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UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

I agree that this is bullshit and Linux is better. But as someone with a Windows work computer, this was a huge help.

Allero ,

You think you’re powerful? now try to enable bing results in Linux search

Thcdenton ,
Rustmilian OP , (edited ) avatar
Allero ,

Lol Interesting

exu ,

Of course KDE supports that…

mhague ,

The other day I was trying to disable Ubuntu Pro stuff and the way to do it reminded me of Windows. Once I get my media backed up I’m switching to another distro, just not sure what one yet.

Viper_NZ ,

I threw Ubuntu 24.04 in a VM it’s been a few years since I’ve used it.

I was unpleasantly surprised.

Petter1 ,

You seem to me like a fedora or mint person 😁 like in the sense that I think you’d like them

PoolloverNathan ,

LiNuX uSeR iNsTaLlInG A BrOwSeR haha

yeah uh…

  • sudo apt install firefox
  • sudo xbps-install firefox
  • sudo pacman -Syu firefox
  • nix-env -iA firefox
overcast5348 ,

It’s been 8+ years since I last used Ubuntu on my laptop. I faced massive issues with staying on the latest version of Firefox because apt had a much older version, and installing using the gui installer wouldn’t replace the apt version etc etc. Probably a PEBKAC issue…

But, I do want to know- is this not an issue any more? Will apt install the latest (or almost latest) version of Firefox? Can I update it from the inbuilt update tool in Firefox?

alvendam ,

Can I update it from the inbuilt update tool in Firefox?

Universally regarded as a bad idea on Ubuntu based distros as far as my research goes.

Probably a PEBKAC issue…

Staying on the OTB repos in LTS distros and then complaining about software being slow to update is like staying on the OTB mirror, and then complaining that your download speeds suck.

I’m a Linux noob through and trough, use Glorious Mint, but like… How to get a newer version of VLC, than distributed by upstream is probably the first thing I figured out how to do.

cows_are_underrated ,

Can I update it from the inbuilt update tool in Firefox?

Universally regarded as a bad idea on Ubuntu based distros as far as my research goes.


alvendam ,

Dunno, but in every forum I’ve looked, people say not to use it, but let the updates go through the package manager. Sometimes even on threats of FUBARing your system. Could be that all these people are giving old info that’s not true, but I never tried it - don’t wanna go on the forums and start the thread with “I explicitly did what people say not to. How fix?”

Rustmilian OP , (edited ) avatar

The reason why is because of dependency hell and general packaging conflicts that could occur. You can go with the tar, snap, appimage or flatpak. If you do decide to use the system level package from a 3rd party, just be aware of the risks and be careful. The issue lay within the difference in standards, the usual target for these companies is Debian using the Debian packaging guidelines, while Ubuntu has their own, Ubuntu and Debian also have different release cycles which can lead to conflict with certain packages.
Perhaps, if you’re needs aren’t met maybe moving to a semi-rolling or rolling distro is best.

Edit : typos

alvendam ,

Oh, that makes sense, thank you. I’m really happy with mint. Pretty sure switching to the nightly repos got me most of what I need, for the rest there’s PPAs. Rolling release sounds tempting sometimes, trying out Plasma on a distro that supports it is also tempting, but so far I can’t be bothered. Mint seems to just work. :D

overcast5348 ,

I don’t know why you are being an ass to me. I literally admitted that my lack of skill was the issue right at the beginning.

And then people wonder why noobs don’t want to bother with Linux.

ulterno , avatar

When you choose a distro, you generally choose to follow what the maintainers give you as the “latest”.
Or you get snap/flatpak/AppImage.

I, personally, would go with AppImage, probably because I once made some myself and liked them.

xkforce ,

Not unless you use the nightly repository.

Skates ,

Ahahahah imagine writing a short story to install a browser

DrGamerPhD ,

its four words

ulterno , avatar

its four words

By the time you reach writing 4 words on Windows, you’'l have enough mental exhaustion for it to be equivalent to a short story.

mightyfoolish ,

Could be three. Just make your only account the root user.

cygon ,

Make it two: emerge firefox(Gentoo users only)

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar
dezmd , avatar

Yeah, totally.

Just imagine trying to do this with Windows Powershell, without a package manager like chocolatey to make it simple like linux…

<span style="color:#323232;">$workdir = "c:installer"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">{ Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">ELSE
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">{ New-Item -Path $workdir  -ItemType directory }
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">$source = ""
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">$destination = "$workdirfirefox.exe"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">if (Get-Command 'Invoke-Webrequest')
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">{
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">     Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">else
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">{
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    $webclient.DownloadFile($source, $destination)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Start-Process -FilePath "$workdirfirefox.exe" -ArgumentList "/S"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Start-Sleep -s 35
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">rm -Force $workdir/firefox*
cows_are_underrated ,

sudo pacman -S firefox is also enough. -Syu is for updating.

Petter1 ,

yay firefox

dream_weasel ,

Bro I think you got too many package managers in your setup. Prob this is gonna cause conflicts.

Rustmilian OP , avatar

paru -S firefox

Honytawk ,

Unlike us power users, many people like the web search.

Still the fact that this can be easily disabled with a single registry key is an advantage of Windows, not a detriment.

maeries ,

It’s only easy if you know the exact key and finding that isn’t easy at all. And also Microsoft likes to brake these fixes every couple of updates

Railing5132 ,

The first sentence: “somehow, different than Linux” :D

DrDominate , avatar

Most Linux users can search for a package they need to uninstall by keyword. You can’t really do the same with Regedit. The key and path in the post are something even fewer people can find because regedit is so cryptic.

Rustmilian OP , avatar

There’s a clear GUI option for this in KDE Plasma, no registry or terminal needed.

Ultraviolet ,

It’s the fact that it could just be a checkbox in search settings, but they make it as hidden as humanly possible, not only is it in the registry, but it’s not an existing flag you can change, it’s a flag you have to know the exact name of to add. It only takes a minute if you’re the type of person to be here commenting on a Linux meme on Lemmy, but to the average user, the option almost doesn’t exist.

Ozone6363 ,


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  • MehBlah ,

    Looks like we found our new pivot man.

    rockhandle , avatar

    Editing the registry is also potentially dangerous and I have had to reinstall windows more than once because of it.

    The fact that windows does not provide a safe configuration environment within which to make such changes, is most definitely a detriment.

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    What about ChromeOS on this subject matter? (besides being liNuX, I intentionally wrote it that way)

    ILikeBoobies ,

    People not using Powertoys Run as their search…

    Holzkohlen ,

    I even have to tell stupid windows to interpret the bios clock as UTC.

    Emerald ,

    Or set the clock in Linux to local time

    gedaliyah , avatar

    Wait, this is actually a good tip lol

    gedaliyah , avatar
    Suavevillain , avatar

    One thing Linux needs to do is change the perception of how hard everything is compared to Windows. Some things are extremely less difficult on Linux.

    GregorGizeh ,

    Definitely this. I have been eyeballing Linux for years, always intimidated by the CLI and the notion that everything you try to do on Linux requires user research and work first.

    Now I finally made the switch a couple days ago, and while it took a bit of tinkering and googling here and there I am amazed how simple, even way simpler than on windows, the experience for a an average user is, particularly with the very beginner friendly distro I went with (bazzite/gnome).

    It just works right out the box for 90% of whatever I want to do, configuring it is simply flipping some switches in the software and extension apps. Feels more like setting up a new smartphone than a PC. I didn’t even have to mess with the CLI all that much, perhaps half a dozen times so far, and each time i followed specific steps in a guide or tutorial, or tried out some basic things like file search.

    Suavevillain , avatar

    It is good to send new users to something like Gnome they can branch out. I think Cosmic will be a great fit as well. Outside of updates, you don’t have to do too much in the CLI really. But long as you learn some of the basics how to get around and maybe make an alias. I think that will get you by just fine on Linux. I do think people should get users to try less Windows like experiences on Linux. Because a Windows like UI will just make them miss Windows.

    GregorGizeh ,

    I do think people should get users to try less Windows like experiences on Linux. Because a Windows like UI will just make them miss Windows.

    That is actually the exact reason I went with gnome instead of KDE myself; I find it much easier to learn a new system than to adjust habits that have formed for years. I will probably eventually switch to KDE when i feel fully comfortable, because it is supposedly slightly better in performance and far more customizable.

    smowtenshi , avatar

    I’ve been using KDE Plasma for 5 years now and I’ve never missed Windows UI.

    bitwolf ,

    I always show people single click printer setups.

    Linux (and sometimes Android) is the only platform printers actually work reliably.

    captain_aggravated , avatar

    You have to click? I turn on my networked printer and every Linux machine on my network sets it up whether I wanted them to or not.

    bitwolf ,

    Which printer?

    captain_aggravated , avatar

    An Epson XP-830. Full disclosure: When it was brand new it was a severe pain in the ass because it wasn’t supported by CUPS yet, I had to go out to Epson’s website and download a driver in .rpm fromat and install it with alien. Bought it a couple months before I abandoned Windows for Linux and had to make it work. After about a year CUPS suddenly knew what to do with it and it’s Just Worked™ ever since.

    whome ,

    My printer worked out of the box under Windows no driver or anything needed. Maybe I got lucky.

    w2tpmf ,

    Both OS are hard if you don’t know how to use them.

    Both OS are easy if you know how to use them.

    Linux’s problem is fragmentation. There’s not a single OS that many people are familiar with like Windows. Instead there’s hundreds of different distros that all function in a variety of different ways. Even if a person learns to do something on Mint or Ubuntu, they will be completely lost trying to do the same thing on Fedora or Arch.

    Rustmilian OP , (edited ) avatar

    hundreds of different distros

    And out of those “hundreds” only a handful of them are actually popular and progressing innovation…

    As someone who’s distro hopped across a wide verity of distros, the fundamentals are more less the same across all of them. Just go with a popular distro with good documentation and you’ll be fine. If you’ve learned enough from mint to feel comfortable tackling Arch Linux, then the documention (e.g. ArchWiki) will be your strongest asset.

    w2tpmf ,

    Good documentation is great to have. Here’s the thing though. If you need documentation to use an OS… That just proves that it really is harder for people to use.

    Mint and Windows both share the ability to pick it up and use it for the majority of what most people do. Arch is like the textbook example of having to learn a bunch in order to use Linux.

    Rustmilian OP , avatar

    You forgot the entire point of Arch Linux, it was never meant for newbies, bud.

    ulterno , avatar

    Arch is the easy way, when you compare it to Debian Sid.

    kuberoot ,

    I think Arch is meant for people who want to learn the software - so that you can also choose, control, customize, diagnose, and fix the software!

    That said, archwiki is still a great resource on other distros for when something does go wrong, or when it’s not obvious how to do something, particularly when messing with experimental or server stuff.

    cows_are_underrated ,

    The Arch wiki is one of the main reasons I use Arch/Arch based Distros. Its so insanely good and after you learned some of the basic stuff and what certain terms mean its a very good resource for doing stuff.

    baggins ,

    I have used Windows since I was a child and I still need “documentation” to do routine things, because they hide stuff 8 levels deep inside an obscure settings window that requires an arcane ritual to access.

    dustyData ,

    I’d argue that there’s like 4 ways that 90% of distros work like and even they are extremely similar to each other. You got Fedora, Debian, Arch, and whatever Gentoo users do when they are in the dark in the basement. The rest are niche and weird stuff that not even Linux hardcore fans know all about. Similarly there’s only two desktop things that matter, GTK or QT. Everything else is us nerds nick-picking.

    Ok, there’s also nixOS and the new wave of atomic monolithic containerized whatever distros, but they are like, super new and the resulting system is indistinguishable for the end used from the other 4 main.

    Ozone6363 ,


  • Loading...
  • Rustmilian OP , avatar

    Imagine being this unironically toxic… in a meme community.

    Manzas ,

    I am convinced you breathe that gas that broke the ozone layer.

    Adanisi , avatar

    Yeah, sure, we like to promote it because it’s… harder??

    smackjack ,

    Problem is is that is that too many people insist on doing things the Windows way and they get frustrated because of it. For example, instead of going to the software center, they choose to download their programs from a website, even though that’s not how you’re supposed to do it most of the time. They’ll also spend hours trying to get Windows only programs to run, when there are alternatives available that work just as well.

    cows_are_underrated ,

    That’s absolutely true. I made the same mistakes and I got absolutely mad.

    Jakeroxs ,

    I still don’t fully know how to install rpm files lmao, that’s how I learned about Apt back on linux mint, don’t remember what I was trying to install as it was like 15 years ago. Deb files were nice because they did work like a windows user would expect.

    cows_are_underrated ,

    I don’t even know what rpm files are xD. I personally havent figured out how to make use of a tar.gz file.

    Jakeroxs ,

    Woops I did actually mean tar.gz files lmao

    smackjack ,

    A tar file is similar to a ZIP file. The easiest way to uncompress them is by using your file manager and right clicking.

    cows_are_underrated ,

    I know, but since Programms often ship as tar.gz I still have no fucking clue on how to finally install a Programm from it.

    Jakeroxs ,

    Right, the few times I used tar.gz it was basically just a portable app, which isn’t how I think about “installing” programs usually.

    smackjack , (edited )

    Let’s use Tor Browser as an example since that’s one of the programs that typically gets installed with a tarball. Once you’ve downloaded and extracted the tarball, you’ll want to navigate to the extracted files. You can do this in the terminal using CD commands, but I think it’s easier and a little more intuitive to just use your file manager and navigate to the folder that way. Once you’re in the correct folder, you’ll want to right click on an empty space and select “open and terminal.” Now you’ll have a terminal open and it will already be in the correct directory. From here you’ll want to run the “start-tor-browser.desktop” script. To do this, simply type ./start-tor-browser.desktop and you’ll be able to follow along from there.

    Running programs from a Tar image typically involves running a script. You just have to change the name of the script to match whatever they have in the directory. Auto complete is your friend here. You don’t have to actually type the entire name of the script, you only need to type the first few letters and then hit tab.

    cows_are_underrated ,


    UsernameIsTooLon ,

    Using Linux isn’t hard. Switching to Linux is hard.

    I_Miss_Daniel ,

    Reminds me of when I tried to install Firefox on Ubuntu and it said it couldn’t open the download as there was nothing associated with it. Ended up with another copy without an icon but it worked. Then I moved to Fedora which seemed to work as intended. Couldn’t run Mint on this laptop as it boots to a black screen - presumably the wrong GPU. Daily Driver is Windows 10 by necessity.

    Katana314 ,

    I get the impression “opening a file” is treated as a different action in Linux from “executing a file”. They don’t want the user request of “Oh, I guess I’ll look at this image” to accidentally result in a system takeover - so any “run this file” actions are more manual.

    I_Miss_Daniel ,

    I think it’s becasue I downloaded a deb file or something that Canonical had decided was not allowed any more. Recent conroversy

    loudWaterEnjoyer , avatar

    Why are we even comparing the terminal with registry? What is registry mimicking from Linux?

    uis ,


    jj4211 ,

    In this case, I’d say it’s less about how the registry works, and more about how deliberately obnoxious Microsoft makes the experience for the sake of their agenda.

    Sure if you have to deal with the registry at all, it’s “hard” but that’s casting stones from a glass house as dconf can be just as hard, and then you have the odd occasion where someone suggests dbus-send, which certainly doesn’t have room to mock registry handling as hard. The point is that most people never have to touch dconf/dbus directly to do what they want, and in Microsoft some things are deliberately obscure due to user hostile intentions.

    Honytawk ,

    Deliberately obnoxious that can be disabled by a single registry edit?

    eRac ,

    A single registry edit to a key that doesn’t exist because they wanted to obscure that it was possible.

    jj4211 ,

    For the “don’t care” computer user? absolutely. Given that the key doesn’t exist at all by default, means it’s not discoverable even for someone that might think to randomly peruse the registry hierarchy. Even if you know it, it’s a typically tedious registry path. Based on Microsoft’s track record, the fact you know the registry key today doesn’t mean that key won’t change behaviors or move somewhere else randomly, or start having to be paired with some other registry key.

    Contrast with Plasma, where the same capability is possible, and I just right clicked the button to check out settings and could easily figure out without help or internet search how to enable/disable internet results in the search. Further when I enabled it, the non-internet search stayed blazing fast. Then disabled it again because, well, why would I want that. I did however add browser tab search since I bothered to look because that is handy, just removed history and web search.

    the_crotch ,

    What if I told you you can create and set a registry entry with a single line of powershell

    uis ,

    You can install gentoo with a single line of bash

    Rustmilian OP , avatar

    What if I told you I’d rather bash my skull in than use powershell.

    the_crotch ,

    That’s ok too. If you’re not comfortable in the cli you can switch to a more gui focused windows distro. Most of the same functionality is there.

    PainInTheAES ,
    <span style="color:#323232;">Invoke-Command -Sick-Burn $user
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">Write-Output "Nice"
    panicnow ,

    I’ve moved to WinPE for its immutability.

    decivex ,

    Now that’s just uncalled for.

    jose1324 ,

    Powershells great tho

    Honytawk ,

    You can run a batch file too with your skull, although I do not recommend.

    baggins ,

    Imagine not having all your system settings in plain text files 😬

    dezmd , avatar

    What if I told you you can make a backup of a config file and edit a single line in a conf file, all with a single line of bash?

    sudo cp config.conf config.conf.bak.$(date +“%Y%m%d%H%M%S”) && sed -i ‘s/^(CONFIG_NAMEs*=s*).*/1new_value/’ config.conf

    kuneho , avatar

    I mean, fucking with the registry was always a thing in windows

    MonkderDritte ,

    Speeding Windows 7 desktop up by changing animation duration of taskbar & co. from 400 ms to less.

    kuneho , avatar

    I do the same on Android

    Rustmilian OP , avatar

    Unlocking dev settings is first thing I do on Android.

    soulsource , avatar

    Android has become such an unusable mess otherwise…

    I mean, you can’t even find the option to allow sideloading on my Android TV box without first enabling developer mode…

    Quexotic ,

    Not always.

    In other news, I feel old.

    MacNCheezus , avatar

    Technically correct. The registry was introduced in Windows 95. But ever since then, fucking with it has been a thing.

    Quexotic ,

    I just admitted to remembering working with Windows 3.11 for networking…

    Also, being technically correct is the best kind of correct I’ll have you know ;)

    kuneho , avatar

    Struggling with INI and SYS files are also kinda the same, but you are right, it was a far stretch

    jj4211 ,

    Well, sure, but this has a user hostile motive behind it.

    Microsoft could have offered a right-click/disable internet search to facilitate. However, they wanted people to just give up and soak in start-menu driven internet action, so they buried the option in an obscure registry key.

    The key is the start menu search to internet really makes the experience suck, as you try to type something on local system and some internet result gets prioritized, and by nature of the internet search, the internet search is unpredictable, so the search you do every day that usually opens up what you expect suddenly starts going to some internet site in edge.

    kuneho , avatar

    don’t get me wrong, by no means this isn’t shitty, it is.

    I’m just saying Windows too always had its tinkering with the registry or in text files, you just normally did that on the GUI or used EDIT.

    Black616Angel ,

    Funny enough, the regedit of my work PC was already there with the value set (seems like I already did that a few weeks ago)…

    Startmenu is still slower than my personal Linux machine.

    piracysails ,

    Slower than Windows? No hate, that is impressive. What are you running?

    Rustmilian OP , avatar

    Dyslexia moment

    piracysails ,

    Ah I see, yes, probably…

    Pringles ,

    I just tested it on my work laptop and it’s ridiculous how much faster search is now. Gonna propose to implement it company wide on workstations. I mean, I would do so in a heartbeat, but I still want our CIO to sign off on it.

    For servers though, I’m creating the policy first thing in the morning. The slow search has been the bane of my existence for years (although admittedly I could’ve googled it many times and never did, so that’s on me).

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