There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

BolexForSoup , to memes in The race for "Worst Dumpster Fire" is heating up. Everyone place your bets! avatar

That text layout is…well dumpster fire is strong, but it’s definitely a smelly smolder

Empricorn ,

It’s just a wastebasket woopsie!

AOCapitulator , to memes in Reddit is dead. Long live the Fediverse. avatar

50-50 shot lemmy devolves into a fascist hellsite

stembolts ,

Well, its a federation. So the instances that wish to be associated with such, will be. And the ones that don’t, won’t be. Your language is limited by your concept of a website. Reconsider the concept if you wish and update your language accordingly. It will make your comments more clear.

AOCapitulator , avatar

in the scenario I imagine, and am seeing definite signs of, the ‘federation’ will fragment into 2 camps: one that tolerates fascists and one that doesnt, and the one that tolerates them will become a new reddit except this time its not directly run by the FBI/spez etc but has the same bad habits and same bad apples

It’ll become walled gardens. I mean, I’m not that worried easy come easy go in my view, hexbear will continue to truck along whether the lemmiverse falls to fascists or just becomes fractured due to their influence.

TimewornTraveler ,

can i be in the one without hexbear

Facky ,

Yes you can be in the one that tolerates fascist if you want.

bigboopballs , avatar

you’re already on your way

AOCapitulator , avatar

Liberals pounding on my door screaming “yes I would like to sit at the nazi table please!”

ComradeLove , avatar

Lol, I knew this post wasn’t from my home Lemmy. I find that your people’s customs are strange and endearing.

UlyssesT ,

With the sheer number of @Civility liberals that get mad at the existence of people more left than them in federated spaces but go out of their way to “dae both sides” justify the presence of nazis, I’d say the chances are higher than that.

AOCapitulator , avatar

Liberals get bored and leave, and if that happens we outnumber the fash

It depends on the attention span of the ‘ex’redditors

HamBrick , to memes in I am a problem regardless

Where are these raccoon background images from and how do I gain access

HawlSera , to memes in A moment of appreciation for a man who is undoubtedly the world's most successful promoter of Lemmy and the fediverse

Reddit is the only major platform I’ve ever been banned from. And no it wasn’t intentional.

Geriatrickid ,

I was banned from /r/funny for commenting on a spam post, place is so dumb

Hadriscus ,

banned from /r/halo, these people/mods are thick, no offense meant, but thick

cheery_coffee ,


The powermod situation on Reddit was bad.

Omega_Haxors , (edited )

Reddit summarized: I got temp banned from a subreddit for calling a neo-nazi a cracker so I made the mod’s message “Calling someone a cracker isn’t standing up to racism” my flair on SubredditDrama where I proceeded to get perm banned from for spoiling Hogwarts Legacy before literally everyone on that subreddit started doing it so it was reduced to a temp. Oh and that one time I got a perm from a certain hexbear-affiliated subreddit for pointing out that some guy receiving a bunch of positive attention was probably an anti-semite but it would be a few years later before I got banned entirely off that site. Point is, reddit mods will ban you over the stupidest shit.

HawlSera ,

It really is telling that I’ve been on the internet since way before I should have been on the internet, and the only thing I’ve ever been banned from are various credits and then Reddit itself.

Onfire ,

My 12 year account was banned. Still not sure why. Prior to that, i was banned from r/idiotsincars for speaking out against stereotypical jokes on Asians with bad driving by stating the statistics that Asians are not the worst driver. I guess that ruined their joke in that subreddit. Then they shadow banned me. My new accounts posts can’t be seen by the public.

HawlSera ,

See I kept trying to tell people, cuz I was in that Century Club thing that you get from having me a certain amount of likes my comment or Good Karma or whatever.

And I told people that sub reddit bans need to be made 90 days of the longest, simply because the permanent bans were being blatantly abused.

I had many people agreeing with me

Seems like they doubled down

Onfire ,

To be honest, Reddit is too liberal. And this is coming from a long time liberal voter. You can’t say anything anymore. Everything is sensitive and inappropriate base on what’s trendy. Freedom of speech means there should be of different voices. But reddit only wants certain voices. Apparently, the downvoting system is not enough. They have to go extra step to let a small group of individuals to decide, okay this guy will be forever banned from posting on Reddit. That’s insane amount of power and influence. I now lost my voice on one of the most popular and engaging social media platform. Crazy huh.

HawlSera ,

Exactly, honestly, even though it’s not as okay to say as it used to be, it almost felt liberating to see the word “retarded” used on a forum without that person being automatically banned.

icepuncher69 , (edited ) to memes in Opinions

I guess the weird censorship shows that op or whoever the hell made this are litteral children.

Tavarin , avatar

It’s to get around auto-censorship on social media sites.

clearleaf ,

What are these awful web sites?

Tavarin , avatar

So far as I know Facebook and Instagram.

seitanic , avatar

You can’t say “kill” or “violence” on Facebook and Instagram? That’s some pretty heavy-handed censorship.

Tavarin , avatar

If it gets reported it can get taken down, yes.

winterayars ,


pinkdrunkenelephants ,

But this is Lemmy so why are they still posting them?

Tavarin , avatar

It’s called a repost. People are allowed to repost stuff they find on other sites.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Doesn’t mean they should repost censored content. Respect that this is a different, freer format and go find the uncensored version.

Tavarin , avatar

Such a version may not exist if the meme was originally posted to Facebook.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

That’s troubling.

RickyRigatoni , avatar

Make your own. Become god.

seitanic , avatar

So, you can’t use the word “kill” or “violence”? Or show a swastika? Even if it’s anti-Nazi?

Sounds like the solution is to just not use that social network.

whynotzoidberg , to cat in Skydiving kitty
Tetsuo ,

Even has his parachute! Nice 👍

Facelikeapotato OP , avatar

That is fantastic, thank you for bringing this into the world!

zazaserty , to linux in Defaults insults avatar

BEST os ever, proof is right here.

Xanthrax , (edited ) to memes in It'll hopefully be a keyboard and mouse for me avatar

I knew gentleman that was 100 (he literally turned 100 the year I met him). He was one of the most sharp people at the retirement home; I think a lot of it was the fact he loved the internet and gaming.

Edit: If any of you are history nerds with a good concept of time, you may have thought of something:

HE SAW CIVIL WAR VETERANS; HE WAS THAT OLD. I say “saw” because he only ever saw them in parades, never spoke to them. I asked him if they let the confederates on the floats and he just laughed and said “no” (I wish people had that common sense nowadays) . He also thought I was asking if he FOUGHT in the civil war, so that got a good laugh out of him aswell. Cool dude all around. He used to give me a lot of shit, but now he’s just another grandpa to me.

Kushia OP , avatar

It makes you wonder how much things have actually really changed under the surface when you realize that it’s only their great grandkids that are still in charge of things today.

1847953620 ,

Minorities in many parts of the south don’t have to wonder

Kushia OP , avatar

Exactly… 😟

zepheriths , to memes in Wadup

Listen. I got to be honest I never read usernames

ProvokedGamer , avatar

Same, unless they said something referencing their name (like r/rimjob_steve)

theostermanweekend , to memes in How about that?

Look at that smirk. Goddam sociopath. Public servant, folks!

BonesOfTheMoon ,

She is absolutely a sociopath. All Republicans are. You have to not have a conscience to think that way.

kamenlady , avatar

Even in that one pixel pic of just blurry faces, you can exactly recognize the kind of smirk she’s wearing on her shameless face.

FuglyDuck , (edited ) to cat in Just because I'm going to the kitchen, doesn't mean you're getting fed avatar

One of mom’s neighborhood kitties needs to hear this. Head the crinkle of a chip bag. From outside.

The tortie:
(Mom plants catnip to attract them… so they scare off the bunnies that are attracted to the cone flowers…. The niece loves watching the nutters…)

Viking_Hippie ,

Aww she’s gorgeous! Here’s my own tortie Charlotte expecting treats:

FuglyDuck , avatar

I’ve never met a tortie that wasn’t a right bundle of entertainment. Then again, I don’t have to deal with that sass.

Viking_Hippie ,

Yeah, she has a big personality for sure, for better and for worse 😄🥰

Fazoo , to memes in bit of a hot take avatar

Fossil fuels cause massive environmental damage. Let’s cause some more!

DessertStorms , avatar

Ah yes, "enlightened" centrism, where causing relatively insignificant damage to stop the destruction of the planet is just as bad as destroying the planet for profit.. 🤦‍♀️

This shitty take reeks of being

more devoted to "order" than to justice; and preferring a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice

Lizardking27 ,

Bruh this has nothing to do with centrism. It’s "if we blow up an oil pipeline, the oil will spill out and be far more destructive than it would’ve otherwise"ism.

Fuck off with your “Insignificant damage” bullshit.

Fuck fossil fuels, fuck the industry that peddles them, but your ideas would just cause way more problems than they solve.

Grimy ,

It doesn’t have to be an extreme like that. It would send a strong message If every gas station had to replace their LCD screens every week, or the windows of their headquarters.

But I guess non-action and bootlicking while we wait for our thoroughly bribed politicians to do nothing is better.

Lizardking27 ,

You’re the only one talking about non-action and bootlicking. I think you might be projecting a little.

And please realize that actions such as breaking lcd screens is going to increase the production of lcd screens. But if you wanna throw some bricks through some windows, i say go for it.

FarFarAway ,

Just to point out, we’re running out of sand to make those windows, as well. They’re digging it up from the ocean floor, at this point, which isn’t great.

I have no solutions, but I’ll sure be quick to point out the problems…

Lizardking27 ,

True. But at least glass is non-toxic, unreactive, and will break back down into sand over time.

FarFarAway ,

I’ll take it as the lesser of two evils.

Good point.

Grimy ,

Anything other than writing strongly worded emails is going to cause some form of economic damage, even just peaceful protesting with signs.

It’s about being heard and forcing the governments to ignore the billions in oil bribes they have already received. You can’t do that by sitting at home and making angry faces.

Lizardking27 ,

At what point did I give a shit about economic damage? Throw bricks, occupy refineries, do what you want. Just don’t dump an inordinate amount of toxic material into our environment just to try prove a point about protecting the environment.

“You can’t do that by sitting at home and making angry faces.” Agree 100%, never said we could, glad we’re on the same side here.

Pipoca ,

A large number of gas stations are franchises. Breaking the LCD screens hurts the local franchise owner, not whichever fossil fuel company they’re working with.

More to the point, breaking LCD screens accomplishes absolutely nothing. Most people don’t drive because they love driving, they drive because of zoning, sprawl and a lack of reasonable alternatives. If you get rid of fossil fuel infrastructure without fixing the underlying car dependency, they’ll be stuck at home.

pivot_root ,

The people downvoting you clearly haven’t lived anywhere with shitty public transportation.

LinkOpensChest_wav ,

I do, and I get it. We used to have the infrastructure, but it was lost as our communities became more car-centric. Personally, I own a cheap used fuel efficient car that I only use when I have to drive long distances.

I also know a lot of people who own gas-guzzling pickups and SUVs who don’t need them, and people who choose to live in expensive suburban areas because they fancy themselves too good to live amongst us “poor people” in “bad neighborhoods” because we’re supposedly dangerous. Also, a lot of people who think they have to drive everywhere they go, even a few blocks from their home. Those people can fuck right off.

I’d rather be inconvenienced by losing my car than continuing to subsidize the type of people I see driving every day.

Rivalarrival ,

Breaking those LCD screens might just convince them to stop installing them, stop playing those fucking ads while I’m trying to refuel.

Pipoca ,

The problem with gas stations isn’t their LCD screens.

Serinus ,

Gas stations are not the place to make a difference. It’s at the very end of the supply chain.

Pipoca ,

But I guess non-action and bootlicking while we wait for our thoroughly bribed politicians to do nothing is better.

Nation-wide action, of course, is best. Something like the green new deal or even a market-based solution like cap-and-trade or a carbon tax.

On a local level, though, there’s a lot of action that can be done.

Nation-wide, the biggest category of carbon emissions is transportation, at 28% of all emissions. Over half of all transportation-related emissions are from cars and trucks.

The amount people drive is closely tied to local urban design, which comes down largely to local zoning regulations and infrastructure design. Those are primarily impacted by the people who show up at town meetings and vote.

Advocate for walkable, mixed-use zoning, improved bike infrastructure, etc. Most people aren’t “drivers”, “cyclists” or “public transit riders”, they’re people who want to get from point A to point B as easily as possible and will take whatever is best.

PatFussy ,

Your take is bad. The person who is destroying the planet isnt some conpany that sells you shit. They just give you what you want for some competitive price. I would bet my entire life that if most people had the opportunity to pay more for a greener product/greener service, they would still choose the cheaper/worse for environment option.

merc ,

I mostly agree with this. Companies only pollute as part of their process for making whatever good or service it is that they sell. They only sell those goods or services because people are buying. If suddenly everybody stopped buying and switched 100% to growing their own crops, the pollution from corporations would drop to zero. Not because they’d suddenly care about the environment, but because you don’t spew out a ton of CO2 making a widget if nobody’s buying widgets.

Having said that, corporations are optimized to produce as much profit as possible. If it’s cheaper to run a plant on coal and they can get away with it, they’ll do it.

As consumers, we have no real way to audit a company’s supply chain. Even a government would have trouble doing it since most supply chains are international. If I honestly wanted to buy the most ethically-created widget out there, I’d have to trust a lot of people’s stories about where everything comes from. And, because corporations know how hard it is to audit their supply chains, they’re incentivized to save any bucks they can, even if that means massive pollution, massive suffering, and so-on.

Then there’s lobbying. It would be nice if the government passed a law that required audited supply chains, but the government won’t because it’s corrupt. Evil government. But, the government won’t pass anything like that because corporations will lobby against it and bribe politicians to make sure it never happens. Evil corporations. But, the money corporations have to lobby / bribe comes from their revenues, which come from people buying their goods and services. Evil consumers. But, consumers don’t know which corporations are lobbying and bribing because there’s no audit trail. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a law requiring audit trails…

Fundamentally, we can only do what we can do. Part of that is admitting we’re part of the problem. If you own an F-150 for status, not because you move heavy things often, you’re a big part of the problem. If you live in a part of the world where you need central heating in the winter, you’re part of the problem. If you run air conditioning in the summer, you’re part of the problem. If you use a car (even an electric one) instead of public transit, you’re part of the problem. If you buy potato chips in a plastic bag, you’re part of the problem. If you eat meat, you’re part of the problem. If you have kids, you’re a huge part of the problem. If you watch sports, you’re part of the problem.

PatFussy ,

This is the true black pill. We are in a loop where we as the general public are in control, but everything is so convoluted so we are more comfortable shifting blame to the next guy. Its attractive to say that we cant see the supply chain but in the end it wont matter unless we start caring about it.

But what does it mean to care in this case? We can end lobbying, but we dont vote for that because it might be in an omnibus bill that also gives tax breaks to billionaires. We can end overfishing, but we like eating sushi on Fridays even though we live in Omaha. We can reduce overspending on useless purchases, but I have undiagnosed depression and spending gives me endorphins.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Then we need to work on building a new economy that provides for all of those needs from the ground up, in an environmentally friendly way.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

I would bet my entire life that if most people had the opportunity to pay more for a greener product/greener service, they would still choose the cheaper/worse for environment option.

Yeah that’s the point. We know people will choose the cheaper option even if it fucks up their future.

Some oil refineries getting exploded would result in the “worse for the environment” option to be more expensive than the green option. Now I don’t think we’re at that point yet, but without significant changes, in a few years we may reach the point where blowing up a refinery is the only way for people to have a chance for survival.

Grimy ,

“The Nazis are killing millions of people. Lets kill some more!”

Flyberius , avatar

Blowing it all up in one go would do a lot less long term damage than just allowing it to continue indefinitely. Surely that’s not too hard to understand, right?

PatFussy ,

It would also likely cause a war to start, probably cause mass riots, might cause regular people to die… but hey, you could reduce emission by 1%

Grimble ,

Epically logicked, my good sir

samus12345 , to memes in Nutella avatar

He apparently put plastic wrap over everything first, so it’s not quite as bad as it seems at first.

Dubious_Fart ,

I think the waste of food is far more egregious than the clean up. and him plastic wrapping anything first doesnt make it any better. Just more wasteful.

MartinXYZ ,

That way it’s a waste of food and plastic.

Wage_slave , avatar

This guy is just loaded with good reasons to not reproduce.


I_Has_A_Hat ,

It is near impossible for a consumer in the US to waste food.

This is because the massive amount of waste that’s produced by grocery stores makes any conversation of consumer waste a moot point.

In this instance, for example, if he didn’t use that Nutella, odds are it would wind up in the dumpster a few weeks later, still completely sealed and untouched by anyone.

Dubious_Fart ,

What a great argument

“its not waste cause it might have ended up in a dumpster eventually”

Venat0r ,

Also Nutella has a pretty long shelf life, so less likely to end up in a dumpster.

Dubious_Fart ,

its also a weirdly popular product, meaning its even less likely to end up in the dumpster.

All of which just further proves how fucking stupid a comment @I_Has_A_Hat made was.

They may have a hat, but they clearly don’t have anything that matters underneath it.

Snazz ,

Wasted? No Nutella was wasted in coating every surface. If there was any left over I’m sure he would have lathered another coat on. /j

talou , avatar

Why ?

samus12345 , avatar

Because peeling off Nutella-covered plastic wrap is a lot easier than wiping it off.

ChocoboRocket , to memes in For Free!

Why is this meme written in Cumfont

Deconceptualist ,

I’d say you know why, but cum on

Mothra , to memes in Nutella avatar

I hope they get disowned

Sabre363 ,

Not until after is cleaned up

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