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mungodude , to startrek in (Solved) A Minor Mystery: Can anyone identify where this image of DeForest Kelley pulling a rabbit out of a hat comes from?

seems to be a photoshop job, this person’s soundcloud profile pic has the same suit, rabbit and hat, but a different face -

rand_alpha19 ,

The original photo seems to be of a magician named Ted Schwank.

CeruleanRuin , (edited ) to startrek in (Solved) A Minor Mystery: Can anyone identify where this image of DeForest Kelley pulling a rabbit out of a hat comes from?

It looks like Kelley’s head photoshopped onto a stock image of a magician.

Edit: Yup, found the magician. Now to see if I can find where that headshot is from. It’s definitely TOS era.

Edit 2: Couldn’t find it with a simple reverse image search, so I looked for “DeForest Kelley smiling” and found the original image of him on this delightfully old-school web page dating back to 2001. (Bless him, the page is still active and has a counter and everything.) The image makes it clear that it is indeed from Star Trek, but he has on a unique formal looking tunic with a split collar, which should make it easy to narrow down to a specific episode.

Edit 3: Some reverse image searching on the full image led me to the ever-useful site, which provided a clip of the exact moment of this image, in which Bones is saying “a teddy bear?” It’s from TOS S02E10, “Journey to Babel”. Here’s a longer clip with the amusing context:

data1701d OP , avatar

Great sleuthing!

Corgana , avatar

This is some excellent work, I do not know if I am proud or ashamed that I immediately knew it was the “teddy bear” moment. Sorry I did not see this sooner and save you the effort 😂

ExcursionInversion , to games in RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it avatar

Might have been banned for talking about the new pricing outside the mega thread tbh

wreckedcarzz , avatar

For 1y though? Mod defo has microscopic pp

Summzashi ,

That’s true for any mod.

magnetosphere , to nostupidquestions in I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? avatar

The best way to get people to stop thinking you’re a “freak” is to spend time with them and show them you’re a nice person. It’s okay if you’re kind of unusual. Everyone is, so try not to worry about it. What you think of as weird traits become charming quirks to people who know you.

Of course, this is much easier said than done. I wish you the best. Just try to remember that nobody judges you as harshly as you judge yourself.

someacnt_ OP ,

I see, but I am worried that the behaviors they hate on is exactly the autistic & social anxiety behaviors I exhibit.

magnetosphere , avatar

Some people may actually dislike those features, sure, but I don’t think most people will. You wouldn’t know it from watching the news, but people are more tolerant than you think, especially in college.

aasatru , avatar

Be careful about the things one does in response to being insecure. Some people react to the prospect of rejection by giving people a reason to reject them, so that the blow will be softer. That's obviously not a great idea.

It's alright to not be super talkative all the time. Reading up on social norms is probably a good idea if your have autism and find them challenging.

Think about first impression. Keep a good personal hygiene, try to wear clothes that make some sense, try to keep a good posture while not being too "stiff" - let your arms swing while walking and all that. There's a bunch of these tiny things we do that change our perception of each other, and it can be good to be aware.

Keep in mind that you're probably not dealing with a unitary group of people. You're probably not the only person who doesn't have friends yet. And some people will always not like you no matter what - if you have too many friends or are too charismatic, some people will dislike you for that as well. It doesn't matter that some people don't like you, what matters is to find some people one can get along with. Chances are there are people out there with a lot in common with you.

CameronDev ,

My purely anecdotal opinion, once you get into university and higher education, everyone is a bit autistic and socially stunted. Its almost a prerequisite.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

I see, but I am worried that the behaviors they hate on is exactly the autistic & social anxiety behaviors I exhibit.

You are worried, yes.

They do not hate, No.

Some people may find your behaviour extraordinary, and that is enough to maybe talk about. But there is a whole world between “find something extraordinary” and “hate”.

If you do never talk to people, then this is your behaviour. You can change it. You can talk to people. Case solved.

blindbunny , to asklemmy in Men of Lemmy, why are you angry?

Where’s the post for the angry nonbinary beans?

xilliah ,

You have the best of both worlds, what is there to ever be angry about?

where_am_i , to science_memes in #slay

oh no, even the science memes is getting plagued

protist , to risa in I never realized that DeForest Kelley's final on-screen role was in this postmodern masterpiece!

Anyone know where to watch the original? I have yet to give this sequel a try for some reason

data1701d OP , avatar

Apparently, it’s not on Disney+ due to licensing crap. The only way is to be a stereotypical Orion. Aaaaaarrrr! Woops. Sorry. The pheromones are really bad this time of year.

ProdigalFrog , (edited )

Should be watchable on YouTube, I think I posted a link to it over on !fullmoviesonyoutube

EDIT: I did! Here’s the link

scrubbles , (edited ) to asklemmy in What are all the ethnic foods you've ever eaten? avatar

Okay I won’t hold it against you because I grew up Midwestern and to us Mexican and Chinese were considered “ethnic”, but do realize that that is a very weird thing to just say. Now that I’m on the coast should I call tuna casserole or taco/breakfast food ethnic? Sounds weird right?

Next time you think ethnic food may be instead think of it like non-american food. To us, green bean casserole is a “normal” thing, to other people having a noodle dish is an appropriate normal holiday dish. “Normal” and “different” are all just from our point of view.

That’s why you’re being downvote, because you’re on a world stage here, and when you’re talking to someone and calling their food “ethnic” it demeans their culture, and that is a bit insulting. I am guessing it’s just ignorance, but hey now you know.

That being said, have fun exploring your pallette! I’ve lost count of the different cuisines I’ve tried, but every one is a bit different! There’s a Moroccan place that I really love going to, and I have had some really good Ethiopian. Sushi is always my go to favorite! Never be afraid of trying new things!

(And if you decide to post again I’m sure it will do better vote wise, because it is a really interesting question ;)

shinigamiookamiryuu OP ,

I say “ethnic” as in “ethnicity”, and as in “of or belonging to a population group or subgroup made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent”, which is what the dictionary says. If that’s offensive, it’s the first time I’ve heard that before, having seen it used by official sources. As I explain, I’m grateful for whatever verbal successes I do have because English is not my first language, but I see the land of ten thousand instances which believes in things in terms of a world stage won’t even accommodate.

someguy3 , to nostupidquestions in I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do?

It never hurts to read “How to win friends and influence people”.

zeppo , to nostupidquestions in Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? avatar

A nice illustration is Republican media operatives are trying to attack Harris with “we checked with McDonald’s corporate and they have no record of her working there!”. For one, McD’s is franchisees and I doubt corporate tracks every burger flipper. Next, of course they’re trying to claim she’s dishonest, but what about the greater question: Did fuckin Trump ever come anywhere near McDonald’s? No, he inherited about $400 million, has misconstrued it it repeatedly (‘a small loan of a million dollars’, as if that is relatable either) and has never had any sort of normal job that required discipline or labor, ever.

Jimmycrackcrack ,

I think he’s famously at least eaten a lot of McDonalds.

Baggins ,

Probably $400 million worth.

deathbird , to explainlikeimfive in ELI5 How did people steal PPP loans? Was it really easy or did they just know how to get around the red tape and stuff?

The proof for eligibility was basically self-attestation.

monsterpiece42 , to nostupidquestions in I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do?

If you’re autistic, there’s a good chance that autistic masking is the root cause here. If you have social anxiety especially, your mask will kick in automatically (subconsciously) and come off as fake to most people, and they will not like you for it. A quick test for this is, are you good at making a good first impression or short time of friendship and then it kinda falls off with time? If yes, masking is likely in play. I highly recommend the book Unmasking Autism even if you’re not autistic. It applies to others as well and it is excellent.

The short term (maybe long term…?) solution is to make autistic friends. They’ll understand “the weird” and it should be much simpler. Try searching around your local area for autism or neurodivergent clubs and see how you feel around other similarly-minded people.

aeki ,

A quick test for this is, are you good at making a good first impression or short time of friendship and then it kinda falls off with time? If yes, masking is likely in play.

Can confirm. This is my entire life.

monsterpiece42 ,

Might be time to do a little research my friend.

The extremely oversimplified and short version of it is, a trauma mask is something that kicks in automatically to protect you. Autistic masking is a form of trauma masking and it is fully automatic and usually not known to the person that they are doing it. We learn the skills to get through most normal social situations, but beyond that there is little development. So we do all the neurotypical things to blend in and it works until people realize that it’s fake, and then they feel like they’ve been deceived and they don’t like us.

The fix for this is, as you go on a journey of self-discovery and learn how to stop masking you will present yourself as your authentic self, and attract the right kind of friends. It is a difficult journey, and especially because almost always we don’t realize that we’re doing it at all. I don’t know if you believe that your neurodivergent or autistic, but I also believe that there are other neurotypes that are able to trauma mask similarly to autistic masking. You may find good company in an autistic community because they will understand how that works. There’s also something oddly comforting knowing that you’re in a group of “weird” people and it will help you get your real self out.

I am by no means an expert on this but I found out that I am autistic after over 30 years of living on this earth. Everything before that was fueled by masking and it has currently become the new most interesting thing that I know of. If I can help with advice or information, or if I can help by just listening, feel free to shoot me a DM!

someacnt_ OP ,

Considering my high school life, it was kind of opposite - I had handful of friends then, but they went different path and it became hard to keep contact with. Others basically hated me, making fun of me and borderline bullying me.

I did become isolated in uni, I think I did stay away from others. Was too scared of making a mistake.

birbs ,

Clubs are a good call. Look into societies at your university, find something that you’re interested in or think you could be interested in. Societies are social in a way that seminars and other course activities are not. Don’t worry if you don’t “click” with anyone immediately, keep attending and do your best to engage in conversations.

I also recommend seeking out a university counsellor. Most universities will have them and their advice can be valuable.

JimmyBigSausage , to startrek in (Solved) A Minor Mystery: Can anyone identify where this image of DeForest Kelley pulling a rabbit out of a hat comes from?


jemikwa , to linux_gaming in What gamepad?

I use a ps5 controller for all my gaming needs and it works great on Linux (Kubuntu/Nobara) and Steam Deck. I use hardwired when playing on my Linux desktop, but when playing on my Steam Deck it’s over Bluetooth while docked. Still works perfectly fine. I even played Crosscode with my controller just fine on both systems.
I primarily use it on my desktop for FFXIV which is why I do hardwired. Bluetooth can be squirrely if the game isn’t launched through Steam

eruchitanda , to linux in Whats your go-to naming conventions? avatar

Unless I can’t, Kebab.

No need to hold Shift.

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