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Arelin , to worldnews in German army sets up first overseas bases since Second World War

While actively funding and supporting a genocide too.

West Germany was never denazified.- More Nazis in German justice department after WWII than during Third Reich: study>Fully 77 percent of senior ministry officials in 1957 were former members of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party, a higher proportion even than during the 1933-45 Third Reich, the study found. -…> From 1949 to 1973, 90 of the 170 leading lawyers and judges in the then-West German Justice Ministry had been members of the Nazi Party.
>Of those 90 officials, 34 had been members of the Sturmabteilung (SA), Nazi Party paramilitaries who aided Hitler’s rise and took part in Kristallnacht, a night of violence that is believed to have left 91 Jewish people dead.

While alot of the rest of the nazis stayed in power through NATO

Viking_Hippie ,

West Germany was never denazified

data that ends before the BIRTH of the majority of Germans

Look, I’m not saying that Germany doesn’t have a problem with an increase in far right politics and violence in recent years, but to claim that they never stopped being a Nazi country is some ahistorical tankie edgelord bullshit.

Until recently, Germany has been a near-pacifist country almost pathologically careful to “Nie wiederholen, nie vergessen” (never repeat, never forget) and pretending otherwise doesn’t accomplish anything except expose your very shallow and underdeveloped understanding of the world.

Woozythebear ,

I dunno man, Germany just can’t help itself from committing or supporting genocide throughout their history. Are Nazi’s flying flags in Germany? No. Is Germany passing laws and carrying out foreign policy as if they were still run by Nazi’s? Most definitely yes.

xkforce , to world in Putin orders soldiers to intensify attacks before Russian presidential elections


Norgur , to world in Putin betrayed us, say wives and mothers of Russian soldiers

All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us

mifan , avatar

Ga’dukka tszh tszh Ga’dukka tszh tszh

Ga’dukka tszh tszh Ga’dukka tszh tszh

Kumikommunism , to worldnews in The Houthis have defeated the US Navy avatar

Their line that they would stop if there was a ceasefire in Gaza convinced only a few.

I love how this is completely unsubstantiated and there’s no alternative explanation for what the supposed “truth” is. And this is just thrown in there completely unattributed to anyone. Who didn’t believe it? Who are the “few” whom it convinced? And libs just eat this up.

yogthos OP , avatar

You gotta love how western media keeps pretending the blockade is about anything other than genocide. The west can easily prove their theory by stopping support for the genocide.

Varyk , (edited ) to world in Mexico City police chief shot dead in ‘drug cartel hit’

“attacks on senior officers from the capital remain relatively rare”

Goes on to describe another attack 3 and 1/2 years ago on a senior officer from the capital.

douglasg14b , avatar

The operative word, which you quoted, is “relatively”.

Varyk ,

Yeah, they already throw in all the specifics of “senior” officials “from the capital city”, but attacks are still so common there that they have to add in “relatively”.

LarkinDePark , to worldnews in Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato

So much chatter lately along these lines. Seems like the west is about to do the Toy Story meme and drop the puppet.

JustUseMint , to world in Tensions grow as 160 tonnes of Ukrainian grain sabotaged in Poland

I don’t fucking understand, Poland had been supporting them so strongly for the past two years

Etterra ,

There’s always gonna be fringe wackadoos.

JustUseMint ,

I absolutely agree with the article stating FSB involment too

boyi ,

They still support Ukraine. But to bring Ukraine’s grain into the country is a no go for them. Domestically Poland have to deal with the farmers, constitutes a large demographic chuck of their voters, who can’t compete with the cheaper Ukraine’s grain and ended up suffer financially.

edit: a news article on this matter

FiskFisk33 ,

No country is a cohesive mass of likeminded people.

Chup ,

The motivation from the previous nationalist PiS government in Poland was mainly anything they could to do against Russia or against Germany.

So by supporting Ukraine with military equipment, they were acting against Russia. But at the same time slowed down German support for Ukraine, by blocking maintenance and factories for Ukrainian equipment in Poland. Leading to long transports across to other countries e.g. Latvia for maintenance.

Now, with the grain, this has no Russian involvement and their own farmers are unhappy. So there is no way to go against Russia or against Germany. Also there is a new government in Poland, so I guess we have to see how that develops now.

gravitas_deficiency ,

The farmers liked the old party being in charge, not the new one. Also wouldn’t be terribly shocked to learn some of these actions are being encouraged by individuals whose paychecks are covered by the Kremlin, considering the impact this is having in the region.

Zanshi ,

They protested no matter the party lmao. The issue is that the grain that was supposed to go through Poland as transit was being sold at lower prices than local grain, while not needing to meet the same standards (because it’s just in transit here right? Right?) Farmers basically feel like their calls earlier were ignored by Warsaw and Brussels. Russophiles were very quick to come in and make this a russophile thing.
Whole crisis was manufactured by previous government because wouldn’t you know, there was a lot of money to be made when some of the “transit” grain disappeared and was sold

AnUnusualRelic , to news in Couples race to move frozen embryos out of Alabama after court defines them as children avatar

Shouldn’t they do that with actual children as well? Just to be safe?

echodot ,

Children are only important until they are born. After that’s happened they can work down the mines for all they care.

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

I figured that their parents might care a wee bit.

njm1314 , to news in Couples race to move frozen embryos out of Alabama after court defines them as children

Probably time to remind everybody the Judiciary branch can’t actually enforce its rulings. If they’re going to go full on religious crazy we can just start ignoring them.

Nomecks ,

Sure you can. It’s not like the DA’s office and police are in lock-step with them or anything right?

JoBo ,

Law gets enforced if power finds it useful to enforce. Ignoring it is not an option, for people actually in danger of having the law enforced against them.

Rinox ,

Yeah, but you go ahead and ignore first. I’ll see what happens

General_Effort ,

And that, kids, is why Andrew Jackson is on the 20 dollar bill.

medicsofanarchy , to world in Putin orders soldiers to intensify attacks before Russian presidential elections avatar

You know what would really cement his election? A USO-style tour of the front lines! The drones troops love that!

Uranium3006 , to news in Agencies warn of ‘apocalyptic’ situation in southern Gaza as half of population go hungry avatar

Fucking horrifying. This genocide needs to be ended now

NoneOfUrBusiness , to news in Hamas says no hostage will leave alive unless group's demands met

Just to explain: Their demands are mainly loosening the blockade (which is a humanitarian crisis in its own right) and freeing hostages Palestinian detainees.

Rapidcreek OP ,

And killing every jew in the world…

dubyakay ,

They’ve never said that. Why are you making up shit?

Rapidcreek OP ,

Of course they did

dubyakay ,

< citation needed >

Rapidcreek OP ,

“rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea” … “the Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them.”

Hamas’ 1988 charter

blahsay ,

This is hilarious.

Hamas ball fondler: Hamas doesn’t want to kill all Jews

Someone: Here’s the Hamas charter where they literally say the want to kill the Jews.

Hamas ball fondler: Well that is devastating to my argument so I’m choosing to ignore it


Machinist3359 ,

Y'all are conveniently ignoring the fact that this an outdated charter and can't find such language in the new one. Just another day clocking in to the genocide defence factory, don't forget the emojis.

Rapidcreek OP ,

But but but we changed the charter. It’s probably your best joke.

blahsay ,

This one’s for you Hamas ball fondler:

Reporter: So you removed ‘kill the Jews’ from your charter.

Hamas: Yes Dave from accounting slipped that in there.

Reporter: So you don’t want to kill all the Jews now?

Hamas: That’s right 😉.

Reporter: Did you wink at me?

Hamas: Of course I didn’t! 😉

Reporter: There you did it again!

Hamas: Look now we definitely don’t want to kill Jews 😉

Reporter: I’m beginning to think you want to attack the Jews! Did Dave get punished at least?

Hamas: Promoted actually.

Reporter: Why did you even bother changing your charter then?

Hamas: It made it easier to get rubes cough ball fondlers cough…I mean supporters.


bustrpoindextr ,

It’s also interesting that Hamas literally calls for genocide or in their more “PR friendly” new draft only ethnic cleansing, and then Hamas ball garglers claim Israel is commiting genocide.

Don’t get me wrong, there have been war crimes, collective punishment is a war crime. But it’s not genocide.

Akisamb ,

They don’t want to kill all Jews. They want the expulsion of all Jews from Israel/Palestine. At least according to their original manifesto, they’ve changed it to remove this part to be fair.

It can be argued that the Israeli government wants the same thing for the Palestinians.

Rapidcreek OP ,

“rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea” … “the Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them.”

Hamas’ 1988 charter

Akisamb ,

Thanks I was too lazy to find the exact citation.

Do you see the difference between what you said and their charter ? What Hamas wants is awful enough, no need to exaggerate.

Rapidcreek OP ,

When they say kill jews they mean all, everywhere. They’ve even stated this to the press.

Akisamb ,

Some members have stated as such but have been corrected by the leadership. Hamas, at least publicly, only said that they wanted to forcefully displace the Jews and that they would not hesitate to kill civilians to attain that objective.


Rapidcreek OP ,

You really want me to give you recent quotes from their leaders? You want to look that stupid?

Akisamb ,

Well yes ? How else would you want to do this. I just gave you an example of a senior Hamas officer saying kill all Jews and Hamas saying they do not agree.

I have no doubt Hamas leadership is a bunch of genocidal maniacs but their official stance has been in the past the forceful displacement and nowadays it’s the return to pre 1967 borders. They are ready to admit to the existence of Israel, not by pleasure mind you, but their official stance nowadays is that they are partially open to a two state solution if the right to return is put in place.

This might be a bunch of lies, but it is their official position.

Rapidcreek OP ,

This might be a bunch of lies


Lynthe ,

Oh that’s all? Thank goodness forcible displacement using coercive threats on a civilian population isnt a war crime. I don’t understand why you are splitting hairs on the goals of this openly genocidal group. Supporting Palestinians doesn’t mean you have to go to bat for Hamas.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Actually resisting oppression and removing the oppressors from your land is indeed not a war crime.

Just like how the Ukrainians have the right to expell the Russians colonizing Crimea.

Lynthe ,

It really didn’t take much to get you in the mood to justify a targeted attack on civilians did it. I’m consistent in my view that it’s wrong to murder civilians, but it doesn’t seem like you are.

Linkerbaan , (edited ) avatar

Yeah just 75 years of brutal oppression and all forms of peaceful protests being massacred like the March to Return in 2018.

Was Ukraine targeting civilians when they invaded Crimea too? Some Russian civilians sure died from it.

Just forget all the propaganda you’ve been reading and look at the sheer numbers of miliary Vs civilian deaths.

You’re really far gone down the IDF propaganda drain if you still believe Oct7 was just an attack on civilians.

It was a targeted attack on IDF military bases and also hostage takings on the Kibbutzes nearby. Yes “civilians” were killed but the amount is low compared to the amount of soldiers. Furthermore the israeli “civilians” were extremely heavily armed.

Those videos of Hamas throwing grenades inside shelters? IDF Soldiers were inside.

If Hamas was going for civilian casualties they would have planned pushing in further and would have likely been able to kill at least 10k

DoomBot5 ,

Yikes, so much misinformation, lies, and straight up fantasies in this single post.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Please do correct it with your evidence that isn’t the IDF Twitter account.

Akisamb ,

Where do you see that I’m supporting them? I literally reiterated in many comments that what they want is a war crime. No need to invent some other objectives they are plenty awful enough.

Truth matters, especially in conflicts like this.

boyi ,

OP is misleading. Hamas has a new 2017 charter, which has change a lot. As far as I can remember, they had alterd their demand/charter, where the main clause is to have the Israel/Palestine border to be as of 1967.

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

Given that Jews are not likely to voluntarily leave Israel, this is de facto a call to violently expel or kill all Jews in the area, which is nearly half of the world's Jews.

While yes, going from "Kill all Jews" to just "Kill half of all Jews" is an improvement, it's still not "let's all hold hands and find a way to get along!". This isn't to say that the Israeli far right is all that much better really, though they're better at knowing what parts to say out loud.

Akisamb ,

Yes it is a clear war crime don’t get me wrong. But exaggeration has no use when reality is awful enough.

Hamas is a terrorist organisation that will not hesitate to kill civilians to achieve their ideals. They do not publicly at least want to kill all Jews.

HelixDab2 ,

TBF, so is the IDF. They have killed, what, nearly 20,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children non-combatants, since they declared war on Gaza? They claim to care about not killing civilians, but they sure aren’t putting a lot of effort into not killing them.

What’s a reasonable ratio of combatants to non-combatants killed? 1:1? 1:10? If Israel has to kill one hundred civilians in order to kill a single Hamas militant, is that acceptable?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Hamas civilian casualty rate on Oct7 was around 3/4 civilians to IDF, with 29/1200 children deaths.

This is better than the US avarage of 9/10. Israel is guessed to be around 99/100 and 6000/18000 children deaths.

Akisamb ,

This is plain wrong and disinformation. Israel has killed way more civilians than is usual or acceptable in a war but nowhere near the numbers you cited.

See ……/Casualties_of_the_2023_Israel–Ha…

Linkerbaan , avatar

What? Your link cites 18k and There’s still 5k bodies missing in Palestine. The real death count is likely above 20k already.

Akisamb ,

Yes ? Do you really think only 200 Hamas militants were killed ? Because that’s what your ratio would suggest.

Israel is unnecessarily killing and starving civilians, but once again gross misinformation serves nobody and only justifies more horrors.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Seeing as 1/3 of the deaths are children and the other 1/3 women it’s pretty easy to confirm that there is no targeting involved. It’s just genocide.

Israel was already unecessarily killing and starving civilians before Oct 7. And there’s literally no reason they need to starve anyone right now aside israel comitting genocide.

You seem to have a weird impression of them. Genociding all Palestinians is israels goal, it’s not a “byproduct” of the war. Netanyahu has publicly stated this.

But you’re right since they dared to enter Gaza and fight instead of just bombing civilians while Hamas was in the tunnels underground, their civilian casualty rate has probably decreased. Maybe they got 500 now?

Akisamb ,

Where did I say that one side didn’t want to genocide the other ? Hamas is more public about it and won’t even try to justify their civilian killings, but Netanhyu government has made it clear again and again that they are willing to do collective punishment. The high civilian death rate is of course intentional.

Hamas has also killed plenty of civilians, and they don’t even try to pretend that it was accidental. That said you are close to their ratio which is three civilians for every military death.

Israel’s civilian deaths to militant deaths is probably higher due to the usage of bombs (10 civilian deaths per explosion) and intentional starvation but it isn’t 100:1.

Hamas’ strategy of hiding behind civilians is also a war crime since it obviously increases the number of civilians killed.

If you believe Israeli propaganda, they have killed 5000 Hamas militants. Reality is probably smaller than that, but since Hamas intentionally doesn’t publish their militant casualties we won’t have a good estimation. That said 500 Israeli soldiers have died and seeing the asymmetry in warfare, you can expect much more Hamas militants to have died. I have not been able to find an estimate from an independent source.

HelixDab2 ,

So, here’s the thing - which is more awful? A group that publicly says they want to do genocide but is really, really ineffective at it? Or a group that claims they only want to stop bad people, but happens to be really effective at committing genocide while purportedly killing bad people?

I strongly suspect that the only way Israel can claim that 5k Hamas militants have been killed is by counting every male that appears to be at least a teenager as a militant.

Akisamb ,

Frankly both are awful and both should not be allowed to take control of Israel/Palestine. I have no idea what solution there is to this conflict honestly, I just want things to stay somewhat factual.

I agree that the 5000 figure seems highly improbable. Israel has been quite effective at killing high members of Hamas but I doubt they have killed 5000 out of the 30000 militants.

HelixDab2 ,

The solution is two states, where Israel returns to the 1947 UN borders, and allows the Palestinian Authority to have full control of Palestinian territory. Hamas exists as a powerful force because Israel consistently refuses to work towards a two-state solution in good faith.

The other solution is for the UN to de-militarize both the Palestinians and the Israelis, occupy all the land currently held by Israel, and force a power-sharing agreement and a new constitution so that Israel is no longer a Jewish state. Of course, the last time that Israel was occupied, you had a whole bunch of far-right Jewish terrorists that did things like assassinate diplomat’s families.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Netanyahu literally said publicly that he saw wants to kill all Palestinians including the women and children and his deeds match his words.

For Hamas that’s “more public about” it they sure do their best not to kill kids.

As long as the demographic chart of Palestinians murdered by the IDF looks like the actual Palestinian population demographic (1/3 women, 1/3 kids) it’s safe to assume that there is absolutely no real targeting taking place.

The IDF has already publicly stated that they count every adult Palestian male as Hamas.

Akisamb ,

As long as the demographic chart of Palestinians murdered by the IDF looks like the actual Palestinian population demographic (1/3 women, 1/3 kids) it’s safe to assume that there is absolutely no real targeting taking place.

Yes, there is a bump if you look at the Hamas fighting population demographics but it is a minority. The large majority of people killed in this war are civilians there is no doubt about that. I was denying the 1:100 figure. For example Hamas has 1\3 of female victims, yet have a 1:4 casualty rate.

Netanyahu literally said publicly that he saw wants to kill all Palestinians including the women and children and his deeds match his words.

No he didn’t and you know it. Why lie ?

Some senior Hamas executives have had such a discourse for Jews before being very softly reprimanded by Hamas but no executive from the Israeli government. There have been plenty of dog whistles, but they are not stupid enough to say it literally.

Edit : I didn’t realize it but you were the person calling for the massacre of civilians in an earlier comment. Explains why you would lie, you need to dehumanise your enemy. I’m not spending more energy on this. You’re too far gone.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Here’s Netanyahu calling for the murder of all Palestinian men, women, children, and livestock.

You really can’t handle all the evidence. Your entire world view is based on IDF propaganda. It’s sad.

Jaysyn , to world in Putin is close to victory. Europe should be terrified avatar

This is literal concern-trolling. In the past month Russia has been pushed back to their third line of defense in the south.

What ties does the Telegraph have to Russia?

Skua ,

From 2007 to 2017, the Telegraph was actually one of four European newspapers that published Russia Beyond The Headlines (a project from Russia's state news outlet) as a supplement.

The Telegraph Group has recently been in financial trouble and bailed out by a company run by the vice-president of the UAE Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan. While Putin is visiting the UAE next week, Mansour is probably best known in the UK as owner of top-flight football team Manchester City, so him doing stuff in the UK is not anything new. On the other hand there is a government probe in to this acquisition, perhaps unsurprising considering that the Telegraph is one of the four newspapers of record in the UK despite how shit it is

HeartyBeast , to world in BBC’s Jeremy Bowen admits he ‘got it wrong’ in Gaza hospital report but has ‘no regrets’ avatar

To be clear Bowen did not from my recollection say that the strike was from Israeli. He did, however, incorrectly say that the hispital had been "flattened" based in drone footage he was looking at on screen.

ZahzenEclipse ,

I mean technically yes but it's one of those things where you're saying Israel did it without saying it directly. Its really not much better.

HeartyBeast , avatar

No. The programme as a whole said responsibility hadn’t been determined. The news was breaking as Bowen was on air - he didn’t say anything about responsibility

ZahzenEclipse ,

I think I just have to agree to disagree. It's a simple philosophy problem in my head

"Hospital got flattened"

"Hamas doesn't have munitions to flatten hospital"

"Israel flattened the hospital"

If you're reporting about a flattened hospital in Gaza, you're tactically supporting the idea Israel did it by simply reporting that a hospital got flattened. It also shouldn't suprise you that's how many people online ran with it.

HeartyBeast , avatar

The report of a massive explosion outside the hospital would have lead the same people who made assumptions about Israel being responsible to assume that Israel was responsible.

ZahzenEclipse ,

Yeah it would lead neutral observers to beleive Israel flattened a hospital since they are the only ones immediately in the region with the munitions to do so. Both things can be true

HeartyBeast , avatar

But there was a massive explosion outside the hospital. Are you really saying that that shouldn’t have been reported with the caveat ‘we don’t know who is responsible’ because people would have assumed it was Israel ?

ZahzenEclipse ,

No, im saying the reporting the explosion in the parking lot of a hospital as "flattening the hospital" was irresponsible and it's no wonder it would make people think Israel blew it up by simply stating those things as facts. It was irresponsible to report it this way, especially since there was no evidence to suggest that was the case.

HeartyBeast , avatar

Yeh. We agree, he fucked up by making a hasty assumption about the hospital explosion, based on the drone footage he was seeing.

I’m saying that if he had reported accurately- a large explosion outside of the hospital - people would still have made the same assumption that Israeli action caused it.

ZahzenEclipse ,

You're probably right but I think the bigger issue is he can use cover of "well people would have ran with whatever narrative anyways so it's really not relevant to people jumping to that conclusion." In my opinion, we 100% should criticize him and recognize that it helped foster the sentiment it was an Israeli attack. Either way, the bigger issue is he doesn't think he did anything wrong reporting that way and I think thats a problem. Appreciate the back and forth.

HeartyBeast , (edited ) avatar

Appreciate the back and forth.

Likewise. Thank you for making me think - I'm still pondering now.

Edit: If you want to see the source interview with Bowen, it's quite interesting. It's hear - start at 14:30.

He's asked if he regrets anything he said that evening and he says no - then he's challenged on the "flattened" comment and he says "Oh yeh - well, I got that wrong. I was looking at the pictures .... and that was my conclusion looking at the pictures and I was wrong on that".

He basically comes across as pissed off that the Israeli's wont open the borders so that reporters can observe directly. But yes - he should have started with "that was a cockup on my part"

WidowsFavoriteSon ,

And Trump did not tell the traitors to stormthe building, amiright?

Jesus, the way you Hamas bootlickers refuse to listen to anything that disagrees with your agenda reminds me of the MAGA crowd. In fact it is the same thing, just on the left.

HeartyBeast , avatar

I was correcting a factual inaccuracy. If you can find anything in my post history that suggests that I support Hamas, then feel free to point it out. Otherwise - zip it.

I am, however a fan of the BBC - and while it is far from perfect, I'm happy to defend it where the Telepgraph gets it wrong.

mkultrawide , to technology in She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil. Elon Musk reveals Twitter takeover driven by 'woke mind virus' that infected his trans daughter.

Somehow both unbelievable and completely believable that he is going to try and blame his child for making the stupid decision to pay so much for Twitter and for waving due diligence, which would have given him space to back out of the deal.

UlyssesT ,

Abusive parents regularly blame the children they abuse for “making” them do the abuse.

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