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penbed400 , in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

What a terrible pandering article. It essentially brings up 3 points:

Employees don’t make enough without tips: If employees are having to rely on the kindness of customers for a living wage then they should be angry at their bosses, not the customers. If businesses don’t make enough to pay their employees a living wage then they should raise their prices. If raising their prices means customers stop coming in then they don’t have a sustainable business model.

Reminds people that their is a tipped hourly wage that is $2.13: Apparently this category of worker is twice as likely to be in poverty so we should just tip to subsidize? How about we abolish that law? Fuck the government for continuing to subsidize shitty business practices by allowing a law to exist that statistically shows a 100% increase in the likelihood a citizen will be in poverty. Also this argument is already immediately moot for a majority of states which either don’t allow tipped wages or already tie tipped wages to minimum wage so that you can’t be paid less than your states minimum wage. Honestly this argument is so stupid it reminds me of people who say they can’t earn more money because they’ll make less money because they don’t understand progressive tax brackets. What a shallow analysis by NPR.

“You hurt my feelings when you don’t tip like you don’t value my labor”: Fuck you. Your boss doesn’t value your labor. My job as a customer isn’t to pay you for doing your job. I obviously value your labor because I’m buying stuff at the store that you work at. Your boss doesn’t value your labor. It’s just easier for you to bully and guilt customers into paying your wage rather than demand your rightful value from your employer.

SheeEttin ,

this argument is already immediately moot for a majority of states which either don’t allow tipped wages or already tie tipped wages to minimum wage so that you can’t be paid less than your states minimum wage

This is a federal law. In no state can you make less than $7.25/hr at a tipped job. If tipped wage plus tips doesn’t make that, the employer must make up the difference.

At least that’s the law. I’m sure some shitty employers don’t follow it. We should get rid of the whole “tipped wage” thing entirely and pay everyone a living wage.

Mr_Blott ,

Fuck me, I just converted the minimum wage in France, which is considered quite low, into dollars

$12.65 :(

Considering the horrific rent prices, food prices and basic utilities like internet, $7.25 is slave wages

SheeEttin ,


After adjusting for inflation, this is the lowest it’s been since 1945.…/real-nominal-value-minimum-wage-us…

A few more years, and minimum wage will be worth less than it was when it was created in 1938.

partial_accumen ,

In fairness 29 US states or territories have minimum wage higher that that federal minimum of $7.25/hour

Still nearly every state’s minimum wage is still too low.

penbed400 ,

You’re right, I thought it was tied to state minimum wages which some don’t have but it’s tied to federal minimum wages which makes more sense. I suppose that just makes the original argument even more moot though.

DoomBot5 ,

We should get rid of the whole “tipped wage” thing entirely and pay everyone a living wage.

Except one of the largest groups against this are those tipped employees. They rather you keep giving tips instead of earning minimum wage.

We need to increase minimum wage to a livable level at the same time of getting rid of this trash law.

lagomorphlecture ,

Wow people who make $2/hr in 2023 are more likely to be in poverty huh? I never would have guessed that paying poverty wages would work out that way. Color me shocked.

Anyhow I am not against tipping, per se, because I think people who do a great job could be given a little something to reward that but now I just tip out of guilt because I don’t know if that person is going to starve to death if I don’t. Wages should be livable and tips should be a reward for doing an amazing job.

Ertebolle , in Teachers in England will have to tell parents if children question their gender

Hopefully, the rest of the EU holds the line on this, so that when the British come crawling back in a few years with their economy in tatters, they're forced to roll back all of this barbaric Tory social legislation as a condition of readmittance.

CrabAndBroom ,

My dream Brexit outcome is that Scotland eventually gets a second referendum and leaves, then joins the EU by itself, then vetoes the rest of the UK when it tries to rejoin.

I’m not Scottish and this outcome would kind of fuck me over personally as well, but it would be hilarious and we’d fully deserve it.

incognito_15 , in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

Tbh, I’ve got tipping rage. I breeze past the tip screen, and even this article that’s sympathetic to tipping culture won’t change my mindset. I’m being asked to tip for things that never asked for one before the pandemic, all while the prices of the goods have gone up. I’m already paying more for the food/goods. How dare you ask for more? I’m tired of being fleeced for even more money. If you didn’t do anything beyond your job to prepare my order, and you’re not actively waiting on me at a sit down restaurant, then I pay the cost of the good. If your employer isn’t paying you enough, take it up with them.

Prox ,

Corporate profits are hitting record highs but yet we, the customer, are expected to prop up wages? Nah, I’m with this guy.

rynzcycle , in Teachers in England will have to tell parents if children question their gender

I gave up teaching two years after moving to the UK, it's an absolute mess.

I can only imagine needing to fill out the "inform the parent" form and then immediately needing to fill out a safeguarding form (something you fill out any time you note anything like bruises, comments, out of sort actions, etc.). It's absolutely tragic.

Th4tGuyII , avatar

Exactly. Puts you in a position where not only are you legally required to potentially put a child in direct line of fire by ousting them, you then can't then do jack about it until the situation turns visibly abusive.

I've been arguing it out with someone that safeguarding absolutely includes (or should've included) the right of teachers (or more so the school) to not disclose information that could potentially lead to abuse.

Teachers are usually the first non-parental authority figures kids will go to with these types of questions, and now they're being cut off from that safe space.

Strict surveillance doesn't raise more honest people, it raises better liars.

orphiebaby , (edited ) in Sleeping woman run over and killed by lawnmower avatar

Look, this is horrific and sad. But I just want to add that this Lemmy post’s title has the unfortunate pacing and wording of a parody or comedy. Like a “Grandma got run over by a reindeer” kinda thing.

Edit: Don’t downvote me, fam. You don’t think this exact memo would have been passed between commercial newspaper editors? “Hey, uh. Don’t you think this wording is a little insensitive?”

Pixlbabble OP ,

I actually edited and then I flustered on the community part, restarted and forgot to edit it again. I agree 100 percent.

orphiebaby , avatar

I like the Lemmy community. There’s some crap here, but I’ve been mostly having good experiences with people. Thanks for contributing to this impression. ^^

Pixlbabble OP ,

I’m trying here more than ever. With 5 posts, it’s like 150% of my Reddit contributions lol.

PenguinJuice , in ‘Your heart races a bit’: US weather man threatened with death for mentioning climate crisis

If someone is trying to silence you, you know you're onto something....

Streisand Effect in full effect here.

mercano , in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen avatar

It seems like everyone would be better off if we did away with tipping and paid works a fair wage instead. Employees would know how much they’re taking home every week, and customers wouldn’t feel pressured about how much they should add on. This is already standard at many restaurants for larger parties. Just do it for everyone, and build the price into the food, rather than as an add-on.

mosiacmango , in Airbnb is adding cleaning fees to a new 'total price' of bookings in search results after people complained listings were misleading

This is partly because they have to do this by law in Australia, so you can go to the site and use it to book rooms today with these settings.

They are just making the “hack” official to try to end run more laws compelling them to do so.

orphiebaby , in Detainees and advocates decry 'horrific' conditions at Louisiana ICE detention center avatar

This country is a disaster.

Puppy , in ‘Your heart races a bit’: US weather man threatened with death for mentioning climate crisis avatar

It's really weird how in the rest of the world, climate change is an accepted scientific fact. We ain't doing much about it, that's true but at least we aren't straight up denying it like some Americans... what is it with the US always having the dumbest of the dumb? Or maybe they are just super loud?

Idk it's weird.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

They’re super loud and have the backing of loud megaphones in industry and media, same as y’all. I wouldn’t be surprised if at this point the numbers were similar.

ChaoticEntropy , avatar

People who are willing to put ethics to the side are able to making a lot money in the US and nothing speaks louder than money.

Mr_Blott ,

Also a country full of people who own obnoxious, selfish, vain gas guzzlers, who actively ridicule anyone trying to drive a sensible car, and cancel out all the effort the rest of us are at least trying to do

someguy3 ,

Fox News destroyed America.

amanneedsamaid ,

In the USA, climate change is also an accepted scientific fact. These people are idiots.

Thekingoflorda , avatar

That’s not true, all countries of the world have groups / politcal parties that deny science. It’s the “easy” way, and some people prefer to believe in the easy way, instead of reasonably concluding that reality is not easy.

Puppy , avatar

At least in Canada and most of the European countries, these people are mocked out of public space. Only in the US do they have a microphone and that's the point I'm bringing. I know there are stupid people in every country. But why are they taken seriously in the US and not the other countries?

Cosmonauticus ,

Yeah all those massive anti-vaccine protests in Canada and Europe weren’t denying science. And if they were they were just Americans on vacation

Puppy , avatar

200 people from Alberta isn't what I would be considering "massive" my dude lol

We aren't numerous but we still are 38 million people 😅

crowsby , avatar

what is it with the US always having the dumbest of the dumb?

I would gently suggest that Reddit-style hot takes might be better suited remaining on Reddit.

As far as the actual data goes, the Pew Research organization did a survey on attitudes toward climate change by country back in 2019. The main takeaways:

  • Yep, the US lags behind most of Europe in regards to attitudes around climate change. However the disparity is more of shades of gray rather than the dramatic binary situation you described. There are deniers in every single country listed, and even Germany reported a full 27% of their population not considering climate change a serious threat. Sweden had 30%
  • On a longitudinal level, concerns about climate change have increased everywhere, including the US. Between 2013 & 2018, the proportion of US respondents who considered climate change a major threat increased 20%.
  • Unsurprisingly, there's a major partisan gap in the US. 83% of left-leaning respondents considered it a major threat, whereas only 27% of right-leaning ones did.
lolcatnip ,

Does any other country have one if its two biggest political parties officially denying that climate change is real?

Wanderer ,

It’s not far off the UK surprisingly.

From what I gather from online it is very different though. For example our conservative party was the first government in the world to talk publicly about climate change. The view hasn’t really changed (Boris tried to ride the wave of anti global warming for a bit before turning and trying to take credit for renewables). Also our carbon taxes are way higher. In the UK party wise it’s more of a how much are we going to do about climate change.

I like your post but it’s missing nuance I believe. Not that is easily quantifiable.

Sightline ,

Supposedly it’s polarized in Australia too.

theyresocool , in The Rich Are Crazier Than You and Me

I have been around rich people my entire life. Not just rich people, WEALTHY people. Blue bloods. Old steel family money. Wall St families. They are nuts and are not what I would consider as a net positive for society. They’re closed minded, self absorbed, and held hostage by their own dysfunctional and degenerate culture. You could say that about any culture but those cultures don’t wield power.

We need ethical AI to run our basic society and get rid of crazy families like the Sacklers who intentionally poison the populace with drugs.

They killed INNOCENT people intentionally. Like the Nazis did. Think about that.

goldenbug ,

Lol ethical AI

Notyou ,

I feel that ethical AI will be purchased, copyrighted, changed, and reimplmentated faster than most technologies. The problem comes from the owner class changing the code to give pre-approved answers to the masses.

It can easily be another form of control. Like religion, most people will accept it as correct based on their faith and lack of understanding.

HubertManne ,

I feel ethical AI will be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, and numbered!

Lemmylefty , in The Rich Are Crazier Than You and Me avatar

Hey man, I’ve seen you around, posting a bunch of interesting (albeit rather scary: “VC Qanon is not something I wanted to exist…) articles and wanted to thank you for bringing content here.

MicroWave OP , (edited ) avatar

Appreciate the kind words. Yeah, the real world sure is a crazy and interesting place, isn’t it :)

Mr_Blott ,

Appreciate it too! That said, any “news” article that starts with the word “opinion” isn’t news!

MicroWave OP , avatar

True. I couldn’t find a more appropriate place to post this article. Suggestions are welcome!

Lemmylefty , avatar

Something like a “Current Topics”? I haven’t looked but that might cover opinion pieces as well.

Still, I don’t want to get too militant about proper placement of submissions, because being anal about categories being separate and distinct and ne’er the twain shall meet just doesn’t foster as much discussion as letting places be more malleable and take on the flavor of their communities.

Aux , in ‘Your heart races a bit’: US weather man threatened with death for mentioning climate crisis


theyresocool , in ‘Your heart races a bit’: US weather man threatened with death for mentioning climate crisis

It’s crazy to talk to folks with only a couple of grams of brain matter. They say that the weather is changing, but they think magic sky man do it.

Magic sky man scary me no like. Bad man make planet hot because we be naughty.

I used to listen and try to understand when I lived in rural counties in the US. Now all I hear is…


tikitaki , avatar

I used to listen and try to understand when I lived in rural counties in the US. Now all I hear is…


This patronizing attitude is part of the reason politicians like Trump has become popular. He talks to these people who the "civilized" part of the country is totally ignoring. You care about climate change, and so do I. But what if you live near a coal mine that has slowly been phased out? You see your town which your grandfather lived in slowly rots away. You see America as a failing country - you see stores closing. You see people moving away. People dying from opiate overdose. Unemployment and depression

These people have real and legitimate grievances. Their government has failed them - which is why anti-establishment figures like Trump is such a lightning rod for their energy. Then we go and tell them that we need to make sacrifices for the climate. What are they supposed to think? What more do they have to give?

Ignoring these people and pretending like they don't matter or are totally irrational is going to help lead to fascism in this country. Any real revolutionary movement will have to incorporate the whole of America. We need these people on our side.

NotSpez ,

TRhis is an extremely good point. I fear a further polarisatoon of society is almost inevitable, it seems we (different bubbles in society) are slowly drifting apart like tectonic plates. A process like that is hard to slow down, let alone stop or reverse.

theyresocool ,

The people who IDOLIZE Timothy McVeigh will never be on your side I hate to break it to you.

And Fascism is already here. The Nazi rally’s at Madison Square Garden in the 1930’s was an indication of that.

And the Civil War, that was Americas brand of Fascism at the time.

These folks believe in Gods kingdom as the ONLY reality, they don’t look at the world through your lens.

The coal mine closing, rural lands becoming industrial, Sacklers killing their innocent kids, that’s not what drives them.

Fighting the spiritual war is the only thing to do because everything else is literally out of their control.

Their ill placed revenge is always going to be a vote against you.

They were bred that way. We can’t change it. They have to, and that ain’t likely.

Check out Deer Hunting With Jesus by Joe Bageant. It’s a rednecks view of his own people and some predictions that came true.

charlieb , (edited ) avatar

Cry me a river. Clinton had a plan to retrain and retool these coal towns your describing into productive green energy leaders and they rejected it because she eats babies and wind farms kill birds, or whatever. They are totally irrational and I'm not going to keep pretending otherwise. The real government failure is lack of education spending and critical thinking skills (thanks GOP) that is going to take generations to correct.

Edit: I'll add there are sparks of "hope" in rural america now that farmers are seeing the impacts of climate change effecting their yields, I think they are starting to come around. Probably too late, but it's something...

wanderingmagus ,

So how do we prevent the rise of fascism this generation? There’s already serious and increasing calls to violent action, since of which have been acted on, with little to no consequences.

charlieb , avatar

Impossible to say, there is no easy or immediate fix that I can imagine. I've basically accepted the underlying threat of fascism is something we are going to be dealing with for the rest of our time on the planet. Continue to vote to keep fascists off the levers of power, continue to protest whenever they have the levers, and pray the wheels of justice ground finely for enemies of democracy. Perhaps our kids or grandkids will find themselves in a better situation for their times...

archomrade ,

They are totally irrational and I’m not going to keep pretending otherwise

The real government failure is lack of education spending and critical thinking skills (thanks GOP) that is going to take generations to correct.

We do ourselves no favors by reinforcing the cultural divisions drawn by the upper classes “media elite”. We have more in common with rural conservatives than with wealthy liberals, and we should stop pretending otherwise. Continued disenfranchisement only serves to divide us more.

I’ll add there are sparks of “hope” in rural america now that farmers are seeing the impacts of climate change effecting their yields, I think they are starting to come around.

That’s just reality creeping in past the bullshit cultural propaganda of the last 50 years. It has always been true that low-income rural counties share the same problems and interests as the lower class urban progressives. We just need to stop feeding into it.

overzeetop , avatar

These people have real and legitimate grievances. Their government has failed them.

Yes, they do and yes, they think it has. The problem is that they have been in the business of voting for people who campaign on the “Government is bad, vote for us and we’ll show you just how bad we can make it.” It’s their own fucking fault that the government doesn’t work as well as it could. And despite their best efforts we still manage to have rural internet to connect them to the world in places where they would never be able to afford it, interstate roads to send their crops to market and bring every modern amenity to their local stores, a national air transport system to bring them a new liver or kidney after they’ve destroyed theirs, working ports to bring their tractors and 4 wheelers and snowmobiles, billions upon billions of dollars in (otherwise unaffordable) crop insurance and price supports for their products, and an army of adjusters with stacks of cash to rebuild after every tornado, flood, heatwave, snowstorm, hurricane, and forest fire.

The government has not failed them, they have failed their government. Their hand is out whenever they have a bad day, but their memory is wiped out every time they see that all those benefits might cost money.

Confused_Emus ,

There’s only so much handholding you can do for people who actively refuse to listen to facts and science that tell them their way of life, based on the mining of fossil fuels, is long past being sustainable. The best I can offer is my sympathies that they ignored the same writing on the wall that the rest of us have been reading for a couple of decades. It’s on Daddy and Grandpa for not telling their kids that the “family business” is a bad future career choice and not directing them towards something with a more sustainable outlook.

amanneedsamaid ,

I agree with the idea behind this post, and its why I always approach right wingers with an attitude of education. Their opinons (which themselves are caused by legitimate grievances) are accellerated by ignorance. They cant argue or debate because their viewpoint is not a realistic representation of what has to be done. Their platform has turned into a joke, and thats honestly disappointing to see.

The increase in right-wing extremism is only fueling further ignorance, and radicalized ideas never hold up in any kind of evidence-based debate.

hansl ,

I’m going to address a single point here; these people grievances are at this point, unfortunately, the consequences to their own actions.

Hillary had a clear path for moving these rurale areas into future looking manufacturing jobs, and people who would have been helped by those exact investments laughed her off and voted for Trump in trove. Then Trump closed plenty of factories while just boating he’d save jobs the same days those jobs were laid off.

The government didn’t fail them. They failed the government.

SheeEttin ,

If you live somewhere where there’s no work, and you don’t do anything to help yourself, I don’t really have much sympathy. That’s not the government’s problem, it’s yours.

Now if you’re disabled or something that’s a different story, and we do have programs to help those people. But “regular” people who can’t understand that times change shouldn’t hold everyone else back.

cantstopthesignal ,

You can’t engage with people who want to murder their perceived enemies. Sorry that it sucks to live in a rural area, but they have to regain some semblance of sanity before a conversation can take place.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah we absolutely need to find ways to revitalize the rust belt and Appalachia in climate friendly ways. But it should be remembered that when they’re offered compromises that help them I’ve seen plenty get mad. Like yeah Appalachia has suffered for coal’s death, but the jobs aren’t coming back. It just doesn’t take a town to level mountains for coal. And nobody has suffered more for coal’s presence than small coal towns. They’re still poisoned from the mining runoff. And even without decarbonizing coal isn’t coming back. It’s too expensive and inefficient compared to solar and natural gas.

lolcatnip ,

The patronizing attitude is extremely well earned.

uberkalden ,

That’s a cherry picked example. Most of these people have jobs outside of the coal industry. That isn’t why they are like this

tikitaki , avatar

The point wasn't the rare coal town but the perception that pervades the rural areas of this country. It doesn't have to be coal towns - there are similar stories for all smallish cities across the Rust Belt for example. You're focusing on a specific when really the point is that fascism grows only in poor economic situations.

These people are legitimately suffering and they are turning to hate as a response. Trust me, you or me could have easily been in their shoes had we been in their position. But just like they have been swayed to hate, I think it's possible to sway them to socialism as long as you call it something other than socialism.

Zizek has talked about this before where Trump supporters in 2016 were a hair's breadth away from being Bernie supporters. While a bit of a dramatic statement, there is some truth in this. When the economic situation is unstable, radicalism grows in both directions - left and right. Which is why around the same time period we saw an openly socialist candidate for president in the US receive about 6% of the general vote - while we also saw massive Nazi rallies in New York City.

Everything is connected. We are fighting for the hearts and minds of the same people.

uberkalden ,

In theory I agree with everything you said. In this specific example I don’t buy it. The people threatening this weather man aren’t taking that position because climate change legislation is hurting them personally. They’ve just brainwashed by right wing propoganda

tikitaki , avatar

Was more to do with the comment I replied to than the original post

Magic sky man scary me no like. Bad man make planet hot because we be naughty.

I used to listen and try to understand when I lived in rural counties in the US. Now all I hear is…


Sure, people making death threats to weathermen are nutters. But majority of people living in these areas are not so crazy, even ones that lean Trumpers

feedum_sneedson ,

I agree, but Žižek has always annoyed me.

pensivepangolin ,

Sky hot because gay marriage legal

Saneless ,

So you’re saying that temps are rising because we’re releasing all the sun’s stored energy back into the air, and not because some dude likes another man?

Fucking stop it with that nonsense

almar_quigley , in Ford cuts prices on its electric F-150 Lightning pickups by as much as $10,000

And the dealers just pocketed the difference probably.

dhtseany ,

And they’re still incredibly overpriced, even if they’re $10k cheaper

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Average new car costs 45k in America these days

FinalRemix ,

Protip: don’t buy new cars.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Used cars are barely cheaper these days. Saving three grand for an extra 30,000 miles is probably a bad trade.

FinalRemix ,

Oh, I don’t buy anything from a dealer, either. Just got a pickup for 4 grand. Got my sedan 11 years ago for 5 grand… fuck middlemen.

sadreality ,

Sure.... if you can find the value...

flipht ,

I had to buy a car recently. The first five I wanted were sniped by the time I got to the dealership. I wound up having to pay 16k for a 9 year old car with 135k miles on it.

Cars are bonkers across the board right now. I honestly wish I had gone with a smaller new car rather than this older SUV that has already cost me in repairs.

Earthwormjim91 ,

All new cars are overpriced, but this price cut puts the Lightning as cheaper than a comparable gasser F150.

It only comes in an AWD super crew, and includes the better tech package. To get a super crew CLT gasser in 4x4 is about 5k more expensive than the pro trim Lightning, and the Lightning has more features at the base model than the XLT gasser

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