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BCsven , to memes in Bangladesh, Ghana, and Mauritius celebrate their independence from the crown this month

It still amazes me that a country as tiny as the UK was this ambitious and powerful to expand like that. Like if any of those other countries banded together and were like Yeah, No, it’s not on mate. Their numbers would eclipse the UK. maybe somebody with mechanics of colonization can explain how the UK was “succesful” at this venture

FilterItOut ,

Look up the CCPgrey video about who holds the keys to the kingdom. Napoleon wasn’t necessarily being dismissive when he called England a nation of merchants. They were very good at organizing power structures in ways that benefited them.

pixeltree , avatar

I think the title of that video is “The Rules for Rulers”

BCsven ,


1917isnow OP , avatar

It’s a long story, and my entry point into understanding the breakup of the British sterling system was history about post-WWI shift from colonial empires to Harry Truman “development” (really maldevelopment, the language used for capitalist NGO aid today is very similar to his inaugural address).

Long story short it involves merciless application of death and torture to enclose a region and keep costs down, as well as ruthless exploitation of civilians to try to crack guerillas, the Phoenix Program’s main innovation over what was implemented in the Congo and Malaysia was a proto-internet communications system,and a methodical operations system escalating above that to commando squads and air strikes. The philosophy of anti-colonial torture has only grown more severe and incorporated electrical wires, clinical psychology, and evasion of human rights organizations. Look up “The Five Techniques”.

This is in order to establish a top-down system where colonies do not trade with one another, but only interface with the rigged colonial economy. Wall st + world bank + imf system has just taken this to further extremes with Blackrock and Vanguard against 84% of the population of the world plus 90% of the population of the remaining 16% in global north countries. The currency system being used is less crude and there is also the technological dependency on the payment systems like Swift to consider.

BCsven ,


TheBat , avatar

the British sterling system

Me: the British stealing system

uid0gid0 ,

No flag, no country.

KillingTimeItself , to linux_gaming in Riot official response about League of Legends on Linux for Vanguard anti cheat

“linux does not allow us a good enough ability to confirm boot state”

Skill issue, L for riot games.

Realistically, if this is true, it’s because of security. Shocker on that one really. Also, there are probably only 800 players on linux because the anti cheat doesnt fucking work. But that doesnt count apparently

melpomenesclevage ,

Yeah I didn’t know I could play it.

KillingTimeItself ,

i was convinced that LOL didn’t boot under linux, im still trying to figure out how they’re getting these numbers.

melpomenesclevage ,


sugar_in_your_tea ,

Skill issue, L for riot games.

I’m no expert here, but couldn’t they rely on SEV/SME or similar? My understanding is those features encrypt RAM, which would make it a lot more difficult for an attacker to do memory-based attacks when the game is running within a VM. I expect “physical attacks” would include attacking a VM’s memory, but again, I’m not an expert.

I also wonder if this could work in a containerized environment instead of a VM, so players could just run a lightweight container and preserve direct access to resources like the GPU. I don’t know if GPU access can be required to be encrypted as well, but surely this is a massive step forward.

KillingTimeItself ,

i have no clue myself frankly. Realistically, doing literally anything is probably going to be better than what riot claims is possible. I think a fundamental part of the problem is stuff outside the control of the game, the OS already has segmented ram for instance, it’s all supposed to be virtually privatized, that way you don’t get these kinds of problems On the fly encryption would probably help, though they would probably just use shitty encryption anyway. Regardless, if you get something to hook into the game code itself, rather than just abusing memory values, it wouldn’t matter. Because at that point it’s going to be running inside the game.

ReversalHatchery , (edited ) to linux in Mm.. can someone help?

There’s something to know in the future, which others don’t seem to have mentioned. Resizing a partition is 2 steps: resizing the filesystem, and resizing the partition.

When shrinking, you first resize the filesystem, and with this you make sure that the filesystem does not want to use data outside of the wanted shrinked size. If that not possible because you don’t have enough free space, the shrink operation should tell that. After shrinking is done, you can continue with changing the partition table, to actually resize the partition.

When expanding you first expand the partition (so that the fs will have room to expand to), and then expand the filesystem.

If you’re familiar with partitioning from the tools of microsoft windows, it’s disk manager does the 2 steps without you noticing. This is just how most graphical partition managers work.
But it’s important to be aware that the partition and the filesystem is not one and the same object. The filesystem resides in the partition like your feet does in your shoes, and the beginning of the partition helps for the system to find the beginning of the file system, which must end at the partition’s end (or before that, but that’s not efficient).

If you prefer graphical partition managers (I do too, it’s much easier), Linux has a few of them. I recommend you to use GParted. It’s a Linux based pendrive-bootable partition editor. They have an official live image, but I would recommend using the SystemRescue system (a live system too), which includes that and many other tools.
In this case, that the problem had already happened, it may or may not be easier to use this.

Cyber ,

Excellent explanation - I might use your “feet in shoes” analogy in the future

GParted has solved so many things over the years… my data, my reputation… maybe even my job on 1 occasion.

teawrecks ,

Instructions unclear, toes sticking out front of shoes.

Daydreamer , to memes in Never seen a Camel walk through the eye of a Needle.

Grew up with this stupid interpretation that it refers to some small gate in Jerusalem that camels had to bend down to use or something.

Jesus literally gives the answer in the next sentence:

”Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Those who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?” He replied, “What is impossible for mortals is possible for God.”“ ‭‭Luke‬ ‭18‬:‭25‬-‭27‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

God can save anyone. And my layman’s interpretation on top of it, no man can save himself.

reverendsteveii ,

God can save anyone.

Well yeah, but if you’re a Christian you believe that it’s literally God telling you that you can’t be rich and go to heaven. God may make an exception, but it would be just as absurd for you to count on being an exception to this rule as it would be for you to count on being the exception to the rule that “none come to the father but through me”. If you’re rich, you’re just as damned as if you were never Christian to begin with.

Daydreamer ,

I am a Christian and I think your argument is weak. That Jesus talks of a rich person here is irrelevant, the core of Jesus teaching is that salvation is a gift freely given, but not something we can obtain in our own power.

CableMonster ,

I dont think irrelevant they were rich, I think it indicated that you cant buy your way into heaven and you are not chosen by God to be rich.

Daydreamer ,

Fair point, what I meant is that in relation to being saved, it’s irrelevant he is rich because only God can save people. In relation to the hardships you’d face with being a Christian and rich it’s valid.

Asafum ,

Does that mean the gift is always given?

One thing I never understood was how any of it could be taken seriously if I could do literally anything and then go to confession and it’s all ok. Like imagine the absolute most atrocious thing one could do, then admit you did it to a priest, and you’re good? What if you just did that over and over again?

I’m not looking to “slam” Christianity, I’m just curious about that part.

Daydreamer ,

It is something you can see the early Christians debating as well.

This is a take from James 2 “”What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you? If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,” and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith.“ ‭‭James‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬-‭18‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

And this is from Romans written by Paul

”There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

”because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

And from Ephesians (which might have been written by Paul) ”For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast.“ ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

I’m just cherry picking a bit here, plus there was of course much more debate on this topic than what we have documented. My personal thought on is it that, while it may seem wildly unfair, what other alternative than “saved by grace” could there really be that doesn’t result in people saving themselves. If Jesus truly paid the price, what else is there to pay?

Asafum ,

Thanks for the detailed reply!

The concept of “works” without knowing that term exactly was always how I explained myself: in that I may not have any faith, but if any of this is real I should be judged by my actions regardless of what I believe to be true.

Daydreamer ,

You’re welcome.

I can understand your viewpoint and while there are verses in the bible that are very clear on Jesus being the “way”, I personally think God is doing everything he can to save as many as possible. And if someone is living in accordance with how God wants us to live I genuinely hope that is enough.

I mean, you also have many people from other religions who dedicate their whole life to knowing God and following his teaching. Sure if the teaching is evil, that’s an issue, but many religions follow the same basic principles and I think there is more to it than just whether you specifically call yourself a Christian. Don’t really have any bible verses to support it, just my personal conviction.

pop ,

If Jesus truly paid the price, what else is there to pay?

Sweet little “get the guilt out of any horrible thing you do” card christians made up, huh?

“I’m gonna do whatever the fuck I want, Jesus already paid for my sins.”

MonkeMischief ,

Well, that’s the rub.

If you sincerely make the choice to follow Jesus, you would feel immense empathy and guilt about bringing calamity on your fellow human beings. If you had already done so, you’d be moved to repent and atone with those you afflicted, with whatever life you had left.

That’s the power of Christ’s love.

If you were an evil mustache twirling villain who thinks “I can just say some words and act real sad and I get zero consequences for all the evil stuff I enjoyed doing”, you’re fooling yourself. As if God would be some kind of mall cop and not see the evil heart right through it lol.

You know someone’s heart by their works and their nature. They aren’t saved by good deeds, but good will towards their neighbors is a side effect of being saved.

This is why it’s so heartbreaking seeing how people abuse the name of Christ to get people’s guards down, before dragging both through the mud. Evil’s best footsoldiers are hateful “Christians in name only”.

People always ask about a certain funny-mustached dictator’s final thoughts alone in a bunker. “What if he really meant it? Would Jesus forgive him?”

Yep! But I imagine if we’re honest with ourselves and he was actually leaning that way, he would have put a stop to his atrocities much sooner. A confession only out of the sudden realization of impending consequences is seldom a change of heart.

I hope this helps.

NaibofTabr ,

That Jesus talks of a rich person here is irrelevant

It’s really very relevant:

20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

Matthew 19:20-24

The message here isn’t about buying your way into heaven, it’s about earthly attachments. In part it is about sacrificing your own desires, but ultimately it’s about split loyalties. If you want to enter heaven, you cannot be burdened by avarice, by the desire for possessions. And if you truly seek to follow what Jesus is teaching, then you would give up everything to do it.

Daydreamer ,

I agree, but I think making it to sound like Jesus says rich people can’t be saved is a misinterpretation. It seems to me he says it’s hard for rich people to truly follow him and his teaching, and that only God can save people.

NaibofTabr ,

The problem is, if after hearing the teaching you are still rich then you haven’t understood the teaching or really accepted the message - because you are still attached to your worldly possessions.

It’s not that “rich people can’t be saved”… it’s that being rich and following Jesus are fundamentally incompatible. You can’t be rich and “truly follow him”, as you put it.

MonkeMischief ,


The easiest thought experiment here is asking “But how do you get rich?

Well, it’s certainly not by putting others first and being fair and equitable in all your dealings. That’s against the “game” (oh sorry, “best practices”) of business.

A ton of capitalist co-opting of Christianity makes all kinds of excuses for why a Godly person could work 1,000,000x harder than everyone else and be “blessed” with the burdens of wealth, but it’s all propaganda.

Inheritance maybe? Okay, the question still becomes: What did you do with your resources?

Being honest with these questions makes the truth rather apparent, in my humble opinion.

Gabu ,

“Hard” as in “impossible”. It’s literally right there in the text. Have you seen a camel fit in the eye of a needle before?

Live_your_lives ,

Context is important. Literally the next couple verses in both passages say something along the lines of "The disciples asked, ‘Then who can be saved?’ Jesus said, ‘With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.’ "

Gabu ,

Which is a meaningless nonstatement.

Live_your_lives ,


reverendsteveii ,

That Jesus talks of a rich person here is irrelevant

it’s your god, of what he says you get to decide what to ignore and what to value

Daydreamer ,

That’s not my argument at all but it seems you’re not interested in that

Omega_Haxors ,

Christianity and Christians who have their own custom-built version that gets them off scot free, name a more iconic duo.

nonfuinoncuro ,
Flax_vert ,

I think it isn’t really to do with the money itself but with the mindset. If you’re the type to dodge taxes and scam people, and love money above all, which is arguably what it takes to become rich, then you clearly aren’t a Christian transformed by God.

reverendsteveii ,

I agree, it’s what you do with the money. Jesus tells you what to do with the money, and either you do that or you don’t.

prowess2956 , to pics in Morning 👋 🥰

Game recognizes game

lightnegative , to linuxmemes in Ktitle

This used to bother me way more than it does now.

The Knaming scheme was so Koff putting that I refused to use KDE for years based purely on how much it annoyed me.

But it’s been 15 years now and GNOME has turned into Fisher Price. KDE things always seemed to work better, like Phonon works 1000 times better than GStreamer and apps like Krita and Kdenlive are far more useful than GNOME equivalents.

Thinking about giving KDE a spin with the new Plasma 6 release

jiberish ,

I was the same. I also avoided any Kpackage because of kdependencies it would install along with it.

I was shocked when my Linux Guru recommended KDE whenever it was that Plasma got really good. I reluctantly tried it and I was hooked. I was in love with the infinitely user configurable UI. I felt like I could easily bend the interface to do what I wanted. It’s been many years now and it’s hard for me to use anything but KDE. I even tried to give Plasma Mobile a go on my Pine Phone.

Rodeo , to memes in Cycling 🚴‍♂️🥵

Excellent use of the second and third panels. Really adds so much to the whole thing.

chetradley ,

Maybe they’re intentionally avoiding four panels so that people won’t make tired jokes about the format. It’s a lossless image format.

Evil_Shrubbery ,

It’s to indicate speed.

dangblingus , to memes in got em

In my experience, Conservatives usually don’t do anything to improve the income levels of working class people.

Cowbee , (edited ) avatar

Tbf, Milei isn’t a conservative, he’s a genuine AnCap, which is somehow even more pathetic. He’s tearing down everything in general, rather than trying to entrench Capitalist Power via fascism.

Not saying this won’t lead to fascism, there’s a large chance it does, but rather than moving directly towards fascism, Miley is moving directly towards destruction of government, which will likely result in an acceleration of Capitalism to fascism.

Edit: conservativism is terrible, but grouping AnCaps in with conservatives is like saying aspens are oak trees. Both are unique brands of stupid, but one of em has a MAGA hat and the other has a gadsden flag tattooed to their ass. Recognizing the differences between types of reactionary is useful.

dangblingus ,

If I was Argentinian, I’d move to Patagonia and be a wildman.

CableMonster ,

The issue is that there has to be pain in the present for a much better future.

Cryophilia ,

There are other options than laissez-faire capitalism or communism.

gitgud , to reddit in ... avatar

Reddit Users: this-is-fine

Grayox OP , to memes in Come on Barbie lets go Party avatar

Lol at the person who said Lemmy doesn’t have many comments.

ComradeKhoumrag , avatar

Ruh roh, you just rattled the hive mind

GardenVarietyAnxiety , to memes in Its what plants crave

We had a whole documentary about this…

shiftymccool ,

Was it called Idiocracy? Brawndo! The thirst mutilator!

Cipher22 ,

Electrolytes, it’s what plants crave!

badbrainstorm , avatar
wise_pancake ,

Welcome to Costco, I love you

ShortN0te , to memes in Aww nuts

That’s nuts.

onlooker , to memes in Boycott the triple-A games industry avatar

Okay, what do social dynamics and personal hygiene have to do with console players and triple-A games?

The_Vampire ,

Yeah, the title of this post, the meme’s upper text, and the rest are all at odds and I’m just confused as to what OP is going for.

Is the point that consoles are the AAA industry and services normal people with normal needs? How does this mean we should boycott it?

Are we being tongue-in-cheek? Are we not supposed to boycott the AAA industry?

Why does this meme single out ‘console peasants’ as normal people? Is normal bad? Is irregular bad? Is PC bad? But PC gamers also care about gameplay and are regular people? How much sarcasm is supposed to be here?


aluminium , to funny in Apple same phone

Samsung : the same phone, but with ai

Patches ,

But with more spyware ads potentially unwanted applications


jerrythegenius , avatar

The same phone but with more spyware, more ads, more bloatware, AND EVEN AI

SeekPie ,

But the titanium frame more than makes up for it! /s

jerrythegenius , avatar

Fair point

Fermion , to memes in noob, bring that road roller

Did they take that toothbrush to a belt sander?

ivanafterall , avatar

They're just British.

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