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Forester , in Tennessee cancels driver’s license of 77-year-old Navy veteran saying he isn’t a US citizen avatar

If I remember correctly, you only need to serve one a year in the military to become a naturalized citizen…

DBT , in In just a few years, half of all states passed bans on trans health care for kids

I kind of get it, but maybe I also don’t fully understand what trans health care for kids is all about. (I’m not against it btw)

You can’t get a tattoo before you’re 18 because that’s (somewhat) permanent. Does trans care interfere with puberty in a way that’s irreversible?

I also realize what I just typed is probably comparing apples to oranges… maybe the people passing these laws are thinking the kids will grow up and change their minds - does that actually happen? (I doubt it, but just asking because I don’t know.)

Cosmonauticus ,

Kids under 18 aren’t legally able to start hormone therapy or get surgery. The most they can get is puberty blockers and therapy. Ppl who complain about Trans kids changing their mind are full of shit. Everything a minor receives as Trans health care is reasonable, safe, and reversible

ohlaph ,

That’s what I was wondering too and maybe there needs to be more information on what exactly trans care for kids is all about. I honestly have no clue.

Aurenkin ,

Maybe that’s a good reason why this shouldn’t be a political issue but a medical one decided by experts in the field instead of politicians with influence from the general public.

Veraxus ,

No reasoning should be necessary to keep government/politicians/anyone else out of people’s private lives - including (and ESPECIALLY) health care decisions.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

bamboo ,

Puberty itself is full of irreversible changes. Having puberty blockers available to trans youth is important to prevent their bodies from making changes they don’t want, and is reversible later.

NoSuchAgency ,

Yes, it absolutely happens. That’s one reason they’re passing laws to stop it

hddsx , in In just a few years, half of all states passed bans on trans health care for kids

I really hate trans health care. It’s just health care. If they ain’t hurting anyone, leave them alone. Jesus.

ogmios , avatar

If they ain’t hurting anyone

See, that’s the sticky point that people keep trying to ignore in favour of screaming BIGOT as loudly as they can every time someone raises concerns about it.

Veraxus ,


ogmios , avatar

Anyone speaking about regrets/harm done by transitioning has been aggressively shouted down and scrubbed from many social media sites, denying those with valid concerns the opportunity to voice them.

alilbee ,

Have any decent sources on that regret or harm done that aren’t debunked by myriad other reputable sources? Scientists research all kinds of unpopular things, so it should be easy to show.

NoSuchAgency ,

I’ve seen plenty of them get interviewed. Anyone saying they don’t exist just aren’t being honest with you

DeLacue ,

I have seen so many talks by and interviews with people who claim to have deconverted from evolution. They all claim pretty similar stuff. Sometimes eeriely similar. Often they talk about being angry. Then they’ll go on to claim that they directed that anger at god, that that was why they bought into the ‘lie’ of evolution and that all atheiests are just like they were, angry at god. It’s funny how closely what they talk about resembles the strawman young earth creationists believe about atheiests and secularists and all those things those people wish where true about us.

I find this very strange because with such large numbers involved on both sides there should , purely statisticly speaking, be a reasonably decent pool of converts each way just down to chance and circumstance. Yet they keep resorting to pushing people who don’t remotely understand the mindset of the groups they claimed they once were part of. Despite that they keep troting them out like they’re a prized bull.

I have seen incel channels full of interviews with random people on the street where they were pushing a narrative of rampent misandry. Interview after interview of women chippily admiting to very hateful stuff about men on camera without an ounce of shame. But of course they wouldn’t have shame they were answering very carefully crafted hypotheticals that they thought were asked in good faith. A few decptive edits to remove their reasonable response’s context and all of a sudden the incels have justification for their anger. The interviews get shared around and around by people who have already decided where they stand but want vindication for their bigotry. ‘Look how common that hate for men is’ they cry, clearly showing how rarely they talk to other people.

I have listened to talks by people who have claimed to have seen the edge of the world or have claimed to have the alien corpses kept at Roswell. I have read statements by someone claiming that they went to a cancer ward, convinced the doctors to inject all the patients with their essential oils which cured everyone of their cancer. I have listened to interviews with anti vaxers claiming to have personally seen wards full of ‘vaccine causalties’ that’s being covered up somehow.

Have some people switched from accepting evolution to young earth creationism? It has to have happened at some point. Are their some misandrists out there? There has to be. Are they anywhere near as prevelant as either of those two groups pretend? Absolutely not. They have a vested interest in pushing the idea that both those things are far more common than they are. Interviews are just ancedotes and no matter how many ancedotes you horde they will never coalesce into evidence.

Do some transgender people regret transitioning? It has to have happened at least once just based off numbers alone Are there a lot? No there aren’t. To an actually surprising degree. But that surprising degree shouldn’t actually be that surprsining; You see before all the irreversible medical procedures there is a bunch of indepth psychological evaluations aimed at filtering out people who would regret it later. We’ve actually gotten pretty good at that. Not that it’s that hard there tends to be some strong and obvious indicators. So I will pose a hypothetical of my own; Even if there was a lot of regretful trangender folk is the answer to ban trans health care altogether or invest in better evaluations and better understanding of it?

ogmios , avatar

At risk of getting myself banned (I guess a litmus test for myself to see how zealous the mods are here), one of the pioneering studies done in the field ended in suicide.

Chozo ,

The thing is, this story you mention isn't a situation of trans health care; this is a situation of actual child abuse. The parents literally forced a gender identity onto their child who seems to have otherwise been cisgender. It's not all that different from what conservative parents will often do with their actual trans children.

If anything, this story shows the harms that come by denying gender-affirming care to children. That child was not a girl, and denying him of his identity caused irreparable damage. All because the parents were too scared to tell their child that the doctor fucked up the circumcision.

ogmios , avatar

Problem is, there is a fairly well known disorder where others (such as parents) will embellish/invent medical conditions for those under their care in order to obtain attention/support. As trans issues are being reported as exclusively positive, with any negative attention being censored/scrubbed, it makes it very easy for a parent to “support” their trans child for just this reason, as children generally lack the agency to deny what their parents tell them up until a certain age.

Chozo ,

Are you suggesting that there's an epidemic of undiagnosed MSP and that it's the cause of trans children existing? Because if so, you're probably gonna need to venture past Page 1 of your Google searches to break that one down for us.

Aurenkin ,

Unfortunately, right out of the gate you were complaining about people labelling folks as bigots, claim that arguments against trans care are being censored and then fail to provide evidence for why we should ban trans health care. This makes it really difficult to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re arguing in good faith out of concern for children’s wellbeing.

The sad reality is that many people arguing against trans care are in fact bigots and trans issues have been turned into a political football to the detriment of all trans people including children. If you have real concerns about children’s well being and want to be taken seriously, you need to state plainly what your key concerns are and allow space for being wrong. Otherwise, because of the nature of discussion around this issue in the public sphere, people may assume that you’re bigoted against trans people, rightly or wrongly.

Maybe it’s a good time to ask yourself why you find these arguments that you’ve been bringing up convincing specifically for the issue of trans health care.

If you are concerned with the welfare of children, surely the most sensible thing is to allow doctors to be in charge of their healthcare rather than banning things and reducing the options doctors have for taking care of them.

Roflmasterbigpimp , avatar

If you are concerned with the welfare of children, surely the most sensible thing is to allow doctors to be in charge of their healthcare rather than banning things and reducing the options doctors have for taking care of them.

Straight up facts!

Aurenkin ,

An experiment was performed on an unknowing child by raising him as a girl, following his botched circumcision, with disastrous results.

How is this relevant to the issue of transgender health care? Sounds like a pretty good study of why infant circumcision is bad but it doesn’t seem like an example of trans health care causing harm.

BeneGesseritWitch , (edited ) avatar

This is not a pioneering study done in the field, jfc. This isn’t a transgender story, this is a story of abuse. Did you read the article? Did you do any research into this at all? Did you at least read his biography? Because I have. To summarize: David was born a cisgendered man whose doctors botched his circumcision so badly he needed reconstructive surgery. His parents consulted a sexologist they saw on TV (the now disgraced John Money), and he convinced the parents to give David a sex change. Not for David’s benefit mind you, but because the sexologist wanted to make a name for himself based on his theories on gender being easily malleable (and he briefly did, until the truth came out). A lot of gross messed up stuff happened, like the sexologist would make David roleplay sex with his twin brother I shit you not. He would make them watch hetero porn with him. And then he would make them get into sexual positions and make them playact sex together. He also took photos (and I think video) of these two children simulating sex.

So to summarize real quick, the pedo-sexologist who committed acts of psychological, medical and sexual abuse on these children, is your “pioneering study” guy. Let me guess, you thought that John Money was a success and that he proved his theory that gender identity is easily manipulated? I’ve seen this exact anti-trans disinformation twist before, along with thinking David was trans (he wasn’t) and pointing out David’s “trans suicide”. You should be more suspicious of your sources for information. By the 90s we already knew John Moneys work with David was useless. And the disinfo machine loves to leave out a very important fact: Davids brother Brian killed himself two years before David took his own life. I guess the suicide of the depressed cisgendered brother who never transitioned muddies the trans-suicide agenda being pushed.

Whenever I see his story pop up, the terfs (and the unfortunately misinformed) end up erroneously thinking this is a story of a trans kid who killed themself. Disinfo will say this story proves that you can manipulate someone into believing they’re a different gender then they know themselves to be. And look! Disinfo swears theres reputable science papers by John Money to back this up! ha.

David was a straight, cisgendered man. His story is not a transgender story. It’s many other things; a story of child abuse, medical abuse, psychological abuse and sexual abuse. It’s the a story of a cisgendered person experiencing gender dysphoria and not understanding why. To me, what his story really shows us is that a persons personal sense of gender is an innate and pervasive thing; a complex combination of mind and body that persists; no matter how much abuse you throw at it. Because even though David was raised to believe he was a woman; had his role as a woman constantly being reinforced by his entire world, had everyone in his life telling him he was a woman, he still knew he was a man and deeply struggled to understand why he felt that way.

further reading/citations:

the 1997 medical paper & review of Moneys work that, along with Davids testimony, began to shed light on this:…/1997-sex-reassignment.html

Davids biography: As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised As A Girl by John Colapinto

a more detailed and damning article from 2017: ……/david-reimer-and-john-money-gender-rea…

a very disturbing amount of detail of what happened for those that can handle it:

and finally wikipedia for those that hate fancy links:…

alchemist2023 ,

the number of transitioned people who were harmed by the process is significantly less than the people who feel it improved their life significantly. there are failures across all medical procedures, you don’t see people denying appendectomies to people because a few people died? get over yourself and let people live their best life

NoSuchAgency ,

We’re talking about kids here. Kids brains aren’t fully developed yet. That’s why we don’t let them drive, drink, smoke, or consent to sex. If they want a sex change, just let them do it when they become an adult

art , avatar

Yes, that’s correct. They need puberty blockers, so they can make the decision when their old enough instead of having that decision forced upon them.

Chozo ,

If they want a sex change, just let them do it when they become an adult

That's already how it works. You're angry at a thing that doesn't exist and that nobody is suggesting.

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

This regurgitated propaganda brought to you by the same minds who fabricated “partial birth abortions”.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That’s why we don’t let them drive, drink, smoke, or consent to sex.

You were never a teenager, were you?

grue ,

Well, that’s because they’re generally blatantly lying about it.

iltg ,

there are plenty of articles about regrets and resources about detransition, those who get shouted down usually try to use ridiculously low regret rates as reasoning to limit access to healthcare. marriage has a 43% regret rate, why isn’t your energy spent there instead?

FlyingSquid , avatar

No one is ignoring it. The problem is that the bigots who are rightfully called bigots think they’re doctors and that people should listen to their medical advice rather than their doctor’s medical advice.

I assume you don’t have a medical degree, but please correct me on that.

forrgott , in Arizonans Submit Over Double the Signatures Needed for Abortion Ballot Measure

This is surprisingly good news! Way to go, Arizona!

littletranspunk ,

Thankfully my state is quickly becoming more blue ever since 2020. I just wish they went further left, but I’ll take it

abacab ,

Sadly, my bet is back to red for 2024.

littletranspunk ,

I’m hoping you’re wrong, but that’s all I got

randon31415 ,

We got half the needed signatures to put it on the 2022 ballot. The ruling was 2 weeks before the signature deadline back in 2022. No way this wasn’t making it.

Fapper_McFapper , in Delta flight diverts to New York after passengers are served spoiled food

Silly passengers, you have to subscribe to kitchen in the sky app to get fresh food! Must have been first time travelers.

pivot_root , in Students at fake university in Michigan created by ICE can sue US, court rules

I wonder how long it will be until the Supreme Court overturns this one.

BigMacHole , in Judge orders surprise release of Epstein transcripts

There’s NOTHING more Republican then Defending Literal Child Rapists!

Omegamanthethird , in Netflix Co-founder Becomes One of the Biggest Democratic Donors to Call for Biden to Step Aside avatar

Unless everybody gets behind Pete Buttigieg right fucking now, then there isn’t another choice but to go with Biden.

And I don’t say that as someone who loves Pete, but he’s the only person with name recognition, resume, and any kind of uniform positive feelings between progressives, moderates, and centrists to win.

Either that or pick Joe Manchin, say fuck off to climate change initiatives for the next 8 years, and go hard after centrists in swing states.

I can’t think of anyone else that would stand a chance from a strategy perspective.

return2ozma OP , avatar

Nah, F Wall Street Pete! A lot of LGBTQ hate him too because we saw who he really is.

Queers Against Pete group outside his SF event:…/1228393365676294144

Chased out of South Carolina, literally had to run, when he tried to take credit for the Fight for $15……/1232205828985413637

Omegamanthethird , avatar

And I’m not advocating for him. I’m literally just trying to think of who could possibly win over enough moderates to beat Trump in swing states.

I’d take these people over Trump in a heartbeat. No question. But if we’re not going to get behind one of them right now, then we all need to start supporting Biden. And it sounds like that’s what we’re going to need to do.

Zahille7 ,

I don’t understand why so many people, right now in the last week and a half, are suddenly saying “let’s replace Biden” after both parties pushed their candidate of choice through the primaries, and when we’re literally just months away from the actual election.

Like, are we seriously that dumb? Are there really that many election disinformation bots running around Lemmy? What the fuck is happening?

ETA: nvm, didn’t realize the primaries happen so close to the election. Disregard my comment then.

thesporkeffect ,

IMO the fact that he’s a McKinsey alum is even worse of a red flag

toomanypancakes , in Judge blocks Biden trans healthcare discrimination ban from taking effect in early Loper-Bright test avatar

I’m so sorry to every trans person trapped living in a red state. I fear it’s only going to get worse before and if it gets better.

shasta , in Vandals in Austria behead sculpture of Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus

Hold up. The artist thinks the Virgin Mary is a good example of women having a right to their own bodies? This is a woman who was supposedly forcibly impregnated by a god. What bodily autonomy does her story exhibit?

awesome_lowlander ,

The Christian kind, I suppose

shasta , (edited )

It’s fine to be Christian. I just don’t understand how the artist’s quote is relevant in any way to this piece of work they made or the defacement of it. The closest I can fathom is that it’s a woman. The logic ends there.

Dkarma ,

Oh it’s a great story about the lack of autonomy.

Warn your kids against Christianity, the entire religion is predicated on rape. Jesus is a rape baby. Full stop.

Theharpyeagle ,

I’m not sure if it’s the artists intention or not, but it gets at the heart of a lot of misogyny. What could possibly be controversial about Mary giving birth? It’s an interesting question to put to the (mostly) men who decry the installation.

jeffw , in Neil Gaiman Denies Sexual Assault Allegations Made by Two Women avatar

Lightning doesn’t strike twice. It would be one thing if one ex accused him, but two?

TwinTusks , avatar

Lighting definitely strikes more than twice.

sirico , avatar

Just like my dad

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

…in ten pin bowling, right?

… right?

ekZepp , avatar
wildcardology ,

Have you ever heard of a lightning rod?

jeffw , avatar
thrawn ,

used to say that a very unusual event is not likely to happen again to the same person or in the same place

As commentary on the idiom and not the topic of the thread, surely it’s an ineffective idiom if the meaning is vastly different from the saying? I feel like everyone had a “it does strike twice, though” moment in their life after hearing this exact phrase

FlyingSquid , avatar

Or this dude?

Lightning apparently can strike at least seven times if you’re Roy Sullivan.

awesome_lowlander ,

Or, we could stick to our system of presuming innocence until guilt is proven.

frigidaphelion ,

brain dead take

DickFiasco , in Delta flight diverts to New York after passengers are served spoiled food

Lol, real life “Airplane!”

njm1314 , in Netflix Co-founder Becomes One of the Biggest Democratic Donors to Call for Biden to Step Aside

Rich people want to pick their own candidate eh? Scared about higher taxes on the wealthy has nothing to do with it I bet.

RozhkiNozhki , in Vandals in Austria behead sculpture of Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus avatar

Wtf did I just read.

circuitfarmer , in John Deere lays off hundreds of employees, after a $10B profit year avatar

The need for year-over-year growth is ultimately strangling the system. At the moment it is easy to lay a bunch of people off and claim that growth. Eventually (at some point in the future), it won’t be mathematically possible unless the C-suite starts taking pay cuts, or they at least start eschewing their crazy bonuses. Expect them to milk that for good press (“These forward-thinking CEOs are dumping the bonuses for… insert any random bullshit here!”) or other such marketing nonsense.

Eventually, it will stop, when the system no longer functions at all. Infinite year-over-year growth across the board is an impossibility.

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