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philluminati ,

You gotta walk your own path.

Most people know exactly what they have to do to obtain a skill, start a business, make a friend, experience and adventure but simply don’t out of fear of the unknown.

The Internet is helpful but you got to put stock in your own lived experience.

rock_hand ,

Forget one piece!

Put money into your 401k. Learn more about personal finance than video games. Lift heavy things with proper form and put them back down again a lot. Give all people respect and kindness even if they’re being snotty. Brush your god damn teeth.

kerthale ,

Take care of your health. Any unhealthy habit you develop now is going to be kicking your behind later. Also, hang around people that get the best out of you. Not just party people. Cause when stuff gets tuff your party buddies are going to be nowhere to be found.

Chef ,

Take care of your fucking teeth.

Take care of your fucking teeth.

And once more, for the folks who don’t get it…

Take care of your fucking teeth.

deranger ,

In addition, take care of your fucking joints and your hearing. They will never get better, you can only slow the degradation.

sharkfucker420 , avatar

My joints have always been terrible, I have much to look forward to I am sure

sanguinepar , avatar

This, but also your knees.

Any body part with a double E really.

SendMePhotos ,


DeltaTangoLima , avatar

The real value is in the comments

Kalkaline , avatar

Clean the pipes at least once every 48 hours is what my doctor told me.

sanguinepar , avatar


scytale ,

These 2 comments hit me straight to the core. My teeth and my knees are my primary problems right now.

MacroCyclo ,

My wife stopped drinking (occasional glasses of wine) and these two problems went away for her.

umbrella , avatar

we can honestly extend this to health in general.

so many bad habits will cause shit and some much shit is easily preventable if people took it a bit more seriously.

paddirn ,

Take care of your back and your teeth, they start hurting like hell the older you get.

MagicShel , (edited )

This couldn’t be more true. Don’t fucking lift that two man lift at work that you can totally do it by yourself because you’re young and strong and maybe you’ve done it a dozen times before. Just don’t fucking do it. I’m fucking begging you to learn from my mistake. One time was all it took for me to have a lifetime of problems since my 30’s. I know the exact moment I ruined my back. 30 years later I can remember how that pop felt. It didn’t even hurt bad enough at the time to need time off work. I thought I was still just fine. Ten years later, nope. And now that I’m fifty, everything hurts. It hurts to lay down in bed. It hurts when I get up in the morning. I lifted a 1gal. bottle and was bedridden for a week. My own kids had to watch me spend ten minutes crawling up a flight of stairs to my bed; they were crying and scared that the guy who was their Superman couldn’t even stand up. I promise you, it can happen and you’re rolling the dice every time you do it.

Edited to add more

sunzu ,

Working hard is for suckers.

Getting paid is what the whole song and dance is about.

DJDarren ,

I’m 43 and gradually coming around to the fact that as long as my managers aren’t actively talking to me about not doing enough, then I’m doing ok. It’s worked wonders for me being anxious that I’m not doing what’s expected of me.

It’s fine to do the bare minimum as long as you’re not fucking things up for your colleagues. You get paid to cover the minimum of your job description, not to work yourself to death.

sunzu ,

We should have been taught this at 23 not FAFO 20 years to learn it.

Sucks to suck being a pleb I guess... "real" people made careers in the mean time.,

DJDarren ,

Isn’t it just.

I’m surrounded by young lads who think that working themselves to the bone is some kind of flex, or lazy pricks who give the others shit for not working hard enough.

These days I just crack on and do my thing. My manager is happy with my work, and I can sometimes spend a good five hours just scrolling the internet, looking busy.

sunzu ,

lazy pricks who give the others shit for not working hard enough.

Upper management potential spotted lol some people are born to win in this system...

Yeah, at some point, they can do but so much bullshit. If you do your job, adults aint got time to bullshit. People got kids lol.

Marketsupreme ,

Fuck I needed this. I am at the point where I am about to talk to a psychiatrist about this because I have such bad anxiety about whether I’m doing okay or not at work.

LNRDrone ,

Get somekind of workout and stretching routine going on. It’s much harder to build the habit later when you’ve got maybe a family going on and probably more work responsibilities.

foggy , (edited )

I’m 36.

Do yourself a favor. Dont drink alone.

Sound like a tall order? Work on that. Your liver is important. You’ll be alone a lot. You get in that habit now, it’ll be with you when you’re 40, and your liver will not be a fan.

“Work on that” what do you mean?!? – you get home from a shit day at work, or you stop at a bar on the way home. You get drunk to numb the calcified agony of the working life. – that’s what I mean. There are other ways to numb thatee less maladaptive, they just take more effort and take affect less quickly. Move toward it for me tak health.

Do you spend hours on the couch scrolling on your phone? Try to go on a 2 mile walk every day. 4 is even better. Your heart will thank you. Your hips, knees and ankles will thank you. Listen to a podcast. You can still binge content, just… Get your body moving. And get your eyes to focus on the horizon every now and then. It’s good for your eyesight long term.

Get yourself out of breath, heart racing from pushing yourself physically at least once a week. Preferably nearly every day.

Take up an artistic hobby. Write bad poems. Write bad stories. Write bad songs. Draw dumb cartoons. Draw bad portraits. Sing your best, but sing. Dance.


Brush your teeth twice a day.


Do planks.

Side planks too.

Drink water.

You should be able to do 20 pushups.

You should be able to touch your toes.

Sprint as far as you can at least once a month.

Just don’t get complacent being complacent.

Invest $1 for every $1 you put in a savings account. Put $1 into a retirement fund for every $1 you put in that savings acct too. Oh, and $1 in a Roth IRA at the same rate.

Got an extra $100? $25 to savings $25 to investing, $25 to Roth, $25 to 401k.

Do that til your savings ~= 6 months living expenses. Then stop that fund and split it 3 ways for investing, retirement, retirement.

Use your investment (and if things go south, savings) for a down payment on a house to minimize your mortgage.

Edit: in debt? Have more than 1 source of debt? Focus on the biggest one. If you can make minimum payments on all and have money leftover it goes to the largest debt/worst interest. Pay em off one at a time til your chins above water.

YetAnotherMe ,

Yeah regarding the drinking alone; it’s an easy escape from whatever is happening right now (45+ yrs here). Not an alcoholic but I definitely have a bad habit (that’s what all alcoholics say, right?) during non work hours to disconnect (not sure from what to be honest…life?)

foggy ,

I’m not good by what I suggest lol.

Trying to get them young because these habits die hard.

It is easy to say you’re not an alcoholic. Have you read what defines alcoholism? I qualify. I wouldn’t assume I do.

Here’s the cold slap in the face for us all. Count up your points…

Alcohol is often taken in larger amounts or over a > longer period than was intended.

There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use.

A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain alcohol, use alcohol, or recover from its effects.

Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use alcohol.

Recurrent alcohol use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home.

Continued alcohol use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of alcohol.

Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of alcohol use.

Recurrent alcohol use in situations in which it is physically hazardous.

Alcohol use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by alcohol.

Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:

*A need for markedly increased amounts of alcohol to achieve intoxication or desired effect.

*A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of alcohol.

Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:

*The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for alcohol (See the “How is alcohol withdrawal managed?” section for some DSM-5 symptoms of withdrawal).

*Alcohol (or a closely related substance, such as a benzodiazepine) is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.

foggy , (edited )

The DSM-5 defines AUD as a problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least

booze shame warning2 of those previous 11 symptoms occurring within a 12-month period. The number of symptoms determines the severity: 2 to 3 symptoms for mild AUD, 4 to 5 for moderate, and 6 or more for severe.

foggy ,

Happy Friday I am sorry

Nastybutler ,

Whew! I drink 4 or 5 beers daily and have for years. None of those listed markers applies to me. I don’t drink to get drunk, just to relax.

SwingingTheLamp ,

Four or five a day and not getting drunk? Holy shit, that’s a tolerance! If this isn’t tongue-in-cheek, I say examine the list a little more closely.

Nastybutler ,

That’s typically less than a beer per hour. I get a buzz if they’re IPAs or other high APV beers, but otherwise I just like the mellowing effects

SwingingTheLamp ,

Okay, you do you, but my father’s career was as an AODA counselor, so I’ve heard a lot of stories, and “I just use it to relax” comes out of the mouths of alcoholics so often it’s a cliché. There are other ways to relax without the long-term damage to one’s health.

foggy , (edited )

This alone qualifies you as an alcoholic. You can kid yourself all you want. Your body will catch up with you.

A downvote doesn’t change this.

Both of the last two apply to you. As do the second and third.

You meet at least 4 of them. Your alcoholism is “moderate”. And that’s assuming you’re being honest with yourself about the rest.

Persen ,

That also relates a lot with other addictions (including behavioral addictions like social media or general electronic addiction)

RBWells ,

Remember alcohol is itself a central nervous system depressant. I do drink in moderation (2-3 a week) but everyday is a bad idea, even outside of any harm to your liver or whatever, because it can make you depressed and downers of all sorts (including Benadryl) accumulate damage over time that can contribute heavily to dementia risk.

If you are worried about it, that seems a clear enough signal, you don’t have to label yourself as anything, cut down if you can. Going to the gym or yoga class after work can provide the same wind down in a healthier way. I do understand wanting a separation - it is so nice to come home, sit on the porch with a drink, to separate work from home life, but most days I go to yoga instead.

None is better than some, some is better than a lot.

018118055 ,

Look after your back and neck. Floss. Drink more water. Find out if you have family inheritable disease risk and adjust accordingly.

But also, take advantage of some of your best years, and the freedom which comes with not being tied down.

n0x0n ,

Exercise more. Does not apply to all of the 20s, but to quite some.

BlackRing ,

Try to take the time to care for your mental and emotional health when you need to, then, instead of stewing for years and years. I made the mistake of rolling with it, turned 35, and I’m lucky to still be here at 40.

Still struggling. Wish I’d spoken with someone years ago.

LarkinDePark ,

Yeah seconding that. Try to find a way to deal with your monsters. Forgiveness or accepting that you won’t get justice, whatever. But don’t drink poison thinking the other guy will hurt. We all need to learn to heal, the process takes s long time. The earlier you start the better.

DigitalGemini ,

Start a yoga practice and keep it up. In 20 years, you’ll thank yourself.

snek_boi ,

Or GMB or any other mobility-oriented practice!

maniacalmanicmania , avatar

I don’t know if this goes for all guys. Your balls will kinda drop again at some stage. If you have a desk job you could end up sitting on them for a while before realising what’s happened. Adjust the way you sit, what you wear down there.

Plopp ,

I notice immediately when I sit on mine. And everyone else in the room notices too due to the sound I make.

BeefPiano ,

Start saving for retirement now. You can make literally millions by putting away 10% of your income early on. Do it automatically so you never even notice the money gone.

If you are worried about making the wrong choice and your company doesn’t have a 401k, open an IRA somewhere (Fidelity if you need someone to make the decision for you) and pick a date targeted fund. Set up auto deposit. Never look at the balance.

You can always make it better later but for now the best thing to do is start. Don’t let analysis paralysis get in the way.

Tar_alcaran ,

If 20 year old me put away 10% of her income, it would just mean borrowing more. Current me would just have more debt and be worse off than now.

Sanctus , avatar

Yeah a lot of people in there twenties can’t even spare 5%. I’m thirty and I can’t.

Tak , avatar

“Save money for retirement” Yeah so I can pick up painting? The only thing I’ll be able to paint is the ceiling if I want to retire.


Have you seen the price of emulsion?

Tak , avatar

Oh I was going to use the free stuff and use a 12 gauge brush

Juvyn00b ,

Some companies in the US have a deal to where they match on 401k. One such organization puts in 5% for your 2%. Two percent is low enough it wouldn’t be a hit to almost any cash in your pocket given that the money is taken out pre tax.

TheImpressiveX , avatar

Question: If I had money saved in a 401k or Roth IRA, what if I died before I retired? What would happen to the money? Would it go back to the government or to a close relative?

kersploosh , avatar

You can (and should) assign a beneficiary for the account. They receive the money if you die.

AmbiguousProps ,

You declare your beneficiaries when signing up - it goes to them, I believe.

anon6789 , avatar

I don’t want to come off as insensitive, so I’ll try to phrase things carefully.

If you have even the slightest spare money per pay period, like $30, and a 401k or 403b is offered to you, you really need to do it.

That money comes out of your check before taxes, so you will be investing more money than what actually comes out of your check. By deduction 6% of a $15/hr full time job, you’re putting in $36, but your paycheck will only go down about $30-free money!

Many places will match you some, say half of that first 6%, so now you’re saving $54 while only being out $30. You’ve almost doubled your money in one week!

Come tax time, you’ve saved $1872, and you’ve been given a free $936. It doesn’t stop there though, because now you only are paying income tax on $29,328 instead of $31,200. If you get a tax rebate now, you will get even more back!

So now you’re saving $2808 a year at age 20. Let’s put that in one mutual fund, a SP500 index fund. Over the last 10 years, that has returned 12‰, but let’s be conservative and call it 10. If you never make a cent more per hour, by age 65, you will have saved $84,000 and your job has chipped in $42,000, over a year’s pay! But with that 10% compound interest, you have $2,000,000! You are a multi-millionaire for $30/wk!

If you get a raise or get a better job in the future, this number can be even higher.

Please keep this in mind. Even if you can’t do it now, do it ASAP. Here are the same numbers, but starting at 30 instead of 20.

Still amazing, but seeing this difference is why we older on ones tell you not saving earlier was our big regret.

I hope this was helpful and doesn’t get taken as a “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” thing.

EuroNutellaMan , avatar

Yes that’s cool and all but I have to pay rent and food and as things stand now the average salary is like enough to cover ⅓ of the rent

MacroCyclo ,

You entirely missed the point he was trying to make.

EuroNutellaMan , avatar

No, I understand what he’s trying to say. The point is: doing what he recommends requires having money to save up in the first place, and for a big portion of people in their 20s that’s not the case.

Poik , avatar

It’s valid, and it sucks. If you can even do $5, it’s worth it. But the world is absolutely against you right now. A lot of older folk don’t quite get how bad it’s gotten.

However, saving a dollar today is worth more than saving two dollars ten years from now. And having an emergency fund might actually save your life.

Hopefully something happens to shake up housing. These prices are absolutely criminal.

altima_neo , avatar

Moisturize, use sunscreen. Protect your skin and you’ll look young even in old age.

JoeDyrt57 ,

Sunscreen sounds unmanly, but think about how you’ll feel with half your nose excised. Put it on your face especially!

tamal3 ,

And your neck. Golly, that sucker does weird things later in life. Or is it moreso for women?

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