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buh , to memes in Already cracked avatar

I’m just pirating it ahead of time to make sure my PC can run it

gotta make sure every part until the end works properly btw

drew_belloc , avatar

You now you can ask for a refund on PC right?.. Right?

doggle ,

Yeah as long as you don’t play more than 2 hrs, Is that long enought to really benchmark it? I’ve been hearing it takes a few hours at least to really get into the open areas

drew_belloc , avatar

It was just a joke, for most games is hard to know if they are good or not in just 2 hours, in some jrpgs you are still in the tutorial in that point, at least is really usefull if the game is not running well or at all

Poopmeister , to memes in I'd saw off my leg for my grocery store to start carrying something besides shitty IPA's and Budweiser

Move to Sweden, here you can’t buy a beer above 3.5% abv in a store. Anything above that you have to buy at the state owned liqueur store systembolaget. The upside is that they have a pretty good assortment. The store in my small town carry about 300 different beers. About a third is IPA.

AndrasKrigare ,

Where I am in the states, you can’t buy any alcohol in a grocery store.

mayonaise_met ,

You guys have some confusing alcohol laws and customs that side of the pond. I was in Pennsylvania (amongst other places) a month ago and couldn’t find any alcohol in Walmart if my life depended on it. I knew from previous visits that Pennsylvania didn’t allow sale in grocery stores, but that has since changed hasn’t it?

Also sometimes beer was super expensive, and sometimes it was $1.25 for 25 fl oz for some brand I’d never heard of at a freaking gas station. They don’t alcohol in gas stations here in the Netherland, but even surrounding countries that do allow it usually have fairly high prices at gas stations.

mayonaise_met ,

Belgium is really the best place for beer in my opinion. There is a good variety of local/traditional styles but you can also get the more modern stuff

Gebruikersnaam , avatar

Also much cheaper there. And you have a lot of pubs to go to. And you can drink them when you’re 16.

holland ,

Yeah, when I went there it was hella cheaper to get a beer with dinner than water.

electric_nan , to memes in I'd saw off my leg for my grocery store to start carrying something besides shitty IPA's and Budweiser

I feel like this has changed a lot, actually. 8-10 years ago it was all IPAs, but now I can find all kinds of craft beer. Maybe it’s more of a west coast thing. I currently enjoy grabbing new Pilseners when I see them.

doggle ,

Lucky you. In the south east is just the typical big name brands and an unrelenting wall of pale ale, unless you go out of your way to a store that specializes in boutique beers

prole ,

Yeah I feel like the “lol OMG all craft beers are IPA” meme is pretty outdated, and just not true anymore in my experience.

Whirling_Ashandarei ,

This is true for the NE as well, but greatly depends on population size. Rural beer stores don’t tend to have as much demand for newer, different things.

zalgotext ,

I don’t think it’s just a west coast thing. I live in the Midwest, and my local Kroger has two beer aisles: one for typical macrobrew/domestic stuff, another entirely dedicated to craft beers. IPAs make up like 40% of the craft aisle, which is a lot, but it’s by no means the only option anymore.

CookieJarObserver , to mildlyinfuriating in The Spotify Car Thing cost $100, but I can't use it anymore.

Back to downloading shit from YouTube!

Balefirex , to memes in Touch grass avatar

that picture is from Futurama

Squirrel , avatar

Simpsons writers

NuPNuA ,

Hadn’t Groening long since left the Simpsons writing room by the time Futurama started?

HiddenLayer5 , (edited ) to memes in Wealth shown to scale

Spoliers! You owe it to yourself experience it first without anyone else's comments, it only takes a few minutes.An extremely powerful infographic, well designed and well sourced. I love how after they said everything they said, they leave you to keep scrolling the last third of the 3 trillion. No more commentary, just letting the scale of it sink in. Though, something I wish they touched on in the infographic itself is rebuking the argument of “all that money is tied up in stocks! they don’t have that much money sitting around!” There are plenty of issues with that rebuttal of course and it’s not actually a valid defense of the ultra rich, but it’s a common enough counter that I think it warrants being mentioned to cover all your bases so to speak.

satrunalia44 ,

That actually is directly addressed on that website…/

TrustingZebra ,

That’s actually the best argument I read against this. I will be honest, I was thinking the same while scrolling, but this page made me think differently.

greywolf0x1 ,

Also, there’s another one on the page about prison incarceration in the US, you should check that out as well

Franzia , to memes in Kids can be so crüêl

Normalize choosing your own name. Parents are dumber and more entitled than ever.

Kase ,

Agreed, honestly. Broadly, the less accountability we give parents (more is better), the less control we should give them too. Kids deserve a safe home, but we do a bad job at ensuring that, and at the very least they don’t deserve to be trapped in an unsafe one with minimal rights and parents who are allowed to be dictators. Speaking from personal experience, at least.

Franzia ,


kaitco , to technology in I asked to generate an image of itself. This is what it gave me.

He looks hot. AI clearly has a high opinion of itself. Wait…himself? Where do we stand on applying gender to AI??

baked_tea ,

It is all and none of them.

Foggyfroggy ,

I like to think the ai crafts a different image of itself based on who asks in order to make the meatbag more comfortable communicating.

BluesF ,

It’s not a person, doesn’t have any sort of social characteristics, so it doesn’t have a gender any more than a lamp with a very convincing fake beard.

pijon ,

Really depends on your language. In french lamps are females for example.

FracturedEel ,

Ooh la la

lorez ,

In Italian too.

grue ,

J’adore [la] lampe.

BluesF ,

Lamps aren’t female in French, they’re feminine but this is purely grammatical and doesn’t imply any social gender. It’s just part of the word - see “fleuve” and “rivière”, both words meaning river, one masculine one feminine.

Hazdaz ,

so it doesn’t have a gender any more than a lamp with a very convincing fake beard.

Says you! My side table goes by the pronouns of she/her.

Chickenstalker ,

No! Stop humping your side table.

Hazdaz ,

She gave me permission.

Hank , to lemmyshitpost in My posts are apperently not artsy enough for Internet funeral

Young female Donald looks uncomfortably similar to Melania.

Archlinuxforever , to memes in Freedom units 💯 avatar

Let’s ignore the fact that celsius is taught in American schools because “hAha AMeRiCa bAd beCauSe nO MeTric.”

CoggyMcFee ,

It’s taught but not really for weather. So while I know the boiling and freezing points of various substances in Celsius, I don’t have instant recognition when I hear a Celsius temperature, I have to convert it in my head.

Ultraviolet ,

No need to convert. 0 to 40 is the part of the scale for weather, where 0 is dangerously cold and 40 is dangerously hot.

AngryPirate ,

40 ain’t dangerously hot. Temperature reaches 50°C in some parts of the world.

Switchy85 ,

It can reach almost 50C right here in the US, even.

Sludgeyy , (edited )

56.7° C is the hottest temperature ever recorded. It was in the US.

Sludgeyy ,

35°C with 100% humidity can be fatal to humans

46°C with 50% humidity can be fatal to humans

Humans can not survive for extended lengths at these temperatures and humidities.

Saying “40 ain’t dangerously hot” is dumb.

CoggyMcFee ,

No need to convert? What do you mean? Are you saying if I just intrinsically knew Celsius for weather I wouldn’t have to convert Celsius? Because that’s obviously true, but I’m just explaining I don’t intrinsically know Celsius in that way.

Also, even if I did get to know Celsius really well, I would still have to convert it every time someone uses Fahrenheit, which is pretty much all the time in the US.

Lastly, what do you mean, saying 0 C is “dangerously cold” and suggesting that below that temp is outside of the bounds of what is used for weather? Where I live the temperature stays below 0 C for long periods of time, never going above it.

Ultraviolet ,

If you know those two numbers, 0 and 40, you can get a general idea of what the temperature is in Celsius without doing any math. If you hear 20, you know that’s a moderate temperature because it’s right in between. If you hear 30, you know that’s fairly warm. If you hear 10, you know that’s chilly but not freezing. Below 0 or above 40 are extreme cold and extreme heat, respectively.

Sludgeyy ,

What’s 28° C? How can I envision in my mind what that means?

0-40 as a scale. 28 is about 3/4 between the two. So it’s towards the hotter side but how far into it?

It’s 82.4° F

Low 80s. I know exactly how low 80’s feel.

0-100 is easy to compare with %

82.4° F is 82% hot.

Humans like it around 75% hot between 50-100.

So 82° is hot but not pushing 90s

You can get a general idea of temperature very easy.

Honytawk ,

Then why don’t you USE IT?

zalgotext , (edited )

Because for weather, °F is arguably better. 0°F - 100°F is the general range that most weather on the planet happens at (yes I know there are extremes where it gets to like -30°F or 120°F, but bear* with me). You can then further break those up into 10°F segments that are a bit more practical and granular than 10°C segments:

  • under 0°F: stay inside
  • 0°F - 10°F: really fucking cold, don’t stay out too long or you risk hypothermia
  • 10°F - 20°F: still really cold, but you can stay out long enough to shovel your driveway without fear of losing fingers/toes, if you’re wearing winter gear
  • 20°F - 30°F: cold but not bitterly so. Perfect weather for outdoor winter activities like sledding or snowball fights
  • 30°F - 40°F: Snow starts melting here, and you can probably ditch the scarf, but you still need a winter jacket
  • 40°F - 50°F: Too warm for your heavy winter jacket, to cold for your light spring jacket. It’s layering season baybee
  • 50°F - 60°F: still layering season, but you can probably get by with just a light jacket at this point, especially if you’re doing something active outside. Some people start breaking out the shorts, but that’s not the norm.
  • 60°F - 70°F: a more generally acceptable range to start wearing shorts and short sleeves. Perfect temps for doing yard work and sipping beers on the patio alike
  • 70°F - 80°F: definitely shorts weather, and pools start coming into play. If you’re doing something rigorous outside, you’re probably sweating
  • 80°F - 90°F: you’d probably rather be inside, if you’re not in a pool. You’ll be sweating just lounging in your deck chair.
  • 90°F - 100°F: hot as balls, probably not worth going outside for very long, as the pool water feels like taking a dip in lukewarm soup
  • Over 100°F: stay inside

Now I know you can do something similar with °C, but the workable range there is smaller, because you’re going from like -15°C to 40°C. It’s less granular, and the start/stop temps are more awkward.

Is it weird that water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F? Sure, absolutely. When you’re doing stuff in that context, it absolutely makes sense to use Celsius, where you’re working on a nice, neat 0°C-100°C range. But weather, the thing most people contextualize temperatures with, doesn’t happen in that range. It starts well below freezing, and (hopefully) doesn’t get anywhere close to the boiling point of water. For that, I’d argue °F is actually a little more useful.

zik ,

All these arguments don’t really have any effect in reality. As someone born in Australia everyone is super comfortable with Celsius and the problems you describe just don’t exist because in the end it’s really just what you’re used to.

To me Fahrenheit seems incredibly awkward but then I wasn’t brought up using it.

zalgotext ,

Oh yeah I absolutely recognize that what you’re used to or brought up on is gonna have a huge impact on which system you prefer. That being said, I think a Fahrenheit user would have a harder time switching to Celsius, than a Celsius user would switching to Fahrenheit, at least for normal day-to-day weather applications. And for some of the same reasons that people prefer metric units in general - it’s more granular, has more resolution, is base 10 (for this application), etc.

CADmonkey ,

Because it doesn’t have as much resolution as Fahrenheit.

There are 180 degrees between freezing water and boiling water in °F. But 100 degrees between the two in °C. So with Fahrenheit we can give mote accurate temperature info without resorting to decimal degrees. And if your response is “learn to handle decimals” then the same argument can be given for inches vs mm.

Archlinuxforever , avatar

I personally use metric as much as I can. The temperature on my phone for example is in celsius, try me.

JingJang , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

Lots of meta-level comments here so I’ll add one that’s more in the weeds:

In an office job, it’s always good to be friendly with IT and the office manager/administrative assistant.

sp00nix ,

As a former IT guy you’ll get what you need when you need it by not being a pissy fart.

regalia , to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

Spawn points are busted and too heavy RNG

cheery_coffee ,

You’re only complaining because you got a bad spawn. The truth is anyone can make it to the top of the lobby, it just requires grinding and being smart.

I know this because I started out with barely anything, just a few million dollars from my trust fund when I finished boarding school.

regalia ,

Sigma grindset yo… Also spawn with a slave emerald mine.

Fuckass , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

Company time should be used to shit, piss, walk around mindlessly, and search for a better job.

ImmortanStalin ,

How’s the saying go? They make a thousand, I make buck. Let’s steal the catalytic converter from the company truck.

Sused ,

Boss makes a dollar

I make a dime

That’s why I poop

On company time

Egon , avatar

That was a poem from a simpler time

Boss makes a million, I don’t make jack

Which is why I steal my stolen wages back

Grownbravy , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you? avatar

Knowing enough of the process makes it incredibly easy to slack off, and that should always be the goal.

Salmarez , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you? avatar

No matter if it is paid or volunteer work, living in a liberal society means that any of your coworkers can and many will throw you under the bus.

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