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Showroom7561 , to worldnews in Bottled water contains 100 times more plastic nanoparticles than previously thought

Stapleton said she now relies more on filtered water at her home in New Jersey.

But study co-author Beizhan Yan, a Columbia environmental chemist who increased his tap water usage, pointed out that filters themselves can be a problem by introducing plastics.

“There’s just no win,” Stapleton said.

Oh, man.

nossaquesapao , (edited )

I’ve been saying this to people for a long time. Here in my country, most water filters are based on charcoal and a final filtering element. That element used to be made of cellulose and other organic materials, but in the last decade, they started coming with that element made of polypropylene, until all the cellulose ones disappeared from the market. Just imagine your water passing though a porous layer of plastic, like a rigid sponge… this is a serious microplastic source.

ripcord , avatar

You're talking like .01% as much plastic use per liter as plastic bottle water packs. Is that not....much much better?

nossaquesapao ,

I’m not sure how much microplastics are released in that way. It can be better than bottles, but if we used non plastic materials for so long, and it worked fine, I see no reason to put plastic in there.

n3m37h ,

Plastic is like lead, there shouldnt be any in our systems

ripcord , avatar

It's like it in that this is true, but there's a big, big, big difference in how big a deal a given amount being in our systems is.

ripcord , avatar

But the filters introduce way way fewer.plastics...?

porkins ,

Distill water, then add minerals back into it, and bottle in glass, profit.

Showroom7561 ,

Probably the best way. Distillation uses a lot of electricity, doesn’t it?

porkins ,

Not necessarily. It just requires excitation at a molecular level. You can get creative with your source. They have been playing around with low energy methods like LED or even just using the sun, geothermal, etc.

Showroom7561 ,

Yes, I’m aware of different way to distill, but if this were to work in a home/commercial setting, it needs to be accessible/affordable.

I’d personally love to get a home distiller, but I read they were very expensive to run :(

porkins ,

I was about to write back that we are not far off the advances to make these affordable and then did a google search and found that you can get a distilled unit on Amazon for $180 that is capable of making a gallon in 5 hours for about $.45 worth of electricity. That is far less than what it costs to buy distilled water at the store, which is around $1 a gallon. If you look at this from a break-even analysis, you technically start to reap the rewards of ownership after about 800 uses since the first 400 uses basically cost you $1.45 per gallon, then the next 400 costs you $.45 per gallon, but you are recouping that extra cost over the $1 retail price, so by the 800th use, you are getting water at less than half the price of the store.

Showroom7561 ,

A gallon is not much though, not for a family. If you have to double or triple that amount, the electricity costs will really add up. If you’re talking European electricity costs, you might as well drink expensive wine instead 😂

If cost was more in line with traditional filters, then it may be a more accessible option. But electricity costs are only going up.

porkins ,

Even with fission, nuclear is a panacea of energy with almost no waste for modern reactors. I can see there being an initial rise in energy costs to get those projects built out though. If they are phasing out nuclear, that would be dumb.

Additionally, researchers at MIT recently found that you can evaporate water without heat, so that should hopefully be a thing in the near future.

TonyTonyChopper , avatar

Resistive heating is 100% efficient at turning electrical energy into heat

n3m37h ,

Unless it gets coated in salt…

TonyTonyChopper , avatar


n3m37h ,

Rock salt will act as a thermal barrier, sure you may be able to turn the electricity into heat but transfering that heat is another story

What happens when you distill salt water? It leaves behind rock salts…

beaubbe , to world in Pornhub among porn sites to be policed by strict EU digital rules

So, they expect users to provide a piece of ID to access porn? What a massive breach of privacy. Imagine a data leak, they will be able to tell who whatches what kind of porn. Do you want the world to know all your kinks? And I absolutely do not trust a porn site to keep my ID safe and secure. This is just a way to get porn sites out of EU because they know that no one will be giving their info even if you are over 18.

SomethingBurger ,

France almost had this, but with the government’s auth platform (FranceConnect) acting as a third party to confirm the user’s age without giving away their identity to the site.

magnor , avatar

Which would require me to trust the government with my porn preferences. Yeah, what could go wrong.

ogeist ,

For that reason go for the extra spicy stuff, no one will believe you are into clown p0rn.

magnor , avatar

I like this idea.

mishielda1234 ,

In many of the conservative-run US states this is already the case


I’d trust Pornhub with my data over my government.

Cheradenine , to world in Sperm count fall could be due to microplastics, new study finds
TheOctonaut ,

Excellent commitment to the bit. Well done

xmunk ,

Personally, I buy my microplastics at my local spice market. It’s more aromatic and flavorful for a quarter of the price of McCormick’s shit. But hey, if you want shitty flavorless plastic in your dishes that’s your choice.

Cheradenine ,

I will have you know that I grew up on organic, free range microplastics, and hose water.

bradorsomething ,

Microplastics are fine, but previous generations ate macroplastics, and they did just fine, so I include them in my diet as well.

bartolomeo , to worldnews in Why is the EU silent on South Africa's genocide case against Israel? avatar

Are we still pretending this all started Oct 7, and that Gaza has been a normal place to live for the last 50 years? With all the modern luxuries like, you know, drinking water? Electricity?

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Oh no that's an exaggeration. They've only not had drinking water and electricity for 17 years. Before that they were only being subjected to a slow-burn genocide like the West Bank. Smh ungrateful brown people.

bartolomeo , avatar

And that’s so weird when people say “Hamas-run Gaza” but it’s Israel that cuts power, water, controls the border, has a blockade on the territory (an act of war), controls the population database and ID cards, and even sells rights to extract natural gas from Gaza.

sylver_dragon ,

It’s popular in the social consciousness right now. So, governments and international organizations are scrambling to look like they are “doing something”. Once the incredibly short attention span of the masses moves on to the Next Big Thing™, the Israeli Government can get back to building some Lebensraum for it’s settlers, without the rest of the world throwing a performative fit about it.

bartolomeo , avatar

Holy shit it’s unreal how similar Israel is to Nazis. I’d never heard of lebensraum.

It stipulated that Germany required a Lebensraum necessary for its survival and that most of the populations of Central and Eastern Europe would have to be removed permanently (either through mass deportation to Siberia, extermination, or enslavement), including Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Czech, and other Slavic nations considered non-Aryan. The Nazi government aimed at repopulating these lands with Germanic colonists in the name of Lebensraum during and following World War II.[6][7][8][9] Entire populations were ravaged by starvation; any agricultural surplus was used to feed Germany.[6] The Jewish population was exterminated outright.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Yeah; we're not calling Israel a Nazi state for nothing.

livus , to worldnews in Muslim women harassed at northern Italian beach for wearing modest clothing avatar

"How dare muslims tell women what to wear, we want to be the ones who tell them what to wear."

Fazoo , avatar

Pretty much my thoughts. Who the hell is gate keeping a public beach? Europeans are whacked out. Banning burkinis was beyond moronic, and now this?

livus , (edited ) avatar

I don't think this is about "Europeans" so much as it's about ignorance.

Europeans actually working in the space of migrant women's human rights have pointed out that mainstream society imposing restrictions on their clothes just makes it harder for them to participate in social spaces and be part of the wider society.

HenriVolney ,

Europeans have every right to fight a totalitarian ideology that is actively trying to destroy their chore values. Also, a majority of Muslims don’t wear burkinis.

Ooops , avatar

Europeans have every right to fight a totalitarian ideology that is actively trying to destroy their chore values.

Which I will do by blocking you for that piece of right-wing totalitarian idiological propaganda bullshit...

theKalash , (edited )

The value of chores shall not be diminished! Those dishes are going to be sparkeling!

ProvableGecko ,

destroy their chore values.

Death to Western chores! Allah Akbar

kayjay ,

The one Islamic tenet I can get behind. No more washing dishes! Death to the act of taking out the trash!

HenriVolney ,

Not sure if you are joking, not sure if people who were run over in Nice or blown up in Madrid would find it funny either

livus , avatar

This is not how you do that.

Being authoritarian about other people's clothing is not a modern European core value.

HenriVolney ,

That’s why I am not advocating for a ban, simply pointing that it is a tool to spread a totalitarian ideoligy

livus , avatar

It's different things to different people. Banning it is authoritarian.

anas , to world in Israelis rally to demand ceasefire and Netanyahu's resignation

While it’s fair that they’re protesting for their hostages to be returned, this headline puts them in a completely different light. I don’t believe anyone is actually protesting for a ceasefire.

untorquer ,

Article specifically quotes about the people being hostages of respective political leadership. Albeit a somewhat moderate take in context, still rather antiauthoritarian which tends to be anti war/genocide.

nonailsleft ,

Some of them want their government to go in harder

Lucidlethargy ,

This is correct. I can’t find anything at all claiming this protest has anything to do with stopping the Palestinian genocide for the sake of humanity.

They just want their hostages back, according to what I’ve been able to find. Can anyone show significant support for the contrary?

rickyrigatoni , to world in Outrage in Iran after woman whipped for refusing to wear hijab

But the privileged american women told me hijab is a choice tho.

madcaesar ,

I get so angry seeing women in western democracies defending this barbaric subjugation of women.

All religions suck, but Islam never having gone through any kind of reformation is a special kind of fucked up when it comes to women.

Worst of all is seeing my liberal friends defending Islam, like some kind of PC pissing contest completely abandoning our brothers and sisters living in these theocracies.

samokosik , (edited ) avatar

I wouldn’t necessarily say that everything about religions is bad. For example, Christmas is a religious holiday and I genuinely like it because I can meet with my family, friends and we give presents to each other. So there are some nice aspects of religions.

However, living a life only according to a religion is quite stupid. You are just making your life harder for no good reason. Arguing that you should do something because <insert a religious reason here> is quite stupid.

Same for hijabs. If the someone wants to wear it, then they are free to do so but forcing someone to wear it is just nonsensical. Sorry but I think there are more practical clothes when it’s 35 degrees outside and it should be everyone’s choice what to wear (as long as certain rules are respected such as no nudity unless otherwise stated).

Simply said: many religious practices lack pragmatic reasoning behind them and make the life harder.

Cuttlefish1111 ,

Stating Christmas is a religious holiday and using the word retarded speaks volumes to your character

Lath ,

Come now, no need to be like that. Everyone's a bit retarded in our own special way...

tjsauce ,

I don’t understand, Christmas originated from the Christian religion, what exactly does it say about this person’s character?

SheeEttin ,

Not exactly. Most Christian holidays are redefined existing holidays. Christmas was “oh everyone already celebrates a feast around midwinter, let’s make it a celebration of the birth of Jesus so we can still do the celebration but in a Christian way”.

samokosik , avatar

I strongly believe Christmas would be celebrated even if Jesus was born in a different season. And that the celebration would be adjusted to that season.

SheeEttin ,

There is already some debate about what time of year the birth actually happened. Most people agree that regardless of the actual day, it probably wasn’t Dec 25 (or the equivalent if using other calendars). That’s just the one that people agreed to use.

Cuttlefish1111 , (edited )

December 25 was the traditional date of the winter solstice in the Roman Empire,[45] where most Christians lived, and the Roman festival Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (birthday of Sol Invictus, the ‘Invincible Sun’) had been held on this date since 274 AD.[46]

Using the word retarded is similar to using other derogatory slurs deemed hate speech.

Appleseuss ,

It didn’t though. Christmas was invented by the Christians to help convert Pagans of the time by saying that Christianity fits in with their celebrations. Christmas origins come from the Roman celebration of Saturnalia.

samokosik , (edited ) avatar

I agree the word choice was not correct. I apologize for that. Fixed now.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Sorry homie you thought Lemmy would be better than reddit in regards to nuanced discussion. You were wrong lol.

samokosik , avatar

I honestly didn’t even use reddit that much. I had an account lying there for a long time but after the shenanigans that happened, I left and joined this.

So I cannot really compare those 2.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Either way, it’s a common fallacy or logical argument where you pick out the tiniest thing to invalidate someone’s entire argument vs just that one thing.

Just imagine how fun it is trying to tell people constantly how blanketswithsmallpox was never a thing despite being native, being well sourced, and having the info pinned to your profile lol. Granted, it’s insensitive for a reason just like how people had usernames in the old day like titfuckercuntqueef. With mine people just have to Google though lol.

Eyelessoozeguy ,

But Christmas is a religious holiday, but not originally a Christian one.

Cuttlefish1111 ,

If you call consumerism a religion, yes.

candybrie ,

It’s a Christian holiday. Just because Christianity permeates culture so strongly you don’t notice its dominance doesn’t make it stop being a Christian, and religious, holiday.

Cuttlefish1111 , (edited )

Nope. It may be religious for Christians but that’s about it. The civilized world is laughing at you. What’s funny is how Neo Christians are just racist confederates hiding behind religion to shield themselves from criticism of their views because they know if they are honest about it and just tell people they don’t like people of color or gays, they’ll be shunned from society. Cowards. At least Atheists are honest about their views.

What’s even funnier is how being a bigot is the only part of the Bible they know. We don’t see Neo Christians following any of Christs teachings. They wouldn’t elect Jesus if he was a modern day politician. Comical.

Just some gun toting Christian’s who routinely let their pastor rape their children. it would be hilarious if it weren’t so fucking sad.

candybrie ,

You’re so steeped in a Christian culture, you seem not realize it. Just like there are atheistic Jewish people, who participate and identify with Jewish culture, there are large swaths of people who are atheists but participating in Christian culture. I don’t think anyone would seriously argue that passover isn’t a religious holiday even if many atheists are celebrating it.

Cuttlefish1111 , (edited )

And what is being celebrated in a religious way on Christmas? Presents? So consumerism is religious now lol ok sure. The only thing Christian religions have in common is their hate. I already provided a link to wiki showing the origins of winter solstice (Christians can try to claim it as their, whatever) but you conveniently ignored it.

Another thing I find hilarious is how they’re “Christians” now, even though there are so many ingroups like Catholic, Mormons or Baptists etc. and that they are all extremely different but had to consolidate to hide the fact they’re all losing members in droves.

Because you ignore the wiki source and continue to espouse your lies I will conclude you are either a bot or simply arguing in bad faith. In either event I will not entertain you further.

blazeknave ,

No reformation? You’re in a sub thread about Western Muslim women not wearing hijab.

I, Jew, have dated and had sex with said Muslim women. That’s pretty reformed big dog.

state_electrician ,

I mean, technically it is a choice. Between wearing it or getting 74 lashes on the back. :(

theacharnian , (edited ) avatar

Because context never matters anywhere, right? \s

In the West, it is a choice, and that is good. That’s what Iranian women also want: choice.

This echoes the argument against the prohibition of abortions. Pro-choice means that women can have the option to choose to have an abortion, not that they will be getting them for breakfast.

aggelalex , to world in Russian FSB says US, UK and Ukraine behind Moscow attack

Cringe brainrot vomit announcements by Russia again.

fuckingkangaroos ,

When your target audience is dispirited peasants with poor education and debilitating alcohol issues that’s a reasonable message.

GregorGizeh , to news in "Shame must change sides": a Belgian model warns about deepnudes

I said it before, banning this doesn’t work. Legislation will always play catch up to the ever improving technologies, the best we can do is flood the internet with ai porn. Of everyone, as much as possible. To the point nobody even cares any more, because there is nudity of everyone. Normalize it before it ruins lives

kbal , avatar

Welcome to anarcho-naturism.

Cryophilia ,

The other option, and the more likely one, is an extremely broad law that is intended to account for future technologies but will actually be used to further erode civil liberties.

Fedizen ,

or lean into it; ban clothing

GladiusB , avatar

You haven’t seen some of us without clothes

Fedizen ,

not according to this AI generated image I just made of “everybody naked”

AeonFelis ,

Big fashion will never let it pass.

almar_quigley ,

We can wear hats and shoes

FlyingSquid , avatar

Global warming hasn’t made that an option around here yet. Give it 10 years.

myxi , avatar

Whatever I search on Pinterest, Google, Bing, the images there nowadays are mostly just AI generated. I am so used to them by now, I just don’t care anymore. Whatever makes me feel like it’s cool, I praise it. Recently hyper realistic AI generated videos have been popping up, and once there’s enough of datasets of free porn videos, which is most definitely coming out in a few years, the Porn industry is going to be filled with AI generated porn videos as well.

I think AI generated porn videos are going to be very realistic because there’s so much free porn.

BombOmOm , to world in Russia approves record spend for its military in new 2024 budget avatar

Russia is depleting their Soviet inheritance rapidly in Ukraine. There is visual confirmation of over 13,000 Russian vehicles lost in Ukraine, including over 2,500 Russian tanks lost. They are unable able to replace this level of loss.

xkforce ,

Unfortunately Russia has a long history of throwing bodies at a problem until it is solved. They lost almost 30 million people in WWII and I have no doubt Putin would throw as many as he could get away with at Ukraine as was needed.

YoBuckStopsHere , avatar

He can solve it by withdrawing his forces.

Vilian ,

shhh common sense is too advanced for them

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

Comrade, allow me to show you beautiful view from 16th floor balcony. Very beautiful, is to die for.

gregorum ,

But first, a cup of tea. Be sure to drink all of it!

Slotos ,

He’s achieving two of his goals: genocide of Ukrainians and genocide of minorities of Russian federation.

Why would he withdraw?

ricdeh , avatar

Genocide has no meaning anymore. The war between Ukraine and Russia is pretty much as conventional as it can get, stop using the term genocide inflationary

Slotos ,

Genocide has five very precise definitions that have no connection to the type of war being waged.

Darukhnarn ,

A lot of these bodies were Ukrainian back then.

xkforce ,
Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

I don’t think he could do 30 mil. His army is only about 3 million personnel including reservists per wikipedia, and AFU is claiming to have liquidated nearly 10% that many. Military theory is that an army loses all combat efficacy at around 30-40% casualties, and the rate of Russian casualties per day has gone up very significantly. After Russia spent all those lives in WWII, their demographics are still not what they used to be.

Despite the fact that they’re paying troops so much to fight, it’s not clear to me that they can sustain these losses indefinitely. What we’re really seeing here is whether Putin’s “military Keynesianism” can overcome Russia’s demographic collapse. Experts are already saying Russia could not mount an invasion of this scale again for the foreseeable future.

I think they’re going to end up as a failed state in the long run whether or not they succeed in Ukraine. The resistance would metastasize into an insurgency.

andrew , avatar

I loved that you got two conscripts out of your barracks instead of one when playing as Russia in Command and Conquer.

foggy ,

They had more soldiers than guns.

Folks went into the front lines knowing the plan was to pick up guns from their dead commrades.

giantofthenorth ,

I think it’s important enough to note, there’s no evidence showing this was the plan in any Soviet campaign in WW2. (But this is based off memory so there could be a single digit number of times)

In WW1? That would be accurate. Say what you will about Soviets but weapons were something they could produce and properly supply unlike the tsar.

In the Ukraine war though you are probably correct.

foggy ,

I’ll admit my sources are unverifiable, while strong.

Stories from college professors. Guy was not a biased man, and was probably a fuggin mod on /r/askhistory; that type. 🤷‍♂️ Strong to me. No one listen to me. I’m drunk.

Edit: and my general history is not iron clad; could been WWI, but it seems a prevalent story beyond my eccentric old professor.

filoria ,

Oryx is unreliable. There are numerous images of “Russian tanks” that are verified to be Ukrainian and many more “Russian tanks” that pop up as destroyed multiple times.

This isn’t that surprising since Russia and Ukraine use the same equipment (and considering the methodology Oryx uses), but it’s very difficult to trust their numbers.

BombOmOm , avatar

many more “Russian tanks” that pop up as destroyed multiple times

Every single one of Russia’s 13,000 vehicle losses has a direct link to a picture or video. If you found a duplicate, please share it here.

filoria ,

See evidence of literal Photoshop:

alienanimals ,

Who can reply? Accounts @ArmchairW mentioned can reply

Seems suspect to limit replies.

BombOmOm , (edited ) avatar

many more “Russian tanks” that pop up as destroyed multiple times

So, no duplicates? Just a digital camera artifact (not even one we confirmed is on Oryx, just a twitter link) on one of the over 13,000 losses?

Do you have any examples of duplicates on Oryx as you claimed? And I would like to request you actually specify things on Oryx, not a picture on some other website.

filoria ,

You can read the entire Twitter thread if you want. There’s tons of evidence there.

hellequin67 , to world in Britain's far right is booming on Elon Musk's Twitter

Sadly the right is on the rise everywhere and not solely due to twitter, they just give it a more visible voice

Hnazant ,

The 1930s video from America give a lot of perspective. Then we camped the Japanese but let the Germans have children summercamps???

root , avatar

Eh, it’s ok. There’s not that many of them. They’re just louder.

Juliie ,

There is a loud crazy minority and many people that like what they say or silently accept it. Some may even be ashamed to mention it.

Fear is often accompanied by shame. People are afraid and altright capitalize these fears

S_204 ,

That’s a dangerous line of thinking. There’s lots more of them than we might expect, and they’re growing emboldened by the day.

Kid_Funky_Fried ,

Omg im literally shaking and crying and shidding

S_204 ,

I don’t get it. Are you claiming to be a far right supporter or something? Why would you be crying and shidding?

Puppy , avatar

Maybe, maybe not. I guess it depends on the country. In Canada, the right is mocked into oblivion and the message is pretty fucking clear that we do not want the shit that is happening in the US to slowly creep it's way here. Really happy with the progress we've done to push these brainwashed fascists away.

ieatpillowtags ,

Idk man, I’m in the US so my perspective is limited to media, but I do see things like the trucker convoys that make me worried that Canada has its own problems with the far right.

Puppy , avatar

Oh i'm not trying to hide it, we do. But trust me, these people were mocked at, pissed on, laughed at and got humiliated. À l'instar of 40% of our population, it's tiny little 5% that mostly reside in Alberta and no one really care about their existence. Huuuuuuuuge difference with the US but we see it, we watch, we are learning.

NuPNuA ,

Didn’t you have a massive blockade of anti-vaxers in a major city the other year?

floofloof ,

Have you not noticed how all the polls have put the Conservatives well in the lead for the popular vote ever since Poilievre took over and started pandering to fascists? The right is mocked online, but Poilievre stands a real chance of becoming the next Prime Minister. Canada is suffering a serious lurch to the right.

funkajunk , to world in European orbiter may have discovered huge water deposits on Mars avatar
aseriesoftubes , to news in Pope says 'backward' US conservatives replaced faith with ideology

New Pope diss track just dropped.

msage ,

Hey babe, wake up

GuyDudeman , to world in Nazi symbols and child pornography found in German police chats avatar

To the surprise of no one.

ToastyWaffles , avatar

I mean I’m surprised by the child porn part

GuyDudeman , avatar

I’m not.

HeavenAndHell , avatar


sadreality ,

why? People in position of power such as clergy, teachers, politicians, celebrities and wealthy in general are always the ones getting caught... after decades of abuse many times.

Until we admit who are the key groups doing the abuse, nothing will change. If we can't put clergy in prison for it, our society has not dealt with any of these issues imho. When you have clergy across countries doing it, it sound like a criminal organization.

Cops any many countries are also notorious for sexual assaults, which are heavily under reported.

Mangoholic ,

Power corrupts people, even good ones. Especially people with traumas are draw to positions of power, to compansate for their lack of control in early life.

You see this everywhere, but some examples: Trump: abusive relationship with father Elon musk: Bullied and nearly punched to death in school

comfy ,

“Power corrupts”, sure, but it doesn’t turn people into nazi and child abuse fanatics. Power provides the means.

Mangoholic ,

Those kinds of people get attracted to power the most.

autotldr Bot , to world in Nazi symbols and child pornography found in German police chats

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Prosecutors in Germany have uncovered illegal content including Nazi symbols in chat messages involving five officers from three different police districts.

The five men, aged 22 and 25, are suspected to have exchanged Nazi symbols in chats and possessed child pornography during their training, according to Annette Milk, the chief public prosecutor investigating the case.

Nevertheless, the allegations are so serious that after examining each individual case, I immediately banned the three officers from conducting official business," Friederike Zurhausen, the police chief of Recklinghausen, said in a statement.

“Young civil servants, like older ones, must stand up for justice, law and the values of our constitution without a shadow of a doubt,” he continued.

Several far-right terror attacks in 2019 and early 2020 prompted German authorities to warn of escalating extremism, which led to these hate-speech laws being tightened last year.

According to the latest ministry information from the end of July, the North Rhine-Westphalian police have suspended or penalised 105 incidents of right-wing extremist behavior over the past six years.

I’m a bot and I’m open source!

Reborn2966 ,

good bot.

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