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MewtwoLikesMemes , (edited ) to memes in memes are inherently leftist, as they are meant to be shared. avatar

sees image

What the actual fuck did I just look at?

10_0 ,


lightnegative , (edited ) to memes in memes are inherently leftist, as they are meant to be shared.

Based on that logic, the Christian bible is inherently leftist because it’s meant to be shared… whether you wanted it or not

imnotfromkaliningrad OP , avatar

despite not being religious i have to admit that jesus seemed like quite a chill dude.

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God

Matthew 19:24

JayDee ,

Bullets are leftist! /s

AVincentInSpace , to programmerhumor in How hard can it be

this post was made specifically about me, i just know it

over_clox , to memes in China bad

This meme needs more context.

Like, which way do you insert the dildo? And when was the last time it was cleaned?

Confidant6198 OP ,

That is a crack pipe

themeatbridge ,

Do you have to put the pipe in your crack?

over_clox ,

You’re close, but a mile away at the same time. It’s a meth pipe, as another commenter said.

The fact that you didn’t know is a good thing. Stay away from all that shit!

WeirdGoesPro , avatar

Came here to say the same—a crack pipe is usually straight and open on both ends with a metal filter of iron wool in it, often of “Chore Boy” brand…or so I’ve heard.

China bad. /s

moshtradamus666 , to memes in China bad

You have to understand that they live in an evil dictatorship 😢

themeatbridge ,

Dictatorship? No, don’t be ridiculous. Xi Jinping is many things, but he is not a dictator. It’s much, much worse.

He’s the leader of an entire party of violent nationalists who put the good of the party above the good of any individual. See, when a dictator dies or is deposed, they might be replaced by a new dictator, but at least their fascist ideology goes with them. Xi doesn’t simply rule for his own benefit, and the human rights abuses will not end with his reign.

That’s not a defense of western democracies, Russia, Christian nationalists, or tinpot dictators anywhere. Everybody’s got problems.

PotatoesFall , to memes in The essence of liberalism

lol. do you have this without the text?

davel , avatar

I usually rely on TinEye to for that:…/3ae58e30783903f716bfe5708e6c0ff6442b…

yogthos OP , avatar
PotatoesFall ,

sick, thanks

Zagorath , avatar

This woulda been way funnier if you’d Photoshopped out the text in the windows too.

yogthos OP , avatar

missed my chance to be an evil genie 🤣

sbv ,
some_guy , to cat in Summer vibes

Cold tile floor on a hot day is a good way to keep cool.

BluJay320 , to memes in China bad avatar

What’s with all the bootlicking here lately?

jeffw , avatar

Bootlicking?! On! No way!!!

empireOfLove2 ,

It’s always been on ml. It just doesn’t get out to the normal communities that often…

I’m sure the CCP made some direct deposits lately though.

Confidant6198 OP ,

My Xi bucks get deposited at the end of the month 🤣

BluJay320 , avatar


ThePac , to memes in The essence of liberalism

The conservative version is the same but removes the poster from the left window.

brain_in_a_box ,

Which is why Conservatives are ultimately a kind of liberal.

Prunebutt ,

The kind of liberal that’s already gone further into fascism.

ThePac ,

Or the topic is inaccurate and should say “The essence of consumerism”.

AVincentInSpace ,

You’re not serious

Cowbee , avatar

You’re on Lemmy, what leftists call a liberal refers to the economic philosophy of liberalism, ie pro-Capitalism. Leftists do not use liberal to refer to leftists like the average American does.

CileTheSane , avatar

If your meme uses definitions of terms that are different from what people generally understand when hearing those terms, then it’s not a good meme.

Cowbee , avatar

The audience is Lemmy, most people here are leftists. Specifically, this is, which has many Marxists.

People here generally understand it how I described liberalism.

yogthos OP , avatar

you’re drunk, go home

Kyatto , avatar

This comment is like being mad there are gay people hitting on you at a gay bar.

Jax ,

Other way around

TwoBeeSan , to memes in China bad


Imagine defending a state online


Confidant6198 OP ,
Confidant6198 OP ,
davel , avatar


Imagine defending a state online by posting a CIApedia link

The Cold War had only a brief pause before the pivot to Asia. The US tried to foment unrest in China by funding and organizing terrorist cells in Xinjiang, and when those efforts failed it concocted and promoted a genocide narrative. Antony Blinken is still pushing this slop, just last week.

We see here for example the evolution of public opinion in regards to China. In 2019, the ‘Uyghur genocide’ was broken by the media (Buzzfeed, of all outlets). In this story, we saw the machine I described up until now move in real time. Suddenly, newspapers, TV, websites were all flooded with stories about the ‘genocide’, all day, every day. People whom we’d never heard of before were brought in as experts — Adrian Zenz, to name just one; a man who does not even speak a word of Chinese.

Organizations were suddenly becoming very active and important. The World Uyghur Congress, a very serious-sounding NGO, is actually an NED Front operating out of Germany […]. From their official website, they declare themselves to be the sole legitimate representative of all Uyghurs — presumably not having asked Uyghurs in Xinjiang what they thought about that.

The WUC also has ties to the Grey Wolves, a fascist paramilitary group in Turkey, through the father of their founder, Isa Yusuf Alptekin.

Documents came out from NGOs to further legitimize the media reporting. This is how a report from the very professional-sounding China Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) came to exist. They claimed ‘up to 1.3 million’ Uyghurs were imprisoned in camps. What they didn’t say was how they got this number: they interviewed a total of 10 people from rural Xinjiang and asked them to estimate how many people might have been taken away. They then extrapolated the guesstimates they got and arrived at the 1.3 million figure.

Sanctions were enacted against China — Xinjiang cotton for example had trouble finding buyers after Western companies were pressured into boycotting it. Instead of helping fight against the purported genocide, this act actually made life more difficult for the people of Xinjiang who depend on this trade for their livelihood (as we all do depend on our skills to make a livelihood).

Any attempt China made to defend itself was met with more suspicion. They invited a UN delegation which was blocked by the US. The delegation eventually made it there, but three years later. The Arab League also visited Xinjiang and actually commended China on their policies — aimed at reducing terrorism through education and social integration, not through bombing like we tend to do in the West.

ted , to cat in Summer vibes

These are exactly my cats minus the 4 year age gap, surreal.

Glide , to memes in China Bad

I’d think, for someone who loves China so much, you’d understand the value of a social score telling you that you’re doing a bad thing. Guess you only like to listen when that score is managed by a fascist regime.

Confidant6198 OP ,

Guess you only like to listen when that score is managed by a fascist regime.

Nah that would be the FICO score at the USA. The only fascist regime is the USA

ober , avatar

Works Cited: trust me bro

The_Che_Banana ,

But he called it fascism first and loudest!!! Checkmate, A Cool Dude ™️ wins this round, fellas…

BluJay320 , avatar

Brother, you are just willfully ignorant.

And spamming.

davel , avatar

Ignorant? Do you imagine that we haven’t been exposed to exactly the same imperal core propaganda our entire lives as everyone else here? Generally speaking, we know everything that you know. The only difference is that we took the time & effort—and had the intellectual honesty—to learn more.

vzq ,

I feel “the only fascist regime is X” does a huge disservice to a lot of fascists around the world that are hard at work making everyone’s life crappier every single day.

And that’s without going into particulars about the identity of X.

davel , avatar

Tell us more about this fascist regime.

BTW, what’s the US up to at the moment? Oh right, genocide.

And what’s Canada been up to lately?…/Canadian_Indian_residential_sc…

blackberry ,

I have never seen a “social credit score” system. People are more concerned about the household registration (hukou) system. What you refer to as the “social credit card” is actually the social security card. In China, there is a credit rating system called Zhima Credit (Sesame Credit). If you owe a lot of money to the bank, your credit rating will be blacklisted, restricting your ability to make high-end purchases. It seems like you are very good at propaganda. Are there bad things in China? Yes, but Western media often focus their reports on what they consider taboo topics, creating a stereotypical image of China that makes Chinese people look strange. I believe Western media can’t come up with other accusations, so they project their own wrongdoings onto China. Take the example of Xinjiang cotton: Chinese people can’t even conceive of forced labor because we believe that human labor is more expensive than machines, which are faster and more efficient. However, the US had cotton slave plantations in the past, so you hype up this issue.

tomi000 , to memes in For anyone asking: Yes, I am paid by the Chinese government 🤣

Sorry, could someone explain this to me?

Confidant6198 OP ,

The joke is that people say that some of us defend China because we are paid by the CPC. However, we defend China because we are communists and China is a socialist country that is helping the global south. We defend the international proletariat because we are communists not because we are paid.

CyberEgg ,

I’m sorry, but you fell for lies and propaganda. China is an authoritarian state capitalism that uses its its money for buying influence in the global south with colonialistic intent. No difference to western nations, just way more authoritarian.

Objection ,

Even if that’s true, isn’t it better for countries in the global South to have multiple options instead of being forced to accept whatever conditions are imposed on them by the IMF?

jamyang ,

If China is socialist, then Donald Trump is a virgin.

blackberry ,

Oh my, sweet and soft virgin Trump, I can’t even imagine. 🤣
Is China socialist? In China, we usually don’t say it that way. We say “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” which is a system more “suitable for China’s conditions.” We believe China is in the primary stage of socialism, where the key focus is on liberating and developing productive forces. You might think China isn’t socialist because it has wealth gaps, labor-capital conflicts, and materialistic marriages (currently, the “Fat Cat Incident” is a hot topic in China). However, China is also working on poverty alleviation (not just distributing food like relief, but arranging jobs and creating positions for poor households) and promoting “common prosperity” (when the government wants companies to help advance “common prosperity,” if they refuse, the government makes things difficult for them).When a country has nothing, how can it redistribute wealth? The current situation in China can be summarized by a statement from the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: “The principal contradiction in Chinese society is that between the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development.” This contradiction exists between the eastern and western regions, urban and rural areas, and high-end high-salary and low-end low-salary jobs, among other aspects.

MrScottyTay ,

I think the joke is that you seem to actually think that they are communist. Nothing wrong with being communist yourself, but their government is communist in name alone.

IkarusHagen2 ,

China is the most raging capitalist country i know

Objection ,

Are you a Maoist?

IkarusHagen2 ,

I’m a maoam

Woozythebear ,

Do you only know of 1 country?

IkarusHagen2 ,

No, i know more but china perfects the capitalism. Everybody does everything to make themself as rich as possible by any means.

America doesn’t have large factories in which workers work for a few dollars (and by that i mean something like 100 dollars) per month and have to work long shifts.

America doesn’t have cheap and life threatening materials either.

Woozythebear ,

All of that is just an outright lie

blackberry ,

If I could get paid every time I said something good about the CCP, I would be rich by now. However, on the Chinese internet, there are people who offer 3 RMB per post to delete comments that praise the CCP. 🤣

Confidant6198 OP ,


blackberry ,

I’m sorry that I didn’t realize the difference between CPC and CCP at first. Now I understand that CPC is the official term used by China, while CCP is more commonly used in Western countries. Since my English proficiency is limited to reading, I used ChatGPT to help with the translation, which caused some errors. In China, the CPC has a more down-to-earth nickname among the people: “土共” (Tugong), which translates to “Dirt Communists” or “Local Communists.” This nickname is widely used because of the CPC’s extensive and profound grassroots foundation, and its pragmatic, farmer-like image.

myself ,


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  • VinesNFluff , to memes in For anyone asking: Yes, I am paid by the Chinese government 🤣 avatar

    Geez mate I’m a commie too but you sure do spam. T’is getting old.

    Hugh_Jeggs , to memes in The essence of liberalism

    Fucking weird that someone would even feel the need to put the left one in their shop window 😳

    mihor , avatar

    But only for customers.

    DrSteveBrule ,

    I went to a Cracker Barrel a few years ago and they has a sign that read “Proudly serving people of color since 1973” or whatever year it had. Weird brag

    Hugh_Jeggs ,

    That is unbelievably odd!

    Crikeste ,

    That’s what happens when hateful racists wage war on an entire group of people.

    Hugh_Jeggs ,

    Freedom of speech again yeah? So 1800s

    Lucidlethargy ,

    It’s to counter the racism, biggotry, and xenophobia present in pockets of American culture.

    These shitty types of people avoid or hide within large cities - everyone is typically fine in these places. But small towns can sometimes have a serious problem with this if they are too “red” (Conservative).

    In short, pockets of America are very tribal. People bond over similarities, and their shared disapproval of anything different, or out of the ordinary.

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