sounds too unrealistic.

Why9 ,

A more sinister example was Repo Men. In that movie, the tech still worked, but people were no longer able to keep up with the extortionate payments that came with the implant.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

*Repoman: the musical

randomaside , avatar

Zydrate comes in a little glass vile

Tier1BuildABear , avatar

A little glass vial?

LrdThndr ,

I love how this was somehow both the next line of the song AND snarkily correcting their spelling.

Tier1BuildABear , avatar

Lmao to be fair it was mostly to continue the song, but I did notice that XD

sagrotan , avatar

Repo Men: The Concept Album by Andrew Lloyd Ripper

Ookami38 ,

Wait is that a different movie than repo: the genetic opera?

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,
lando55 ,

Ordinary fuckin’ people

SirSnuggleBottom ,

Lol, I thought it was Eminem in the second poster.

Ookami38 ,

I mean it’s the same plot as repo: the genetic opera, genetic opera is just set to music. They grow artificial organs, sell em, and If you can’t afford to pay, they repo them. Paris Hilton gets her face ripped off. It’s great.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

😂 I’m not sure if that’s enough to make me want to see it, but it’s a big selling point!

Ookami38 ,

It’s a wild ride for sure

tslnox ,

Zydrate comes in a little glass vial

bitwolf ,

I always bring up that movie and “Otherlife” when I rant about the importance of open source.

Kolanaki , avatar

I had heard about these two patients years ago, and I still can’t believe the doctor’s death was this much of a set back. Did he write nothing down? Or did the company itself simply mismanage everything about this shit? This article makes it sound like the latter.

lolcatnip ,

It’s pretty common for people to have specialized knowledge that’s only in their heads. In the software biz it’s pretty much assumed that losing an engineer means losing some important knowledge, too.

nutsack ,

if the company is functioning properly this is absolutely not the case

lolcatnip ,

I guess I’ve never worked for a company that functions properly, then. They must be pretty rare.

nutsack ,

it is

dannym ,

it’s so rare that it basically only exists in well run companies and well run FOSS projects (which are few and far between)

gentooer ,

We have daily meetings in the software team just to battle this

onlinepersona ,

Daily what? 😪

CheeseNoodle ,

They stopped existing when the relationship between companies and their employees became a directly adversarial one.

vithigar ,

Even if absolutely everything is documented there is still the loss of familiarity and comfort working with a given system.

Having perfectly documented processes still might mean that a new engineer could take multiple hours following instructions to do what the person who originally built the system managed off the top of their head in fifteen minutes.

such_haxx ,

In these advanced and complex spaces loosing an employee and starting someone new is like starting a university degree. Shure, the knowledge exists and you can “just read the books”. But that takes a fuckton of time in which the new guy is not productive AND needs someone else time to teach them.

So it’s a really big loss.

nutsack ,

documentation and knowledge sharing my dude

afraid_of_zombies ,

Oh shit where can I get a job with one those properly functioning companies? Because my job right now I got was because I was able to figure out on the interview what the guy before me was doing and the same thing happened with my previous employer.

Stern , avatar

The ol’ Bus Factor

Patches , (edited )

HR told us we have to call it the Lottery Factor

tslnox ,

Why? What’s bad about busses?

Patches ,

Talking about your coworkers dying is generally frowned upon. Though it provides the clearest picture of John is gone, and not coming back.

tslnox ,

Oh. Makes sense.

BlackNo1 ,

you better start believing in cyberpunk dystopias


JohnEdwa ,

Can’t wait to have to get a mandatory firmware update before my eyes or legs or something like that works again. I just hope Microsoft doesn’t get in on the cybernetics business or it’ll randomly happen while driving on the highway or forcefully fill your vision with blinding light for half an hour when you are trying to sleep.

ouRKaoS ,

You must agree to the terms of service before we restore function to your hands. Sign here.

Azal ,

Please drink verification can to continue

Lev_Astov , avatar

We have altered the terms of service. Pray we do not alter them any further.

RGB3x3 ,

Somehow, Microsoft has returned.

OldQWERTYbastard ,

Still might want to practice on a hot dog or something afterwards though.

Burn_The_Right ,

Ready to finish signing up for Microsoft One Drive?

Please press: YES or OK

YoorWeb ,


bruhduh , avatar

I have some pretty bad news for you, Elon musk is doing cybernetics business with it’s neuralink

ChewTiger ,

I’d take Microsoft shot over anything Musk.

bruhduh , avatar


scottywh ,

Not likely for long enough to acclimate …

Joke’s on you?

lando55 ,

Read this in Scare Tactics voice

tetris11 , avatar
bruhduh , avatar

Ez in cyberpunk you have to pay lotta money to stay alive as was showed in anime cyberpunk edgerunners if you’re average human going on average job then you fucked and it’s much much worse than today’s America healthcare

Exusia , (edited ) avatar

It’s not like all chrome is as sexy sleek as V or Rebecca.

There’s one lore pickup that sticks with me. It’s the “top employers” in Night City. The people who are employed by these 5 comprise the middle class.

spoilerArasaka offers the lowest contractual obligation to work for at 20 years. Biotechnica offers six vacation days a year (current Americans average 11 PTO days at 40 hours a week) But the above is small potatoes when you read Nightcorp: ONLY(!) 80 hour workweek. For family focused people!

Not being pedantic but also as you walk around look at the lifestyles of the charachters. River and Judy are successful legally employed people, and look at their home situation. Their houses and how much chrome they afford. Their weapons comprise of the very basics. How much tech do they have that wasn’t illegally obtained or had their job pay it off? Judy works mosly with chrome as far as BDs go. River is ex-NCPD, and he only affords prosthetic arms that are reminiscent of Gorilla Arms but it doesn’t have skin or look great - they’re functional. In addition to a prosthetic eye that doesn’t even try to be humanlike, like V’s Kiroshi Optics.

The average citizen puts in an assload of work for their chrome and its hard to sustain yourself. I know they respawn but how many times do you just see Maelstrom on a sidewalk? How many out-and-about Valentinos? Most people can’t afford the nice chrome, or healthcare (as shown by David’s mom) and get by on their bills through theft or violence. Maelstrom chrome is a hack job. Rebecca funded all her work through being part of a successful criminal enterprise. Maine being the reason they even have the connection and payments with Faraday. Compare the Edgerunners chrome to the average Tyger Claw, and it’s easier to see that they are the ideal gang, not the average.

Pickle_Jr ,

I can’t wait for when medical implants require a subscription so that I can routinely pay to live a normal life!

/s because it seems like it’s still needed even if it feels obvious

MaxVoltage , (edited ) avatar

As an amputee believe that would still be an amazing improvement

solely for me as an american tho with kick ass medicaid they do anything for us

my austrian made leg is more engineered than my car and dont even ask me about the one made in Cali

Dkarma ,

Super that’s 2000$ a month now under a subscription plan in the usa

otp ,

Isn’t this already how medication works anyway?

lolcatnip ,

Kind of like prescription drugs? I’m already living that dream!

Aleric ,


  • Loading...
  • Pickle_Jr ,

    Hey now, dontcha know they mark up prices if you pay with insurance? It’s how the drug companies get even more money!

    If you quit your job, the medication might actually be only $4k!


    KairuByte , avatar

    Actually, no joke, most drug companies will happily give you coupons or even free meds. They already got everything they can out of your insurance, they’ll happily bump that $700 out of pocket cost to $10.

    Azal ,

    Friend of mine just had to shell out $3000 for prescription drugs just for survival. Yes he’s on insurance.

    DarthBueller ,

    My ex-wife once got intestinal worms. The medicine to get rid of them, which has been on the market forever, and which is on the short list of medicines that the WHO says should be freely available to everyone as a matter of public health? $800 for Americans, literally free everywhere else in the world. Apparently intestinal worms are now so uncommon in the US that the drug is only distributed in extremely small quantities, which The Invisible Hand apparently allows big pharma to charge a fortune for. I brought in the worm in a jar in case the doctors needed to identify it, and apparently so many of the doctors and nurses had never seen one that they asked us if it was alright for them to pass around to take selfies with it. LOL.

    Azzu ,

    I like to live dangerously and leave my /s’ at home.

    Strobelt ,

    I prefer to keep my /S always behind me

    iAvicenna , avatar

    Would you be interested in our new DLC which can reduce the side effects of our medical implant by %90?

    Exec , avatar

    FYI This article is from February 2022.

    ArmokGoB ,

    Some shit literally out of a cyberpunk dystopia:

    Others find their mods deactivated and drug regimens terminated when their gender subscriptions end. Several thousand “Platinum” and “Sunset Rose” gender subscribers recently found themselves in critical medical distress when Prakhet Identity Studios was bankrupted by rogue operators. In a spirit of public service, Nova Vida is generously providing a discounted, time-limited upgrade opportunity for these consumers into their similar but fuller-featured “Cordova” and “Spartan” gender products.

    — Kevin Crawford, Cities Without Number

    ChaoticEntropy , avatar

    Fuck. That is grim.

    That’s a high pressure sell from Nova Vida.

    Kyatto , avatar

    Being Trans I already have to live with a gender subscription.

    roguetrick ,

    Second Sight’s long-term plan was always to pivot to a brain implant that would bypass the eye altogether and directly stimulate the visual cortex.

    The number of blind folks who are receptive to electrical retinal stimulation was always too small for this business model. These crooks knew that and pumped investors for a non existent hope that this would somehow translate into a non existent technology. Suprise suprise, you can't magic your way into these things.

    The entire operation was always doomed to turn out this way.

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