There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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Thorny_Insight , (edited ) to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

It’s considered a slur when you call a person that who doesn’t associate with the term. It’s no different from going around calling straight people gay. Do we or do we not respect people’s right to choose what they indentify as? It’s not like you get automatically banned for using the term. Context matters.

This article also seems to conveniently ignore the fact that all the actual slurs are considered slurs on Twitter aswell. It’s also an obviously and openly biased opinion article intented to provoke rage rather than objectional journalism.

Omgarm ,

If I were to troll people and call them white and whitey those words would not be considered a slur. Same with American, two footed, food chewer or bloodtype A+. Yet cisgender deserves special attention from Musk.

Thorny_Insight ,

Do we or do we not respect people’s right to choose what they indentify as?

Omgarm ,

That does not make it a slur and should not be treated as such.

Thorny_Insight ,

You’re not engaging with any of the arguments I’m making.

Of all the social media platforms Lemmy seems like the least likely place for me having to speak against misgendering people. Can you really not imagine how a transgender person would feel when the term CIS is forced upon them from the outside?

Omgarm ,

No you are not engaging with the arguments I am making. Respect for what people associate with is different from a word being a slur, or treated as such. Going around calling people who does not want to be <x> is disrespectful and is harrasment but it does not make <x> a slur in a general sense.

Cisgendered is a word to describe people’s gender identity, not for insulting.

Thorny_Insight ,

Yeah it’s not a slur just like the words male and female aren’t either but they can be used with the intention to insult when directed at people not identifying as such.

I don’t agree with labeling the term as such but I do agree with the core intention which is to prevent harrasment. I don’t quite see what the issue is here. This will not cause trouble to anyone using the term appropriately.

Aurenkin ,

How does the statement “the words ‘cis’ or ‘cisgendered’ are considered slurs on this platform” leave any room for appropriate use of those terms.

atx_aquarian , avatar

Narrator who sounds just like Ron Howard: “It doesn’t.”

Omgarm ,

But it will cause trouble, because it is now (treated as) a slur on Twitter. Depending on how strict they are you can’t go around saying “as a cisgender” or having it in your bio.

Thorny_Insight ,

TechCrunch reported on Tuesday that trying to publish a post using the terms “cisgender” or “cis” in the X mobile app will pop up a full-screen warning reading, “This post contains language that may be considered a slur by X and could be used in a harmful manner in violation of our rules.” It then gives you the choice of continuing to publish the post…

Like I said earlier: context matters

FlyingSquid , avatar

Weird how Nazis aren’t getting any sort of popups when they post their bigotry on Twitter.

radicalautonomy , avatar

Agree totally, but just FYI “cisgendered” isn’t a word (nor is “transgendered”).

Aurenkin ,

Your arguments seem pretty disingenuous to me. Of course nobody is saying it’s ok to misgender someone so I’m not sure why you’re pretending that has anything to do with this. If I call someone straight when they are not or vice versa, I’m an asshole, but that doesn’t make the word straight a slur that warrants banning from the platform. The act of deliberately misrepresenting someone’s sexuality might but not the word itself.

Viking_Hippie ,

You’re not engaging with any of the arguments I’m making.

Because your argument is based on the false assumption that not liking the word means not identifying as cisgender.

If you identity as the same sex that you were assigned at birth, you identify as cisgender. That’s just how gender and language works.

TWeaK ,

But the person isn’t trans and being called cis, or even trans but objecting to being called trans, they’re cis and objecting to being called cis.

Can you really not imagine how a transgender person would feel when the term CIS is forced upon them from the outside?

That’s like saying the term “male” is forced upon men, or the term “human” is forced upon everyone. Cis is the defined technical term, with solid etymological roots.

Thorny_Insight ,

But the person isn’t trans

How can you know? Just because a person looks and acts male it doesn’t mean that’s how they feel inside. There are plenty of closeted trans people that would find that offensive. And what does it even matter? If a person doesn’t want to be labeled then any decent person would respect that wish instead doubling down and calling them “cissy” instead.

TWeaK ,

We’re talking about a hypothetical example. What I’m saying it is only comparable to a cis person objecting to being called cis if your example is a trans person objecting to being called trans. Both would be wrong as they are factually correct technical terms, and thus they aren’t being used as slurs.

A closeted trans person would be offended that you outed them, not that you called them trans when they are. Although, if they were closeted then you’d probably have no reason to think they were trans.

Calling someone “cissy” is almost certainly meant as an insult, though, because that’s not the technical term. That’s like calling a gay person a fag, or calling a black person the n word. Calling a cis gendered person cis or cisgender is like calling a gay person gay.

Rejecting a label isn’t really valid when the label applies to you. You can’t eat pizza and then claim you’re not a pizza eater.

And, at the end of the day, the measure that matters is not whether or not you like it, it’s actual harm. Calling someone cis is very unlikely to cause them harm. Calling someone a fag could lead to harm (eg Top Gear people driving through Alabama with gay writing on their trucks).

Thorny_Insight ,

I don’t think it necessarily matters even if the label technically does apply to them. I can very well imagine a black person for example taking issue with someone bringing attention to their skin color. Not because they’re not indeed black but because they don’t want to be described in a way that might diminish other features about them that they actually take pride over.

Or in my personal case while I’m technically part of LGBTQ I still don’t want to be associated with what I consider a political movement and when asked I’d wish not to be described in that way and would absolutely be offended with people dismissing my request and labeling me as such nevertheless. Labels often are inaccurate and overly simplifying so plenty of people rather describe themselves with sentences rather than abbreviations/generalizations.

The point isn’t really wether it’s a correct term or not but ignoring the wish to not be called that and instead doing so with the intention to insult.

TWeaK ,

Yes, I intentionally gave examples that were open. Some black people take offense to that label, others take offense to “African American”, or whatever. People take offense to all sorts of things. In the words of Stephen Fry, "So fucking what? It’s just a whine.”

The point isn’t really wether it’s a correct term or not but ignoring the wish to not be called that and instead doing so with the intention to insult.

The term is not inherently an insult, though. You would have to alter it (eg “cissy”) for it to reasonably be considered an insult by default. Merely objecting to a term that any reasonable person would see as accurate and not an insult is not enough - it would just be a whine. If it was used further after an objection, then maybe intent could be proven, but that’s not what Musk is talking about here. He’s banning the term altogether and saying it is inherently insulting, when it is not.

Thorny_Insight ,

He’s not banning the term. There’s no problem using it as long as it’s used appropriately.

TechCrunch reported on Tuesday that trying to publish a post using the terms “cisgender” or “cis” in the X mobile app will pop up a full-screen warning reading, “This post contains language that may be considered a slur by X and could be used in a harmful manner in violation of our rules.” It then gives you the choice of continuing to publish the post…

TWeaK ,

And I’m certain your tweet won’t be rated in any way that limits its visibility to others…

KidnappedByKitties ,

Me calling you Shirley, no matter how much you insist you’re Tom, doesn’t make Shirley a slur, it just makes me a rude asshole.

Thorny_Insight ,

I agree

samus12345 , avatar

Surely you can’t be serious!

barsquid ,

You mean we as in the Twitter moderation team? Are they banning users who misgender trans people? Somehow I assume this rule only applies to brainlets who are in fact cis but don’t want to use an inclusive word.

samus12345 , avatar

Whitey is definitely a slur, unless you think referring to a black person as “blackie” is okay.

Ghostalmedia OP , avatar

Considers role reversal.

So a world where trans people are in the majority and all the trans governors in the southern US are obsessing about how my cis ass takes a shit at work after my morning coffee?

Hupf ,
rockSlayer ,

I don’t identify with being labelled as Homo Sapiens sapiens. Alleging I am human is a slur

SuddenDownpour ,

The actual equivalence is calling straight people straight, then them getting offended by it.

Theharpyeagle ,

But “cis” isn’t an identity, it’s a way to describe the relationship between your assigned sex and your (gender) identity. I don’t identify as cis just like I don’t identify as short, it’s simply a fact of who I am.

Thorny_Insight ,

Yeah but if a person asks not to be called that but does not elaborate on why, then there’s a chance that they may not identify as such and forcing that label on them is then potenttially misgendering them. There’s plenty of closeted trans people living their lives pretending to be someone they’re not.

Theharpyeagle ,

Sure, but calling someone cis, even maliciously, or is very far from it being a slur. If they are harassing someone, treat them accordingly. But blanket banning the word, even when used to describe yourself or others non-maliciously, is a clear attempt to make it difficult to talk about trans issues on the platform.

Thorny_Insight ,

Yeah I agree it’s not a slur. I never claimed it was. Just that it can be used to offend/insult people.

Also they’re not banning people from using the word. Using it just prompts a message asking if you’re sure you want to post that as is the case with actual slurs aswell.

Theharpyeagle , (edited )

It’s considered a slur when you call a person that who doesn’t associate with the term.

This is what you said, and what I was contesting.

And the message discourages use of the word as what is “insulting” is entirely up the the discretion of the moderators. There should be no message, because it is not a slur. There is no historic oppression of cis people. So you don’t want to be called cis? Fine, I don’t understand it but whatever. But that doesn’t make it a slur any more than calling someone “straight” is a slur. Will they put a warning on that, too?

Thorny_Insight ,

That’s how Elon said Twitter thinks about it. Or atleast how I understood it. That’s not what I think.

Dictionary defines slur as “an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo” There’s no mention about it having anything to do with oppression.

OpenStars , avatar

You are mixing up several things at once, which is confusing your point that you offered to others, and causing them to react overall negatively, even though you have some correct points (as well as some incorrect ones).

For one thing, we do not get to decide what we are, and while we do somewhat get to decide what words we use to refer to ourselves, there is a line between what we personally want and what society will allow. If someone refers to me as a “human, member of the species Homo sapiens”, then I have no proper basis to claim that they are incorrect. Note that I can say that they are correct, but that does not make it so.

For another, whether something is “friendly” or not is not the sole basis for deciding what is vs. is not a “slur” - if someone sent me a message saying “you are a human, member of the species Homo sapiens”… every second of every day, in perpetuity, then that (DDOS attack) is not friendly. Though it is also not a “slur”.

“Cissy” is most definitely a slur, no matter how you look at it - the altered spelling, the similarity to “sissy”, etc. “It’s considered a slur when…” - no, it just is a slur, period. The wiktionary definition of slur includes the phrase “socially unacceptable”, not “personally unacceptable” but socially so. Note that while it does include the phrase “extremely offensive”, that is also followed by the word “and”, i.e. to be considered a slur something must be both, not one or the other.

Similarly, the other word “cis” - like Homo sapiens - is not a slur, b/c it is not “socially unacceptable” (even if someone finds it personally thus). Perhaps you meant “It’s considered unfriendly when…”? But that’s not the same thing as it being an actual “slur”.

Though you could legit have meant “socially unacceptable”, in which case you would be buying into Elon Musk’s radical alterations of existing society, as he works to mold it into what he thinks rather it should become in the future. If true though, note that calling someone “cis” - very much unlike calling a straight person gay -has not historically been considered “socially unacceptable”. This addition of the word “cis” to become a “slur” is picking and choosing who gets to define what “society” is. Elon gets to pick, and now anyone who uses it - and whatever other words he decides to add also, perhaps “Homo sapiens” will be added tomorrow? - will have to jump through additional hoops if they want to use it, on his platform.

Which btw is an obvious attention-grabbing tactic, just like the article, except he did it first, knowing that the latter would follow. Anyway, Elon did what he did, and the article did what it did, but you and I get to decide what we will do. So I hope these words help as you think about the subject.

Basically it may boil down to: does Might make Right? If not, then the work is upon us to determine what actually does. Though this is far too simplistic: b/c on “his” platform, he kinda does have the right to do as he pleases, subject to federal and international laws, though we also have the right to leave or ignore or speak poorly about his platform too - he has his rights, and we have ours. So perhaps a better question is “should Might make Right”? And again, if not then what would - e.g. should someone be allowed to call me a Homo sapiens, even if I were to be offended by such a term? Or a more apt analogy seems to be: if I were to have transitioned genders, then am I “trans” in that case? What about “tranny”?

llamajester421 , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

This is what happens when a Nazi affiliated "free-speech" absolutist buys a major media. The trap of the tolerating the intolerant is very real.

CileTheSane , avatar

Except X is only tolerating the intolerant, and not tolerating the tolerant.

TheHotze , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Will bipedal be listed as a slur too? What about multicellular? Or mammal?

notabot ,

Probably not, but used with sufficient invective I think you could make people feel like they’ve been insulted with out actually doing so. ‘You blasted multicellular mammal! What have you done this time? What are you, bipedal or something? Eukaryote!’

barsquid ,

Just got banned for calling someone a featherless biped SMH.

AncientFutureNow , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Because Melon thinks transgender is a slur.

muntedcrocodile , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Does it also treat tranny as a slur if so then I guess that’s just equality.

TheHotze ,

There is a difference between a slur and a descriptive word.

llamajester421 ,

The respective term is trans-gender not "tranny", which is an actual slur now only used by bigots and transphobe porn addicts . In Latin 'cis' is to 'trans' the opposite proposition (not pronoun in case some idiot republican bigot misses the nuance here). It is an established term in medical and psychological journals, which as with transgender and non-binary people organizations are conveniently left out of this TERF and nazi fueled culture war we are witnessing.

samus12345 , avatar

Further, “cissy” is the inverse of that slur.

drmeanfeel ,

Not even that, since it’s not loaded with violence to the gills the way the other is.

samus12345 , avatar

All slurs are not equal. A slur against a privileged group won’t have nearly the power that one against a disenfranchised one does. That’s why I find “honkey” or “cracker” funny rather than threatening.

drmeanfeel ,

Yeah I know, that’s what I said

samus12345 , avatar

And I was clarifying that I agreed with you.

stevedidwhat_infosec , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Classic South African move js

hperrin , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Ah yes, the historically marginalized vulnerable community, the cisgenders. How can a community even hope to live in peace with only 98.5% of the population?

kbin_space_program ,

It originated on Tumblr as a slur but it is technically not anymore.

rockSlayer , (edited )

bullshit. cis- is a latin prefix that means “on this side of”. So for example, the Roman region Cisalpine Gaul could reasonably be interpreted as “the part of Gaul that’s on our side of the Alpines”. The prefix trans- is the antonym meaning “on the far side”. Transalpine Gaul was the part of the Roman empire on the other side of the Alpines. When related to gender, the only way cisgender can be read in any context is “their gender aligns with their sex”. There is no way that could ever be reasonably be interpreted as a slur.

Aurenkin ,

Those kids on Tumblr, infamous for their coining of slurs, knowledge of Latin and history of Rome in equal measure.

captainlezbian ,

Ok but you did describe a specific chunk of rome nerds. You’ve really got three kinds of rome nerds: the “I just think it’s neat” folks, the ones who think of it as glorious western tradition and lean fascist (it’s how they turned the symbol of Roman right to rule into the “kill everyone in the name of tradition” ideology), and then there are those of us who see a society that’s full on clown shoes where a bisexual twink managed to talk his way into destroying a republic among many many many other fucking bonkers things that just kept fucking happening while this empire refused to trade with China because of dipshit toxic masculinity. So yeah us in the last group lean anti fascist because rome was a shit show of a caliber only America and Russia can compare to

_cnt0 , avatar

People can be insulted (read as feel insulted) by anything and everything. If I refer to someone by a technically correct term all the time, but it was not customary to do so, they could easily (and justifiably) feel insulted by that. Whether something can be more or less generally be said to be a slur depends more on majorities, convention, and social protocol than on technical correctness. Neither you nor I are in a position to tell someone that they cannot feel insulted by something. And it might even be a communal thing: if a majority of users on X felt insulted by being referred to as cisgender, it would be correct to label it as a slur in that context/on X. Like cunt is an integral part of everyday language in Australia but a big no-no in the US. Think about that, you dry-nose primate.

ImADifferentBird , avatar

Most people don’t see cisgender as a slur. Only complete asshole transphobes do.

Honestly, not even they do. They just lie about it as a gotcha.

_cnt0 , avatar

From wikipedia:

The term cisgender was coined in 1994 as an antonym to transgender, and entered into dictionaries starting in 2015 as a result of changes in social discourse about gender.[4][5] The term has been and continues to be controversial and subject to critique.

I think there’s some confirmation bias on your end here. The local community (including me) tends to be young and liberal and knows the term cisgender. I’d bet that the majority (by a huge margin) of English speakers (including as a second or third language) has never even heard the term cisgender or doesn’t know what it means. Lots of them will react negatively if you label them cisgender out of pure ignorance and false assumptions - no transphobia needed.

Only complete asshole transphobes do. Honestly, not even they do. They just lie about it as a gotcha.

Sure, they exist. But what’s their percentage of the population or the X user base? I think you’re making a false generalization by an invalid extrapolation.

And just to be clear: I’m not saying cisgender is a slur. I’m just pointing out that the notion that community A or an individual can decide whether some word is a slur or not in community B is ridiculous, and that the argument, from the first comment I replied to, for technical correctness or intended meaning of a word is irrelevant for who considers what a slur.

I hope that made my point clearer to your dry-nosed primate’s brain.

ImADifferentBird , avatar

Most people don’t hear a new word and immediately assume it’s a slur.

Most people without an ax to grind anyway.

InEnduringGrowStrong , avatar

Your comment reminded me I have an actual axe to sharpen in the shed. Thanks.

BmeBenji ,

I’m pretty confident the slur-status of a word is closely rated to whether or not it is used in a hateful way to refer to a people group or member of a group that is in some way disadvantaged. For example the n-word is obviously a slur and “cracker” or “whitey” obviously are not. That’s why cisgender isn’t a slur, even if people can and have use(d) it in a hateful way.

CileTheSane , avatar

I’m just pointing out that the notion that community A or an individual can decide whether some word is a slur or not in community B is ridiculous,

As a member of group B I consider the word community a slur (purely because it is convenient for my argument to do so). Never use that word again because it is a slur and it would be ridiculous for you to say otherwise.

Djtecha ,

I’m not a fan of you assuming my identity. Did I ask to be referred to as that?

ImADifferentBird , avatar

I don’t recall referring to you at all. Who are you?

a_wild_mimic_appears ,

all those stupid cis- and trans-configured chiral molecules are just slurs lol

Asafum ,

OMG I love it!

Right wing assholes get all bent out of shape over the computer world trying to do away with “master” and “slave” terminology, but they’ll rush to “cancel” using “cis” because it hurts their feefees…

wildbus8979 ,
PrinceWith999Enemies ,

Well, damn.

The word is a threat because it linguistically separates biological sex from socially constructed categories of “woman” and “man.” That gender is a social construction undermines heteronormativity, critical to defending patriarchal sex roles and procreation.

Catoblepas ,

People on tumblr being really mad when they say cisgender doesn’t actually make it a slur ¯_(ツ)_/¯

jmcs ,

When you have a trans-something you have cis-something. It’s how language works.

The only way for cisgender to be a slur is if you consider transgender a slur too.

neidu2 ,

Now I’m curious what a cisformer would be in the context of electrical engineering

jmcs ,

Ok let me rephrase for pedantic people, adjectives with trans prefix have a correspondent cis adjective.

And an electrical cisformer would be something that would keep energy inside the same circuit at roughly the same voltage, so basically a wire. Feel free to use the term if you want to oversell something.

neidu2 ,

I will start using “cisformer” in place of “wire” from now on, in a similar manner to how we at work sometimes refer to “power aspect negation cycle” for pulling the plug on something and reconnect it.

Also, I guess a cisistor would be just a regular switch or potentiometer.

samus12345 , avatar

Twisted Cisistor

Jesus_666 ,

They’re what meets the eyes
Bots not in disguise
Robobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of
The Obviouscons

xmunk ,

Six seasons and a movie.

Daft_ish ,

I love this.

samus12345 , avatar

“…and here’s where I keep assorted lengths of cisformers!”

hperrin ,

A cisformer would just be a conductor (like a wire). It takes a current/voltage on one side, and gives you the same current/voltage on the other side.

Now if we’re talking about the big robots that turn into cars, a cisformer would be a car that turns into the same car (so just any car).

vithigar ,

You could construct a cis- form of the word, but it’s not always going to be useful, or even sensible.

Cismit? Cisaction? Cislate? Cisportation?

jmcs ,

Cismit - communicating with one self, for e.g. inner dialog

Cisaction - an agreement with one self or within a group

Cislate - to rephrase in the same language

Cisportation - moving inside a boundary

captainlezbian ,

I kinda love all of these. Especially cislate, I have to do that one so often

samus12345 , avatar

Or to cislate your last statement, “I am required to do that one frequently.”

Silentiea , avatar

All in favor of intra-city public transportation being renamed the cisportation network?

neidu2 ,

As one of the most average dudes in the world, I can’t help but feel threatened and marginalized, which of course means that the gay agenda is to blame for everthing that has gone wrong in my life.

Just to be on the safe side: That was sarcasm.

My gender: You can safely make assumptions based on appearance.
Orientation: Straight and boringly sprinkle-free
Favorite dinosaur: Triceratops
Opinion on this: Fuck Elon. Let people be people, for fucks sake. If he feels threatened by increasing specificity in language, he must have some real identity issues boiling underneath.

hperrin ,

I don’t think Elon feels personally threatened. I think he feels hate and a misguided sense of heroism. If you listen to him speak enough, it becomes painfully obvious that he not only thinks he’s the most important person in the world, he also thinks he’s the smartest person in the world. Basically he thinks he can’t possibly be wrong, no matter how many experts who’ve dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge in a field that’s new to him disagree with him.

That, plus the constant stream of right wing propaganda from his Twitter addiction, has convinced him that the acceptance of trans people will lead to the destruction of society. His brain is rotten to the core at this point. So he’s made it his personal mission to make trans people’s lives worse.

neidu2 ,

My refined interpretation: He’s desperate to be liked, and as long as his Xitter-circle cheers him on, he’ll continue to be a Xithead shithead. He doesn’t have a circle of friends to keep him grounded in reality.

Hobbes_Dent , to news in X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

Funny, I think the same about X.

X.Org should be pissed.

PrinceWith999Enemies ,

I was really thinking they were going to challenge Musk since it’s not only their name, but he chose practically the same logo.

Zorsith , avatar

Jesus, that’s really fucking blatant, wow

Hobbes_Dent , (edited )

And I’m only, like, 98% joking about it also being the day I saw a headline on Lemmy about Wayland use overtaking X11.

I mean, honesty, there has to be some legally standing harm having been done or be possible. By a fucking billionaire tech mogul guy to a foundational, open, and free part of the tech ecosystem who also relies on fundraising.

Edit: on the other hand I’m waiting to be pounded by a reply about the logo being open source. Which it is. But you know ethics and tech and stuff.

Telodzrum ,

It’s just the generic unicode character, they wouldn’t have a case.

TWeaK ,

It might not be worth challenging them, by the time it gets anywhere the current business will be gone. They always had little to no hope of paying off the $13bn loan Musk saddled the business with, now the business is worth less than the loan. Musk knows this, which is why he’s trialling all sorts of dodgy shit on the platform, such as this and also the API charges.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’ve said for some time now that as long as he allows deadnaming on his site, I’m going to deadname his site.

todd_bonzalez , to technology in Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter

Pretty much every failed social network out there failed because it had poor moderation tools, and this genius thinks the biggest mistake Bluesky has made is having any moderation tools at all.

chemicalwonka , to technology in Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter avatar

Jack Dorsey looks like Rasputin

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Lover of the Russian queen?

KingThrillgore , to technology in Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter avatar

Biggest mistake he made was allow Twitter to be sold to an idiot

ZombiFrancis , to technology in Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter

“I lit another fire and it also burned!” -Jack

Alpha71 , to technology in Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter

Not coincidentally, Dorsey still has about $1 billion of his personal wealth invested in the company now known as X

HAD. Had a billion dollars…

Zink ,

Maybe he started with 5 or 10 billion dollars left in the company!

KingThrillgore , avatar

Maybe he started with 5 or 10 billion dollars left in the company!

How to become a billionaire: Start with 5 billion.

BonesOfTheMoon , to technology in Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter

Bluesky is pretty fun and I’m glad he’s not there shitting it up anymore. I’ve only seen one nutsack on there so far.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Bluesky hasn’t been hyper-commoditized yet. I don’t see ads everywhere. I don’t have bots jamming ׺°”˜”°º× 🎀 𝒫𝓊𝓈𝓈𝓎 𝐼𝓃 𝐵𝒾♡ 🎀 ׺°”˜”°º× into my feed. I’m not being spammed with “We noticed you haven’t joined our premium service yet, but for $8/mo we’ll stop showing you this message!” annoyance marketing.

But I’ve got no doubt its coming. It just hasn’t hit that Twitter-level critical mass of users, such that enshittification turns a profit rather than curbing adoption.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

There is a LOT of furries though.

Garry ,

Oh no, not the Vrchat of social media

VeganCheesecake , avatar

Can confirm, my brother is a furry and on bluesky.

Garry ,

Between threads mastadon and bluesky, which one do you think will be the biggest in the next year? Or are they gonna all keep living in the shadow of Twitter

luciferofastora ,

Given the inertia of moving social platforms and the spoiler effect of fragmentation, I assume ex-Twitter will remain the leading platform for a while still unless Musk manages to run it into the ground at record speed.

I don’t have any hard numbers on the rest, unfortunately. I personally favour Mastodon, and I believe some national governments have officially adopted it and are running their own instances, which might tip the scales a little if people see that as endorsement.

Bluesky overall seems to have the advantage in terms of marketing (probably because they have the advantage of money too). I have no idea about Threads, but being from the same company as Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp may give them an advantage in terms of existing users for those services. I would expect they try to intermesh these services at one point or another.

It’s hard to predict, given that many people might just follow whatever their favourite personalities choose, and once enough users have gone there, other popular people may choose that platform too for its larger userbase, drawing more people in… It can snowball either way.

There’s also the ongoing debate about interfacing the other options with Mastodon. I’m not going to take a stance on that here, but it might be a solution to the split “some of my favourite people have gone here, the others there, but I want to keep up with both in a single app”. I think there would have to be a user-level option in Mastodon to block entire instances to allow people to choose not to get shown content from those services.

As an aside, I think that would be a good idea anyway, for Lemmy too. If I want to be able to browse All without seeing specific instances, I don’t want to have to look for an instance with that exact list of defeds.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Mastodon is more of a platform than a single service. Truth Social is, for instance, an insurance of Mastodon that hasn’t been updated since 2022.

Or are they gonna all keep living in the shadow of Twitter

Practically speaking, the future is probably Threads/Facebook/IG. They seems to have encircled social media and strangled it.

But that’s at a national/global scale. Outside of Lemmy style message boards, I don’t really fuck with social media anymore.

yamanii , avatar

I’ve been seeing more and more artists that I follow post on bluesky since misskey is basically closed for Japan now. So I would bet there.

abhibeckert ,

It just hasn’t hit that Twitter-level critical mass of users

Twitter used to be bigger than it is now and it also used to have less spam. So clearly size isn’t the problem.

The problem with twitter is Musk fired all the people who spent their day figuring out how to hide (or just delete) shitty content.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Twitter used to be bigger than it is now and it also used to have less spam. So clearly size isn’t the problem.

Twitter usage surged significantly prior to the Musk buyout. In 2010 they had 40M. They crested 400M users by 2020.

That’s the difference between growing your base and harvesting them.

Bluesky has in the neighborhood of 5-6M, by comparison.

bruhduh , to technology in Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter avatar

Bro looks sad

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