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canthidium , in Dog abandoned at Pittsburgh airport after owner learns it needs crate to fly avatar

I couldn’t imagine just leaving my dog there because I didn’t have a crate. If my dogs are with me, and they can’t fly, then I can’t fly. Pisses me off how some people treat animals. My dogs are my whole world. If you do something like this you should be blacklisted from every owning a dog again.

AttackBunny ,

Yes, I’m in 100% agreement, I wish we could treat people how they treat animals.

That aside, the article says it’s a license French bulldog. Those fuckers are EXPENSIVE. I can’t imagine just ditching thousand of dollars like that (morality of it aside).

canthidium , avatar

Oh no, I missed that part. Jeez, someone has more money than they know what to do with. Money makes some people so shitty. Not that they weren’t before, but seems like it really brings it out of some people.

ThisIsNotHim , avatar

Also, if you’ve got that kind of money surely you can find someone to bring a crate or take the dog elsewhere.

Enkers ,

Yes, I’m in 100% agreement, I wish we could treat people how they treat animals.

Based. Stick cattle farmers in feedlots when they’re 4 and slaughter them at 8. Macerate all the male chicken farmers.

aeternum , (edited )

eh, dairy cows are slaughtered at 4-6, and they're the oldest animals to be slaughtered. Most animals are MONTHS or WEEKS old. not years.

Also, male chicks are macerated (mashed up alive) at just one to two hours old, because they're "useless". THey won't ever lay eggs, and they won't grow big enough to be worth it for meat chickens, so they're mashed up alive at a few hours. This is what you support when you support animal ag.

Name021 ,

I support animal agriculture and I love eating chicken nuggets.

Enkers ,

Yeup. IIRC, cattle are generally killed for their flesh from 1-2 years old, or about 5-10% of their natural lifespan. I was just saying 4-8 years for humans to be a more relatable comparison.

kiithwarrior ,

Yep 100%

amnesiacrobat , avatar

I live in a college town. Several of our dogs came from the shelter, one of them was found in an empty apartment. Her owner moved and just left her, probably assumed someone would take her to the shelter.

It’s apparently pretty common around here. Luckily someone found her, but some of these apartments don’t immediately have a new tenant and the dog dies.

I just can’t imagine doing this. Our dogs are part of the family.

partial_accumen ,

one of them was found in an empty apartment. Her owner moved and just left her,

So a warrant for animal abuse was issued for her arrest, yes? If she was a college student she may be gone for years, but it would be great if she were to be arrested when she returns for her 10 year reunion.

amnesiacrobat , avatar

I can’t comment since I didn’t find her, only got her from the shelter, but I sure hope so. She’s an amazingly sweet dog too so that just breaks my heart even more for her. At least she’s in good hands now.

aeternum ,

You should see how they treat animals in animal agriculture!

sndmn , in Hawaii cannot ban guns on beaches, US judge rules

How big of a coward do you have to be to feel the need to bring a gun to the beach?

vd1n , (edited )

I think I know why… They’re criminals.

Pretty much only criminals have people trying to kill them everyday.

Maybe America just has a lot of criminals Maybe so many that it’s starting to show in our politics and democracy.

I wish this post wasn’t so believable. …it was supposed to be sarcasm.

Saneless ,

Have you met a conservative man lately? They’re scared of everything. Especially their own feelings

flossdaily , (edited ) in Americans’ credit card debt hits a record $1 trillion

A single income used to afford a house, and family, a car or two, vacations, and retirement savings.

Then we needed families to have two incomes to have that lifestyle.

Then we held on to that system, but had that lifestyle, WITHOUT the building up of any savings, and without the vacations.

Then we needed two incomes just to be able to LEASE that watered-down lifestyle.

And then we needed two incomes and good credit to juggle that watered-down lifestyle, and deferring debt to some point down the road when we assumed we’d be high-income earners.

Now we are in stunningly dangerous territory. We’ve largely given up any luxuries, and we struggle to find the CREDIT to LEASE basic essentials like housing, food and medicine. Often we fail to do so.

Inflation has hit us incredibly hard, but when student loan payments start up in mere weeks from now, it’s going to be CRIPPLING, not just to those with debt, but EVERY business that needs those people to buy their goods and services.

We’ve been robbed of our future by corporate greed and the psychopathic cruelty of the boomer-run government.

… And just in the past 6 months we’ve seen the invention of the first artificial general intelligence. Even if it never got any better than it is today, it would still decimate the workforce. But it is getting better. At a staggering rate. We are headed for a jobs crisis the likes of which has never been seen in all of human history.

Add to that the rise of fascism in a global scale.

Add to that the hundreds of millions of anticipated climate change refugees, and potentially catastrophic failures of the ecosystems which sustain various crops.

Add to that that all of human experience and evolution has left us WILDLY unprepared to understand let alone solve problems of this pace and magnitude.

It is difficult to see how we survive this.

Empyreus ,

Just to be fair, chatgpt isn’t an artificial general intelligence.

flossdaily ,

GPT4 absolutely is the foundational block of the first AGI.

I’ve been working with it exhaustively since it was released. I’ve built frameworks around it to give it a memory and other supplements. I have ZERO doubt that this is the first AGI, or at least it’s the engine that powers real AGI.

If you haven’t read this paper, you should:

That was researchers using gpt4 before it had guardrails put on its behavior, but also without any supplements to it’s functionally.

Sethayy ,

Hard definition to fit because it all depends on what you define as ‘general’. Its not great but tbh you can ask it a question about anything and it will give an answer, so I’d argue that’s general enough

Magiccupcake , (edited )

It’s missing intelligence though.

ChatGPT uses machine learning to predict a sequence of words, but there’s no thought or understanding of the words.

Sethayy ,

Another fairly soft definition, which to debate I gotta ask what is ‘intelligence’ to you? Defined as rigouroudly as you care to, cause you’ll find its pretty damn hard to get anywhere fundamental.

My point with this is usually if something has no definition, its probably not that good to use as a definition for other things, like AI

Realistically the only way you could consider AI not intelligent is of you specifically require aspects of humanity within it, as such if aliens existed and didn’t have anything analogous to “thought” would they then not be intelligent?

Magiccupcake ,

From google intelligence is

the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills

ChatGPT is not capable of active learning so no.

If aliens can then yes.

I’m not even talking about human intelligence, most animals have some level of intelligence that chatGPT doesnt have.

ChatGPT is just very good at appearing intelligent.

Sethayy ,

But of course the AI is trainable, hence how it got trained.

Actively learning doesn’t come up in the definition, but it being able to respond to multiple comments with context shows it does actively learn and understand the topic at hand.

Its for sure much more sterilized than natural intelligence, but tbh the main reason it doesn’t train on its input data is because it would turn to junk fairly quick with the mess of messages it must get.

I’m not sure I get your ‘appearing intelligent’ comment, either something does or doesn’t actively learn under your definition, so where does the appearance come from? Unless you mean because people are undecided of conversation is active or not, which would put it on the fence (again under the active definition)

afraid_of_zombies ,

As opposed to humans who always think before they speak or tweet or email or show up to a protest with an AR-15.

girlfreddy , avatar

@flossdaily @MicroWave

That's the thing tho ... most humans won't survive this. The super rich are buying up remote properties/islands at an incredible rate and want Mars asap.

Most of the rest of us will die of starvation, fires, heat, dehydration/poisoned water or the massive storms.

demlet ,

If I’ve learned anything from Musk and Zuckerberg, it’s that the super rich really aren’t all that competent. They know how to operate within the system as it is and leverage their existing advantage. I’m pretty sceptical that they can actually save themselves either. They’ll need other people to do that for them, but the problem they face is, why wouldn’t those people just take charge themselves? Once the system they operate in is gone, what do the wealthy really have to offer? No actual skills for the most part. It’s all socially fabricated smoke and mirrors.

lolcatnip ,

Mars is a pipe dream. Unless Earth goes full Venus, it will be vastly better then Mars for at least the next thousand years. Terraforming Mars would be a centuries long endeavor, and terraforming Earth would be vastly easier.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Technically we are already terraforming Earth. We know what emitting greenhouse gases does, then we still do it intentionally, then we get sad about, but are not surprised about, the results of our actions on the global climate. We are knowingly using technology that alters the global climate at this very moment, and this has already significantly and successfully altered the global climate.

That’s terraforming, baby!

We are just terraforming the Earth to be more hostile towards human life, explicitly to make a tiny population of rich assholes who’ve been promising to whip their dicks out and rain down golden showers of prosperity for a century happier, because us peasants are apparently as fucking stupid and submissive as those rich assholes believe we are.

lolcatnip ,

I would call what we’re doing reverse terraforming. We’re making Earth less Earth-like.

Asafum ,

Not that I support everything about her, but Elizabeth Warren literally wrote the book on our 2 income problem.

Society tracks “family income” and for a gigantic portion of history that was one income, then in the 60s-70s women started entering the workforce in larger numbers (in the US, not sure about globally) and we see family income “rising” so we think “great, we’re growing! We’re doing well!” Except that it only grew because of an additional income.

Now we’re at the point you’ve mentioned where that isn’t even enough anymore especially when the vast majority of jobs seem to offer around 50-60k unless you’re a specific professional/tech bro.

I’m a perpetually single blue collar schmuck, I’ve completely given up on the idea of homeownership, and am very very quickly realizing my retirement plan has to be a shotgun to the head.

What a wonderful future we have to look forward to.

And I’ll just add this so no one has to later: GlObAlLy We’Re BeTtEr ThAn EvEr! Because you know, that totally helps…

Sir_Kevin , avatar

Very well written and accurate. I just want to add that the financial requirements to raise children have been out the window for some time as well. Not that they would want to exist in a world with climate change anyway.

AllonzeeLV ,

“It is difficult to see how we survive this.”

We probably wont.

Rome always falls in the end. The law of entropy is absolute. Like so many empires before us, the sociopathic greed/glut/power lust by the “winners” will be our end. Our height was WWII, I see no shame in that. We did a good thing after centuries of committing enslavement and genocide, then we declined into the sunset for the next empire to write about in its history books.

When the system has become this exploitative, some sharp short/medium term pain is better than limping along for another generation or two when we’ll have to collapse or revolt and do the work of rebuilding we already need to do anyway.

Reminder: being comfortable passing the buck of consequences to future generations is why we’re here.

Neato , in Prosecutors ask judge to issue protective order after Trump post appearing to promise revenge avatar

Well this violates 18 U.S. Code § 115.

(B)threatens to assault, kidnap, or murder, a United States official, a United States judge, a Federal law enforcement officer, or an official whose killing would be a crime under such section,

with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, judge, or law enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such official, judge, or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

(4)A threat made in violation of this section shall be punished by a fine under this title or imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years, or both, except that imprisonment for a threatened assault shall not exceed 6 years.

Like, that's textbook. Also if this threat is taken seriously by other members in the trial, this could easily extend into witness tampering, jury intimidation.

DarkGamer , avatar

Add it to the pile of charges!

ThePantser , in Trump pulls out of interview after paper questions dubious claims about crime rate avatar

So the key to keep him running away is to have the media actually ask him real questions? Let’s keep asking and he’ll never be on TV again other than fox.

Diplomjodler3 ,

But that would require media outlets to actually have editorial independence. Sadly those days are long gone.

Silverseren , in A transgender woman wins Democratic primary for Florida House seat, and aims to make history

It's hilarious that DeSantis praised her two years ago for her great community work for women and now he's trying to backpedal with "but I didn't know she was trans". He really can't help with his foot in mouth disease on every front.

HawlSera ,

This reminds me of a piano player who was chased out of Germany for having jewish heritage, upon leaving the country he began to have hits that became very popular in Germany… Resulting in him getting tons of love letters from fans who praised his music as being “An example of the beauty that can only be created by a true Aryan!” and tons of rumors that he was this blonde haired blue-eyed super racist gigachad, but really he was Jewish and when he actually lived in Germany was considered “Just another hebrew ruining the Motherland”

For those wondering how that’s possible, they didn’t have wikipedia back then, so they couldn’t type the guy’s name into DuckDuckGo to check what he looks like or all the twitter posts featuring gifs of his cousin’s bar mitzvah.

That said the amount of people who played Celeste and complained it was ruined with wokeness because it featured a trans pride flag despite being about a transgender character and was made by a transgender woman shows this story could still happen today.

DmMacniel , avatar

That said the amount of people who played Celeste and complained it was ruined with wokeness because it featured a trans pride flag despite being about a transgender character and was made by a transgender woman shows this story could still happen today.

In addition, with music composed by a transgender woman!

Toneswirly , in Disney gives up on trying to use Disney Plus excuse to settle a wrongful death lawsuit

“We’ve decided” lol. Keep telling yourselves that

CM400 ,

“Right to arbitration”

Zahille7 , in Teacher says contract wasn't renewed because he wouldn't use trans students' preferred names

Idk man. When I was in school before everyone started coming out as trans and such, all my teachers would still ask if there was a different name you preferred on like the first day of school. And they suck to it. It didn’t matter if the student was gay, straight, trans, or whatever; they still had a preferred name they liked to be called by, the teachers asked, and they respected it. I’d like to think those teachers of mine would continue this practice and not have an issue with it, but you never really know.

TallonMetroid , avatar

That was my experience as well, but then I grew in San Francisco, which is like the gay hippie commie Mecca that the Christofascists jerk themselves off on hating. Plus we had a lot of minority students with potentially difficult to pronounce ethnic names, so that might also have been a factor.

Zahille7 ,

Makes sense. My personal experience with this is coming from a small Midwest city in elementary and middle school. By the time we got to high school, the teachers just knew because it was in your record by that point.

person420 ,

I have young kids in school currently. At the open house, that’s the very first thing they asked.

quantumantics ,

Teacher here; this is the first thing I do on day one with new students! You want to build a classroom community of mutual respect; failure to do so makes for a hostile classroom and a wasted year.

treadful , in 15-year-old who created soap that could treat skin cancer named Time's 2024 Kid of the Year avatar

Article is frustratingly missing every single interesting detail.

Deello ,

I feel like that was intentional

magic_lobster_party ,

And then they wonder why no one wants to pay for news.

Custodian1623 , (edited )

perhaps if you pay for the magazine you will receive a better article

edit: support quality journalism!

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , in A teen was falling asleep during a courtroom field trip. She ended up in cuffs and jail clothes avatar

How the fuck is this allowed?

Warl0k3 ,

Separation of powers. Executive has the DOJ and friends, Congress has the Sgt at arms and Judiciary has contempt. All three are, in theory, immune to interference from the other branches, to allow said branches to defend themselves. Stupid, stupid idea.

rustyfish , in Donald Trump says he will flee to Venezuela if he loses election [Newsweek] avatar

In 2022, it was reported that Vladimir Putin and his top leadership were developing a backup plan to flee to Venezuela if Russia were defeated in Ukraine.

Like a dog. Right to his masters lap, I see.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I don’t disagree with the analogy, but Trump compares people negatively to dogs so often (and famously hates dogs) that I’m not a big fan of it.

rustyfish , avatar

I love dogs. See it as the one and only positive thing I can say about him. He seems loyal to at least Putin. Who in turn is a dog person himself. Shit, you made me say something good about Putin too. Thanks a lot.

TransplantedSconie ,

Plus, we don’t deserve dogs. They love unconditionally and are extremely loyal if treated right.

I’d say, “Like pond scum. He is going right to the lowest and grossest point of a lake.”

rustyfish , avatar

Uh, I like this one.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I agree. I would be honored to be compared to a dog. I’d wear that comparison with pride.

card797 ,

Wow. Hates dogs?!

Zipitydew ,

Won’t go to China and be a puppet they can parade around.

Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Cuba would suck for lifestyle and stability.

Brazil has a chance of maybe later changing their minds and wanting them gone.

What an amazing list of allies to turn to. And after all of them thinking Venezuela is the best bet for not ending up like Gaddafi.

LEONHART , in Parents and Gen Alpha kids are having unintelligible convos because of ‘brainrot’ language
FundMECFSResearch , in Tim Walz doesn't own any stocks: What to know about Kamala Harris' running mate's personal finances

“oh no, he wont care if my stocks fall” - finance bros, probably

RememberTheApollo_ , in Trump says he has 'no choice' but to support electric vehicles because Elon Musk 'endorsed me very strongly'

“He bought me fair and square.”

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

“Jared, remind me again: did this suitcase full of cash come from Vladimir or Salman?”

return2ozma OP , in Kamala Harris Wipes Out Trump’s Swing-State Lead in Election Dead Heat avatar
AbidanYre ,

Michigan fucking loves her. Damn.

expatriado ,

also, Trump did nothing for them

Rhaedas ,

What state could claim he did something for them? That this once again is a close race constantly boggled my mind.

expatriado ,

state of dispair

dogsnest , avatar

State of deez nutz.

Phenomephrene , avatar

Ask Wisconsin how that Foxconn contract he helped secure for them turned out.

(For those not familiar, and disinclined to investigate further, the answer is "Not great.")

marx2k ,

Wisconsin here. I’m really surprised that vocal trumpers in this state aren’t strung by their balls by fellow citizens.

But then again people still vote for Ron Johnson and Robin Vos

FatCrab ,

I am one of the many Wisconsin expats that has abandoned the state until it gets its shit back together. The thing you have to understand about the Wisconsin electorate, is that, in the aggregate, it’s fucking dumb, mean, entitled, and will never reconsider its beliefs. The tea party movement really thoroughly fucked the state for the foreseeable future.

Phenomephrene , avatar

That lines up pretty well with my experience. I lived in Wisconsin for about 2-1/2 years. It's not a state that has nothing going for it. The structure is absolutely there for it to be a successful and enjoyable place that residents could have right to be proud of. With what I encountered though the phrase Wississippi was very apt. And yeah, it's because too many people there choose for it to be that way.

FatCrab ,

WI used to be heavily pro-labor, relatively progressive, and on a positive track, although it certainly was struggling to come to terms with its historical blemishes that persisted into deep systemic issues (racism and segregation have always been a massive issue in the state, but have only worsened in the last couple decades). When the right overtook almost the entirety of governor for a long stretch, it utterly broke the state though. The upside is that WI and MN were functionally identical until one went hard right and the other soft left and the result makes a wonderful case study for how vapid and destructive the entirety of the US right and Republicans are.

dogsnest , (edited ) avatar
EmpathicVagrant ,

Is there a source or context? Otherwise this is just a random graphic

dogsnest , avatar

It’s simply a reply, no more, no less.

However, I never like to leave an empty belly:


Socsa ,

That’s 271 baby

dogsnest , avatar

Talk dirty to me.

ayyy ,

The version of this map that takes population into account do a good job of visualizing just how disproportionately land gets votes instead of people in our broken system.…

MeekerThanBeaker ,

Also, Trump’s a rapist, convicted felon, and just plain weird.

dogsnest , avatar

I’m glad you went easy on the lying treasonous cowardly pedophile traitor, Fatty McFelon.
Warms me heart.

ThePantser , avatar

Yes, yes we do. We love women leaders, we keep voting for them.

Beaver , avatar

Kamala Harris is going to wipe the floor with Trump.

Lost_My_Mind ,

I need you to be right.

Drunemeton , avatar

We are!

She can’t do it alone, and we can’t assume that she’ll win. Keep pushing until she’s sworn in Jan 2025.

This is Trump’s last chance. The republicans will literally stop at nothing to ensure he wins.

Socsa ,

Get your shit together PA. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania is game over.

MelodiousFunk ,

Get your shit together PA.

Pennsyltuckians would be very upset if they could read.

kn0wmad1c , avatar

Did they only take polls in Pittsburgh?

Cowbee , avatar

Will forever laugh at the “Biden or busters” and Anarcho-Bidenists saying swapping to Kamala would be a bad idea electorally. Biden was really unpopular.

Omgpwnies ,

I think him “voluntarily” stepping aside helped. If he were primaried, that might not have gone as well as it would look like he got kicked out, and that generally doesn’t have a great result for the incumbent party

No_Eponym , avatar

North Carolina poll respondents: “Black AND a woman?!” as well as “Black AND a woman!!”

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