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ShimmeringKoi , to worldnews in Ukraine-Russia war live: 'Europe could die', warns Macron as he warns against relying on self-interested US avatar

…but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make

DivineChaos100 , to worldnews in Ukraine-Russia war live: 'Europe could die', warns Macron as he warns against relying on self-interested US avatar


PanArab , to worldnews in Ukraine-Russia war live: 'Europe could die', warns Macron as he warns against relying on self-interested US avatar

The US will consume Europe to fight Russia and China.

yogthos OP , avatar
bazingabrain , to worldnews in Ukraine-Russia war live: 'Europe could die', warns Macron as he warns against relying on self-interested US avatar


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  • coarse ,


    PolandIsAStateOfMind , to worldnews in Ukraine-Russia war live: 'Europe could die', warns Macron as he warns against relying on self-interested US avatar

    Macron week ago: SEND TROOPS TO UKRAINE

    Macron now: maybe better distance ourselves from the USA

    Is anyone even taking this guy seriously? I mean i kind of understand he will say anything at all that have a slight chance of lessening the internal contradictions in France, but please tell me not even liberals have memory this short?

    yogthos OP , avatar

    To be fair, maybe he actually thought that US would back his idiotic plan, and when was told to go pound sand that’s where he flipped to US is unreliable narrative.

    frightful_hobgoblin ,

    he flipped to US is unreliable narrative.

    Here he is saying it five months ago:…/emmanuel-macron-china-america-press…

    In March 2022:…/2547489

    In Sept 2020:…/emmanuel-macron-europe-dependency-u…

    yogthos OP , avatar

    Fair enough, it’s not the first time he’s made noises like this, but US not backing his hare brained scheme is likely the reason behind the latest outburst.

    frightful_hobgoblin ,

    It’s not an “outburst”, it’s his consistent line. He’s staking his career on this “autonomous Europe” bet…/20230411-president-macron-to-vi……/74-percent-of-europeans-agree-w…

    bazingabrain , avatar


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  • andrew_bidlaw , avatar

    Germany, UK and France were something like the centers of influence in the EU. Since UK brexited, Macron tries to capitalize on France being the one calling the shots, but doing it in a pretty embarassing manner. Remember his call to Putin early in 2022? Whatever one thinks about the subject of the call, he ran rogue from the EU and tried to be the frontrunner of EU-Russia relationships and probably claim the title of the peacemaker. Predictably, the only things he’s got are a tacker’s lecture and international WTF. And he also does this to the US, making himself look like a middleman in a EU-US dialogue. He looks like a Napoleon from historically incorrect jokes about his height, but not being a Napoleon-tier historical figure himself, but rather a side character. The type you skip all dialogs with.

    PolandIsAStateOfMind , avatar

    Except the effect of his “autonomous Europe” policy is Europe being more and more dependent and more and more sabotaged by USA. Sure, Germany have more to say about it and they are gargling on US boot totally lately, but France influence is almost as big.

    I guess they had a decent shot at it in the last two decades, but they blew it completely, and considering what Hollande and Merkel did with Minsk agreements, maybe they were never really intended to do it anyway.

    yogthos OP , avatar

    There’s a big difference between rhetoric and policy. The policy Macron is pursuing is ensuring the opposite of independent Europe.

    Maoo , avatar

    No he’s just inconsistent, trying to appease different audiences.

    yogthos OP , avatar

    yeah that’s the most likely scenario

    mathemachristian ,

    Its the same eu army back and forth that has been going on since november 2012 i think, its just a talking point to further that goal.

    coarse ,

    How does one statement cancel out the other?

    He could be talking about sending non-US troops to Ukraine.

    PolandIsAStateOfMind , avatar

    He did talked about sending French troops, but that move only really benefits USA. If he wanted to distance France from USA he should first and foremost start with the most pressing things on US agenda - condemn Israeli genocide using all means available to sanction Israel, and at least try to act for a peace in Ukraine instead of constant stoking and escalating the conflict.

    coarse ,

    How is condemning Israel relevant to the protection of Europe?

    He’s saying they should be relying on themselves instead of the US. For Europeans, what goes on in Israel is many layers removed from what’s going on in Ukraine.

    Maoo , avatar

    Because it alienates them from their vassalizing lords, the United States.

    Europe is currently stripping itself for parts for US interests. It is most in their interest to have an independent foreign policy but they’re so stuck in their imperialist wager of extracting wealth from the poorest countries (using the US as the global seat for this regime) it’s unimaginable to Euro liberals. They’re now so culturally ties to absolute nonsense about “Western values” and xenophobia (racism) that they can’t even bail themselves out of this situation.

    dkr567 , to worldnews in Ukraine-Russia war live: 'Europe could die', warns Macron as he warns against relying on self-interested US

    Oh look if it isn’t consequences of my actions - western Europe.

    frightful_hobgoblin , (edited ) to worldnews in Ukraine-Russia war live: 'Europe could die', warns Macron as he warns against relying on self-interested US

    I’m sorta respecting Macron’s drive to make Europe plough it’s own furrow away from the USA.

    On the other hand, I don’t trust Macron and his ilk to lead Europe. I trust them barely more than I trust the USA. I don’t like Macron’s approach to Ukraine or his domestic policies. At least he is cool about Taiwan tho.

    SturgiesYrFase , avatar

    Isn’t France buying an ungodly amount of Russian gas?

    frightful_hobgoblin ,

    I don’t know. Is it?

    bazingabrain , avatar


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  • Maoo , avatar

    Europe overall is still buying tons of Russian fossil fuels, they’re just overpaying for it due to sanctions. A high bill is exactly what that entails!

    Isn’t it cool to be directly paying for NATO aggression?

    floofloof ,
    Nakoichi , to worldnews in Ukraine-Russia war live: 'Europe could die', warns Macron as he warns against relying on self-interested US avatar


    Caitlyynn , (edited ) to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’ avatar


    l10lin , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

    Don’t know what can 20k euro achieve. Russia must be lacking of money.

    ForgotAboutDre ,

    If your blackmailing someone forcing them to take cash from you can them be used to blackmail the person further. They can press on them more, because they are now collaborators and won’t get any symphony from the public or a jury.

    Gabu ,

    To be fair, I doubt the public would give them a symphony either way. Seems like it’d be expensive and require a lot of training.

    cygon ,

    Small enough to not get noticed, too little to cover their lifestyle for long, yet too convenient to not take :)

    The big paydays usually happen through companies the politician and his ilk are in the board of, which just score very lucrative contracts or orders time after time. Or the politician is hired as a consultant for such companies, collecting fabulous kickbacks. Or the promise of early retirement into “window-looking jobs,” employment where they have a title, high income and zero responsibilities.

    IcePee ,

    This may have been one of a series of payments. This is only one that leeked.

    Karyoplasma ,

    Very likely this. Transfers above a certain threshold are automatically looked into to prevent money laundering, so getting a big bunch of cash at once is less convenient than getting several, smaller payments.

    Sizzler ,

    You think this is going through the bank?

    Karyoplasma ,

    I would think so, yeah. Purchases of over 10,000€ are automatically put under investigation, so a larger bribe would be tedious to launder. I’m not a money laundering expert tho, so I don’t know how they do it. That’s just how I would prefer to be bribed, I guess lol

    Sizzler ,

    In this case it was €20k in cash. Other ways is 'after dinner" speaking fees.

    Churbleyimyam , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

    Bro hadn’t heard of Monero.

    Seriously though, those Czechs are pretty keen on taking care of shit atm.

    Karyoplasma ,

    Not even the corrupt politicians believe in crypto lmao

    Fades , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

    oh look, it’s


    Goldholz ,

    The AfD isnt conservative. They are facist to neo nazi.

    Bernd Höcke is best friends with nazis and is allowed to be called a facist

    monkeyslikebananas2 ,

    Potato potato

    Goldholz , (edited )

    Oh no no no! There is a huge difference between facism and national socialism!! I am german i know a thing or too! National socialism is based in extermination, facism isnt!

    monkeyslikebananas2 ,

    Oh. I suppose my US bias is showing as the conservatives are basically nazis here.

    Goldholz ,

    Your conservatives are faar from being nazis! Facists, yes. But not nazis! Stop crying wolf. There are defenetly nazis out there that need to be stoped!

    monkeyslikebananas2 ,

    Here’s an example of some of the things going on here. Conservatives may not consider themselves nazis. But nazis sure do seem think they have a lot in common with conservatives.

    Goldholz ,

    Funny how an american thinks us europeans dont get your news here haha

    monkeyslikebananas2 ,

    I know right, yet you don’t know how bad the conservatives have gotten with their association with nazis…

    Karyoplasma ,

    National socialism is a misnomer. The Nazis were not socialistic at all, in fact socialists were one of the first groups to be detained and/or executed as political enemies. They were pretty much just fascists with some nationalistic ideas.

    Goldholz ,

    The idiologie is called national socialism because their party was the Nationalsozialistische Arbeiter Partei NSDAP. Nazi is just short for Nationalsozialist (in english national socialist)

    Ofc just because their name had socialist in the name doesnt mean they were socialists! Dont try to explain the nazis and what they did to a german.

    You on the otherhand, seem to not grasp the difference between, nationalism, facism and national socialism. So here for you the difference: Nationalism: the belief of once nation/culture to be above and better than everyone else

    Facism: same as nationalism just way more militaristic and beliefing in “the weak shall make way for the strong for they rule the world”

    National socialism: all other cultures and nations should be eradicated. Belief and loyalty is the strong leader and nothing else

    Every idiologie can be added with antisemitism anti christianism or any other hatret against religion

    Karyoplasma , (edited )

    Alter, komm mal von deinem hohen Ross runter. Du bist nicht der einzige Deutsche hier und Deutscher zu sein macht dich nicht zu einer Koryphäe in Sachen politischer Ideologien nur weil du in der Schule eine 1 in Geschichte geschrieben hast. Schau mal lieber die Definitionen von Faschismus und Nationalismus nach bevor du hier deine Mentalgymnastik ablässt, denn das, was du geschrieben hast ist nicht richtig.

    Nationalsozialisten waren einfach nur Faschisten mit der Idee von Großdeutschland (einer ultranationalistischen Idee, kongruent mit faschistischer Ideologie). Mit Sozialismus hatte die ganze Sache rein gar nix zu tun und zwar nicht im Geringsten.

    CosmicCleric , (edited ) to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’ avatar

    It’s too bad politicians don’t have an ethical score/rating, so that the citizenry can consider that when they choose who they vote for.

    Burn_The_Right , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

    Sure, Germany’s conservatives take payments from Putin just like U.S. conservatives, but how many handjobs have they given in a theater full of kids? They need to step up their conservative game.

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    Pedophilia has a long and storied tradition in German politics. It’s just part of their culture.

    From the late 1960s until the early 1990s, with the authorization and financial support of the Berlin Senate, Kentler placed neglected youth as foster children in the homes of single pedophile fathers with the ostensible purpose of resocializing them, while explicitly encouraging sexual contact between them.

    T00l_shed ,

    Jesus fucking christ. What a horrible day to be able to read…

    Caitlyynn , avatar

    What the actual fuck???

    Passerby6497 ,

    I thought that sounded like a Behind the Bastards episode (The School that Raped Everybody), but that looks to be a different German child rape scandal about the Odenwald school.

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    Yeah, I got this from TrueAnon, although I couldn’t tell you the episode off-hand.

    UnfortunateShort , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

    Are you seriously saying that the guy who was in contact with a Russian propaganda outlet was involving with Russia?

    I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you!

    DarkThoughts ,

    That's what the news is about...

    UnfortunateShort ,

    The thing is, it was already known they were in contact and the politician in question claimed he did nothing sketchy. So he’s not only corrupt, or a traitor to our country, or (most likely) both, he also already publicly lied about it and there is supposedly evidence he actually accepted money. This makes things much worse for him.

    His party also already claimed it’s a smear campaign, so if there really is evidence, they’ll look pretty stupid as well (although this really isn’t news).

    DarkThoughts ,

    But this isn't about a new case, it's literally about the same thing. Your initial comment simply does not make sense.

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