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XEAL , to funny in orange


simple ,
AFC1886VCC ,

You will regret that purchase.

yum ,

Whatever happened to him?

Swedneck , avatar

iirc he’s just doing other stuff

idk837384 , to memes in This is not REAL capitalism!

Meme still works if you substitute capitalism for communism

Imgonnatrythis ,

Going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing that’s the original cartoon and this is a play on the irony of the post-modern revelation of many of capitalism’s failures.

Grandwolf319 ,

Not only that, this isn’t real X is just a bad road to go down in. You need to define what system you want and judge if you met the plan, not some ideal.

yogthos OP , avatar

except that it doesn’t as anybody who’s minimally literate would know

praise_idleness ,

I wish I had the same brainless high hope for something.

yogthos OP , avatar

Your capacity to ignore the real world is the only thing that’s brainless here.

unique_hemp ,

Ah yes, the suffering of my (great)grandparents is surely imaginary.

yogthos OP , avatar

Aww, I’m sorry your (great)grandparents had their serfs taken away and were forced to become productive members of society.

unique_hemp , (edited )

Dude, all you needed to be defined a “kulak” was to own your own homestead, they worked on their farms themselves. Serfdom had been over for more than a hundred years at that point.

yogthos OP , (edited ) avatar

Kulaks were literal exploiters. Maybe learn some history, you’ll find out why the term means a fist.

unique_hemp ,

Maybe you should do some reading too.

There were no serfs in the 20th century: ……/Abolition_of_serfdom_in_Livonia

And the people considered kulaks by Stalin were often the same peasants, who got pieces of land taken from the actual nobility in the interwar land reform:…/Latvian_Land_Reform_of_1920

yogthos OP , avatar

Tell us, why were they called kulaks little buddy?

unique_hemp ,

During the first five-year plan, Joseph Stalin’s all-out campaign to take land ownership and organisation away from the peasantry meant that, according to historian Robert Conquest, “peasants with a couple of cows or five or six acres [~2 ha] more than their neighbors” were labeled kulaks.

So owning marginally more than your neighbours. Wow, what a horrible crime.

yogthos OP , avatar

You make it sound so wholesome using your sanitized history from natopedia, meanwhile here’s the reality, your grand grandparents were exploiting scumbags

unique_hemp ,

Some 72% of deportees were women and children under the age of 16.

Ah yes, getting skinned alive so hard by women and children.

yogthos OP , avatar

Getting skinned alive by the men who ran these scumbag exploiter families. I love how even when presented with actual research proving how full of shit you are, you keep digging. I guess runs in the family.

unique_hemp ,

Showing a paragraph with a nasty description does not really prove anything, I could find you endless paragraphs that say nasty things about communists.

Here’s some other research:

Available here, page 126

Do you fathom, how little land 5ha actually is for farming? Especially considering, that even the Western Soviet Union is generally not densely populated.

yogthos OP , avatar

Again, these were the people who exploited others in brutal conditions. Hence why they were called fists. The minimal size of the property these fucks had isn’t really the counter point you seem to think it is. Keep digging buddy.

unique_hemp ,

Notice the weight-bearing words “at first” in your own cited research? Etymology is not a valid argument when the definition of a term drastically changes, in this case becoming much broader. My point is, most “kulaks” deported by Stalin from the Baltics were new landowners with not a lot of land and at most a few paid workers. At least in the case of Latvia, these workers were commonly seasonal labourers from Poland (that came here willingly).

yogthos OP , avatar

you keep on digging there buddy

unique_hemp ,

And you keep on rehabilitating genocidal maniacs 👍

yogthos OP , avatar

I’m not the one trying to rehabilitate the fucking kulaks here.

bennieandthez , (edited ) avatar

Do you even know how people farmed during that time? 😂 A 5ha operation needed dozens of people, they farmed by hand and horse.

5ha is 50,000 square meters. The average city block in the US is 2ha (200mx100m), to put into perspective.

AnarchoBolshevik , avatar

I really doubt that Moscow deported women and children out of either collective punishment or misidentification. It’s more reasonable that it was simply Soviet policy to keep families together as much as possible.

Of course, if Moscow did separate the relatives, then antisocialists would go from griping about ‘collective punishment’ to griping about ‘separating loved ones’ instead. In any case, antisocialists rarely attempt to understand their opponents’ motives, especially in detail. All that you need to know is that the Soviets committed atrocities against innocents and that’s it. They did it just ’cause.

yogthos OP , avatar

Also a very good point.

Xavienth ,

No but it sure was based

highalectical , avatar
ryathal ,

You need more skulls for communism.

yogthos OP , avatar

Capitalism kills more people each decade than even the wildest numbers capitalist chuds have ascribed to communism, and yet here you are. A stable genius.

linkhidalgogato ,

think of a number that u think communism killed between 1920 and 2020 just whatever u can imagine just add up all the made up numbers u have seen in all ur favorite propaganda and keep that number in mind and open the spoiler below.

spoilerlast year more than 20 million people died in capitalist countries from perfectly preventable causes such as starvation and disease and thats without even counting how many people were murdered by imperialist countries and their puppet around the world to maintain capitalism. idk what number u came up with but i grantee u it was less than 2 billion. and ur number is an exaggeration while mine in an under estimation.

bennieandthez , avatar

The trick is that when people die under capitalism, the blame falls on a “corrupt” individual so the system is never accountable.

CableMonster ,

The issue is what is defined as capitalism and communism. If by capitalism you mean the most powerful countries with the best weapons and foreign policy that kills people, then I guess capitalism kills lots of people. The caveat is that if a communist governmnet ever got that same amount of power, they would kill even more people. The issue with communism is that you cant disagree with it, whereas you can be as communist as you want in a capitalist country, typically.

brain_in_a_box ,

The caveat is that if a communist governmnet ever got that same amount of power, they would kill even more people.

Vibes based political analysis.

yogthos OP , avatar

That’s only an issue if you’re illiterate. Capitalism is defined as a dictatorship of the capital owning class, and communism is defined as a dictatorship of the working class. It’s not complicated. Meanwhile, disagreements that can’t translate into tangible action are worthless. Capitalist countries regularly assassinate communists who actually gain political power. See Fred Hampton and MLK as primary examples of this.

highalectical , avatar

Either that or it’s the fault of the person that died for not practicing enough personal responsibility.

mexicancartel ,

2 billion? Or 20Million?

linkhidalgogato ,

20 million times 100 years is 2000 million or 2 American billions

mexicancartel ,

Hmm “last year” data might be very different over 100 years. It tends to increase towards later dates so its weird to assume its constant

linkhidalgogato ,

true, i wast trying to say that capitalism killed that many people in that specific period of time just that over a period of a 100 years at the current rate of murder it would be way more than the ridiculous number of death attributed to communism during that time. but i totally see how it could be misunderstood

REEEEvolution ,

Considering the brits alone managed to kill 100 million people in India alone over a span of 30 years, I think you are mistaken. Capitalism is a mass murder machine.

umbrella , avatar

nah not really

Cowbee , avatar


highalectical , avatar
Buttons , (edited ) to memes in It's that easy! avatar

How about: regulate the 10 largest companies and we can save the Earth?

unmarketableplushie , avatar

If by “regulate” you mean “forcibly dissolve them and charge their CEOs with crimes against humanity and nature”, then I agree

lemmyreader OP ,

How about: regulate the 10 largest companies and we can save the Earth?

Good plan. Don’t see that happen. Yesterday I briefly imagined that a small group of billionaires left the burning planet Earth in their spaceship. And angry politicians were surprisingly not allowed in that ship. And the masses were sad for the politicians while the melting earth was transforming into dust and ashes.

vocornflakes , to programmerhumor in the hardest exam question
  1. Ubiquitous; insane amount of libraries and probably some of the best documentation of any language
  2. JS lambda function syntax is nice
praise_idleness , to funny in orange

I can’t be the only one that hates orange flavored soda.

Jimmycakes ,

Think you might

BowtiesAreCool ,

I dislike pretty much orange anything other than actual oranges. Even then, I prefer the smaller varieties.

Rozz ,

My family hates grape flavored things because it doesn’t taste like grape

tacosanonymous ,

Love it or hate it, it’s the same flavor.

Swedneck , avatar

how many kinds have you tried? 2?

they’re all different to varying degrees, some are too sweet, some aren’t orange-y enough, some just taste like industrial chemicals

nelly_man ,

I hate oranges in general, and by extension, anything that is orange flavored or scented. I’m assuming I’m not alone in that (though it usually soaks a lot of confusion with people that I meet).

son_named_bort , to funny in orange

What about orange flavor in Pringles?

Mango , to funny in orange

But I like it…

ParabolicMotion , to funny in orange

The face we all make when drinking orange DayQuil, though. It’s not even truly orange flavor.

kirbowo808 , to funny in orange avatar

The fact that this is so true like is this even a meme anymore LMAO

Steve , to funny in orange

Flavor. Flavour. Flavor. Flavour.

MystikIncarnate , to memes in It's that easy!

I don’t think it’s a secret that despite the overabundance of public messaging that “we” (the public) need to do x to “save the planet” or whatever, it’s not working because it’s entirely predicated on the idea that it’s individuals doing the majority of the damage, which isn’t the case.

Recycling is a particular scam. The idea of recycling basically gave everyone the green light to buy and use as many products that were “recyclable” as they wanted and could afford. The businesses making those products, in no small part started using “recyclable” plastics for nearly everything. People were satisfied that it was recyclable, with the three arrows in the package and that was it. All the while, recycling alone likely doubled the number of waste collection trucks on the road (increasing the amount of fuel needed) doubled the number of trucks needed to do collections of waste, and, as many have since pointed out, was largely not helpful, considering that plastics are basically impossible to recycle effectively at scale, into any product that anyone can use. Only a very small amount of plastic was ever able to be effectively recycled, and the vast majority was basically just landfill with extra steps.

So we polluted a fuckton more on an idea that it would save the planet, an instead, we just killed it more with trucks and oil.

This isn’t a new story, and it’s never been your fault. The last frame in this comic is what should have been done all along, but we were sold some bullshit lie so an asshole we’ve never met can buy another yacht.

And there’s still legions of people engaging in wasteful practices and supporting companies that want you to throw out their products as soon as they release a “newer/better” version of the same. I’m looking at you, Apple. Sure, you’ve stepped back on this a little bit in the past few years, but remember when you intentionally slowed down millions of phones because they were 2+ years old, and for no other reason? I do.

Net Zero carbon emissions (or any other pollutant) shouldn’t be the goal. It should be the minimum fucking standard.

lemmyreader OP ,

Net Zero carbon emissions (or any other pollutant) shouldn’t be the goal. It should be the minimum fucking standard.

Exactly. The part about recycling that you wrote makes me realize that fossil fuel industry has been more than an addiction for most of the masses with politicians (Think about Gerhard Schroeder in Germany with his Russian oil connections) and companies making the decisions in favor of destroying the planet. And those fossil fuel companies knew about the effects for decades. Just like tobacco companies were allowed to go for profits. Making profits and caring about shareholders has been worshiped for way too long.

DakRalter , avatar

The company I work for insists on almost every damn bit of stock arriving in delivery to be wrapped in a plastic bag. I’ve complained to management, they just laugh. Apparently I can’t have any contact details for head office (not surprising since I’m not even allowed to contact HR directly and have to talk to them via a store manager). That’s like 1000+ items coming in twice a week where almost all of it is individually wrapped in a bag.

Not only is it a pointless waste of plastic, but it doubles how long it takes to clear the stock as I have to take everything out of the bag (which is sealed both ends a lot of the time) instead of just putting it straight onto the shelves. I’m almost tempted to set up a twitter account so I can @ them. Almost, but not quite.

My previous employer did the same thing, but at least we had a way to talk to head office and a bunch of us complained so they did remove most of the plastic and started to use a band of paper to hold stock together, or a paper wrapper to protect delicate stuff. They went bust though.

MintyFresh ,

You have no agency. In fact if I’m your employer I’m annoyed AF you’re not a robot.

AstridWipenaugh , to programmerhumor in the hardest exam question


KillingTimeItself , to programmerhumor in the hardest exam question

hmm, let’s see.

It’s not java.

It’s also not a scripting language.

also to the repeat grammar nazi in the comments here, hi, “its”

jve ,

It’s not a scripting language?

palordrolap ,

Depends on how you define "scripting language".

Older techs remember when it was only browser-based and they thought of, and perhaps still think of, "scripting languages" as something that would run from some command-line or another. Starting a GUI browser to run a mere script was a ridiculous concept. (There was also that JavaScript had no filesystem access. At least initially. And then it became a gaping security hole, but I digress.)

Today, there exist command-line accessible versions of JavaScript but even there (I figure) most people wince and choose anything else instead. Maybe even Perl.

But another definition of "scripting language" is "(any) interpreted programming language" and where it runs is unimportant.

From that perspective, sure, JavaScript qualifies. And so does QBASIC.

shasta ,

A script is just a file that can execute a series of commands without the need to compile

Centaur ,

They compile in some point of time because CPU don’t know shit about Javascript. But that is for some other discussion.

Edit: typo

dan , avatar

Are you referring to AOT compilation specifically? JavaScript in V8 is JIT compiled if it’s “hot” (executed enough that the cost of JIT compilation is less than the cost of continuing to run it in interpreted mode).

Sonotsugipaa , avatar

Hot take: A scripting language is a programming language whose execution starts from the beginning of the file | stream.

KillingTimeItself ,

bash would be a scripting language, though to be fair, i also consider bash to be pseudo code as well.

If JS is a scripting language, than any other language is a scripting language. And technically, every language can be used to script, so therefore, is a scripting language. i’m referring to the aspect of a scripting language being generally constricted.

inetknght ,

It’s also not a scripting language.

It definitely is a scripting language.


<span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;">#!/usr/bin/env node
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#795da3;">console</span><span style="color:#323232;">.</span><span style="color:#0086b3;">log</span><span style="color:#323232;">(</span><span style="color:#183691;">"Hello world"</span><span style="color:#323232;">);

Your favorite command line tool:

<span style="color:#323232;">chmod +x ./hello-world.js
</span><span style="color:#323232;">./hello-world.js

You just need to install npm, eg via apt-get install npm.

KillingTimeItself ,

everything is a scripting language if you try hard enough.

Steamymoomilk , to programmerhumor in the hardest exam question

You can make minecraft mods

AVincentInSpace ,

that’s java

derpgon ,

Everyone know JavaSript is a Java, but you don’t have to compile, so you script in it.


JustARegularNerd ,

There’ll be a modloader in the next 5 years that will have you load .js scripts as mods

MoonJellyfish , (edited ) to memes in shrooms? avatar

Started foraging mushrooms previous year. I’m alive so far.

Also met a deer while foraging. Didn’t know they could bark. Scared the shit out of me.

reev ,

Interesting how “scared shit out of me” sounds so much more literal than “scared the shit out of me”.

MoonJellyfish , avatar

Thanks, English is not my first language 😂

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