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How is it even possible/practical to obey traffic laws?

I’m talking specifically about obeying the speed limit, doing a full stop at stop signs, etc. After receiving a speeding ticket for doing 53 in a 50, As an experiment I went a full day obeying all traffic laws 100% and it caused so much road rage. For example, there is a 2 lane road near me with a speed limit of 50 (where I...

tikitaki , avatar

I've been driving for about a decade and a half now, including a few years here and there working jobs with a lot of wheel time. Either pizza delivery or cable technician or driving around a box truck.

I have never gotten as much as a speeding ticket. I typically don't speed more than 5~10 mph over the limit. If it's a 35 or 40 in a city area though I will typically stay the speed limit. Sometimes I go a little ham on country roads in the middle of nowhere. I drove through central Florida once at like 4am and I peaked at like 120mph because I hadn't seen another car for at least an hour.

I think it probably depends on your jurisdiction, but nobody really respects the laws. On the interstate near my house, the speed limit is 65 but it might as well be 80. Cops will pass you and people will pass the cops and nobody cares.

I think the speeding laws are just to give the cops a reason to pull you over if they want you - OR a way to get people that are really being crazy. For example if you're going 110 in a 65 you deserve to get pulled over and given a ticket or worse, depending on context.

tikitaki , avatar

Users don’t use adblockers because they don’t want to see ads at all; they they use adblockers because getting a usable web experience requires it.

Users don’t block advertisements; they block annoying advertisements. They block trackers. They block malware. They block privacy invasion.

I block advertisements because I don't want to see any advertisements. They are poison for the mind and I want to eliminate any form of advertisement I can control. Obviously you can't avoid a lot of it - but I can definitely avoid it in my web browser.

I would prefer a subscription based model or a donation based model. For example Wikipedia or Lichess I've donated to because I believe they provide a good service and show no ads. Or for example Kagi which is a search engine that charges a monthly fee.

tikitaki , avatar

but it’s not really viable for the internet as a whole right? Hoping for some spare change from a tiny fraction of your visitors

Why not? It works for kbin/lemmy instances. It works for Wikipedia. It works for Lichess.

Sure, some things like video hosting are going to require a lot more bandwidth / server storage so perhaps those need to be subscription based but I think large swathes of the internet could be turned into a donation/subscription model. it just isn't done that way because it's less profitable.

look at which video games are the most profitable - it's always the free ones. fortnite, league of legends, etc.

tikitaki , avatar

yeah it's still a sort of new frontier but the patreon model I think really should be the way going forward assuming it's possible. everybody gets the content for free, but those who can afford to contribute do so. and to be honest, if you live in a 1st world country throwing a couple bucks here and there isn't that much to ask. for the same price of a lunch at mcdonalds you can give $3 a month for nearly half a year to Wikipedia for example

tikitaki , avatar

I agree in certain circumstances. For example a file manager I don't understand why people use in a terminal. When I need to do like batch deletions or something I can easily just write a couple terminal commands. Everything else I just use the default file manager. Either Finder on MacOS or the Gnome one on Linux.

But stuff like vim, a terminal text editor, is simply more fluid and enjoyable than a GUI program. I've tried using vim plugins for various different GUI text editors like Sublime or VS Code but there's nothing like a personalized vim install. It takes a little bit to get used to the commands, but once you do it's like riding a bike. You just feel faster and muscle memory takes care of the rest. You don't actively think about it

same thing with for example package managers. it's faster to just press my hotkey to open up terminal, type in "sudo dnf install <whatever>" and it's installed. why do we need a GUI here? it doesn't make anything faster. In fact, it just gets in the way.

so some things GUIs don't actually improve. Some they do. It's a per case thing I think

tikitaki , avatar

i find the fall from grace amusing. i've been hating on them for years just because they're a chrome derivative. now they do some telemetry and all of a sudden everyone hates them.

tikitaki , avatar

not open source and based on chrome

why not just use firefox for everything?

tikitaki , avatar

I looked it up and while Firefox has most of the tab features Vivaldi does (tab pinning, tab duplication, moving tabs, muting tabs) it doesn't have tab stacking, which was novel to me

there are a couple firefox addons that more or less replicate this feature in different forms from some brief research

for example tree style tabs is a popular addon

i also found tab stack and simple tab groups although they do not look as streamlined as vivaldi

regardless, thanks for the info. i'm going to try out tree style tabs because it seems like a useful feature for me too that i hadn't considered before

tikitaki , avatar

yeah. you can change font size / change font on a terminal much easier than many GUI applications. and terminal is going to have that same standard apply to everything

Distro suggestions?

Currently running Kali on my laptop as that’s all it was used for. Looking for something more general purpose. Mainly steam for light gaming and being able to install the tools from Kali for stuff like tryhackme. Mostly familiar with Debian, as that’s what Kali is based on, but willing to try something else. Laptop is this...

tikitaki , avatar

Fedora. I'd avoid Ubuntu and its derivatives like Pop! or Arch derivatives. I think Arch is fine, especially if you know what you're doing, but Arch derivatives in my experience are much less stable than for example Ubuntu or Fedora.

But seriously. Fedora. It's the best. Ubuntu is actually fine too but Blue > Orange

tikitaki , avatar

I used to listen and try to understand when I lived in rural counties in the US. Now all I hear is…


This patronizing attitude is part of the reason politicians like Trump has become popular. He talks to these people who the "civilized" part of the country is totally ignoring. You care about climate change, and so do I. But what if you live near a coal mine that has slowly been phased out? You see your town which your grandfather lived in slowly rots away. You see America as a failing country - you see stores closing. You see people moving away. People dying from opiate overdose. Unemployment and depression

These people have real and legitimate grievances. Their government has failed them - which is why anti-establishment figures like Trump is such a lightning rod for their energy. Then we go and tell them that we need to make sacrifices for the climate. What are they supposed to think? What more do they have to give?

Ignoring these people and pretending like they don't matter or are totally irrational is going to help lead to fascism in this country. Any real revolutionary movement will have to incorporate the whole of America. We need these people on our side.

tikitaki , avatar

The point wasn't the rare coal town but the perception that pervades the rural areas of this country. It doesn't have to be coal towns - there are similar stories for all smallish cities across the Rust Belt for example. You're focusing on a specific when really the point is that fascism grows only in poor economic situations.

These people are legitimately suffering and they are turning to hate as a response. Trust me, you or me could have easily been in their shoes had we been in their position. But just like they have been swayed to hate, I think it's possible to sway them to socialism as long as you call it something other than socialism.

Zizek has talked about this before where Trump supporters in 2016 were a hair's breadth away from being Bernie supporters. While a bit of a dramatic statement, there is some truth in this. When the economic situation is unstable, radicalism grows in both directions - left and right. Which is why around the same time period we saw an openly socialist candidate for president in the US receive about 6% of the general vote - while we also saw massive Nazi rallies in New York City.

Everything is connected. We are fighting for the hearts and minds of the same people.

tikitaki , avatar

Was more to do with the comment I replied to than the original post

Magic sky man scary me no like. Bad man make planet hot because we be naughty.

I used to listen and try to understand when I lived in rural counties in the US. Now all I hear is…


Sure, people making death threats to weathermen are nutters. But majority of people living in these areas are not so crazy, even ones that lean Trumpers

tikitaki , avatar

My favorite part

Communities are the lifeblood of the Internet. But on today's Internet, they are not in charge of their own destiny. Instead, they are controlled by the large platforms that hold all the power online. It is time for a change.

It's time for a change all right, lol

What was your first experience using Linux? How old were you? Stick around or did you go back to windows before eventually circling back to Linux?

I’ll go first, I took my mom’s college textbooks which came with discs for a couple distros and failed to install RHEL before managing to get Fedora Core 4 working. The first desktop environment I used was KDE and despite trying out a few others over the years I always come back to plasma. Due to being like 12, I wanted to...

tikitaki , avatar

i probably first got started with linux back when i was around 12 or 13. would make a bunch of usb flash drives and install a new distro every week or two

longest i'd go with one distro was like a month and then i'd make some stupid move and break my system and re-install again.

after a while i went back to windows and then in my early 20s i went back to linux. used arch linux for a bit but then tried fedora and have been using fedora for years

right now my main OS is macos because I have apple silicon but as soon as asahi is more mature i'm gonna switch over back to linux. i do have windows & fedora installation through parallels

How safe is it to eat raw eggs?

I wanted to try a japanese dish called tamago kake gohan, it’s basically raw eggs mixed with rice. The problem is that I’m scared to get salmonella from it. Do you guys think it’s safe to eat them? I’m currently living in Brazil. Also, I saw this article telling that the brand I buy my eggs from is exporting to Japan,...

tikitaki , avatar

Chega de frescura e come o ovo de uma vez

tikitaki , avatar

if you wanna play pool and drink whiskey just go to a pool bar. i've never seen a kid at the billards hall i frequent

kids don't drink beer and play pool

kids get haircuts

tikitaki , avatar

instead of making an effort to change our way of life.

the unfortunate reality is the only way to significantly change carbon emissions in a fast enough time period would essentially mean throwing all of humanity back a couple of centuries in tech and standard of living

you try being a politician who advocates for this. you're not gonna get elected

even worse, convince all the 3rd world countries who are currently developing trying to get their people out of poverty. the chinese have finally gotten the taste for a little bit of meat with their dinner. of course that comes at the cost of mountains of coal being burned.

you tell those hundreds of millions of people that they need to go back to the farms and eat rice for the climate - meanwhile we got our chance to burn as much coal as we wanted to last century.

the reality is that we won't be able to stop climate change. the reality is that we're going to have to learn to live with it. and we will. climate change will not destroy us. it will destroy many species, will destroy many habitable zones. but we will survive.

i'm more worried about nuclear war & AI - which i think has a much more acute danger

tikitaki , avatar

i think it's dangerous to be too broad with this definition

harmful in my mind is saying explicitly racist, homophobic, promoting violent, etc type of stuff

i think freedom of expression is something we should not give up easily. in actually harmful speech, i think the pros outweigh the cons. but him saying the word "triggered" is not harmful

tikitaki , avatar

as much as i hate trump we should hate the sin and not the sinner

lots of trump supporters could easily be leftists

tikitaki , avatar

yes, of course. it's indicative of that type of worldview and it's demeaning

however the key important part is that it isn't hate speech. being pro-hate speech and using hate speech are two different things

tikitaki , avatar

zizek talks about this a lot. who are trump's most loyal fans? sure, there are the harvard educated elitists who like that he lowers taxes on the rich and the business magnates and whatnot. but the bulk of it in terms of absolute numbers is the redneck poor people

why do they support trump? because their jobs were lost to outsourcing, their wages aren't going up so housing is more expensive, their towns are slowly rotting away. they see these things and feel a (in my opinion, justified) anger towards the establishment.

someone like Trump and the GOP in general comes around, blames the gays and immigrants and tells them they will fight for them. we all know it's a lie and that they are voting against their interests - but the MAGA propaganda has gotten to them first

these same triggers (stagnant wages, anger towards the establishment/elites, erosion of infrastructure, inaccessible healthcare) also causes people to become leftists

these people could have easily flipped one way or the other and the only different is propaganda. we need to reach out to these people and convince them that the left has viable solutions for their problems. if you're interested, i can find a zizek bit where he talks about this but I've seen it myself talking to a lot of trump-supporting conservatives.

some of them are racist bigots and whatnot, but others are just really ignorant old folk who genuinely want the best for most people and have been misled by propaganda

Unlike previous attempts at trying reddit alternatives (like Voat), kbin and much of the lemmyverse doesn’t seem to be plagued with extreme far right buffoonery. (

It’s one thing to have differing views, but I’ve seen enough attempted reddit migrations to be relieved that the popular communities in the fediverse so far haven’t been about crazy racist stuff or other extreme right bullshit....

tikitaki , avatar

You're not their doctor, they arent your patients, what business is it of yours?

ok, so if you're not a doctor you can have no opinion on healthcare now? ridiculous statement. i think healthcare should be free. i don't work in healthcare or health insurance. so am i just supposed to shut the fuck up and know my place?

no, I have my opinion and I'm going to share it and @JasSmith has his opinion and he's going to share it. that's the whole point of having discussion boards. the last thing i want is this place to become an echo chamber

i think kids should be able to transition. but it's also not so simple a conversation when you're making permanent changes to teenage kids -

kids are fickle creatures and fads catch on - all of a sudden we see a dramatic rise in kids wanting to transition - like 4400% increase in girls wanting to transition to boys. is it because we are now more accepting as a society or is it social contagion? probably both and it's a serious topic we need to address if we actually do want the best for the kids. we need to keep ideology out of healthcare and make sure each individual kid is taken care of with whatever is best for them - transitioning is not always the best option. but sometimes it is.

tikitaki , avatar

we aren't seeing a 4000% increase in kids becoming gymnasts

it's a poignant social topic. instead of attacking my credibility, aiming to represent me as biased, you should try to attack my argument

having said that, i support kids transitioning. i'm more upset about the "wrongthink" mentality where someone can't even share their opinion without getting pounced on. he isn't sharing hate speech he's just talking

tikitaki , avatar

Also, do you really think that more people identify as trans because it’s a „fad“ or maybe it’s because your can finally openly talk about it

i think it's both. i don't know at what ratio, but kids really do follow fads. one kid kills themselves at a school and it raises the chances for all of them to do so. ideas are contagious. a kid that may just be going through the regular teenage angst period searching for an identity might latch onto the trans label to explain their feelings when really it's just a normal teenage thing to go through identity issues

again, i'm not trying to say kids shouldn't transition. i view transitioning as healthcare so to block kids off from it is absurd. but i think we also need to be careful and talk about the elephant in the room - that the rate of trans kids increasing so dramatically points to some issues with the ways we are doing it. when something jumps up so dramatically we should be asking questions

tikitaki , avatar

was in the article i linked

between 2009 and 2019, children being referred for transitioning treatment in the United Kingdom increased 1,000% among biological males and 4,400% among biological females.

i guess it's too much to expect people to read things

tikitaki , avatar

applications are installed with flatpak - basically little containers that contain everything a program needs. sort of like docker

so normally if you wanna install something - let's say minecraft. you would also need to install java. the flatpak for minecraft would have java inside of it so it can be run in its own little container and you don't need to install either

tikitaki , avatar

I've been using the same distro for at least 4 years now and I haven't ever had any issues. Fedora on a desktop at home. It's very stable. You don't even need to know too much... although obviously knowing your way around the terminal and knowing some basic things about Linux helps

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