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SheeEttin , in A football coach who got job back after Supreme Court ruled he could pray on the field has resigned

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

downpunxx , avatar

Ah a little antisemitism thrown in, this fucking cunt is a real christofascist peach

IWantToFuckSpez ,

That’s from the Bible though Matthew 6:5. All churches were called synagogues back then. It’s not anti-Semitic. The commenter above is quoting this to show that the Bible frowns upon performative praying as this coach is doing.

downpunxx , avatar

calling those praying in synagogues hypocrites is the dictionary definition of antisemitism, cunt

NewNewAccount ,

Was Jesus an anti-Semite?!?

IWantToFuckSpez , (edited )

Early Christians prayed in synagogues since they were Jews who recognized Jesus as their savior. So the person who said that was a Jew, he is known as Jesus. Also the quote is not calling everyone who prays in a synagogue a hypocrite. But people who stand up praying loudly. Asshole

Velociraptor , avatar

How embarrassing for you.

Chozo ,

Imagine being this stupid.

reddig33 , in A football coach who got job back after Supreme Court ruled he could pray on the field has resigned

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.”

nautilus ,

they really don’t like it when you hit ‘em with the Matthew 6:5

Alexstarfire ,

Or any Bible verse that contradicts their actions.

TruTollTroll , avatar

thats taken out of context

Oh really, how?! Lmao 🤣

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Because they never see themselves as hypocritical.

SkybreakerEngineer ,

That’s when you follow up with the Austin 3:16

csm10495 , avatar

Which preceded the ass whooping.

downpunxx , avatar

The Nazis always show you who they are

nautilus ,

careful, wouldn’t want to get lashings from the edge on this one

escaped_cruzader ,

This is not a prohibition for public prayer, despite~~ reddit’s~~lemmy’s inclination to always quote this whenever public prayer is mentioned

reddig33 ,

This dude is obviously showboating as the scripture describes. There’s no reason to go out on the middle of the field and kneel other than “look at me!”

It also doesn’t help that he peer pressured his students into doing the same.

TheRealKuni ,

It may not be a prohibition against public prayer (though Jesus goes on to say that when you pray you should do so in an inner room of your own home), but it is absolutely an admonition about exactly the behavior of this coach, who would go kneel in the middle of the field and pray for show.

surewhynotlem ,

It’s not a sin. It won’t land you in hell. But I would say it’s a prohibition, if you take into account that it’s said by literally god.

Anamnesis ,

I’m not steeped in theology but I thought acting against one of God’s prohibitions is what a sin is. What distinguishes the two?

nautilus ,

What distinguishes the two? Likely whatever’s most convenient in the moment, I’m guessing

OldWoodFrame , in The lawsuits seeking to keep drag queens legal, explained

We probably want to avoid government-mandated dress codes right? Seems like an easy first amendment case.

Limiting drag SHOWS to a certain age range seems like it would be in the state’s jurisdiction, maybe difficult to say what the compelling state interest is without leaning into some baseless talking points but states generally get the benefit of the doubt there.

dhork ,

Limiting drag SHOWS to a certain age range seems like it would be in the state’s jurisdiction

I disagree, because there is no real difference between drag “shows” and other “shows”, other than the presence of men in flamboyant outfits that do not fit gender norms. Some drag shows may be explicit and not fit for children, but there are plenty of other shows that fit this category, and existing laws cover all of them, no matter what the participants wear (or don’t wear, as the case may be).

But there is nothing prurient with regard to a man in an evening gown reading to children at a library. All it does is normalize the fact that wearing an evening gown is an acceptable choice for a man. That’s what conservatives see as rhe real danger here: that forms of expression they see as “abnormal” are now normalized. So they make up this fiction that anything that defies gender norms is now unfit for children, no matter what the content really is.

Efwis ,

Don’t forget the aspect that seeing drag shows will turn a child lgbqt+ just from seeing it. Or the fact that all lgbtq+ are pedophiles.

Conservatives have absolutely no idea what they are talking about on this. “Oh the horror. They’re indoctrinating our kids by dressing like that and telling them a story.”

These idiots need to realize this is America and we have undeniable rights to our freedom. Government overreach at its finest. Conservatives are afraid of the truth that everyone has a right to be themselves.

dhork , (edited )

No, they understand perfectly well what’s happening. Many of their kids are rejecting their ideologies, which these conservatives have been working for years to instill in their kids. The kids understand, though, that the guy in the dress is a lot more tolerant and empathetic than their parents are.

So these clueless parents have to insist the problem is with the gays, and if the gays just weren’t so gay out in public all the time, their kids would never have caught it. Because the alternative is that the parents have been teaching the wrong things all this time, and they would never admit that.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if my ex father blamed queer media for me transitioning. And like yeah it contributed to the decision to choose to transition instead of trying whatever it took to dull the pain of dysphoria in a self destructive spiral. I prefer the college degree and happy marriage to the drug addiction I could’ve had personally

Efwis ,

True. The important part to realize is their phobia is so prevalent they don’t realize how stupid they are

captainlezbian ,

Exactly it becomes a government mandated dress code for performance. And based on gender no less.

Doing this you wind up banning Shakespeare and not just the whole “every role is played by a man” style, but no matter the casting some of his comedies contain drag.

And from there you have bio drag. There are cis women performing as queens who are indistinguishable from the cis men they perform alongside when on stage.

Now certain forms of sexually provocative dancing sure fight it out but it needs to be equally illegal for Beyoncé at the Super Bowl.

Saying drag is sexually explicit is like saying stand up comedy is sexually explicit. Yeah a lot of it is but not the stuff for kids at a library unless someone is displaying poor judgement.

Blackbeard , in A football coach who got job back after Supreme Court ruled he could pray on the field has resigned avatar

It was never about his job. It was always about putting Christianity back on a pedestal and the rest of us back in the shadows.

Fuck him.

Son_of_dad ,

Openly pray to Satan in school, since it’s perfectly legal

Killing_Spark ,

No sir I am allowed to slaughter that goat in the middle of the classroom. It’s my noon-prayer ritual

pixxelkick , in 11-year-old boy to stand trial for mother's murder, motive suspected to be VR headset

Its interesting how if the boy shot and murdered someone else, the mother would be the one responsible for it, due to leaving the gun somewhere the boy could access it and shoot it.

But now that she specifically is the one who got shot, with her own gun, now the boy is the one responsible.

It doesnt seem logical that you can have both, who gets shot with the gun shouldnt shift responsibility. She left an extremely dangerous and lethal weapon laying around where the 11 year old boy could just get his hands on it. She is responsible for her own death through her own negligence.

It’s actually insane that this literal child is being tried for an adult, a threshold he is barely half way towards hitting. This kid literally is still in elementary school and has only just started to be taught basics of multiplication. His brain isn’t even remotely close to done developing, and he hasnt even really started puberty yet.

If he was, say, 16 or 17, sure I could see it. But fucking eleven? Insane, ludicrous, actually crazy. That is not an adult, and anyone trying to try the kid as an adult is a fucking lunatic.

hill , avatar

So by your logic and reasoning this poor woman apparently committed suicide(?)!

Yes he's a kid but he also resides in a state where anyone committing this crime is tried as an adult - that doesn't mean that he'll go to an adult prison if the outcome is prison time. If you read anything about it you'll know he's a straight-up psychopath and needs serious mental help!

creamed_eels ,

If you read anything about it you’ll know he’s a straight-up psychopath and needs serious mental help

Source? Because the above article didn’t contain any of that info.

zaph ,

If you read anything about it you’ll know he’s a straight-up psychopath and needs serious mental help!

So he needs help and not to be tried as an adult making decisions with a clear mind. I love it when people disagree with themselves in 3 sentences or less.

hill , avatar

LOLWUT! I'm guessing you're retarded.

vinceman ,

Why? Because you contradicted yourself? Seems like you might just be a idiot.

HubertManne ,

I think the OP was under the impression the child would not be charged but the parent would if they had shot anyone else. In that circumstance he made it would not really be suicide as much as an accident I think. Like accidentally shooting yourself due to negligence in handling the firearm but here the negligence is allowing access to a child.

pixxelkick ,

So by your logic and reasoning this poor woman apparently committed suicide(?)!

Lol, what?

Negligence is not Suicide. Suicide is intentional. If she put the gun in the childs hand and forced him to shoot her with her own hands, that would be suicide.

But negligence is what its name implies… Neglect.

If you are an idiot and accidently kill yourself, do you think that is suicide? Obviously not, right? You are of course still responsible for having done it, but an accident != suicide.

SheeEttin ,

She would be responsible for an unsecured firearm and child endangerment, but I don’t think they’re usually charged with the actual murder (unless it would be a felony murder rule).

But this kid certainly shouldn’t be tried as an adult.

In any case, I’d like to back waaaaay up and ask how this kid got access to a loaded gun in the first place.

JokklMaster ,

I think it’s more often an involuntary manslaughter charge due to the gross negligence of allowing a child access to a gun. But sometimes it can be counted as murder even if it was unintentional if you were doing something so reckless and stupid you should have realized it would likely result in someone’s death. There’s an argument to be made that keeping a gun somewhere a child could access it would count.

QuinceDaPence ,

But sometimes it can be counted as murder even if it was unintentional if you were doing something so reckless and stupid you should have realized it

Just depends on the state. So you have to look at the definitions. State A might have Murder and Manslaughter, State B might have Murder and Negligent Homicide and State C might have Murder-I and Murder-II or first and second degree.

I've seen a bunch where charges will come out of Texas for Assault and people freak out thinking it's being played down despite Texas Assault being the same as Battery in their state. Or Aggravated Assault being the same as Attempted Murder in their state.

SpaceNoodle ,

Basics of multiplication in sixth grade? We were learning that in second grade …

cryptosporidium140 , (edited )


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  • pixxelkick ,

    Idk, I was programming computers at age 11

    This has no baring on the issue and is orthogonal.

    At 11 years old, their brain is not even remotely close to fully developed. They havent even started puberty yet. It is unhinged and ridiculous to try an eleven year old as an adult.

    They literally are only just barely halfway in their development to adulthood.

    cryptosporidium140 ,


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  • pixxelkick ,

    I don’t know about you but I was long past knowing whether or not to point a loaded gun at my parents and then immediately go online with their account to buy a nice VR headset.

    Well see the neato thing is, you weren’t raised by that kids mother.

    You might be able to, hopefully, connect the dots that the kid who perhaps struggles with the concept of whether to point a loaded gun at their mother is also going to be the same kid who has a mother… who leaves a loaded gun lying around accessible to a child

    RaivoKulli ,

    In both cases both would share the responsibility

    Zirconium , in A football coach who got job back after Supreme Court ruled he could pray on the field has resigned

    “can best continue to advocate for constitutional freedom and religious liberty by” ostracizing other religious beliefs and making those students feel uncomfortable

    jprjr ,

    This is the part that gets skipped.

    It wasn't him just going out and saying a little, quiet prayer to himself. I wouldn't give a shit about that, I don't think anybody would. You do you.

    He was bringing a ton of students into the fold. The whole team was praying with him.

    He claimed that it wasn't required or expected but come on. You know damn well if you were a player on the team and you're the only guy not praying, you're gonna have a bad time.

    st3ph3n , avatar

    Something tells me that you would also have found yourself quickly dropped from the team.

    reddig33 , in Tennis ball wasteland? Game grapples with a fuzzy yellow recycling problem

    Natural rubber and wool takes 400 years to biodegrade???…/inside-a-tennis-ball/

    kurwa ,

    The outer shell of the ball is 2/3 wool, 1/3 nylon.

    Voyajer , avatar

    The nylon does

    reddig33 ,

    Well, tennis balls existed before nylon, so I’m guessing eliminating the nylon shouldn’t be too difficult.

    Ryan213 , in The lawsuits seeking to keep drag queens legal, explained avatar

    They should ban youth pastors instead.

    Zirconium ,

    Somebody has to make that abortion ban effective

    zefiax , (edited ) in Tennis ball wasteland? Game grapples with a fuzzy yellow recycling problem

    Am I the only one who sees tennis balls more as green than yellow? And no I am not colorblind, it just looks closer to lime green to me then yellow.

    Acronymesis , avatar
    callyral , avatar

    to me the ones in the photo are yellow but i usually see them green and imagine them green too

    zefiax ,

    Ya the photo is definitely more yellowish but I play tennis regularly and I always see it as green in person.

    NewNewAccount ,

    Yellow and green are adjacent to each other on the visible spectrum so it’s easy for there to be colors “in between”, like the color of a tennis ball.

    ApathyTree , avatar

    I don’t know what you experience as green or yellow. To me those balls look like what I would label yellow (tho on the greenish side rather than the orangeish side), but for all I know, what I actually see is what you would call green. Just that I’ve been taught this color is yellow.

    So what if everyone actually has the same favorite color range, they just use different labels for it because they were taught that’s what the color they are seeing is? (I don’t really think that’s how it works, but I don’t know that it isn’t because experience is subjective, and how would you really test it when color names are arbitrary? Fun to think about.)

    zefiax ,

    That’s a thought I’ve always had a well, of we all actually like the same colours. Also could just be how you are raised. I remember calling tennis it green since I was a child and no one disagreed so the colour I see for a tennis ball, my brain sees as more green than yellow. It actually blew my mind when I first realized some people consider that colour to be yellow or at the very least closer to yellow.

    PixelOfLife ,

    They’re grellow.

    xc2215x , in Trump bid to delay $250 million New York fraud trial is 'completely without merit,' judge says

    The judge is right to say that.

    glarf , in Surge in ‘abortion travelers’ to Mass. post-Dobbs

    What a sad state this country is coming to. We deserve affordable access to safe healthcare. Abortion is healthcare!

    DoctorTYVM ,

    People deserve what they vote for. And unfortunately this is what a lot of Americans want.

    Turkey_Titty_city ,

    This is the truth of it. A lot of people simply don't vote, especially young people. So the old conservative times have more power, because they do vote.

    I'm in my 30s but half the people I know love to complain, but won't ever vote. Because it's inconvenient for them.

    DoctorTYVM ,

    Over 90 million eligible voters didn’t turn up in 2016. 90,000,000. 42%

    This is what they voted for.

    archiotterpup ,

    Liberals won the popular vote in 6 of the past 7 elections. This isn’t what they voted for.

    TheSambassador ,

    Way less people want this than this comment implies.. 73% of Americans support abortion early, and it gets a little foggier the further you go.

    Republicans just have rigged things so that it requires much more effort to defeat their bullshit.

    Pansexual_Iguana ,

    The general public doesn’t vote in the supreme justices, who were the ones that decided to abolish roe v wade. Trump put in 3 justices to the Supreme Court. What we fail to recognize is the long game the extreme conservatives have been playing for decades now to have these policies removed or passed. When it comes to people voting for Trump, numerous reports have stated how during the 2016 election Trump lost the popular vote and became President due to the electoral college voting him in. This also doesn’t consider the very real issue of voter suppression and Gerrymandering in the US.

    archiotterpup ,

    The GOP has lost the popular vote in 6 of the past 7 elections. These people don’t have popular support, just a logistical advantage.

    deconstruct , in Surge in ‘abortion travelers’ to Mass. post-Dobbs

    Not a huge surge in Mass as one might think.

    Data recently released shows thousands more abortions in Illinoos and New Mexico, compared to previous years.

    Notably, when data were stratified by state of residence, there was a 37.5 percent increase in the number of out-of-state residents, which is about 45 additional abortions.

    FlyingSquid , in New York state providing COVID tests, masks to schools avatar

    Considering the costs of distributing either N95s or KN95s to schools, which would have to be renewed every day, I think they’re pretty scared. Not a good sign.

    Sektor ,

    Let’s all be scared!

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Or let’s all be vigilant.

    Let me guess, you’re going to ask me how many boosters I’ve had as if that’s some kind of gotcha.

    Sektor ,

    Hey, be afraid if you think that is the right way.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    What part of “let’s all be vigilant” confuses you?

    Sektor ,

    I’m not gonna ask you about boosters, that’s your thing

    ABCDE ,

    Are you going to contribute meaningfully?

    Sektor ,

    I don’t think fear and panic is the way to go.

    ABCDE ,

    How are tests and masks fear and panic?

    Sektor ,

    Test and masks against what, covid that everyone cought at least twice and most of the world got vaccinated?

    ABCDE ,

    Masks to prevent it spreading more, and tests to see if you have it, of course. What about it is fear and panic? Don’t digress.

    Sektor ,

    In hospitals sure, but on streets, in schools? Really? Btw, why no masks last two years?

    ABCDE ,

    “on streets”, why there? “in schools? Really?”, yes, because, as you may know, schools have a lot of people in them for extended periods of time.

    “why no masks last two years”, if you are from the US, they were pretty common, but, because of variants which were not so bad or being passed around so easily. Due to current variants, and vaccinations wearing off, we’re seeing a resurgence everywhere. A lot of people I know are currently sick, however the same policies are not being implemented and they’re being told to go to work, passing it on more.

    But again, what about is it fear and panic?

    Sektor ,

    Kids with masks are a beautiful sight that radiates security and calmness.

    ABCDE ,

    Actually yes, it shows you care about others. Don’t bother next time. Thanks.

    Sektor ,

    Well, it depends how germophobic and frighten you are. I would rather see kids without masks.

    ABCDE ,

    No, it doesn’t. Why? You want to see infections and deaths go up again? Don’t be silly.

    Sektor ,

    All i see is that there were no masks or lockdowns or self isolations for almost 2 years and everything is fine.

    ABCDE ,

    It’s not fine.

    Sektor ,

    For some it will never be fine.

    scottywh ,

    I’ve never had COVID and I don’t intend to get it if I can avoid it.

    You’re being a chode.

    Sektor ,

    Maybe test yourself on antibodies if you haven’t already, people get covid without symptoms.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    How is it my “thing?”

    Sektor ,

    Do you want me to ask you about boosters?

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Do I give a shit?

    Sektor ,

    I would guess no, but it was something you started with.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Because that’s what generally follows. It’s almost like I’ve been down this road many times before or something, isn’t it?

    Sektor ,

    I don’t know about your road, and I’m no fan of generalization. It’s hard to talk with people online if you expect the worst from others. I would say the chance people arent shit is better than 50/50 and i would always gamble on it. Obvious trolls are obvious, the rest is more how you feel about it.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Obvious trolls are obvious

    …says the person who started this by trolling with “Let’s all be scared!”

    Sektor ,

    In contrast to your “Not a good sign.”

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Yes, I know why you were trolling.

    Sektor ,

    If i was trolling were you at least slightly fearmongering?

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Whether I was or not, that does not excuse it.

    Sektor ,

    Making an innocent reply on the internet forum?

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    If by ‘innocent reply,’ you mean ‘troll post.’

    Sektor ,

    Ok, i hurt your feelings, but it was quite tame.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    You did no such thing. Don’t lie.

    Sektor ,

    What am i lying about? At least I’m not assuming what you will ask me, like you do.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Ok, i hurt your feelings

    This is what you’re lying about. As I already told you once. Do you need to be told a third time?

    Sektor ,

    I didn’t knew i hurt your feelings, a assumed it. Like you assumed i would ask you about boosters. Which means you lied too.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Um… what’s the difference between assuming something and ‘knowing’ it exactly?

    And I literally said “let me guess” about what you would say about boosters, meaning I neither assumed nor knew. I guessed.

    But go ahead and pretend you don’t understand the difference between a guess and a declaration. That would go well with your trolling and gaslighting. A hat trick, one might say.

    Sektor ,

    Go ahead and guess away, you may guess it right some day. Wow, it rhymes :)

    Tell me, did you guess wrong? Or are you gonna gaslight me that it doesn’t matter were you wrong or right because i thought that anyways?

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    When I am wrong, I admit I am wrong. If I guessed wrong, I guessed wrong. But I did not assume anything or declare it as if it were a fact. That is what you did.

    Sektor ,

    I’m sorry i said i triggered you. I said my opinion in a slightly trollish fashion because i wasn’t agreeing with your conclusion about masks, but i probably could have done it better.

    OldWoodFrame ,

    As far as I know they are not requiring masking, they’re just making the masks available if anyone wants them, so the volume used is going to be a lot lower than 1/student/day.

    archiotterpup ,

    I’ve started seeing more masks on the train lately. People aren’t messing around.

    some_guy ,

    I wore a mask to take my cat to the vet last week. First time putting one on in a bit (and I kept them on a while after most took them off). I’ll for sure be masking when the weather gets colder and people have to be indoors most of the time.

    WhatAmLemmy , in Chinese hack of Microsoft engineer led to breach of US officials’ emails, company says

    This is why zero knowledge/access E2E encryption should be standard for most systems, especially those that store PII and comms.

    foggy , in Chinese hack of Microsoft engineer led to breach of US officials’ emails, company says

    Anyone else having a bad week? Month?

    It’s not as bad as this guy… 😬

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Trump’s last month or two comes close.

    foggy ,

    I hope so.

    Guy is still a front runner for the GOP 😔

    So long as he nor any of his cronies never takes office again, I’ll agree.

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