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db0 , to til in TIL about Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment considered by some to be an "information hazard" - a concept or idea that can cause you harm by you simply knowing/understanding it avatar

Now it’s time to learn about the !sneerclub which is made to make fun of the chuds taking ideas like roko’s basilisk seriously :D

Norgur , to til in TIL about the TRAPPIST-1 Star System avatar

It could be our forever home.

If by “forever” you mean “until we manage to fuck up the ecosystem, making it hostile to humans...

Cryophilia OP ,

In this hypothetical future we’ve learned how to live with an equilibrium. Also we’ve fired all the terminally pessimistic doomers into the Sun. Not for any scientific reason, just because it was the right thing to do.

Norgur , avatar

“If someone disturbs my Sci-fi daydreaming, they are 'terminally pessimistic' and it is justified to institutionally murder them”
I doubt your values would align with the society you dream of.

Cryophilia OP ,


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  • bizarroland ,

    I just stumbled across this but I love the fact that saying the phrase, "fired all the terminally pessimistic doomers into the sun" was agitating enough to get two follow up responses deleted.

    kakes , to til in TIL about Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment considered by some to be an "information hazard" - a concept or idea that can cause you harm by you simply knowing/understanding it

    Sounds like the kind of thing a paranoid schizophrenic would lose their mind over.

    TallonMetroid , avatar

    LessWrong are a bunch of pretentious loons, so you’re not wrong.

    Norgur , to showerthoughts in I just realised that this is not a painting by René Magritte avatar

    This one took me a minute. But yes, it's not. Don't linger on that thought too long, though. The words that you read right now... are those my words?

    Klear OP ,

    Am I the one writing this comment or the one reading it?

    rtxn ,

    If you immediately know that the caldlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

    bionicjoey , to til in TIL about exploding head syndrome, which causes patients to hear a loud, frightening noise when falling asleep or waking up. Up to 10% of people may have it, but cases often go undiagnosed

    I get this from time to time when falling asleep. It’s really annoying when it happens. Like I’ll be dozing off and then there will be this loud-ass noise.

    andshit ,

    How would you describe the sound?

    Poiar ,

    Yeah, is it like the Inception sound?

    Moghul , (edited )

    No, more like that one video with the Polish dudes lighting a trash can cannon in the street. At least for me.

    Edit: Fucking thing also jolts me awake sometimes so it takes me a couple seconds to determine that no, in fact the building is not crumbling down.

    Rai ,

    Yeeeeep, looked that up and that scans for most of my exploding head episodes.

    goldteeth ,

    I’ve experienced this, or at least something that very closely fits its description, a couple times in the past, and it varies on a case-by-case basis. One time it was almost like the sound of glass breaking, I think one time might’ve been closer to a door slamming. Weird shit.

    And, same deal as the other fella, hard to remember the specifics 'cause you’re sorta half-asleep when it happens.

    FoD ,

    I hear a loud bang as if from another room. Like a trash can falling over, or a someone dropping a bag with about 10lbs on a hardwood floor, or a pushing a wooden chair into a dining table too hard. It’s enough to think “what just fell?!”.

    It does not sound like a door closing, or stomping, or something fragile moving or falling.

    I startle awake, realize I’m the only one awake, and that there aren’t anymore sounds so it must have been my brain and I pass out fully.

    It’s pretty strange and I think it’s funny how I never really thought about it until now.

    Poiar ,

    Do you happen to live in an old haunted house?

    FoD ,

    Have you seen the housing market? Sometimes you have to deal with a roommates bad habits, even if he is a spirit.

    At least he doesn’t leave dishes in the sink.

    bionicjoey , (edited )

    For me it is a popping sound, a bit like the sound of popping your ears during an altitude change, but way, way louder. It would be impossible to mistake for a noise caused by something IRL, it sounds like that blood rushing into your ears sound for me.

    dan1101 ,

    Mine sounds like a big commotion, like a bunch of metal sculptures falling off a table. Luckily it doesn’t happen often.

    Sabata11792 , avatar

    I have this happen sometimes. Usually its loud but mundane stuff like doors closing, a familiar voice saying something vaugly important, something slamming or dropping. It can variy wildly but usually its the most boring crap.

    Usually I go back to sleep with no issues but sometimes it startles you and gets the adrenaline going. I usually rule it out as half dreaming but sometimes you got to check to name sure no one broke in.

    The absolute worse is the cat throwing up, I have to go check that one since sometimes its real.

    iheartneopets ,

    Yes! Mine definitely preys on my anxiety of having someone break in when my husband is gone for an overnight shift. I have to check the doors and windows before I can get back to sleep.

    Sabata11792 , avatar

    I have checked the house a few times wearing noting but a pistol a few times because of it. I think it was really just nerves from moving in alone at that point.

    iheartneopets ,

    I’ve definitely been there as well; it can get spooky. It’s funny you mention that, my first (and thankfully only) really bad experience with hallucinating during sleep paralysis happened the first time I moved into an apartment on my own. I had to run out of there and drive around to calm myself down at like 3 in the morning. Wishing you peaceful nights!

    greybeard ,

    Like most people, it changes. For me it is like someone took the volume knob on the world and maxed it out for half a second. Just a blip of every sound in the room suddenly being set to 11. Sometimes it is like someone yelling in my ear, but just a grunt or a scream like they fell over.

    LucidNightmare , to til in TIL about "Swill milk" where cows were fed distillery waste causing cow teeth rot and disease. It was also adulterated with raw eggs, burn sugar, etc. Swill milk lead to over 8,000 infant's deaths

    Humans, man. We really are the worst plague this planet has ever seen.

    haui_lemmy , to til in TIL about the concept of Weaponized Incompetence, which probably explains every issue you ever faced in a bureaucracy

    The funny thing is that nobody seems to see the most problematic connection:

    Companies „manage expectations“ (do the exact same but use a fancy name)

    Intelligent people with lack of morals mimic this behavior and rise to the top

    These new CEOs further this trend.

    Now every other person does it too (obviously not everyone).

    People start to become sick from exhaustion, commit suicide because the world is getting more and more ruthless.

    Everyone excuses it as „thats just capitalism“ or „you just need to grow a thicker skin“.

    Thats why people freak out and commit acts of terrorism, because others could not care less about their daily suffering.

    We need compassion, folks.

    gitgud OP , avatar

    Couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately some systems are designed without compassion as an inherently necessary factor, or even discourage it.

    haui_lemmy ,

    Exactly. Compassion makes people flock together and be less governable though. People who are scared and infight a lot are the easiest to manipulate and exploit.

    rubythulhu , to til in TIL Peter Molyneux failed his first game so badly he started a baked bean export company, which got confused with a software firm and kickstarted his development career

    molyneux is one of the weirdest names in game development. that boy makes lots of promises about how epic his new game is, and it always feels like the mcdonald’s happy meal toy version of whatever big thing he claimed it was.

    Black&White 1/2 are the biggest examples of this. was proclaimed as some huge advancement of ai in games, and it was just “if you pet this giant cow every time it either eats its own poop or throws poop at your villagers, it will eat and throw its poop like crazy, desperate for more validation from you. meanwhile you keep using your giant literal hand of god to pick individual people up and throw them into the ocean because you’re god in this game” and then two hours in you’re bored and stop playing.

    CouldntCareBear ,

    Black and white was a huge advancement in ai in games.

    ThunderWhiskers , avatar

    That’s the wild thing about Molyneux. He doesn’t come anywhere near what he promised and still makes a revolutionary game.

    Thorry84 , to technology in Microsoft released the first version of QuickBASIC on August 18, 1985 on a single 5.25-inch 360 KB floppy disk

    I learnt to code in 1984 on my MSX which came with Microsoft MSX Basic.

    We had the computer because my grandpa was into tech and bought new computers all the time. He gave my parents the computer and because my room was the only one with a bit of space, it came to sit on my desk. We had a couple of games for it on cartridge, but they were kinda lame.

    One day by accident I stumbled upon the MSX Basic interface and didn’t know what I was looking at. I asked my dad and he didn’t really know anything about it, but remembered my grandpa also gave us a book with the computer. The book was about learning Basic and because computers were a new thing at the time, it was written in a way that made it easy to understand. I asked my dad what you could actually do with Basic, he didn’t know but it had something to do with telling the computer what it should do. So I said: “Could you create games with it?” He said: “Sure, I guess?”.

    My little goblin mind freaked out, something that would allow new games! The games we had were lame so I really wanted new games. So I spent thousands of hours learning everything I could about that machine, Basic and coding in general. My grandpa gave me lots of books and I learned all the hardware and the assembly etc. I made a lot of games over the years, some good, most bad and made my siblings play them. We still remember some of them and joke about it. Especially because one of my brothers specialized in finding ways to cheat and exploit my games, which was tons of fun.

    Later in life I studied to become an Embedded System Engineer because I really like the low-level programming side and the hardware aspect. Also the gaming industry sucks to work in, so I’ll pass on that. Maybe some day I’ll create another game as a passion project, but life gets in the way at the moment.

    videodrome OP , avatar

    Great story!

    Love reading all the nostalgia these historical tidbits inevitably bring up

    AncientFutureNow , to til in TIL Alice Walton (Walmart heir) killed a pedestrian in a driving accident and was never charged. She has also been arrested for DUI twice but never charged.


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  • BrineBlade ,

    It’s gonna be a bumpy ride

    runs over 5 people

    metasin , to til in TIL there was a briefly popular social movement in the early 1930s called the "Technocracy Movement." Technocrats proposed replacing politicians and businessmen with scientists and engineers who ha...

    I read about this before. I do believe there is some merit in it. I work for a company that has traditionally moved engineers into management and I can say it has worked very well. That said, a government is not a corporation and there are human aspects that may be overlooked by some engineers. Or that would at least be some people’s concern.

    Yendor ,

    Old Boeing (vs New Boeing).

    MattTheProgrammer , avatar

    The worst bosses I've ever had were highly technical people put into those roles because they were perceived to be the best with those skills. There was repeatedly little-to-no regard for their soft skills and working for those people was miserable.

    metasin ,

    I’m sorry to hear that. The way we have managed it has worked but some of that could be that the engineers that were promoted have always or mostly been able to empathize.

    TwilightVulpine ,

    The thing about technocracy is that there need to be human concerns and philosophies driving whatever scientifically-driven policy-making it's being done.

    Do it wrong and that's how we end up with eugenics. It's incredibly easy to justify horrible stuff using metrics, the essential questions that cannot be overlooked is what metrics ought to be valued and why, and science is not the right method to make the ultimate judgement of what the values of a society ought to be.

    metasin ,

    Absolutely! The human aspect needs to always be weighed side by side with actual “metrics”.

    Cortell , to til in TIL the design of the guillotine was intended to make capital punishment more reliable and less painful in accordance with new Enlightenment ideas of human rights.

    I’ll take guillotine over hanging any day

    Thorny_Thicket ,

    I believe it’s still among the most reliable tools for the job and actually quite humane. Just a bit messy.

    Usually_Lurker , to til in TIL of Dead Internet Theory that asserts the Internet now consists almost entirely of bot activity and automatically generated content avatar

    Nice try bot. You’re not going to get me.

    ResoluteCatnap , to til in TIL the term "Mad as a Hatter" likely came from hat makers using mercury and the resulting mercury poisoning.

    Fun fact- Mormons believe that Joseph Smith translated golden plates into the book of Mormon by sticking his head in a hat. For decades they tried to hide this and portrayed artwork with him as translating the golden plates directly, but i think it was a lawsuit that caused them to start portraying artwork correctly and owning up to Joseph Smith being a mad hatter sticking his head in a hat to receive the word of God.

    Sounds kind of silly when you think about it like that but they’ll of course tell you it was divinely inspired. Just like when he married a 14 year old by promising her family a spot in the highest degree of heaven.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

    I never considered Joey Smith getting high offa hat fumes. I just figured he liked the smell of his hair grease or whatever they used for pomade. Fun conjecture to consider tho.

    Tikiporch , to asklemmy in Greensleeves is almost 500 years old. I'm sure there were other very popular songs when it came out, but Greensleeves had to staying power to still be here. What do you think is today's Greensleeves?

    You won’t like the answer, but I’ll tell you anyway.

    It’s The Macarena, by Los Del Rio.

    pyre ,

    i don’t think so considering your the first and the only one who has even mentioned the song in the last 65 years.

    Tikiporch ,

    Unfortunately, that’s entirely untrue. I don’t think you’ve put any effort into this exercise at all.

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