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PeepinGoodArgs ,

Just concede the point. Why should we work hard enough?

Inept ,

Someday you could be part of a daily talk show panel and parrot whatever confirmation bias your audience “needs.”

PeepinGoodArgs ,

When Whoopi retires, I’ll take her spot.

kaitco ,

Yes, but will you be able to replicate the asinine things she’s said over the last decade or so? That’s what’s most important.

Pons_Aelius ,

The older generations have always seen the younger generations as lazy

“They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.”

“Our youth love luxury. They have bad manners and despise authority. They show disrespect for their elders and love to chatter instead of exercise. Young people are now tyrants, not the servants of their household. They no longer rise when their elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up food and terrorize their teachers.”
Rhetoric, Aristotle, 4th Century BC

People have always whinged about young adults. Here's proof

Why old people will always complain about young people

oehm , (edited )

Is that Aristotle or Socrates? I’m seeing both being attributed to the quote.

Edit: Also Plato… found this not sure if reputable but appears to be a quote from 1907

admiralteal ,

Probably invented, but it's worth pointing out that Socrates did not write. Most of his stuff came from Plato or others.

The Ancient Greeks also had a fundamentally different idea of what it meant to be a historian. It wasn't a fact and evidence-driven field, as it is thought of today. Herodotus, for example, regularly wrote stuff in the framing of "I wasn't there and it was many scores of years ago, but if I HAD been there this is what I would've seen happen", so to speak. Assuming he was a real person and not an invented personality.

kureta ,

I remember finding the source. It was a doctoral thesis on education in the ancient Greece, and that passage was like a summary of the sentiment in source texts, written by the author of the thesis.

edit; found the source text.

PeleSpirit ,

Who are the older generations that think that though? It’s the out of touch wealthy. Don’t fall for it, they’re trying to divide the less than 1%. We should all fight for living wages, free health care, student loan forgiveness for everyone.

jasondj ,

Idk man. I used to think that my kids are badly behaved and I would’ve never gotten away with that when I was a kid…but the reality is I was just as much of a little shit, the only difference now is we all finally decided that hitting kids is bad. Repressed trauma’s a hell of a drug.

stella ,

The big takeaway from this is that change doesn’t happen until the old guard dies.

We can’t reason with them. All we can do is wait for them to die of natural causes.

Thank god death is built-in to the universe, or else we’d never solve these problems.

Pons_Aelius ,

The big takeaway from this is that change doesn’t happen until the old guard dies.

Not quite.

The takeaway is that every year the old guard that died is replaced by a new group that ages into being grumpy old fucks.

I'm old GenX and have watched many people who used to be radicals when they were young turn into reactionary old fucks when they hit their 40s and 50s.

And people in your cohort will do the same as they age.

Bartsbigbugbag ,

That hasn’t been happening. Millennials are moving further left with age. My take is that the previous trend of moving right as you age relied upon your life getting more comfortable as you age. You buy a house, you have two cars, you get to start going on vacations, you have assets you need to secure. That isn’t happening for Millennials. We’re not getting anymore comfortable as we age. We have nothing to conserve.

That said, I see so little radicalism in millennials compared to Gen Z. My generation is a bunch of liberals still trapped in corporate fairy tales about peaceful protesting and voting harder. Gen Z reminds me more of the generation of the turn of the 20th century. They’re not tolerating this shit.

HeyJoe ,

As someone who falls into this category, yes I have a mortgage, yes I have kids, yes it’s insanely hard to juggle it all and keep your head above water… I have worked hard since 15 years old with only 2 times since having longer than 2 weeks off consecutively and I just turned 40. My job is fair, but can have long hours, on call, and work on weekends. The salary seems great, but where I live, plus being 2023 it just barely cuts it. As it is now I can get by, but my future for retirement looks pretty bleak right now. My wife has a decade old student loan that’s $500 a month and interest has basically kept it there and I have no way to afford paying over that amount which even if I did would still take 10 more years to possibly pay it off so this loan is for life.

So stagnant wages, student loan debt, rising costs on everything, no programs to help middle class, and finally the need for services or certifications that appear to be needed more and more for everything which also takes your money. If I can barely get by I don’t want to see how people less fortunate seem to do it… I honestly think about what if I didn’t have kids probably weekly because it seems like the better decision for survival. It’s messed up that you can do everything right yet still feel so close to failure at any given emergency. So screw her and her so called “hard life”. People our age do deserve better and more needs to be done to help. You know how much of a difference it would make if we had free daycare like some other countries? That’s just one thing and it would turn my life around tremendously. There is so much that can be done, but it never does.

alphapuggle ,

Idk man sounds like you’re just not working hard like Whoopi is.

Have you tried making coffee at home??

FoundTheVegan , avatar

Lay off the avocado toast!

Potatisen ,

I have worked hard since 15 years old with only 2 times since having longer than 2 weeks off consecutively and I just turned 40.

Holy Fuck! That sounds like a nightmare. How do you accept everything happening around you?

RedBike23 ,

I turn 40 next month and I’ve done everything right and I’m BARELY keeping up.

I got good grades in school. I did as much community college as I could and then my parents paid for the rest of my bachelor’s. I worked hard at my jobs. I put myself through school for another degree so I could move up (and paid for it out of my savings, no loans). I had two kids and went back to work. I paid the crippling $3k a month to have them in daycare. I moved closer family to get their help after school. I drive a modest car and I live in a modest house. I have no vices - no drugs, no alcohol, no gambling. I cook my own food and do my own cleaning. I worked a “side hustle” for most of my 20s and early 30s (writing, making maybe 500-1k a month). I’ve saved everything I didn’t spend on rent, food, and utilities. I’ve never bought a coffee, or traveled outside the US, or traveled much at all. I am in good health. I married a good partner, and he’s a software engineer with no debt.

I literally did everything right, and yet we are behind on savings, we can’t afford to repair anything but the absolute essentials on our home, and we’re counting the days until we write our last daycare check so we can start… saving for college.

It’s hard not to think that shelling out over $140k to the daycare over the past 7 years didn’t have something to do with it.

And then there are my 79-year-old parents, watching my husband and I run this treadmill, and scratching their heads in wonder. We have so much less than they did at my age, and yet we have two incomes! How are we not living in absolute luxury?!

What a different world they lived in. Sometimes, when I feel like feeling bad, I remember that my dad’s pension pays him more every month than I earn doing my 40 hour a week software developer job. A pension! Imagine being paid while not even working.

(It was definitely the kids that did us in - I often think about how much more secure we would be without the daycare costs.)

halfempty , avatar

Somewhere along the line, Whoopi became a Hillary Clinton clone.

cmbabul ,

Pretty much around when she joined the View, maybe a bit before

jonne ,

It’s a simple bargain: you just say whatever Disney wants you to say, and they’ll just keep shoveling money in your direction.

Lophostemon ,

Yeah Whoopy, I think you are totally on the money.

That is to say, you have too much money and you are totally out of touch.

alquicksilver , avatar

“I’m sorry — if you only want to work four hours, it’s going to be harder for you to get a house,” she said

What a joke. I spent the better part of the last three years working 70 hour weeks until I burned myself to a crisp. I’m much better off financially than many people my age, yet I am somehow still years away from homeownership and starting a family - if I ever can.

Maybe Whoopi should retire and let a millennial do her job for her pay. Not me; I don’t think I’d be able to work as hard as her. 🙄

I wish famous people would just shut up if they’re going to say stupid shit. I don’t want her tainting my TNG rewatch.

Poggervania , avatar

I don’t want her tainting my TNG rewatch.

That’s when you learn to separate the art from the artist. Gunian has some rather wise words to say; Whoopi says some banal shit at times.

9488fcea02a9 ,

I dunno… I could actually see guinan spouting off some bullshit about hard work

“You know, that lt barclay spends all his time on the holodeck… If he worked a little harder in engineering, he could afford a… Oh wait, we live in a post-scarcity society. He already has all has basic needs met.”

Zahille7 ,

Tbh I think one of the only celebrities I’m able to separate the art from the artist, is probably Tom Cruise.

Goddamn can he make an entertaining movie even though he’s absolutely batshit.

SeaJ ,

Who the fuck does she know that only works four hours?

Even if wages kept up with inflation, housing prices sure as hell have not. The house I own sold for $62k back in 1988 which is about $163k today. We bought it for well over twice that eight years ago. We could probably sell it for $600k. It is one of the cheaper houses in the city. How the fuck are people starting out supposed to afford that? I get that she has little concept of housing prices anymore but you would think worry her growing up in public housing, she would be a little more sympathetic to people having a hard time. But I guess she is taking the “fuck you, I got mine route.”

otp ,

Who the fuck does she know that only works four hours?

Getting paid as if we only worked 4 Boomer hours, I guess?

jonne ,

The only person she knows that works 4 hours/week is herself.

Zahille7 ,

The rest of the time is spent playing Diablo on her Mac apparently

jonne ,

You sure you couldn’t just talk bullshit for like an hour every weekday? I do that shit for free now.

rivermonster ,

Whoopie needs what I like to call DAMP therapy (dark alley metal pipe).

DemBoSain , avatar

Whenever Whoopi says something stupid, just remember she once trotted out Ted Danson in black-face and didn’t understand why people were offended.

Drusas ,

This from the woman who once-upon-a-time thought black people couldn't be actors in mainstream media?

She should reflect on how environment, upbringing, and socioeconomics can affect people.

spider ,

Apparently she’s on a roll:

In a slip-up on “The View” Wednesday, Whoopi Goldberg suggested Jill Biden, who has a doctorate in education, be appointed surgeon general if her husband wins the 2020 presidential election, calling her a “hell of a doctor.”



I always knew she was dumb, but I didn’t know she was that dumb.

TheBat , avatar

Hollywood has rallied behind Roman Polanski after his arrest in Switzerland over the weekend, with the actor Whoopi Goldberg suggesting that whatever he was guilty of it wasn’t “rape-rape”.

As a guest on The View chatshow on US television, she said: “I know it wasn’t rape-rape. It was something else but I don’t believe it was rape-rape. He went to jail and and when they let him out he was like, ‘You know what, this guy’s going to give me a hundred years in jail. I’m not staying.’ So that’s why he left.”…/roman-polanski-whoopi-goldberg

girltwink ,

it wasn’t rape-rape

It almost never is. Reminds me of that one scene in Bottoms. “Gray area stuff counts too.”

andrew_bidlaw ,

Haven’t seen her acting in like a decade. She probably doesn’t have time with how hard she works now.

norske ,

Yeah. And now look at how we’re all here bitching about this instead of planning an appetizer course for when we get hungry to eat some fattened rich fucks.

vividspecter ,

“Every generation is told, ‘You’re gonna do worse than your parents,’

What? The historical expectation is that every generation will be better off than the last. That hasn’t held in recent years, which is a problem.

jonne ,

If you’re raking in easy TV pundit money, you’re going to get out of touch real quick. That’s why watching TV is just so weird these days. It’s all millionaires that haven’t held a normal job in decades saying we’re just not working hard enough.

Zahille7 ,

Tbh it’s mainly why I watch YouTube nowadays…

girltwink ,

I once thought that if i could ever make six figures, I’d be set for life. I could have anything i wanted. Now i make multiple times that number and i can still barely afford a house that’s big enough for my family of 3. I’m house poor and an emergency could bankrupt me in an instant. I’m in the top like 0.1% of income earners. What the fuck?

there1snospoon ,

What housing market are you in? City?

girltwink ,

Portland, OR. My budget realistically maxes out around 600k, and so far at that price all i can find are weird houses from 100 years ago with various flaws or in bad neighborhoods. Good houses seem to start around 750k.

jonne ,

Haha, not quite making as much as you, but I’m doing significantly better than the average person and saving is just impossible. Groceries, energy and basically every other inelastic good just crept up to take up an increasingly big slice of the budget. It’s all shit you can’t easily cut.

Then you hear conservatives talk about the fertility rate, and young people not having kids and you just think to yourself: “I can’t afford to add kids to a family, we’re barely getting by as it is.”. The family values people don’t give a shit about the economics of having one.

AnarchoSnowPlow ,

Family values == “create more laborers plebe”


How??? What kind of house do you live in? What kind of car do you drive?

girltwink ,

I haven’t bought a house yet. Been house shopping for about 4 months trying to find something in my budget. I drive a beat up old Honda Civic.

stella ,

If you make >$200,000/year and still struggle to find housing, you’re the problem. It’s sad how people like you feel they need more money when so many others, somehow, get by with significantly less. Why should you get it before them?

Probably because you feel entitled to live on the West Coast. You just want to ignore supply and demand.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Probably because you feel entitled to live on the West Coast.

I don’t even understand this comment. Should the West Coast be completely unpopulated aside from rich people?

jonne ,

Obviously people should live where the jobs aren’t.

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