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orphiebaby , (edited ) in Sleeping woman run over and killed by lawnmower avatar

Look, this is horrific and sad. But I just want to add that this Lemmy post’s title has the unfortunate pacing and wording of a parody or comedy. Like a “Grandma got run over by a reindeer” kinda thing.

Edit: Don’t downvote me, fam. You don’t think this exact memo would have been passed between commercial newspaper editors? “Hey, uh. Don’t you think this wording is a little insensitive?”

Pixlbabble OP ,

I actually edited and then I flustered on the community part, restarted and forgot to edit it again. I agree 100 percent.

orphiebaby , avatar

I like the Lemmy community. There’s some crap here, but I’ve been mostly having good experiences with people. Thanks for contributing to this impression. ^^

Pixlbabble OP ,

I’m trying here more than ever. With 5 posts, it’s like 150% of my Reddit contributions lol.

Lemmylaugh , in Iran's morality police to resume headscarf patrols

Do they also have to pay a fine? If so then it’s just a money grab for the govt?

gravitas_deficiency ,

Did you… like… miss the HUGE protests that lasted MONTHS in Iran, and the violent reaction to the protests the regime had, due to the morality police killing a girl who was refusing to wear a headscarf?

This isn’t and never was a “money grab”. This is an entire populace struggling against a murderous and oppressive theocratic dictatorship.

brimnac ,

Re; “did you miss…”

Yes. Yes they did.

Dum ,

Not to mention hundreds that died during the protests, several death sentences issued and thousands more arrested by the state for participating in the protests

tabular , (edited ) in Teachers in England will have to tell parents if children question their gender avatar

Kids being unable to trust teachers here reminds me of being unable to trust teachers to stop anti-gay bullying due to Section 28.

Cosmonauticus , in Riots in France Highlight a Vicious Cycle Between Police and Minorities

The most annoying thing about Europe as a whole is they’re denialist attitude about racism. The general thinking is either, real racism only exists in America or I’m not a nazi so I can’t be racist

Mongostein , in How a Vast Demographic Shift Will Reshape the World

Maybe if the world weren’t going to shit people would want to have kids

partial_accumen ,

Interestingly, the richer a country gets, the fewer kids it gives birth to. When there’s a good chance you’re going to lose 3 to 4 children before they reach adulthood to hunger, war, disease, or general violence you hedge your bets by having 5-12 kids. Also historically, you need more kids to work your land/trade to support the family.

In an advanced economy you don’t need to have kids for either one of those reasons. Further, life is pretty good without raising kids so yet another group decide not to become parents. The big drop of fertility rate in the US happened in the early 70s likely before most people reading and posting here were born.

Its not all that kids are too expensive to raise in modern economies. Its partly sure, but not even the largest part.

Mongostein ,

I’m not even talking about cost. I’m talking about the fact that the world is literally burning down around us. We had 50 years warning and we did nothing meaningful about it. I’m not raising a kid just so he can be forced to go fight in the water wars of 2050.

partial_accumen ,

At least in the USA, the various world crises in the 1960s were quite a bit worse for the prospects of your new born children. We just had the Cuban Missile Crisis where we got closer to global thermal nuclear war than ever in history. The war was raging in Vietnam where young men were dying. The Soviet Union was flexing its power in Eastern Europe where they had just rolled tanks into Czechoslovakia. China had detonated their first Hydrogen bomb.

Frankly it looked pretty bleak then where there was a chance you and your entire family would die in nuclear hellfire potentially any day.

Ragnell , avatar

Not to mention kids require an investment of time and care that a lot of people just don't want to make. Given the actual ability to not have kids, some couples choose not to. And it's good that they don't have to, I mean, how many shitty, abusive parents were there in the past before birth control? People in rich countries are making the mature choice not to have children. People in poor countries would also make that choice, if they had the same access to reproductive care.

taiyang , in California firefighters battle several wildfires in Riverside County amid extreme heat

While driving down to OC earlier today, my wife commented how dry things looked along the mountains, saying how it might be a bad wildfire season.

I said it’ll probably be even worse in a few months but I guess I was off by a little (although I bet it’ll be hell in October/November when things get real dry).

Arotrios , avatar

Yeah, it's definitely going to be bad this year. The big rainstorms we got this winter caused a lot of growth, and anything east of the Bay Area is already dry up here in the north - had a couple of small local blazes already. The one saving grace is that we lucked out on cooler weather and late rain, but it's clear that our luck at climate roulette is beginning to turn.

taiyang ,

Not going to lie, I take great guilty pleasure telling friends in other states about how it’s 78 degrees here by the coast. Especially the ones who make fun of California being so hot. But yeah, I’ve got my air filters ready…

Ragnell , in A gay couple ran a rural restaurant in peace. Then new neighbors arrived. avatar

This is heartbreaking. I'm sure the stress contributed to that stroke.

stopthatgirl7 , in Instagram Threads now has one-fifth the weekly active user base of Twitter avatar

I’m not surprised it’s so popular, but I’ll admit to being surprised it’s so popular in India and Brazil. Is Instagram really popular in those countries, or is it something else?

argh_another_username ,


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  • JonVonBasslake , avatar

    people even shortened to Insta

    Everyone shortens it to insta, Facebook gets shortened to fb or face, youtube to yt or tube. Very few websites don’t get shortened, and those are usually the ones with short names, sometimes even monosyllabic names. Twitch, you can’t shorten that (at least no in any reasonable way), tiktok, and so on.

    The rest of your comment stands, I just took umbrage with your implication that Brazil is somehow different in shortening names of apps and platforms. They might do it more often than others, but they’re not unique or special just for doing it.

    Zana ,

    I have never heard anyone call them “face” or “tube,” what?

    perviouslyiner ,

    Facebook was subsidising the internet access? (search “” for why it’s controversial - when Facebook went offline people couldn’t even access government services or health services)

    MicroWave OP , in Florida ocean temperatures peak to almost 100 degrees amid heatwave: "You really can't cool off" avatar

    That’s about 38 degrees celsius for non-Americans.

    Buffalox ,

    I think it’s 38 degrees celsius for Americans too. But I’m not quite sure, could also be 2 ounces, their system is kind of weird.

    june ,

    It’s just over half the temperature of a cooked chicken for us normal Americans.

    irkli , avatar

    You forgot the fortnight compensation on Tuesdays.

    joel_feila , avatar

    the weirdest part is size 8 men shoe and size 8 women shoe are not the same size

    dismalnow , avatar

    7.1 stone.

    MysteriousSophon21 ,

    Or about 72.7 bananas

    DangerousDetlef ,

    Really had to do a double take. Like, what the fuck, the ocean is boiling, it can’t be that be that bad, right? Then it clicked that you’re using that weird Fahrenheit system.

    Yes, sorry, it’s weird. Celsius is easy - water freezes at 0 and boils at 100 and there we go…

    WrongWay ,

    F is easy.. 0 is cold. 100 is HOT..

    Norgur ,

    Thinking about it... Isn't that exactly what the Celsius scale does just with reliable definitions about what "cold" and "HOT" mean?

    Shower water with 38°C is hot, a bowl of rice at 38°C/100F is decidedly not "HOT". So the perceived convenience of the Fahrenheit scale is not applicable to everything, is it? How is it convenient then?

    CherenkovBlue , avatar

    O F is the freezing temperature of a saturated brine solution, while 100 F was the body temperature of a human. Yes, body temperature has been revised a bit, but the two points were chosen as stable points that anyone could access that would generally be unchanged by pressure changes, etc. Human homeostasis is quite good at keeping a temperature in a narrow range. Also, boiling is massively affected by air pressure. At 5000’ elevation, boiling is approximately 202 F and continues to get lower as altitude increases. Lots of people live at higher altitudes. (Hi! I am one of them !)

    Edit: I was a little off on the temperature selected for body temp, but still pretty close:

    inspired ,

    This is really interesting and I think there is a lot of support for the body temperature point. I was curious about whether the method of deriving 0F is insensitive to pressure changes and I can't find any evidence of that. But I don't know enough about chemistry or physics myself. Do you know, or have any details on where you learned this?

    CherenkovBlue , (edited ) avatar

    So I was a little off on the temperature chosen for the body, but the Wikipedia page has some good details:

    Re: freezing temperature of brine and pressure sensitivity, of course it is sensitive but we are talking about MPa-GPa of pressure, way beyond small pressure changes due to changes in altitude. You can get started by looking at physical chemistry of solutions if you are interested! A good place to start is “freezing point depression” and “boiling point elevation” of solutions. Also, single component phase diagrams: here it is for

    yata ,

    It is convenient because they are used to it. That is all there is to it, and peace be to that.

    It only becomes silly when they begin to claim that F is better for “human temperature”, because again it all comes down to what you are used to and celsius is just as convenient if you are used to that.

    sudo , avatar

    As an American this is how I interpret Celsius

    • 100 is boiling
    • 50 is you’re gonna die from heat exhaustion eventually
    • 40 is hot
    • 30 is a little warm
    • 20 is a little cool
    • 10 is cold
    • 0 is freezing
    Rhaedas , avatar

    30 is hot.
    20 is nice.
    10 is cool.
    0 is ice.

    40 and 50 can just not, please.

    AmosBurton_ThatGuy , avatar

    As a Canadian, 50 is kill me right now cause fuck that, 40 would be constant cold showers to stay cool, 30 is uncomfortable and needs occasional cold showers, 20 is perfect summer weather, 10 is perfect spring weather and 0 is a nice winter day.

    Can’t stand the heat, I’ll take -30C over +30C any day. Can always put on more layers if you’re cold, there’s only so much you can take off when you’re hot though.

    Buffalox ,


    10 mm = 1cm, 100 cm = 1m, 1000 mm = 1m, 1000m = 1 km.

    1 cm3 water = 1 gram

    1 Watt heats 1 gram of water 1 C°

    1 dm3 water = liter = 1 kg

    1 m3 = 1000 kg = 1 tonne


    1 mile = ?? yards = ?? feet = ?? inches

    1 ton = ?? stone = ??punds = ?? oz = ?? grain

    1 Galon = ?? pints = ?? fluid ounce

    1 inch3 = ?? grain = ?? power to heat ?? fahrenheit

    There is no system to any of these, they are unscientific and impractical.

    How does Imperial still have any relevance as a measurement system?

    AnUnusualRelic , avatar

    That’s exactly how I’ve memorised imperial as well. We must have used the same manual.

    Buffalox ,

    Yes, you could say Imperial is easier, because you’d never calculate anything in your head, you ask Google.

    But how did that even work before we had Internet?

    AnUnusualRelic , avatar

    I suppose they had little booklets. A bit like the logarithmic tables that people kept for complicated calculations. Maybe they were issued on the first day of school or something. People would keep them all their life and look at them surreptitiously whenever they had to convert units.

    Buffalox ,

    1 barrel is 734 ounces. Whoo what a handy table. LOL ;)

    LegionEris ,

    I lived someplace with an old sticker inside a cabinet door with a bunch of basic, useful conversions. It was neat.

    joel_feila , avatar

    60 miles = 318 Kilofeet

    CodeInvasion ,

    I regularly convert between the two just by remembering the conversions for 10, 20, 30, and 40. It’s actually pretty easy.

    • 0C is 32F (of course)
    • 10C is 50F
    • 20C is 68F (a cool room temp)
    • 30C is 86F (reciprocal of 20)
    • 40C is 104F

    If you ever forget what one of them is, then just add 18F for every 10C from the last one you remember.

    theterrasque ,

    As a Norwegian:

    • 100 is boiling
    • 40 is we all gonna die
    • 30 is hot
    • 20 is a little warm
    • 10 is a little cool
    • 0 is cold
    • -5 is maybe time for a jacket
    • -10 shit, it’s freezingly cold outside!
    • -15 I’ll stay indoors if I can
    DaedalistKraken ,

    This is actually great, I’ve never found a good way to remember Celsius temperatures. I might go closer to Terrasque’s scale though, 30 is definitely hot where I am.

    Nepenthe , avatar

    With how mountainous Europe is, no it doesn't. What bothers me (aside from the ongoing, increasingly vivid global extinction event) is the sense that, were the situation flipped, you guys wouldn't miss a beat telling people to look it up instead of assuming every country works like theirs does.

    Good news is, we'll both have something else to complain about in a year or two, if we're...still able to do that.

    Norgur ,

    Oh, I think you might be projecting there. Have you ever been to Germany or France or any other European country? If the situation was flipped and we Europeans were the only ones using a system no one else does, we wouldn't tell you to look it up, we would never stop complaining about our governments for not changing shit.

    Norgur ,

    Oh, I think you might be projecting there. Have you ever been to Germany or France or any other European country? If the situation was flipped and we Europeans were the only ones using a system no one else does, we wouldn't tell you to look it up, we would never stop complaining about our governments for not changing shit.

    Nepenthe , (edited ) avatar

    Well, I'm..american, so I'm generally too broke to leave my house. I will openly admit I'm increasingly jealous of the French tendency to fuck shit up at the slightest inconvenience. They seem to know a lot more about getting things done.

    I think one would also have to account for geography in that, no? If a country were landlocked and surrounded by a ton of others that all used the same separate system that they themselves do not, then there would be very significant reason and pressure to change. As much as it's derided for it, America IS very much a universe unto itself, and the only dealings it has with nations that do things differently are in areas of work that have switched over to more standard measurements.

    All science and engineering are primarily or totally done in metric after we crashed the Mars Orbiter headlong into the dirt at mach speed. Everything else tends to use the more mathmatically sensible kelvin. Mexico uses metric and celsius, but I've literally never had a reason to go to mexico and probably never will. Canada uses both, but same deal.

    I make a concerted effort to include both systems whenever I have to type for an audience of mixed/ambiguous nationality, but in my day-to-day, I will never meet another person who can easily switch between them and I have no use to do that either. It is a useless skill for me to have. Despite this, I have the sense that I see more europeans complaining about farenheit than I ever see Americans complain about celsius existing, and for such a damn stupid populace, I'm left to assume we either comment less or google it more.

    Regarding projecting, I could be tongue-in-cheek and ask if you've ever met a European before. Our food. Our language. Our buildings, cities, cars, media, sports, slang, holidays, garbage disposals, windows, classrooms, whether or not we take our shoes off in the house. I struggle to think of a single subject you guys will not routinely make an inordinate amount of fuss over, as if it killed your children, and I'm convinced at this point that it's for love of spite and there's literally nothing we could do to make Europe happy if we wanted to. It makes sense that any chance to acknowledge the alternate measuring system would be prime ribs.

    Brits especially will snark about american english that routinely turns out to be a defunct british word. Germans will complain about the drywall, but their own houses have the same drywall. Houses in Switzerland are made of wood, but nobody bitches at the Swiss.

    Parting note, the downvote feels in keeping with that kind of pettiness.

    3l3s3 , in A gay couple ran a rural restaurant in peace. Then new neighbors arrived.

    Religion poisons everything

    Captainvaqina , in A gay couple ran a rural restaurant in peace. Then new neighbors arrived.

    What hateful “Christian” conservative trash bigots. So sad that these loser nutjobs drove the resturant couple to sell.

    MeepMorp , in Second Alzheimer's drug in the pipeline promises to slow worsening but with safety concern

    “Both donanemab and Leqembi are lab-made antibodies, administered by IV, that target one Alzheimer’s culprit, sticky amyloid buildup in the brain. And both drugs come with a serious safety concern — brain swelling or bleeding that in the Lilly study was linked to three deaths.”

    Lemmylefty , in The Rich Are Crazier Than You and Me avatar

    Hey man, I’ve seen you around, posting a bunch of interesting (albeit rather scary: “VC Qanon is not something I wanted to exist…) articles and wanted to thank you for bringing content here.

    MicroWave OP , (edited ) avatar

    Appreciate the kind words. Yeah, the real world sure is a crazy and interesting place, isn’t it :)

    Mr_Blott ,

    Appreciate it too! That said, any “news” article that starts with the word “opinion” isn’t news!

    MicroWave OP , avatar

    True. I couldn’t find a more appropriate place to post this article. Suggestions are welcome!

    Lemmylefty , avatar

    Something like a “Current Topics”? I haven’t looked but that might cover opinion pieces as well.

    Still, I don’t want to get too militant about proper placement of submissions, because being anal about categories being separate and distinct and ne’er the twain shall meet just doesn’t foster as much discussion as letting places be more malleable and take on the flavor of their communities.

    bernieecclestoned , in A gay couple ran a rural restaurant in peace. Then new neighbors arrived.
    Blackbeard OP , avatar

    Thanks! is blocked on my local network so I couldn’t help. :(

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Link didn’t work for me.

    jjjalljs , in Florida ocean temperatures peak to almost 100 degrees amid heatwave: "You really can't cool off"

    Not everyone in Florida deserves this, but a lot of them do.

    DrDominate , avatar

    The Oceans definitely don’t though.

    Mdotaut801 ,

    Or the manatees. They definitely don’t deserve it.

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