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tygerprints , to lemmyshitpost in Banan

I don't know who this banana god is, but he is very a-peeling.

KeenFlame , to memes in Come on Barbie lets go Party

Ironically the same in left leaning countries just corps banging the workers and blaming someone else using insane propaganda every single fucking where

TokenBoomer ,
KeenFlame ,

Sorry I don’t get it

THE_MASTERMIND , to lemmyshitpost in Banan avatar

What in the cursed banana ?

herrwoland , to lemmyshitpost in Banan avatar

Last panel is meme material

dingus , to lemmyshitpost in Banan

He looks fabulous

sxan , (edited ) to programmerhumor in A week of fprintfs has me wanting to code rust next week avatar

Go is like snakes: you’re hatched from an egg and pretty much effective from the get-go. The older you get, the bigger prey you can eat, but otherwise things don’t change much since you were hatched. Your species can thrive in almost any environment, you’re effective, you have all the tools you need straight out of the egg.

Rust is like humans. There’s a huge incubation period, and you’re mostly helpless when you’re born, but the older you get, the more effective you become with the tools nature graced you with. And you, like Thanos, are inevitable, even if it does mean the death of billions.

Python is like beaver. Everyone has an opinion about you: some think you’re cute, some think you’re wierd. You’re perfectly suited to your environment, but things get awkward outside of your natural habitat - you can function, but not as well as when you’re in your comfort zone. And when people encounter you where they’re not expecting, they can be unpeasantly surprised, and you can cause them trouble.

C++ is like platypus. You resemble some other more simple, some might say sane, animal, but developed into a sort of frankenstein monster creature made from a jumble of parts and a stinger that, when it kills someone, comes as a shock. Every part of you serves some purpose, even if it seems tacked-on and out of place.

Then there’s Node. You are everywhere. You are legion. You fill up ecosystems. People try to defend you, claiming that you serve some purpose in the foodchain, but there’s scant evidence. Attempts to eradicate you fail. You often spread deadly disease. You breed, rapidly, persistently, relentlessly. You are widely hated, and yet everwhere.

Edit: typo

MajorHavoc ,

These are excellent.

I need to add Perl.

Perl is a honey bee. You are unassuming and pragmatic. You fill every niche. Your buzzing carries meaning, but only to other bees. In theory, your ecosystem niche is filled by many competing solutions that are more fit to purpose. But somehow we all know in our hearts that if you disappear, all life on the planet will probably die soon after.

barsoap ,

May I acquaint you with the Evil Mangler, historically used by GHC to compile Haskell via C. It would go through the assembly gcc generates and rearrange whole blocks and deletes instructions, such as function prologues and epilogues.

sxan , avatar

Holy shit. This thing sounds insanely awesome, but also quintessentially Perl. Like, the perfect holotype for Perl.

And, damn, but I’m impressed. I’ve seen code that I admired; elegant, inspired, wise code… but the Evil Mangler leaves me in awe.

barsoap ,

There is a very strange, and maybe unexpected, cultural overlap between Perl and Haskell: It’s definitely possible to produce write-only Haskell, and once you get good enough writing Haskell it becomes very inviting to do so. It’s generally going to be a tiny bit more robust, probably a bit slower, and do dirty things with syb regexen could never dream of. While Perl will rip a DFA through a html file while hoping for the best, Haskell will respect the tree structure and then bend it into eldritch knots, leaving you with a file that’s like 50 lines of parser combinators (“it works on my files”) and then five lines of completely inscrutable magic doing the actual processing.

odium ,

In other words, node = mosquitoes or invasive ant species?

rushaction ,

I thought roach myself.

Mindful ,

Feels like jellyfish fits perfectly (if we ignore the whole can’t be on land stuff).

CanadaPlus ,

Roaches don’t spread nearly as much disease as 'squiters, and IIRC are actually important in some ecosystems.

rushaction ,

For sure! I was just thinking of a species that’ll outlive humanity. :D

firelizzard , avatar

Did I find another Sanderfan in the wild?

odium ,

Yes you did

wischi ,

Node: You fill up ecosystems hard drives.

skullgiver , (edited ) avatar


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  • ytg ,

    Didn’t it only recently get generics? How was stuff even done before then?

    AeonFelis ,

    interface {} - which is the equivalent of C/C++’ void *.

    sxan , avatar

    Amen. I couldn’t have said it better.

    CanadaPlus , (edited )

    So then I guess C is salamander. Also lays eggs and lives by a pool, but doesn’t do anything extra, and is a necessary step before most of the other modern languages.

    COBOL is a coelacanth. To everyone’s surprise, they’re still out there. We thought they were an old, very extinct example of a non-terrestrial lobe-finned fish, but they actually hung on in some odd environments. They cause massive indigestion to anyone that has to consume them.

    If Node is a mosquito, Javascript itself is another hymenopteran: the yellow jacket wasp. Just as hated, and with a tendency to injure handlers, but widely successful and defended as filling an actual useful role in nature. They build delicate, arguably pretty nests.

    sxan , avatar

    I especially enjoyed your COBOL metaphor. Nicely done!

    aidan ,

    Nobody who has seen a yellow jacket nest in person would argue they’re pretty.

    CanadaPlus ,

    I literally have one in a jar on a shelf, actually. I find it kind of delicate and wispy. The inside parts are uglier, but still very interesting.

    aidan ,


    rambaroo ,

    Node isn’t a language though.

    mrmanager , to memes in Come on Barbie lets go Party avatar

    It’s true, but with Russia or China in charge, it would be even worse.

    Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

    Wouldn’t really call what Putin or Xi has going on communism though, would you? They both operate stock exchanges and broadly private enterprise that systematically subjugates their working class while they constantly feel the need to expand their territory and purview of economic sway abroad. To me that sounds a lot like what we do when we talk about our capitalism.

    mrmanager , avatar

    It’s what I expect from these kind of people. Everyone in leadership is there for power, and they are all surrounded by others who benefit from them being in power. Almost all of them are not good people with good hearts.

    Humble people with good hearts don’t seek these positions in life. So the conclusion must be that humanity will always be under these kind of leaders.

    exocrinous ,

    Or we could not have leaders. You know, if leaders are all bad people, let’s get rid of them

    Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

    Every day I stray closer to being an anarcho-communist

    DharmaCurious , avatar

    Join us. We have knitting circles and cookies. It’s great. You get all the existential dread of knowing what the fuck is wrong with the world, with the added full knowledge that the things that could fix it will likely never happen because we missed our chance at a revolution before the people in power had nukes, and now even if you convince everyone that it would be better that way, those in power will straight up nuke their own people before allowing them to govern themselves, destroying whole swathes of the planet, along with unreplaceable history and culture.

    Plus, there’s a nifty æsthetic, and a range of really good music from folk to metal.

    Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

    You’ve very helpfully put your finger on exactly what holds me back. If I found myself believing in a lost cause, I couldn’t bear to go on. I am too close to despair as it is, so I will spare myself the small indulgence of certainty.

    DharmaCurious , avatar

    The trouble is knowing that it isn’t likely doesn’t stop it from also being true. I’m also of the opinion that just because full communism isn’t likely doesn’t mean we shouldn’t advocate for it, because any move toward liberty, freedom, equality, and the general principles of anarchism and socialism are good things. You don’t come to the table with your compromise, you come to the table with what you know you can’t get, and negotiate to something possible.

    Do I believe communism is possible within my lifetime? No. Do I believe it possible at all? Absolutely, not only in the sense that if we did it it would work, but that we can and likely will do it, eventually, if we survive long enough. Do I believe it’s worth fighting for, even if I’ll never see it? Yes. Because the work itself is enough to improve lives, and the more people who throw their lot in with the far left the more likely we are to see real, substantive change for the better, even if it is incremental.

    Also, sorry for the 4am wall of text. Haha

    Maeve ,

    It's not certain, though! It's only certain if we fail to come together and try!

    Maeve ,

    Hi, just checked your profile and first blog entry. How enchanting! ;-) what does joining do? Allow us a blog space?

    DharmaCurious , avatar

    Aww. You may be the first person to actually read my blog. Lol. What is your question about joining?

    Maeve ,

    There's a sign up link. Just wondered what signing up does. I've bookmarked your blog and shared it with someone who also read at least the first entry. You're really good. I'd encourage you to consider self-publishing a book or ebook, at some juncture

    DharmaCurious , avatar

    Oh! I thought you meant my comment to the other poster, saying join us, as in the anarchists.

    Joining up, I think, just emails you if I ever manage to post anything. When you say you read the first entry, do you mean the runes of flight snippet, or some of the philosophy stuff? Runes of flight is a completed short story I wrote for school, based on a random reddit comment I made once. Haha. I’ve been meaning to get back to it for a while, and posted it on there to sort of grease the wheels a bit for writing more. Regardless, I’m glad you like what you read. :)

    Maeve ,

    I've not gotten to the Philo yet; I'm intrigued! Completely enjoyed the first bit of the Runes of Flight .. But he's so cute, I need to plant a tree! I have to read the rest and get to the philosophy. I'm thrilled!

    DharmaCurious , avatar

    Ah, okay. Yeah, Runes is my baby. Agnes has been knocking around in my head for years at this point, and I hope to do her justice one day and write an actual, real novel.

    Fair warning on the philosophy stuff, I’m batterscained, and it’s a bit rambly. If you like nondualism, Hinduism, Vivekananda, etc, it might be interesting. I need to post more. :/

    Maeve ,

    Long live Agnes!

    Yes, I'm a bit scattered, myself. I am not familiar with Vivekananda, but look forward to your introduction at your blog. I'm a bit familiar with Kalima, Shiva and a few others. It's been a long time but I was a bit familiar with Zen, Dzogchen, philosophical taoism , Tiibetan Buddhism... It would take a lifetime of immersion to become intimately familiar, I feel, but I think I get the general gist. I look forward to learning with you! Thanks so much for engaging conversation.

    DharmaCurious , avatar


    And I’m sure there are much better introductions, but Vivekananda is a downright gas to learn about. Either the first or second (I forget) blog post was an introduction to the Swamiji and his address at the world’s parliament of religion. I hope you enjoy. :)

    pyrflie , (edited )

    Xi yes, Putin no. Both are Authoritarian on the Y axis, but Xi does actually dictate a Communist country on the X axis.

    Xi kinda killed the illusionary pooch by shutting down Hong Kong.

    hex_m_hell ,
    pyrflie ,

    Do you guys even understand XY axis over on solarpunk or do you just think that refers to sex?

    I kinda wonder.

    hex_m_hell ,

    The political compass is literally a propaganda tool created by right wing “libertarians.” It’s complete bullshit.

    pyrflie ,

    Well that answers that at least. Found the new lemmygrad.

    hex_m_hell ,

    Lemmygrad is tankies, which is exactly the point. You can’t tell the difference between anarchists and the people who murdered them. The political compass exists to create that confusion, equating “libertarianism” (by which, they mean right wing “libertarianism”) with the original definition of libertarian socialism.

    Even the choice of “libertarianism” as a name was intentionally chosen to confuse things, to steal a word and destroy it’s meaning. IIRC, Murray Newton Rothbar literally said that he was intentionally stealing the word “libertarian” for the right. The whole thing is about propaganda and confusion, and the political compass is part of that.

    originalucifer , avatar

    its a dictatorship pretendintg to be an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy. i would call it 'captured democracy'.

    but its just a dictatorship with extra steps.

    exocrinous ,

    I hate to be the one to break this to you but the Berlin Wall fell. Russia is capitalist.

    hex_m_hell ,

    Russia always was capitalist, that’s kind of the point of Animal Farm. If you look at the company towns of the Kentucky Coal Miners historically, it’s the same structure as the Soviet Union: the company (or the state) owns everything and enslaves the workers. One used debt, the other pretended to represent the proletariat, but the ruling class extracted labor from the workers and only supplied them the minimum necessary to survive. Lenin was a reactionary pretending to be a revolutionary.

    brain_in_a_box ,

    It’s true

    Glad you get i…

    but with Russia or China in charge, it would be even worse.

    Never mind

    MeDuViNoX , to lemmyshitpost in if you even care avatar

    Born to drink, forced to piss.

    GolfNovemberUniform , to unixporn in [Haiku] Summertime vibes avatar

    Wow that is uhh uncommon. Not sure I’m smart enough to use such interface without a week or two of learning. 10/10

    notannpc , to piracy in This is the way

    I’ve made it my mission to use as much data as possible since my ISP forced me to pay more when they implemented some arbitrary data cap. Gots keep seeding until I run out of space to store content!

    femboy_bird , to lemmyshitpost in taylor swift am i right

    How am I supposed to laugh at this, there’s no airplane

    vanderbilt , to piracy in This is the way avatar

    Noob. I once accidentally seeded to a ratio of 435 and blew 2TB of data 🥴

    SplashJackson , to lemmyshitpost in taylor swift am i right

    I would of have thought it was Romania, I mean, it’s right in the name

    MxM111 ,

    Rome and Constantinople are different cities. In case if you did not know :)

    SplashJackson ,

    “Rightful inheritor of Constantinople” implies the continuation of the power body of Constantinople, the last capital of the Roman Empire

    Siegfried ,

    I will nominate Mauritania as a true successor. A country 1000 km away from the roman province that gave it its name.

    MxM111 ,

    East Roman Empire.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Aka, the Roman Empire. The part that lasted a thousand years longer than the simps in Rome.

    woelkchen , avatar

    I would of have thought it was Romania, I mean, it’s right in the name

    I’ve learnt recently that up until the establishment of the modern Greek state, the region of Greece was still called Rome:

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    West Rome: Falls in 476 because they were racist to their own troops.

    East Rome: Kicks ass until 1453 and only falls because Catholics can’t be trusted.

    East Rome Best Rome

    AdolfSchmitler , to memes in Come on Barbie lets go Party

    Everyone talks about what the “best” system is but none have adequately solved the human corruption problem. Every system eventually falls due to human corruption imo. The US founders were on to something by trying to break up power and have each group kept I’m check but that too is failing.

    Stop trying to fix the symptoms.

    maynarkh ,

    The US founders were on to something by trying to break up power and have each group kept I’m check but that too is failing.

    Yeah, separation of powers is a pretty old and workable concept, 8 times older than the whole history of the US, and has worked for most democratic countries since.

    merc ,

    In addition to the corruption problem, there’s also the problem of who gets to make the decisions. The people affected by those decisions want them to be made by smart people who have their best interests at heart. But, those aren’t the kinds of people who end up in leadership positions. Whether it’s capitalism, communism, even monarchies, the type of people who tend to be in charge are the ones who want power and know how to get it and use it.

    Gabu ,

    The fact you think some old white englishmen created the partition of power tells us a lot about your level of education.

    AdolfSchmitler ,

    Lol talk more shit about things I never said loser

    Grass , to programmerhumor in It's all about perspective

    Far less muscular for both though.

    DeepGradientAscent , avatar

    Bruh, I do 30 burpees for every failed unit test. I may be a dogshit coder, but I’m jacked af.

    Grass ,

    There’s probably one ancient hero physique coder in every 100-200. Just a guess based on nothing though.

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