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billwashere , to technology in This was the first result on Google

Jesus… the stupid, it hurts.

nexussapphire ,

Before anyone says it’s so stupid it might work, makita beat you to the chase. It has a real heat pump (reversible refrigerator). I really want one though.

makita 18v heater cooler

frankgrimeszz , to memes in Gotta show my Respect.

These political propaganda memes are getting out of control.

Grayox OP , avatar
davel , avatar
umbrella , avatar

its election season in the us, and climate change season in the rest of the world.

the memes are probably gonna reflect that

Zink , to technology in This was the first result on Google

That answer is like the electronics version of the image with Patrick Stewart and the caption:

“Use the force, Harry


OpenStars , to memes in Yeee yee avatar

“I speak alternative facts, making others do the work of figuring out what I meant.”


“I have researched in-depth and know what I am talking about and why.”

Tbf there are probably far-right people who are more like the latter. Just b/c I do not recall ever hearing those arguments does not mean that they don’t exist!

acastcandream , (edited )


Grayox OP , avatar

For the uninformed: The Alt-Right Playbook

acastcandream , (edited )


OpenStars , avatar

A fascinating series, I cannot agree more. His other works too like protagony/agency. I really hope he can find a way to do more like that, but as a more personal video from him mentioned (not on the channel iirc, search for his name instead) that depends on funding support.

To sum up: it is far easier to tear down than to build up. :-| Also, truth is often stranger than fiction, and much harder to pin down and truly understand.

Really I guess these are not merely two opposing sides of the same argument, but literally represent opposing worldviews.

superduperenigma ,

Tbf there are probably far-right people who are more like the latter. Just b/c I do not recall ever hearing those arguments does not mean that they don’t exist!

Those people are working with the heritage foundation and other far right think tanks. They understand that their brand of mask-off fascism is problematic to a lot of people, so they allow their ideas to percolate through various right wing media outlets and entertainment personalities. By the time their ideologies reaches the mind of your average voter they’ve been neatly repackaged as “hey we’re just asking some questions here, we just want to get the facts straight.”

OpenStars , avatar

Thanks. I have no time lately but perhaps I should research them directly and actively then, e.g. to find out things like if the COVID response was used to bring population numbers down as a means of control and possibly thought to be beneficial for the sake of mitigation of the effects of climate change. But probably I am giving too much credit for even that much level of strategic thought towards climate change effects for the survival of humanity and perhaps it is solely “we do not need the masses anymore so let’s kill them off, or at least not help at all with saving them”, i.e. think of myself first, only, and always, and nothing else.

eezeebee , avatar
OpenStars , avatar

Real (enough) to someone, I suppose.

Right up until they aren’t anymore. e.g. when someone chooses not to take the vaccine, somehow MANY of those (I wonder if perhaps nearly all?) end up in hospitals, spreading their diseases to others and putting stress on the already-overworked system.

I legit would not judge someone who for whatever reasons decided to withdraw from society, like Amish, and not take the vaccine, but DO social distance for the sake of others, and then die but like… fully by their own, informed & rational choices according to their own valuation of priorities in their life. I fully respect that.

It is the hypocritical nature of those who are not informed, yet act to block others’ access from knowledge and benefits of society, that I am against. These people will judge themselves later on, once they finally cannot escape into their fantasies quite so comfortably, except by then they have already dragged others along with them. In short: they are shocked, Shocked I tell you, SHOCKED to find that actions have consequences. But… they should not have been so shocked?! An ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes.

TLDR: “irresponsible, childish behavior, from adults who should know better”.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Sometimes they never get it, even when their actions directly lead to someone they love dying.

My buddy won’t talk to his brothers anymore because they took their unvaxxed grandmother out to a concert and she got COVID and died a couple years ago. They (from what he said at the time) accepted no blame for this.

Personally i wonder if the consequences were too horrible for them to accept right away. Maybe with time, but i don’t talk to them either.

OpenStars , avatar

I remember those videos by mothers who killed their children by refusing to allow them to receive vaccinations. They were heart-rending stories told by those who KNEW, whereas before they only THOUGHT that they knew. Before it happened, they were obstinate and ignored all medical advice and did the exact opposite. After it happened… then they REALLY knew that they had screwed up. And they begged, pleading with other mothers not to do the same. They were ofc ignored, by those who similarly KNOW better, despite literally all of the evidence to the contrary.

Or you can go to old graveyards, and see grave after grave of infants who died young, from what are today easily-preventable diseases. Something like 4 out of 5 children died prior to 5 years of age iirc (or even if that is wrong, still more than half?), so much so that religious ceremonies still practiced today make that age a cutoff - like before that the child doesn’t even have a name, but after that it suddenly is considered a likely candidate to grow up into a full person, thus is finally worthy of being officially given a name.

I do have empathy for people with mental illnesses who cannot handle processing in the real world, but I also have empathy for all the people who have DIED b/c of those dumb-shit behaviors. Especially when they push further and refuse to allow OTHERS to have the kind of care that they want. Like, choose for yourself sure, but you do not have the right to choose for someone else. That is not only merely unintelligent, but childish on their parts. At least, that is true in the best-case scenario, while the worst is that it is linked to authoritarianism, which sadly is the most likely one in many cases - e.g. these people would turn you in to the government, if that was asking, just exactly like if we were real, actual Nazis. Like, “hey, lookie here, this person took the vaccine!!” (or had an abortion, or even a miscarriage) Even they do not want to have to live in that kind of world - e.g. having to call someone by their preferred pronouns - but they will absolutely heap that burden upon you if they think that they themselves will be exempt, leopards-ate-my-face style.

Conyak , to memes in Yeee yee

That is because their truth is embarrassing.

saltesc , to memes in Yeee yee

*In the US

Go to most other Western societies and your version of “far-left” is new, naive, and conservative. In my country, most right-wingers back all the “socialism”—by American definition—that we have.

Y’all got decades of catching up to do. I admire the surge, but you’ve got a lot of examples around the world of how to actually do it. All the while also understanding what you apparently claim to stand for.

Keep enjoying that Us versus Them game though, since that’s more what Americanism is into. Love that division. Good job 👍 /s

Mr_Blott ,

“In polite conversation, one should never mention religion or politics, as it never ends well”

Americans - “Hold my beer”

Cowbee , avatar

This meme references the “far-left,” ie Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, etc, not the Social Democrats. If it was referring to the American “left,” it would say “liberals.”

radicalautonomy , avatar

“Yeah, but if you go to those countries in Europe, you’ll find that almost no one likes the socialized health care they have in their country.” - Every American conservative and libertarian ever trying to defend the freedumb of paying thousands of dollars out of pocket each year for basic medical treatment.

VaultBoyNewVegas ,

I love the NHS in my country. I’m currently in hospital right now and the staff are fucking amazing but it’s underfunded so I got stuck in an isolation room all of Saturday after being transferred to another hospital. Anyway the staff isn’t the problem, it’s the lack of support and funding that’s killing the quality of the service which everyone i.e patients, staff, even politicians all agree on.

Asafum ,

How’s your political propaganda out there?

ALL of our major media outlets are for profit corporations and serve as propaganda outlets.

NONE of our major media outlets speak honestly about progressive policies.

ALL of our right wing propaganda equates socialism with “the left” and “the left” is portrayed in the absolute worst ways possible. They constantly talk about Venezuela and eating rats (they say we want that). The argument about abortion is almost entirely to be at opposition with “the left” and to paint us as “baby murderers.” Any conversation about taxation is equated to theft from “hard workers” to be given to “lazy slobs who pop out babies to collect free money.” They specifically take opposition to anything “the left” wants so they don’t have to have policies other than “hate the other.”

abbenm , to memes in Yeee yee

Between Dale and Amelia, the Earnhart family has been through a lot.

antidote101 , to memes in Yeee yee

I don’t really get the far left image, is it saying people on the far left are sponsored by tyre and racing companies?

QuantumSparkles ,


Grayox OP , avatar
rockSlayer ,

Dale Earnhardt has been co-opted into a leftwing figurehead, mostly just to piss off people on the right

Cowbee , avatar

It’s absurdist comedy, a deconstruction of the soyjak meme format.

JenTheWyvern ,

Raise hell, praise Comrade Dale.

AFC1886VCC , to memes in Yeee yee

when you’re neither a communist nor a social democrat, but something in between

“I am a left-winger but not particularly interested in aligning myself with a specific ideology” 🧔🏼

volvoxvsmarla ,

“I’m just rational and I don’t like when people suffer”

Cowbee , avatar

Just say you’re an anti-tendency leftist.

BigBenis ,

“I just want to live in a society that uses some of the value its working class generates to improve the lives of the general population in any meaningful way.”

Krauerking ,

Ah yeah, I just say “I’m a realist and we are all doomed”.
Easier than saying all that then having to admit it ain’t happening.

Kusimulkku , to memes in Yeee yee

I think a lot of the far-right is just fine with people calling them as far-right, a lot self-identify even as such

Krauerking ,

Surprisingly not their media though which makes a point to complain about politics in everything and then pretends they aren’t being political about everything they say and do. And claims it’s just interacting with reality as the center. They love to claim that they decide where reality is so they can decide where center is.

KingThrillgore , to memes in Gotta show my Respect. avatar
JakobDev , to programmerhumor in When you support package managers from A to Z...

You may want to take a look at PackageKit

Ephera OP ,

Ah, hmm, good point. I had been looking for a library to do this, and I’m even aware of PackageKit’s existence, but apparently, the two thoughts never occurred at the same time. 🙃

Gabu , to memes in But this... does put a smile on my face

I’m so lost. Every reply but one so far seems reads like it was written by chatgpt

RealFknNito , avatar

Immediately under your comment is someone talking about toenail chewing and I don’t think there’s any context that would make that make sense.

billgamesh ,

RMS became a meme once for eating his tonail at a conference

ikidd , avatar

Foot skin, actually. I think he was peeling his heel.

half ,

Maybe in certain nsfw communities but c certainly not here lol

Potatos_are_not_friends ,
pineapplelover , to linuxmemes in this doesn't work because it's Linux

No no bro you don’t do that. Just let them use ms office. If they’re tech savvy and want to switch then that’s their choice.

mlg , to technology in This was the first result on Google avatar

Licensed Insurance Agent

seems legit

TexMexBazooka ,

anyone can work in insurance

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

Its my favorite on Quora too.

Thanks Steve, the “Professional Hustler Entrepreneur” for getting the highest rated answers on the pros and cons of various medical drugs.

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