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Gabadabs , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed? avatar

Linux really isn't ideal for anyone who isn't already a tech enthusiast on some level. I recently did a fresh install of Kubuntu and after about a week, it prompted me that there were updates, so I clicked the notification and ran the updates, after which my BIOS could no longer detect the UEFI partition. I had to use a live usb to chroot into the system and repair it, as well as update grub, in order to fix it.
It's fixable, but this is not something anyone who doesn't already know what they're doing can fix. I've had auto updates in the past put me on boot-loops thanks to nvidia drivers, etc.
This kind of thing needs to almost never happen for linux to be friendly for those who just want their computer to work without any technical understanding. This, honestly though, can't happen because of the nature of distros, you can't ever make guarantees that everything will work because every distro has slightly different packages.
Wine is getting better, but compatibility is still an issue, especially for people who rely really heavily on microsoft office or adobe products.

azuth ,

It’s actually ideal for people who are actually not tech enthusiasts at all and do not need specific software for their job (Photoshop, audio stuff, actually NOT Ms office)

Everybody I 've seen making this argument is actually a tech enthusiast themselves and just as out of touch with the average user as a Linux “guru” and massively overestimates the non tech enthusiast user.

They are far more likely to fuck up their Windows PC (even with UAC because they don’t understand what it is) than successfullyinstall a new program on their own.

I 've borged my Nvidia drivers a few times, never via the distro auto updating. Custom kernels, trying to get newer cuda versions or something. Still better to fix than AMD drivers on windows and the whole DDU dance.

Gabadabs , avatar

I'd say it can be, if they're running something incredibly stable that you can guarantee won't break on them... Which involves an amount of research and effort that most people simply won't put in as long as what they are familiar with continues to work. Windows might have it's fair share of issues, but at least a lot of people are already familiar with it, same w/ Mac os.

azuth ,

Nope. Install a distro like Ubuntu and it will not break with auto updates. Nvidia drivers included.

Much less maintenance than when they used windows.

You also overestimate the non tech enthusiast ability to use or fix issues with windows. They usually download the first program that promises to fix their issue, or increase their RAM.

Gabadabs , avatar

I mean... that's simply incorrect. If you read my original post, I talked about that, exactly. Twice in the last month I've had running updates via the "updates available" notification in Kubuntu break the system, and require chrooting into the system via a live usb to fix it. That's without any changes or messing around with the system, on a very recent install.
When I used normal Ubuntu, there were rampant gnome shell crashes. Hardware compatibility is far from perfect, as well - case in point I've done clean installs of Linux Mint on computers for others in the past, only to find out that there simply aren't working wifi drivers for the device.
Linux CAN be less maintenance, but it's ultimately more work to actually make the jump and completely relearn how to use a computer. I'm fully aware of the capabilities on people who aren't enthusiasts, I do tech support for my whole family all the time. My stepfather's solution to the wifi being slow was to make more networks on the same router, it was hosting like 12 wifi networks at once. However, windows is already familiar to them. They could technically learn to use linux, but they have zero interest because if windows has an issue they'll just call me and I'll fix it (and that's usually not needed because it rarely breaks on them).

azuth ,

Well our experiences differ then. I never had any issues on vanilla Ubuntu systems. After all if there was I 'd have to be on the phone to fix it while also reminding the fam that any non specified click us a left click.

To be fair I rarely had issues with Windows myself, at least post xp. But windows do fail, especially on updates and in quite bizarre ways. I ve had to solve quite a few over the years.

HouseWolf , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed?

Life long windows user currently dual booting and trying to fully switch.

I’ve gotten used to the terminal and I’m no stranger to editing config files but I still find myself saying ‘This could literally be a toggle or drop down menu’

I can mostly put up with it but I got friends who REALLY hate digging into files for basic stuff like global dark mode, If it’s not in a GUI it’s as good as none existent to some.

XPost3000 ,

Yeah honestly same, I hate having to sudo into random system files to change something basic or having to open a terminal and remember the specific magic words to do what I need

so whenever I have the option I use GUI over CLI every time

that_one_guy ,

This is heavily influenced by choice of DE. Some of them really do have all their options well laid out in the system settings, but others rely entirely on config files. I have little experience with GNOME, but with KDE I was able to customize my experience very heavily using only the system settings by just playing around in the GUI. Meanwhile, on another machine running Hyprland, I have had to read a lot of documentation in order to customize it, but the available options are relatively more powerful than the KDE setup.

Neither of these methods are more right than the other, but one is absolutely more new-user friendly, assuming they do not want to simply accept the defaults.

rockSlayer , to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance

All I see in that source is ml living up to it’s acronym. Congratulations, you learned that people that believe in FOSS also tend to be leftists, and in this case Marxist-Leninists. I don’t particularly agree with how they choose to handle moderation and I’m definitely not a ML, but you don’t need to make that your local instance.

astral_avocado OP , avatar

The leftists I know are under no impression that the Chinese government isn’t under a brutal authoritarian rule, i think this is a petty novel strain. Why does being a Marxist-leninisy necessitate defending and denying state atrocities?

lemmyshmemmy ,

Yeah… the CCP isn’t communist anymore.

astral_avocado OP , avatar

Yeah lol, smething that they won’t ever admit to either

Serdomi ,

I think the best you could argue is that China was, at one point, moving toward communism. But like the USSR, it’s never been communist, and the closest it’s gotten was state-directed capitalism.

Silverseren ,

Heck, they're extremely capitalist. Just how many billionaires does China have right now?

Veraxus , avatar

They never were. The "withering away of the state" never happened; instead, the state got bigger, more entrenched, and more powerful.

eltimablo ,

Who could have ever seen this coming!

Stovetop ,

Try posting that on, though. Suggest that China is anything but the very model of socialism and you get tankie downvotes almost instantly.

Any country where billionaires exist shouldn’t be allowed to call itself communist.

Prandom_returns ,

I think the meaning of words change with their usage.

It would be difficult to argue that the China Communist Party isn’t Communist.

kep ,

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is literally none of those things.

Bad argument.

Prandom_returns ,

Can you name a communist country that is radically different than china?

Because I can name 20 different democratic countries that are radically different than north korea, in turn not changing the meaning of “democracy”.

An outlier doesn’t mean the word changed its meaning.

FaeDrifter ,

The CCP claims to be communist but acts like capitalists. IE a literal split between the ownership class (the people that own the capital) and the laboring class.

It’s like a classic narcissist: says one thing, does another.

TimeSquirrel , avatar

Because they didn't arrive at leftism using their brains, they arrived at it because they wear cool uniforms and "USA/The West" bad.

rockSlayer ,

It doesn’t, ML is based on the philosophy of primarily Lenin (hence the name) and is meant more as the political means of transitioning power from capitalism to the eventual anarcho-communist existence that will be enjoyed by all. In general, they don’t defend the atrocities of ML states and are often the most critical of states like Cuba, Vietnam, the USSR, and China. I’m very skeptical of ML because it necessitates 1 party rule and I see all states as authoritarian, but claiming ML necessitates defending atrocities is a position of ignorance. It’s like supporting the US, it doesn’t mean people also support the genocide of latinos on our border.

Noreia , avatar

China isn’t marxist-leninist though, not even Maoist anymore since Deng Xiaoping took over. They are very much capitalist (otherwise they wouldn’t try to undermine workers rights movements (gotta keep exploiting the proletariate for that sweet surplus value) and try to get rid of marxist and maoist student clubs etc)

yata ,

The majority of leftists aren’t tankies. Tankies are an extreme fringe group of leftism that is even hardly leftist in its core beliefs on account of its support for authoritarian regimes everywhere as long as they are enemies of the US.

maiion , to fediverse in Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
mekkagodzilla , avatar

As a Mastodon instance admin that did the blocking properly only yesterday, I can tell you this list appears to be automated and accurate.

Hotzilla , to memes in ts moment

I refuse to use discord, it is basically malware. Selfhosting is the only way, and TS3 works great for that.

putty ,

how is discord malware?

Mubelotix , avatar


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  • lepinkainen ,

    The “servers” are actually called “guilds” in the API.

    Servers are just a marketing term

    JackbyDev ,

    They’re called servers in the UI though. Also, confusingly, there is a new feature coming called guilds.

    cobra89 ,

    Lol wut, they never claimed servers were independently controlled. Maybe you just didn’t look into what you were signing up for.

    When you go use different servers on Minecraft realms are you under any impression those are not controlled by Microsoft?

    When you choose a different server on World of Warcraft do you think it’s a non-blizzard server?..

    Like just because you put yourself into a state of bad false assumptions didn’t mean they tried to trick you. People have been saying this about discord from the beginning you just never cared to look.

    Did you actually think this or are you just inventing a person in your mind that this has happened to? Lol

    JackbyDev ,

    They’re called direct messages, not private messages. They’re not tricking anyone into thinking anything lmao

    Zoot , avatar

    No, but the entire point of renaming Private Messages to Direct Messages was exclusively so people would have the mindset you do.

    odelik ,

    Umm… People have been using the phrase “Direct message (DM) me” since forever in the game and online comms world. Private message wasn’t a concept until after DMs were later encrypted. And we always knew, that if we didn’t control the servers, even encrypted, those messages were subject the server operators.

    Your logic is giving me the impression that you’re younger and didn’t go through these experiences.

    Zoot , avatar

    Actually I am not younger, DM’s had always been Private Messages to me up until Facebook/MySpace and more people began flocking to the internet.

    JackbyDev ,

    No, the term PM has been around before DM was the norm. Forums generally used the term PM. Ironically, not remembering PMs being the term prior to DM is making me think you’re younger for not remembering it.

    odelik ,

    You’re right. Had to dig into my memory for this one and fact check myself.

    IRC, BBS, and most forums (of the era) used PM or SP. MUCKs and a few other tools used Whisper. ICQ introduced “IM me”. Part of me remebers using the term “DM” for IRC messages, but I used IRC fairly regularly well into the 2010s.

    However, the forum I spent a ton of my younger years on used “Direct Messages” which has likely polluted my memory. Since it was a technology related forum, that was probabaly a customization from the operator to distance everyone from the idea of “private” since everything was clear-text and unencrypted back then. That or I’m confusing “IM me” from the ICQ/AIM/MSN days.

    Point being, nobody thought “PM” meant secure and not visible to the server operators back then. It just meant that only you, the recipient, server operators, and 1337 h4xx0rz could see your messages.

    What a trip down edited memory lane that was. Thanks for fact checking me.

    JackbyDev ,

    I have never been under the impression PMs were unreadable by the people operating the service I send them on.

    Zoot , avatar

    Neither have I. Generally if I want the impression of it being private, it will need to be encrypted and a whole skew of other criteria comes in. Still doesn’t change the fact that growing up they were referred to as “PM’s” for the first half of my life.

    Hotzilla ,

    Huge RAM usage, wierd crashes, causes random lag in games, constant enshittification on-going. No thanks.

    ILikeBoobies ,

    That’s not malware, that’s just a bad product

    Hotzilla ,

    hyperbole, ever heard about it?

    ILikeBoobies ,

    Can you use it in a sentence?

    Hotzilla ,

    “Discord is bad product, hyperbolically said, it works like a malware.”

    ILikeBoobies ,

    I am sorry but I was not paying attention, could you repeat that?

    lemmylem ,

    Isn’t TeamSpeak proprietary though?

    Hotzilla ,

    Yes, but free

    lemmylem ,

    If you can’t audit the source code of the program, how do you know if TeamSpeak isn’t malware?

    Hotzilla ,

    Not everything has to be foss, it is in company’s best interest to not make it as malware. In last 20 years that I have had TS installed on my server and client, have I had it act like malware. Discord in the other hand has instantly caused issues. Not saying that TS3 doesn’t have had bugs, ofc it has had.

    lemmylem ,

    So you’re just trusting them to not do anything bad?

    Hotzilla ,

    I know that discord is doing bad shit, so yes.

    How often you read the source codes of your tool?

    lemmylem , (edited )

    I may not read the source code of every tool I use, but even if the average user doesn’t read the source code, having it available for inspection by others in the community increases security, trust, and overall software quality. All a user really has to do is look at the license of the software they use, typically a GPL or similar license, and consider how reputable it is. Not only that, but if you’re on Linux already, you can just get most of the software from your distro’s repositories.

    Hotzilla ,

    So no closed source commerical product should ever exist? Discord is one too, I am just selecting one that I can control.

    lemmylem ,

    No, you should have the freedom to use it if you want. All I’m saying is that you can’t really call TeamSpeak a better alternative, when they’re both just as bad (they’re both proprietary). If you’re looking for a better alternative, consider using Mumble, it’s FOSS.

    Hotzilla ,

    Other is selfhosting and other is service. I pick selfhosted.

    lemmylem , (edited )

    Self-hosting doesn’t really fix anything, the developers can still control the program and read all your chats/calls.

    ILikeBoobies ,

    If you can trust them not to do anything bad then they can trust you with the source

    Son_of_dad , to memes in Guardian Angel.

    Reminder that this “Angel” was a deadbeat abusive father, who let his new wife abuse and terrorize his children.

    pimento64 ,

    Are we not even going to consider the possibility that his children may have had bad vibes / been unpleasant to be around??

    papalonian ,

    Usually when I get into a relationship with someone and their kids have had vibes I immediately start abusing them, like no questions asked

    some_guy ,

    Didn’t know that. He was also in Basketball. That’s as much as I know beyond he was a race car driver. But you know who else was? Jimmy.

    Edit: Oh, sorry, that was Jerry.

    papalonian ,

    Don’t let @Grayox hear you saying that. He may not like you speaking ill on his God.

    theangryseal ,

    Well thank you for telling us. I can’t wait for the onion article about how folks can’t wait to talk about it.

    I hope it grows to the point that people say, “earn hart dead bait dad. Bad prsn. Not gud.”

    TheRealKuni ,

    And also could very well have survived the crash that killed him had he been wearing the Head and Neck Support (HANS) device that was available, but not mandatory, at the time. He called it “that damn noose” and claimed the tethers would more likely hang him than save him in the event of a crash. One of the greatest protective devices in motorsport since the helmet and the seatbelt and he eschewed it and suffered the consequences.

    iamdisillusioned , to programmer_humor in c/unixsocks for more

    One floor of my office building is a very well known gaming company. They’ve been remote since I started my job in 2021, but they have started coming into the office recently. I’d say 75% of the people I’ve seen get off at that floor have appeared to me to be LGBT+.

    Andromxda , to piracy in I'll never understand this kind of mindset. avatar
    Unpigged , to linux in I'm back on that other OS for work

    Dear sirs, I call bullshit! There’s no \n after the :wq!

    Annoyed_Crabby , to memes in selling drugs is illegal

    Maybe he got a small loan of 1 million dollar from his dad.

    CanadaPlus , to programmerhumor in what u actually signed up for

    I mean, American programmers seem to make a ton.

    Bipta ,

    Yes but they live in places that cost a ton, and then get fired with no notice.

    GissaMittJobb ,

    Agreed to the part about job security being terrible in the U.S, but it’s worth mentioning that the premium you get in income for living in for example San Francisco far outweighs the cost of housing.

    fidodo ,

    You can always cut back on expenses, you can’t just increase your salary. I will take high cost of living with a high salary any day and just cut back on non essentials. If you’re eating out all the time and a meal is $20 vs $5, that will add up to a lot, but if you’re spending 50 cents on an egg instead of 10 cents, you’ll still be making way more in a HCOL area. Plus programming has the best paying remote opportunities, so you can have the best of both worlds if you’re talented.

    entropicdrift , avatar

    I live in rural Pennsylvania but I work remotely for a San Francisco startup.

    I get paid less than my coworkers who live in big cities, but more than any of my friends who live in my area except one who’s also a programmer.

    fidodo ,

    That’s the best possible outcome. We’re super lucky in this industry because we have the best paying remote work opportunities out there. Before you couldn’t get an SF job in a LCOL area, and even with a COL adjustment, you are still making closer to an SF salary than a rural Penn salary.

    entropicdrift , avatar

    Exactly. I got extremely lucky on top of actively trying to game the system.

    Thcdenton , to programmer_humor in "I want to live forever in AI"

    This prospect doesnt bother me in the least. I’ve already been replaced 5 times in my life so far. The soul is a spook. Let my clone smother me in my sleep and deal with the IRS instead.

    mynameisigglepiggle ,

    Makes me wonder how many times I’ve been replaced. Also makes me wonder if I just died yesterday and today I’m actually a new person. I have no evidence that yesterday happened except for a memory of it, and let’s face it, since it was a public holiday, that’s a pretty foggy memory

    roscoe ,

    I wonder about that. During the deepest part of sleep does your brain have enough activity to maintain a continuous stream of consciousness? If you go through two sleep cycles in a night does yesterday you die, and you from the first sleep cycle who only dreamed die, and you’re a new consciousness in the morning?

    lath ,

    Dreaming is just the brain butchering who you were and placing whatever’s left in storage as decaying trophies.

    mojofrododojo ,

    yeah, went down this rabbit hole recently: what if I’m the .001% that lives until <max age variable for my genome>? or what if ‘me’ is an amalgam of all the ones that die, and I get to live all those lives until the variable runs out.

    Imalostmerchant ,

    I feel like there’s a great story behind each one of the five

    intensely_human ,

    Damn dude. Was each time a death? I think a someone’s following me around and snuffing me out. Mandela Effects keep happening. Also I’m getting elf ears? Reality is weird.

    mojofrododojo ,

    Also I’m getting elf ears?

    plastic surgery - that shit’s expensive. use that money for something better lol!

    intensely_human ,

    No I mean my ears are literally just spontaneously developing into elf ears

    HawlSera ,

    “The soul is a spook”

    I’m sorry I understand those words not in those orders though, are you saying the soul is an olde timey anti-black racial slur or that it’s inherently scary?

    mojofrododojo ,


    could also indicate ghost or intelligence operative. I don’t assume they were going racist with it.

    Sodium_nitride ,

    Spook is from the german “spuking” which means haunting. Its use in this context comes from the german philosopher Max Stirner who is infamous for the memes where X is declared to be a spook.

    Understanding what exactly spooks are is somewhat challenging, and plenty of people get the wrong ubderstanding about what is meany by spooks. But at least in the meme way of using the word, a spook is anything you think is a fairy tale, or nonsense that you don’t care about.

    trashgirlfriend ,

    A spook is a pretty niche concept from philosophy, I believe coined by Max Stirner

    It basically means a social construct that is being taken as if it is a real factual thing instead of something made up?

    I am bad at explaining stuff but I hope you get the gist of it.

    TheWoozy ,

    Spook = ghost (aka a soul unhoused a living body)

    Tar_alcaran , to memes in stop playing tetris!!1!1!!

    Literally 1984

    SnotFlickerman , to linux in What distro he uses? 🐧💻 avatar


    SnotFlickerman , to memes in No title avatar

    OP: I hate this school!

    Also OP: Nobody recognized my loss.jpg meme and nobody was upset by my trollface! All that work for no response!

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